Length of the Russian maritime border. Maritime borders of Russia

Of the sixty thousand kilometers of border areas, forty thousand are Russia’s maritime borders. The water line is located at a distance of almost 23 kilometers from the edge of the land, and in the seas that wash the coast, up to the three hundred and seventy kilometer mark, the Russian economic zone is located. Ships of any state may be present in this territory, but they do not have rights to natural resources. Russia's maritime borders are located in the waters of three oceans.


Russia's closest neighbors are Japan and the United States, since these countries are separated from it by narrow straits. The United States of America and the Russian Federation are separated by the Bering Strait, located between the Russian Ratmanov Island and the American Kruzenshtern Island. The border with Japan is located between Sakhalin, the South Kuril Islands on one side and the island of Hokkaido on the Japanese side. The main oceanic neighbor is Canada. The maritime borders of Russia and Canada are separated by the Arctic Ocean.

This is the longest border line, passing through the Chukchi, East Siberian, Kara, Barents Seas, as well as the Laptev Sea. According to international agreements, in the nearby ocean, Russia owns all internal waters, such as the White Sea, the Czech and Pechora Bays, territorial bodies of water along the coast of all seas (sixteen nautical miles long), as well as two hundred miles of the economic zone beyond the territorial ones, which is over 4 million square kilometers. Russia's maritime borders span ten time zones from west to east.

Northern Sea Route

Russia has the right to explore territorial resources and develop them, to produce seafood and fish in the economic zone. The vast shelf spaces of the Arctic Ocean have concentrated gas and oil resources in gigantic quantities: approximately twenty percent of all world reserves. The most important northern ports of the Russian Federation are Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, which are connected to the mainland by railways.

It is from there that the Northern Sea Route originates, which passes through all seas, and then through the Bering Strait to Vladivostok in the Pacific Ocean. Most of the northern seas are covered with thick ice almost all year round. But caravans of ships follow powerful icebreakers, including nuclear ones. And yet, navigation there is very short; within three months it is simply impossible to transfer all the cargo. Therefore, the Arctic highway along the border of the Russian Federation is now being prepared for launch, on which nuclear submarines will handle transportation.

Pacific Ocean

Here the borders pass through the Seas of Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Seas. Where are the maritime borders of Russia and Japan? On the Kuril Islands, as well as in Kamchatka across the expanses of the Pacific Ocean. The main ports were built in the south, these are Nakhodka, Vanino, Vladivostok and Sovetskaya Gavan, and the north is served by two very important ports: on the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk - Magadan, on Kamchatka - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. These points are of great importance for the fishing industry.

In recent years, the country's leadership has made a number of important strategic decisions: in order to strengthen Russia's maritime borders, it is necessary to build and equip many more large ports, ones that can accommodate heavy-duty ships. Thus, the full potential of the Russian maritime possessions will be better used.

Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic basin is the Azov, Black and Baltic seas. The sections of the Russian coast there are quite small, but nevertheless, recently they have become increasingly important economically. On the Baltic Sea, Russia's maritime borders are guarded by such ports as Baltiysk, St. Petersburg, and Kaliningrad.

The borders of the Russian Federation require more ports, so Ust-Luga, Primorsky and the port of Batareinaya Bay are being built. Especially a lot of changes due to some geopolitical changes are taking place in the Azov and Black Seas, where Russia’s maritime borders also lie. It is known which countries it borders with in this region - these are Turkey and Ukraine.

Three seas

The Sea of ​​Azov is shallow, its ports - Yeisk and Taganrog - cannot accept large ships. It is planned to create a sea canal passing through Taganrog, then the port’s capabilities will increase significantly. On the Black Sea, the largest port is Novorossiysk, there are also Tuapse and Sochi (passenger port).

The Caspian Sea is not connected to the ocean, so it may well be considered a lake. Russia's maritime borders should also pass along it, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union the question remained open. The main ports are Astrakhan, where a sea canal has already been built due to shallow waters, and Makhachkala.

Changing boundaries

When Crimea joined Russia, the maritime borders of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea also changed. Therefore, even South Stream, apparently, will take a different path. Russia has gained new opportunities with the advent of the port of Kerch. The Taman Peninsula will very soon be connected to Crimea by a new bridge. But there are also problems.

The maritime border between Russia and Ukraine cannot be clearly defined until the latter recognizes Crimea as Russian. There are no prerequisites for this yet. On the contrary, the President of Ukraine constantly declares the return of the peninsula under the auspices of his country.

Sea of ​​Azov

The Sea of ​​Azov has become significantly shallower, as a result of which access to the water area has changed. In 2012, an agreement on borders in the vast Azov Sea was signed between the presidents of Ukraine and Russia, but they did not have time to make a final decision on this issue, since the neighboring state was going through a difficult period of changes in power and priorities. Conventionally, the borders of the Russian Federation ran along the Kerch Strait, but there were no specifics on this issue. However, when Crimea became part of Russia, this question naturally ceased to be raised.

As a result of the events that took place, the Kerch Strait and the area of ​​the sea adjacent to Crimea, including the Black Sea, came under the control of Russia. Accordingly, the Ukrainian territory in the Sea of ​​Azov is 16 nautical miles from the coast, and the remaining area may contain ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.


The maritime border between Russia and Ukraine in the area of ​​the Crimean western coast is also quite controversial. The distance from the shores of the peninsula to the Ukrainian shores is only fifteen to forty kilometers, that is, the standards of international legislation cannot be applied here: there is simply not enough space to create a sixteen-mile zone of territorial waters. It should be mentioned that among the shelves in this area there are several extremely rich in oil.

When such cases occur between neighboring states, they determine the boundaries along the median line through negotiations. But, unfortunately, now relations between Russia and Ukraine are not developing in the best way, so any constructive negotiations are still impossible.


In 2010, Russia and Norway signed an agreement regarding the delimitation of the continental shelf and the definition of economic zones. The treaty was ratified in the Norwegian Parliament in February 2011, and in the State Duma and the Federation Council in March. The document established clear boundaries of jurisdiction and sovereign rights of Norway and Russia, provided for continued cooperation in the fishing industry, and also defined a regime for the joint exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits located beyond the borders.

With the signing of this agreement, the thirty-year moratorium ended, which allowed the two countries to freely develop oil and gas fields in the Arctic continental shelf, the territory of which is more than one hundred and seventy-five thousand square kilometers. According to some estimates, this part of the Arctic Ocean may contain about 13% of the world's undiscovered oil reserves and 30% of gas reserves. Why is this treaty important for the borders of the Russian Federation? Because it allows the extraction of minerals in disputed border areas, and there are many of them. By the way, they are especially rich in hydrocarbons.

Far East

The Far Eastern territories of Russia overlook two oceans - the Arctic and the Pacific, and have maritime borders with Japan and the USA. In this region, there are problems with defining the border along the Bering Strait. In addition, there are difficulties with which state belongs to some of the islands of the Lesser Kuril chain. This long-standing dispute arose back in the 19th century and their ownership is still disputed by the Japanese side.

The protection of the Far Eastern borders has always been problematic, since neighbors constantly make claims over Russian-owned islands and adjacent water areas. In this regard, the Foundation for Advanced Research announced that a special underwater robot will be created in Primorye that will detect any moving objects and determine their coordinates. Even silent ships will not be able to deceive the vigilance of this apparatus.

Unmanned underwater robots will be able to independently guard Russia’s maritime borders, monitor a given water area and transmit information to the shore. Such a robotic submarine has already been developed at the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. They are working on its creation at the Institute of Marine Technology Problems in a special laboratory dedicated to underwater robotics. And this is not the first experience in creating such devices: automated media for various purposes have already been created within these walls. The length of Russia's maritime borders is such that it requires well-organized protection and a huge amount of resources, including human resources.

And the northern island of Japan - Hokkaido. The border with the United States lies in the strait between the Russian Ratmanov Island and the American island. also has an oceanic neighbor - . These countries are divided. The longest maritime borders of Russia run along the coast of the seas of this ocean: , . Directly Russia belongs under international agreements in the Arctic Ocean (and other seas and oceans):

  • firstly, internal waters (Pechora and Czech bays);
  • secondly, territorial waters - a strip along all sea coasts with a width of 16 nautical miles (22.2 km);
  • thirdly, a 200-mile (370 km) economic zone with an area of ​​4.1 million square meters. km outside territorial waters, which secures the state’s right to explore and develop territorial resources, produce fish and seafood.

Russia also owns vast shelf spaces, especially in the Arctic Ocean, where, according to forecasts, gigantic resources are concentrated (about 20% of the world's resources). The most important ports of Russia in the North are Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, which are approached from the south by railways. The Northern Sea Route begins from them, all the way to. Most seas are covered for 8-10 months with thick layers of ice. Therefore, caravans of ships are carried out by powerful ones, incl. nuclear, icebreakers. But navigation is short - only 2-3 months. Therefore, preparations have now begun for the creation of an Arctic underwater highway using decommissioned nuclear submarines to transport goods. They will ensure fast and safe diving on all sections of the Northern Sea Route up to Vladivostok and foreign ports in various areas. This will bring Russia a huge annual income and will be able to provide the northern regions with the necessary cargo, fuel, and food.

In the northeastern part of Eurasia there is a country occupying 31.5 percent of its territory - Russia. It has a huge number of sovereign neighbors. Today, Russia's borders are impressively long.

The Russian Federation is unique in that, being located simultaneously in Asia and Europe, it occupies the northern part of the first and the eastern expanses of the second.

Map of the southern border of the Russian Federation indicating all neighboring states

It is well known that the length of Russia’s borders is 60.9 thousand km. The land borders are 7.6 thousand km. Russia's maritime borders have a length of 38.8 thousand km.

What you need to know about the Russian state border

In accordance with the provisions of international law, the state border of Russia is defined as the surface of the globe. It includes both territorial waters and internal waters. In addition, the “composition” of the state border includes the bowels of the earth and airspace.

The state border of Russia is the existing water and territorial line. The main “function” of the state border should be considered the determination of current territorial limits.

Types of state borders

After the collapse of the great and mighty Soviet Union, the Russian Federation has the following types of borders:

  • old (these borders were “inherited” by Russia from the Soviet Union);
  • new.

A similar map of the borders of the USSR indicating the borders of the republics of the union

Old borders include those that coincide with the borders of states that were once full members of one big Soviet family. Most of the old borders are fixed by contracts concluded in accordance with current international standards. Such states include both relatively close Russia and, and.

Experts include those that border the Baltic countries, as well as the states of the CIS, as new borders. The latter, first of all, should include.
It is not for nothing that Soviet times drive patriotic-minded citizens of the older generation into nostalgia. The fact is that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia lost more than 40 percent of its equipped border.

"Extirpated" boundaries

It is not for nothing that Russia is called a unique state. It has borders that are defined today as “extended” zones to the borders of the former Soviet Union.

Russia today has many problems with borders. They became especially acute after the collapse of the Soviet Union. On a geographical map everything looks quite beautiful. But in reality, the new borders of Russia have nothing in common with cultural and ethnic borders. Another significant problem is the categorical rejection by public opinion of the restrictions that arose in connection with the introduction of border posts.

There is another serious problem. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation was unable to equip its new borders in a timely manner technically. Today, the solution to the problem is moving forward, but not fast enough.

Given the serious danger looming from some former Soviet republics, this issue remains at the forefront. The southern and western borders are predominantly land. East and north refer to water boundaries.

Map of the collapse of the Soviet Union

What you need to know about the key borders of the Russian Federation

By 2020, our country has a large number of neighbors. On land, our country borders on fourteen powers. It is important to note all neighbors:

  1. Republic of Kazakhstan.
  2. Mongolian state.
  3. Belarus.
  4. Polish Republic.
  5. Republic of Estonia.
  6. Norway.

Our country also has borders with the Abkhaz state and South Ossetia. But these countries are still not recognized by the “international community,” which still considers them part of the Georgian state.

Map of the Russian border with Georgia and the unrecognized republics

For this reason, the borders of the Russian Federation with these small states are not generally recognized in 2020.

Who does the Russian Federation border on land?

The most important land neighbors of the Russian Federation include the Norwegian state. The border with this Scandinavian state runs along the swampy tundra from Varanger Fjord. Important power plants of domestic and Norwegian production are located here.

Today, the issue of creating a transport route to this country, cooperation with which began in the deep Middle Ages, is being seriously discussed at the highest level.

A little further south lies the border with the Finnish state. The terrain here is wooded and rocky. This area is important for Russia for the reason that this is where active foreign trade takes place. Finnish cargo is transported to the port of Vyborg from Finland. The western border of the Russian Federation stretches from the Baltic waters to the Sea of ​​Azov.

Map of Russia's western border showing all border states

The first section should include the border with the Baltic powers. The second section, no less important, is the border with Belarus. In 2020, it continues to remain free for the transport of goods and the travel of people. The European transport route, which is of great importance for Russia, passes through this section. Not long ago, a historic decision was made regarding the creation of a new powerful gas pipeline. The main point is considered to be the Yamal Peninsula. The highway will pass through Belarus to Western European countries.

Ukraine is not only geopolitically, but also geographically important for Russia. Given the difficult situation, which continues to be extremely tense in 2020, the Russian authorities are doing everything possible to lay new railway tracks. But the railway connecting Zlatoglavaya with Kiev still does not lose its relevance.

Who does the Russian Federation border on the sea?

Our most important water neighbors include Japan and the United States of America.

Map of the maritime borders of the Russian Federation

Both of these states are separated from the Russian Federation by small straits. The Russian-Japanese border is designated between Sakhalin, the South Kuril Islands and Hokkaido.

After the annexation of Crimea, Russia also had neighbors in the Black Sea. Such countries include Turkey, Georgia and Bulgaria. The oceanic neighbors of the Russian Federation include Canada, located on the other side of the Arctic Ocean.

The most important Russian ports include:

  1. Arkhangelsk.
  2. Murmansk.
  3. Sevastopol.

The great Northern Route begins from Arkhangelsk and Murmansk. Most of the waters there are covered with a huge crust of ice for eight to nine months. In 2016, by order of the President of the Russian Federation, preparations began for the creation of an underwater Arctic highway. It is assumed that this route will use nuclear submarines to transport important cargo. Of course, only submarines that have been decommissioned will take part in the transportation.

Disputed areas

In 2020, Russia still has some unresolved geographic disputes. Today the following countries are involved in the “geographical conflict”:

  1. Republic of Estonia.
  2. Latvian republic.
  3. People's Republic of China.
  4. Japan.

If we take into account that the so-called “international community” denies the annexation of Crimea to Russia, ignoring the results of the referendum held in March 2014, then Ukraine should be added to this list. In addition, Ukraine seriously lays claim to some Kuban lands.

Disputed section of the Russian-Norway border

The so-called “Arctic issue” in the near future, it seems, will only be a method of “subtle trolling” for some of Russia’s maritime neighbors.

Claims of the Republic of Estonia

This issue is not discussed as diligently as the “Kuril Islands problem.” And the Republic of Estonia lays claim to the right bank of the Narva River, which is located on the territory of Ivangorod. Also, the “appetites” of this state extend to the Pskov region.

Five years ago, an agreement was concluded between the Russian and Estonian states. It outlined the delimitation of water spaces in the Gulf of Finland and Narva Gulf.

The “main hero” of Russian-Estonian negotiations is considered to be “Saatse’s Boot”. It is in this place that bricks are transported from the Urals to European countries. Once upon a time they wanted to transfer the “boot” to the Estonian state in exchange for other parts of the land. But due to significant amendments made by the Estonian side, our country did not ratify the agreement.

Claims of the Republic of Latvia

Until 2007, the Republic of Latvia wanted to obtain the territory of the Pytalovsky district, which is located in the Pskov region. But in March an agreement was signed according to which this area should remain the property of our country.

What China wanted and what it achieved

Five years ago, the demarcation of the Chinese-Russian border was carried out. According to this agreement, the People's Republic of China received a land plot in the Chita region and 2 plots near the island of Bolshoy Ussuriysky and Tarabarov.

In 2020, a dispute continues between our country and China regarding the Republic of Tuva. In turn, Russia does not recognize Taiwan's independence. There are no diplomatic relations with this state. Some seriously fear that the People's Republic of China is interested in dividing Siberia. This issue has not yet been discussed at the highest level, and dark rumors are very difficult to comment on and analyze.

China-Russia border map

2015 shows that there should not be any serious geographic friction between Russia and China in the near future.


Russian border - a line and a vertical surface passing along this line that define the limits of the state territory (land, water, subsoil and airspace) of Russia, the spatial limit of the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

The protection of the state border is carried out by the Border Service of the FSB of Russia within the border territory, as well as by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (air defense and naval forces) - in the airspace and underwater environment. The arrangement of border points is in charge of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation.

Russia recognizes the existence of borders with 16 states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the USA, as well as partially recognized by the Republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The length of the Russian border is 62,269 km

The main territory of the Russian Federation borders by land with 14 UN member states and two partially recognized states (the Republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia). Only the semi-exclave Kaliningrad region borders Poland and Lithuania. The small enclave of Sankovo-Medvezhye, part of the Bryansk region, is surrounded on all sides by the border with Belarus. There is an enclave of Dubki on the border with Estonia.

A Russian citizen can freely, with only an internal passport, cross the border with the Republic of Abkhazia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and South Ossetia.

All sections of the border, except the border with Belarus, are allowed to be crossed only at established checkpoints in compliance with all procedures provided for by law. The only exception is the border with Belarus. You can cross it anywhere; there are no border controls. Since 2011, any forms of control have been abolished at the Russian-Belarusian border.

Not all land borders are secure.

By sea, Russia borders on twelve countries . Russia has only a maritime border with the USA and Japan. With Japan, these are narrow straits: La Perouse, Kunashirsky, Izmena and Sovetsky, separating Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands from the Japanese island of Hokkaido. And with the United States, this is the Bering Strait, the border along which separates Ratmanov Island from Kruzenshtern Island. The length of the border with Japan is approximately 194.3 kilometers, with the United States - 49 kilometers. Also along the sea lies a section of the border with Norway (Barents Sea), Finland and Estonia (Gulf of Finland), Lithuania and Poland (Baltic Sea), Ukraine (Azov and Black Seas), Abkhazia - Black Sea, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan (Caspian Sea), and North Korea (Sea of ​​Japan).

The total length of the borders of the Russian Federation is 60,932 km.

Of these, 22,125 km are land borders (including 7,616 km along rivers and lakes).

The length of Russia's maritime borders is 38,807 km. Of them:

in the Baltic Sea - 126.1 km;

in the Black Sea - 389.5 km;

in the Caspian Sea - 580 km;

in the Pacific Ocean and its seas - 16,997.9 km;

in the Arctic Ocean and its seas - 19,724.1 km.


The Russian Federation is the largest state on the planet by area. It occupies more than 30% of the Eurasian continent.

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It also holds a record for the number of neighboring countries, of which there are 18, including the partially recognized republics. The Russian border passes with other states, both by land and by sea.

Main terms

A state border is a line that defines the spatial limit of the sovereignty of a particular country.

In fact, it is precisely this that determines the territory of the country, its airspace, subsoil and land.

The state border plays a huge role for any country. It is within this line that the laws of a particular state operate, its rights to carry out mining, fishing, etc. are established.

There are two main types of state borders and one additional:

The emergence of state borders occurred along with the emergence of the states themselves.

In the modern world, most states control the crossing of their territories and allow this to be done only through specialized checkpoints.

Only the state borders of some countries can be crossed freely (for example, countries participating in the Schengen Agreement).

The Russian Federation protects them with the help of units of the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia, as well as the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (air defense units and the Navy).

Total length

Before dealing with the question of what are the land and sea borders of Russia, it is necessary to determine their total length.

It should be taken into account that in most sources it is given without taking into account the territories that appeared in the Russian Federation after Crimea became part of it in 2014.

According to the Federal Security Service of Russia, the total length, taking into account those that arose after the annexation of Crimea, is 61,667 km; before that moment, their length was 60,932 km.

Fact. The length of Russia's borders is greater than the length of the equator.

How long by sea

The total length of Russian maritime borders, including the annexed Crimea, is 39,374 km.

The northern ones fall entirely on the seas of the Arctic Ocean. In total, it accounts for 19,724.1 km. Another 16,997.9 km are borders along the Pacific Ocean.

Comment. It is important to correctly determine the maritime boundary. It is located at a distance of 12 nautical miles. The exclusive economic zone is 200 nautical miles.

On this territory, Russia cannot prohibit free navigation to other countries, but has the sole right to engage in fishing, mineral extraction, etc.

Navigation in the seas of the Arctic Ocean is quite a complex task. They are under drifting ice all year round.

In fact, only nuclear-powered icebreakers are capable of sailing in these waters. In the waters of the Pacific Ocean, the situation with shipping is much simpler.

By land area

Directly on land, the borders of Russia have a length of 14,526.5 km. But you should know that land ones also include rivers and lakes.

Their length in Russia is another 7775.5 km. The longest land border is the Russian-Kazakh border.

With which countries

Russia is not only the largest country with a huge length of borders, it is also the leader in the number of neighboring countries.

In total, the Russian Federation recognizes the existence of borders with 18 states, including 2 partially recognized republics - Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Comment. The international community considers Abkhazia and South Ossetia to be part of Georgia. Because of this, Russia’s state borders with them are also not recognized.

The Russian Federation considers these regions to be completely separate independent states.

Here is a complete list of states with which the Russian Federation has a state border:

  • Norway;
  • Finland;
  • Estonia;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Poland;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • Abkhazia;
  • Georgia;
  • South Ossetia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Mongolia;
  • China (PRC);
  • DPRK;
  • Japan;

Japan and the United States of America do not have land borders with the Russian Federation, but only sea ones.

From the USA they pass through the Bering Strait and are only 49 km. The length of the Russian-Japanese route is also not great - 194.3 km.

The border between Russia and Kazakhstan is the longest. It stretches for 7598.6 km, with the sea part accounting for only 85.8 km.

Another 1,516.7 km is the river Russian-Kazakh border, 60 km is the lake border.

The land part of it directly accounts for 5936.1 km. Russia has the shortest border with North Korea. Its length is only less than 40 km.

A branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway Ulan-Ude - Ulaanbaatar - Beijing crosses the Russian-Mongolian border. Its total length is also quite large and amounts to 3485 km.

The land border with China, 4,209.3 km long, also deserves special attention.

It is directly land only for 650.3 km. And most of the Russian-Chinese route passes along rivers - 3,489 km.

Territorial disputes

The Russian Federation tries to peacefully resolve border issues with its neighbors and most of the territorial disputes that arose after the collapse of the USSR and even during its existence have been resolved over the past 28 years. However, such issues cannot be completely avoided.

Currently, Russia has active territorial disputes with the following countries:

  • Japan;
  • Ukraine.

The territorial dispute with Japan arose during the existence of the Soviet Union, in fact immediately after the end of World War II and the countries’ attempts to begin peaceful coexistence.

It concerns exclusively the southern Kuril Islands (in Japan - the “northern territories”).

Japan insists on their transfer to it and denies the establishment of USSR sovereignty over them following the results of the Second World War.

The presence of a territorial dispute with Japan led to the fact that the USSR, and later Russia, were never able to agree with this state on signing a peace treaty.

At different times, many attempts were made to resolve the controversial territorial issue, but all of them did not lead to results.

But negotiations between states continue and the issue is resolved exclusively within their framework.

The territorial dispute between Russia and Ukraine arose quite recently, after Crimea became part of the Russian Federation.

The new Ukrainian authorities refused to recognize the referendum held on the peninsula and declared the territory transferred to Russia “temporarily occupied.”

Many Western countries have taken a similar position. As a result, the Russian Federation fell under a variety of sanctions.

The border between Crimea and Ukraine was established unilaterally by the Russian side.

In April 2014, after the annexation of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation.

Ukraine responded by declaring a free economic zone in the region and establishing appropriate customs rules.

Although there was no military conflict over the territorial affiliation of Crimea, relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine became extremely tense.

The latter made various attempts to destabilize the situation in the region. The world community also practically did not recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Territorial disputes with the following countries were resolved through negotiations already in the history of modern Russia:

Latvia She laid claim to the territory of the Pytalovsky district of the Pskov region. But according to the agreement dated March 27, 2007, it remained part of the Russian Federation
Estonia This country laid claim to the territory of the Pechersky district of the Pskov region, as well as to Ivangorod. The issue was resolved on February 18, 2014 by signing the corresponding agreement indicating the absence of territorial disputes between the countries
China This country received an area of ​​337 square kilometers of disputed territories. After this, the issue of border demarcation ended in 2005
Azerbaijan The controversial issue concerned the division of the waterworks on the Samur River. The issue was resolved in 2010 by shifting the border from the right (Russian) bank to the middle of the river

In most cases, the issue of disputed territories is resolved through negotiations.

All parties, including Russia, are making great efforts to achieve this. But sometimes such issues arise again, and all approvals have to start all over again.