Treatment of herpes infection in children. Herpes in children: varieties, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Every adult knows what herpes is. This is a rather unpleasant disease, which manifests itself in the form of a blistering rash on the mucous surfaces and skin. But if an adult usually tolerates such an ailment normally, because he has a fairly strong immune system.

That in a fragile body can lead to complications of the herpes virus. In children, the symptoms and treatment of the disease should be closely related (the more severe the symptoms, the more difficult the treatment regimen may be).

But "by eye" it is simply impossible for a non-professional to recognize the entire symptom complex. Therefore, parents, when a herpetic rash appears, should seek the advice of a specialist.

This virus is dangerous because it is highly contagious. They are easily infected by airborne droplets and household contact. Herpesvirus infection in children can be easily transmitted even on the playground, in the kindergarten, when visiting circles, etc.

The most contagious period is the period of rash. It is very easy to get infected in everyday life, through common objects - a towel, dishes, etc.

You need to understand that the herpes virus in children may not immediately manifest itself as a “fever” (rashes). Very often, a fairly long period passes before it manifests itself. Usually the start for manifestation is a health condition in which the immune system weakens.

There are a number of triggers that activate the virus:

  • constant fatigue, both physical and emotional;
  • stress - regular or prolonged exposure;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, overheating;
  • drying of mucous surfaces;
  • almost all types of diseases that weaken the immune system, in particular, SARS, influenza;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • injury to mucous surfaces and skin;
  • poor nutrition, which leads to a deficiency of any vitamins or nutrients.

Some scientists believe that every person on earth has this virus in their blood. Only people with a strong immune system rarely see its manifestations in themselves, but those who do not take care of their health are more likely to suffer from herpetic eruptions.

Causes of infection in newborns and infants

Herpes in infants is difficult in comparison with adults, as a weakened and unformed immunity is unable to resist infection. At this age, congenital or neonatal herpes is more common.

Infection occurs as follows:

  1. Placental- a woman, being pregnant and carrying the virus, transmits the disease to the fetus at an early stage of pregnancy. After birth, the baby may experience numerous complications.
  2. Genital- the child becomes infected, passing through the birth canal of a sick mother. By entering amniotic fluid into the body of the baby, the pathogen is also transmitted.
  3. airborne way- in contact with a sick person.
  4. The virus enters the body of a healthy child through small microcracks in the skin, mucous membranes, lips or genitals.

These are the most common ways to get infected with the virus. Conventionally, it can be divided into several types, namely:

  1. congenital or neonatal is considered the most dangerous. Complications resulting from its development can be fatal or cause disability. The incubation period lasts up to three weeks, in newborns symptoms appear by about a month of their life. A special risk group includes those children whose mothers have been diagnosed with genital herpes.
  2. Herpes simplex- localized on the lips and mucous membranes. At the initial stage, the child's condition worsens, the body temperature rises. Red spots appear on the body, with progression, a rash forms inside which there is liquid. After a while, they begin to crack, a crust forms on the surface, under which healthy skin forms.

Relapse periods depend on many factors. It is believed that in winter and autumn, when respiratory infections are exacerbated, the virus always makes itself felt.

In addition, the following factors can provoke a relapse:

  • development of infectious diseases;
  • dryness of the mucosa;
  • weak immunity;
  • elevated temperature;
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body.

If parents protect the child from all these factors, then the frequency of recurrence of the disease will be reduced. The video in this article explains in more detail why the disease occurs in children.

Varieties of the disease

Currently, herpes is divided into 6 main types. In each case, there will be their pathogens, which means that completely different help will be required. To determine the specific herpes virus in the blood of a child, you will need to pass certain tests.

Herpes can be:

  1. First type. The simplest, and then the most common form (read more). In this case, the child has rashes on the lips and around the mouth (also called fever), on the wings of the nose, on the mucous surfaces of the oral cavity.
  2. The second type affects the genitals. It happens that this type of disease manifests itself in conjunction with the previous one (read more). This virus is often transmitted during childbirth through the birth canal. The 2nd type is characterized not only by severe itching in intimate places in children, but also provokes the appearance of herpetic sore throat and various forms of stomatitis.
  3. Third type. This is already a well-known windmill. One of the variants of the lesion is herpes zoster.
  4. fourth type. This type of virus is very dangerous. It is provoked by the Epstein-Barr virus, which leads to the development of infectious mononucleosis and damage to the lymphatic system. In addition to the fact that this disease negatively affects the internal organs, in particular, the spleen and liver, it is also fraught with serious complications, since it greatly weakens the immune system.
  5. Fifth type. Provokes the development of cytomegalovirus infection. This type occurs in children as early as 2-3 years old, that is, when the child begins to attend a preschool. The danger here is that this herpes virus in a child may not show its symptoms (or they will be insignificant) for a long time, because of which parents may even miss the time for treatment. But at the same time, active infection of other children who surround the virus carrier will also occur.
  6. sixth type. In childhood, it manifests itself in the form of a sudden exanthema or roseola. In medicine, this disease can also be called pseudorubella, since small red bubbles appear on the child's body. Herpes type 6 has primary symptoms very similar to the manifestation of a common cold, so it often happens that doctors diagnose a child with SARS or ARI. Accordingly, then the treatment here takes place in a completely different plan. And until a rash appears on the body, the correct measures are unlikely to be taken. In adults, this type of virus provokes the development of such a serious illness as multiple sclerosis.
  7. Seventh and eighth type. This is already a new generation of viruses that were discovered quite recently, so not much information has been received about them. It is assumed that the 7th type can cause chronic fatigue, as well as lead to oncological changes in the lymphoid tissue.

To identify herpesvirus infections in children, it is necessary to take a blood test. But such an appointment is usually not received by parents until the child has vivid symptoms. And waiting can seriously affect the health of a small patient. Therefore, it is better to know well by what signs the onset of the disease can be determined.


The herpes virus in children can have quite a variety of symptoms. In addition, as mentioned above, the primary manifestations may resemble other diseases.

There are general clinical symptoms that should alert parents:

  • body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees;
  • the baby may complain of a constant headache;
  • the child quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic and irritable;
  • there is pain in the joints and muscles, and sometimes even the skin becomes very sensitive that it is impossible to touch the baby.

At first glance, all of the above symptoms are so general in nature, that is, they affect many diseases, that it will be extremely difficult to determine herpes from them. But a rash in the form of bubbles quickly joins them (the photo is presented below), damage to the lymph nodes and mucous surfaces (even the eyes may suffer). In especially severe cases, herpes is accompanied by lesions of the nervous system.


Herpes in a child can be congenital or acquired. Neither one nor the other species is amenable to definitive treatment. All activities will be aimed at maintaining immunity and eliminating the main symptoms.

As for the places where herpes appears, they can be as follows:

Place of localization Type of virus Manifestations
The rash affects the nasolabial triangle on the face

Herpes simplex (HVS-1)Rashes affect not only the nasolabial triangle, but may also appear in the mouth, while the baby's temperature rises (up to 38 - 39 degrees). If another infection joins the herpes, the condition may become more complicated.
On the face

Herpes simplex (HVS1,2) and herpes zoster (HHV-3), chicken pox (HHV-3)It is important to exclude an allergic reaction here, since the rashes can have a very similar character. The primary disease is most easily tolerated by children under 1 year of age. Manifestations: in children under 3 years of age, the rash does not itch, but in older children itching appears. The rash can have a completely different character - from single papules to numerous "pimples" covered with a crust. This herpes virus in a child of 3 years and older is necessarily still manifested by fever, and a week after the rash appears, the baby sometimes has problems with consciousness - fainting, auditory hallucinations, etc.
On the body

ShinglesThe problem arises against the background of chicken pox, which the baby himself (up to a year) or his mother can get sick with while she was pregnant. The hallmarks are a rash (without any pain), the bubbles themselves will be filled with a clear liquid. Pain can occur if the child has an immunodeficiency, that is, the body is already weakened by any viruses.

Herpes virus HVS-2The activation of this virus often occurs during puberty, and the problem manifests itself in the form of a rash on the mucous surfaces of the genital organs, and closer to the outside. This condition is accompanied by severe itching and pain discomfort, as well as a rise in temperature to 37-38 degrees. If no measures are taken in time, this will lead to the formation of erosion on the mucous surfaces and the possible infection in the wounds and the development of a purulent process.

Herpes types 1, 2, 4 and 5, various combinations of all herpes viruses, adenoviruses, bacteria and protozoaViral herpes in children in the throat manifests itself not just as a rash, but also as inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil, the development of tonsillitis, and an increase in lymph nodes. All these symptoms will be accompanied by a temperature of up to 38 - 39 degrees.

If herpes develops in infants, the symptoms and duration of their manifestation depend on the duration of infection. Depending on the form of the course of the disease, the incubation period can last up to one month.

Newborns can have several forms of herpes infection:

  1. Localized. Eruptions appear on the skin and mucous membranes. More than 40% of children suffer. Rashes of bubbles are single or multiple, their diameter does not exceed two millimeters, there is a slight swelling. Symptoms appear in the first two weeks after birth. Erosions remain in place of bursting bubbles. The healing period is about fourteen days, after this time the crusts fall off, and pigment spots of a red tint remain in their place. The missing treatment will lead to damage to many organs, including the central nervous system.
  2. Generalized. In more than half of the cases of pathology, this form occurs. The virus is diagnosed most often 10-12 days after birth, but it can manifest itself earlier. The clinical picture is blurred, may resemble sepsis. There is an increase in body temperature, an increase in the size of the spleen, symptoms of pneumonia, frequent regurgitation, a lethargic state, a whiny child.
  3. Chicken pox. At the initial stage, herpes forms on the lips, face and abdomen. The rashes are small pink spots. After a while, the bubbles spread throughout the body, inside the liquid. The lymph nodes increase in size, the body temperature rises. Time will pass and the bubbles will burst, after drying, small scabs will remain on the body. With repeated infection, shingles develops.
  4. Infectious mononucleosis- body temperature rises during development.

The symptoms of the disease are numerous, and sometimes it does not make itself felt at all for years.

In fact, herpes is a rather dangerous disease, which is characterized not only by unaesthetic rashes and their possible suppuration, but can also lead to problems with the nervous system, and sometimes even to death.

Why is herpes dangerous for children?

Not all parents know if herpes is dangerous for babies and what will happen if you do not start treating it on time. If the fight against infection is absent, the child's condition will begin to deteriorate, complications will arise.

From untreated herpes, the following diseases can develop:

  1. Eye herpes. The main symptom of the disease is constant lacrimation, pain, itching, redness. Lack of treatment will lead to clouding of the cornea, eventually the child will go blind.
  2. Kaposi's eczema. With the development of pathology, immediate hospitalization of the child in a hospital is required, since the outcome can be fatal. One of the symptoms is an increase in body temperature, blisters scattered throughout the body, unbearable itching.
  3. Encephalitis - an infection enters the brain during the period of being in the womb. Hospitalization is necessary in this case.
  4. Panaritium - development provokes herpes. The finger begins to become inflamed, the virus is introduced through damage to the skin. There is swelling, pain, redness.

In newborns, the disease is more complicated than in adults. The danger lies in the fact that the nervous system and internal organs can be affected. The child may lose sight, hearing, childbearing functions will be absent.

How to treat the disease

The duration of treatment and its success depend on how correct and timely the diagnosis will be. Thanks to modern medicine, it is possible to treat children up to a year, thereby avoiding complications.

Infection in a neglected case can become chronic. The main goal of treatment is to suppress the activity of the virus, as well as reduce the severity of complications.

The following drugs may be used:

  • antipyretic - with their help bring down the high temperature;
  • antiviral - relieve pain and itching, Acyclovir is more often prescribed;
  • interferons - destroy the virus, do not allow it to spread further;
  • immunostimulating - block the further spread of the virus, do not allow damage to internal organs.

With the development of herpes in the oral cavity in a child, make sure that the baby does not comb anything. Frequent relapses are not normal, it is recommended to consult an immunologist.

Important! Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, dosage of drugs and the duration of their intake.

Parents treating a child for herpes should follow simple recommendations, which include:

  1. During the entire period of treatment, let the child drink as much liquid as possible. At elevated body temperature, the body can be dehydrated, drinking regimen is necessary.
  2. It is impossible to remove drying crusts. Their injury will cause the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection, in the future scars will remain on the skin.
  3. The child has been contagious since the onset of acute symptoms. As soon as there is not a single trace of a rash left on the body, there will be a threat to others.
  4. Herpetic infection in the latent stage is not a reason to refuse preventive vaccination. Immediately after recovery, the child can be vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule.
  5. Parents, after the recovery of the child, should pay attention to strengthening his immunity. With strong protection, relapses are rare. Nutrition should be correct and complete, complementary foods are introduced gradually according to age.

Spend time outdoors with your children as much as possible. The temperature in the apartment should be certain - no more than 25 degrees. From childhood, it is recommended to practice hardening.

Breastfeeding and herpes

Is it possible to treat herpes while breastfeeding?

Many mothers ask this question. Experts say that there are no grounds for transferring the baby to artificial feeding.

The virus is not able to penetrate into breast milk, the only way in which infection can occur is through contact with the crumbs. Therefore, kisses and hugs should be excluded until complete recovery.

In order to prevent infection of the child, you should follow simple rules:

  • wash your hands thoroughly before contact with a child;
  • change bed and underwear as often as possible;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning in the premises;
  • the child must have individual dishes.

Herpes and breastfeeding are things that do not affect each other in any way. Before feeding, you do not need to treat the breast with something.

Thus, not only will you not protect the child, but you can also provoke the appearance of abrasions and cracks. There is no need to change the feeding regimen and reduce its frequency.

Breast milk contains the necessary nutrients and antibodies against herpes infection. That is why the best way to protect the baby is long-term breastfeeding.

But how to treat herpes while breastfeeding?

First of all, purchase local antiviral agents. The sooner treatment is started, the more likely the child will not be infected.

During lactation, it is allowed to be treated only with local remedies. The rash on the lips is eliminated with Acyclovir cream and its analogues. Apply the drug in such a way as not to touch the mucous membranes of the cheeks or lips. Treatment is carried out until all rashes are formed.

Genital herpes is also treated with antiviral agents. When applied topically, there is no threat to the child and woman. Substances are not absorbed into the skin, do not enter the bloodstream and breast milk.

Doctors avoid systemic drugs while breastfeeding. If you can’t do without them, you may have to stop feeding for a while, the child is transferred to an artificial mixture. But every day you need to express breast milk so that it is not lost.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Disease prevention

Tell me, what is included in the prevention of herpes in children?

Preventive measures are not complicated, they include the following measures:

  • teach a child from virginity to the rules of personal hygiene;
  • do not allow close contact of children and sick people;
  • nutrition should be balanced;
  • strengthen immunity.

Thus, you will protect your child from an unpleasant disease.

Symptoms of the disease

How can I know if my child is developing herpes?

To date, doctors identify several characteristic symptoms by which parents can identify the disease, they include:

  • feeling of pain in the muscles;
  • the child becomes irritable and capricious;
  • feverish state;
  • the appearance of a rash on the body;
  • lack of appetite.

If you notice these symptoms, be sure to take your child to the hospital.

Herpes occurs among all age groups, but children are most susceptible to viral damage. The disease is accompanied by characteristic blisters on the body and mucous membranes. Outwardly, the disease looks like bubbles on the lip or in the throat, filled with a yellowish liquid. The base of the skin under the bubbles is erythematous-edematous.

Physicians distinguish eight types of herpes. The last two groups are considered extremely rare, leading to severe forms of the disease with damage to external and internal organs.

Children are mainly susceptible to infection by the first six types:

  1. The virus of the first type, or herpes simplex HSV-1, localized around the lips.
  2. The second type of virus, human herpes simplex, occurs on the genitals.
  3. Virus of the third type. It includes herpes zoster and chickenpox, or chickenpox.
  4. Epstein-Barr virus belongs to the 4th type of human herpes.
  5. Type five - Cytomegalovirus infection.
  6. The sixth type includes the herpes virus that causes Roseola disease.
  7. Herpes infection type 7, or β-herpesvirus, has several definitions, in particular HHV7 and HHV7.
  8. Associated Kaposi's sarcoma virus belongs to the 8th type of human herpes.

Once entering the body, herpes in children remains in a latent-persistent state throughout life.

The reasons

The causative agent of herpes simplex virus Herpes Simplex, has many clinical manifestations. Characteristic bubble rashes occur on the skin and mucous membranes.

  1. Herpetic HSV-1 infection transmitted by household, airborne droplets or orally in the postnatal period. Transmission of the virus to the fetus during pregnancy occurs through the placenta.
  2. Infection with the second type of herpes possibly from mother to child during childbirth. Children suffer the disease more severely than adults, and it is more difficult to treat a child.
  3. Chicken pox, herpes type 3, in childhood is easily tolerated. Everyone knows that having had chickenpox, a person develops immunity. But secondary infection with this type of virus is possible, and it leads to the occurrence of shingles.
  4. Herpes viruses 4 to 7 type provoke the occurrence of infectious mononucleosis and lymphocytosis. In the analysis of peripheral blood, an increased content of atypical mononuclear cells. The liver and spleen are enlarged. Intrauterine herpes infection can occur from any biological substrate - blood, urine, saliva.
  5. Herpes type 6 in children is the most common. It manifests itself in the form of pink spots with papular rashes, and is called baby roseola. The risk category includes children under 2 years of age. The characteristic symptoms of the disease include fever, lasting no more than 3-6 days and sore throat. With the normalization of temperature, papular-spotted rashes appear on the body - exanthema. The diameter of the spots does not exceed 0.03 cm. When pressed, the papules turn pale, unlike rubella. The duration of skin rashes varies from several hours to several days. Rashes are localized on the body in the region of the sacrum, neck, face and limbs.

Herpes infection in children under one year is very difficult. Treatment is complex, associated with severe forms of lesions of internal organs. There is a risk of meningitis or encephalopathy.


The onset of the disease is marked by itching and burning at the sites of vesicle formation. Soon the bubbles burst with the formation of ulcers and wounds covered with crusts.

The oral mucosa may also ulcerate. Herpes in the mouth of a child spreads along the inside of the cheeks, gums, tongue and throat. The gums are hyperemic and bleed. There is an increase in lymph nodes that respond to palpation with pain.

Sores of herpes in the throat are small, painful, the tonsils are covered with a gray coating. Treatment is long, lasting at least two weeks.

There are four stages of the course of the disease:

  1. primary infection.
  2. Latent period.
  3. secondary infection.
  4. Possible complications.

On the 12th day, during the primary infection, a rash forms on the body and a sore throat is felt. The skin is dry, painful, swollen. After a short period of time, the rash turns into blisters that dry out or burst.

The infectious substrate, pouring out, infects areas of the skin around. Healed blisters are not dangerous. In the affected area, the lymphoid nodes are enlarged and painful when touched. Body temperature is elevated. There are headache attacks. General condition, as in SARS with sore throat.

The course of the latent period is asymptomatic. The patient does not pose a threat to others. Herpetic infection sleeps until the onset of the third stage of the disease.

At the end of the latent period, latent reproduction of the virus occurs with the return of symptoms of the disease. The onset of secondary infection is unpredictable, but, as a rule, secondary infection appears within a year after the initial infection with the virus.

The possibility of complications depends on the type of infection affecting the body.


In therapy against herpes infection, interferon and antiviral drugs are used. Treatment of herpes in children begins when the first signs of the disease occur. In a neglected state, the risk of the disease becoming chronic increases with frequent relapses and possible complications.

Treatment of herpes infection in childhood is aimed at suppressing the active form of the virus. Doctors prefer to treat the external manifestations of the virus on the body or lip with ointments. Tablets are used as drugs that relieve itching and pain, as well as antipyretics at high temperatures.

It is preferable to treat a child in the stage of exacerbation of herpes with the antiviral drug Acyclovir, which is available in the form of tablets, ointments and injections.

The dose of the drug is calculated only by the doctor in accordance with the severity of the disease and depending on the type of virus:

  • orally - up to 90 mg / kg of the child's weight, 4 times a day in equal doses;
  • intravenously - from 30 to 60 mg / kg;
  • external use is limited to the local location of the focus of infection with application up to 5 times a day to the affected areas.

The introduction of immunostimulating drugs into therapy contributes to the effective fight against the virus by the child's body.

Immunostimulants are introduced into the treatment:

  • Immunal;
  • Groprisin;
  • Arpetol.

The herpes virus is perfectly destroyed by interferons, which control their spread and block the reproduction process. Drugs are available in the form of tablets and suppositories.

The child should be treated for five days, anally introducing interferon suppositories twice a day. If necessary, the course is repeated with a five-day break between cycles.

Herpes of the second type in a child

The occurrence of genital herpes in a child is not a frequent occurrence. Herpes on the genitals in adolescents may occur after the first sexual experience. At a younger age, children are infected mainly from their parents.

The herpes virus type 2 affects the genitals. In girls, manifestations of herpes can be found on the labia minora or labia majora, in boys - in the scrotum.

Symptoms of herpes in children are accompanied by high fever, fever and acute pain in the area of ​​the rash. Inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation.

Herpes type 2 relapses much more often than herpes simplex. This form is dangerous during pregnancy and childbirth, since the risk of infection of the newborn is high. It is difficult to treat, especially during pregnancy. Only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Therapy for gardnerellosis, or viral vaginosis, consists of two stages, regardless of whether a girl or an adult woman has to be treated.

The first stage is aimed at suppressing the process of reproduction in the vagina of gardnerella - excess microbial flora. Therapy is carried out with gels and suppositories of Metronidazole, or Clintamycin, rarely - tablet preparations.

The second stage is devoted to the reproduction of the initial number of lactobacilli, whose vital functions were inhibited by gardnerella during the period of illness. At this stage, it is preferable to treat with probiotics:

  • Bifiform;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Linex;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

It is important to remember that self-treatment of children without consulting a pediatric gynecologist can lead to sad consequences.

With frequent relapses, consultation with an immunologist is necessary. Treatment is prescribed to strengthen the child's immune system, since the herpes virus that has entered the body remains with the person forever, no matter what type he is.


Preventive measures to prevent recurrence depend on the form of the disease. Timely detection of neonatal herpes in pregnant women makes it possible for a child to be born naturally. If an infection is detected for a period of 36 weeks, no treatment is prescribed, the only preventive measure is a caesarean section.


The most common virus found on earth. Children are classified as a separate risk group due to the fact that their immunity, depending on age, is either only in its infancy or is often weakened due to hormonal surges.

Therefore, parents should carefully study the information about this disease in order to respond in time and prevent complications in children.

What types of virus do children get?

Herpes is a virus that manifests itself in the formation of watery vesicles. The main feature is that when it enters the human body, it settles in all organs. It is impossible to cure him. The treatment is to reduce it to a latent state in which it does not appear on the skin.

Doctors have 80-100 species and subspecies, but children most often get sick 6:

  1. Herpes simplex virus or type 1, which affects only the skin in the mouth and eyes.
  2. Herpes type 2 affecting the skin in the genital area.
  3. Herpes 3 types covering the whole body.
  4. which calls .
  5. , which affects the tissues in the salivary glands.
  6. Herpes 6 type or pseudo-crown.

Transmission routes

Infection occurs asymptomatically and it is impossible to understand that the child is already sick. In addition, if the immune system is working properly, it immediately releases antibodies that block the activity of herpes and cause it to go into a latent stage.

Herpes is transmitted from a carrier of the virus to a healthy child in the following ways:

  1. Airborne way during the active phase of the disease in the carrier.
  2. With the general use of canteens and other things in which it is possible contact between the mucosa of the carrier and the child, while it is not necessary that the carrier be in the active phase.
  3. By contact: at and other contacts of the mucous membranes of the carrier and the recipient.
  4. Transmission from the mother during gestation, childbirth and.

It is worth noting that the risk of infection of the child from the mother during pregnancy increases under the condition of its primary infection, and decreases if its exacerbation occurs.

The reasons for the transition of the virus in children to the active phase are the weakening of the immune system due to stress, malnutrition, the cold season and colds. In addition, herpes awakens if you are in a cold wind.

Symptoms in children

Symptoms of different types of herpes are very different depending on the age of the child. It has to do with the development of the immune system. Therefore, when determining the virus, it is worth considering the age of the child.

Symptoms in infants, neonatal herpes

The symptoms depend on the period during which the virus infection occurred. If the fetus is infected at an early or medium term, then at birth the following disorders appear: epilepsy, infantile central paralysis, destruction or partial disruption of the liver, inflammatory processes in the lungs, eye damage.

Infection that occurs during childbirth or within two weeks after it is called neonatal herpes. It is divided into three forms, depending on the symptoms:

  1. localized form. It is characterized only by the appearance in the eyes, mouth and genitals.
  2. Generalized form. It is manifested by lethargy, respiratory failure, malfunction of the liver and adrenal glands, regurgitation, convulsions, yellowness of the mucous membranes.
  3. Striking form. It is manifested by high temperature, lethargy with a transition to arousal, vomiting, convulsions.

Clinical manifestations in young children

The disease in young children is easier than in older ones. The acute phase of the virus manifests itself in a little and the appearance of a rash at the site of its entry into the body. However, if, then it is accompanied by high fever, shortness of breath, inflammation of the tonsils and swollen lymph nodes.

Symptoms in older children

In older children, the active phase of the virus occurs with high fever, headache, rash, acute itching at the site of the rash, fatigue and irritability, joint pain, inflammation of the mucous membranes, problems with the organs of vision.

What is dangerous

The virus itself is not dangerous and during treatment, in addition to discomfort in the form of itching and rash, does not cause any problems. However, due to the similarity of symptoms with other diseases, it often flows into a severe form, which already gives the following complications:

  • serious damage to the organs of vision that leads to blindness;
  • disorders in the liver and adrenal glands;
  • serious disorders of the nervous system (cerebral palsy, epilepsy);
  • the formation of blood clots in small vessels - DIC;
  • the appearance of gingivitis.

However, neonatal herpes is considered the most dangerous, especially its generalized and striking form. In these cases, the mortality of newborns reaches 90%. Therefore, it is important to determine the presence of the virus in infants in time.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosing the presence of the virus in the active phase is not difficult. on examination, it is highly likely to determine the type by visible symptoms. However, to confirm the diagnosis and to exclude the similarity of symptoms with other diseases, laboratory tests are prescribed, which with a 100% guarantee identify both the type and stage of development of the virus.

General laboratory examination methods

General studies include the cultural method and the reaction of immunofluorescence (RIF).

The cultural method implies the cultivation of the virus located in the taken biomaterial of the patient in a specialized nutrient medium. These studies allow you to determine the type of herpes with a high probability. The only drawback of the method is the time it takes, which is 1-2 weeks.

The second frequent analysis that is prescribed is the RIF. The principle of the study is to examine under a microscope the patient's biomaterial treated with a special composition. This method is used during the active phase of the disease, when the amount of antibodies in the body is high.

Serodiagnostics: ELISA, PCR

If standard methods did not give an exact answer, then more in-depth studies are carried out: serodiagnosis,.

Serodiagnostics determines the presence of class G antibodies, which determine the type of virus. This analysis is prescribed if there is a suspicion of genital herpes. The material used is the patient's blood.

ELISA is divided into qualitative and quantitative. In both cases, IgM and IgG antibodies are determined. The first is more during the active phase, and the second during the latent period. The type of these antibodies indicates the type of virus, and the amount about its phase.

CPR is based on a large number of repetitions of a part of the patient's DNA. This method is fast and helps to determine the type of virus even when it is latent.

Treatment Methods

As it was written above, it is impossible to completely cure herpes, however, in the active phase, it must be transferred to the latent period as soon as possible. Due to the large number of types of the virus, treatment is prescribed individually after receiving the results of laboratory tests and studying the health status of a particular child.

General principles of treatment

Although there is no single treatment, the technique for all types of virus is similar:

  1. AT active period. In addition, immunoreplacement therapy drugs are prescribed, which facilitate the work of the child's own immune system.
  2. AT latency period, after the transferred active phase, immunomodulators are prescribed, which restore the natural protective system of a person.
  3. In the active phase, both drug prophylaxis and a general set of measures to strengthen the immune system are used.

Safe drugs

Of the antiviral drugs, Virolex is the most widely used. For application to the foci of the rash, bonafton and rhyodoxol ointments are used.

Of the immunomodulators, cycloferon, tamerite, immunofan, ferrovir are mainly used. A complex is prescribed to strengthen immunity.

The main thesis of the doctor is the assertion that herpes is not a disaster and not a tragedy, but an ordinary nuisance.
Dr. Komarovsky advises the following:

  1. When a virus appears, you should consult a doctor to determine its type.
  2. Do not self-medicate, as this leads to complications due to the neglect of the disease.
  3. Enhance children's immunity. To do this, you should lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise, eat right, protect the baby from stress, etc.
  4. Must do for chicken pox.

School of Dr. Komarovsky:

Prevention methods

In children, it is to keep their immune system at a high level. For this you need:

  • rich in vitamins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • regular exercise and being outdoors;
  • if necessary, taking multivitamins;
  • absence of stressful situations.

To prevent complications during the active phase of the virus in the fetus and newborns, the expectant mother must constantly check herself for herpes. If it is detected, then you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor for a consultation.

Epidemiology. The source of infection is a sick person or a virus carrier. Ways of transmission: contact, airborne, sexual, during childbirth.

History and distribution. Herpes was known to Herodotus. The viral etiology of the disease was proved by W. Gruter in 1912.

Causes of herpes infection in children

Herpes simplex is from the Herpes viridae family. Portal of infection: skin and mucous membranes. At the site of introduction (cells of the epidermis and mucous membranes), the virus replicates. Then, through sensitive and autonomic endings, the virus penetrates into the nerve ganglia, where it multiplies and spreads through efferent pathways to new areas of the skin and mucous membranes. With generalization of infection, damage to internal organs is possible. Of great importance for the development of the disease is the state of the resistance factors of the human body.

Examination of patients with recurrent herpetic infection does not reveal the same type of disorders of the immune response and interferon status. It is not clear whether these factors provoke active replication of the latent virus or sharply increase its continuous replication. However, in any case, the newly formed viral particles penetrate the skin and mucous membranes along the efferent nerves, reproduce there and cause local changes similar to those during primary infection. At this time, viremia, generalization of infection and damage to internal organs are possible. The mechanism of lesions of the central nervous system is unclear, since they, as a rule, are not combined with lesions of the outer integument. In infected epithelial cells, ballooning degeneration develops, followed by necrosis, vesicle formation, and a secondary inflammatory response.

The main cause of death in newborns is necrotic changes in many organs.

Principles of classification

By localization: damage to the skin, mucous membranes, eyes, genitals, central nervous system, internal organs. By prevalence: local and widespread forms. Downstream: acute, abortive, recurrent.

Symptoms and signs of herpes infection in children

The incubation period is from 2 to 14 days. With local forms of the syndrome of general intoxication and fever, they are not noted, with common forms, high fever and a pronounced syndrome of general intoxication are observed. A herpetic rash appears on the skin of the face, nose, lips, eyelids, hands and other areas, which is preceded by sensations of burning, heat, itching. Herpetic rash is represented by vesicles with transparent contents, which gradually become cloudy. Vesicles can merge into one large element (herpetic eczema). Vesicles open, forming erosions, or dry out, forming crusts. Layering of a bacterial infection, development of regional lymphadenitis is possible. On the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, tonsils, hyperemia, edema, bubble elements with transparent and yellow contents, erosion are observed. Stomatitis is accompanied by a feverish reaction, deterioration in general well-being, regional lymphadenitis. Eye damage occurs in the form of follicular, catarrhal or vesicular-ulcerative conjunctivitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, keratoiridocyclitis.

With genital herpes, the penis, vulva, vagina, cervical canal, perineum, endometrium are affected. Vesicular and erosive-ulcerative rashes are revealed. CNS lesions occur in the form of meningitis and encephalitis. Visceral forms are most often found in the form of hepatitis, pneumonia, nephritis. In the general clinical analysis of blood: lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia, increased ESR.

CNS lesions are more often caused by HSV-1, less often by HSV-2. Serous meningitis is possible, clinically not different from other viral meningitis, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis are more common. The disease develops rapidly. The defeat of the central nervous system is preceded by severe fever, chills, myalgia, catarrhal phenomena. Repeated generalized convulsions are often noted. A protracted relapsing course of the disease is possible.

CSF examination reveals low lymphocytic or mixed pleocytosis, often an admixture of erythrocytes, and CSF xanthochromia. The protein content is moderately increased, glucose - formal or increased.

It is also possible to develop myeloradiculopathy and paresis of the facial nerve.

Generalized forms of the disease include Kaposi's eczema herpetiformis. It is characterized by severe intoxication, profuse rashes, especially in places of previous skin lesions. Lethal outcomes are possible.

In HIV-infected people, a generalized form of the disease with frequent relapses prevails, in addition to the skin and oropharynx, the mucous membrane of the esophagus, the organ of vision, and the central nervous system suffer. Skin lesions are extensive, deep (ulcers), heal slowly with scarring.

Diagnosis of herpetic infection in children

Direct method of immunofluorescence. Determination of specific IgM, PCR.

differential diagnosis. Carried out with an infectious mollusk, chickenpox, herpes zoster, etc.

Diagnosis of typical forms of herpes with lesions of the skin and mucous membranes in most cases is not difficult. With lesions of the central nervous system, visceral and atypical forms of the disease, additional research methods are used. More often, serological tests are used (RSK, RPHA, RNIF, ELISA), which allow the detection of antibodies against HSV in the blood serum and CSF. An increase in antibody titer by at least 4 times indicates an active infection, with primary infection, antibodies of the IgM class are detected, and with relapses, IgG. It is possible to detect viral DNA by PCR, however, due to the widespread infection of people with HSV, viral DNA can be detected in patients with other diseases and healthy individuals. The presence of viral particles in the contents of the vesicles is detected by direct RIF. Isolation of virus culture from various biological substrates is commonly used for scientific purposes.

Treatment and prevention of herpes infection in children

Hospitalize patients with common forms, lesions of the central nervous system, internal organs. With localized forms, local ointments are used: acyclovir, oxolinic, bonafton, flurenal. For the prevention of bacterial complications, a 1% solution of brilliant green, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is used. Pain can be relieved by applications of solutions of anestezin, lidocaine. With common forms, damage to the central nervous system, internal organs, antiviral drugs are used: acyclovir, virolex, α-interferon, inducers of interferonogenesis.

The issue of hospitalization is decided according to clinical indications. As a rule, patients are treated on an outpatient basis. Treatment with acyclovir, less effective are valaciclovir (Valtreke), famciclovir (Famvir), te(Alpizarin), gossypol. Also used are interferon inducers, immunomodulators [imunofan, azoximer bromide (polyoxidonium), etc.], ointments [acyclovir (zovirax), tetrabromotetrahydroxydiphenyl (tebrofen ointment), bromnaphthoquinolone (bonafton), florenal]. In the complex of pathogenetic therapy, NSAIDs are prescribed, with damage to the central nervous system, dehydration is performed, dexamethasone (dexazone) is used.

Forecast. Severe prognosis - with encephalitis and a generalized form of the disease.

Prevention. Prevention of recurrence of herpes infection is complex, it includes the use of acyclovir, immunomodulators, interferon inducers and vaccination using an inactivated herpes vaccine.

Anti-epidemic measures. Isolation of the patient at home for up to 10 days. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Current and final disinfection. Prevention of infection in newborns.

Herpes is a disease of a viral nature, characterized by damage to various organs and tissues: skin, mucous membranes, brain, lungs, genital organs, etc.

There are several types of herpes virus: eight are currently known. One of these viruses can cause both, and. In children, the cause of the disease is most often the herpes simplex virus with damage to the skin (for example, on the wings of the nose, thighs, buttocks, etc.) and mucous membranes (most often). But in some cases, this virus can also affect other organs (eyes, genitals).

Children of the first year of life rarely get sick, as they receive immunity from the mother. Only severely weakened babies can get sick. But if the mother has it, then it can become infected during childbirth and then even a healthy newborn can get sick: the virus in the birth canal is in an active state.

Most often, children become infected at the age of 3-4 years, and by the age of five, about 80% of children have antibodies to the herpes simplex virus.

Infection of children comes from sick family members or other infected children. The virus enters the child's body in two ways: airborne and contact-household. After infection of the baby, the virus does not always immediately cause manifestations of the disease. It penetrates into clusters of nerve cells (nerve ganglia) and remains in them throughout life.

For a long time, the virus may not manifest itself. During this period, an infected child is not dangerous to other children, since it will become a source of infection only during the period of active reproduction of the virus. If it is good, then the virus can be “in a dormant state” for a lifetime, and the disease will not develop.

When immunity is weakened, when any diseases occur in a child, even when hypothermia (or overheating), the virus multiplies rapidly and manifests itself. Most often this happens in the autumn-spring period.

The following factors can also provoke the first manifestation of infection or its exacerbation:

  • irrational nutrition;
  • and ORZ;
  • stressful situations.


Most often, rashes in children appear on the lips, near the nasal passages. But bubbles can also appear on other areas of the skin (cheeks, thighs, buttocks, arms). Children often scratch the bubbles, and wounds form as a result.

The hands of the baby can transfer the virus to the mouth, ears, eyes. Quite often, children develop aphthous at the same time. Herpetic eye lesions are very dangerous (not only the cornea, but also the retina can be affected). The development of the process in the ears can lead to hearing loss.

At first, the bubbles have a transparent content, and after a couple of days it becomes cloudy. If the child does not comb the bubble, then it dries up, a crust forms. On the lips, the crust falls off after about 2 days, on the skin - after a few days. With constant combing and tearing off the crust, the healing time is delayed.

As a rule, the general condition of the child remains satisfactory. Some children may develop a fever.

Most often, rashes during exacerbations always appear in one place. But the location of the rash can change with each exacerbation.

After the disappearance of the clinical symptoms of the disease, the virus will again wait in the nerve ganglia for the next moment for a new exacerbation. Therefore, herpetic infection has a recurrent cyclic course. The frequency of occurrence of exacerbations is different (from several weeks to several years).

In newborns the disease is severe. Clinical manifestations after infection in childbirth appear by 4-7 days of life. The temperature rises to high numbers. Abundant rashes appear not only on the oral mucosa, but also on the skin, in the eyes, in the intestines. The bronchi, liver, adrenal glands can be affected.

Often, the infection also captures the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain). Such an extremely severe course of a herpes infection can lead to the death of an infant or cause disability in a child.


All mild cases of a child with herpes are treated at home. Of course, the treatment of newborns is carried out in a hospital. Children of any age with damage to the eyes and nervous system are hospitalized.

At home, with an exacerbation of the disease before the appearance of bubbles, it is possible to prevent the development of the disease, to “break off” the process. To do this, you can burn the place of the rash with 70% ethyl alcohol (can be camphor), or alternate the application of pieces of ice and napkins moistened with hot water.

If the bubbles have already poured out, then it is necessary to process them 2-3 r. a day with brilliant greens, Castellani paint, paste, tea tree oil (undiluted).

In case of damage to the oral mucosa, rinsing with a solution of furacilin, Rotokan, calendula tincture (1 tsp per 200 ml of water) is used.

The use of ointments, which include (Hydrocortisone, Flucinar, Elocom, Celestoderm, Advantan, etc.) contraindicated!! These drugs contribute to an increase in the duration of the disease and suppuration of the vesicles.

From the very first day of the disease, special ones that affect the virus itself are also prescribed. These drugs are available both in the form of external use (ointments, gels, creams, liniments), and in tablets for internal use.

You can only use external agents on your own. Antiviral ointments are used (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Oxolinic, Florenal, Tebrofen, Bonafton ointments). The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is.

Tablets of antiviral drugs for a child should be prescribed only by a doctor! He will determine not only the necessary drug, but also select its dose and the duration of the medication. The doctor will prescribe the child and the vitamin complex, and (if necessary).

Course of the disease

For faster skin cleansing, you can apply applications for 10 minutes. 1 p. per day with enzymatic preparations (Chimopsin, Pancreatin, Lysozyme). Crusts formed on the lips or on the skin can be lubricated or lotioned with rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, Shostakovich balm, oil solutions of vitamins E and A. Sodium nucleinate, methyluracil ointment can be used to stimulate local immunity.

Known and methods of treatment of herpes by means of traditional medicine. They can relieve discomfort in a child and speed up recovery, but these recipes can only be used in children who do not have a predisposition to allergic reactions.

  • Celandine grass juice for lubricating bubbles: lubricate should be 5 times with an interval of 5 minutes, and this procedure should be repeated three times a day. Lubrication can be replaced with lotion with juice on the rash area 3 r. per day for 4-5 minutes. When a rash occurs in the nasal passages, celandine juice can be dripped into the nose.

If herpes recurs often, then you can prepare the grass for future use in this way: thoroughly wash the plant (all its parts, even the root), chop with a blender (or through a meat grinder), squeeze the juice and pack it in small bottles or jars (not to the very top), leave at room temperature for fermentation, covered with gauze. After a week, close the jars with lids and store in the refrigerator.

  • In the initial stage of the manifestations of the disease, the effect can be exerted by lubricating the foci of infection with toothpaste.
  • Lubricate the affected areas with fresh quail egg protein.
  • On the affected areas, you can apply a compress of freshly grated potatoes, apples, garlic.
  • For severe itching, you can apply an ice cube.
  • Lubricate the rashes with onion juice or milkweed.
  • Lubricate the affected areas with alcohol tincture of propolis.
  • 1 tbsp mix honey with 0.5 tsp. mustard and lubricate herpetic eruptions.
  • Infusion of calendula (1 tsp flowers pour 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour) can be used as lotions.
  • You can lubricate the rashes in the crust stage with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil to 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and wipe the affected area (peel).
  • Lotions can also be made with vegetable oil and salt (a pinch of salt per 1 tablespoon of oil).

In addition to local treatment, the child should be provided with plenty of fluids, high-calorie nutrition, fruits and vegetables (sources of vitamins), and fermented milk products.


In order to prevent infection of the child, the following measures are necessary:

  • isolation of a family member with herpes or a child from the children's team from the very first day of illness;
  • observance of the rules of personal hygiene and the allocation of individual dishes, towels, etc. to the sick person;
  • timely examination of pregnant women for TORCH infection.
  • sanitation of all foci of infection in the body;
  • hardening of the body;
  • taking vitamin complexes and minerals;
  • prevent overheating and hypothermia of the child.

An antiherpetic vaccine exists and has begun to be used. But the experience of using vaccination is still insufficient.