LDC "Kutuzovsky": MRI and CT at the station. m

On the basis of the Kutuzovsky LDC, diagnostics are carried out: excretory urography, electroencephalography, CTG, colposcopy, biopsy, EEG, genetic analysis, analyzes, Holter monitoring, X-ray, functional diagnostics, cardiac examination, MRI, mammography, ultrasound. Accepted by a surgeon, traumatologist-orthopedist, otolaryngologist, urologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist.

There is a department of dentistry: periodontology, orthopedics, orthodontics, therapy, surgery. Physiotherapy procedures are offered: massage, reflexology, manual therapy, exercise therapy, physiotherapy: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, SMT-phoresis, interference currents, ultrasound therapy, darsonvalization, phonophoresis, transcranial electrical stimulation, magnetic laser therapy.


There is a subway to Kutuzovsky LDC. Get off at the Slavyansky Bulvar station.


There is no closed parking for visitors. There is open free parking along the building on the opposite side of the Clinic on Davydkovskaya street. You can park anywhere along the road. If there are no parking spaces, you can park in the paid parking lot of the Oceania shopping center (250 meters from the clinic. The cost is 100 rubles for the first 3 hours).

A multifunctional medical center where you can get advice from specialists of all specializations and undergo a complete examination. The diagnostic department of the center specializes in conducting clinical tests in a modern laboratory, biopsy, genetic tests, ultrasound diagnostics, dopplerography, mammography and radiography. MRI studies are carried out by experienced specialists on a modern tomograph. Before undergoing the procedure, it is advisable to present the referral of the therapist or the attending physician, which clearly indicates the area of ​​research. The center has developed programs for complex treatment and diagnostics.


Smirnova Evgenia Konstantinovna - radiologist. Work experience 4 years.

Zashezova Marianna Hamidbievna - radiologist. Work experience 3 years.

Fedotov Ivan Andreevich - radiologist. Conducts scientific and practical classes for students of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy of the First State Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov, takes part in international conferences. Work experience 4 years.


MRI studies are carried out on a modern, 2014 release, low-field Philips Achieva tomograph with a power of 1.5 Tesla. On the tomograph, people weighing up to 150 kg can be examined. The device allows you to obtain high-precision images of all organs and systems of the body. If there are indications, the diagnosis is carried out with the introduction of a contrast agent "Gadovist". Diagnosis using a contrast agent is especially effective in studies of the brain and spine (cranial and spinal tomography). The center also offers computed tomography and multispiral computed tomography. The center is open seven days a week, admission is by appointment. Significant discounts apply on weekends.

People's reviews
Medical and Diagnostic Center "Kutuzovsky"

I liked it very much. The doctors are competent. They found the cause of my illness, although they could not do this in other clinics. The clinic is clean and comfortable. Not far from the metro. Svetlana P Date: 09/27/2018
Cheap and fast! Egor B Date: 08/01/2018
Good clinic, doctors are conscientious, attentive. Very clean. Reception is carried out exactly at the appointed time. Ivan P Date: 07/26/2018
Good Clinic. Friendly staff Oksana K Date: 05/30/2018
I am glad that I discovered this place for myself - only there they were able to figure out the causes of my headache and really help, and not give general recommendations. Guest Date: 04/01/2018
First, about the good - I was on February 10, 2018 at the gynecologist Yermoshina Verina Alekseevna, I liked it, responsive and attentive. She came right up to me and explained everything. I needed to donate blood, for which I always tune in for a very long time (fainting, etc., etc.). Only on February 15, 2018, I reached the clinic in the morning before work. It all started with the administrator, who said that she did not know anything about the scheduled tests, so that I went to room 32. Went. There I asked (I'm not kidding) a hundred times what kind of tests. To which my aunt (you can’t say otherwise) answered me very rudely, who was near the computer - that I should know what tests I take (can I remember the names? There are 10 of them !!!) the gynecologist said that everything was scheduled in the computer. I did not let up, I asked, because I know that I have one attempt to donate blood (I just can’t stand the second one). It was very rude to me, as if they were talking to a dumbass, as a result they took blood (the bruise is still), I said that I got confused in the end and went downstairs. I started asking downstairs, to which I was told to go upstairs. She got up, and then this rude woman says: I FOUND! SIT down - WE WILL TAKE BLOOD!!! I almost fainted, I explained that I had one attempt, so I could hardly stand on my feet. I just had a tantrum, to which they tell me that it was almost my own fault. Comrades, this is not normal! Victoria Kapustina Date: 15.02.2018
I thought I’d go for a fee, but it’s still better than according to compulsory medical insurance. Well, no .. So, they did an MRI, went to a neurologist, she prescribed a massage and injections (which I had already given). Signed up for a massage, called back, said through a physiotherapist! I went .. said massage and physio after childbirth is impossible for half a year .. go for a consultation with a gynecologist Tatiana Gladkova Date: 20.10.2017
Simply a chic medical center - I can’t find other words. Here the medicine is of such a high level that it seems that you are being treated somewhere in Germany (I just have experience), so I compare quite objectively. The doctors were very nice, so I highly recommend! Evgenia Date: 05/25/2017
It's just wonderful when you find a good medical center and forget about unnecessary worries about rude staff, the inability to make an appointment and the doctor himself, who may not understand the problem and only pump out money. This center removed all these worries from me and I go there quite calmly. I even began to go to the doctors less in general, because the procedures and drugs prescribed by the doctor really work, and this is exactly what we expect from medicine. Yes, and to pass different research is not a problem here. Ira Date: 04/29/2017

The Kutuzovsky Medical and Diagnostic Center has been successfully operating since 2010. The center provides diagnostics and treatment of various diseases. The staff of the clinic are highly qualified specialists, candidates of medical sciences and doctors of the highest category.

Advantages of the Center: unique methods of diagnostics and treatment; comprehensive examination programs that are selected individually for each patient; quality and availability; convenient appointment time.

Directions of specialists: allergology, gastoenterology, gynecology, dermatology, cardiology, otolaryngology, neurology, ophthalmology, dentistry, traumatology, trichology, urology, etc.

Accurate diagnostics and comprehensive treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body - these are the main principles of the center. Thanks to this, it is possible not only to identify the disease and eliminate the symptoms, but also to get rid of the main cause of the disease. The examination program is selected individually, taking into account the current pathology and the characteristics of the body of each patient.

The medical center has all the conditions for diagnosing diseases of any complexity. Specialists use unique technologies and use the most modern methods for detecting diseases. Laboratory diagnostics is carried out using safe drugs that have proven their high efficiency.

The doctors of the clinic guarantee their patients:

  • Timely medical assistance.
  • Individual approach.
  • effective therapy.
  • High level of service.
  • Attentive and caring attitude.
  • High quality and reasonable prices.

LDC "Kutuzovsky" works with both individual and corporate clients. Specialists are also ready to provide all types of medical care to patients insured under VHI. The center uses both classical and author's methods of examination and treatment. And the initial appointment is held at any convenient time.