Cat angler animal. Viverra cat-fisherman - life in the wild and in captivity

Experts who thoroughly know all the subtleties of the life of cats recommend giving cats only boiled fish. However, everyone who has a representative of the cat tribe lives at home is well aware that raw fish for most cats is a real delicacy. Often you can see that the owner of a cat living near a reservoir is fishing, accompanied by his pet, patiently waiting for the owner to share his catch with him.

Not every "cat lover" knows about all the breeds of cats that exist in the world. Therefore, having heard that there is a breed called the "Angler Cat", some imagine it in the form of a cat that not only waits for the master's catch, but is able to help him on a fishing trip. It is quite possible that if the Viverra cat-fisherman (such is the full name of this breed) belonged to domestic cats, then he would be able to supply fish to his owners.

Unfortunately, the Viverra cat lives only in the wild, and avoids meeting people whenever possible. Yes, and people in its habitats do not appear too often - the cat-fisherman prefers to live in a humid, swampy area, where the color of his fur coat perfectly masks him from unexpected guests.

Recently, a very solid number of exotic animal lovers have appeared, many of whom believe that any wild animal that has settled next to a person from the first months of life will become an affectionate pet. Therefore, there are enough people who want to settle a fishing cat in their house.

The civet cat is an angler native to Southeast Asia.

The very name of the breed says that viverra cats live in close proximity to water, where they can always find enough food for themselves. Experts divide representatives of this breed into two types. They practically do not differ in appearance, but the size of the fishing cats living on the coast of Southeast and South Asia, including the island of Sumatra, is much larger than their relatives living on the islands of Java and Bali.

These large cats choose wet places located in the jungle as a place to live. They feel great in the mangrove swamps found in coastal areas, most often on island territories. They do not like to climb trees, as their body is very massive. The fishing cat's favorite pastime is hunting for fish.

In the process of hunting, they roam in shallow water, and with a quick movement of their paws, equipped with sharp claws of solid size, they pick up careless fish. When hunting in the water, fishing cats can also use cunning - while maintaining complete immobility of the body, they lightly touch the surface of the water, imitating the movement of insects. Fish attracted by this movement become easy prey for the civet cat.

The cat-fisherman feels great on the water and in its deep places. The peculiarity of the structure of the paws, on which there are membranes between the claws, allows it to easily swim long distances. They say that viverra cats, in pursuit of prey, even dive to a shallow depth, and so that water does not get into their ears, they press them tightly to their heads.

The appearance of the viverra cat-fisherman

The size of this rare large cat is quite solid, although they are inferior in weight to such representatives of the cat family as the leopard and panther. However, with a weight reaching 15 kg in an adult male, and 10 kg in a cat, viverra fishing cats can rightly be attributed to large predators.

External features:

  • Its length torso together with the tail, it reaches 1.2 meters, while the tail, of the same thickness from base to tip, accounts for no more than 1/4 of the total length of the cat. At first glance at the muscular, squat body of the fishing cat, it becomes clear that this is a real hunter.
  • Big and wide head, with a slightly elongated muzzle, crowned with small mobile ears of a rounded shape. Large eyes with a vertical pupil look at the surrounding world warily, but in the look it is clear that the cat-fisherman is confident in his strength. Nature has endowed cats of this breed with large and strong paws, which gives them the opportunity to successfully defeat even larger opponents.
  • Wool in viverrid cats it has an olive-gray color, on which there are black stripes and spots arranged in a row. The matte shade of wool helps the animal to become invisible among the thickets of plants. The tail is also decorated with black stripes, the same longitudinal stripes adorn the forehead and nape of the fishing cat.
  • The main difference of this breed from other cats is an unusual nose shape. With the almost complete absence of the bridge of the nose, it is extremely large and wide. A nose of such a width cannot boast of any of the breeds of cats - neither small nor the largest. This structure of the nose allows the cat-fisherman to feel comfortable in the water when swimming and diving. He knows how to hold his breath after a deep breath, and water does not enter his nose.

Photo of a viverra cat-fisherman

Is it possible to keep a cat-fisherman at home

Human activity is destroying habitats for viverrid cats. Forests are cut down, swampy lands are drained for their use in agriculture, human settlements are expanding and new ones are being built. As a result, the civet cat breed exists under conditions that are conducive to the extinction of these unique members of the cat family.

In almost all countries of the world, the breeding of fishing cats is banned. Yes, and people who decide to acquire such an exotic pet have a lot of problems. The character of a viverra cat is not easy. Many generations of these cats living in freedom are in conflict not only with other forest dwellers, but also with their relatives.

There is no guarantee that even a pet raised from infancy will not conflict with the person in whose house he lives. The upbringing of a fishing cat requires a special approach to the animal, which means that certain knowledge and advice from specialists are required, they are well acquainted with the specifics of its content.

What you need to know before getting an angler cat

Despite the difficulties in obtaining permission to grow viverra fishing cats, the number of professional breeders opening catteries specializing in breeding this breed of wild cats is increasing every year. Therefore, people who decide to settle a fishing cat in their home should only contact the cattery for a purchase. The kitten must be no older than two months.

From the first days of life in a new home, the baby needs to be hand-fed, then he will quickly get used to both his owner and the new home. He must always be among people. Many owners of country houses arrange an aviary on the site. If a growing fishing kitten is constantly in an aviary, he will never become truly domesticated.

Like an ordinary domestic cat, the fishing cat loves to play and expects affection from its owner. However, during the game, he can get carried away and not calculate his strength. For damage done (scratches or bites), he cannot be scolded or beaten. The cat immediately starts to defend itself. The best punishment for him will be the word "no", said in a stern voice. You can also blow into his muzzle - cats really don't like it.

Since in nature fishing cats live in packs, even living at home, they consider all family members to be their pack, demanding attention from everyone who lives in the house.

Therefore, if the pet is guilty, then it is better to leave him alone, closing him in the room. Viverra cats are extremely smart and understand that they were offended by him.

The main problems begin when the angler cat reaches puberty. In big cats, this occurs at the age of 2-3 years. If a male lives in the house, then the first sign of growing up is the territory marked by him, which he considers his property. If the cat is not intended for breeding, it should be castrated no later than eight months of age.

One of the Russian owners of the viverra fishing cat in his blog spoke about the problem, because of which they were forced to give it to the zoo. The grown-up pet began to protect the "females" of his flock (that is, the women living in the house), from the "male" - his breadwinner. The separation was a real test for family members.

Therefore, it is better to get a cat of an ordinary breed. If you really want to have a huge cat in the house, then there are enough large-sized domestic cats.

The price of a viverra cat-fisherman

To acquire this beautiful large cat (its size is on average twice the size of a normal domestic cat), a special permit is required. The viverra cat-fisherman is listed in the Red Book. And the cost of a cat's baby in Russia is not affordable for everyone - such an acquisition will cost about 300 thousand rubles.

Video about the breed:

Cat-fisherman has a very unusual feature for cats - he cannot imagine life without the water element, of which he is the conqueror. This is a very beautiful, independent and graceful animal, preferring life in secluded places. Recently, some exotic lovers have begun to keep a fisherman cat as a pet, although his character is very difficult, and not everyone can fully cope with his independence.

Origin of the species and description

The fishing cat has many names:

  • fish cat;
  • spotted cat;
  • civet cat;
  • Asian fish cat.

The spotted cat is called because of its fur, which is covered with dark spots (speckles). He acquired the adjective "viverrid" to his name, because. Outwardly, it is very similar to the predator civet (viverra), which lives in the subtropics. This predator of the cat family leads a rather secretive and secluded life, living where a person, often, cannot get through.

Little is known about the history of the origin of this feline species. It is only clear that the predator avoids communication with people, has a wild and unbridled disposition. The very name of this animal speaks not only of its taste preferences, but also of its favorite habitats, where water should always be nearby.

Video: Cat-fisherman

Zoologists distinguish two varieties of these interesting baleen predators. Both of them have almost no differences in appearance, only their dimensions distinguish them. Cats settled in the south, southeast of Asia and on the island of Sumatra inclusive, are much larger than their fellow tribesmen living in Bali and Java. The population of these unusual cats is very small, animals keep apart, so until now very little is known about their wild lifestyle.

Many characteristic features and habits have been studied only on specimens living in captivity. This genus of oriental cats is special, differing in many ways from ordinary felines. Let's try to understand in more detail the individual nuances and find out as much as possible about the life of this mysterious cat.

Appearance and features

The fish cat looks very attractive, which is typical of almost the entire cat family. This strong and purposeful predator has rather large dimensions. The weight of males reaches 15 kg, and females - up to 10. The whole body of the cat is very muscular and trained, it is immediately clear that this is a tireless and dexterous hunter. The body, together with the tail, reaches a length of 1.2 m. The girth of the tail is the same from the very base to the end.

The head of a cat-fisherman is rather big with a wide muzzle. If you look in profile, you can see that the bridge of the nose almost does not stand out, which makes the face flattened. The nose of the animal is very wide, this helps him when diving and being in the water. And he’s just an excellent diver, it’s amazing that a cat can take a deep breath and, while diving, hold his breath. The ears of the predator are neat, rounded, slightly pressed to the head. The eyes are deep, expressive, showing independence and self-confidence, the pupils are located vertically. The jaw apparatus of such cats is very powerful, it is immediately clear that they have a bulldog grip.

Tireless warriors by nature, cats have large, muscular and squat paws. The main feature of these powerful paws is the presence of membranes, thanks to which the cat swims like an experienced diver. All because of the same membranes, the claws of the fisherman are not retracted, like those of other cats. Having such powerful clawed paws and a brave disposition, cats are not afraid to confront even heavier predators and often win victories in such unequal battles.

Nature endowed the fishing cat with camouflage coloring so that in the thickets it merges with the environment. The main background of the coat is gray with a slightly yellowish tint. It depicts a bright and contrasting pattern in the form of black dots and stripes. There are beautiful bright stripes on the forehead, on the nape and tail, on the rest of the body there are dark spots. The fur coat of cats is not only warm and dense, but also water-repellent. The coat itself is densely stuffed, short and slightly rough.

Where does the fishing cat live?

If you are pursuing the goal of meeting a fishing cat in the places of its permanent deployment, then this task is almost impossible. This predator is so cautious that it is unlikely to make itself felt, being even a few meters away from you, sociability is not his forte. Still, it is easy to assume that, based on the name, this animal gives its preference to water, therefore it has a permanent residence near water bodies.

No wonder this cat is called fish and Asian, because it inhabits Asia, or rather, its southeast.

Lives viverra cat-fisherman in:

  • Vietnam;
  • Thailand;
  • India;
  • Pakistan;
  • on the Hindustan Peninsula;
  • in Sri Lanka;
  • Sumatra.

The fish cat takes a fancy to the swampy area, overgrown with impassable bushes, dense forests. Predators love to live in thickets of reeds, in tidal zones of streams, in mangroves, near small forest lakes and streams. They are also found at a decent height (about 2 km) in the forests of the Himalayas.

In general, the cat-fisherman is settled in the subtropics of the Asian region. The main arguments in choosing the place of its deployment are the presence of the water element and a thick thicket where you can lead a secluded and independent life. No matter how sad it sounds, but the number of these amazing animals is very small, so you won’t meet them, viverra fishing cats are under the threat of complete extinction, which cannot be allowed.

What does a fishing cat eat?

Naturally, the main menu of such a cat is fish. In addition to fish, a cat can absorb frogs, crustaceans, snails, crabs, and all kinds of insects. He also likes to eat birds. A predator can also hunt larger animals, such as: a dog, a calf, a sheep. The cat will not refuse the carrion left after the meal of large predators.

Scientists conducted studies of the animal's excrement and, according to the analysis, found out that, after all, about 75 percent of the cat's diet is fish. Only one fish, not counting other food sources, an adult cat eats about one and a half kilograms per day. During the tests, grass was also noticed in the diet, apparently, it serves as a source of vital vitamins for the cat's body.

It has not been thoroughly studied, but there is an assumption that the lifestyle of animals is nocturnal, fishing occurs mainly at dusk. The cat has many different tricks for successful fishing. Sometimes he can just wait for the fish, hiding on the shore near the water, then with lightning speed he rushes into the water and the prey is on a hook or on a claw. Another technique is walking in shallow water and catching small fish with powerful paws. For larger prey, the cat goes swimming and, diving deep, gets a weighty catch for itself.

The spotted cat has one more trick - it lures the fish, making light movements along the upper surface of the water, imitating insects on the surface of the water, the fish often leads to this and again falls into the tenacious paws of a skilled mustachioed fisherman.

In addition to various creatures that live in the water, striped hunters also pose a threat to waterfowl. In order to catch them, they dive deep in advance, swim under water the distance to the bird itself and already from the depth grab it right by the paws. Land hunting is also good for these confident and courageous food seekers. The cat-fisherman is not only an excellent swimmer, but also an agile climber, although the trees attract him much less than the body of water.

Sometimes, when things are very tight with food, cats can attack poultry and small livestock, but this situation rarely happens, the cat shuns a person and engages in robbery and robbery only for great need in order to survive. Only one thing can be said with certainty, that hunting is in the blood of this brave and tireless predator!

Features of character and lifestyle

The way of life of fishing cats is not quite normal, compared to other varieties of cats. The whole point here is the love for the water element, which serves as a source of constant food. The animal is very strong, hardy, has excellent hearing and sharp eyesight (even at night), endowed with the talent of an excellent swimmer - all these features describe the character and disposition of this predator.

We can say that his disposition is unsociable, his life is secretive and wary, his habits are predatory, and his character is cocky, brave and fearless. The freedom-loving disposition of the cat can be caught only at the slightest glance at this amazing daredevil. Sometimes his recklessness and courage are simply amazing.

An interesting incident, confirming the strength, power and incredible courage of this animal, occurred in one of the zoos where the viverra cat lived. Once he escaped from his cage and ended up in an enclosure with a leopard, a fight between two cats was simply inevitable. As a result, all those who watched were struck by its result - the fisherman won an unquestioning victory, and the leopard of a more significant size died.

Like all cats, civet cats are a little lazy and love to sleep sweetly, stretching out in places hidden from frequent vegetation. They can hunt during the day, but they prefer twilight time. Powerful males clearly delimit their territories. Sometimes disputes and misunderstandings arise because of it, fights also occur, but cats do not inflict severe injuries on each other. It often happens that conflict situations are settled peacefully through negotiations, and the mustachios like to communicate with each other, making various sounds:

  • meow;
  • hiss;
  • crackling;
  • clatter;
  • growl.

Each of these sound instruments focuses on a specific mood in which the animal is at a given time. In general, the saying: there is strength - no mind is needed, does not correspond to fishing cats. They can perfectly agree among themselves and without any fights and merciless fights, although cowardice is not at all inherent in these animals.

Social structure and reproduction

There is very little information about the reproduction and habits of wild fishing cats during this period, this aspect has not been studied much, therefore there are much more assumptions than substantiated facts. It is known that there is no specific mating season for cats. They can breed all year round. Sexually mature animals become by the age of nine months.

Pregnancy in a female proceeds for over sixty days. Babies can be born from 1 to 4 pieces. It usually happens that two or three kittens are born. Kittens are born blind and weigh from 70 to 170 grams. each, their development is not so fast. For each day they live, they have an increase in weight of only 10 - 11 grams, they begin to see clearly by the age of sixteen.

For the first month and a half, the mother-cat treats the children with her milk, then they try meat, but they continue to use milk. A cat's mother stops breastfeeding her cubs closer to the age of six months. By nine months, kittens become quite adults, their height and weight reach the parameters of their parents. Soon they leave their mother, leaving in search of their separate territory for permanent residence.

Based on observations of domesticated fishing cats, it can be seen that the male makes his unbearable contribution to the upbringing of his offspring, caring for the babies on a par with the mother. How a cat behaves in the wild in relation to its offspring is still not known. Perhaps, in natural harsh conditions, their views on raising offspring change dramatically. It is worth noting that under natural conditions, fishing cats live up to 12 years, and in captivity their life is much longer (even more than 20 years).

Natural enemies of fishing cats

Apparently, the cocky and assertive nature of fishing cats is known throughout the district, where they are known as fearless bullies, so they have practically no ill-wishers in the wild. Here you can name, which is much larger, but sometimes he himself flees. In general, from more weighty predatory animals, fishing cats with dexterity slip away, both into the water and into the trees, it is not easy to catch them. Smaller predators prefer not to mess with mustachioed fishermen, knowing about their recklessness, fearlessness and power.

Still, the main threat to these amazing creatures is people. As a result of their activities, they destroy the swampy areas that they choose. This is done by a person, clearing the territory for the construction of dwellings, the construction of agricultural land, polluting the atmosphere. Uncontrolled fishing and hunting also have a bad effect on the life of the cat, leading to a lack of food. In such extreme cases, the animal is forced to go on a robbery, where it can also die from human hands. As a result of all this, the number of fishing cats is very small, its growth is not observed, and the animal is threatened with complete extinction.

Population and species status

A rare fishing cat can become a legend if a person does not think about his harmful activities that affect many animals. The population of this cat species has declined so much that the threat of its extinction is more urgent than ever. Fishing cats are dying out due to unfavorable environmental conditions, due to the destruction of swamps, deforestation. Often, animals do not have enough food due to mass hunting and fishing. Hunting activities to exterminate fishing cats because of their fur and fangs also brought their negative and depressing result.

Protection of fishing cats

The fishing cat is considered a rare animal, listed in the International Red Book, the destruction of which is strictly prohibited. The population status of these animals is rather deplorable. There is evidence that its total number does not exceed 10,000 mature individuals. The main reason for this disappointing situation is the destruction of wetlands by people. Scientists are sounding the alarm, because this amazing and little-studied feline species can completely disappear, so a person should use every opportunity so that the situation does not become irreversible!

Maybe for someone the phrase cat-fisherman sounds funny and fabulous, but they really exist, and to the surprise of other felines, they are not at all afraid of water! And professional fishermen can only envy their dexterity and skill! It's hard to believe, but this amazing species of cats remains a mystery to researchers to this day. There are two reasons for this - their incredible secrecy and their very small numbers. No matter how sad it sounds, it is the person who, often, behaves selfishly, without thinking about the consequences, is involved in the last reason.

It does not really matter if an Asian, American or wild cat-fisherman will live in the house, because it is more important to know everything about her and decide how this skillful angler will be appropriate in the house and whether she will be able to cope with her temperament and provide the pet with everything necessary.

By the way, it is easy to find out about an apartment for such and any other cat in the residential complex Sofia from Martynov on the corresponding website.

Fishing cat or civet cat

The viverra cat-fisherman is quite large, more than a leopard cat, a representative of the cat family. It lives mainly in southeast Asia: India, Indochina, Ceylon, Java, Thailand. They prefer to live in swampy, reedy areas, close to water bodies and streams. These cats have been in the International Red Book since 2008.

Is it possible to keep a cat angler at home

You can keep at home, provided that there is a permit. But you need to understand that this is a wild animal, and he needs space. Although he can get along with people, and even sometimes be affectionate. But in most countries it is against the law to keep viverrid cats at home.

Breed cat angler brief description and price, where and how to buy, how much it costs

This is a very large cat. It can weigh up to 16 kg, grows up to 120 cm in length, and 40 cm at the withers. Females are smaller in size: their weight does not exceed 7.5 kg, and their length is 70 cm. short legs and tail. The muzzle is large, wide, almost without a nose bridge, small low-set ears, a powerful jaw with sharp teeth, fangs can reach 3 cm in length. The color is gray-brown with black speckles, the coat is short and coarse. The tip of the tail is dark. Viverra cats have membranes between the pads for better movement in the water.

Puberty occurs at the age of 2-3 years. These cats breed all year round, most often there are 2-3 kittens in a litter.

It is necessary to buy kittens only in nurseries, at the age of two months, after obtaining a permit. Such a pussycat costs a lot in Russia, not everyone can afford the pleasure of 300 thousand rubles.

Is a cat fisherman found in Russia or not

In Russia, such a cat is not found. It is bought and kept only at home.

Viverra cat at home care, nutrition, illness

- Feed the kitten from the moment you purchase it from your hands so that it does not feel danger in your presence;
- Play with them only with special toys, in no case with your hand;
- Do not shout at him, by virtue of his mind, he understands all voice commands;
These cats have a great respect for fish, so feed them fish more often, and add uncooked beef and bone-in chicken to their diet. During the day, these pussies eat up to 1500 gr. meat and fish;
- A domesticated cat-fisherman can get along with other animals, only they need to be friends carefully;
- Perform water procedures daily;
- Give the cat a large space (the best solution is a large apartment, and preferably a country house;
- And the last thing you need to realize is that this is a wild animal and such a moment may come that you will have to leave.

Be sure to vaccinate your pets just like any other animal.

Is the angler cat wild or domestic?

The fishing cat is a wild animal.

How a cat fisherman hunts

The cat is hiding, waiting for its prey on the shore. As soon as the fish swims close enough, it rushes into the water after it, and throws it ashore with a powerful paw. If it was not possible to catch it right away, it can dive after it to any depth. Although it does not shun crustaceans, frogs, and on land snakes, birds and small mammals.

The civet cat is a unique Asian predator. Unlike his relatives, he is not only not afraid of water, but even frolics with pleasure in reservoirs, not being afraid of great depths. For this unique feature, the animal received several names at once: a fishing cat, a water or fish cat. For the spotted color, similar to the color of the Far Eastern cat, it is sometimes called speckled.

Origin story

Viverra fishing cats have lived in India, Indochina, as well as on the islands of Bali, Java, Sumatra since ancient times. Since the main place of their residence was the impenetrable jungle, for a long time people did not suspect the existence of this breed. During the period of development of new lands by man, the habitat of predators was significantly reduced due to the drainage of swamps, deforestation and development of territories. Their numbers have decreased significantly, especially on the islands of the Malay Archipelago.

Today, fishing cats are on the verge of extinction, therefore they are listed in the International Red Book. According to the Convention on International Trade in Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), hunting for them is strictly prohibited.

Despite the prohibitions, local natives mercilessly catch fish cats and resell them as smugglers abroad. In addition to the thirst for profit, animals are hunted because of the healing properties of their individual parts of the body, bones and skins. Of these, especially rare and valuable in oriental medicine healers are brewed.


The viverrid cat received its Latin specific name Prionailurus viverrinus due to its external resemblance to predatory mammals viverras (civet). A distinctive feature of the animals are black spots and stripes placed in a row along the body. This color allows excellent camouflage in the bushes.

Thanks to the unique color, the predator is fluent in the art of disguise.

Table: description of the cat-fisherman

Parameter Characteristic
The weight Cat - 6–7 kg, cat - 11–15 kg
body length 96.5-119.3 cm
Height at the withers 38.1-40.6 cm
Wool Hard, short.
Color Olive grey, with dark stripes and dots. Behind the black-colored ears there are white spots. They show animal aggression when their ears are flattened.
Muzzle Short and broad, with a powerful jaw.
Ears Small, round, set low on the sides of the head.
Eyes Round, yellow-green.
limbs Legs are strong and short. The tail is also short, thick at the base, devoid of muscles. This allows the predator to maintain balance when jumping and while running.

Fishing cats have 2 unique anatomical features that set them apart from many other breeds:

  1. The absence of the bridge of the nose in the presence of a wide and large nose, which allows the animal to stay under water for a long time and hold its breath.
  2. The presence of webbing between the toes of the front paws makes it difficult to retract the claws, but it helps to dive, swim and fish with ease.

Viverrid cat-fisherman in the wild

Viverra fishing cats belong to the family of oriental cats, therefore they live exclusively in Asia. Here, in tropical latitudes, they feel as comfortable as possible due to the presence of a large number of reservoirs, high humidity, abundance of precipitation, and small seasonal temperature fluctuations. Life expectancy in the wild is 13 years.

Habitat and lifestyle

Water cats live apart from other animals, in every possible way avoid meeting people. They can be found in the jungle, especially in the mangrove forests, which are a buffer zone between sea and land. The unique natural ecosystem creates favorable conditions for the habitat of predators, primarily because the territory is almost impassable for humans due to dense thickets of shrubs, an abundance of swamps and rivers.

Mangrove forest - the main habitat of fishing cats

Viverra cats are distinguished by a cocky character, therefore they do not get along well not only with other predators, but even with their relatives. They spend most of their time frolicking in a pond or walking in shallow water. Climbing trees is problematic for them because of the massive body. At night they are awake, and during the day they prefer to rest in shelter.

The favorite pastime of water cats is hunting for fish. They can sit for a long time on the shore of a reservoir in anticipation, and then with one well-aimed jump or a blow of a clawed paw, get the desired prey. Sometimes predators use a little trick: by touching the paw to the surface of the water, they imitate the movement of insects, while the body remains motionless. A fish passing by, interested in the bait, quickly becomes a victim of a viverra cat. In search of food, the animal is able to dive to the depths to get fish.

Viverras love to hunt for fish.

In addition to fish, the predator eats:

  • crabs;
  • snails;
  • frogs;
  • snakes;
  • birds;
  • mice;
  • insects.

Thanks to its powerful body and strong limbs, a water cat can defeat enemies that are larger than it. That is why, in exceptional cases, he preys on larger mammals (tiger, gibbon, etc.). A case is known when a fish cat kept in a zoo accidentally entered the cage of a leopard and killed him.

Reproduction and care of offspring

Puberty occurs in civet cats at the age of 2-3 years. Animals breed year-round, but the main mating time falls in the fall. Pregnancy lasts 63–70 days, so offspring usually appear in January–February. 2-3 kittens are born immediately. Vision comes to them in the second week of life, they mature completely and become independent by 9 months.

Spotted cat takes care of her offspring

Video: fishing cat in its natural habitat

Keeping a viverra cat at home

In captivity, fishing cats live an average of 15–20 years, but only with proper care, maintenance and diet. For home living, it is better to take a female, since she is less aggressive than a male (cats tend to dominate and become uncontrollable during puberty). It is desirable that the pet lives with the owners, and not in a separate enclosure on the plot. Otherwise, he will not be able to socialize and will forever remain a wild predator.

From the first days of the appearance of a kitten in the house, it should be surrounded by affection, care and attention. In order for him to quickly get used to the household and adapt to the new environment, at first he should be hand-fed. Over time, the pet will not only begin to trust people, but will also be able to make friends with other pets (cats, dogs).

However, one should take into account the fact that an exotic predator does not deny himself the pleasure of feasting on those whom he rightfully considers weaker. That is why it is extremely undesirable to leave him alone for a long time with other pets.

Due to the wayward nature of the fishing cat, conflicts with other pets are not ruled out, so the owner needs to be on the alert

The viverra cat is a little-studied and wild breed, so for beginners who do not have experience with predators, I strongly do not recommend getting such a pet. It will not be possible to completely domesticate and tame the animal: sooner or later instincts will prevail. A powerful and strong pet, twice the size of an ordinary domestic cat, can injure or maim household members, and in the worst case scenario, take their lives.

Features of care

The features of caring for a viverra cat are not much different from keeping an ordinary domestic cat: they also comb out their hair, and, if necessary, cut their claws. To cut the claws, you should teach your pet from the first months of life, so that he has time to get used to the procedure. If the right moment is missed, then it is undesirable to subject an adult to such manipulations: being frightened, the animal can injure the owner. It is not worth provoking aggression in a predator, as this is fraught with sad consequences.

Hair care does not cause much trouble, since the cat-fisherman's coat is quite hard, short, and almost does not shed. Particular attention should be paid to water procedures: an exotic predator loves to swim, so it is advisable to equip a small pool for him in the backyard (if possible). Sometimes you can put live fish into the tank so that the pet can at least partially satisfy its hunting instincts. If the animal lives in an apartment, the best solution would be to take a viverr bath. It is recommended to throw toys into the water (for example, plastic fish) to make it more fun and interesting for the cat to carry out water procedures.

Cat-fisherman loves regular water treatments

Despite the fact that an exotic predator naturally has good immunity, it needs to be vaccinated regularly: vaccinate twice with a complex vaccine until the teeth are completely changed, and then repeat the vaccination annually. Males can only be castrated up to eight months of age.


In the first months of life, a viverra kitten should be fed exclusively with live food - dry ready-made food (even premium) can cause irreparable harm to health. The body of a growing baby is very susceptible, so only an experienced specialist can make the right diet.

If the animal was bought in a nursery, it is advisable to constantly keep in touch with the breeders: they will give competent advice and advice.

The main diet of an adult is fish and raw meat with bones (beef and poultry are suitable). A pet eats 0.5–1.4 kg of food per day. It is impossible to replace natural food with dry analogues for ordinary domestic cats, since they do not have enough nutrients needed for a predator.

The main part of the water cat's diet is fish.

Since a spotted cat in the house is a rarity, there is very little reliable information on his diet on the Internet. From personal experience I can say that predators often need to be given live food to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Unfortunately, not all owners of exotic animals can withstand such a spectacle, so they are in a hurry to replace the necessary food with frozen carcasses or feed from manufacturers. This greatly harms the health of the pet and reduces its life expectancy.


From the first months of life, a water cat needs to be accustomed to the tray. For a baby, an ordinary small pet tray is suitable, for an adult - a container measuring 60 by 100 cm. It is recommended to use wood filler. If the pet went to the toilet in the wrong place, you need to point him to the right tray, but do not beat or punish: just verbally scold him.

It is also necessary to tame the viverra to the collar and leash. At first, put on a loose collar, each time tightening it a little. Soon the pet will stop paying attention to the strange object and will perceive it adequately. This will allow you to make safe walks with an exotic cat on the street. It should be remembered that the animal loves space very much and in the warm season it will be happy to relax with the owner in the fresh air. A collar with a leash will ensure that the pet will not run away anywhere.

I strongly do not recommend letting your pet off the leash, even in a seemingly safe area (outside the city, in nature, away from people). Even the most complaisant and obedient animal can lose control from overexcitation and stop obeying the owner. The predator's natural hunting instincts are activated, which certainly turns into an escape. This advice applies not only to exotic cats, but also to dogs (especially fighting breeds).

In the house, it is desirable to equip a place for rest for the viverra (armchair, bedding, couch, etc.). You can train him to use a scratching post to save furniture and walls, but regular walks will be more effective than any household appliances. The fact is that on the street the cat grinds its claws on asphalt or trees, so the need to do such manipulations at home will disappear by itself.

Your pet should have a private resting place in the house.

Games are an essential element in raising a pet. The viverra should have enough toys so that he does not get bored at his leisure and directs his indefatigable energy in the right direction. In no case should the owner be allowed to play with his hand or foot. While the pet is small, abrasions will be insignificant, while an adult can inadvertently injure a person badly without calculating the strength.


The viverra cat has a high intellect and an outstanding mind, therefore it can be tamed no worse than a dog. However, certain difficulties in upbringing arise because of the hierarchical ladder that the pet builds for himself: a new family for him is a “pack”, and the owner is a “leader”. If the owner can become an authority for the civet, he will unquestioningly obey, but exclusively to him alone. The predator will stubbornly ignore the demands and requests of other households.

In the family, the civet cat builds a hierarchy, as in a pack

With the onset of puberty, the male begins to actively mark the territory, leaving "odorous marks". At this time, he seeks to defend leadership in the “pack” and competes with the owner, becoming incredibly aggressive and wayward.

The story of a viverra cat named John Davis, who lived in an ordinary family in Krasnoyarsk, is known for certain. As a child, he was unusually sweet and friendly, but in adulthood he began to perceive the women in the house as "females" and his master as a "male" who needs to be ousted from his territory. Due to the aggressive behavior of the pet, they were forced to hand over to the local zoo. To avoid such unpleasant situations, the kitten must be castrated in advance.

In general, finding a common language with a viverr is easy, but you need to remember that he is jealous and touchy. If the owner pays enough attention to him, surrounds him with affection, care and at the same time shows who is in charge in the house, there will be no problems. In no case should you punish your pet for wrongdoing by using physical force. It must be remembered that at this moment the animal loses control of itself and thinks only about how to defend itself with the help of its claws. It is enough to strictly say “No” or blow in the muzzle so that the cat realizes the guilt. Another effective method is to close the pet alone in the room. A smart animal will understand that the owner is offended by it.

Where to buy a viverra kitten

Before buying a viverra kitten, you must obtain a special permit, since the animal has been listed in the International Red Book since 2008. In many countries, keeping a predator of this breed in captivity is punishable by law, but Russia is not yet one of them. The fashion for exotic cats is growing, so the number of catteries is increasing every year. It is strongly recommended to contact trusted breeders who have official registration and provide the necessary accompanying package of documents.

Viverra cats are listed in the International Red Book

From personal experience I can say with confidence that you can safely trust catteries that advertise on the Internet and have their own personal website. Their price for animals is an order of magnitude higher than that of private individuals, but there is an exact guarantee that the acquired pet will not suddenly have rare diseases and will not die the next day. The breeder provides comprehensive information about the pedigree and gives detailed advice on the care and maintenance of a water cat.

It is recommended to purchase a kitten no older than two months, with the necessary vaccinations. Give preference to the most healthy and active baby from the litter. If the kitten is lethargic, passive, inert, it is better to refuse to buy, since such symptoms may indicate the presence of serious diseases.

The cost of a viverra kitten starts from 300,000 rubles.

The viverra cat-fisherman, he is also a speckled or fish cat lives in Southeast Asia. Outwardly similar to other wild cats, but differs from them in an unusual way of life, habits and diet. The viverra cat can often be found in zoos; it is not suitable for the role of a pet for a number of reasons.

The viverra cat-fisher lives in tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia, Southeast India, Indochina, Sumatra, Ceylon, Java and Bali. Not to be confused with, which differs from the civet both externally and in lifestyle. Fish cats settle near reservoirs, lakes, swamps and slow rivers, in general, wherever you can find food for yourself and not catch the eye of a person. An adult civet cat occupies a territory of 4-8 km2, the territory of males can reach 22 km2.

Fishing cats breed all year round. Pregnancy lasts 63-70 days. Litters are few, usually 2-3 kittens are born. At 4.5 months, the young animals switch to adult food, and by 9 months they catch up with their parents in size and switch to self-sufficiency. It reaches sexual maturity much later, at 2-3 years. In captivity, males help the female raise offspring; how they behave in the wild is not known for certain. And the rest of the way of life of civets has not been studied well enough.

Video about viverra fishing cats:


Outwardly, the viverra cat-fisherman resembles an African civet. Actually, thanks to her Latin name - viverra, and outward resemblance, he got his name. Like wild cats, African viverras are predators, but they are known for their other feature - they eat coffee berries. The beans that have passed through their digestive tract are harvested, roasted and brewed into an expensive coffee drink called Coffee Luwak.

But back to anglers. The mass of an adult cat is 11-15 kg, cats weigh less - 6-7 kg. The body length is 96-120 cm, and the height at the withers is 38-40 cm. The fangs of an adult cat reach 3 cm in length, the claws are 1.5-2 cm. Experts divide fishermen's cats into two types, which differ slightly in color and size . Anglers from Southeast Asia, including the island of Sumatra, are much larger than relatives from the islands of Java and Bali. In the cat family, the closest relatives of anglers are.

The fisherman's cat has a strong physique, well-developed muscles. In general, they are very strong and agile. The muzzle is wide, short. There is practically no nose bridge, the nose is very wide and large, the widest among all cats. This structure allows the cat to swim and dive freely. The ears are round, small, set low on the sides of the head. The lower jaw is very well developed, rounded. The head sits well on the short neck. The legs are relatively short, as is the tail, which is 1/4 of the entire length of the body and has the same thickness from base to tip. The color is grayish brown with black stripes and spots. Behind the auricle, which is mostly colored black, there are white spots, the so-called eye spots. Between the fingers on the front paws there are membranes. They prevent the cat from fully retracting its claws, but they are very helpful in swimming and catching fish.

Character and behavior

In the wild, the viverra cat-fisherman is very cautious, in every possible way avoids meeting with a person and, if possible, will not go into conflict, but he can always stand up for himself. Many talk about their aggressiveness and assertiveness. Local residents tell many stories about fishermen who entered the settlements, were not afraid of anyone and easily dispersed a pack of dogs. There is a myth in Singapore that a fish cat dragged a baby away. However, there is no documentary evidence for this. But there is another real fact. In one zoo, a very large male broke out of his cage and got to a leopard, which he killed in a fight.

The viverra fishing cat can meow and hiss, and also makes other interesting sounds, vaguely reminiscent of laughter, barking, or a short jerky yelp. They are difficult to describe, but you can hear them on the video. The main occupation of the fisherman is rest and sleep; in his free time, the animal wanders through shallow water in search of food or hunts terrestrial small animals. In zoos, viverrid cats lead a moderately active lifestyle, they can frolic a little, but generally do not waste energy. They can climb trees, but do not like to climb high on branches. Rookeries are arranged on the ground or rest at a low altitude.

Keeping a fishing cat in captivity

Fans of the exotic should always remember that civet cats fed from a young age and raised in love remain wild animals. Even if you manage to bring up a conditionally submissive, you need to be constantly on the alert. Little kittens are very playful, quickly become attached to a person, obedient and affectionate, very vociferous. At the same time, not only the timbre of their voice is striking, but also its volume and variety of sounds. In terms of energy, both the kitten and the adult cat are much superior to their domestic counterparts.

There are many nuances in raising a viverra cat. A person who has never encountered the keeping of wild animals is unlikely to be able to raise an adequate animal without an experienced mentor.

To enlist the respect and love of the animal, its very early age is fed literally from the hand. At the same time, they are not allowed to play with a hand or foot. There are toys for games. In the process of education and weaning from unwanted behavior, you can not scream and even more so beat the cat. This usually causes a negative counter-reaction: aggression or a desire for revenge.

The viverra cat-fisherman is an exceptionally wild predator, which finds it difficult to adapt to life in captivity even in the conditions of a zoological park, let alone an apartment or a country house. The animal needs space, its own hunting territory and a pond.

The civet fisherman reaches puberty by 2-3 years. This is where the biggest problems begin. First, he is taken to mark the territory. It is clear that the amount of urine and its smell in all respects are superior to those of a domestic cat. Secondly, the kitten is now becoming an adult and begins to look for its place, shows aggression, conquers territory and "a place in the sun." Castration and sterilization will not be able to completely eradicate aggression and other habits that are unacceptable for a domestic cat. One of the family members can become an object of desire, and the other, on the contrary, an opponent. It is very difficult to resist the arguments of a sexually horny animal, which also has incredible strength and sharp claws. If you plan to keep a fishing cat as a pet, it must be neutered / spayed no later than eight months of age.

The passion for viverra cats began in 2006, when the first articles about a fisherman named John Davis appeared on the Internet. The cat settled in an ordinary Krasnoyarsk apartment and even got a personal website, on which his whole life is painted with many photos. A wild predator was raised from small claws. For 3 years he lived in a family and was friends with a Siberian cat. The story ended with a sad parting and the cat moving to the zoo. The problem was that the grown-up fisherman began to “win back” the hostess from her husband.

A viverra cat-fisherman is not the best option for an apartment and even for a private house. The best way to keep an exotic animal is a very spacious enclosure that mimics the natural habitat, that is, with thickets and a stocked pond. From all sides, the site is fenced with a grid, including from above. In the absence of trees, be sure to make shelves at different heights or install saw cuts. In one or more places, small insulated houses are equipped. It is especially important to maintain positive temperatures in them during the cold season. Angler cats do not tolerate frost well.


The gastronomic preferences of anglers are very different from those of most other cats. The basis of their diet is live fish and other aquatic inhabitants: frogs, snails. Cats hunt in several ways. In search of food, cats can wander for a long time in shallow water or wait on the shore, then with a well-aimed jump they rush to prey, if necessary, swim and dive for fish. Interestingly, during the hunt, they often resort to tricks: they stand motionless in the water and lightly touch the surface with their whiskers. So they imitate the movement of insects and attract fish. Cats also feed on birds, small mammals, rodents and carrion. On land, they sometimes hunt insects. In exceptional cases, they can attack larger animals.

What to feed the angler at home

The diet of a cat at home should be as close to natural as possible. This refers not only to the type and quantity of food, but also the way it is obtained. That is, the angler should be able to hunt fish in a pond, catch a live mouse or gut a bird. Naturally, there will be a lot of dirt as a result of such nutrition. For food, a viverra cat-fisherman can accept any animals that are smaller than him in size. The daily norm is 0.2-0.5 kg of fish or meat. Given that the activity and energy requirement of domestic cats is much lower than in nature, they arrange a hungry or half-starved day once or twice a week. The diet is supplemented with chicken or quail eggs, fresh grass.

Health and longevity

There is little data on the lifespan of fishing cats in nature. In captivity, they usually live for about 10 years. The maximum recorded age of a civet cat in the zoo was 12 years. Animals in captivity are vaccinated against rabies and major infectious diseases of cats. Most diseases are associated with a poor diet or conditions that vaguely resemble natural ones.

Where to buy a cat angler: the choice of a kitten and price

The civet cat-fisher, like many other wild cats, is under protection and is listed in Appendix II of the CITIES. In order to avoid problems, its owners will have to obtain permission to keep it from the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. In many countries of the world, home exotics remain banned. In Russia, there are laws that prohibit illegal hunting of exotic and rare animals, as well as cruelty to animals, which can be regarded as keeping them in an apartment or house, in limited and far from natural conditions. As such, there is no document that prohibited the keeping of exotic animals in an apartment. Since 2016, GOST on the maintenance of unproductive animals in urban conditions has come into force, but it is only advisory in nature. Assistance in paperwork for viverras is sometimes provided by individuals or nurseries that breed them.

On the Internet, advertisements for the sale of fishing kittens are sometimes placed, but these are rare. The price of a viverra kitten usually ranges from 300,000-450,000 rubles. It is less common to come across advertisements for the sale of viverrenka at a price of about 100,000 rubles. The higher the price, the further the code is from the real natural habitat. In addition to the amount that will need to be paid for the animal, it should be remembered that keeping a predator will be expensive.


The gallery contains photos of viverra fishing cats in the wild, in the zoo and tamed, domestic.