Financial management courses. Where can I take financial literacy courses? Financial markets and institutions

The success of any company is closely related to the effectiveness of management decisions. It is not so easy to build an efficient financial and economic system, and financial seminars can provide tremendous assistance in this matter. Classes on financial management (financial literacy courses) will not only provide answers to many of the tasks set, but will also offer an effective algorithm for building step-by-step subsystems and unifying financial management systems.

Many people are well versed in the modern financial world, they are able to analyze the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, but their knowledge is not always enough to effectively manage the company and solve the tasks. It is at the seminars that we will teach how to use financial instruments in practice with maximum efficiency and benefit.

Any seminar about financial analysis (analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise), is ready to provide relevant cases on topics and the most effective methods for acquiring knowledge in the field of financial management for the learning process. Due to constant changes and additions to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, all training materials undergo immediate adjustments.

Financial seminars (financial courses) are always in demand due to the convenient presentation of knowledge and its systematization, a significant expansion of professional skills, the introduction of new effective financial instruments and management methods. At the same time, all the proposed developments were carried out taking into account the specifics of the activity and the general strategy of the company's management.

Financial seminars, financial courses. List of financial literacy courses

Please familiarize yourself with financial seminars offered by our center, which include seminars for financial directors and other seminars on financial literacy:

Seminar title the date of the Duration, days The cost of the seminar for a student in a group


(90 minutes)

Sign up for a seminar
September October November
1 Finance for non-financiers 15;22


2 days 17 000 3 000 Submit an application
2 15-16


2 days 17 000

3 000

Submit an application
3 Workshop:Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise (financial analysis) 1;15 1 day 9000 3 000 Submit an application

Workshop: Investment Analysis
16 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
5 Workshop: Investment and financial analysis 15-16 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
6 Workshop:Budgeting and planning in the enterprise 11-12 22-23 23-24 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
7 Workshop:Setting up and optimizing management accounting 17-18 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
8 Workshop: Financial Analysis

RBC has chosen the best courses on the basics of finance and trading on popular online education platforms recommended by Columbia University, which itself is actively developing the corresponding service. At the same time, we gave preference to courses that are conducted by the best universities in the world: that is, educational institutions that are included in the academic ranking of the Shanghai University ARWU-2015 in economics and business (The Academic Ranking of World Universities), as well as in the ranking of world universities according to the Times — (Times Higher Education).

All courses that meet these criteria can be taken in English and are available on three online platforms: Coursera, EdX and Openlearn. In addition, we have included the Higher School of Economics curriculum, which can be found on the Open Education website, the Russian equivalent of Coursera, as it is the only investment course in Russian available right now.

“Online courses are good for getting a basic level of knowledge about investments,” said Pavel Pakhomov, head of the training center of the St. Petersburg Exchange. According to him, it is reasonable to start with them for those who had nothing to do with finance before and do not know how to approach them. At later stages, Pakhomov advises to consult with specialists (for example, professional traders or managers) in person or participate in webinars dedicated to individual instruments.

Head of asset management ZerichCapital Management” Andrey Loskutov agrees that remote courses can help a novice investor get an idea about the securities market. However, he warns that these courses are good for general development and future investors will need detailed study of the markets and further education in the future. "Need Seriously study the financial statements and balance sheets of companies to understand how attractive they are for investment. Such tools are difficult to obtain in online courses, ”explains the financier.

Nevertheless, there is something to start with. Here are seven online courses on finance and investment from the best universities in the world

Platform: Coursera

(Finance for Non-Financial Professionals)

Who conducts: UC Irvine (51st-75th in ARWU rankings, 106th in THE rankings)
Start: already underway, you can join
Price: 3.5 thousand rubles
Estimated travel time: 4 weeks, approximately 1-2 hours per week

This course is part of the larger Career Success program. Fortunately, you can go through it separately. It is suitable for beginners (the course description emphasizes that no special background is needed) and provides the most basic understanding of personal finance and investment, from the concept of "accounting" to more complex things like assessing the state of the market. This course is taught by University of California professor David Standen, the one who founded one of the first online MBA courses in the world. You can get a certificate only for the entire program, the passage of a separate course is not confirmed in any way.

(Financial Evaluation and Strategy: Investments)

Who conducts:University of Illinois, campus at Urbane-Champaign (38th in ARWU, 36th in THE)
Start: 25th of April
Price: is free
Estimated travel time: 4 weeks 6-8 hours per week

This course is not about finance in general, but about trading. So we are talking about investment tools, ways to create a balanced portfolio and assess the risks of investments. They also promise to provide students with the simplest technical skills: for example, use the Excel functions necessary for investors. The lecturer is Professor of Finance Scott Weisbanner, who has long been an economist at the US Federal Reserve. After completing the course, you can get a certificate, but - which is typical for Coursera and other similar sites - you will have to pay 4.2 thousand rubles for it.

How to make strategic financial decisions (Make Strategic Financial Decisions)

Who conducts:
Start: 25th of April
Price: 4.2-5.6 thousand rubles. for one course 25.5 thousand rubles for the whole program
Estimated travel time: 6 weeks for each course

This is a full-fledged educational program that can be completed in whole or in parts. It involves four courses of about a month each, the defense of a graduation project and the receipt of a certificate. All courses are taught by University of Michigan professor Gautam Cole. He will explain to the audience what the "time value of money" is, how to make financial decisions and carefully diversify a portfolio, as well as evaluate the real value of assets. Students who complete the thesis will receive a certificate. You don't need to pay for it.

(Financial Markets)

Who conducts: Yale (4th in ARWU, 12th in THE)
Start: Anytime
Price: is free
Passing time: 8 weeks

The Financial Markets video course is available on two platforms at once: and on the Yale University website. It is hosted by the legendary economist Robert Schiller, Nobel Prize winner in 2013. The curriculum is designed for 8 weeks - one for each topic. The student will be told about the basic principles of financial management, the psychological aspects of investing, the stock and bond markets, futures and options, the features of real estate investment, monetary policy and market regulation, as well as the social responsibility of the investor. All video lectures are accompanied by subtitles in English. At the end of each week, the student writes a test paper based on the results of the material covered, and at the end of the course, an examination test. If you want to avoid such formalities, you can download Schiller's courses from Yale's online education platform or simply view them on the school's YouTube page.

Economist Robert Schiller. (Photo: AP)

Platform: EdX

Finance for Everyone: Smart Tools for Decision-Making

Who conducts:University of Michigan (12th ARWU, 21st THE)
Start: is free
Price: is free
Estimated travel time: 6 weeks for 5-6 hours

In fact, this course is almost identical to what the University of Michigan runs on the Coursera platform. It is even read by the same lecturer, Gautam Cole. The difference is that the edX course is free, as it is self-guided. That is, the listener gets access to lectures, but does not pass tests and does not write a thesis. At the same time, at the end of the course, you can get a certificate, but you will have to pay $ 49 for it (about 3.3 thousand rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate). In general, a good option for those who want purely theoretical knowledge.

Platform: OpenLearn

Managing My Money

Who conducts:Open University in the UK (401st in THE rankings)
Start: Anytime
Price: is free
Passing time: 8 weeks

The pioneer of distance education in the world, the Open University in the UK, which was founded back in 1969, offers a wide range of courses for aspiring investors on its Open Learn online platform. A major advantage of these programs is that they do not require a fee in most cases. According to the Open University, the most popular financial program on its website is the Managing my money course, developed by the True Potential PUFin financial literacy center at the Open University. It includes both video lectures and extensive text materials, including an electronic textbook in Epub format. It is expected that the listener will gain an understanding of financial planning, investment instruments and ways of accumulating money, the basics of market analysis. At the end of each topic, the student must pass an online test. At the end of the course, it is proposed to write a final test paper for the entire curriculum. To enroll, you need to register on the Open University website.

Platform: Open Education

Analysis of financial markets

Who conducts: NRU Higher School of Economics
Start: April 18th
Price: is free
Passing time: 10 weeks

The online course "Analysis of Financial Markets", developed by teachers of the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, can be taken on the "Russian Coursera" platform "Open Education". The training program is designed for 10 weeks with a weekly load of 6 hours. As part of the video course, the student will be told about the features of the functioning of the securities market and the work of its participants, as well as the basics of fundamental and technical analysis of shares. Among the topics announced are methods for finding “quality” companies and securities for investment, which is very important for a novice trader or asset manager. In addition, each week the student will have to take 5-10 practice tests and take at least ten test papers. At the end of the course, the student will have to complete a large final work, consisting of tests and calculation tasks. Even though online learning started on April 18, there are still 28 days left to join the curriculum.

Lose everything in 9 months

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Sergey Shvetsov at a conference at the Higher School of Economics said that Russian brokers have only 80 thousand active accounts, and the average life of a brokerage account is nine months - during this period a person loses his investments. The regulator added that this is not a problem for brokers: “Since we have a population of 140 million, brokers have something to grind further. They are recruiting new citizens through the Inquisition.”

Theoretical base

The financial activity of any company needs proper management: the formation, distribution and use of financial flows. The financial service should be engaged in enterprises not only with accounting, but also with the formation of a financial strategy, planning and forecasting of financial activities, and financial control. Without the work of the finance department, the effective operation of any company is impossible. No organization, in whatever area it works, can exist without a department that will manage finances and thus provide it with a reliable financial backing.

The training of specialists in the field of financial management of an enterprise is carried out by many higher educational institutions of our country. But after graduation from the university, education for financiers does not end. In this profession, there is always something to learn, what programs and methods to master. Modern seminars, trainings and courses for financiers offer a variety of content and goals of training, advanced training, retraining and development of practical skills for financial workers.

About seminars for financiers

Fast-growing advances in technology and changes in legislation are forcing many of today's professionals to upgrade their qualifications and skills in order to find a high-paying job, climb the career ladder, or simply perform well in their current workplace. A course or training for financiers can provide either extensive theoretical knowledge or help you acquire useful professional practical skills, and only seminars combine both in the best possible way, and in the shortest possible time, because they last 1-3 days.

In addition to self-realization in the professional sphere, the seminar also has a significant social impact on the listener. A new look at professional issues, communication with a successful specialist in your field becomes an incentive for development, a way to believe in yourself and set new goals for yourself in life and profession. Any seminar is able to add variety to the daily routine, give freedom of choice, feel the effectiveness of self-development.
In order for the seminar to bring maximum benefit, it is important to choose a finance training program that will be of interest to a particular specialist.

Conveniently, when the training program is described in sufficient detail, the lecturer who will lead the seminar is indicated. Special attention should be paid to the name of the author of the seminar, because the success of the training will depend on his experience and practical skills in managing large financial projects.

On the importance of seminars for employees of financial departments

Seminars for financiers include an impressive list of disciplines and topics, ranging from general financial questions about enterprise economic management, cash flow management, financial and economic analysis to the practical study of tools such as costing and allocation, budgeting, mathematical modeling, quantitative data analysis and internal audit.

An important topic of seminars on finance is taxation. They set out not only the general rules of tax planning and optimization, but also such issues as legends, avoiding affiliation, tax security, protection from tax claims, the risks arising from tax optimization and the payment of "gray" wages, and many other topics.

The seminars provide not only training in finance, but also often offer clear algorithms for managing financial flows, systematize experience using case studies and joint discussion with other participants. The clearly applied focus of the seminars on the topic "Finance" helps trained students to find a solution to any problem related to corporate money management.

Trainings for financiers

The Solon Training Center offers a variety of courses, trainings and seminars on finance, which are conducted by highly professional and experienced teachers: lawyers, economists, business coaches, teachers from the best universities in Moscow, authors of publications in professional publications, directors of enterprises and heads of financial departments of large companies.

All seminars are held in Moscow, on weekdays during business hours. As a rule, they start no earlier than 10.00, so that all participants can get to the venue through traffic jams in the capital, and end no later than 17-18 hours.

Solon offers such a large number of seminars for financiers that sometimes two or more of them take place on the same day, so that our clients have to make a choice in favor of one or another program. With this in mind, we try to put on the same day programs that are as different as possible from each other, which will be of interest to different specialists who work in such a department as the Department of Finance.

Such courses are needed not only for men and women in solid suits. The sooner you understand the principles of forming a personal budget, competently planning expenses and creating savings, the better. The Zillion educational platform offers a course for high school students, designed for 70 educational hours. The course includes 12 videos and 13 knowledge tests.

This program was developed by HSE professors to improve the skills of teachers, but anyone can take it. In total, 7 video courses on financial topics are available. They will teach you how to manage personal money, explain the intricacies of the relationship between a person and the state, talk about pyramid schemes and other types of financial fraud. And they will also help you deal with insurance and stock markets, and even inspire you to create a new business. Full collection of video lectures at the link.

More than 50 financial experts took part in the creation of these materials. The course is free and built in the form of a game. Participants will have to complete more than 100 tasks on topics about personal, household, global and corporate finance, as well as financial institutions. Each task contains videos, articles and practical tasks. For each completed task, points are awarded, which can then be exchanged for a university certificate.

The Fingram website is generally dedicated to the topic of finance and publishes various news from this area, but we are primarily interested in the "Training Courses" section. There are financial literacy training programs for beginners and advanced, online investment courses and two financial quests. After the theoretical material, the user is offered tests on a given topic. The site also has links to courses from respected institutions such as the Open University in the UK, Michigan and Yale.

If you have already figured out the basics and are ready to deepen your financial knowledge, take the ABC of Finance course on the Lectorium website. This knowledge will be useful to those who want to understand financial instruments and investment rules. The course instructor has 11 years of experience in financial markets and stock trading. You can get training for free.

Another basic course from the Higher School of Economics. The program will introduce the basic concepts of financial markets and instruments. No abstract topics - only what every person has to face in life. The course consists of video lessons, tests and lists of additional literature. You can join it for free after registration. If you did not have time to sign up for this course, there are several more similar ones in the site catalog.

The course "Banking and Finance" from "Sberbank" can be taken on the Coursera platform. The course will be useful for those who want to understand how a bank works: about bank loans, loans and other forms of financing. The course includes video materials, additional literature for self-study and practice tests.

The first series of lectures in a series of lectures on various aspects of financial literacy. The main objective of the course "Personal Finance Management" is to form in children an understanding that finances accompany them throughout their lives and the financial well-being of each person depends on him.

TOPIC 1: Managing personal finances

Lecture 1: Introductory Lecture

At what stages of a person's life cycle do surpluses and shortages of financial resources occur? What is the purpose of personal financial planning? What problems does short-term, medium-term and long-term financial planning solve?

Lecture 2: Total personal capital

What measures ensure the achievement of current, medium and long-term goals? What is the structure of total personal capital? What is the purpose of the reserve capital? What capital ensures the achievement of long-term goals?

Lecture 3: Investments in three dimensions

What requirements must be met by the investments we make? Is it possible that all properties of investments are combined in one financial instrument?

Lecture 4: Bank deposit: advantages and disadvantages

Lecture 5: Deposits in personal wealth management

Lecture 6: Risk and return in the financial market

The key concept for finance is considered - the ratio of risk and profitability. What is the basis of risk when investing in the financial market? What necessary components should an investor have in order to make competent investment decisions? Why do investors analyze the state of the global financial market when investing in the Russian stock market?

Lecture 7: Measuring risk

Risk assessment indicators. What is variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation?

Lecture 8: The influence of the time horizon on investment risk

How do risk and return indicators change with the lengthening of the investment time horizon? How do returns on stocks and bonds change as the time horizon of investment is extended?

Lecture 9: Evaluating the effectiveness of investment

What does the Sharpe ratio show? Why does the Sharpe ratio for stocks increase faster than for bonds when the investment horizon is extended?

Lecture 10: Diversification of investments

How can the overall risk of investing be reduced? What is systematic (market) risk? What is top-down diversification?

Lecture 11: The demographic situation in the world and in Russia

The information given in the lecture may be useful for students to understand what awaits them in the future, who will take care of their old age.

A series of lectures on financial literacy was created as part of the project "Promoting the financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation", in the direction of "Assistance in building the human resources of teachers, methodologists, administrators of educational organizations in the field of financial literacy, as well as an effective infrastructure to support their financial literacy activities."