Courses on electronic document management. Education

  • (legislation, EDS)
  • ECM - is it easy or difficult?

    Today, 100% of documents in the office are created electronically, but still more than 80% of the created documents are printed out (for approval, familiarization, start-up)! Can such a format be effective? It seems that the introduction of electronic document management is the most reasonable action on the part of decision makers ...

    But the business need for improvements and automation is not formed instantly, and only after receiving a number of signals, management and responsible specialists come to the conclusion that in order to solve current issues, the enterprise needs special information system for content management ( ECM system) . That is, it is required to manage information at all stages of its existence, until it becomes obsolete.

    In order to come to an understanding of the voiced need, to see the practical benefits of using a particular IT solution, it is necessary not only to “grow up”, but also to understand how the ECM system works in general. What stages of working with information are covered by the ECM infrastructure? What can be done with the information at each stage? What rules govern the processes of interaction with information? How does broad theory translate into practice?

    This section of our Internet resource has collected and structured materials that simply cover complex issues related to corporate content management.

    What is an electronic document, EDMS, ECM

    There are many definitions of what is an electronic document, EDMS, ECM ... We will try to give you the most understandable and capacious of them.

    Electronic document- this is a certain set of information (text, image, sound recording) stored on a computer (Word, Excel files, etc.). This set of information is accompanied by a card with attributes, just as books in a library are accompanied by a file cabinet. By attributes (title, author, creation date, etc.). document can be found quickly.

    Workflow(workflow) is a sequence of actions of employees within a specific business process. For example: the sequence of actions is "receiving a document, registering a document, reviewing a document, executing a document", and a business process is "working with citizens' appeals".

    Electronic document management(EDI) is a way of organizing work with documents, in which the bulk of documents are used in electronic form and stored centrally.

    Do you need an ECM system

    To assess whether you need an EDMS or an ECM system, answer the following questions for yourself:

    • can you immediately find the right document while talking on the phone with an important partner?
    • Can you tell exactly which of the instructions you have issued have not been fulfilled at the moment, which ones are overdue?
    • Are you sure that the existing speed of document approval creates a positive image of your organization?
    • Are you satisfied with the volume of papers that are on your desk?
    • Can you confidently say where the document you issued for approval is currently located?

    If you answered “no” to 3 or more questions, then it's time for you to seriously think about purchasing an EDMS or an ECM system.

    Advantages of electronic document management

    Transparency of business processes. The system provides the ability to track the stages of business processes, which makes all activities in the organization absolutely transparent to management and controllable.

    Improving performance discipline. According to statistics, 20% of the tasks received are not performed by the employees responsible for them. Providing full control of all stages of work for management, the ECM system directly affects the performance discipline of employees.

    Reducing the time spent by managers and employees. Using the system reduces the time spent on almost all routine operations with documents (creation, search, approval, etc.). In addition, there is an acceleration of document circulation and, as a result, all processes in the organization.

    Ensuring the confidentiality of information. Leakage of confidential information can result in millions of losses for the organization. Unlike the traditional "paper" workflow, the ECM system provides access to documents strictly in accordance with the assigned user rights, all actions on the document (reading, modifying, signing) are logged.

    Compliance with ISO 9000 standards. The formulation of quality management has now become one of the priority tasks solved by Russian companies. One of the requirements for a quality management system (QMS) is a transparent document flow and information exchange. Benefits of using an ECM system when setting up a QMS:

    • ensuring strict compliance with ISO 9001:2000 document and records management sections;
    • support for the implementation of regulations by employees within the described business processes;
    • providing means for management control over the functioning of the QMS.

    Ease of innovation and learning. Thanks to the notification system built on the basis of the ECM system, you can quickly bring new work rules to all employees. The training time for new employees is reduced due to the ability to quickly search for the information necessary for work (regulations, instructions, etc.). It is easy to change routes and document templates, after which employees automatically start working in a new way.

    Development of corporate culture. The process of implementing an ECM system establishes and maintains a corporate culture. Optimization of employee interaction and development of horizontal connections lead to team building. At the same time, the responsibility of each employee for the qualitative performance of the task given to him is increasing.

    Growth of competitive advantages. The introduction of an ECM system directly affects the company's competitive advantages over other market players. The speed and quality of customer service is increased by accelerating the movement of information flows and strict control of all processes. The functioning of even a large enterprise becomes more mobile and less dependent on specific "irreplaceable" employees.

    ECM Technologies

    Management of corporate information (or content) can be approached both from the side of practice and from the side of theory. Undoubtedly, the practical aspects of ECM are interesting primarily because of their business orientation. However, in order for a variety of practical issues to form a structured system of knowledge, a theoretical basis for the technical component is needed. To do this, you need to pay attention to the life cycle components specified in the canonical definition from the AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) glossary: ​​capture (Capture), management (Manage), storage (Store), protection (Preserve) and delivery of information ( Deliver).

    Information management is carried out throughout the entire life cycle of information: from its creation or receipt by the organization, to delivery to the end user or destruction after the expiration of the storage period. Information permeates all the processes of the organization, it is created and processed in different information systems and with the help of various applications, but only ECM emphasizes that there should be a unified approach to managing information throughout its entire life cycle.

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that from a business point of view, stages in the life cycle of a document are important, which have a direct impact on business processes when the document participates in workflows (workflow). From a purely technical point of view, these stages do not carry a pronounced semantic load, they are designated by the general term "document management".

    Read more about information management technologies in the articles:

    Functionality and classification of EDMS and ECM systems

    According to the research company Gartner, systems that support at least three of the six functions can be classified as ECM:

    • document management (check-in/check-in, version control, security, document grouping, etc.);
    • collaborative work on common documents and support of project teams;
    • document scanning and paper document image management;
    • records management for long-term archiving, automating retention rules and regulations, ensuring that records comply with laws and regulations;
    • workflow for business process support, content routing, assignment of work tasks and states, route tracing and execution control;
    • web content management for publishing automation, dynamic content management and user interaction for these tasks.

    In accordance with the number of implemented functions, EDMS are divided into:

    • record keeping systems
    • electronic archives
    • workflow systems
    • complex or ECM systems.

    You can learn more about this topic in the headings of the "EDMS and ECM functionality" section:

    An example of a business process in an ECM system

    How to make friends between ERP and ECM systems

    ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an enterprise management strategy focused on optimizing resources (production, financial, labor) through an information system.

    Although both ERP and ECM systems work with corporate information, the nature of this information is completely different. The data basis of ERP systems is well-structured information. An ERP system document is a clearly defined form (which describes one of the resources - finance, material assets, production facilities), where a set of details correspond to their values ​​and a certain processing logic.

    An ECM system document (content unit) is primarily unstructured information. For an ECM system, there is no difference whether it is a text document, a spreadsheet, a video file or a drawing. The system will equally well include such documents in the business processes of approval, assign rights or search for the desired document.

    Integration of ERP and ECM in an enterprise is perhaps the most natural and least risky way to combine the functionality of these systems.

    Read more about the integration of ERP and ECM systems:

    What not to expect from an ECM system

    Currently, complex automation of enterprises is built by integrating several systems, each of which solves a certain range of tasks. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine what exactly should be implemented within each system.

    The EDMS and the ECM system are primarily focused on working with unstructured information, so attempts to solve some problems in it will be ineffective.

    Consider the most common customer requirements, the implementation of which in the EDMS and ECM system should be reasonable.

    HR records management. Despite the fact that personnel records management is directly related to documents, the task of this area is not to manage the documents themselves, but to record and manage personnel. It is necessary to obtain various samples of personnel (by education, gender, specialties, date of admission / dismissal, etc.), for this information should be stored in a structured form in a database, and not in the form of separate unstructured documents. The creation of each document should be reflected in a change in the state of personnel, therefore, to automate personnel records management, it is more expedient to use specialized personnel management systems that can be integrated with an ECM system for storing unstructured information (CVs, photographs, personnel orders, etc.). In addition, it is useful to automate the processes of approval of these documents in the ECM system.

    • Practicum DIRECTUM: Orders, applications, applications + ECM = Personnel documents in circulation

    Accounting for financial documents. The situation is similar with structured financial documents: invoices, waybills, acts of work performed, etc. For tax and accounting, which are based on primary documents, specialized accounting systems are designed, as well as specialized modules of the ERP system. An ECM system cannot replace them, although scanning and organizing an electronic archive of scanned images of financial documents are the tasks of an EDMS. The need to implement such solutions usually arises when there are large volumes of documents and business process participants who will work with financial documents as with EDMS documents, taking into account access rights, EDS, etc.

    Sharing ECM and ERP systems is useful at the following levels:

    • storage of document images in ECM, which are recorded in ERP;
    • storage of ERP reports in ECM, incl. signed EDS;
    • coordination of documents and records of ERP directories using the ECM system.

    In addition, it is now possible to exchange financial documents (invoices, contracts, waybills and acts) with counterparties in electronic form. And the storage of such documents in the EDMS will give an additional advantage. .

    Useful materials for studying this topic will be:

    Analysis and modeling of business processes.

    As a rule, BPM () class systems are used to analyze and model business processes. These are specialized business analyst tools for an enterprise or external consulting firm. The simulated business processes may contain actions that are not related to documents, performed manually (for example, delivery of documents by courier), external entities (for example, suppliers) or with the support of other classes of systems (ERP, CRM).

    Classical EDMS can provide some information for the analysis of business processes (for example, in the form of reports on delays in the execution of certain types of tasks). But this is only a small part of the data needed for a full analysis.

    It is advisable to implement the integration of EDMS and modeling systems according to reference data, for example, types of documents or organizational structure. In addition, it will be effective to use the EDMS as a data provider for the analysis of existing business processes that are performed in the EDMS.

    On the other hand, document management systems available on the market often go beyond the EDMS and move closer to the class of BPM systems, then the capabilities may include one or another functionality for analysis and modeling.

    You can read more about the positioning of the ECM system in the section.

    Implementation of an ECM system

    Implementation effect

    Evaluating the effect of an ECM project is essentially no different from evaluating the effectiveness of an IT project, and evaluating an IT project is no different from evaluating any company project.

    Sometimes companies can implement information technology without thinking about the economic effect. This is possible in cases where the IT problems being closed are obvious and do not require additional justification. For example, buying a computer for a secretary or deploying an accounting system. Here, the motive is the maturity of the company's technologies, without which the enterprise simply cannot be considered effective. In other cases, the effect is almost impossible to calculate, although the need for implementation is beyond doubt. And sometimes the calculation of the effect costs more than the technology itself (as, for example, providing employees with unlimited access to the Internet). In all of these cases, the focus is more on the cost of the project and the potential of the solution, such as how easily the implemented system will solve other company problems.

    EDMS and solutions based on it can not always be attributed to systems, regarding the effect of which everything is clear. Traditional methods of analyzing the effectiveness of the use of assets are not applicable to information, as well as the formula "the ratio of profit to total costs is efficiency." This is due to the fact that information is an intangible asset involved in production together with material and labor resources. The introduction of an ECM system is accompanied by a change in business processes and labor costs. The costs of information systems, including ECM, are in most cases indirect costs, which can be calculated per unit of production only with the help of some economic planning model, which is often quite difficult to formalize.

    We offer you a description of several methods for evaluating the effectiveness of ECM projects:

      The implementation of an ECM system usually consists of the following steps:

      • organization of the project, allocation of personnel (project manager and working group);
      • research of the enterprise and design of solutions for the use of the ECM system;
      • setting up and adapting the ECM system;
      • training;
      • trial operation.

      An enterprise can organize the implementation process independently or with the involvement of a third-party implementing company. In the first case, it will take more time and effort on the part of its own employees, the implementation timeline is likely to be delayed. In the second case, significant financial costs will be required to pay for the services of a third-party organization, but the timing and result of the project will be more guaranteed.

      In any case, the following rules are mandatory for successful implementation:

      • active participation of management in the process of implementation and use of the ECM system;
      • allocation and in-depth training of key employees for the implementation and support of the ECM system;
      • organizing training for all users and providing instructions for working with the system.

      Problems and risks of implementing an ECM system

      In many ways, the problems and risks of implementing an ECM system coincide with projects for implementing other enterprise-wide information systems and lead to the following negative consequences:

      • violation of the project deadlines;
      • violation of the project budget;
      • incomplete achievement of the set goals (the system works, but not in full: less/worse than planned);
      • complete disruption of implementation (after implementation, the system does not really work).

      Risk specifics when implementing an ECM system, it is due to the fact that in a short time it is necessary to transfer most of the employees of the enterprise to completely new methods of work for them (reading documents in electronic form, receiving resolutions and signatures of management in electronic form, etc.). The most characteristic risks of implementing an ECM system include:

      • conservatism of users, rejection of new methods of work;
      • low computer literacy of ordinary users and senior management;
      • unstructured processes (lack of regulations);
      • insufficient/inadequate technical equipment;
      • fuzzy project management.

      Ways to prevent risks generally standard:

      • detailed preliminary design of the operation of the ECM system in this enterprise;
      • clear directives and personal example of leadership;
      • staff training and operational support in solving problems.
      • phased implementation.

      Reliability and legality of the electronic document

      The field of electronic content management and electronic interaction is now actively developing. Legislation is also developing, some norms are fixed in it after they have settled in life, some, on the contrary, appear with the introduction of legislative acts.

      Determining the authenticity and legal significance of a paper document is a clear procedure for everyone: the document must have the necessary signatures and seals. But how to determine the authenticity of an electronic document?

      Created for this electronic signature (ES)- this is the requisite of an electronic document, designed to protect it from forgery. ES allows to identify the owner of the signature, as well as to establish the absence of changes in the electronic document after its signing.

      In its simplest form, the EP mechanism works as follows. A certification authority (subdivision or external organization) is allocated, which, using specialized software, generates so-called “key certificates” for each user. The ES key is a unique sequence of characters. It consists of a private key (it is available only to its owner, with its help the owner can sign the ES document) and a public key (it is available to everyone, it can be used to determine who and when signed the electronic document).

      When using an ECM system, all the "difficulties" that the user may encounter are hidden. The user, as a rule, should simply select the desired function: “Sign the document” (the document signed by the ES will be closed for changes at the same time) or “Get information about signatures”. The legitimacy of electronic documents is recognized.

        If you want to study the issue of using an electronic signature, please refer to the section.

        If you want to study different areas of legislation - get acquainted with the materials of the heading.

      parting word

      We hope this section has helped you understand what electronic document management means and whether it is time to implement an ECM system in your organization.

      We wish you success in mastering new technologies, and the materials of our resource will always help you find answers to your questions in the field of EDI.

    By purchasing the "E1 Euphrates" system, you optimize all business processes within the company. But in order for the system to allow you to get the maximum benefit from its use, to facilitate the conduct of all work, and not just some of them (which sometimes happens, mainly due to ignorance of the functionality of the EDMS), Cognitive Technologies has developed special user seminars that allow learn everything about the system!

    The main courses of custom seminars:

    • User "E1 Euphrates"
    • Technologist "E1 Euphrates"
    • Administrator "E1 Euphrates"
    • Office manager "E1 Euphrates"

    Within the framework of the lecture course, the study of the main functionality of the system, the user's workstation is carried out, the basic user actions in the system are considered. During practical classes, students work out cases in accordance with methodological materials directly in the E1 Euphrates system. The course allows you to acquire basic skills in working with the user functionality of the system. Recommended for all users of the system.

    The course provides for the study of tools and tools for setting up E1 Euphrates objects (designers of forms, routes and reports), as well as system configuration. The practical part of the course involves practicing the skills of working with this toolkit directly in the E1 Euphrates system in accordance with the cases included in the methodological materials. The knowledge gained as a result of listening to this course allows you to work with all the modules for setting up system objects. Recommended for employees responsible for system implementation, development of registration and control cards of organizational documents, reports, routes, scenarios (scripts) in RSC and business processes.

    As part of the course, it is planned to study the means and tools for setting up E1 Euphrates objects (designers of forms, routes and reports), as well as the system configuration. The practical part of the course involves practicing the skills of working with this toolkit directly in the E1 Euphrates system in accordance with the cases included in the methodological materials. The knowledge gained as a result of listening to this course allows you to work with all the modules for setting up system objects. Recommended for employees responsible for system implementation, development of registration and control cards of organizational documents, reports, routes, scenarios (scripts) in RSC and business processes.

    The course provides for a deep study of the functionality of the system and considers the basic actions of the user, both in the User's workstation and in the administrator's workstation. During practical classes, students work out cases in accordance with methodological materials directly in the E1 Euphrates system. Also, students receive basic general administration skills (with the exception of system installation on the server and user workstations). The course allows you to acquire the basic skills of working with the user and administrator functionality of the system. It is recommended to all users of the "E1 Euphrates" system, who also carry out basic administration of the system after its installation.

    Lecture + practice Webinar Retreat Seminar
    User 6 000 rubles per listener 10 000 rubles 20 000 rubles (up to 10 listeners)
    Technologist 18 000 rubles per listener 18 000 rubles not provided
    Administrator 15 000 rubles per listener 15 000 rubles not provided
    15 000 rubles per listener 15 000 rubles not provided

    Typical training is conducted at the Moscow office of Cognitive Technologies and allows you to master the basic configuration of E1 Euphrates.

    When training more than 5 employees in the chosen course of the organization, a 10% discount on the cost of training is provided.

    When conducting a lecture in the Cognitive Technologies classroom, the maximum group size is 12 people, when conducting a practical lesson - 6 people.

    When training at the customer's premises (at the same time, in addition to the cost of the course, travel expenses are paid), the size of the lecture group is not limited, the size of the group in the case of a practical lesson should not exceed 10 people.

    Any project for the implementation of an information system, including EDMS, consists of several stages. These are the stages of design, development, actual implementation, pilot and industrial operation of the system.

    But we must not forget that after the introduction of the EDMS, future users must be trained to work in the system. This article will consider the main methods of organizing training, examples of programs for various groups of employees, questions of their motivation.

    Preparation for the effective implementation of the EDMS begins in advance, even at the design stage of the system, which significantly affects the return on investment from the entire project.

    At the same time, the process of preparing and organizing training is also important, which includes recruiting groups, preparing a program, choosing the most convenient form of training, etc., and ideally should be carried out in parallel with the development of an EDMS.

    And the training itself is carried out immediately before the full use of the EDMS in the work, since the knowledge gained must be consolidated immediately after the training, which will allow not only clerks, but also all employees of the company to work effectively in the EDMS.

    EDMS user groups

    As a rule, the requirements for future users of the system are specified in the terms of reference in the section describing the qualifications of the personnel, but often these requirements are very general and do not provide a detailed presentation.

    It's no secret that every year the qualifications and competencies of personnel, including clerks and specialists from the company's IT departments, are growing.

    Those times when the company asked to implement an EDMS, having no idea about the process and functionality of the system, are far behind. Now many clerks have rich experience in working with various EDMS and approach the issue of implementing an information system professionally.

    The competence of the heads of production departments usually does not include a deep knowledge of document management and office work, since they are responsible for the main production activities of the company and the EDMS for them is not the main, but an auxiliary tool.

    Therefore, even at the design stage of the EDMS, various interfaces for working in the system are developed for different user groups.

    Extended functionality for clerks, and for the heads of divisions and departments, the interface is designed depending on their competencies.

    BUT interface for company executives- a separate topic, because it requires a special approach to setting up and developing: for some managers, the same system is used as for clerks, but with different settings; for others, a mobile workplace with a simplified interface for operational work is being developed.

    In this connection training programs for different users will also not be the same.

    When and by whom is the training provided?

    Training can be carried out both in-house and with the involvement of external consultants, and a mixed approach can also be used. In any case, all work is supervised by the head of the DOW service.

    For the successful implementation of the EDMS, it is necessary to think over the system of motivating employees to work in the System in advance.

    Even at the design stage of the EDMS, indicators of the effectiveness of work in the system are developed and reports are designed to assess the performance discipline of employees.

    The motivation system is coordinated with the company's management and the HR department.

    Organization and preparation for corporate training of EDMS is carried out at the later stages of the System development.

    Training of company employees starts at the stage of trial operation of the EDMS, and the development of the skills obtained as a result of the training is already in practice, during the industrial operation of the system.

    During the production phase of the system, some companies also organize a user support working group, which provides individual user consultations on the ground.

    This support can be carried out both independently by the company, and with the involvement of external consultants.

    The most common cases are when the working group for the implementation of the EDMS and training of employees includes representatives of IT departments, and an employee of the office management department oversees the process and is a consultant on contentious office issues.

    EDMS training programs

    When developing training programs, special attention should be paid to the formation of training groups: they must be formed in such a way that students belong to the same horizontal career ladder and have similar powers to work in the EDMS.

    In any case, if you have been provided with a ready-made list of training participants, check the composition of the group, the roles of participants in the system and their powers in advance. Each user group should have its own training program.

    Among the main groups of users of the EDMS, one can single out employees of the office work unit, ordinary employees of the units, secretaries of the units and personal secretaries of the managers, the management of the company and its units.

    Here are examples of the composition of training programs for different groups of EDMS users

    User group Examples of a training program
    office staff · Dealing with incoming documentsSearch for documentsWork with directories (nomenclature of cases, numerators, etc.)
    Department employees · Work with outgoing documents· Work with internal documents· Work with assignments, execution of assignmentsSearch for documentsReports (each group has its own list of required reports)
    Branch secretaries · Work with outgoing documents· Work with internal documentsImposition of resolutions, formation of instructions· Monitoring the execution of orders· Work with assignments, execution of assignmentsSearch for documents· Work with directoriesReports (each group has its own list of required reports)
    Executive secretaries · Work with outgoing documents· Work with internal documentsImposition of resolutions, formation of instructions· Monitoring the execution of orders· Work with assignments, execution of assignmentsSearch for documents· Work with directoriesReports (each group has its own list of required reports)· Work in the mode "Replacement of the head"
    Leaders · Work with outgoing documents· Work with internal documentsImposition of resolutions, formation of instructions· Monitoring the execution of orders· Work with assignments, execution of assignmentsSearch for documentsReports (each group has its own list of required reports)Work in the mode "Monitoring the work of the secretary"

    Separate training groups and a training program are formed for system administrators.

    Before the start of corporate training, it is desirable that an authoritative leader speak to employees.

    For example, for employees of the clerical department, this will be the head of the clerical department, when organizing training for employees of the sales department, it will be the head of the sales department, etc.

    The manager will talk about why the training is being conducted, what skills the employees should acquire as a result of the training, and how these skills will be used by them in their future work.

    The manager must designate the areas of responsibility of employees and their tasks in terms of the use of EDMS in the course of performing their duties.

    A short presentation of a few minutes can not only motivate employees to actively use EDMS, but also improve the quality of corporate training, improve and facilitate the process of implementing EDMS in the company as a whole.

    Types and forms of education

    Among the options for learning to work in the EDMS, we single out full-time (daytime) and distance learning.

    EMS training is possible both at the user's workplace and outside the workplace, while training outside the workplace can take place both on the territory of the company's training center and in the form of distance learning.

    There is a classification for the forms of teaching:

    • lecture;
    • seminar;
    • practical task;
    • training;
    • consultation;
    • Internship;
    • independent work, etc.

    With all the variety of types of organization and conduct of training in practice, several options are used when implementing EDMS:

    • face-to-face training in groups;
    • full-time training of individual employees (individual training);
    • distance learning.

    A combination of several training options is also possible.

    Face-to-face training in groups

    This approach is used for mass training of employees. General programs are being formed, according to which all employees of the company will be trained.

    Face-to-face training in groups is usually carried out before the commercial operation of the system in those companies that:

    • have 12 or more employees working with EDMS;
    • can provide classrooms/rooms for training;
    • can set aside time to train their employees. Group training is used:
    • with planned mass training of users with a break from production;
    • when the total number of employees for training in groups is from 8 to 80 people;
    • when fast, effective and massive training is needed to launch the EDMS into operation;
    • in the absence of budget restrictions, when the company is ready to pay full-time training for all employees;
    • when training is organized and conducted independently or with the involvement of external consultants of the company implementing the EDMS.

    Main characteristics of full-time study in groups

    This approach to learning is one of the most popular when implementing EDMS.

    In practice (with a lack of resources), as a compromise, companies organize face-to-face training for at least one employee from each department, who later, in turn, will be able to transfer the acquired knowledge to colleagues in the department.

    As part of the training, target groups are formed, a training class is organized, and a separate room is allocated.

    Classes should be equipped with computers so that each student can step by step perform all the actions in the system according to the training program.

    It is desirable that the class is also equipped with a projector and a whiteboard, as they are convenient for demonstrating the functionality of the system and answering questions from the audience.

    During the training, it is customary to consider the actual process of working with documents used in the company.

    The more realistic the test case is, the better the employees will learn the knowledge and appreciate the practical benefits of implementing the EDMS.

    Forms of group learning


    With this form of training, all employees first attend a general theoretical course on the principles of working in the system, and then perform practical tasks at their workplaces.

    The advantage of this approach is that users learn only the capabilities of the system that they need in their work. As a disadvantage, we can single out the fact that everyone is studying a limited part of the functionality of the system and is not aware of the functionality of other departments.


    In this case, the roles for working with the document are distributed among the participants of the training, and each participant performs his part of the tasks for processing the document, taking into account his real job responsibilities.

    Of the advantages of this form of training, one can single out the opportunity to follow the entire process of working with documents step by step, to study more fully the capabilities of the system. Among the shortcomings, employees often perceive such training as wasted time, which causes negative reactions when working in the EDMS.

    Face-to-face training for dedicated employees

    Full-time training of dedicated employees is carried out in companies that:

    • have up to 8-12 employees working with EDMS;
    • can allocate minimal time to train their employees in EDMS.

    This approach is used to train a limited number of employees, as well as heads of departments or responsible employees of the department (hereinafter - employee-trainers), who will later train the rest of the employees of their departments.

    Key Features of Face-to-face Training for Dedicated Employees

    Type of training Pair, group (in small groups); individual;
    Organization method outside the workplace; at work
    Presentation form In-depth seminar for a small group of employees; individual consultation for each employee
    Location On-the-job or minimal-off-the-job user training in the classroom/room or workplace
    Number of participants No more than 8-12 people
    Studying time No more than 1-2 hours

    Full-time training of dedicated employees is carried out both at the stage of experimental and industrial operation of the EDMS, and when hiring new employees of the company.

    The nuances of motivating employees in the matter of self-organizing training for other users must be addressed even before the start of the project.

    Disinterested employees may perceive new responsibilities as an additional and unnecessary burden, which will significantly affect both the effectiveness of their own training and the quality of training of other employees.

    Advanced Seminars

    Face-to-face training of individual employees usually takes place in several stages:

    training of staff trainers is carried out with the involvement of external consultants, and then trained staff trainers independently train all other users of the system.

    The advantages of this form of training include in-depth study of the functionality and saving time and resources of the company.

    Among the shortcomings - not all employees working with the system know all the functions and capabilities of the system, and this, in turn, affects both the efficiency of the employee himself and the return on investment when implementing an EDMS in a company.

    Individual consultations

    Individual on-site training is most often provided for managers.

    Personal consultations of users when working in the system are used both at the first stages of work in the system for adaptation, and at the stage of industrial operation.

    From the advantages of this approach, we single out an in-depth study of the necessary functionality of the system and an individual approach to the user. However, in terms of time spent on training, this approach is inferior to face-to-face training in groups.

    Distance learning

    Remote training of employees is carried out in companies that:

    • have more than 100 employees working in the SED;
    • unable to provide classrooms/rooms for training;
    • cannot allocate a minimum amount of time to train their EDS employees.

    This type of training is used for mass training of employees on the job, at a convenient time for them.

    The tools used for distance learning can be different, they include:

    • regulations, instructions, user manual;
    • educational presentation;
    • video on working with the system;
    • electronic course on working with the system my.

    Main characteristics of distance learning

    Distance learning is used at the stage of industrial operation and for training new employees of the company.

    The main difficulty in organizing distance learning is the motivation of employees.

    Many employees do not consider learning to work in the system significant for their work, relying on their colleagues from neighboring departments to show them how everything works.

    But if not all employees of the company working with documents complete the EDS training course, the system will be used inefficiently.

    As a result, the costs incurred for the implementation of the system may not pay off, and such a project can be called a failure with confidence.

    Therefore, you need to take care of the employee motivation system in advance and solve the issue of monitoring the passage of the EDS training course by all employees of the company.

    With independent distance learning, it will be difficult for employees to focus on the training course, so the period for mastering the course should be regulated and, if necessary, divided into several small stages.

    The shorter the training course, the easier it will be for employees to allocate their time for training in working in the EDMS.

    Electronic learning material

    As a didactic material for distance learning, both regulations, instructions and a user manual for EDMS, as well as specially prepared interactive materials can act: a training presentation, a video or an electronic course on working with the system.

    The main principle of preparing a program for such training is as follows: the smaller the amount of material, the faster the employee will learn it.

    Not every employee can afford to sit and study materials on EDMS for a significant amount of time, when, in addition, he needs to complete the entire scope of his main professional tasks.

    This form of material submission has a significant advantage: any employee will be able to study the possibilities of EDMS at a convenient time. As a drawback, we single out a rather superficial study of the EDMS functionality.

    Staff motivation

    Why is it so important to motivate staff when learning how to work in EDMS?

    The reluctance to learn how to work in the EDMS can be due to both the lack of free time and the low qualifications of the employee, the habit of working according to the old scheme, etc.

    Imagine a situation where a company has paid for the design and development of an EDMS, employee training (and this is about 30% of the project budget), and finally, the system has been developed and it is time to train users.

    Consider an example of an unsuccessful approach to organizing training: the employer issued an order to conduct training, but the immediate supervisor of the unit did not conduct any additional conversations with his employees. Employees were simply notified that they needed to receive training, but they were not explained why this was necessary.

    As a result, future users of the system do not understand how regulated training is, whether their immediate supervisor supports it, why they need to undergo training at all, and what will be affected by the fact of passing it. If it doesn’t affect anything, then why take the training?

    Also, if no one removes their main production tasks from employees during training, then they have an additional burden, and in addition to undergoing training, they have to stay at work to perform their main tasks, while no bonuses, time off and other motivators are provided in the company. It was.

    You can easily predict how the implementation of the EDMS in such a company will go and how successful it will be.

    All costs incurred for the implementation of the EDMS may turn out to be absolutely ineffective due to the failure to comply with the elementary rules of personnel motivation, among which are the following:

    • support of employees by management at the stage of implementation and training of EDMS;
    • informing employees about the purpose of the training, tasks and results of training by employees;
    • well-thought-out planning of loading of employees for the period of training.

    To motivate employees and improve the efficiency of EDMS implementation, speed up the processes of preparing and processing documents use performance indicators for work in the SED.

    For example, if prior to the introduction of the EDMS in the company, the monthly approval and signing of contracts was carried out with a significant time delay, then the employee’s performance indicator when working in the EDMS can be tied to the number of actually agreed and approved contracts per month, as well as to the employee’s bonus.

    The use of performance indicators for work in the EDMS provides a number of advantages: for an employee - increasing motivation for the speed of processing a document and in general for working in an EDMS, and for a company - an increase in its monthly profit.

    Algorithm for preparing the learning process

    When preparing the training process for the implementation of the EDMS, it is necessary to provide for the following stages and work:

    1. Issuing an order in the order of training.

    The head of the company issues an order (instruction) in the order in which employees undergo training. This stage regulates the procedure for passing the training and further use of the EDMS.

    1. Formation of a working group to implement the system and conduct training.

    The companies issue an order on the formation and composition of the working group for the preparation of training in work in the EDMS. The main task at this stage is to identify those responsible for organizing and conducting training for employees.

    The working group should include the most loyal and active representatives from business units, a representative of the records management department and IT specialists implementing the EDMS.

    Filling with a test data set and setting up directories can be carried out both on their own and by specialists of the company in which the EDMS is being implemented.

    Training materials will vary depending on the chosen form and approach to organizing training for EDMS users.

    1. Conducting a meeting with the working group on the training program, work in the system, its configuration and administration.

    The main task at this stage is to ensure that all members of the working group have the same understanding of the sequence and principles of training.

    1. Preparing the system for training. Filling in the test data set, setting up directories.
    1. Selection of user groups for training.

    Users, including system administrators, are grouped according to their work roles in the system.

    1. Formation of the list of trained employees.

    Preparation of a list of trainees is possible taking into account the formation of groups of employees by positions and user roles in the system.

    At the same stage, a template for the record of attendance / completion of the course is developed to control the organization and actual conduct of training for EDMS employees.

    1. Preparation of a targeted user training program.

    The program should contain a general description of the basic functionality of the implemented EDMS (working with tasks, working with directories, searching for information, generating reports), as well as a specialized description of the functionality by modules and subsystems.

    Also, the training course should contain a list of concepts and definitions so that all employees clearly understand the essence of the issue under discussion.

    1. The choice of the form of organization of user training.

    At this stage, it is necessary to choose whether employees will be trained in person or in absentia, in a group or individually, in the form of a seminar or training, etc.

    1. Preparation of a detailed training program with test cases, training and handouts.
    1. Preparation of a training schedule.

    The schedule indicates the planned dates for the training, the groups and full names of the employees who will be trained.

    1. Conducting corporate training.

    At this stage, the manager explains the main goals and objectives of using the EDMS, employees are trained, study the capabilities of the system, and perform practical tasks. If necessary, employees undergo certification based on the results of training.

    1. Completing summary sheets.

    Based on the results of training by employees, some companies prepare statements on the course of training. The listing states:

    Full name of the student, name of the structural unit, position, name of the course of study, date of training, presence / absence of the employee, if there is attestation, the grade obtained is indicated.

    1. Preparation of an order on the introduction of the EDMS into commercial operation in the company.

    After the development and configuration of the EDMS in the company and training of users to work with it, the system is put into commercial operation.

    1. The use and operation of the EDMS in the main activities of trained employees.

    Training can take place within one to two months - the exact period depends on the size of the company and the number of trained employees.

    So, we have examined in detail the nuances and algorithm of the process of organizing employee training to work in the implemented EDMS.

    In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that even if at first the EDMS can satisfy all the requirements of the company, without active and full-fledged training of employees, it will still be used inefficiently or, even worse, not used at all, and all efforts and expended resources will be in vain.

    Therefore, we strongly recommend that you pay special attention to organizing the training of your company's employees, taking into account all resource limitations, carefully considering the system of employee motivation and performance indicators in the EDMS.

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