Red corners of the dog's eyes. Immediate response to red whites of the dog's eyes

Most often, with redness of the eyes, the first thing people assume is conjunctivitis. The first measure in this case, of course, is washing the organs of vision with tea. However, if the whites of the eyes of a four-legged friend turn red, such a measure may be useless. Important: only in isolated cases, reddened eyes are an independent symptom. Such a phenomenon can signal quite serious diseases.

It turns out that the red color of the shell of the white of the eyes can be the norm, but only in albinos. Such animals simply do not have a coloring pigment. But this is the only case. All other phenomena mean that some reason has led to redness.

It is worth noting that some breeds may be predisposed to red eye syndrome.

A similar phenomenon occurs in the Chinese Crested Dog, Lhasa Apso, Yorkshire Terrier, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Cocker Spaniel, Pug, Bulldog, Brussels Griffon. Labradors are not one of these breeds. But this is not the norm.

Possible causes of redness

In order to understand why a dog has red whites of the eyes, it is necessary to show the animal to an eye doctor.

The owner of the Alabai, for example, will need to answer some questions, which will make it easier for a specialist to make a diagnosis:

normal physiological response

If only a pink tint is observed and there are no other alarming symptoms, then the cause of this phenomenon is probably somewhere on the surface. Recent events should be recalled.

Perhaps the causes of red eyes in dogs are as follows:

  1. Fight, stress. In this case, the animal must be calmed, allowed to recover.
  2. Allergic reaction where the eyes may water. It should be remembered what was given to the animal in the last days. It is likely that some products were introduced quite recently and it was they who became the allergen. Such food should be temporarily excluded from the diet. You also need to reduce contact with household chemicals, cleaning products, detergents.
  3. Overheat. The dog could be in the sun for a long time or where it is too hot. In this situation, other symptoms should also appear: the body temperature will rise, nausea, shortness of breath will appear, the mucous membranes will turn red. Here you will need to provide first aid: place the pet in a cool place, apply cold to the head, cover the body with a damp sheet.
  4. Head or eye injury. In this case, there will not necessarily be visual symptoms: hematomas, scratches. Only one eye can be bloody, and copious tearing may also occur. In this case, it can be assumed that a foreign object, dust, has entered the organ of vision. In this case, the animal will try to cover it, react sharply to touch. Based on these signs, it can be assumed that the blow was made with a blunt object. An urgent medical examination is required.
  5. To drying out of the mucous membrane may cause dust, sand, wind. In this case, you will need saline, drops of "natural tears". You can treat this condition at home, after consulting with a specialist.
  6. Conjunctivitis. It can be of varying severity. With this disease, there is often a viscous, sticky discharge of a green or yellow tint. It is a viral disease and contagious. The animal will need to be protected from other pets, adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. In the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to wash the organs of vision with herbal infusion of chamomile. You will need a new cotton swab for each eye. It is possible to use drops such as Sofradex, but they are not for everyone.

Possible serious illnesses

The biggest difficulty is that the animal cannot put into words the feelings that disturb it. It is not always possible to notice signs of a dry inflammatory process or loss of vision immediately.

The reasons why the whites of the eyes turn red can be such diseases:

First aid

Revealing the main cause of redness of the white of the eyes the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. What you can not do is to self-medicate. But before the moment the animal is examined and the disease is diagnosed, it is necessary to carry out a number of independent measures:

If the causes of redness are not trauma or conjunctivitis, then this is not a local disease, but a symptom of a more serious illness. It seems that the problem, at first glance, is not serious. However, the causes and treatment for red eyes in a dog can vary. In addition, such a problem can cause a lot of discomfort to the animal. Do not delay a visit to a specialist.

Attention, only TODAY!

Red eyes in dogs are called Red Eye Syndrome. This syndrome is a common reason for visiting a veterinarian "ophthalmologist", the owner of the animal. With a timely visit to the clinic, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Otherwise, the condition of the pet may worsen, leading to complete loss of vision, and in the worst case, loss of the eye as an organ.

Red eyes are a complex of symptoms caused by a number of completely different physiological and pathological conditions of the animal and are caused by: redness (hyperemia), photophobia, lacrimation and soreness.

The main causes of redness

If the owner of the animal noticed a red eye in a dog, then first of all you need to study a number of reasons for its occurrence.

Violation of the mental and emotional state. Create an atmosphere for your dog that will only positively influence him. And most importantly, protect from the negative effects of the environment.

Heat. In frequent cases, when exposed to high temperatures, overheating of the body may occur, which will lead to an increase in body temperature and hyperemia.

Wind and dust. When walking in the fresh air, the dog can be affected by wind and dust, which will lead to dryness of the eye and its redness.

genetic condition. If you have got such a wonderful and unusual creature as an albino dog, then you need to understand that such animals have depigmentation, which causes the lumen of the capillaries, so the eyes will be red.

pathological factors. This includes the genetic predisposition of the dog to ophthalmic diseases that cause redness.

eye diseases

If we consider the "Red Eye Syndrome" as a pathological condition, then several major diseases of one or both eyes can be identified.

Conjunctivitis. The most common eye disease in dogs. It can be non-infectious and infectious. Non-infectious is caused by: trauma, foreign bodies, an allergic reaction or chemicals. High and low temperatures are also affected. Infectious occurs due to exposure to bacteria, fungi and viral infections. The dog's eyes will be red, tearing will appear, they will fester.

When it inflames directly the skin of the upper and lower eyelids. And it can be caused by the same reasons as conjunctivitis. The dog's eyes will be red, the eyelids will form crusts and fester.

Keratitis. Causes redness of the protein and the release of pus. But this ailment is most often caused by either blepharitis or conjunctivitis. With this disease, the corneas of the eyes become inflamed.

This is increased intraocular pressure. The pet's eye may increase in size, turn red, and be accompanied by the release of tears.

Cataract. A disease that affects dogs of all ages. Partial or complete clouding of the lens is noted. May increase intraocular pressure, redness.

Prolapse. With it, prolapse or hyperplasia of the lacrimal gland of the dog's third eyelid occurs. This is not even a disease, but a simple loss of the correct anatomical location of the lacrimal gland. The eye may turn red and look like a "red bump" has formed on it.

Inversion of the eyelids. It is characterized by the curvature of the eyelid in the opposite direction (toward the eyeball), which leads to constant friction and irritation. It can also lead to tearing and cause the diseases described above.

Hemophthalmos. A red spot forms on the eye, which is caused by hemorrhage, damage to the integrity of blood vessels and the retina.

Implicit causes of redness

We will analyze the causes that are not directly related to pathologies, but are caused by diseases of other parts of the body, or of the whole organism, but as a result lead to reddening of the white of the eyes.

Allergy. A large proportion of dogs suffer from an allergic reaction, which is caused by any environmental factor. Allergies can be caused by inappropriate food, chemicals, fleas, toys that are made from materials that the dog's body won't accept, and more. The eyes will be red, tearing will appear.

Injuries. Red eyes, watery eyes, fever, lethargy, and other symptoms can be caused by trauma. The animal can injure both the eye and other parts of its body. These can be blows, collisions, fights with other animals, cuts by foreign bodies and other reasons.

Infectious diseases. May cause symptoms of redness of the eyes and their tearing, which is accompanied by suppuration and lethargy.

Autoimmune diseases. With them, the eye becomes red, tears and pus appear, the dog appears lethargic.

Tumors. When neoplasms or tumors (malignant or benign) are formed in the body of an animal. The eye may become red and lethargic.


  • monthly (annual) deworming (getting rid of worms and the causes that can cause them);
  • (prevention of infection with infectious, invasive, viral and autoimmune diseases);
  • elimination of the causes that can cause or cause an allergic reaction;
  • the right choice of walking areas for the animal so that the animal cannot be injured, infected with helminths and other diseases transmitted from living organisms;
  • monitor the state of the environment. If the temperature outside is higher or lower than normal, then make sure that the dog does not get overheated or hypothermic;
  • the most important thing: if you find any deviations in the behavior of the dog, or if symptoms appear that were not noticed before, then immediately contact the veterinary clinic, where you will be provided with high-quality and specialized care.

If you still could not protect the dog from the negative effects of the environment and she acquired a disease, then you need to immediately begin treatment.


The owner himself can only provide first aid to the animal if it is not possible to urgently visit a veterinarian. To do this, rinse the dog's eyes with ophthalmic antiseptic solutions. Then you should definitely contact a specialist so that he identifies the cause of the disease, prescribes or conducts treatment.

Briefly about the main

  1. Redness (hyperemia) is an expansion of the conjunctival vessels and subconjunctival hemorrhage.
  2. The main reasons may be a violation of the mental or emotional state of the animal, high temperature, foreign objects in the eyes or pathological diseases.
  3. The most common diseases are conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, glaucoma and cataracts.
  4. In order not to lead to serious complications, it is necessary to carry out deworming and vaccination in a timely manner, choose the right areas for walking and prevent overheating or hypothermia of the body.
  5. At the first occurrence of symptoms, do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a specialist so that he identifies the cause of the disease and prescribes treatment.

Red eyes in dogs is such a symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons, of which there are a huge number. The most common causes of this symptom were listed above. But you need to understand that this is a small part of the pathological conditions. There is no need to wait for the deterioration of the animal's body, because you can lose your pet forever if you do not show attentiveness and reverent attitude towards him.

  1. Injury. It occurs in all breeds and at any age. According to statistics, it is injuries that can cause a change in the color of the protein in the eyes and provoke the appearance of purulent discharge. Along with this, spots or ulcers may form on the cornea. The pet can walk with its eye closed or squint it. Particular importance is given to lacrimation and secretions. A dog can get hurt while playing, fighting, walking in the woods or tall grass. In the spring, the cornea is often injured by plant seeds. The slightest injury should be examined by an ophthalmologist, since with corneal ulcers there is a high probability of infection and the onset of the inflammatory process. For minor injuries, antiseptic treatments (drops in the eyes) and healing ointments (corneregel) are prescribed for the eyelid. In severe cases, the cornea may need to be sutured. Removal of the organ of vision is resorted to only as a last resort, when there are no other options.
  2. Allergy. It can be considered as an option if the dog has reddened whites of the eyes in the spring-summer period or after switching to a new type of feed. Almost always, lacrimation, itching (the animal constantly rubs its eyes with its paws) and sneezing are also present. It is very difficult to say exactly what can provoke such a reaction, even after carrying out diagnostic measures (taking an allergy test). This can be cat hair, house dust, flowering plants, switching to a new brand of food, introducing a new product into the diet, taking medications. In severe cases, the eyes can become very swollen and sour. It is very difficult to deal with allergies, since even modern methods cannot identify a potential allergen with 100% certainty. Therefore, dogs prone to allergic reactions require special care, ranging from the correct selection of food to avoiding contact with potentially dangerous substances. The owner's first aid kit should always contain antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin, fenistil) in order to localize a possible attack in time.
  3. Intracranial pressure. A common problem in dwarf breeds. For example, Yorkshire terriers suffer from meningoencephalomyelitis, which is rarely infectious. But meningitis occurs in all breeds and in most cases has an infectious origin. Both of these diseases are united by the fact that because of them, the dog has increased intracranial pressure. It's in your the turn affects the dog, in which the whites of the eyes turn red, convulsions, salivation and pain in the cervical region appear. To confirm the diagnosis, a number of procedures are performed, ranging from an MRI of the head to an analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid. The possibility of lifelong treatment of a pet (usually dwarf breeds) cannot be ruled out.
  4. Neoplasms. The most dangerous cause of reddening of the proteins in the eyes. A distinctive feature is an increase in one of the organs of vision, which is hard not to notice. In most cases, one eye seems to fall out of its orbit. At the same time, no secretions or changes, except for the redness of the protein, are noted. This is an alarming symptom even for brachycephalic breeds. An MRI of the head and x-rays are required. Depending on the age of the animal, variants with dental problems and malignant tumors are considered. Mandatory measurement of intraocular pressure. Malignant tumors are usually diagnosed after 8 years. Whatever the stage, there is only one solution to the problem - the complete removal of the eye with the capture of healthy tissues of 1-2 cm. In the absence of metastases and early detection, the prognosis is cautious.

Finally, I would like to recall the prolapse of the Gardner gland, which occurs at any age. French and English Bulldogs are at risk. It can also cause redness of the protein in the eyes. The iron needs to be set. If you resort to removal, then there is a high probability of a lifelong treatment for the dry eye syndrome. We also recommend paying attention to ectopic eyelashes, which irritate and even injure the cornea of ​​​​the eye, which causes reddening of the protein and the formation of ulcers. Here the problem can be solved only by removing the abnormally growing eyelash.

Visual acuity is as important to a dog as sense of smell or hearing. The health of the eyes of a four-legged pet must be maintained throughout life, paying attention to various pathological conditions of the organ.

Red eyes in a dog should alert the responsible owner of the animal, because this sign can serve as a signal of a serious illness or be a consequence of a serious injury.

In any case, the pet should be shown to a veterinary ophthalmologist, who will find out the cause of the redness of the eyes and prescribe effective therapy. Self-treatment of an animal is strictly prohibited, otherwise the dog runs the risk of completely losing sight or even life.

Possible reasons

Redness of the eyes in a dog can be point (hemorrhage is observed in certain parts of the organ) or diffuse (the entire white of the eye reddens). Only a specialist can determine why a dog has red eyes. The following reasons can provoke redness:

  • An illness caused by an infection (fungi, viruses, bacteria). When an infectious agent enters, dogs develop conjunctivitis leading to swelling, redness, pain and discharge of pus from the eyes;
  • Helminthiases. Worms are often the reasons that the animal's eyes are reddened;
  • Violation of blood clotting;
  • Diabetes. An autoimmune disease often leads to the fact that the dog has a red white of the eye, and sometimes even a retinal detachment is possible;
  • Neoplasms inside the eye or on its surface. A growing tumor exerts strong pressure on the eye, resulting in rupture of blood vessels and redness of the organs of vision;
  • Arterial hypertension. An increase in blood pressure often leads to rupture of the vessels of the eyes and redness of the protein;
  • Various injuries (blows, bruises, lacerations, foreign objects in the eye);
  • Hyperthyroidism. Thyroid diseases are often the cause of protein staining red;
  • Displacement or prolapse of the lacrimal gland located in the area third century , leads to the fact that the eyes of the dog constantly turn red and watery;
  • Allergic reaction. If you suspect allergy , in addition to redness of the eyes, the dog also has itching, tearing, sneezing, shortness of breath;
  • Anemia. A lack of iron in the blood causes fragility of blood vessels and, as a rule, staining of the white of the eyes in red.

Some breeds of dogs (Beagles, Pekingese, Mastiffs, Yorkshire Terriers, Newfoundlands) have a genetic predisposition to redness of the eyeballs. Pets are often diagnosed with diseases such as hyperplasia or prolapse of the lacrimal glands, leading to red eyes.

You can understand why the dog's eyes are watery and the protein of the visual organ turns red, you can do it yourself. A pet with a recent head injury should be closely monitored. In severe cases, not only reddening of the eyeballs is observed, but also tearing, refusal of food, cramps of the limbs. The animal begins to experience pain in the organs of vision, often squint its eyes.

It is also possible that various small particles (sand, debris, wood chips, dry plants) get into the organs of vision. A foreign object constantly injures the eyeball, as a result of which the vessels burst, the eyes turn red and watery.

First aid

If the dog has a reddened eye, the pet must be urgently taken to the veterinary clinic, as the cause of the protein color change may be a serious illness or dangerous injury. If no severe symptoms of red eyes are observed, you can provide first aid yourself, but in the future it is still recommended to consult a veterinarian.

As soon as the owner of the dog noticed that his pet's eyes are turning red, it is allowed to flush the organ with fresh strong tea (necessarily black).

To do this, you need to brew 1 teaspoon of tea leaves in half a glass of boiling water, insist and cool. Soak a cotton pad in warm tea leaves and apply it to the sore eye. Gently wipe from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. A new disk should be used for each eye. It is necessary to perform the washing procedure up to 5-6 times a day.

Tea has an astringent property, helps to get rid of dust, sand and other small particles that have entered the body. In addition, freshly brewed infusion has a bactericidal effect against various microorganisms and therefore can be used when the puppy has watery eyes.

As a first aid, you can drop a special solution into the eyes that moisturizes the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the organ, for example, an artificial tear, and put 1% tetracycline ointment behind the lower eyelid. To prevent the animal from injuring the eyes with its paws, a veterinary collar is put on the pet's neck.

Medical therapy and surgical treatment

Only a veterinarian should prescribe drugs for the treatment of redness of the eyes. Self-administration of anti-inflammatory or hormonal agents can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the animal and further progression of the disease.

In order for the dog's red eyes not to become inflamed and watery, it is shown to use the following drugs:

  • Eye drops (Sofradex, Bars, sodium sulfacyl, Ophthalmosan, Ciprovet, Iris).
  • Eye ointments (tetracycline and chlortetracycline, 30% sulfacyl sodium).

Sofradex drops containing antimicrobial substances framycitin and gramicidin have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Also, the composition of the drug includes a glucocorticosteroid, which has a vasoconstrictive effect. Due to this composition, when using the product, a long-term therapeutic effect is formed.

Bars drops consist of the antibiotic chloramphenicol and the bactericidal agent furacilin. The drug is used not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes. Oftalmosan also has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, relieves redness, tearing and itching of the organs of vision.

The composition of ointments for the treatment of eyes includes antimicrobials that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. The most famous is 1% tetracycline ointment, which effectively fights microbes and relieves signs of inflammation. This tool is suitable for the treatment of organs of vision, even in a small puppy.

Also, for the treatment of red eyes, antihistamines are used to help relieve allergic reactions and vitamin complexes that strengthen eye structures.


In order to reduce or completely prevent possible redness of the eyes, simple rules of prevention are required:

  • After active walks, it is recommended that the dog's eyes be washed with black tea or chamomile infusion. With the help of these medicines, sand, dust, plant pollen, and debris that have got into the eye can be removed.
  • Regularly examine the organs of vision of a four-legged pet. With redness, inflammation or purulent discharge from the eyes, special eye drops and antibiotic ointments should be used.
  • To prevent possible eye injuries in a dog, walk the animal only in safe places where there are no dry sticks, branches or sharp blades of grass sticking out of the ground. In particular, this rule applies to dog breeds with bulging eyeballs (Pekingese, pugs, French bulldogs).
  • Feed your pet properly. Poor quality food often leads to the development of serious diseases that give complications to the eyes.
  • For any problems with the organs of vision, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Eye redness cannot be ignored. Even glancing at the animal, we understand that the eyes have changed their color. This should alert the owner, since slight redness can be the beginning of a serious illness that is quite capable of leading to complications and loss of vision by the pet.

Sometimes the process develops quite quickly, because the bursting vessel from the moment of violation of integrity to torsion continues to give out both blood cells and plasma. There is nowhere for the blood to go, and it fills the entire space of the eye.

There are cases when a slight hemorrhage in the eye is the only one and does not recur. The owner may not worry much, but there is no need to lose vigilance in relation to the dog.

Possible reasons

If your dog has a fever, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Remembering what could have been the cause, you need to clearly answer a few questions:

  • whether there was an injury and foreign bodies . Even if the walk of the animal is not independent, but with the owner, the injury can pass very quickly and it can not be noticed, but then the redness will be fast.
  • whether the dog was near the allergic agent the day before (forest, dust, meadow, perfumery, gases, chemical vapors, contact with caustic substances, etc.). In this case, signs of a disorder in the functions of the upper respiratory tract or without them may be added to the redness of the eyes. Allergic reactions can be both lightning fast and delayed, it all depends on the allergen and the body's reaction to it.
  • assess the general condition of the body (viral and bacterial infections). Measure the temperature, and if it exceeds the norm, contact a specialist immediately to find out the reason.
  • if there is an opportunity to ask if this is a hereditary predisposition . Often the weakness of the vessels of the eye is genetically determined. Such a pathology can be prevented by using preventive measures, but this must be done constantly.
  • remember if there were any such manifestations before, perhaps the redness is permanent , alternating character and then it is necessary to find out the reason in more detail.
  • isn't it pathology of the third century .

Any of these causes can cause redness in the eyes of a four-legged friend.

It becomes clear that it is possible to make a diagnosis only after a comprehensive examination with the collection of anamnestic data, laboratory tests, a thorough general examination, as well as an examination of the eye itself.

catarrhal conjunctivitis

This disease is most often accompanied by redness of the eyes.

In addition, lacrimation is observed, later a cloudy exudate flows from the eyes. Hyperemia of the mucous membrane can be both extensive, capturing a significant part, and point. In this case, the dog may experience photophobia, swelling of the eyelids, soreness and general restlessness.

Catarrhal conjunctivitis in a dog.

A disease without assistance can change the course from acute to chronic. In this case, the redness will alternately weaken and intensify. The exudate may dry up on the eyelids, stick together, may be dry, and the eyelids do not close. A permanent exudative path appears on the skin under the eye of a dog.

dog behavior

At the same time, the animal is worried, rubs the eye area with its paws, rubs its muzzle and eyes on objects.

When sick, the dog tries to scratch his eye.

Such behavior cannot be overlooked.


If possible, we identify and eliminate the cause of the disease. Solving this problem will help prevent further relapse.

Before treatment, the cause of the disease should be identified.

Wash your eyes with tea

If there are no eye drops in the first aid kit, then you can rinse your eyes with fresh, strong, warm brewing of black tea. The same tool is also suitable for washing the eyes after a dusty walk.

  1. You can prepare such a medicine using 1 teaspoon of a black tea leaf per 100 ml of water. You can not use tea bags, dye is often added to it (for speed), and this can only aggravate the process.
  2. In this case, for washing each eye, you need to use a separate cotton swab.
  3. Tea contains the substance tannin, which has both tannic and bactericidal properties. Tannins get along well with mucous membranes and bind toxic elements, heavy metals, microorganisms into a single substance, and then are excreted with a tear.

Black tea can be used to wash the eyes.


If the process is not started effectively enough, you can use the drug "Ophthalmosan". These eye drops are made on the basis of chlorhexidine, succinic acid, calendula extract, chamomile and eyebright.

  • A bactericidal and anti-inflammatory drug is indicated for use in cases of first aid, as well as daily use as a sanitary and hygienic agent.
  • Relieves redness, swelling, itching.
  • Instillation is carried out 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.
  • This drug is recommended for the dog breeder's first aid kit and should always be in quick access.

The drug Oftalmosan has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Antibacterial drugs

Sofradex drops are vasoconstrictor.

In the event that the redness does not go away the next day, and other symptoms join it, it is necessary to apply stronger antibacterial drugs:

  • Drops "Sulfacyl sodium" the active ingredient is sulfanilamide. The substance penetrates well into the tissue eye fluid. In the first 30 minutes, the maximum concentration is reached in the cornea and eye chambers after instillation. Remains active for 4-5 hours. Drops have a pronounced antibacterial effect that allows you to quickly deal with pathogenic microflora and prevent the further development of inflammation;
  • Eye drops "Bars" (not to be confused with insecticidal). The drug is based on the antibiotic chloramphenicol, as an auxiliary substance furatsilin. The combination of these two active substances provides a persistent bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. Drops are applicable both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. A convenient dropper and packaging of 5,10,15,20 ml allow you to use drops as an "ambulance";
  • « Iris". The active ingredient is the antibiotic gentamicin, which also has a wide spectrum of action. A drug is shown to relieve inflammation of an infectious nature;
  • A similar drug to "Iris" are drops " Decta-2 »;
  • « Tsiprovet» At the heart of the third generation antibiotic, a broad spectrum of action ciprofloxacin. Packaging in glass and plastic droppers of 1, 5, 10 ml will make it easy to determine the dosage. The help of this drug is resorted to if the previous ones do not have an effect;
  • A good combination drug is and " Sofradex". There are two active ingredients - the antibiotics gramicidin and framycetin and a glucocorticosteroid. This combination allowed the drug to quickly win the recognition of customers and patients. A rapid vasoconstrictive, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect allows you to produce an anti-edematous effect and relieve redness, burning, itching, lacrimation and inflammation.

Whatever drug is used, it is necessary to understand that even if you no longer see signs of inflammation and redness, instillation of the dog's eyes should be carried out for at least 12-14 days, 3-4 times a day.


Shown for use and ointment. Not all dog breeders can master the methods of instillation of eyes.

And not all dogs can afford to carry out such a procedure with them, so the ointment is a good alternative for drops. Among the most proven ones are:

  • « Sulfanyl sodium ". 30% concentration of the ointment allows it to be effective, and acts like drops of the same name;
  • « Chlortetracycline ". Ointment based on a broad-spectrum antibiotic chlortetraceline. The drug is used at the initial stages of inflammation and acts bactericidal on the microflora sensitive to it;
  • « Tetracycline ". Probably the most famous ointment that has been a lifesaver since the middle of the last century. She has not lost her relevance and is obliged to take a place in the dog breeder's first aid kit. The drug does not cause additional reactions and has a persistent anti-inflammatory effect for a long time.
  • By applying self-treatment with one or another drug, but not getting rid of the cause, you will produce a short-term effect.

    Contacting a veterinarian

    Turning to a specialist, after conducting an examination and a conversation, you can understand exactly how to help the animal so that redness of the eyes no longer occurs, the effect is persistent and permanent.

    Dog treatment is prescribed only by a veterinarian.

    The health of our dog depends only on us, and there are no trifles.

    Video about redness of the eyes in dogs