Nettle as a home treatment or hair treatment. Nettle home hair strengthening (recipes)

Hello my friends!

Phytotherapy safely and carefully relieves women of most cosmetic problems, and the naturalness of such products is a huge plus.

With the help of herbs, you can get rid of traces of nervous tension, stress, poor sleep, beriberi, restore the beauty and health of hair and skin.

Nettle is especially effective for hair. But, how to direct the power of herbs in your favor?

From this article you will learn:

Nettle for hair - properties and methods of application

Brief botanical note about nettle

Nettle belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennial and annual plants. It is easily recognizable by its entire leaves with serrated edges.

The entire green part of the grass is covered with characteristic

During flowering, false spike-shaped inflorescences develop on nettles, after which fruits appear - flat nuts.

The chemical composition of nettle

Vegetable raw materials - dry and fresh - are saturated with such trace elements as calcium, manganese, chromium, potassium, iron, silicon, copper, sodium.

Nettle extract leads in the content of ascorbic acid, it contains vitamin K, B-group vitamins, carotene. A similar chemical composition causes a deep benefit for the hair.

Useful properties of nettle for hair

Nettle is able to have a complex healing effect on curls, which depends on the method of its application.

Regular use at home allows you to achieve the following effect:

  • elimination of excess fat
  • elimination of intense hair loss
  • section treatment, dandruff

Antiseptic, firming and anti-inflammatory effect improves the condition of the strands and scalp, which makes the curls filled with new vitality, brilliance and beauty.

Using nettle for hair care

Vegetable raw materials can be used all year round.

Even a dry nettle leaf retains most of its healing properties.

At home, decoctions, infusions, oils are prepared on its basis.

The presented funds are used to enrich the composition of shampoos, balms, masks. Homemade recipes are effective for any type, including perms and dyes.

Nettle does not change the original shade and can be safely used to nourish curls by blondes.

Effective Recipes for Using Nettle for Hair Health

Before brewing a nettle leaf, it is recommended to make sure that there are no contraindications.

  • Mask for strengthening hair with nettle

Preparation of funds occurs in the following order:

  • Fresh nettle is processed in a blender
  • Juice is produced from the resulting slurry - for a mask, it is enough to take 3 tbsp. l.
  • Nettle juice is intensively rubbed into the scalp, after which a plastic bag and a preheated towel are put on.
  • The duration of the mask exposure is 60 minutes.

If there is more juice, it can be placed in a glass container. Storage is done in the refrigerator, but not more than three days.

  • Nettle mask if hair is prone to high fat content

To cope with this problem, the previous recipe is enriched with 10 g of sea salt - it is thoroughly triturated in nettle juice.

The product is rubbed with light massage movements and aged on the head for at least an hour. This is a lifesaver for oily hair.

  • Nettle tincture for dandruff treatment

To prepare the tincture, young nettles are placed in a dark glass bottle. The container is filled with vodka and moved to a dark and dry place for 30 days.

The finished product is filtered through gauze and stored in the refrigerator.

Hair restoration with this tool can be carried out all year round. To treat dandruff, the tincture is mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1:4 and rubbed into the skin.

The drug is effective for the preparation of masks and can be dosed into the shampoo when washing the head. When caring for dry strands, the frequent use of nettle tincture for alcohol is contraindicated.

  • Universal decoction of nettle for hair shine

The decoction not only gives the curls shine, but also saves them from falling out.

The recipe can use dry nettles or fresh raw materials.

A leaf (50 g) is brewed with 300 ml of hot water and 15 minutes. kept in a water bath. The decoction is used as a healing rinse for clean hair.

Nettle oil - growth activator

Nettle oil can be purchased ready-made or you can make your own.

For its preparation, fresh vegetable raw materials are required.

A leaf gruel (50 g) is placed in a bottle and poured with 500 ml of olive oil.

The remedy is infused for 15 days and is used for its intended purpose - it is effectively rubbed into the roots and skin to enhance growth and reduce the production of sebaceous secretions.

Shampoos and balms with nettle

Their regular use helps to solve a whole range of problems.

After the balm or strands become less greasy, strong, healthy, there is a noticeable heaviness of the mop and a beautiful shine, and dandruff is completely eliminated.

Homemade water infusions with nettle

An infusion of intensive action is prepared in a ratio of 1: 3 in relation to vegetable raw materials and boiling water.

The product is best prepared in an enameled bowl with a lid.

After connecting the two components, the container is closed and placed in a dark, cool place for three days for complete infusion.

Nettle for hair - video recipes

Complex recipes with nettle and other herbs for hair restoration

To implement a wider spectrum of action, you can mix the following components:

  • Nettle and sea buckthorn juice - against loss of curls, weakness, sections
  • Nettle and hops, coltsfoot - for naughty and hard strands, to give them softness
  • Nettle and apple cider vinegar - for smoothness and shine.
  • Nettle, colorless henna and yolk - intensive nutrition, recovery and treatment.
  • Nettle and honey - to strengthen hair after a perm.

Contraindications to the use of nettle herb for healing hair

If an allergic response is detected, this is a contraindication to the treatment procedure.

All natural organic oils, quality shampoos, conditioners, hair loss products, vitamins, hair masks, very good natural bristle combs and much, much more, you can buy here

I would be glad if the recipes from the article are useful in caring for your hair, use nettle for hair and be beautiful!

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For centuries, hair nettle has been the basis of all caring procedures. The burning of young shoots did not prevent the girls from collecting huge baskets of medicinal herbs. And today, using nettle home remedies, you can become the owner of thick, shiny curls.

Nettle benefits for hair

    1. Restoration of the epidermis of the head;
    2. Giving curls a glossy shine;
    3. Moisturizing and nutrition of each unit;
    4. Strengthening and awakening of the follicle;
    5. Improved blood flow and oxygen respiration, stimulating increased growth.

The composition of the leaves, shoots and rhizome contains:

    • flavonoids;
    • vitamins K, A, C,
    • organic acids;
    • tannins.

Contraindications - individual intolerance. Allergy sufferers avoid harm from herbal treatments will help preliminary testing of the composition.

Result: restores thin colored curls, prevents hair loss, makes curls shiny, elastic.


    • 18 gr. nettles;
    • 200 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: pour freshly picked leaves or dry grass with liquid, cook over low heat for twelve minutes. After cooking, strain and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Use after shampooing, rinse hair with nettle decoction and apply conditioner. When falling out, use a spray to distribute evenly along the parting on the root zone. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day. The use of a decoction for hair is indicated for all types of curls. This herb does not cause color or texture changes.

Result: nettle recipes reduce the increased secretion of the glands of the scalp, eliminate brittleness and split hair along the entire length.


    • 14 gr. nettles;
    • 120 ml cognac / alcohol.

Preparation and method of application: place the leaves or grass in a dark glass vessel, add alcohol. Infuse for five days, shaking occasionally. Store for six months. We advise you to add conditioners to masks, balms, 15-20 drops per 10 g. main composition.

Nettle hair rinse

Nettle hair care allows you to get rid of dandruff and fungal infections of the scalp, improve the condition of curls, and prevents tangling of dry areas. When rinsing, you can use a cooled strained broth in its pure form or an infusion diluted with water (10 ml of infusion per 300 ml of liquid). It is necessary to repeat the procedure after each wash, for oily hair add lemon juice, for dry hair - 15 drops of herbal oil. Nettle rinse accelerates growth, saturates curls with vitamins, prevents brittleness and dryness of curls.

Rich in vitamins and acids, it is used in its pure form and in the composition of masks from loss and excessive fat content. The composition is rubbed into the scalp, distributed along the entire length, after half an hour the curls are thoroughly washed with natural shampoo. Hair after nettle is very soft and shiny. Using after dyeing, the created pigment is sealed inside the strand.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

The best homemade nettle hair mask recipes

Nettle mask for hair loss

Result: This recipe for hair from nettle helps strengthen hair follicles, restores curl along the entire length.


    • 35 ml of nettle infusion;
    • 7 ml olive oil;
    • 8 drops of mandarin ether.

Preparation and method of application: prepare a concentrated infusion of nettle (10 g. Pour 40 ml of water), then cool and add the yolks, nourishing oil and citrus ether. Apply with rubbing movements into the roots, put on a plastic cap, cover with a towel. After two hours, rinse with an organic line shampoo, use nettle against hair loss at least twice a day.

Nettle mask for hair growth

Result: young nettle for hair growth is an indispensable tool for those who want to quickly grow long healthy curls.


    • 17 nettle leaves;
    • 14 gr. brewer's yeast;
    • 8 ml of St. John's wort oil.

Preparation and method of application: after collecting the leaves from the upper shoots, pour over with boiling water, then prepare the gruel in a meat grinder. Crush the tableted yeast into powder, add medicated oil and nettle mass. Spread over the entire root zone, hold the mask for thirty minutes. Wash your hair with a fragrance-free, dye-free shampoo.

Mask with nettle to strengthen hair

Result: hair treatment with nettle strengthens curls along the entire length, preventing brittleness and split ends.


    • 7 gr. nettles;
    • 6 ml brandy;
    • egg;
    • 22 drops of mango butter.

Preparation and method of application: prepare nettle for hair - pour dry raw materials with 50 ml of boiling water, leave for three hours. After adding cognac, egg, fruit oil, mix everything well. Apply along the entire length (for thick curls of all components you will need twice as much), wrap with a film. After forty minutes, rinse with cool water and apple cider vinegar. Strengthening hair with nettle should be done at least once a week.

Mask with nettle and burdock

Result: This mask recipe helps restore the strength and shine of dyed curls.


    • 12 gr. nettles;
    • 7 gr. burdock;
    • 15-20 gr. honey;
    • 7 drops of bergamot oil.

Preparation and method of application: pour dry herbal raw materials with hot (90 ◦) water, cover with a lid, strain after half an hour. Add candied honey and aromatic oil. Spread the mass over the entire length, put on a protective cap and a towel. After twenty minutes, rinse with warm green tea.

Mask with nettle and chamomile

Result: folk recipes prepared at home restore the natural strength of curls.


    • 8 gr. dry nettle;
    • 5 gr. chamomile flowers;
    • 17 drops of jojoba oil;
    • 6 drops of rose ether.

Preparation and method of application: pour herbs with liquid (35 ml of water), cook for no more than fifteen minutes over low heat. After filtering, add oils, mix well. Apply to clean, damp curls with a coloring brush, stepping back three cm from the roots along the entire length. Dry your hair naturally without rinsing.

Mask with nettle and burdock oil

Result: prevent hair loss and depletion of nettle hair masks.


    • 18 gr. fresh nettle;
    • 7 ml of burdock oil;
    • 15 drops of grape oil;
    • 3 drops of sage ether.

Preparation and method of application: prepared (scalded with boiling water) fresh leaves are turned into a homogeneous gruel in a kitchen machine, introduce healing oils and ether. Apply first to the root zone, then distribute along the growth line. After half an hour, wash off with Ayurvedic shampoo.

Nettle and olive oil mask

Result: get rid of dandruff, flaking, cleanse the scalp, activating dormant bulbs recipes of nature.


    • 17 gr. nettle root;
    • 12 ml olive oil;
    • 9 gr. sea ​​salt (finely ground).

Preparation and method of application: rinse and dry the root, chop in a blender, add salt and unrefined oil. Rub into the scalp for about six minutes, then rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

Mask with nettle and honey

Result: fresh nettle for hair strengthens curls, improves blood flow to the scalp.


    • 6-9 nettle leaves;
    • 15 gr. honey;
    • yolk.

Preparation and method of application: brew the herb in 60 ml of boiling water, strain and add honey and yolk. After washing the hair, apply the composition along the entire length, putting on a protective cap, warm it up with a hairdryer (warm air). After about twenty minutes, rinse with a decoction of lemon peel.

Mask with nettle and henna

Result: effective against hair loss nettle juice in combination with natural colorless henna.


    • 8 ml of nettle juice;
    • 25 gr. henna;
    • 6 ml pomegranate seed oil

Preparation and method of application: dilute vegetable powder with hot liquid, add juice squeezed from fresh leaves, moisturizing oil. Apply the composition, starting from the roots and along the entire length, except for the tips. After twenty minutes, rinse with shampoo, be sure to apply a balm so as not to dry out the curls.

Mask with nettle and vinegar

Result: homemade masks give curls shine and elasticity, soldering curl scales.


    • 12 gr. nettles;
    • 10 ml apple / wine vinegar;
    • 18 drops of peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: grind the leaves scalded with boiling water into a homogeneous gruel in a food processor / meat grinder, add vinegar, fruit oil and 30 ml of water. Distribute the mass, retreating 3-5 cm from the roots, wait twenty minutes. Rinse afterwards with warm water.

Mask with nettle and calamus

Result: prevents the loss and destruction of hair units, eliminates dandruff with a herbal mask created by one's own hands.


    • 12 gr. nettles;
    • 10 gr. calamus rhizomes;
    • 4 ml of burdock oil;
    • 17 gr. rye bran.

Preparation and method of application: pour dry herbs into 75 ml of hot liquid (90-110◦), leave for half an hour. Strain, add bran and medicated oil. Apply to dry curls, rubbing the resulting mass into the roots. Putting on a hat and wrapping a towel to warm up with hot air. After half an hour, wash the curls with baby shampoo.

Nettle mask for oily hair

Result: hair care with herbal tinctures will reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, dry the root zone a little, giving the missing volume.


    • 18 drops of nettle tincture;
    • 22 ml of kefir;
    • 15 gr. blue/black clay.

Preparation and method of application: combine kefir with clay and alcohol tincture, dilute with green tea for a more liquid consistency. Apply the mask on clean, damp curls, the root zone by 5-7 cm. Put on a cap and wrap it with a warm towel, wait eighteen minutes, then rinse off.

Nettle mask for dry hair

Result: after applying a recipe that saturates with nutrients, the curls will become softer and more manageable.


    • 12 ml of nettle extract;
    • 2 yolks;

Preparation and method of application: dilute the liquid extract in 60 ml of water. Combine with egg yolks and melted African butter. Distribute the composition over the entire area half an hour before washing your hair. Use Indian organic shampoo.

Natural hair care is gaining great popularity today, although we know that new is well-forgotten old, so we will return to the recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who, like no one else, knew the secrets of natural hair care. Natural care is very useful for hair, since all the ingredients in it are natural and healthy, although the result of natural care is not immediately visible, such as from professional purchased products or medical salon procedures. Today we will talk about nettle, which is very often used in hair care, with the help of masks, infusions and decoctions.

Nettle contains a number of useful substances, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins A, C, K, which have a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp, while nettle:

  1. in complex therapy helps to fight hair loss;
  2. strengthens hair roots;
  3. stimulates the growth of new hair;
  4. soothes irritated scalp;
  5. returns shine to dull and lifeless hair;
  6. when rinsing with a nettle decoction, the hair stays clean longer;
  7. gives splendor and volume to hair;
  8. with regular use, the general condition of the hair improves.

The only downside to nettle is that it can color blonde hair.

Nettles can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can collect yourself. It is best to collect nettles from May to June, you can dry them with stems for about a week, and then detach the nettle leaves from the stem, put them in a cloth or paper bag and so it can be stored for more than a year.

Nettle hair masks

If we talk about hair masks using nettle, then it is great for diluting other components of the mask - clay, mustard, henna. But there is another option for a hair mask, where only fresh nettle leaves are needed. Suitable only freshly picked nettle, which needs to be washed and passed through a juicer or chopped with a blender. The resulting juice can be filtered through cheesecloth. How to use? First, wash your hair (you can even use a deep cleansing shampoo, after which the beneficial substances of the nettle will be better absorbed by the scalp), apply a purchased mask or balm for a length, then blot your hair with a towel and apply nettle juice along the partings, only on the scalp. Then we insulate and hold for about an hour, after the time has elapsed, thoroughly wash off the hair with warm water. Such procedures can be done after each shampooing, and the result is simply amazing, new hair begins to grow all over the head, while all hair is well strengthened and the hair structure improves. The only pity is that such a mask can only be done in the summer.

Firming mask

Such a mask can be made before you brew nettle to rinse your hair. The mask has excellent firming properties, since all the ingredients of the mask are aimed at this.

  • 1 tablespoon of colorless henna;
  • nettle decoction;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of mustard;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of honey;
  • 3-5 drops of bay or mint essential oil.

The mask is made before washing the hair and is applied only to the scalp. First, we dilute colorless henna with a hot decoction of nettle and then add mustard to it (you can also not add mustard if the scalp is sensitive), then add honey and drip essential oils on it, mix everything thoroughly. We apply the mask on the scalp along the partings, if the ends of the hair are dry, you can apply base oil to the ends, then we warm it and keep it on the hair for 40-60 minutes. Then I wash my hair as usual and apply a conditioner or mask to the length.

Vitamin hair mask

  • 1 tablespoon of clay (blue, white, pink, gray, yellow);
  • 1 tablespoon of nettle decoction;
  • 1 tablespoon base oil (jojoba, almond, wheat germ, olive, castor)
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

The mask is made before washing the hair. Dilute the clay with nettle decoction to the consistency of sour cream, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask on the hair roots and insulate, hold for 15-20 minutes, no more, as you will see that the clay begins to dry out, the mask can be washed off. Then wash your hair as usual, but using a mask or balm for the length of the hair, otherwise the hair will be stiff. It is enough to do this mask once a week.

Strengthening tinctures for hair with nettle

One of our subscribers shared a recipe on how to prepare a natural hair growth spray at home, which, in addition to other ingredients, also includes nettle, you can read this recipe.

Oil infusion based on nettle

A super-strengthening and anti-hair loss product that awakens dormant follicles, accelerates growth and improves hair structure.

  • nettle leaves;
  • base oil;

Nettles can be taken both dry and fresh. The base oil should be chosen one that is suitable for the scalp and not very heavy: linseed, mustard, sesame, olive. I chose olive oil because it is ideal for the scalp and has a lot of useful substances, besides it is light, rinses well and does not clog the pores of the scalp. When choosing a base oil, make sure it is unrefined and cold pressed.

Nettle should be chopped and poured into a container that closes well and tightly (the container should be glass and preferably dark glass, if not, you can wrap it with paper). Then you need to fill the nettle with oil so that it completely covers it, even a little more, because the nettle will absorb the oil after a while (you may need to add more). The mixture must be infused in a dark, warm place (you can put it under the battery), for about two weeks and periodically (about once a day), it is advisable to shake the tincture. When two weeks have passed, the tincture should be filtered and stored in a dark, cool place. The color of the oil should change from yellow to green, saturated emerald color.

The tincture can be used once or twice a week, before washing, we apply the mixture in the partings, warm it and keep it for at least one hour, and when you apply it, you need to massage the scalp (five minutes). You can also apply the tincture and leave overnight.

Nettle leaf infusion

Pour two tablespoons of dry nettle leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour in a dark place, then strain and apply the infusion on the scalp, do not rinse (in addition to accelerating hair growth, this infusion is great for hair loss). It can be used before application, as it must be applied to a damp scalp.

Nettle alcohol infusion

Pour one glass of crushed nettle leaves with one glass of vodka, leave for 2 weeks in a dark, warm place. Every day, for a month, rub into the hair roots with massage movements. It is advisable to store this infusion in the refrigerator.

Nettle hair rinse

Decoctions of herbs, and not only nettle, help restore strength to our hair, strengthen it, give elasticity, softness and shine, without the help of purchased products.

For rinsing hair, nettle is brewed in a ratio of 2 tablespoons of herbs to a glass (200 ml.) Of water. The ratio of nettle and water can be increased depending on the length of the hair. To brew nettles, you need to pour boiling water over it and boil for another 10-15 minutes, and then let it infuse and cool. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and it is already possible to rinse your hair with it.

How I do it: I wash my head in the morning, so I brew the decoction in the evening, and warm it up in the morning and after all the procedures (shampoo, mask or balm), the final rinse is. But, I don’t just water my hair with a decoction, I dip it in a decoction and keep it for 5-10 minutes so that even the scalp is in a decoction, you can even massage it a little more.

Nettle rightly takes pride of place as a natural hair growth stimulant. In favor of this "biting" escape is its effectiveness, availability and the possibility of using at home. Consider the most effective ways to use nettle for hair growth.

Operating principle

Nettle is a real gift of nature to everyone who cares about the health of their hair. It is a bush 50–70 cm tall, sometimes a meter high. Grows everywhere.

Composition and useful properties

These green shoots have the richest composition of the necessary elements that allow you to grow and maintain luxurious curls for a long time. The plant has the following composition:

  1. Vitamin K restores shine and brightens color even to bleached and dull hair.
  2. Vitamin C promotes increased blood supply to the follicles, being an activator of hair growth.
  3. Vitamin A is responsible for the awakening of the "asleep" follicles and the healing of the skin on the head. Eliminates split ends, effectively coping with treacherous gray hair.
  4. Vitamin B nourishes with health, giving them growth rate.
  5. Flavonoids successfully fight hair loss.
  6. organic acids normalize metabolic processes occurring in the roots.
  7. Carotene stabilizes the sebaceous glands and moisturizes along the entire length.
  8. Tannins soothe the scalp, providing a "mirror" smoothness of curls.
  9. Chlorophyll strengthens and saturates them with strength.
  10. Trace elements (iron, manganese, barium, sulfur, molybdenum, aluminum) important for health and growth.

It is interesting! Lemon is 10 times inferior to nettle in the presence of vitamin C, which makes the plant an excellent antioxidant that ensures youthful curls for a long time. Regular use of this herb will make the scalp healthy, and accordingly accelerate their growth.

What problems can be solved

Fresh plant juice enhances the activity of scalp cells, accelerating all the processes that occur in it. The blood begins to circulate at an accelerated pace, improving the supply of the follicle.

In this way this medicinal herb in just 5-6 applications eliminates:

  • dandruff;
  • eczema;
  • brittleness and split ends;
  • gray hair.

Using decoctions or nettle masks, can:

  • restore lost brilliance;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands on the scalp;
  • strengthen the hairline and improve its structure;
  • get rid of irritations on the scalp;
  • restore health and strength to curls;
  • accelerate hair growth.

Note, You can use "burning" grass at any time of the year. In the spring it is useful to use it fresh, and then dried. Both of them have the same properties.


Before you start using this tool, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications. Otherwise, this may lead to undesirable complications of existing pathologies. These include:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • pregnancy;
  • ulcers or ulcers on the head;
  • wounds or injuries of the scalp;
  • intolerance to components;
  • kidney failure.

If the use of nettle is contraindicated for you, do not worry. Try other herbs for hair growth.

Photos before and after

Rules for preparing a decoction

The surest way to strengthen, shine and grow hair is nettle decoction. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is important to follow the following points:

How to collect

A considerable number of useful elements in the shoots of nettles and its flowers. Especially a lot of them during the flowering period. It is during this period that the plant must be harvested. The full flowering phase begins in June and lasts until early August. It is important to have time to prepare shoots during this period.

Cutting is done in dry weather, after the dew has completely dried. It is not recommended to consume nettles from roadsides, gas stations, etc. It is best to use a field or garden plant. This will be the best guarantee of its environmental friendliness.

Dry the grass in the shade, in warm weather outside or on a well-ventilated veranda. To do this, lay out the flowers and leaves in a thin layer on fabric or paper.


This decoction is recommended to rinse your head every time after washing, every other day. Do not blow dry. Continue for 30 days. Take a break for three weeks and repeat. May be used for preventive purposes.

Advice. To give a glossy shine, you can add 2 tbsp to the finished nettle broth. lies. 9% vinegar.

Do not be upset if you failed to prepare nettle shoots for future use. After all, dried grass bought in a pharmacy is absolutely not inferior to the one collected with one's own hand and has no less benefit.

Effective remedies

If the hair has become dull, cut and grows badly, they will need an ambulance. A mask containing nettle will accelerate hair growth, revitalize hair, restoring and strengthening all its vital functions.

To achieve a 100% result from the action of the mask, it is important to adhere to the basic rules for its preparation. The improvement becomes noticeable after the first use of the product.

Mask preparation rules

  • do not use metal or plastic utensils;
  • purchase raw materials of the best quality;
  • mix the ingredients until smooth;
  • apply to the scalp and the entire length of the hair;
  • put on a plastic cap and wrap with a scarf or towel.


Growth and Shine Egg Mask:

  • Beat 2 homemade eggs with 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of nettle decoction with 1 tablespoon of cognac;

If the hair is very dry, you can add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, if it is very oily, you can add 2 tablespoons of blue clay.

Mix everything and apply on the scalp and hair. Do before bedtime, 2 times in 7 days. After washing your hair, you can rinse with nettle decoction.

Herbal mask for hair growth and gray hair prevention:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of chamomile with 1 tablespoon of nettle (grind).
  2. Add 50 grams of warm water and let it soak in.
  3. Add 1 yolk from a homemade egg.
  4. Gently spread over the entire length.
  5. Wash off with water after 45 minutes.

Attention! This mask should be done at least 2 times a week. Within a couple of weeks, the hair will gain vitality and go into increased growth.

Anti-fallout vitamin mask:

  • 1 tablespoon nettle juice;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B1.

Mix the yolk with the vitamin, stir in the juice and honey. Mix. Apply the mask immediately. Wash off after half an hour with warm water. After the second application of this mask, the hair will become elastic and strong.

Against hair loss and to enhance hair growth, the following decoction will give a stunning effect:

  • 2 tablespoons crushed burdock root;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped nettle;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Pour boiling water over burdock and nettle and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Cover and infuse for 20 minutes. Strain and rinse your head after washing. Can be used every other day.

One of the medicinal herbs, which is a life-saving remedy for many ailments, is considered to be stinging nettle. This plant has been familiar to everyone since childhood, but not everyone knows about the list of positive effects that nettle has on the body when used correctly (see). And the key feature of this herb is the ability to heal hair.

What is useful nettle for hair?

In pharmacies and stores, you can find many options for shampoos, balms, masks designed to restore curls. And in the compositions of many of them are natural ingredients, including nettle. It is this herb in its pure form or, being part of a cosmetic product, that is responsible for strengthening the hair, saturating the follicles with vitamins, of which there are a huge amount in its composition.

What is rich in stinging nettle?
  1. Chlorophyll, which stops hair loss, prevents the development of senile baldness.
  2. A huge amount of vitamins (, K, C, B2 and other vitamins of this group, E and others).
  3. The plant contains numerous trace elements that have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp: iron, silicon, copper, potassium, calcium, chromium, iodine, magnesium and others.
  4. In addition, nettle is enriched with tannin, carotene, tannins, secretin, phytoncides and numerous acids.
A similar composition makes this herb a "natural healer", suitable not only for restoring hair and enhancing their growth, but also for the treatment of various diseases. An additional useful property of nettle is its "burning". When using decoctions and infusions, there will be no discomfort, however, even they are able to increase blood flow, “saturate” the scalp with oxygen, provoking the activity of hair follicles and awakening “sleeping” follicles.

The main benefits of nettle for hair are as follows:

  • destruction of dandruff;
  • getting rid of excessive fat;
  • increased hair growth, prevention of hair loss, brittleness;
  • curls after applying the decoction become thicker, dullness disappears, giving way to shine;
  • getting rid of split ends, adding smoothness and elasticity;
  • enrichment with vitamins and other useful substances;
  • elimination of inflammation, itching and sores on the skin;
  • in general, strengthening curls.

Precautionary measures

Like other medicinal herbs, nettle can cause an allergic reaction. Especially in the case when it is used regularly, for a long time, and not only for rinsing the hair, but also as a tea, decoction inside. And this is not the only nuance.

Why should you use nettle for hair with caution?

Firstly, This medicinal herb copes with oiliness, but it dries the hair very much. Therefore, people who naturally have dry curls should use nettle carefully.

Secondly, it has a coloring effect. On dark hair, this will not be noticeable, but on blond and light brown curls, an undesirable greenish tint may appear over time. To avoid this result, it is necessary to use stinging nettle in combination with other ingredients, such as lemon juice or a decoction of ordinary chamomile.

Keep the prepared remedy from dioecious nettle should not be too long. Brewed grass can "bloom". Keep decoctions, infusions and other options for nettle-based products should be in dark rooms or in the refrigerator.

How to use nettle for hair health?

There are many options for which this burning herb can be applied. For example, based on nettle, it is not at all difficult to cook at home, the effect of which will be noticeable after 3-5 applications.

In addition, nettle is used in the following forms:

  • as an infusion or tincture, including those prepared with alcohol;
  • in the form of a special decoction, which can be brewed from both dry and fresh grass;
  • in the form of fresh nettle juice;
  • applicable in medical cosmetology nettle oil;
  • you can also use gruel from leaves, roots.

Decoctions or tinctures can replace chemically created products (balms and conditioners), bringing great benefits to the hair. You can add them, as well as oil, juice, to shampoo or purchased masks. The use of nettle in this form never reduces its medicinal properties.

Nettle hair rinse

The therapeutic effect of rinsing your hair with nettle will be noticeable almost immediately, but this procedure should become a habit. Home remedies based on this burning herb should be used regularly and for at least 2-4 weeks.

You can use for rinsing curls:

  • infusion of fresh nettle leaves;
  • decoctions and infusions from dry raw materials, including those with the addition of plant roots or other ingredients.

A quick fresh herb infusion recipe: fill more than half of a liter jar with plant leaves, pour boiling water to the brim, close the lid and brew for no more than 10 minutes.

How to rinse your hair with nettle?

Option one. Wet, clean hair is thoroughly washed with a home remedy. In this option, an infusion or decoction is used after shampoo and instead of additional caring cosmetics. No need to rinse.

Option two. With the help of a spray gun, the roots are generously sprayed first, and then all the hair, this method is used for dried, but clean curls. After using the nettle, you do not need to use a hair dryer or towel, as well as rinse off the "spray".

In both cases, it is desirable that the herbal remedy is not completely cold.

"Course" rinsing of curls will allow:

  1. strengthen not only hair, but also hair follicles;
  2. accelerate hair growth,;
  3. make naughty and more supple, shiny, smooth;
  4. get rid of problems with the scalp;
  5. protect hair from the negative effects of the sun, frost;
  6. nourish the curls from the inside, completely healing them;
  7. eliminate the problem of hair loss.

Nettle decoction - an assistant in the fight for hair health

The most common use of nettle for healing curls, giving them more strength, as well as for accelerated hair growth, is a herbal decoction. It is easy to prepare it at home. Also, such a decoction will allow, dry skin and hair, from itching.

You can prepare a decoction using only the leaves of the plant in one of the following ways:

  1. Up to 10 tablespoons of dry or fresh chopped grass are poured into a liter saucepan and filled with water for the entire volume of the container. A decoction of nettle for hair after boiling is boiled for another 60 minutes on low heat under a closed lid. Then it should be carefully filtered so that there are no small herbal particles left, and can be used for rinsing;
  2. More useful components will remain in the home remedy if you brew nettles using a water bath. For 0.5 l of water, 200 ml of chopped greens or dry grass will be required. A decoction is prepared for half an hour, after which it is filtered, cooled and another 0.5 liters of warm water is added to it. Then it is used to rinse the hair.

For a healing decoction, you can use phytobags with stinging nettle, which simplify the process of preparing a decoction. The herb is brewed in this form in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Nettle decoction with additional ingredients can be of the following types:
  • with sea buckthorn juice: dry nettle leaves in the amount of three tablespoons are mixed with 200 ml of juice and 400 ml of boiling water; then the mixture is cooked on low heat for 30 minutes, while stirring it regularly; strained and cooled broth is ready for use; it is a general tonic for hair roots;
  • with coltsfoot and calamus root: in equal proportions, depending on the desired amount of broth, all components are taken in dry and crushed form, thoroughly mixed; the collection is poured with hot water (1 l) and boiled over medium heat for no more than 10-12 minutes; relieve this decoction from excessive brittleness and oily curls, and also help with dandruff;
  • with nails: for 400 g of fresh stinging nettle, you need to take 100 g of marigolds, then pour 2.5 cups of boiling water; put the container with the broth on the stove and cook on low heat for 10-12 minutes; such a filtered and decoction should be rubbed with massage movements into the roots and skin on the head before and after washing the hair, it is designed for 14 applications;
  • with vinegar: infused in advance for half an hour, 5 tablespoons of nettle, filled with half a liter of boiling water, filtered and added to a glass of vinegar, after which the mixture is boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes; the resulting vinegar-herbal decoction must be diluted with water: 200 ml of decoction per 2 liters of warm water; rinsing the hair will help get rid of dandruff and add elasticity and shine to the curls;
  • with burdock and hops: burdock, hop cones and fresh nettle leaves are crushed; three tablespoons of the mixture must be poured with hot water (1 l); the broth should be boiled over low heat for 60 minutes or in a water bath for 10 minutes, but after that it will be required that the broth stand for another hour until fully cooked; filtered well, it can be used.

Nettle infusions

Herbal infusion is the second most popular remedy that is prepared at home. Its main difference from a decoction is that it takes some time for its final readiness.

Methods for preparing herbal infusions

  1. Add one spoonful of dry nettle leaves to a 200 ml glass and pour hot water over it. Close the glass with a lid and put in a dark place for an hour. After straining, the resulting herbal infusion thoroughly moistens the hair roots, no rinsing is required.
  2. 5 large spoons of dried herbal leaves must be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the container with the infusion with a lid and infuse in the dark for about 30 minutes.
  3. Dry mint, coltsfoot, nettle are taken in an amount of 4 tablespoons of each plant. After mixing the collection, it is poured with a liter of boiling water and brewed under a tightly closed lid for about an hour. The infusion acts as a strengthening agent, it is applicable for regular rinsing of hair for 2 months.
  4. Burdock root and nettle are taken in a ratio of 1: 1, the total amount is 200 g. The mixture is poured with 2.5 cups of boiling water. The container must be closed with a lid, brew nettles for hair for half an hour. This tool will positively affect the growth and density of curls.
  5. Mix 20 grams of dry chamomile with nettle leaves and roots (40 g). After the mixture, pour boiling water (1 l) and hold in a tightly closed container in the dark for an hour.

Additional funds

Nettle juice or extract at home. It turns out when using the leaves of the plant crushed into gruel, which must be squeezed out. The juice is gently rubbed into the skin and hair roots, the head is covered with cling film or a plastic bag, as well as a warm scarf or towel. The procedure lasts an hour, after which the hair should be washed with clean water at room temperature.

Herbal oil. The plant in dry form in the amount of 100 g is poured with olive oil (300 g). The container is closed and removed in a dark, cool room, where it is aged for 14-20 days. Then it can be used as an additional ingredient for masks or as an independent remedy for hair loss, itching, and flaking.