Laser liposuction. Laser liposuction (laser lipolysis)

Before agreeing to liposuction, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the contraindications to this procedure. Consider everything you need to know about liposuction prohibitions.

What is it

Liposuction is a surgical body shaping technique in which excess fat is removed from the patient, localized in different parts of the body.

To date, there are several types and techniques of liposuction, each of which has its own contraindications and consequences.

Features and differences of different types

There are two main liposuction techniques:

  • laser;
  • ultrasonic.

These methods have significant differences. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


Ultrasonic liposuction involves the removal of fat using ultrasonic waves that destroy the structure of fat cells.

After processing by these waves of subcutaneous fat, it gradually turns into a liquid mixture, which is removed by vacuum.

Usually this procedure is done in several sessions. The traditional course provides for 5-7 procedures with a distance of ten days.

Contraindications to ultrasonic liposuction are traditional. They will be discussed below.


Laser liposuction eliminates fat by the influence of rays that violate the integrity of the cell membranes of fat.

This technique has the following advantages:

  • there is no need to make open incisions on the skin (the procedure is carried out by performing punctures);
  • no deep wounds remain on the body;
  • fast healing;
  • fast rehabilitation period;
  • good efficiency of the technique;
  • low risk of developing bruises and hematomas due to cauterization of blood vessels;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure under local anesthesia;
  • session speed (up to 30 minutes);
  • the effect is noticeable almost immediately.

Video: Laser Method Technique

Contraindications for liposuction

Contraindications for laser liposuction and ultrasound techniques are divided into two separate categories:

  • general contraindications;
  • local contraindications.


General contraindications for surgical liposuction are:

  1. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. HIV infection.
  3. Gastric ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Disturbances in the central nervous system (nervoses, unstable psycho-emotional state, depression).
  5. Oncological pathologies.
  6. The period after a recent stroke or heart attack.
  7. Arterial hypertension.
  8. Heart disease.
  9. Diabetes.
  10. Tuberculosis.
  11. The presence of inflammation in the body.
  12. Acute infectious diseases.
  13. Acute respiratory diseases (influenza, pneumonia SARS).
  14. Weakened immunity.
  15. Weakness of the body after a recent operation.
  16. The patient's age is up to eighteen years.
  17. Syphilis.
  18. Hepatitis and other liver diseases.
  19. Phlebeurysm.
  20. Violation of blood clotting.
  21. Acute or chronic renal failure.
  22. Obesity associated with hereditary predisposition.


Local contraindications include:

  • the presence of ulcers or other skin lesions at the site of the intended operation;
  • fungal infection of the skin in the area of ​​operation;
  • skin infection.

Are there safe methods

The safest methods of liposuction are non-surgical types of such a procedure.

These include:

  1. vacuum massage- This is a type of non-surgical liposuction that affects problem areas using a special nozzle. It saturates the cells with oxygen and improves muscle tone. The fat cells are emulsified and come out on their own through the circulatory and urinary systems. The course of such treatment includes the implementation of 5-6 procedures.
  1. Lipomassage done on special machines that are equipped with rollers. In this case, a person must wear a special suit, which will make it possible to improve the girth of fat folds.

Lipomassage does not cause pain and does not leave bruises, which is why it is very popular. The course of treatment should be from 10 to 15 sessions.

When is this procedure strictly prohibited?

  1. The age of the patient is up to eighteen years old and over 65 years old.
  2. The patient's pregnancy. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all which lines of pregnancy - you still can’t have an operation.
  3. breastfeeding period.
  4. Any pathology of the heart.
  5. Various diseases in acute form.
  6. Infectious diseases.
  7. Violation of blood clotting.
  8. Disturbances in the central nervous system, when the patient cannot control himself and wants to correct non-existent defects.

Photo: Before and after the operation

What will happen if you do the procedure bypassing the prohibitions

When performing liposuction and having at least one significant contraindication, the patient may experience the following dangerous consequences:

  1. Profuse bleeding can develop when performing a procedure on a person with a bleeding disorder. Moreover, with profuse blood loss, anemia can develop in a person.
  2. Heart attack or cardiac arrest can occur when performing liposuction for various heart diseases, the presence of pacemakers, heart disease, as well as disorders in the central nervous system.
  3. A hypertensive crisis can occur in people with hypertension. If left untreated, this condition can lead to a stroke.
  4. When performing surgery on patients with vascular diseases, the latter may experience vascular rupture, bleeding and hematoma.
  5. Serious complications can occur during surgery for people with diabetes and wounds may not heal for a long time.
  6. With liposuction, patients over the age of sixty-five may experience sagging skin. There is also a risk of deterioration in the general state of human health.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about liposuction during pregnancy, especially if it is done in the first or second trimester.

This procedure can be life-threatening for the expectant mother and fetus. This is justified by the fact that anesthesia, administered medications and the general stress of a woman can negatively affect the growth and development of the fetus, which threatens with a miscarriage or the birth of a child with pathologies.

In addition, doing liposuction during breastfeeding is also strictly contraindicated, since most medications can be excreted along with breast milk, so one way or another, the baby will still receive “his dose” of harmful drugs that can be bad for his health.

For this reason, it is better for pregnant women and young mothers not to rush and do liposuction after the final completion of the period of childbearing and breastfeeding.

In order to prevent the operation of a pregnant woman, during the preparation period, the patient must do a pregnancy test without fail.


Most often, after liposuction of different parts of the body, patients develop the following complications:

  1. Bruising at the site of the operation.
  2. The appearance of tuberosity on the skin can occur with uneven removal of adipose tissue.
  3. Hematoma develops due to internal hemorrhage.
  4. A seroma occurs when the lymphatic system is accidentally damaged.
  5. Violation of the general sensitivity of the skin occurs when the doctor damages the nerve endings.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Thromboembolism.
  8. Blood poisoning.
  9. Fat embolism occurs when fatty tissues block blood vessels.
  10. Hyperesthesia.
  11. Swelling is a common consequence of liposuction of any part of the body. It usually goes away on its own a few days after surgery.
  12. Nausea.
  13. Severe pain syndrome.
  14. The appearance of pigmentation on the skin.
  15. Wound festering can occur when an infection enters the wound. This can happen during surgery or already during dressings.

Alternative Ways to Lose Fat

The most effective alternative methods for getting rid of excess fat are:

  1. Physical exercises. Here the main secret is to do them regularly. In this case, active loads can be very different. As practice shows, running, swimming, walking for long distances, yoga and fitness are considered the most effective.

Moreover, physical exercises are useful not only for improving the figure - they will also increase immunity, strengthen muscles and the cardiovascular system. A person who is “friends” with sports always has a good mood and cheerfulness of the body.

  1. Diet.

It provides for:

  • the duration of the diet should be no more than three weeks in a row, after which you need to take a two-week break;
  • you should completely abandon fatty, fried, salty, sweet and starchy foods;
  • it is useful to drink citrus juices, they contribute to weight loss;
  • exclude fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, pork, lard and butter;
  • the basis of the diet should be boiled meat, egg whites, cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • you can eat seafood and nuts;
  • you need to drink at least two liters of water daily;
  • should quit smoking;
  • you can drink green tea;
  • you need to keep a food diary and learn how to count calories (only a certain number of calories from food should be eaten per day).

Cost of liposuction

The price for this operation depends on the complexity of the procedure, its volume and the qualifications of the surgeon (the more experienced the doctor, the more expensive liposuction).

On average, such surgery will cost 40-90 thousand rubles.

With a large volume of transactions, this figure can be several times higher.

Despite its apparent simplicity, liposuction is a full-fledged operation that can cause significant harm to health. For this reason, everything should be well thought out before agreeing to its implementation.

is one of the many advances in the field of liposuction. This operation is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures in many countries. Laser liposuction uses laser energy. The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia or anesthesia, depending on the amount of fat to be removed.

The concept of laser liposuction

The concept of laser liposuction is quite simple. The procedure is performed by an experienced doctor using a thin fiber-optic laser probe. Under the skin, through a small puncture, a thin hollow tube is inserted - a cannula (whose diameter is 0.1 centimeter). Next, a probe is inserted into the cannula, the head of which emits laser energy. Laser energy carries out the process of lipolysis - it selectively affects fat cells. Fat, from the destroyed cells, enters the bloodstream, and along with the blood to the liver. After entering the liver, a natural process of neutralization takes place. In parallel with this, laser energy heats up skin cells, stimulating the production of collagen. Collagen is the main structural protein found in the skin, but its production slows down with age. Thus, by stimulating the production of collagen, the appearance of the skin is improved.

Preparation for laser liposuction

The doctor who will perform the operation gives clear instructions to the patient, which must be followed strictly. For example, if the patient is taking certain medications, should they be discontinued prior to surgery. If the patient smokes, it is important to temporarily (or long-term) stop this habit before laser liposuction (since smoking impairs the healing process). Before the laser liposuction procedure, the patient will be photographed. This measure is necessary so that the patient can evaluate the results before and after the operation.

After laser liposuction

After the procedure, the patient is under medical supervision for an hour in a specially designated ward. If the patient is normal, he can go home. After the procedure, the patient is advised to avoid strenuous work or heavy physical exertion for two weeks.

Results of laser liposuction

The period of the procedure depends on how much adipose tissue needs to be removed, as well as whether the process of pumping out the destroyed fat after laser lipolysis is used. This procedure, on average, takes from one to two hours. For most patients, it is enough to perform one laser liposuction procedure, however, the number of procedures directly depends on the amount of fat and the individual wishes of the patient. The results of lipolysis, without fat removal, can be noticeable only after two– four weeks, and only after this period, we can talk about the need for a second procedure. Laser lipolysis, as well as some other non-invasive liposuction techniques, are used to remove up to 0.5 liters of fat from small and well-defined areas of the body. In cases where it is necessary to remove more than 1000 ml. fat using the method of traditional liposuction. In this case, some doctors may suggest that the patient undergo two laser lipolysis procedures, with a period of once every six months.

Recovery period after laser liposuction procedure

After laser liposuction, you must follow all the doctor's instructions to minimize all possible complications. Recommendations may be as follows:

  1. It is necessary to exclude within two weeks of sports and any kind of heavy physical exertion.
  2. A bandage (compress) at the site of the procedure must be kept for two days if the procedure was carried out in the area of ​​​​the chin or face, and for a week - if in other areas.
  3. In the period of five days, antibiotics are needed to prevent infectious complications.
  4. The insertion site of the cannula must be kept dry and clean.
  5. Alcohol intake should be avoided for twelve hours after the procedure.
  6. Perform a gentle massage in the area of ​​the laser procedure after a week and a half.
  7. In the area of ​​​​laser liposuction, hard and vigorous massage should be avoided for five months.
  8. Consult a doctor if redness and painful swelling occur in the area of ​​liposuction.

Contraindications for laser liposuction

  1. Laser liposuction not carried out during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. With blood diseases.
  3. With liver diseases.

Risks of laser liposuction

The risks when using the laser liposuction method are the same as with traditional methods: infections, scars, blisters, burns, fluid accumulation under the skin. As already mentioned, only 0.5 liters of fat can be removed in one procedure, so it makes no sense to expect excellent results. after one procedure, if you need to remove fat from several areas. You should also know that laser liposuction does not cure obesity. This method allows you to correct small problem areas in a short period of time (for example, the area of ​​the hips, chin, knees, hands). Each patient who nevertheless decides to undergo this procedure should consult different clinics and listen to the opinions of different doctors.

Laser liposuction is a very popular method of getting rid of excess fat in the waist and abdomen.

To date, this method is the most common: special equipment has been developed that allows you to remove fat naturally without damaging blood vessels and complications in the rehabilitation period.

The essence of the procedure

Laser lipolysis of the abdomen is carried out under the influence of a low-intensity laser, which provokes the selective destruction of fat cells.

A cannula is inserted under the patient's skin, whose diameter does not exceed one millimeter, and a special fiber probe fixed on it, the head of which emits laser pulses.

Subsequently, the laser leads to lipolysis - the process of splitting fat into constituent acids. With the help of the same cannula, fat can be pumped out (if there is a lot of it) or left in the body to be excreted naturally.

Thanks to local anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. The operation itself lasts no longer than two hours, although on average it takes even less - only forty-forty-five minutes.

Video: Remove fat from the abdomen with a laser


Laser liposuction of the abdomen has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  1. No need to suction the removed fat (in case of a small amount). If the patient wants to remove no more than 500 ml. fat, then it is not necessary to pump it out through the cannula, it will be excreted due to the work of the liver along with the rest of the decay products.
  2. No damage to the joints and large blood loss. Laser liposuction of the abdomen is a safe and non-traumatic procedure. Instead of the large incisions that some other types of liposuction involve, laser liposuction only creates microscopic punctures. Moreover, during the destruction of fat cells, a kind of “soldering” of the walls of the vessel is carried out by the laser, which eliminates the risk of blood loss.
  3. No long recovery period. If the procedure is successful and the surgeon confirms it, then the patient can go home the same day.
  4. Absence of pain, hematomas, bruises, scars, scars after the procedure.
  5. No need for anesthesia. Liposuction is performed under local anesthesia and does not cause much harm to the patient's body.
  6. Stimulation of the production of collagen and elastin, which guarantees the effect of lifting and skin rejuvenation.


Laser liposuction of the abdomen is recommended only in cases where the patient has a small amount of subcutaneous fat. Only in this case it can be pumped out through a small cannula or removed with the help of the liver.

If subcutaneous fat is present in large quantities, then other types of liposuction are recommended: tumescent, radiofrequency, vacuum or classical.


The following diseases are contraindications:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. SARS, viral diseases.
  5. Chronic diseases of internal organs or their exacerbation.
  6. Presence of pacemakers.
  7. Pregnancy and lactation.
  8. Autoimmune diseases.
  9. Allergy to local anesthesia.
  10. Mental disorders.
  11. Blood clotting disorders.
  12. Lupus.
  13. HIV, hepatitis B, C.


One of the main points that the doctor must consider is the location of the abdominal fat, which occurs at two different levels:

  • superficial;
  • deep.

Superficial fat is located under the human skin, slightly above the abdominal muscles, and deep in the abdominal cavity on the intestines.

It can be easily removed with laser liposuction, but the fat located in the intestinal area is not removed in this way. Fortunately, most patients have more subcutaneous fat, so they can get good results.


To achieve the desired result, most often it takes from two to four weeks, but no less. It is during this period of time that the destroyed fat is absorbed into the bloodstream and neutralized through the liver.

However, many patients notice changes the very next day after the procedure. The maximum effect of the operation becomes noticeable after two months.

If the patient is not completely satisfied with the result (after all, no more than 500 ml of fat can be pumped out in one procedure), the liposuction procedure can be repeated one or more times.

Read what liposuction is, and why laser and are most often used.

Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction has long been considered one of the most effective methods of dealing with body fat. Body shaping in just one hour! .

The recovery period is quite short. On the same day, the patient can go home, and twenty-four hours after the operation, the patient has the opportunity to return to their usual activities.

Plastic surgeons give the following recommendations:

  • wearing special compression underwear for one month;
  • restriction in sports and physical exercises;
  • diet (it is recommended not to eat fatty, salty, fried foods, avoid excess salt and coffee);
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • avoidance of sunlight;
  • refusal to visit saunas, solariums, swimming pools;
  • refusal of massage in the operated area.

Physiotherapy sessions are desirable, which allow the body to recover faster and get the most pronounced result from lipolysis.

Side effects

After the procedure, almost all patients experience mild bruising, which disappears within one to three weeks. There may also be numbness or tingling in the operated area, but these sensations also disappear on their own within one to nine weeks.

Video: Non-surgical fat removal


The cost of laser liposuction in the abdomen, on average, ranges from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles, depending on several factors:

  • eminence of the clinic;
  • the amount of fat to be removed;
  • the number of procedures.

Separately from the procedure itself, tests, consultations with other doctors (in addition to the plastic surgeon, his consultation is usually free), compression underwear, etc. are paid. That is why asking this question does not make sense, because the final price depends on a whole set of factors.

Frequently asked Questions

How to understand what is the difference between classical and laser liposuction and which is better to choose?

The classical one involves the presence of sufficiently large incisions, the introduction of cannulas into the patient's body, pumping out fat and damage to blood vessels. Accordingly, the entire procedure is accompanied by great trauma and blood loss. Laser avoids this, but it is only suitable for cases where no more than 500 ml can be removed at a time. If the patient needs to remove several liters of subcutaneous fat, then the classic option is great.

How long do you need to stay in the clinic?

If the operation is successful, then after a few hours the patient can safely go home.

How is the recovery period going?

In the first few days, there may be slight swelling, soreness during movements, but all this quickly passes (1-2 days).

Is the result durable?

It directly depends on the lifestyle that the patient leads. Local deposits of fat in the so-called fat traps are difficult to diet and exercise, so it is better not to allow them to occur at all. To maintain the resulting shape, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with many hours of training in the gym, light physical exercises are enough. Proper nutrition (not a diet) also helps. With a balanced diet, the risk of "return" of excess fat is very small.

Is it possible to remove several liters of fat with this method?

No, this will not work, because most often the destroyed fat cells are excreted naturally, that is, thanks to the work of the liver. In extreme cases, it can be pumped out through a small cannula, but this is not enough for several liters of fat. If the patient needs to remove a large amount of fat, a phased approach is possible, which involves several procedures with a break of ten to twenty days.

Photos before and after laser liposuction of the abdomen

Body features are a given, laid down by nature, and even owners of slender figures are forced to work hard on their problem areas. A strict diet and intense sports are not always able to cope with body fat in the "riding breeches" zone and on the sides. And the treacherously protruding tummy is a sore spot for most girls.

Fat deposits form in the abdomen first. This is the so-called "airbag", which protects the vital internal organs of the abdominal cavity from damage. In women, the accumulation of "reserves" on the stomach is also due to childbearing. The adipose tissue of the abdomen is actively involved in hormonal processes and serves as a soft buffer, additionally protecting the unborn child from the external environment. The body is in no hurry to part with these strategic reserves even when the total percentage of subcutaneous fat tends to the lower norm.

The only real way to get rid of fat is diet and regular exercise. But they are also powerless against the "lifebuoy" on the stomach. It has become easier today to deal with persistent fat at the waist: cosmetologists offer not to suffer and get rid of it surgically. In advanced cases, patients are recommended radical abdominoplasty - excision of a skin-fat flap on the abdomen with skin relocation and the formation of a new navel.

The operation for local removal of fat is a well-known liposuction, the adverse effects of which have been heard by many. But technology in plastic surgery is improving, and today's liposuction procedure has also changed. It is now made not by traumatic mechanical delamination, but with the help of ultrasound, radio waves and a laser.

Laser liposuction is the most modern method of body shaping. It involves targeted dissolution of fat with a concentrated light beam with simultaneous coagulation of blood vessels, which eliminates bleeding, and strengthening of the skin frame of the abdomen. In many cases, laser liposuction is preferable to conventional liposuction and avoids such a large-scale intervention as tummy tuck.

Laser liposuction is a non-surgical procedure that does not require general anesthesia, it is enough to use a local one. It can be used in cases where it is necessary to remove fat in hard-to-reach or sensitive areas of the body. It does not leave behind scars or hematomas and does not damage blood vessels, the laser acts selectively only on fat cells. There is no sagging of the skin after removing the fat. The procedure has a tightening effect.

Very short rehabilitation period: in case of a successful procedure, the patient can leave the clinic within a few hours after the operation.

The most popular laser, where in women the body most often accumulates fat. It is worth resorting to the procedure if you are ready to change your lifestyle, start eating a balanced diet and add some physical activity. Otherwise, the result will be lost and you will need to repeat the procedure again.

Another very popular area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication is. In this case, the amount of fat is quite small, and the method allows you not to make punctures or suctions, all is excreted naturally.

Laser liposuction is performed if:

  1. Other methods are contraindicated;
  2. Genetic predisposition to the accumulation of fat in certain places;
  3. Ineffective diet and exercise;
  4. The amount of fat removed does not exceed 500 ml;
  5. The presence of problem areas to which other methods are not applicable;
  6. Pronounced cellulite.

How is it carried out

Laser liposuction is designed for body shaping and allows you to remove only a small amount of fat from problem areas. The principle of lipolysis is the impact of a low-intensity laser on fat cells, as a result of which they are broken down into their constituent acids and excreted from the body.

There are two types of laser liposuction:

  1. Plates or diodes are used, with the help of which the laser acts on problem areas through the skin.
  2. A cannula is inserted under the skin and the laser is applied directly to the fat deposits, after which, with the help of vacuum suction, part of the processed fat is removed.

In the first case, the removal occurs naturally, the liver cleanses the blood and lymph from the remnants of processed fat, and the resulting fluid is excreted by the kidneys. The maximum effect occurs within one to two months.

When a cannula (diameter 1-2 ml) is inserted under the skin, part of the decomposed fat is sucked off, and the remains are already processed by the liver and kidneys. With this procedure, you can remove up to 500 ml of fat at a time.

cold laser

During the procedure, overlays with laser diodes or cryoplasts are used, which are fixed on the problem area of ​​the body. The device affects fat cells with a light wave of a certain length (650 - 940 nm), as a result of which the fat is split into liquid components and passes through the cell membrane. In this form, it is excreted from the body naturally through the liver and kidneys. To achieve optimal results, lipolysis procedures are performed several times (from 6 to 10 sessions).

rehabilitation period

Depending on the type of laser lipolysis and how the procedure went, the doctor recommends the following rules:

  • Antibiotics are prescribed to avoid inflammation;
  • The first week you need to carefully monitor the puncture site, process it and make dressings;
  • You can not drink alcohol;
  • It is necessary to adhere to a certain diet, avoid fried, smoked and fatty foods;
  • Avoid physical activity for three weeks;
  • If necessary, wear slimming underwear;
  • After a week, start doing a light massage of the area of ​​the procedure.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that the procedure is non-surgical and not as dangerous to health as other types of lipolysis, it is still necessary to consult not only with a doctor in a cosmetic clinic. Like other methods, laser lipolysis has its contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • Obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Hypertension;

Be sure to visit your doctor, and if necessary, narrow specialists. Make sure the medical staff of the clinic is qualified and the quality of the equipment used. Do not try to save on health, fat removal through liposuction can also cause significant harm. The following adverse reactions after surgery are not required, but are possible:

  1. Individual intolerance and, as a result, an allergic reaction;
  2. Development of various inflammatory processes;
  3. Sealing of the skin at the treatment site and loss of sensitivity;
  4. Edema of the extremities (with their lipolysis), inflammation of the veins;
  5. tissue necrosis.

What is the price

The cost of the procedure in Moscow starts from 900 rubles. The average price of the procedure is about 10,000 rubles. The cost is affected by the area of ​​the treated zones and their number.

  • You can compare prices in clinics and read real patient reviews at
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