Open poker league PokerStars - freerolls and cash prizes. Open Poker League PokerStars Poker League

The Poker Starter School, opened by the largest poker room PokerStars, conducts not only player training, but also various promotions during which you can win cash prizes. Of course, you don't get money just like that, and an example of this is the PokerStars Open Poker League, whose members can win up to $1,500 per month and get the opportunity to move to a more prestigious league.

Open Poker League PokerStars - a community of players who compete with each other in the rating standings. Poker players who have made high achievements in the game are awarded by the poker school with cash prizes, the amount of which depends on the place in the ranking. Every player can become a member of this league! Get to know the rules:

How to become a member of the PokerStars Open Poker League?

As the name suggests, this poker league is open - every player can enter it and there is no need to qualify. However, two conditions must be met:

  • Register at PokerStars– If you already have an account, you do not need to register again. If you have not yet played in the largest online room, register on the PokerStars website, the link to which is on this page;
  • Register forPokerStarter– create an account at the poker school by entering your login in the poker room (the player's nickname that is displayed at the tables while playing at PokerStars) to link your profile.

After completing two simple conditions, you will become a member of the league. The open poker league PokerStars holds its own freerolls, playing in which you can move up in the rating table. Of course, you need to play successfully!

How to Succeed in PokerStars Open League?

In the rating of participants, the Poker Stars Open Poker League takes into account only the results of special freerolls, which are called PokerschoolopenLeague with prize pools of $10. They take place every four hours - registration is free, tickets and passwords are not required. You can find them on the Freerolls and Private Tournaments tabs in the poker client lobby.

By playing in these freerolls, you can earn rating points. The number of points that a player receives for participating in a freeroll PokerschoolopenLeague, depends on several parameters:

  • Occupied space– the higher you move in the tournament result table, the more points you get. If there are many participants in the tournament, it is not necessary to hit the prizes in order to earn points.
  • Number of participants - the more players who register in the tournament, the more points are awarded to the players who take the scoring places. For example, playing in a tournament with 7000 opponents, you will get more points for the 100th place than for a similar place in a freeroll with 2000 participants.
  • Top places - There are only 100 prize places in each freeroll, and if you win one of them, you will get extra points.
  • final place– final table participants get even more extra points.

If you are eliminated in the early stages of the tournament, the player loses the points earned earlier! Therefore, his position in the leaderboard may worsen due to a loss, and not due to the fact that one of the other players will overtake him in points.

The correct strategy for playing the Poker School Open League freerolls, which are held by the Poker Stars Open Poker League, is careful play in the early stages of the event. It is important to get into the zone of the results table in which the players receive points. Since there are a lot of loose players in the freerolls, it's not that hard to get good results!

What do successful open poker league players get?

For successful players, the PokerStars Open Poker League has prepared pleasant cash gifts based on the results of the game for the month. At the end of each month, players ranked from 1 to 2000 in the rating table receive cash prizes from $0.50 to $1500. In total, prizes go to 4000 players, as the league maintains two ratings:

  • First, the achievements of all players who earned less than 20 VPP in any games in the previous month are taken into account. The first place prize is $150;
  • The second one takes into account the achievements of poker players who earned from 20 to 150 VPP in any games in the previous month. The prize for the first place is $1500.

In addition to cash prizes, players can get tickets to the Premier League, which hosts similar rating competitions, but the cash prizes are much larger and the number of participants is smaller. Only the top 500 players in the open league can advance to the Premier League.

Open poker league PokerStars - an opportunity to win cash prizes. This is an exciting rivalry that does not require any additional investment from the player, since the league's freerolls are held for free. If you do not manage to take high places in them and earn points for the rating table, do not be discouraged, you will have the opportunity to do this next month. In any case, you will get an invaluable gaming experience that will come in handy in the future!

2010-08-01 15:12

PokerStars presents a new poker league, which can become a member of any fan of tournament poker.

PokerStars Tournament League is held in three leagues. The choice of which division you play in depends only on the tournaments with which buy-in you prefer to play:

  • The first division is a $5 buy-in tournament. Takes place daily at 18:30 Moscow time. Each tournament has a guaranteed prize pool of at least $500. The prize money goes to the top 20% of players.
  • Second division - $1 buy-in tournaments. They take place daily at 19:00 Moscow time. The guaranteed prize pool is $400.
  • The third division is freerolls, tournaments that do not require a cash contribution. They take place three times a day at 13:00, 16:00 and 20:00 Moscow time. The prize fund of each tournament is $200 and is divided among the top 100 players.

By participating in each poker league tournament, you earn points. According to the results of the month, the best 100 players of each division will receive cash prizes. The top 200 players of the first two divisions and the top 100 of the third division will receive a tournament ticket to participate in the tournament with a prize pool of $10,000.

Scoring table in poker league tournaments PokerStars

The PokerStars Open Poker League is a community of poker school players at the PokerStars room. Here they compete with each other in tournaments. Those players who occupy high places in the standings receive winnings. Winners can win up to $1,500 and have the opportunity to move up to a more prestigious league.

Each member of the community tries to always monitor their rating, and this is understandable. After all, then you can find out what are the chances of getting into the prize money. However, the scoring here is done according to a rather complicated formula. As a result, not every poker player is able to correctly perform all the necessary calculations, and this is where PokerStars Open League Poker Calculator. To use it, just go to this link.

The rating is calculated from various indicators. The number of players in a tournament event, the current and average rating in the League, and others are taken into account. Depending on the place taken at the current event, you can be awarded both positive and negative points.

So, for example, after finishing the game in 1233rd place, the poker player's rating may go down, but if he leaves the game in 1221st place, it may increase. So, when participating in tournaments, it is important to know which places give positive results and which do not. Then you can choose the most optimal tactics of the game and avoid relegation in unwanted places.

By earning a high rating in tournaments from the PokerStars school of poker room, you will have the opportunity to become the owner of a cash prize and Premier League member where special privileges are available. This opportunity is provided every month.

Let's take a closer look at how to use this calculator. Everything is quite simple here, you just need to enter the following data correctly:

  • Number of players - the total number of participants in the poker competition, which was at the time of registration completion, is indicated. In the calculator, the maximum value for this parameter can reach 10,000 people.
  • Rating before the tournament - indicates the points that the player had at the time of registration in the new tournament.
  • Average rating - it is available in the poker player's profile. It can also be viewed on the resource of the poker school itself. To do this, just go first to the "League" section, and then select the "Open League" tab. The average number of points will be displayed before the results of the rating table, which is important to consider.
  • Placement - indicate your place in case of losing a hand to understand whether it is worth taking risks at this stage of the tournament or resorting to a more passive style to avoid elimination. If you have already completed the game, then indicate the place taken to see how your position in the standings has changed.

This calculator gives results with a small error. That's why you can safely use it if you are a member of the Open League. Then you will be able to independently track your place in the ranking list.

At the same time, remember that your position will be higher in it if you take the final places in most tournament events. They bring the most points. The usual prize places give a little less, of which there are 100. That is why you should approach the game wisely and try to become the best, despite the large number of participants.

Open Poker League is an opportunity to take part in three different divisions, which include tournaments with buy-ins from $0 to $5.

The main task is to score more game points, thereby earning more cash prizes. In other words, play more, raise your rating by points in the standings higher and higher, become one of the TOP leaders and collect your cash reward.

In order to get into the tournament, you need to register through the "Tournaments", "Regional" tab.


Tournament rating points are credited immediately after the end of the tournament. Points are distributed according to the table below, according to which you can always find out about your position in the ranking or the position of your closest competitors. The rating is updated daily.

Occupied space


Any busy place

For participation in the tournament


Every month during the first week, PokerStars holds an awards ceremony. The TOP 100 players who take the top positions in the standings of each division receive cash rewards according to the table below.



Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Frequently Asked Questions about the Open Poker League

IN: How to win a prize?

ABOUT: In order to receive a prize in the form of a cash reward, you need to be in the TOP 100 players in one of the divisions by the end of the month;

IN: What win will I get?

ABOUT: Players who were able to get into the TOP 100 of the rating at the end of the gaming month receive a cash reward according to the payout table;

IN: The conditions of the third division indicate free participation, but with paid re-buys. Are they mandatory?

ABOUT: Games in the third division are free. However, if you lose and want to return to the game, then you need to buy chips, which are carried out with the help of a re-buy, worth 0.1 dollars;

IN: Why did I receive a prize, the amount of which is less than that indicated in the monthly payout table for players included in the TOP 100?

ABOUT: Very often, according to the results of the month, some prizes are divided equally by players who have scored the same number of points. For example, player "A" and player "B" scored 70 points each in the first division. Accordingly, they took third place in the standings. According to the payout table, the prize for this place is $100, and for the fourth place it is $80. Therefore, both players will receive a prize of $90. The calculation formula is (100+80)/2 = 90.

IN: How can I find out where I am in the standings?

IN: How often is the data in the division table updated?

IN: How soon can I receive my winnings?

ABOUT: After the player rating is calculated on the official PokerStars website, you will receive the money won to your account within a week;

IN: Do the player points for this tournament also count towards multi-table tournaments?

ABOUT: No, player points earned in the Open Poker League do not count towards multi-table tournaments;

IN: Players from which countries can take part in this tournament?

ABOUT: Only from the CIS countries: Azerbaijan, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Moldova, as well as Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.

IN: I have questions that I couldn't find answers to in this guide.

ABOUT: For answers to other questions, you can write an official letter to PokerStars support.