Treatment of rhinitis in children under 1 year. Drops from the common cold for children up to a year: a list of the best and most effective for the treatment of rhinitis

Maternal immunity protects the baby's body only for the first few weeks, and then its protection disappears. Own system is formed a couple of years, which makes young children vulnerable to various viruses and bacteria. Rhinitis is a common phenomenon, and can bring a lot of trouble to both the crumbs and parents. To avoid possible complications, you need to know how to treat a runny nose in a child at 1 year old.


With rhinitis, the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity become inflamed, and the snot begins to stand out more intensely. Gradually, they completely close the airways and prevent them from working normally. A runny nose in a one-year-old child is complicated by the fact that the baby cannot independently clear the nose of accumulated mucus.

Conventionally, pathology can be divided into three types. Each of them has different causes and requires specific treatment. Rhinitis can be:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • vasomotor.

Viruses, fungi or bacteria become the provocateur of infection. When the pathogen enters the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity, the body tries to fight it. At first, the child experiences discomfort, then abundant liquid mucus appears. In the absence of the necessary treatment, it thickens and acquires a yellowish or greenish tint.

The method of treating rhinitis largely depends on the cause of its occurrence.

Allergic rhinitis is caused by dust, wool, plant pollen, cosmetics, household chemicals and food. Upon contact with the allergen, the mucous membrane swells almost instantly, rhinitis is usually accompanied by sneezing. With prolonged exposure to an irritant, a runny nose becomes chronic, which greatly complicates the treatment.

Rhinitis of the vasomotor type usually occurs in a child without fever, and it is caused by a narrowing of the nasal cavity and dilation of blood vessels. This happens against the background of endocrine pathologies, under the influence of stress or adverse environmental factors. Also, the cause may be the wrong structure of the nasal septum.

Often a runny nose in a baby appears after hypothermia, which weakens the already fragile immune system. Foreign bodies are also caused by abundant mucus secretion, which the child can accidentally inhale or put into the nasal passage.


Independently, snot in a one-year-old child appears quite rarely. In most cases, they are one of the signs of a disease. With rhinitis, the following accompanying symptoms are noted:

  • eye redness;
  • increased tearing;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • loss of appetite;
  • change in voice tone.

With an infectious disease, an increase in body temperature is possible.

Expressing his concern, the child often touches the nose. So he tries to get rid of discomfort and attract the attention of parents.

Due to clogged nasal passages, the child cannot breathe normally, which negatively affects appetite and behavior: the baby becomes nervous, irritable and capricious. Symptoms worsen in the evening and interfere with normal sleep.

Treatment of a runny nose in a one-year-old child

Only a doctor can choose the best ways to treat a runny nose for a child at 1 year old. When symptoms of rhinitis appear, it is advisable to consult a specialist as soon as possible. But parents can provide first aid on their own. One of the main tasks is the timely cleansing of the nasal passages.

It is not easy for one-year-old children to explain how to blow their nose correctly. If they cannot do this on their own, parents need to take over the task. An aspirator may be used. The simplest version of it is a soft pear that sucks mucus from the nasal passage.

For additional cleansing, saline is used. It is purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently: 10 grams of table or sea salt are added to a liter of boiled water at room temperature. 2-3 drops are injected into each nostril to thin the snot.


For the treatment of a child at home, only children's drugs are allowed, adult drugs are not suitable. The medications used narrow the blood vessels, relieve swelling and stop the inflammatory process on the mucosa. The dosage is determined by the attending physician individually based on the clinical picture of the disease.

The following remedies help with a cold:

  • decongestants: Aminocaproic acid;
  • antiviral: Interferon, Viferon;
  • moisturizing: Aquamaris, Aqualor;
  • antibacterial: Isofra, Nazol Kids, Bioparox, Pinasol;
  • vasoconstrictor: Tizin, Otrivin Baby, Nazivin, Vibrocil.

In order for the baby to sleep well, it is important to know how to help the baby at night. Immediately before laying down, it is necessary to rinse the nose with saline, and then drip the drug. During sleep, breathing should be normal.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

The main way to deal with allergic rhinitis is to isolate the source of the problem. If the reaction to the irritant is strong, it is recommended to give Cetirizine, an antihistamine drug available in the form of tablets. In case of severe nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drops are used, after which it is desirable to moisten the mucous membrane with Dolphin, Aqualor or Aquamaris.

Folk remedies and recipes

It is allowed to use folk remedies for the common cold, but it is better to use them in the initial stages of rhinitis. If there is no result for 2-3 days, it is worth resorting to traditional medicine to reduce the likelihood of complications. It is impossible to fully replace pharmacy medicines with folk recipes.

In the initial stages of rhinitis, freshly squeezed beet juice sometimes helps. They are wetted with a cotton swab, which should be treated with mucous membranes. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the runny nose passes. This method is effective if the baby does not have allergies.

For the treatment of a severe runny nose in a one-year-old child, garlic is suitable. Two cloves are crushed and mixed with a spoonful of vegetable oil. You need to insist the remedy throughout the night. The pulp is squeezed out, and garlic oil juice is used drop by drop into each nostril 1-2 times a day. This method is a good prevention of complications of rhinitis.

Aloe is also effective. One fleshy leaf is cut off, washed with running water. Juice is squeezed out of it, which is dripped into each nostril of the child three times a day. The procedure should continue for as long as the runny nose lasts.

Preventive measures

To avoid health troubles, you need to adhere to some methods of prevention. It is necessary to protect the baby from hypothermia: dress him according to the weather and not get carried away with excessive hardening procedures. If a child suffers from allergic reactions, hygiene in the home and diet are of particular importance.

Air is very important for proper breathing. It must be sufficiently moist, and special humidifiers are used to improve the quality. An alternative is a bowl of water, in which you can add a few drops of essential oil with a gentle pleasant smell. Airings are carried out regularly.

A runny nose in a child of 1 year old rarely occurs with good immunity. To strengthen it, various vegetables and fruits are included in the baby's diet. Physical exercise and moderate hardening are also of great importance.

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by congestion, shortness of breath, sneezing, is called a runny nose. This simple and safe (erroneous opinion of many) disease can be isolated, or it can be accompanied by other pathologies. Treatment of a runny nose in children under one year old should be carried out with competent treatment and means, especially in infants, since there is a risk of developing serious complications.

Types of runny nose in infants

Runny nose is a commonly diagnosed inflammation of the nasal mucosa in children. They are sick and teenagers, and children of school age, and newborns / infants. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between the following types of rhinitis:

  1. Infectious. Occurs against the background of influenza, measles, acute respiratory viral infection.
  2. Catarrhal (chronic). For a long time, and congestion does not go away day or night.
  3. Allergic. All signs of a runny nose appear periodically and are associated, most often, with the seasons of the year - for example, grasses bloom in spring, poplar fluff flies in summer, and ragweed blooms in autumn.
  4. Vasomotor. It is diagnosed in children with weakened immune systems, for whom even a small draft, subject to the presence of warm clothes, threatens to develop into a runny nose.

In the case of acute rhinitis (runny nose), three stages of rhinitis can be diagnosed:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • purulent.

Runny nose in infants - features of the course

Newborns are characterized by the development of a physiological runny nose - a condition that is associated with the adaptation of the nasal mucosa to the outside world and independent breathing. In the womb, the child did not breathe through the mouth and nose - oxygen was supplied through the blood through the umbilical cord.

After birth, the body must get used to / adapt (go through a period of adaptation) to new living conditions and the nasal mucosa simply “calculates” the right amount of mucus to be produced. It is during this period that the baby may experience nasal congestion, the presence of mucus.

What is better to use nasal drops for a runny nose read.

With a physiological runny nose, the child does not experience discomfort and behaves absolutely calmly, therefore, fever, whims and sleep disturbance cannot be associated with this condition.

Runny nose symptoms

For each stage of acute rhinitis (runny nose), there are symptoms:

  • at the beginning of the disease (dry stage)- dryness in the nasal passages, small patients experience discomfort (“itching”), a headache of a non-intense nature develops;
  • wet stage- light-colored mucus begins to accumulate in the nasal passages, the mucous membrane swells significantly and there is complete nasal congestion;
  • purulent- discharge from the nose acquires a yellow-green tint, stretching and viscous structure.

Snot in children is perfectly treatable, and in some cases, the treatment of snot in children completely passes without the intervention of doctors and the use of drugs. If the runny nose lasts more than 3 weeks, then the risk of the transition of the disease to the chronic stage increases significantly.

The causes of swelling of the nose without a runny nose can be found.

Diagnostic measures

The doctor must differentiate the common cold from infectious diseases, in which the symptoms may be similar - for example, diphtheria, measles.

Treatment of the common cold in children from birth to 12 months

The peculiarity of the common cold in children under one year old is a problem in its treatment. The fact is that the baby is not able to blow his nose and the exit of mucus is difficult - it accumulates in the nasal passages, which can lead to the rapid development of a chronic form of rhinitis.

If the child sneezes and snot, it is necessary to treat it comprehensively:

  • provide the right humidity in the child's room- you can use special humidifiers or arrange containers with water, hang wet rags on the batteries;
  • regularly clear the nose of mucus with cotton swabs before 9 months of age or with an aspirator for older children.

Many parents instill mother's breast milk into their nasal passages because it is believed to have antibacterial properties - this is a mistake! It is much more effective to use a weak saline solution for instillation (5 grams of salt per half a glass of water).

Medical treatment

If a baby has a runny nose, then the treatment should be extremely safe - in no case should drops and aerosols / sprays be used to relieve symptoms, for example, which are recommended for older children!

For babies over the age of 3 months, Nazivin drops can be used - they have a vasoconstrictive effect. If the baby is already 5 months old, then you can thin the accumulated mucus in the nasal passages with saline sodium chloride and then carry out the liquid suction procedure (aspiration). Find out how to properly rinse your child's nose.

It is also possible to take homeopathic remedies agreed with the doctor. No less effective remedy in the fight against the common cold is Aquamaris.

According to the instructions, children can wash their nose with Aquamaris from birth.

Good remedies for nasal congestion in babies aged 5-6 months include Otrivin, Xilen and Vibrocil. In the period from 7 months and older, you can safely drip Interferon - it has not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect.

How and how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child? 6 effective ways
A runny nose, or rhinitis, is not a disease, but a sign of irritation or inflammation of the nasal mucosa, often caused by an infection. Most often, albeit for different reasons, a runny nose occurs in children. Therefore, for most parents, the question of how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child is one of the most pressing. To answer it, you need to be able to identify the causes of a runny nose, to know which means will be more effective in combating it.

General information about the common cold in children

Experts distinguish several, possible in both adults and children, options for the common cold. They arise for various reasons:
  • Due to infections that usually affect the upper respiratory tract, including the SARS group and influenza.
  • Due to allergic diseases, in which a runny nose is one of the symptoms of hay fever (pollen allergy) or a reaction to wool, mold, food, medicines.
  • As a result of abnormal reactions of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa when exposed to irritants - strong odors, cold or dry air (such a runny nose is called vasomotor rhinitis).
Knowing the cause is especially important for treating a runny nose in children. It determines the choice of means by which nasal congestion can be eliminated, shortness of breath, and the secretion of liquid or thick mucus can be reduced. If some drugs are used for almost all types of rhinitis, then others - antibiotics, hormonal sprays - will be shown only for some of its variants and only a doctor can prescribe them, especially for a child.

SARS is the most common cause of children's rhinitis, along with cough, fever and general malaise. In the cold season, viruses actively spread in crowded places - in children's clinics, at a school or a kindergarten group. It is enough for one sick baby to spread hundreds and even thousands of viruses in the air when coughing, screaming or sneezing, which enter the body of healthy children with droplets of mucus. Viruses settle on surfaces, toys, get on the hands, and from there - into the nose and mouth.

Adults can also infect a baby, they are more likely to be in crowded places where they can bring viruses. Therefore, even a child who does not regularly visit shopping centers, cafes and cinemas can get sick.
So, alas, infection could not be avoided. How to treat a runny nose in a child?

Method 1. Treatment of the common cold with vasoconstrictors

Having noticed the first signs of a cold with rhinitis in a child, as a rule, parents rush to the pharmacy to purchase drugs there that will provide a quick and effective treatment for the common cold. In children, the use of such funds in the first place should perform two functions - to relieve nasal congestion and reduce the secretion of mucus from it. For these purposes, vasoconstrictor drugs are used in various forms. It can be drops or sprays for a cold for children. Such drugs narrow the small vessels in the nose, which reduces the swelling of the mucous membranes and makes breathing easier. However, they only reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms. And the effect of their use can last from 4 to 12 hours, then you need to re-instill.

Although some of these drugs are approved for use even in babies under one year old, they should be used with extreme caution in childhood. Doctors who know how to properly treat a runny nose in children recommend using such remedies for no more than 3-4 days. Otherwise, addiction is possible, in which the child’s nose simply does not breathe without drops. In addition, the thoughtless use of vasoconstrictor drugs can lead to irritation and drying of the nasal mucosa. Therefore, they are usually combined with delayed-acting drugs, the effect of which occurs after a few days, when the use of vasoconstrictive sprays or drops becomes undesirable and requires cancellation.

Method 2. To start using hormonal drugs, it is important to know the causes of a runny nose!

The next group of drugs that we will consider are hormonal drugs for the treatment of the common cold in children. They are used when an allergy is diagnosed or drug rhinitis has developed (dependence on vasoconstrictors). In addition, these drugs are indicated for chronic rhinitis, treatment of severe rhinitis with complications in the form of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).

A doctor may recommend hormonal drops for a runny nose, sprays or ointments are also suitable for children. The effect comes gradually, stable relief is usually achieved by 2-3 weeks of use. Treatment of allergic rhinitis in a child with the help of hormonal drugs is indicated only in severe, pronounced forms.

These drugs do not damage the mucous membrane, are not addictive, but they have a fairly extensive list of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, they are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Method 3. Antibiotics in the form of drops and sprays. When is the treatment of rhinitis in children with antibiotics justified?

The use of antibiotics is indicated to fight only bacteria, with the viral nature of the infection (for example, with influenza), these drugs are useless. Therefore, sprays or drops from the common cold with an antibiotic will be prescribed only in cases where the doctor is sure that the reason is the activity of microbes. Unauthorized, without the recommendation of a specialist, the use of antibiotics (even if these are not tablets, but drops or sprays for the nose) is undesirable and even dangerous, because. can lead to the development of resistance (resistance) in bacteria to them.

Method 4. Washing the nose with sea water: we treat congestion and runny nose in a complex

One of the most harmless ways to deal with a runny nose is rinsing the nose. When a child has a runny nose, sea water or saline is injected into the sinuses. They thin thick mucus and remove it, wash away viruses and microbes from the surface of mucous membranes, gradually reduce swelling and inflammation.

Both the use of sea water and rinsing the nose with saline for a runny nose helps children breathe easier, but the effect of the procedure is unstable and does not last long. In addition, washing will be really safe only if it is carried out according to all the rules. Otherwise, the solution from the nasopharynx can get into the mouth of the auditory tube, which connects the nose to the middle ear, there is a risk of developing otitis media.
The procedure also has practical drawbacks - children do not really like it, and it is simply impossible to carry out washing in a kindergarten or school.

Washing with saline solutions or sea water should not be used as a separate treatment for a runny nose, but as part of a set of measures that should help the child breathe freely.

Method 5. Remedies with essential oils - a way to effectively and safely treat the common cold in children and adults

Among the effective and at the same time safe means, we also note essential oils.

With colds and runny nose, they help to facilitate breathing, eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes. There are two types of products with essential oils - drops and inhaler patches. They are inferior in the speed of achieving the effect of vasoconstrictor drugs, but they are not addictive, they have an antimicrobial and antiviral effect. Thus, products with essential oils fight both the causes of rhinitis and its manifestations.

Let's take a closer look at inhaler patches. In addition to efficiency and safety, its great advantage is ease of use: it is enough to stick the patch on clothes or at the head of the bed - a pair of essential oils will immediately begin a beneficial effect. Use the patch wherever it is convenient for you and your child - at home, during walks, trips or at school, kindergarten.

Inhaler patches from different manufacturers are similar in mechanism of action and may vary in composition. For example, it contains levomenthol and five essential oils. From a cold for children, this combination of components is most effective. At the same time, there is no camphor in the composition, which means that the risk of developing allergies is minimal. The patch can be used by children from 2 years old, one package can be used not only for the baby, but for all family members. The duration and frequency of its use is not limited.

The patches are suitable for children from 2 years old and adults, which is convenient. One package can be used by all family members if they are faced with the question of how to effectively and safely cure a runny nose.
The only contraindication to the use of products based on essential oils is intolerance to the constituent components.

Method 6: Phytotherapy - how medicinal plants are used in medicine

Another group of remedies that can be prescribed to cure a runny nose in a child are herbal remedies, that is, remedies based on medicinal plants. These drugs are available in the form of tablets. They are especially effective when you need to relieve swelling and reduce sinus discharge. Usually, a phytotherapeutic remedy for the common cold is prescribed for thick and viscous sputum, which "clogs" the nose.

But you should not expect an instant effect from herbal remedies. Their components begin to act a few days after the start of administration. But they reduce the risk of complications and can be used in combination with fast-acting rhinitis remedies. The lack of phytopreparations is the possibility of an allergy to herbal ingredients, as well as undesirable reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. That is why herbal medicine in the complex treatment of the common cold is usually prescribed to children 6 years of age and older.

Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies

Unfortunately, some parents prefer folk remedies for the common cold to the recommendations of doctors. For children, in their opinion, they will be more useful and safer. Is it so? Many so-called "folk recipes against the common cold" were used at a time when official medicine was simply not available to the general public - conspiracies, chicken eggs, plant juices. To date, it has been proven that "grandmother's recipes" can not only be useless, but also cause serious harm to the health of the child. Perhaps irritation or damage to the mucosa, increased inflammation, its transition to the sinuses, fever. Therefore, parents who prefer a natural treatment for colds and runny nose should choose a nasal wash in combination with the use of essential oils, herbal medicine. IS NOT ADVERTISING. MATERIAL PREPARED WITH PARTICIPATION.

A runny nose can overtake a small child from the first weeks of life. For a toddler and his parents, this condition is very unpleasant: the child becomes very capricious, sleeps poorly, cannot eat. Against this background, children often lose weight. By itself, a runny nose is not terrible, but it is very difficult for a child to tolerate, so parents always strive to alleviate the condition of the baby.

The site "I am Your Baby" warns: self-medication is dangerous to health! Before taking medicines, you need to consult a specialist!

How does a runny nose develop?

Runny nose, or rhinitis, is not a separate disease, it usually joins other diseases: influenza, acute respiratory infections, SARS, measles. Runny nose lasts from a week to 10 days, there are several stages in its development.

  1. The initial stage (reflex). The vessels of the nasal mucosa narrow, dryness, burning appear in the nose, and there is a constant urge to sneeze. By such an “itch” in the nose, everyone easily understands that a runny nose is starting. This stage lasts only a few hours.
  2. catarrhal stage. During this stage, the vessels of the mucosa, on the contrary, expand, the mucosa turns red, the nose swells slightly. The main symptom of this stage is the appearance of watery discharge from the nose. Sometimes it is accompanied by lacrimation, stuffy ears. Swelling of the nasal mucosa due to vasodilation causes a state of nasal congestion. This stage lasts for several days.
  3. Recovery stage. At this stage, the discharge becomes thick, and if a bacterial infection joins (which happens in most cases), they have a greenish or yellowish tint. Nasal congestion disappears, the general condition improves.

TOP 5 children's medicines for the common cold

There are a lot of medicines for the treatment of the common cold now. For children under one year old, there are some restrictions: due to the imperfection of the structure of the nasal passages, such babies cannot use sprays. This can lead to the spread of infection, so it is better for children under one year old to bury the drops. Let's try to highlight the best drugs that can be used for children under 5 years old.

Aqua Maris

This preparation is purified sea water containing natural trace elements (sodium, magnesium, calcium). In children, Aqua Maris can be used in the following cases:

  • Acute or chronic runny nose.
  • Adenitis.
  • Allergy.
  • Prevention during epidemics.
  • Carrying out hygiene procedures, moisturizing the nasal mucosa.

Aqua Maris is available in 2 forms: nose drops and spray.

  • Drops are sold in bottles of 10 ml. They can be prescribed to children from the 1st day of life. Aqua Maris drops are instilled 2-3 times a day, 1-2 drops in each nostril. The approximate price is 125 rubles.
  • The spray is available in 50 ml cans. with a special comfortable nozzle. The spray can only be used for children over 1 year old. It can also be used for treatment and for hygiene procedures according to the scheme: 1-2 injections 2-3 times a day. The approximate price is 251 rubles.

The drug Aqua Maris is completely safe for the child. The only possible side effect is the risk of an allergic reaction, but this is extremely rare.

Aqualor Baby

This is another preparation based on natural sea water of the Adriatic Sea. Aqualor Baby contains only natural ingredients, there are no preservatives in its composition. Isotonic sterile sea water is enriched with trace elements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, zinc and others. This drug not only has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, but also improves immunity.

Indications for use Aqualor Baby:

  • Treatment and prevention of infections (flu, SARS) and inflammatory diseases (sinusitis, adenitis).
  • Hygiene of the nasal cavity.
  • Preparation of the mucosa for the application of other drugs.

Aqualor Baby is available in two forms: drops and spray.

Vasoconstrictor drug with the active substance phenylephrine. Nazol Baby facilitates breathing by reducing swelling of the nasal mucosa. The drug is available in the form of drops in 15 ml bottles.

Indications for use:

  • Colds, influenza, SARS.
  • Allergies.

The drug is approved for children from birth. The dosage of drops is selected according to age:

  • Children under 1 year old are instilled 1 drop no more than 4 times a day.
  • Children from 1 to 6 years old are instilled 1-2 drops once every 6 hours.

Despite the fact that Nazol Baby is produced specifically for children, this drug has contraindications and limitations:

  • Drops can be used no longer than 3 days.
  • Nazol Baby is contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, hypersensitivity to its components.
  • When using, the dosage must be strictly observed. In case of an overdose, a state of nervous excitement occurs, the heart rhythm is disturbed.
  • When using drops, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, tingling in the nose may occur.

The younger the child, the more carefully this drug should be used. The approximate cost is 158 rubles.

Otrivin Baby

The drug Otrivin Baby is a sterile isotonic saline solution, in other words, a well-known saline solution. Otrivin Baby well cleanses and moisturizes the nasal mucosa, improving the condition of the mucous membrane and increasing local immunity. According to its composition, it is natural for the body.

Indication for use:

  • Daily hygiene of the nasal cavity.
  • Treatment and prevention of rhinitis, colds.

Otrivin Baby is available in the form of drops and spray.

  • Otrivin Baby drops are available in 5 ml bottles. For children of any age, the scheme for using this drug: 2-4 drops in each nasal passage, the frequency of instillation - according to the situation. You can use this drug from the first day of life. The approximate price is 199 rubles.
  • Spray Otrivin Baby is available in 20 ml cans. Recommended for use in children from one year old. You can apply Otrivin Baby spray as needed several times a day, injecting it into each nasal passage. The approximate price is 169 rubles.

An allergy to the components of the drug is possible. This drug has no other restrictions.

Vasoconstrictor drug based on phenylephrine and dimethindene. Vibrocil contains lavender oil as an auxiliary component, therefore it has a specific smell and taste. This drug relieves swelling of the nasal cavity and makes breathing easier.

Indications for use:

  • Runny nose of any origin.
  • Acute otitis.

Vibrocil is available in the form of drops, gel and spray, but the manufacturer does not recommend using the spray for children under 6 years of age.

Drops should be instilled according to the following scheme:

  • Children under 1 year old - 1 drop in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.
  • Children over 1 year old - 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

Before use, be sure to clean the nasal mucosa. During application, burning, discomfort in the nose and nasopharynx is possible. An allergic reaction may occur. The approximate cost is 231 rubles.

It is necessary to choose a remedy for the treatment of a common cold in children under 5 years of age, based on the severity of the situation. With a slight runny nose and congestion, natural preparations can cope, with a more serious runny nose - vasoconstrictors.

We read on the topic of the common cold:

A runny nose in a child who has not yet turned 1 year old is a common occurrence. Runny nasal discharge, which is very similar to the symptoms of infectious rhinitis, does not always need to be treated. In the first year of a child's life, the glands and mucous membranes in the nose get used to the environment, learn to work as a filter for breathing, and wet secretions are a normal part of the process.

Treatment is required if a runny nose greatly disturbs the child, interferes with eating and sleeping. Many modern medications are approved for use by infants, so it will not be difficult to cope with a runny nose.

Runny nose in a one-year-old child

A runny nose in one-year-old babies and infants occurs for the same reasons. We all breathe air saturated with various impurities: aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungal spores, pollen, chemical particles. When a child's nose encounters foreign particles that are perceived as suspicious or potentially dangerous, histamine is released into the mucous membranes.

The release of histamine leads to increased blood circulation in the nose. The vascular walls swell, increasing in size. The mucous membranes react to the irritant by secreting a large amount of mucus, which should flush out the potential threat. If this cannot be done the first time, or if the reaction to the irritant is disproportionately strong, the child develops rhinitis.

In most cases, rhinitis in infants and one-year-olds resolves without treatment. But if after 3-4 days the condition has not improved, or the baby cannot sleep due to a stuffy nose, it is better to use medication.

Treatment of the common cold in children under 1 year

It is impossible to use most potent drugs for a baby under one year old. For a small child, simple methods of treatment are enough:

  • Rinse with warm water or saline to soften and remove dried crusts. Liquid is drawn into the syringe, then gently injected into each nostril. The soft rubber tip of the syringe is safe for sensitive baby noses.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs. For children under one year old, vasoconstrictors can only be prescribed by a pediatrician. In children, such drugs are addictive faster than in adults, so strictly follow the dosage and do not exceed the maximum duration of the course for babies - three days for any drop. Children are usually prescribed soft vasoconstrictor drops: Nazivin, Vibrocil, etc.
  • Antibacterial agents. If your children have a severe infection, the pediatrician will prescribe a drug that will block the activity of pathogens. Children under one year old are usually prescribed Albucid or Protargol: they have a minimum of contraindications and side effects, do not irritate the mucous membranes and give a noticeable effect after the first application.
  • Immunomodulators and antiviral drugs. They are also used against infectious rhinitis to prevent further spread of the infection and to alleviate the general condition. Babies are usually prescribed Grippferon. This tool is effective not only against the flu: it helps with most viral diseases. For a quick result, use rectal suppositories (Viferon and others). They convey the active ingredients to the circulatory system, while the drug does not drain through the nasopharynx into the stomach and does not irritate sensitive mucous membranes.
Photo: stevepb /

Do not forget about the prevention of complications: while the baby has a nosebleed, wait a little with long walks and evening swimming. If the symptoms of a runny nose are complicated by a high temperature, completely cancel bathing and walking until complete recovery.