Strategic planning courses. Strategic Management - distance course

How strategy helps owners and top managers improve business performance

  • Is it possible to get an exact answer to the question “What to do?” with the help of a strategy?
  • A forecast of the future state of the business, allowing you to make decisions today that affect the future state of the business.
  • How to develop successfully, without serious recessions and crises.
  • What should the company strive for, development or stabilization.
  • The evolution of strategic management. Schools of strategies.
  • Six main directions of business development.
  • Typical strategies. Just about the complex.
  • Is the strategy a plan or a model?

Strategic Analysis

  • Approaches and methods: PEST analysis, methods of industry and competitive analysis, SWOT analysis, portfolio analysis, forecasting methods.
  • Matrix methods of strategic analysis.
  • Objects of analysis.
  • Analysis results.

Levels of strategic analysis in order to develop an effective strategy

  • Analysis of the general external (macroeconomic) environment.
  • Strategic analysis of the nearest external (industry) environment.
  • Strategic analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise.
  • Development of the mission and goals of the organization.

Organization strategies

  • Corporate strategies: Stabilization strategies, growth strategies, exit strategies.
  • Business strategies (business units): cost reduction strategies, differentiation strategies, focus strategies.
  • Functional strategies: financial strategies, personnel management strategy, information technology strategy, resource strategies.

Development and choice of strategy

  • Approaches and methods:
    • normative approach.
    • situational approach.
    • Analytical methods.
    • expert methods.
  • Types of strategy:
    • International.
    • Intersectoral.
    • Industry.
    • Corporate.
    • business and competitive.
    • functional strategies.
  • Stages of development and selection:
    • Definition of strategic alternatives.
    • Bringing up alternatives.
    • Analysis and evaluation of alternatives.
    • Choice of strategy.

Development and analysis of the company's financial strategy through management accounting, budgets and risks

  • 10 Essential Principles for Effective Financial Management
  • Management accounting - "information for the right decisions"
  • What tasks and how should management accounting solve
  • What information does the top management of the best companies use?
  • Business and financial management by key indicators (KPI and CFI)
  • Management of cash flows, income, expenses, property and liabilities of the company
  • Analysis of cash flows and the reasons for the lack of cash in the company
  • 7 Key Questions for Analyzing Business Profitability
  • Profit maximization and business value increase: how to combine
  • Management balance sheet - the main financial and investment report of the business
  • Proper capital management of the company
  • Financial analysis from the point of view of the owner. Return on equity
  • Analysis and calculation of business value
  • Cost of capital and business value. Relationship with financial strategy
  • Budgeting: An Effective Technique for Financial Management and Planning
  • Linking budgeting with the company's financial strategy
  • Business control and risk management
  • Objects of financial management and control

Development of a business strategy using risk management

  • Philosophy and methodology of modern risk management
  • Risk management: intuitive or technocratic approach - which is more effective..
  • Technology of effective risk management: simple about the complex
  • Qualitative and quantitative risk assessment. Building a risk map
  • Methods of risk analysis and information collection for risk management
  • Risk Mitigation and Business Security Methods
  • Risk monitoring and control
  • Practical advice from risk management consultants
  • Risk management as a daily tool of the Board of Directors

HR strategy and its projection on the overall business strategy

  • Key issues of personnel management in the implementation of the strategy
  • HR Model
  • A universal methodology for recruiting personnel in accordance with the chosen strategy. Success Profile Model

Implementation of the strategy

  • What are the prospects for successful implementation of your strategy? Does your business have the relevant knowledge and competencies?
  • results
  • Areas of change

Strategic control: monitoring the results of the implementation of the strategy

Case. Financial diagnostics of business based on the "director's version" of financial statements.

The strategy helps to focus on the main thing and not be scattered on trifles, assess the real capabilities of the company, set achievable goals and determine an action program to achieve them, identify key indicators and critical factors that can be used to control the result.

School of Business "Alfa" offers to visit the seminar "Strategic management. Increasing Business Efficiency”, intelligently combining the theoretical basis with practical examples.

Seminar “Strategic management. Improving Business Efficiency” will provide participants with knowledge and a set of practical tools on:

How can you tell if your business needs change? How to improve business organization without bureaucracy and increase its efficiency? Why is a development strategy needed? How can it be quickly and correctly developed and implemented? How to translate strategy into operations? How to analyze performance results based on performance indicators? How to motivate employees to achieve their goals?

The target audience

Course “Strategic management. Improving Business Efficiency” is designed for senior executives, directors of organizational development and business development, heads of structural divisions, financial directors and controllers.

Objectives of the course “Strategic management. Improving Business Efficiency»

    To form an understanding of the importance of strategic business management;

    Learn to consider the strategic management system as an integral part of business management;

    To study the practice of formulating a strategy and preparing a strategic plan;

    To teach students to decompose strategic goals into a balanced scorecard;

    Develop an approach to evaluating results and improving the efficiency of processes and the business as a whole.

The program of the seminar "Strategic management and improvement of business efficiency"

    The need for changes in the process of the enterprise: internal and external factors affecting business performance

    A modern view of business organization through a holistic business model based on a process approach. Comparative analysis with the traditional organization.

    The main elements of business and why a development strategy is needed

    Strategy - definition, structure, development stages

    Development and formalization of corporate strategy

    Transition from strategy to tactics and operational management: business processes, personnel, technologies

    Balanced Scorecard - as a decomposition of strategic goals and performance evaluation

    Development of key performance indicators for key business processes

    Analysis of performance results and adjustment of goals

    Personnel motivation system based on key performance indicators

    Necessary conditions for creating an effective and developing organization

Business case: Formulation of a business vision and strategic goals Business case: Strategy is a formalized document Business case: Business model, on the example of a retail enterprise Business case: Decomposition of strategic goals into key performance indicators Business case: Performance analysis

Teaching methodology

    Training is conducted in an interactive mode;

    Training organically combines modern theory and practical examples of leading companies;

    The seminar uses advanced international experience and knowledge of high-level teachers with extensive practical experience;

    Seminar participants discuss with the teacher questions from their own practice;

    The seminar is accompanied by special materials and templates for further use by the participants in their work.

  • About the business school. Courses and seminars on finance for economists, managers


Seminar “Cost Management. Cost calculation” for employees of the economic department of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE “NAMI”.


Alpha Business School held a corporate seminar "Receivables Management" for employees of the distribution company "Lit Trading".


Alla Uvarova, director of the Alpha School of Business, told the Community of Managers of the portal about how the demand for corporate distance learning is changing and about trends in business education.


A seminar “Planning and Budgeting: Best Practices at Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises” was held in Moscow for representatives of the financial and economic services of the Gazprom Corporation.


Ryazan hosted a seminar on financial analysis for economists from the Ryazan Design Bureau "Globus".


Training "Strategic planning and goal setting"

Target: form an understanding of the goals and concept of the company's development. Create a draft vision for the development of your company for 3 years and a plan for making changes. To acquaint with the methodology and tools for involving the management team in the development and subsequent implementation of changes.

The target audience:

  • Owners
  • CEOs
  • Development directors
  • Directors to staff
  • professionals wishing to master new strategic planning tools.

The trainees will answer the following questions:

  • How to develop and implement changes in the company?
  • How to achieve team unity when implementing a strategy?
  • What is the nature of managerial conflicts?
  • How to resolve conflicts with maximum benefit for business?
  • How to ensure the implementation of the adopted strategy?
  • How to ensure high quality of decisions without the participation of decision makers?
  • How to direct and control the development of the company?
  • How to change the organizational culture of the company?
  • Is it possible to change company culture without changing staff?

As a result of the training, participants:

  • They will get acquainted with the concept of 11 steps of organizational transformation according to the Adizes methodology and the real experience of introducing changes into the practice of Russian companies.
  • Apply in practice the methodology for creating a Development Vision for 3 years.
  • Get acquainted with new approaches to the formation of the mission and values ​​of the company.
  • Get to know the principles of forming a book of goals.
  • Get acquainted with the methods of facilitation of strategic sessions according to the model of technology of involvement "ToR":
    • "Method of focused discussion";
    • "Workshop of consensus";
    • "Foresight method";
    • "Method of action planning".
  • Assess your company's readiness to implement change.
  • Form a list of competencies for successful change management. Assess your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Outline the ways of developing the missing competencies.
  • Create a project plan for the organizational transformation of the company.

Training duration: 2 days

Training tools:

  1. Lecture
  2. Filling out questionnaires
  3. Video analysis
  4. Group discussions, brainstorming
  5. Individual and team work
  6. Competency diagnostics using the tool"Wheel of Fortune"
  7. Self-assessment and feedback
  8. Skill development.

Program #2

Training "Strategic planning"


  1. Include the team in the process, align the conceptual field.
  2. To convey in simple terms what elements the strategy consists of.
  3. To convey the approach to the formation of a strategy, to give a feel for individual elements.
  4. Discuss the issues raised by the participants.

Forms of work: Group and individual tasks, work with cases and tasks, mini-lectures, analysis of specific situations

Optimal study group size: 15 people

Duration: 2 days (16 hours)

Handout: Slides with fields for comments, cases, tasks

Required condition: preliminary negotiations of the presenter with the representative of the Customer to clarify the request.

Thematic plan:

Block 1. Getting Started/Dialogue About……. (to choose from Indicators, Market Orientation, Business Model of Doing Business) in terms of strategy. - the purpose of the activity is to include the team in the discussion, to look at the strategy from the point of view chosen by the team.

Block 2. Strategic thinking - features and requirements. The concept of strategy. Five "P" strategies of G. Mintzberg. Strategic management in the organization. Modern tools of strategic management. Strategy schools - the value and limitations of each approach.

Block 3. About how to create a real, not a shelf strategy. Accounting for the features of creating a strategy for a particular organization. The life cycle of a company according to Adizes. On the choice of priorities and the focus of attention of top-level managers.

Block 4. Major stages of the strategic process, Determining the boundaries of the industry - the purpose of the activity is to introduce the general process of planning strata, try to formulate the boundaries of the industry in which the company operates for consideration, “play” with the boundaries of the industry, understand who “WE” are

Block 5. Analysis of the external environment Industry level (STEEP / LE, Industry Life Cycle, Industry Dynamics, related industries, Porter's 5 forces) - the goal of the activity is to learn about the key tools for analyzing the distant environment, it is possible to discuss some issues relevant to the company.

Block 6. Market approach to strategy. About the inner circle Competitors / Consumers / Channels / Niches. KFU of the industry - compliance / non-compliance. - the purpose of the activity is to talk about the sources of competitive advantages.

Block 7. Resource approach to strategy. Resources and capabilities of the company. What competitive advantages do we claim? What are these competitive advantages based on? What capabilities create competitive advantage? The purpose of the activity is to expand the view of the company's resources, to discuss the importance of linking resources with the company's strategy.

Block 8. Map of strategic issues (Long-term impact, cost of the issue, threats to viability ...), Strategic development scenarios - The purpose of the activity is to get acquainted with the topic on strategic issues and discuss the question of why it is necessary to formulate several alternative options for strategic development.

If the program does not meet your expectations, please contact us. We can prepare a training and provide a trainer for your unique request.

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Workshop "Strategy" develops the skill of strategic modeling of the future. Students develop a description of the state of a particular company in N years. The result of the workshop is the presentations of the groups in which they indicate the conclusions about the work done. The workshop helps students develop the skill of building a company development strategy.

Leading workshop - G.N. Konstantinov

Human resources

The purpose of the workshop is to teach the students of the program to analyze trends in the labor market, to competently manage the company's talents. Workshop participants study business models, how organizations work with human resources. The experience and results that trainees receive in the course of project implementation help to build effective talent management work in their company.

Leading workshop - S.R. Filonovich


The purpose of the "Marketing" workshop is to form the skills of practical solution of business problems related to the introduction of new products to the market.

The study group is divided into teams. Each team is assigned one of the following tasks:

Search for new markets

Bringing a new product to market

Development of a marketing promotion strategy

Development of pricing policy for the company

The participants will present the prepared business project to the workshop leader and other groups.

Leading workshop - N.Yu. Saustin

Financial markets and investments

The purpose of the workshop is to instill in students the skills of practical work in the financial market.

The host gives an overview of the financial market and the instruments used. After that, the listeners are divided into teams and begin to play on the stock exchange. They analyze the market, select investment objects, form a portfolio of securities and adjust it depending on the dynamics of the financial market. In the last session, participants evaluate the results of investing by comparing them with the stock index and with the results of other groups. The winning group is determined by the highest portfolio return.

Leading workshop - N.I. Berzon

Information Technology

The purpose of the workshop is to gain practical skills in managing the organization's IT systems.

Listeners are divided into teams and choose an organization from those proposed by the workshop leader. Next, the participants create a subject description of the selected company, build its information models and analyze its work. In the next lesson, students form an IT strategy and develop the architecture of its information systems. At the end of the master team, prepared projects are defended in front of the host and other participants. This process helps trainees gain real-world experience in creating a company's IT strategy that they can apply to their organizations.

Leading workshop - V.V. Godin

Recently, the interest of many companies in the topic of strategic management has increased markedly and this is not just a tribute to fashion. There is an objective need in strategic management.

Many enterprises have already more or less established operational management, but the owners understand that enterprises can work more efficiently, and this task is almost impossible to solve at the operational level. It is very difficult to do without a well-thought-out strategy and an effective mechanism for implementing this strategy.

Often the heads of companies (especially small ones) ask the question: "When (starting from what moment) should a company start engaging in strategic management?". The answer here is very simple. Of course, from the very beginning, but you just need to understand to what extent this needs to be done.

Naturally, a small company and a large industrial enterprise need to use a strategic management tool in different volumes. But if you do not engage in strategic management from the very beginning, then a small company will remain small, or grow into a large unmanageable monster.

The seminar will discuss in detail all the practical issues related to the formulation and use of the strategic management system to achieve the company's strategic goals. A step-by-step technology for conducting strategic analysis and developing a strategic plan will also be considered. In addition, much attention will be paid to the mechanism for implementing the strategic plan.

Seminar goals:

  • communicate as clearly as possible to the participants of the seminar how to implement an effective strategic management system in your company for practical use in management
  • during the workshop conduct strategic analysis and draft strategic plans companies participating in the seminar.

    Target audience of the seminar:

  • owners and CEOs of companies and groups;
  • top managers of companies and groups;
  • development managers and specialists.

    Why this seminar or 5 reasons that determine the need to participate in this seminar

    1. Purpose of the workshop :
    • for all companies, regardless of their level of advancement in strategic management:
      - understand what it is complete strategic management system and how it can be used to improve the efficiency of company management in order to achieve higher financial and economic results;
      - to master modern methods and technologies of strategic management;
      - to study the successful experience of setting and using strategic management;
    • additionally for companies that are just planning to get serious about setting up strategic management:
      - decide on a plan for setting up strategic management practically from scratch (including preparing for the project and understanding how it needs to be implemented);
    • additionally for companies that have already been engaged in the formulation of strategic management (possibly with the help of consultants), but have not achieved the desired result:
      - evaluate (carry out self-diagnosis) the current strategic management system in order to understand what needs to be corrected and improved in it;
      - determine the plan for restructuring the current strategic management system;
    • additionally for companies that believe that their strategic management is already fully implemented and everything works as it should:
      - Critically evaluate the current system to make sure that the company receives all the benefits that organizations have, where a full-fledged strategic management system is really implemented.
    2. The content of the seminar and the quality of its conduct :
    • the seminar discusses in detail all the practical issues that need to be worked out to create a full-fledged strategic management system;
    • the seminar collected the best practice of setting strategic management in companies and groups of different sizes operating in various industries;
    • the highest quality of the seminar, as evidenced by a large number of positive reviews.
    3. Lecturer :
    • one of the best experts in strategic management ;
    • great practical experience since 1995) in the implementation of projects for the formulation of strategic management in companies and groups;
    • great experience ( since 1999) in holding seminars on strategic management.
    4. Format and style of the seminar :
    • during the seminar, participants, in addition to studying methods and technologies, doing practical work (conduct strategic analysis and develop a draft strategic plan), aimed at preparing the company for setting up a strategic management system (or for a significant improvement in an existing system);
    • everything, even very difficult moments, is explained very simply, which is also noted in many reviews of seminar participants;
    • the seminar is not held in a dry academic language, but is very lively and interesting, and often with humor (especially when vivid examples are given "from the life" of enterprises), which contributes to a better assimilation of the material;
    • this seminar is not a lecturer's monologue, but live communication, during which the participants of the seminar get answers to all your questions(both those that were before the seminar, and those that appear during the classes).
    5. Support for participants after the workshop :
    • the opportunity to receive advice from the lecturer after the seminar;
    • free audit of the draft strategic plan developed at the seminar in the course of practical exercises.


    Part I. Strategy as a management tool. The place and role of strategic management in the company's management system. The concept of strategic management.

    Part II. Strategic Analysis. The role of strategic analysis in the system of strategic management. Methods of strategic analysis. Examples of strategic analysis.

    Part III. Development of a strategic plan. The role of the strategic plan in the system of strategic management. Company's mission. The strategic concept of the company's development. Goals and strategy of the company. Strategic objectives of the company. Examples of strategic plans.

    Part IV. Implementation of the strategy. Mechanism for the implementation of strategic tasks. Regulation of the strategic management system. Examples of strategic management regulations.

    Part V. Technology of setting up strategic management in a company. Projects for the development of the company's management system. Organization of a temporary working group (TWG) for the implementation of a strategic management system. Project management for setting up strategic management in the company. An example of a project description for setting up strategic management in a company.

    Detailed program of the workshop "Strategic management and effective business development"

    Program Sections Comments on sections of the program
    1. Strategy as a management tool

    1.1. The place and role of strategic management in the company's management system

    • Elements of the company's management system
    • Management Decision Cycle
    • Strategic management tools
    1.2. Concept of strategic management
    • What is strategic management
    • What is company development
    • Strategic management cycle
    • Goals and objectives of strategic management
    • Using strategic management for practical enterprise management
    • Principles of strategic management

    Section 1 "Strategy as a management tool" is intended to show that strategic management is really a management tool that can and should be used, to draw the attention of company managers and specialists to typical mistakes that enterprises make when trying to use strategic management in their company. The section will consider in detail what strategic management is and how exactly this system allows improving the financial and economic condition of the company.

    2. Strategic analysis

    2.1. The role of strategic analysis in the strategic management system

    • What is strategic analysis
    • Purpose of strategic analysis
    • Using the results of strategic analysis
    2.2. Methods of strategic analysis
    • SWOT analysis
    • SNW analysis
    • PEST+M analysis
    • Correlation matrix
    • BCG analysis
    • McKinsey Matrix
    • Group work technology
    2.3. Examples of strategic analysis

    Section 2 "Strategic Analysis" is devoted to an overview of the main methods of strategic analysis, which are most often used in practice. Strategic analysis is needed in order to provide managers with the necessary information to develop a company's strategy. Everything seems to be clear and logical, but in fact, here companies in practice face one of the fundamental problems of strategic management. When a company tries to conduct a strategic analysis, the question immediately arises of what exactly a strategic analysis should include, what information should be the output of this analysis, and what information managers need to develop a strategy. Many attempts have been made to somehow formalize this process, i. define standard formats for strategic analysis, following which the company is guaranteed to provide itself with the necessary information for developing a strategy. This section discusses the use of the most common techniques.

    3. Development of a strategic plan

    3.1. The role of the strategic plan in the strategic management system

    • What is a strategic plan
    • Purpose of the strategic plan
    • Using the strategic plan
    3.2. Company's mission
    • Mission Purpose
    • Mission Requirements
    • Activities to promote the mission in the company
    3.3. Strategic concept of the company's development
    • Initial assumptions embedded in the strategy
    • strategic idea
    • The main directions of the company's development
    • What should a company learn to do first?
    3.4. Goals and strategy of the company
    • Goal Criteria
    • Corporate goals and strategies
    • Product goals and strategies
    • Operational goals and strategies
    • Management Goals and Strategies
    • Resource targets and strategies
    3.5. Strategic objectives of the company
    • Goals and results of strategic objectives
    • Implementation plans for strategic objectives
    • Budgets for strategic objectives
    • Composition of temporary working groups (TWGs) for solving strategic tasks
    3.6. Examples of strategic plans

    In section 3 "Developing a strategic plan" the focus is on how to develop a strategic plan for the company, given the results of the strategic analysis. There are a lot of strategic analysis tools, in addition, to develop a strategy, you may need more detailed information both about the external environment (markets, competitors, suppliers, etc.) and about the company (products, company business processes, management, resources, and etc.). There is no one set of techniques that would guarantee a company that if all these techniques are used, then the information of the right quality and in the right amount will be obtained to develop an effective strategy. The ultimate goal of any analysis is draft decisions, in this case it is the company's strategic plan. After the strategic analysis has been carried out and the information for strategy development has been prepared, here the company is faced with the second fundamental problem of strategic management - the formulation of the strategy. The stages of developing a strategic plan are determined in accordance with the format of the strategic plan and the logic of its development. This section will also look at examples of strategic plans.

    4. Implementation of the strategy

    4.1. Mechanism for the implementation of strategic objectives

    • From strategic objectives to development projects
    • Organization of the AWG
    • Establishment of the company's strategic committee
    • Formation of the Directorate for Development
    • Development budgeting
    • Creation of a system of motivation for the development of the company
    4.2. Regulation of the strategic management system
    • Strategic management system
    • Development projects
    • Temporary Working Groups (TWGs)
    • Development project budgets
    • Development Directorate
    • Strategic Committee
    • Company development motivation system
    4.3. Examples of strategic management regulations

    Section 4 "Implementation of the strategy" devoted to issues related to the practical implementation of the developed strategic plan. Even after a strategic analysis has been carried out, the company's strategy has been developed and agreed with managers, this does not mean at all that it will be implemented. Here the company may face the third (most difficult) fundamental problem of strategic management, namely how to implement the company's strategy, how to make the bright future that is drawn on paper come true. In the previous section (strategic plan development) will be shown that the strategic plan of the company is implemented through the implementation of strategic objectives. As practice shows, if you try to solve strategic tasks within the framework of current activities, then this turns out to be extremely inefficient. When choosing a way to organize the solution of strategic tasks, it is necessary to take into account the main differences between current activities and strategic ones, i.e. development related.

    5. Technology of setting strategic management in the company

    5.1. Projects for the development of the company's management system
    5.2. Organization of a temporary working group (TWG) on the implementation of a strategic management system
    5.3. Project management for the establishment of strategic management in the company
    5.4. An example of a project description for setting up strategic management in a company

    In section 5 "Technology for setting up strategic management in a company" the main attention is paid to the implementation of strategic management technology in the company. As practice has shown, the most effective approach to the formulation of strategic management is to give this work the status of a project for the development of a management system, which requires the creation of a temporary working group (TWG), including specialists from all major functional units, to ensure an integrated approach to the formulation of strategic management.

    The workshop "Strategic management and effective business development" was developed on the basis of many years of experience in implementing consulting projects on strategic management.

    A distinctive feature of the seminars held by RiK is a pronounced practical orientation.

    After this workshop, each participant will have company strategic plan draft, which will contain the results of the strategic analysis, the mission, goals and strategy of the company, as well as a set of strategic objectives of the company with their description.



    The cost of the seminar is 35,000 rubles. The cost of the seminars includes a set of handouts, CD, lunch and coffee break.

    If more than one employee from the same company participates in the seminar, then the following applies: discount system:
    – to the second participant 5%;
    – third participant 10%;
    – starting from the fourth participant, 15%.

    Seminar participants will receive CDs containing the following information:

  • "Organizational design. Restructuring of the enterprise and business processes", which take place within one week (see SCHEDULE OF OPEN PRACTICE SEMINARS).

    Seminar time: from 10.00 to 17.00 (with a break for lunch). The seminar is held in Moscow.