Treatment of Morton's neuroma. Morton's neuroma: causes, signs, symptoms, treatment Effective pharmacy ointment for the treatment of Morton's neuroma

Alternative treatment of foot neuroma can only be effective as an additional to conservative medical and physiotherapeutic treatment. Traditional medicine does not cure neuroma, but can reduce its negative manifestations in the form of pain, swelling, etc. Before using any of the traditional methods, specialist doctors recommend getting professional advice - the use of aggressive components in recipes can not only not help in getting rid of Morton's neuroma, but also harm.

Medicinal plants are widely used in the treatment of foot diseases, Morton's neuroma is no exception. Reviews of those who have tried herbal treatment confirm that it demonstrates high efficiency. Most often used:

To get rid of the main symptoms of Morton's neuroma, you can use the juice or leaves of the plant, ground into a pulp. A compress is made with wormwood juice or slurry - a piece of gauze is moistened with juice (or slurry is wrapped in it) and applied to the foot at the site of the lesion, secured with a bandage over and leaving the compress overnight.

If a fresh plant is not available, a tincture of wormwood can be used instead, which can be prepared ahead of time or purchased from a pharmacy.

From the sheets of fresh Kalanchoe, you need to squeeze the juice, moisten a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and apply to the most painful area on the foot. If it is not possible to make juice, you can apply a Kalanchoe leaf to the foot, previously beaten off with a meat mallet.

It is necessary to prepare a decoction from the burdock root - two tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with two liters of boiling water, the composition is boiled over low heat for three to five minutes. The broth is cooled, after which a gauze cloth is moistened in it, which is applied to the painful area as a compress all night.

The stalks of the marsh cinquefoil are crushed, a glass bottle (0.7 liters) is filled with the raw material obtained, poured with vodka. The liquid is infused for two weeks, periodically it must be shaken. Ready tincture can be used for compresses and rubbing.

White acacia inflorescences are poured with alcohol and infused for about two weeks. Ready tincture is used for lotions to a sore spot.

Daily baths with chamomile infusion and sea salt also help in relieving symptoms. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 4-5 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, add two tablespoons of salt and pour a liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused in a sealed container for half an hour, after which it is filtered and can be used to prepare 20-30 minute baths.

Five tablespoons of rosehip flowers are poured with table vinegar (500 ml). The mixture is infused for 24 hours, after which it is boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Lotions are made from the resulting tincture on the area affected by the neuroma.

Herbal mixtures are used to prepare decoctions that are added to the water for therapeutic baths. Effective for getting rid of pain, improving blood microcirculation, relaxing tense muscles, relieving inflammation, regulating the metabolic process in the affected tissues of the foot, such mixtures:

  • chamomile, sage, yarrow;
  • lavender, calamus root, kelp, pine needles;
  • calendula, mint leaves, chamomile flowers.

To prepare decoctions, 4-5 tablespoons of dried raw materials are taken, which are poured with a liter of boiling water. The composition is boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes, cooled and infused under the lid for at least an hour. After that, the broth is added to warm water for baths. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the frequency is daily. After the bath, it will be useful to do a foot massage.

Many of the foods found in every kitchen can be excellent remedies for the symptoms of a foot neuroma.

You need to take 100 grams of pork fat, add a tablespoon of table salt to it, mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the affected area on the foot, then the treated area is wrapped with a bandage, due to which a warming effect is achieved.

Vinegar is used to make baths. Optimally - take vinegar with a natural composition (apple, for example). Half a liter of 9% vinegar should be poured into a liter of hot water, and then immersed in the foot bath for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week.

To prepare a rubbing with mustard, which will stimulate the improvement of blood circulation, you need to take in proportions 1: 1:

Add two red hot peppers to the mixture. The rubbing components are poured with a glass of vodka or diluted alcohol, infused for a week (the mixture must be shaken periodically). After a week, the mixture is filtered and used to rub the feet before going to bed. After rubbing, be sure to wear warm socks.

Flax seeds

From the seeds of flax, a decoction is prepared, which is taken orally. 4-5 tablespoons of seeds are poured with a liter of water in an enamel pan. The pot is put on fire, the water is brought to a boil, after which the mixture is simmered over low heat for another 15 minutes. After the specified time, the broth is removed from the stove, cooled and filtered. On the day you need to drink half a glass of decoction (divided into several times), the course of treatment to relieve inflammation is two weeks. To improve the taste of the broth, you can add honey or lemon juice to it.

Cabbage leaf is known for its ability to relieve inflammation. To achieve a noticeable effect, it is necessary to wrap the cabbage leaf daily on the aching foot at night for several weeks.

Fresh potatoes (or several) are crushed to a mushy state, spread the resulting mass on a piece of gauze and make a compress with it on the plantar part of the foot all night.

One of the most widely used remedies in folk medicine, propolis can also be used to treat Morton's disease. Propolis (20 grams) is poured into 300 milliliters of vodka or diluted alcohol. The mixture is infused in a dark place for two weeks. Ready-made tincture in its pure form or mixed with animal fat is used for lotions to a sore spot.

Remember that the use of folk methods will not replace the use of traditional medicine. You can cure Morton's syndrome only under the supervision of a doctor!


The medical term "Morton's neuroma" is explained as an overgrowth of connective tissue in the foot area between the third and fourth toes. Such a benign tumor (fibroma) affects the plantar nerve. The development of the growth is benign and usually occurs in women.

Symptoms that can be suspected of a disease are burning pain at the site of inflammation of the nerve, numbness of the toes, discomfort when walking. If you suspect a neuroma of the foot, immediately contact the diagnostic center or make an appointment with the surgeon.

Knowing the causes of this unpleasant disease, you can avoid it if you eliminate at least some of them and engage in preventive measures and therapeutic exercises.

  1. Prolonged or persistent compression of the plantar nerve.
  2. Weakness (pathology) of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot.
  3. Transverse flat foot.
  4. Injury.
  5. Infections.
  6. Tight shoes.
  7. Excess body weight.

Modern medicine in the treatment of Morton's disease uses two methods, namely: conservative and surgical. Painkillers (analgesics, corticosteroids), physiotherapy (ultrasound, paraffin, ultrasonic phonophoresis, massage) are prescribed. In the case when conservative treatment is ineffective and does not eliminate pain, a surgical operation is performed to remove part of the nerve or dissect it.

You can also eliminate unpleasant symptoms, pain and inflammation with an interdigital neuroma using well-known folk remedies. Consider them, so that if necessary - to use.

1. This recipe for the treatment of foot neuroma came to us from ancient times. Wormwood juice (you can just crushed leaves) is applied as a compress to the sore spot for the whole night.

2. Relieve pain and inflammation cabbage leaf. It should be tied at night as a compress. The treatment is long.

3. Treatment of Kalanchoe. To do this, squeeze the juice from a fresh leaf, moisten a cotton pad in it and apply it to the diseased area on the foot. You can also apply a fresh, slightly broken leaf to the sole in the form of a compress.

4. Help treat Morton's syndrome and fresh potatoes. It is crushed to a mushy mass, spread on gauze and tied in the form of a compress to the sole for the whole night.

5. Help fight perineural fibrosis burdock. A decoction is prepared from the root of the plant: one and a half to two liters of water (boiling water) take two to two and a half tablespoons of raw materials (crushed). Boil such a composition over low heat - 3-5 minutes. In the finished broth, a gauze cloth is moistened and applied to a sore spot as a compress. Keep it all night.

  1. Such an ointment is rubbed into the inflamed sole. Mix and grind to a homogeneous mass 90 - 100 grams of fat (pork, goose) and a spoonful of salt. The resulting mass is applied to the diseased area and a bandage is applied. A warm sock is put on top and a warm compress is left until the morning. The pain will gradually go away. The procedure is carried out within one to two months. In order not to injure a sore foot, during treatment, you should walk less or put special orthopedic insoles into your shoes.
  2. Bay leaves are ground in a coffee grinder and take 2 tablespoons. Mix them with one spoonful of crushed pine needles and butter. Lubricate the sore spot and insulate. The course of treatment depends on the degree of the disease. With the initial form of the disease, a week is enough.

Help daily therapeutic baths with infusion of chamomile and sea salt. Feet are immersed for 25-30 minutes in warm water (37°-38°).

To reduce pain, you can prepare a foot bath with a decoction of lavender, calamus root, kelp and pine. It will perfectly relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation in the tissues. For one liter of boiling water, you will need to take a spoon (tea) of each vegetable raw material. Boil the composition on fire for 3 minutes and let it brew for another hour under the lid.

You can also make daily healing foot baths with calendula, mint leaves, chamomile flowers, pine needles and Icelandic moss. Such procedures will regulate the metabolism in diseased tissues, relieve inflammation and pain.
Used in the treatment and hay dust. Baths are made from it. Half a kilogram of raw materials is thrown into 5 liters of boiling water.

Propolis will help relieve pain and other symptoms of Morton's finger syndrome. For 300 milliliters of homemade moonshine or medical alcohol diluted to 50 °, take 20 grams of a natural bee product. The composition is insisted for two weeks in a warm, dark place, not forgetting to shake it regularly. The finished tincture is applied in the form of a lotion (on cotton wool) to the affected area for 5-7 minutes.

Repeat this procedure twice a day for a week or more. The pain will go away.

This tincture will help in the treatment of Morton's neuroma. The stems of the marsh cinquefoil are crushed (not very finely). They fill a glass bottle with a volume of 0.7 liters and fill it with vodka. For two weeks they insist, shaking from time to time. Rub the affected area on the foot and apply compresses.

White acacia flowers are poured with alcohol. They insist. Used for lotions on a sore spot with Morton's disease.

Such a recipe will take away the pain: 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of a solution of 10% ammonia is poured into 200 milliliters of milk. The mixture is tightly closed and infused for a day in a dark place in a glass container (brown or dark green). During infusion - it is periodically shaken. Then the bottle is opened and the mixture is slightly heated. Apply the composition to the affected area and rub.

A long-standing or rapidly progressive foot neuroma requires surgical treatment. However, it can be avoided if preventive measures are taken in time. These include therapeutic exercises and folk methods. Baths, compresses and rubbing on decoctions and tinctures of burdock, bay leaf, calendula have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. A mixture of fat and salt relieves swelling.

With foot neuroma, it is necessary to wear orthopedic shoes or special insoles that can be inserted into ordinary shoes or boots. This significantly reduces the frequency of exacerbation of the disease and improves the prognosis.

At home, inflammation can be treated with such compresses. Mix two tablespoons of mustard and the same amount of oil. Bring the mixture to a boil. After cooling, pour in honey. Moisten the bandage in the mixture and apply a compress. Keep it for at least one hour. The pain will go away in a week.

This recipe will heal. Five pods of hot red pepper are passed through a meat grinder. Mix the mass with fat (pork, goose or lamb) and onions. These ingredients take about the same amount. Add 300 milliliters of plantain juice. Stir. Make compresses. The course of treatment lasts one month.

This recipe will help relieve pain in neuroma. Mix: "Triple" cologne with analgin and aspirin tablets. (They are taken in 5 pieces.) The remedy is insisted for two weeks. Make compresses.

At night, a gauze bandage soaked in such a mixture is tied to a sore spot. Fat (pork, beef) and propolis tincture.

Rosehip flowers (5 tablespoons) are poured with table vinegar (500 ml). Insist during the day. Boil further in a water bath for 20 minutes. They make lotions on the neuroma.

Grapefruit juice will stop the growth of the tumor and the progression of the neuroma. It should be drunk one glass a day.

In order to prevent the development of Morton's neuroma, it can be recommended to select and wear comfortable, loose shoes that prevent stress on the forefoot. If inflammation still occurs, consult a doctor and proceed with treatment.


Many people feel pain in the legs after a long walk. Often the cause of discomfort is diseases of the joints or bones, which are provoked by metabolic disorders, injuries, or wearing shoes that damage the foot. One of the causes of malaise is the progression of a rather rare disease - Morton's neuroma (perineural fibrosis). If pain and a feeling of heaviness are accompanied by numbness of the fingers or even part of the foot, a tingling sensation and the absence of visible deformities, it is worth starting the treatment of this particular disease immediately.

Morton's neuromas are found predominantly in women, as well as professional athletes (skaters, runners, skaters). The cause of pain is compression of the nerve ending located between the third and fourth phalanges of the toes. As a result, a slight burning sensation, tingling, and sometimes severe pain or even a sensation of the presence of a foreign object is felt in the leg. What is important - at the initial stages of the disease, you can get rid of discomfort by taking off your shoes and massaging the foot of the painful area.

Scientists have not yet figured out what exactly provokes the development of Morton's Neuroma, but the main factors that increase the risk of developing the disease are already known:

  • prolonged compression of the nerves in the area of ​​​​the sole, an increased level of stress;
  • congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (including flat feet) or foot injuries;
  • the presence of wen (lipomas) in the area of ​​the metatarsus;
  • overweight;
  • inflammatory processes in the ankle joint;
  • shoes, the wearing of which deforms the arch of the foot (first of all, classic women's shoes with a long narrow toe and high heels).

If the need to treat a neuroma is ignored, over time, unpleasant symptoms will increase, and it will be difficult to get rid of pain even at rest. Advanced cases of Morton's neuroma are treated only surgically, but in the early stages it is possible to cope with the disease with the help of conservative treatment (refusal of problematic shoes, the use of orthopedic insoles, the use of massage procedures and corticosteroid drugs). Help to cure the disease and folk recipes.

Simple homemade recipes are effective in cases where the treatment is in the initial stages of the disease, and significant damage to the foot has not occurred. In this case, one of the following products can be applied to the sore spot.

  1. Wormwood juice or crushed leaves of the plant serve as an excellent compress.
  2. At night, you can tie a fresh cabbage leaf to the painful area.
  3. Kalanchoe also helps to relieve pain: you can use both the leaf of the plant (after having beaten it off) and fresh juice.
  4. You can use raw potatoes as a compress - it is recommended to wrap the gruel from the root crop with a bandage to the foot and leave it overnight.
  5. A strong decoction of burdock is another remedy that can alleviate the symptoms of the disease if the decoction is used as the basis for a compress.

For centuries, a recipe for treating Morton's Neuroma with vinegar has been known. It is advisable to use natural (apple or wine), half a liter of which is mixed with hot water and used as a foot bath.

Help relieve symptoms Morton's disease and a special rub made from ground red pepper, dry mustard and table salt. All components are mixed in equal quantities, poured 200 gr. vodka and infused for a week, shaking occasionally. After straining, the resulting mixture can be used to rub the foot during periods of acute pain.

A decoction prepared from flax seeds can also be used to treat the disease. For 1 liter of water, 4 tablespoons are taken. dried seeds that are boiled at minimal heat for a quarter of an hour. Then the resulting broth is cooled and honey or lemon juice is added for taste. You need to drink the medicine half a cup 3 times a day, and continue treatment for at least 14 days.

A decoction of flax seeds should not be taken by people with diseases of the liver or pancreas.

Home-prepared remedies allow you to cope with the initial forms of Morton's Neuroma in just 1-2 weeks.

  • For the manufacture of a warming ointment 100 gr. badger, pork or goose fat is mixed with 1 tbsp. table salt. The resulting ointment is applied to the painful area and covered with a bandage. It will not be superfluous to put on a warm sock on top and leave the compress until the morning. For the treatment of the foot to be effective, it is necessary to carry out the procedure daily, until the symptoms disappear completely, and in the daytime wear shoes with orthopedic insoles.
  • An ointment based on bay leaves is also considered an effective remedy for neuroma. 2 tbsp laurel leaves are mixed with 1 tbsp. pine needles, crushed in a coffee grinder and combined with 50 gr. butter. The resulting ointment is used to lubricate the sore foot, and the result from the use of the product will be visible in a week.

During the treatment of Morton's Neuroma, the use of compresses can significantly relieve pain. You can use alcohol-based products (tinctures of propolis, white acacia or marsh cinquefoil stems), and completely herbal recipes.

  • Mixed in equal parts, mustard and sunflower oil are brought to a boil, and after cooling, mixed with a small amount of honey. The bandage is wetted with the resulting product, and the finished compress is applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot for at least 60 minutes. Treatment gives noticeable results within a week.
  • Hot red pepper also helps to get rid of neuroma. It is enough to mix in equal parts any animal fat, chopped onions and red pepper passed through a meat grinder. Fresh plantain juice is added to the finished mixture. To cure the disease, it is recommended to use compresses daily for a month.
  • As a compress for the foot, you can use a mixture of triple cologne, as well as analgin and aspirin tablets, taken in 5 pieces.
  • Treatment with rosehip flowers infused with table vinegar can be effective. At 5 st. l. vegetable raw materials take half a liter of vinegar. The mixture is infused for a day, after which it is boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Such lotions for neuroma should be done with caution, since in the presence of delicate sensitive skin, the possibility of a burn is possible.

Preventing the development of Morton's neuroma is easier than subsequently curing the disease. Choosing comfortable orthopedic shoes can significantly reduce the risk of foot deformity.

If the disease has already begun to progress, then it is definitely not worth delaying treatment. In the initial stages, a neuroma can be cured with available home remedies, and in advanced cases, only through a surgical operation.


Morton's neuroma is an uncommon pathology of the foot joint. The disease is often accompanied by an increase in pain with each movement and lengthening of the nerve fibers. Treatment of Morton's neuroma at home can be effective only in the initial stages of the pathology. But it is not always possible to diagnose the disease at the initial stage. Vivid symptoms are observed at a late stage, when drug therapy is indispensable.

Most often, the pathology develops in menopausal women. Morton's neuroma makes itself felt during movement, pressing on the plantar nerve of the foot.

Symptoms of Morton's neuroma occur due to prolonged compression of the plantar nerve, and are accompanied by pathologies such as:

  • Transverse flat feet;
  • Frequent injuries and bruises;
  • The presence of chronic infections of the arch of the foot;
  • Obesity.

The consequence of Morton's neuroma is a change in the blood flow of the foot and the development of obliterating atherosclerosis of the legs.

It is almost impossible to detect a neuroma on your own. This is due to the fact that metatarsalgia of the foot is not a tumor and is not outwardly noticeable. The disease is a concentration of nerve tissues united by a common sheath. Therefore, the foot looks completely healthy on examination.

If a person is in pain, he notices a violation of gait or an elongation of the second toe, there is a feeling of a pebble in the shoe, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is difficult to self-diagnose Morton's neuroma, since the clinical picture of the disease resembles neuralgia and other pathologies of the feet.

There are several treatments for Morton's syndrome. Traditional therapy consists in the use of medications, the appointment of exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy. It helps to relieve inflammation of the arch of the toes, eliminate pain. In the absence of the effect of conservative treatment, an operation is prescribed. Important!

To reduce stress on the foot and relieve pressure on the nerve, it is recommended to use orthopedic insoles. This will make it possible to redistribute the load on the lower limbs.

Also, the patient will need to change shoes. Avoid stilettos in favor of soft leather models with a wide toe and a wide, stable heel. At an advanced stage of the disease, custom-made orthopedic shoes may be required.

With the systematic implementation of prescriptions, the treatment of Morton's disease with folk remedies can become an alternative to surgery.

Such therapy is affordable and has a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions. How and how to treat Morton's neuroma at home depends on the stage of the disease. Traditional medicine will help the patient to reduce pain and restore mobility of joint tissues. But if the disease is growing in nature, such treatment is useless.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) will help relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process in the bone and soft tissues. Most often prescribed:

The course of treatment for NVPS is from 2 to 3 months. If therapy with nonsteroidal drugs turned out to be ineffective, injections of anesthetics (painkillers) and steroids (hormonal drugs) are used - Kenalog, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone and Dexamethosone.

Massage for Morton's neuroma is aimed at reducing pain. Soreness occurs even at the first stage of the disease, and over time leads to the inability to wear habitual shoes and move independently.

Self-massage for neuroma is allowed only in exceptional cases. Even if such a decision is made, you should visit several sessions with a specialist. On average, 7-15 procedures are enough to obtain a therapeutic effect. After 2-3 weeks, the massage course should be repeated.

Massage movements with Morton's neuroma should not create increased pressure on the heads of the bones of the foot. This can cause increased pressure on the nerve and increase pain. The most effective technique is soft tissue massaging.

The massage course for Morton's neuroma allows you to:

  • Relieve muscle tension;
  • Increase blood flow and lymph flow;
  • Normalize the motor activity of the joints;
  • Eliminate the risk of muscle spasm.

After several sessions with a specialist, you can have a massage at home. Before the procedure, the inflamed nerve should be cooled. This will help relieve pain. To do this, freeze water in a disposable plastic cup. A piece of ice should be gently carried over the foot, lingering on the most painful areas. Conducting an "ice" massage will relieve inflammation and pain in neuroma.

Performing special exercises is another home treatment for Morton's syndrome. Exercise therapy will reduce unpleasant symptoms and help restore joint mobility. Exercises can be found on the Internet, but they must be agreed with the doctor.

All exercise therapy exercises in the treatment of Morton's pathology are aimed at:

  • Crick;
  • their strengthening;
  • Maintaining balance.

Despite the fact that patients with neuroma are shown to rest. Most doctors recommend exercise therapy to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

Stretching the muscles allows you to reduce pressure on the neuroma. When performing these exercises, you should fix the foot in one position for 10-15 seconds. This will enhance the effect of the treatment.

Exercises to strengthen the plantar part of the foot:

  • Squeeze the heel firmly with the right hand, and the toes with the left hand. Next, pull the sock towards the lower leg. Repeat 3-5 times;
  • Repeat the exercise without arms. The number of repetitions is the same.

Exercises to relieve tension in the muscles:

  • Stand facing the wall, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Put your palms on the wall, move your right leg back 30-50cm. Press your heels to the floor, bend your knees, linger for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times;
  • Freeze a plastic water bottle. Put her on the floor. Put your foot on top. Roll the bottle back and forth, straining the muscles of the foot;
  • Take a waffle towel. Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Place your toes in the middle of the towel. Pull the towel with your hands so that the toe of the foot looks at the lower leg. Repeat 7-10 times.

To strengthen the muscles of the foot, you will need to perform the following exercises daily:

  • Walking on the floor, stretch the big toe, drawing a figure eight in the air. Gradually increase the range of motion. Repeat 10-25 times;
  • Now with your big toe you should alternately write all the letters of the alphabet;
  • Gently rotate the foot clockwise and then in the opposite direction. Make sure that the amplitude is maximum. Repeat 10-15 times.

Good stability will increase the mobility of the joints of the foot, reduce pressure on the neuroma and reduce soreness. Useful exercises are:

  • Alternately stand on the right and left foot, trying to maintain balance for the maximum amount of time. To complicate the exercise, you can close your eyes or perform movements with the second leg;
  • Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Gently rise on your toes, lingering in this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 15-20 times.

When performing exercises for the treatment of neuroma, you should increase the load gradually so as not to increase the compression of the nerve. With increased pain, exercise therapy should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Treatment according to the recipes of traditional healers will be effective if the neuroma is diagnosed at the first stage. In such a situation, applications using:

  • Leaves or freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice (has an analgesic effect);
  • Fresh cabbage leaves, which should wrap the sore spot;
  • Grated raw potatoes;
  • Burdock leaves or their concentrated decoction.

A good therapeutic effect in Morton's syndrome has a rubbing of ground red pepper, salt and dry mustard. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1, pour a glass of vodka. Rubbing relieves acute pain in neuroma.

Ointment for the treatment of Morton's neuroma can be prepared at home on your own. The course of treatment with ointment is from 7 to 15 days. The most popular ointment recipes:

  • Warming - combine 100 grams of badger, pork and goose fat, add a tablespoon of salt. Apply to the painful area before going to bed;
  • Ointment based on bay leaf - grind bay leaf and pine needles in a coffee grinder in a ratio of 2: 1. Add melted butter. Treat the affected area daily.

The use of compresses in the treatment of Morton's syndrome can quickly reduce the level of pain. They are made on an alcohol basis or on a decoction of herbs. The following compresses are used:

  • Mustard and vegetable oil are mixed in equal proportions, brought to a boil. After cooling the mixture, add a spoonful of honey to it. In the resulting mass, moisten gauze or bandage well and apply on the foot for an hour. The course of treatment is 7-10 days;
  • To lard and chili pepper (1: 1) add chopped onion and paprika in a blender. Such compresses are applied daily (at night) for 30 days;
  • Dissolve 5 tablets of analgin and aspirin in triple cologne. Carry out the procedure from 7 to 15 days;
  • Rosehip flowers are poured with vinegar and allowed to brew for 3-5 days. Such a compress is applied for 20 minutes, so as not to provoke a burn.

To prevent recurrence of Morton's syndrome, stiletto heels should be avoided. A wide heel no more than 5 cm would be ideal. In this case, it will be possible to optimize the load on the nerve endings of the foot. It is useful to walk barefoot on pebbles or sand. And when the first symptoms appear, it becomes necessary to consult a doctor. All this will help maintain leg health and physical activity.


The disease is benign, affecting the plantar nerve. The developing growth is most often found in women of mature age. This disease is diagnosed in the stage of a certain neglect.

In the early stages, almost no one pays attention to this, since the symptoms are invisible and do not pay any attention to the usual way of life.

In the later stages, unbearable pain occurs in the foot, which is permanent.

If you suspect the occurrence of a disease such as Morton's neuroma, home treatment is possible. Folk remedies will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms of pain, inflammation.

The factors that influence the occurrence of this pathology must be known in order to avoid or eliminate them. The main ones are:

  • Compression of the plantar nerve for a long time. This is due to improperly selected shoes - high heels or narrow toe, size mismatch with the parameters of the foot.
  • Weak musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot.
  • Inflammatory pathologies.
  • Transverse flat foot.
  • Received injuries.
  • Incorrect gait - if the foot is tucked inward, then the nerve is stretched and damaged.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, which is manifested by blockages of cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the legs.
  • Fracture or severe swelling in the area where the nerve passes.
  • Excess weight, long walking or running, which put a lot of stress on the foot.

    The listed reasons provoke a gradual irritation of the nerve fibers, and after a while there is a pathological change in their structure and inflammatory processes develop in the foot.

    The early stage of this disease can be determined by the following characteristic features:

    • burning, tingling, numbness;
    • sensations of sharp pain, which are aggravated by squeezing the feet with your hands;
    • sensation of a foreign object in the shoes, in the affected area;
    • discomfort during movement.

    Since a neuroma is an inflammation of the nerves, the feet are not deformed outwardly.. Symptoms of the disease are changeable, they can intensify and disappear for a while, sometimes even for several years.

    In the advanced stages, the pain becomes intense, a pulsation is felt in the affected area. In a certain area, the legs hurt constantly, regardless of the load on the foot and the comfort of the shoes.

    When the first signs of Morton's neuroma appear, the question arises of which doctor to turn to, which doctor treats such an ailment?

    To diagnose and prescribe treatment, you should consult a neurologist, surgeon or podiatrist. A podologist is a specialist who deals exclusively with foot problems.

    A qualified doctor, after examining the foot and analyzing the patient's complaints, will be able to make the correct diagnosis and determine the size of the neoplasm. In some cases, an MRI or X-ray may be ordered..

    These additional examinations make it possible to identify or exclude the presence of fractures, arthritis and other factors that can cause pain in the toes. After such procedures, the neurologist determines how to treat Morton's neuroma in a particular case.

    Conservative treatment will be effective only in the absence of chronic changes in the structure of nerve fibers. This method of treatment can be used if the disease is detected at the initial stages of its development.

    The main aspect of conservative treatment is orthopedic insoles for Morton's neuroma.. Their use in the early stages makes it possible to quickly eliminate the symptoms.

    Special insoles significantly reduce pain and relieve numbness of the foot.

    How the insoles work:

    • the load on the forefoot is reduced, restoring the transverse arch;
    • the effect on the overgrown nerve is eliminated;
    • improves blood circulation in the foot.

    Orthopedic insoles must be purchased in specialized stores strictly according to their size. Mismatching parameters can significantly aggravate the situation and lead to serious problems.

    To relieve pain and inflammation, the following drugs can be prescribed:

    Hydrocortisone ointment has proven itself as an anti-inflammatory agent. Before using these drugs, be sure to read the instructions. Since many non-steroidal drugs are contraindicated in the presence of stomach problems.

    Massage is an effective physical therapy. You can do it yourself at home or seek help from a specialist. Hand massage in the area of ​​the inflamed nerve relieves pain and speeds up the healing process.

    The procedure can be done using a ball, rolling it over the foot. A good result is the massage of the entire foot with a special massager that puts pressure on different parts of the foot.

    If the pain is severe enough and not relieved by conservative methods, the doctor may prescribe an anesthetic blockade to the area of ​​the affected nerve. The blockade is an injection into the projection of the neuroma.

    The drug forcibly eliminates local inflammation and swelling, which significantly reduces symptoms or contributes to their regression.

    The effectiveness of the treatment of Morton's neuroma with folk remedies is confirmed by experts. There are folk methods that help well to get rid of the disease, they eliminate inflammation and pain.

    But drugs from traditional medicine recipes are not able to eliminate the cause of the disease.

    Effective folk recipes for influencing a neuroma:

  • Wormwood treatment. Helps relieve inflammation in the foot. The plant is applied in the form of compresses. To do this, you need to grind a few leaves with a blender until a mushy state is obtained. This mixture is applied to the affected area. Top cover with a bandage and fix with a bandage. The procedure should be done before going to bed, repeat until the condition improves. In the same way, you can use the squeezed juice of wormwood.
  • pork fat. For cooking, you need 100 grams of fat and a tablespoon of salt. An ointment will be obtained, which must be applied to the affected area, fixing with a bandage.
  • Hot pepper, dry mustard and salt. These ingredients should be dissolved in a glass of vodka, 2 tablespoons each. Infused, for at least a week, the medicine is applied to the foot at bedtime. This procedure improves blood circulation.
  • Cabbage leaf will help. It is applied to the sore foot all night.
  • Effective foot baths with the addition of mint leaves, chamomile, pine needles, calendula. The procedure eliminates pain and inflammation, improves metabolism in the affected tissues.
  • Burdock root. For cooking, you need 2 tablespoons of chopped root and 2 liters of boiled water. The decoction is boiled for 5 minutes, then applied to the affected area in the form of a compress.
  • Bay leaves and pine needles. The ingredients must be ground using a coffee grinder. After that, 4 tablespoons of ground products are mixed with butter. You will get an ointment that is applied to the sore foot, put on a sock and left for the whole night.
  • Vinegar baths. For cooking, you need half a liter of vinegar 9% and a bowl of water. The warming procedure should be continued for at least 25 minutes, while the basin should be at a slight inclination. Then the feet should be wiped with a towel, but do not rinse with clean water.
  • Neuroma of the foot can be treated with Kalanchoe juice. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze out the liquid from the plant, moisten a cotton pad with it and wrap it with a bandage to the sore spot.
  • Fresh potatoes help. It is crushed to a mushy form and used in the form of compresses or spread on a piece of cloth and wrapped around the foot all night.

    Using folk recipes to eliminate the symptoms of Morton's neuroma, it is important to adhere to the dosage of the components and follow the rules for the use of medicinal products.

    Morton's neuroma is a rare but unpleasant disease.. The most negative point is the diagnosis in the later stages of development.

    There are many methods for eliminating the disease. Self-treatment with the use of folk recipes is also possible. But such procedures effectively eliminate the symptoms, but do not completely eliminate the disease.

    To avoid such a problem, it is better to know the causes of its occurrence and preventive measures.

    Neuroma Morton is a fibrous benign growth of plantar nerve tissues, most often in the third intermetatarsal space (between the bases of the fourth and third toes). Nerve damage is mostly unilateral, but can also occur on both sides (extremely rare).

    Other names for the disease:
    1. Morton's disease.
    2. Morton's metatarsalgia.
    3. Intertarsal neuroma.
    4. Neuritis of the plantar nerve III and IV fingers.
    5. Plantar neuroma.
    6. Perineural fibrosis.
    7. Morton's neuroma.

    Women are more susceptible to developing this disease.

    The main cause of Morton's neuroma is compression of the nerve by the heads of the metatarsal bones.

    Risk factors for Morton's neuroma:

    The cause of the symptoms of Morton's neuroma is irritation of the nerve by surrounding tissues (metatarsal heads, swelling of soft tissues, hematomas) and its subsequent inflammation.

    At the beginning of the disease, patients complain of a feeling of numbness, pain or discomfort when wearing narrow shoes or shoes with high heels, long walks and running. Merton's neuroma is characterized by the appearance of a sharp pain in the foot or its intensification when the foot is squeezed by the hands from the sides (in the transverse direction). Some feel the presence of a foreign object in the place of compression of the nerve. The exacerbation of the disease is undulating: an increase in the intensity of symptoms is replaced by their decrease.

    Pain occurs during walking, especially long. If you take off your shoes, stretch your fingers and foot - in most cases, the pain subsides.

    With the further development of the neuroma, the intensity of pain increases, its character becomes pulsating. Gradually, the pain becomes constant and does not depend on the type of shoes and the load on the foot.

    To make a diagnosis of "Morton's neuroma", sometimes it is enough for the patient's complaints and a well-conducted examination of the foot with the performance of some diagnostic tests. To rule out arthritis and possible bone fracture in the area of ​​the neuroma, an X-ray examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are indicated.

    In the absence of permanent changes in the nervous tissue at the onset of the disease, conservative treatment is possible. All activities are aimed at reducing pressure on the nerve.

    An important point in the treatment is the change of shoes: a wide nose and low heels, a free block. It is possible to use special orthopedic shoes, the use of orthopedic insoles and metatarsal pillows (insoles).

    To reduce pain and stop the inflammatory reaction, prescribe
    anti-inflammatory drugs such as:

    If the use of these drugs does not lead to the desired therapeutic effect, then the introduction of hormonal drugs together with an anesthetic (a drug that reduces pain) directly into the neuroma is indicated. For this, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Diprospan, Kenalog are used. In most cases of the initial stage of Morton's neuroma, a positive effect of conservative therapy is observed.

    Orthopedic insoles are used to treat Morton's neuroma. They solve several main tasks:

    • Reduce the increased load on the forefoot, creating conditions for the restoration of the transverse arch, overloaded with this disease.
    • Reduce or completely eliminate the pressure on the bones on the inflamed nerve, so the disease does not progress further.
    • Pain relief by reducing pressure on the plantar nerve.
    • They improve blood circulation in the foot, so that the patient is able to walk correctly.

    The insoles are made to order. It is better to order them immediately after the diagnosis is made - then the risk of the need for surgical treatment is significantly reduced.

    In the absence of the effect of medical treatment carried out for several months, surgical treatment is indicated.

    To this end, under local anesthesia, the removal of Morton's neuroma, sometimes with a small part of the nerve, or the expansion of the peri-neural space in order to reduce tissue pressure on the nerve, is performed.

    Among the main reasons for the occurrence of Morton's neuroma, the leading place is given to excessive load on the forefoot. It can be associated with the constant wearing of shoes with high heels, the use of shoes that are too tight and / or uncomfortable, improper gait, overweight (for example, in obesity), long walking, working in a standing position, sports activities. Morton's neuroma can develop due to the presence of foot deformity, more often with flat feet, Hallux valgus.

    Various foot injuries (fractures, dislocations, bruises) can provoke the formation of Morton's neuroma due to direct nerve damage, its compression by a hematoma, or as a result of the development of post-traumatic transverse flatfoot. Other provoking triggers include chronic foot infections, foot bursitis or tendovaginitis, atherosclerosis obliterans or endarteritis obliterans of the lower extremities, the presence of a lipoma located at the level of the metatarsal bones.

    The above factors have an irritating or compressive effect on the common digital nerve. As a response, there is a local compaction and thickening of the nerve sheath, reactive degeneration of its fibers, perineural proliferation of connective tissue. Chronic trauma can cause the formation of inflammatory infiltrates and lead to fusion of epineural tissues with surrounding musculoskeletal structures.

    The most characteristic pain is in the area of ​​the distal parts of the foot, more often in the 3rd-4th toes. The pain is characterized by a burning character, sometimes accompanied by "shots" in the fingers. In some cases, patients complain of discomfort and a feeling of a foreign object that supposedly got into the shoes. At the beginning of the formation of Morton's neuroma, pain is closely associated with wearing shoes. Patients report significant relief when taking off their shoes. Over time, these symptoms may disappear and then reappear. Aggravation is often provoked by wearing tight shoes.

    The progression of Morton's neuroma leads to the transformation of the pain syndrome. The pain becomes constant, increases when wearing any shoes, does not go away when it is removed, but only decreases. There is numbness in the fingers. Initially, the periodic nature of the pain syndrome contributes to the fact that patients turn to doctors already in the advanced stage of the neuroma, when conservative therapeutic methods are ineffective.

    Patients with Morton's neuroma may see a neurologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, or podologist. The diagnosis can be made based on clinical data. The pathognomonic symptom is a positive test with compression of the foot in the frontal plane, which is characterized by an increase in pain and its irradiation to the fingers innervated by the affected digital nerve.

    To clarify the diagnosis, radiography of the foot is used, which in most patients reveals the presence of longitudinal-transverse flat feet. However, radiography, as well as CT of the foot, does not allow visualization of the neurinoma. On MRI, Morton's neuroma is defined as a vaguely demarcated area of ​​increased signal intensity. However, visualization of a neuroma with MRI is difficult and may give false negative results. The optimal diagnostic method is ultrasound in the area of ​​​​the proposed localization of the neurinoma. Instrumental studies also make it possible to exclude the presence of traumatic injuries, tumors (chondromas, osteomas, lipomas), hematomas; to differentiate Morton's disease from arthritis of the foot and deforming osteoarthritis.

    Conservative therapy begins with the replacement of shoes with more comfortable, soft, free and not causing overload of the forefoot. The use of orthopedic insoles, metatarsal pads and toe separators is desirable. The patient is advised to avoid prolonged standing and walking. To relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac) are prescribed, local anesthetics are injected into the interdigital spaces or therapeutic blockades are made in the area of ​​the corresponding metatarsophalangeal joint. Physiotherapy is actively used: magnetotherapy, acupuncture, drug electrophoresis, shock wave therapy. In the absence or low effectiveness of conservative methods, they switch to surgical treatment.

    With regard to Morton's neuroma, two types of operations are possible. More sparing is the dissection of the transverse intertarsal ligament. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis and takes no more than 10 minutes. Within a couple of hours after the procedure, the patient can walk, leaning on his leg and practically without feeling any discomfort. However, in some cases, after such an intervention, a relapse of the pain syndrome is possible. More radical is the excision of Morton's neuroma, i.e., resection of the affected nerve. This operation takes more time, but can also be performed on an outpatient basis. In the postoperative period, immobilization of the foot is not required. After the operation, the patient remains numb in the interdigital space for some time, which does not affect the support function of the foot.

    Morton's neuroma of the foot has more than one code according to ICD 10. If there was a curvature of the thumb, then M 20.1, if metatarsalgia of the foot developed as a result of the pathology, then M 77.4.

    This disease manifests itself as a thickening of the plantar nerve, which subsequently causes severe pain, limits walking. In oncology, it is called Morton's metatarsalgia and indicates a tumor formation of the nerve, leading to pain in the metatarsus. Usually there is a lesion of one plantar nerve, which is responsible for the innervation of the fingers. Neurology distinguishes the following forms of the disease:

    • Morton's foot, in which metatarsal bone insufficiency develops, conditions are created for the formation of a second toe with a hammer-like shape;
    • Morton's disease is represented by an interdigital neuroma on the sole and reflects the essence of the pathology.

    Many are interested in what it is Morton's neuroma. This disease often affects young women. They have a pathology in the third interdigital space. In this area, a seal is formed, accompanied by pain. In this area, the nerve divides into branches that go to the lateral surface of the fingers, so the pain spreads in a similar way.

    Pathology does not pose a threat to the patient's life, but causes serious discomfort, limiting movement. If timely diagnosis and therapy are not carried out, surgical intervention may be required.

    The main reasons for which foot neuroma occurs lie in excessive load. It usually occurs due to:

    The risk group includes people suffering from:

    • flat feet;
    • foot deformity;
    • Arthrosis;
    • bursitis;
    • tumors;
    • Survivors of injuries that damage the nerve trunk.

    The listed conditions lead to infringement of the nerve, due to which swelling develops, the membrane grows, which is difficult to fit in the space of the ligaments of the foot.

    At the initial stage of the disease, the signs are manifested only by weak squeezing sensations between the third and fourth fingers. Symptoms of Morton's neuroma are expressed in:

    • Pain and burning;
    • Pain that radiates to the foot, fingers;
    • Discomfort when walking;
    • Decrease in sensitivity in the area of ​​the third, fourth toe;
    • numbness;
    • Feeling of stone in shoes;
    • Discomfort when wearing high heels. If you remove it, then the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

    The advanced stage of the disease is characterized by the manifestation of pain at rest. The discomfort is similar to walking on sharp stones.

    A characteristic feature of Morton's syndrome is the localization of pain between the metatarsal region, other pathologies lead to an unpleasant sensation in the heads of the fingers.

    Many patients are interested in which doctor to contact with Morton's neuroma. First of all, it is necessary to consult with a therapist who, during the examination, will make a primary diagnosis. If a pathology is suspected, he can refer to narrow specialists:

    • To a neurologist to confirm the presence of damage to the nerve ending of the foot;
    • The orthopedist, who will detect the presence of changes in the ligaments, joints, diagnoses the increased size of the nerve endings;
    • Vascular surgeon to refute or confirm leg thrombosis;
    • A rheumatologist who will check the correlation between salt deposits and pain;
    • Traumatologist to check for injuries;
    • surgeon if surgery is needed.

    Diagnosis of Morton's neuroma involves the following types of examinations:

    • Palpation, which allows you to determine the nature and extent of pain;
    • X-ray captures bone changes, injury, flat feet;
    • CT accurately visualizes bone components;
    • MRI determines the presence of seals;
    • Ultrasound detects a pathological process.

    Treatment of Morton's neuroma at the initial stage is aimed at relieving pressure on the affected nerve. To do this, the patient is recommended to change shoes, opt for models with a wide nose, a free block, and a small comfortable heel. If necessary, blockade is carried out with the following drugs:

    • Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketarol;
    • More severe cases require hormonal intervention, Dexamethasol, Hydrocortisone. In this case, the drugs are delivered to the site of the lesion of the neuroma.

    Usually, drug treatment of Morton's disease gives a result 3 months after the start of therapy.

    It is necessary to make a choice in favor of orthopedic shoes, equipped with special insoles, instep supports, which are made individually.

    For the treatment of neuroma, the following physiotherapy is actively used:

    • Magnetotherapy;
    • shock wave therapy;
    • electrophoresis;
    • Massage from the ankle to the tips of the fingers;
    • Acupuncture.

    In advanced cases, the progression of the disease can be stopped only by surgery.

    If conservative therapy does not give the expected result, then surgical intervention is required. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, the metatarsal canal is opened, the neuroma is dissected or removed. After that, the patient feels numbness in the interdigital space for some time.

    The rehabilitation period lasts up to 10 days, during which it is recommended to wear the right shoes, providing the foot with maximum rest. You can walk for a short time the next day after the operation. Surgeons use the following techniques:

    • Removal of the neuroma. During the procedure, an incision is made between the fingers, the neuroma is removed and completely removed. Usually the patient does not require immobilization of the foot;
    • Ligament dissection is a gentle method. But it does not guarantee the absence of relapses;
    • Removal of Morton's neuroma with a laser avoids incisions; on the same day, you can leave the clinic home;
    • Ablation of Morton's neuroma with radiofrequency components. It is carried out under ultrasound control without incisions using a thin needle, leads to loss of sensitivity within 2 months;
    • In exceptional cases, an artificial bone fracture is required, followed by its displacement to release it from nerve compression. The operation is performed without incisions, under x-ray control.

    Treatment of Morton's neuroma at home only helps to relieve pain:

    • Lotions from wormwood. Grind the grass into gruel, apply to the affected area, fix with a bandage;
    • Rub goose fat into the affected area, apply a warming bandage on top;
    • Hot rubbing made from salt, dry mustard, hot pepper. All components must be taken in equal quantities, mixed, insisted on 250 ml. vodka. Rub the foot, put on warm socks, leave overnight.

    The use of folk remedies is allowed only after consultation with specialists. Warming up, compresses are prohibited in case of lesions of the feet of a purulent and inflammatory nature.

    Below are testimonials from people who have had Morton's neuroma removed.

    Recently, more and more worried about burning pain when walking. I decided on a simple removal of the neuroma. Everything went well, but for more than a month it hurt where it was removed. I went to unload the foot in special shoes. For 2 months now, I have been feeling numbness in the 4th, 3rd finger. The doctor says that the feeling can be up to six months.

    Lyudmila Gennadievna. 54 years old. Kazan.

    Treated a neuroma with a laser method two months ago. She went home the same day. I was on sick leave for 2 weeks, then I started working as usual. I use orthopedic insoles, but there was no numbness, cuts, stitches. I feel good.

    I had my neuroma removed 4 months ago. I had an MRI before the operation, but it's not necessary. The procedure lasted 15 minutes under local anesthesia in a polyclinic. The next day, everything hurt, the leg was swollen, there was a hematoma on the sole. After 2 weeks, the stitches were removed, I went for a month for physiotherapy. She began to walk, though by the evening her leg hurt, she did a massage, as with a neuroma. Almost a week later I was running. Now I still feel numbness between my fingers, I walk normally, I can even run.

    Fibrous nerve growth, which is Morton's neuroma, is best treated early, when symptoms first appear. So you can limit yourself to the correction of shoes, to prevent surgical intervention.

    Morton's neuroma is a benign fibrous growth of the plantar nerve, usually located between the base of the third and fourth toes. Nerve damage on the foot is more often unilateral, but there are also pathologies on both sides.

    Women of different ages are at risk of developing disorders.

    The cause of neuritis of the plantar nerve is considered to be compression of the nerve by the heads of the metatarsal bones.

    Common causes of an intermetatarsal neuroma are:

    • improper selection of shoes - too high a heel or a narrow nose, size mismatch with the parameters of the foot;
    • inflammatory pathologies;
    • transverse flat feet, including a violation resulting from an injury;
    • incorrect gait - tucking inside the foot, which causes tension and nerve damage;
    • development of a fatty tumor in the metatarsus;
    • infectious and autoimmune disorders in the body;
    • atherosclerosis of the lower extremities of an obliterating nature, manifested by blockage of the vessels of the legs by cholesterol plaques;
    • hematoma or fracture at the site of the passage of the nerve;
    • overweight, long walking and running with the occurrence of an increased load on the forefoot.

    These causes lead to gradual irritation of the nerve fibers, which after a certain time causes pathological changes in their structure and leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the foot.

    The initial stage of the disease can be recognized by the following characteristic features:

    • Numbness, tingling and burning.
    • The pain is sharp, aggravated by squeezing the sides of the foot with the hands. After removing uncomfortable shoes and kneading the toes, the pain usually goes away.
    • Sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the shoes at the site of the lesion.
    • Discomfort.

    Negative symptoms appear with long walking or frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes.

    In the appearance of the foot, there are no deformations, the neuroma is not a tumor - it is inflammation of the nerves.

    Morton's neuroma is characterized by an undulating course with intensification and temporary remission of disturbing symptoms, which can sometimes disappear for several years.

    With the development of pathology, the pain becomes more intense, the person feels a pulsation in the affected area. Pain in the later stages occurs regardless of the type of shoes and the load on the foot and is permanent, occurring even in a state of complete rest.

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    To make the correct diagnosis, it is enough to conduct examinations to distinguish Morton's neuroma from a bone fracture or arthritis:

    • questioning the patient and identifying complaints;
    • study of the patient's history;
    • examination of the foot with the definition of pain in various areas of the foot;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging;
    • the introduction of local anesthetics to determine the location of the neuroma;
    • radiographic study.

    Based on the results obtained, the specialist determines the stage of the disease and selects a competent effective treatment for the patient.

    At the initial stages of the development of the disease, it is possible to use conservative therapy, the main direction of which is to eliminate increased pressure on the nerve.

    The patient is advised to change shoes to models with a wide toe, a loose last and a small heel. It is useful to choose orthopedic shoes, use special insoles and insoles made individually in accordance with the parameters of the patient's foot.

    To relieve pain and relieve inflammation use the following medications:

    The use of such methods of dealing with neuroma of the foot gives a positive result, usually 2-3 months after the start of treatment.

    In the absence of the effect of drugs, the administration of anesthetics is prescribed in combination with hormonal drugs, which are delivered exactly to the neuroma - Dexametosol, Hydrocortisone, Kenalog, Diprospan.

    Massage sessions are often used in the complex.

    Timely contacting a specialist and following all the recommendations and prescriptions of a doctor will help to avoid surgery.

    Surgery is used in advanced cases, with a long-term absence of a competent effect and with the ineffectiveness of drug therapy for Morton's neuroma.

    During the operation, which is performed under local anesthesia, doctors remove the neuroma, if necessary with a small section of the nerve, or expand the area around the nerve to reduce tissue pressure on the nerve.

    The patient can step on the foot the very next day after surgery. Gradually, a person is allowed to increase the load on the foot.

    Experts confirm the effectiveness of traditional medicine to eliminate inflammation and pain in Morton's neuroma. At the same time, medicines from natural ingredients are not able to eliminate the cause; they are used as an addition to traditional treatment after a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

    The most effective folk recipes for influencing the disease:

    • 100 grams pork fat must be mixed with 1 tablespoon of salt. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected area, bandaged from above.
    • To prepare the product, grind thoroughly sagebrush until the formation of a mushy mass, which is recommended to be applied to the foot all night, fixing with a bandage. The recipe is effective for exacerbations of the disease.
    • In 1 glass vodka dissolve hot pepper, dry mustard and salt in equal proportion - 2 tablespoons each. The medicine should be infused for 1 week, the mixture should be shaken periodically. At the end, the product is carefully filtered and applied to the foot with a lesion before going to bed to improve blood circulation.
    • It is useful to apply to a sore foot at night cabbage leaf.
    • beneficial effect on disease taking a foot bath with the addition of mint leaves, pine needles, chamomile and calendula flowers. The tool helps to eliminate inflammation and pain, improves metabolism in the affected tissues.
    • Bay leaves and pine needles carefully grind with a coffee grinder. 4 tablespoons are separated from the resulting mass and mixed with butter. Healing ointment is applied to the sore foot, it is recommended to wear warm socks on top. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease; in the early stages, procedures within 1 week are sufficient to improve the condition.
    • Chopped burdock root in the amount of 2 tablespoons is added to 2 liters of boiled water. The broth should be boiled over low heat for 4-5 minutes. A cotton swab or gauze folded several times is applied as a compress all night to the affected area.

    To achieve maximum effects from the use of folk recipes, the necessary dosage of the components and the rules for the use of medicinal products should be strictly observed.

    Characteristic symptoms of transverse flatfoot and treatment at home.

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    To prevent the occurrence of Morton's neuroma, it is recommended to follow the following simple rules:

    • Avoid excessive and prolonged stress on the feet.
    • Choose the right shoes with small heels that fit the size.
    • After wearing shoes with heels, it is useful to take relaxing evening foot baths.
    • Take precautions to prevent the development of flat feet.
    • Watch your weight and get rid of extra pounds.

    The sooner a person detects the symptoms of Morton's neuroma and begins the treatment prescribed by a specialist, the more likely the patient is to avoid deterioration of the condition and surgical intervention. The timely use of traditional and alternative treatment is the key to a speedy recovery and elimination of symptoms that cause significant inconvenience and discomfort to a person.

    We also suggest that you watch a useful video on the topic of the article.

    The article provides information that answers the question: "How to get rid of Morton's neuroma without surgery?" It's not about diagnosing a disease. Enough has already been written about this. Here - only about methods of treatment.

    Let's consider the situation from the point of view of an ordinary person who has been prevented from living by this sore for a long time. What should he do to get rid of her once and for all without the surgeon's knife? There is a method for this. More on this below.

    The owner of a benign neoplasm called a neuroma does not need to explain how much discomfort this seemingly insignificant, at first glance, change in the structure of one of the nerves of the foot causes.

    At rest, a person does not feel any discomfort. But one has only to take a few steps, and the intermetatarsal neuroma makes itself felt with pain, burning, numbness. Sometimes a foreign object is felt in the foot.

    When wearing tight shoes for a long time, discomfort and pain in the foot increase. Morton's syndrome, as this disease is also called, manifests itself periodically. Discomfort comes and goes. Causes of occurrence:

      chronic nerve irritation (as a result of a violation of the normal position of the metatarsal bones after an injury or due to tight shoes);



    All this together creates conditions for damage to the structures of the nerve fiber. And it leads to numbness, burning, pain in the third and fourth toes.

    Conservative treatment of neuroma

    The treatment for this fibrous thickening is to relieve pressure on the pinched nerve and rule out possible inflammation.

    In addition to injections into the foot of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have a strong negative effect on the mucous membranes and blood vessels, the patient is recommended to wear shoes of a strictly defined style:

      ban on narrow toe;

      a low heel and a "worn out" block are required.

    Sometimes the development of the disease can be stopped by the use of orthopedic insoles. Postponing "for later" the treatment of this disease leads to an aggravation of the situation. The pain begins to manifest itself when wearing any, the most "sparing" shoes.

    The duration of the course of therapy is several months. With a negative result (and this happens quite often), the attending physician may prescribe physiotherapy - magnetotherapy or electrophoresis.

    If in this case the result is negative, surgical intervention is recommended. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.

    What does surgery on a neuroma give?

    Simultaneously with the removal of Morton's neuroma, the surgeon on the foot can perform the following manipulations:

      elimination of a certain section of the nerve fiber;

      freeing space around the nerve to reduce pressure on it;

      dissection of the intertarsal ligament;

      osteotomy (artificial fracture) of the fourth metatarsal bone.

    In order not to bring things to an operation and not to subject your limb to such a test, you need to find an effective method of physiotherapy that would solve the problem.

    Morton's neuroma treated with SWT

    Today it has been found. Its name is "SWT" - shock - wave therapy. Why is this particular treatment offered? Because to get rid of this kind of neoplasms, leading specialists in the field of rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system widely use it.

    Its principle is based on the selective action of an infra-low frequency sound wave on the tissues of the body. Passing through healthy structures, it affects the pathology and returns it to its former normal state.

    Where exactly? In medical rehabilitation and health centers in many cities of Russia and abroad. Including, in the centers of kinesitherapy of Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. And of course, at the Moscow Medical Center, the author of the method - a traumatologist - orthopedist, MD, Professor Viktor Vyacheslavovich Titov.

    The results of this treatment regimen speak for themselves. With the help of UVT without surgery, the following effects are achieved:

      removal of pain and inflammation (due to improved blood flow and drainage);

      gradual removal of fibrous tissue;

      restoration of the network of capillaries to the entire depth of the foot (and not just on the surface);

      increased metabolism in the periphery of the limb.

    Morton's neuroma is a disease that women are more susceptible to. Wanting to look spectacular, they often wear tight shoes with high or uncomfortable heels, not noticing how they harm the foot. Or the work may be associated with a long stay in a standing position (teacher, salesman, waiter, stewardess, etc.). Not so often, but Morton's syndrome is also diagnosed in men.

    This is a benign growth of the tissues of the plantar nerve, located in the third intermetatarsal space (usually between the base of the third and fourth toe). The resulting seal causes pain in the foot, causes discomfort first during walking, and later at rest. In most cases, the neuroma occurs on one side, but in rare cases it can be bilateral. With untimely diagnosis and late treatment, it can lead to surgical intervention.

    "Important! Morton's disease is not life-threatening, but can cause significant discomfort and limit active movement."

    The process of tumor formation

    In order to understand the principle of tumor formation, you need to know what happens in the foot during movement. The metatarsal joints (the part of the foot between the heel and the base of the toes) are connected by a transverse ligament. Beneath it are common interdigital nerves, branching to the sides of the fingers located next to them, in such a way that each of the nerves is involved in providing innervation to the surfaces of the fingers facing each other. The heads of the metatarsal bones are located in close proximity, and the nerve is located in a tight space between the bones and the ligament.

    When walking or standing for a long time, the feet have a large load, so there are changes and disorders in the joints, ligaments, nerve endings and blood vessels. If the shoes are loose and matched correctly, the load will not be so noticeable. With narrow and uncomfortable shoes, the nerve endings located between the bones and joints are squeezed. This causes pain in the legs and leads to damage to them. This is most acutely manifested in pre-existing foot injuries - fractures, age-related changes, etc.

    The most common causes of Morton's neuroma include:

    • wearing improperly selected shoes (tight, with a narrow toe, too high a heel or an uncomfortable shoe);
    • excess weight, exerting excessive load on the entire foot;
    • sports, dancing or other active activities associated with an emphasis on the movement of the feet;
    • violation of posture, gait;
    • long stay in a standing position, long walking.

    The risk group can also include people who already have flat feet, previously suffered injuries associated with damage to the nerve trunk or infringement of its hematoma. Provoking factors also include inflammatory processes occurring in the joints or other tumors that put pressure on the nerve.

    Under the influence of these factors, the nerve is pinched, resulting in edema. With its increase in the connective tissue structures, a seal is formed, which no longer has enough space between the ligaments, causing pain. The basis of the neuroma is overgrown connective tissue.

    Symptoms of Morton's neuroma

    The main symptoms of Morton's neuroma:

    • soreness of the foot;
    • sensation of a foreign body;
    • numbness of the fingers.

    In the initial stage of the disease, the patient is worried about pain, but the neoplasm is not felt by the patient, does not manifest itself. The patient traces the connection between wearing tight shoes and the occurrence of painful sensations, and by removing them, he gets relief from pain and significant relief. The pain goes away but comes back after a while.

    At this stage, the patient does not see a reason to see a doctor, as the symptoms disappear or are significantly reduced. In the future, when the disease enters an advanced stage, the pain is permanent, it can increase and become more and more intense. Even while lying down or being barefoot, the patient will have sensations similar to those experienced when walking on sharp pebbles. The process of exacerbation occurs in waves, when there is an alternation of a period of rest and intense pain.

    With the development of the disease, it becomes more and more difficult for the patient to be on his feet for a long time. If you take off your shoes and massage your feet with severe pain, the pain will decrease and may disappear completely. But this is only a temporary measure. The patient comes to the doctor's appointment already in a state where all the ways to get rid of the pain have been tried on their own.

    The pain is concentrated in the interdigital space, often the patient complains of numbness, tingling in the fingers, the presence of a "non-existent pebble" in the shoe. An already formed neuroma is easily palpable between the fingers in the form of a small seal between the metatarsal bones.


    Morton's syndrome is treated by an orthopedic surgeon, surgeon, or neurologist. To make a diagnosis, it is sometimes enough to interview the patient and examine the foot. But at the same time, it is important to exclude diseases with similar symptoms - arthritis and bone fracture.

    • To confirm the diagnosis, fluoroscopy or computed tomography is performed. They do not define a neuroma due to its soft tissue, but exclude a fracture, flat feet, etc.
    • MRI. It is uninformative, since the study shows the presence of a seal, but an erroneous diagnosis is possible.
    • ultrasound. The most informative way to diagnose a neuroma, which has no contraindications and gives an accurate picture of the nature and location of the neoplasm.

    How to get rid of pain

    For the treatment of Morton's neuroma, both conservative methods and surgical intervention, various folk remedies are used. But the first and main condition is a change of shoes. Properly selected, sufficiently spacious and comfortable shoes with comfortable heels with an orthopedic insole are outwardly inferior to narrow pumps with a “stiletto heel” and fashionable “ballet shoes” with a flat sole, but bring noticeable relief to the patient, correctly shaping the position of the foot.

    The correct heel height is about two centimeters. This height corresponds to the physiological state, and is able to take a large load of body weight. It is necessary to temporarily limit prolonged standing or walking, which contribute to increased pain.

    conservative method

    The basis of this method is the relief of pain attacks. For this, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are used. They are prescribed in the form of tablets, powders, ointments, gels. The doctor selects the drug and dosage depending on concomitant diseases, since non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a number of contraindications.

    If the pain syndrome cannot be relieved by a conservative method, several blockades can be performed using anesthetics directly in the nerve area. If, after three months, conservative methods do not give a significant improvement, the doctor may prescribe an operation.

    Operative method of treatment

    The operation is prescribed already at a late stage of the disease, when drug treatment did not give the expected result. With Morton's neuroma, several methods of removing the neoplasm can be used:

    • through an incision;
    • excision;
    • artificial bone fracture.

    When removed through an incision, the fibrous tissue is removed along with a small fragment of the nerve. Sutures are applied, and the next day after the operation, the patient can gently step on his leg. On the fourteenth day, the stitches are removed. And the load on the legs is gradually increasing.

    It is extremely rare to resort to excision of the inflamed part of the foot. With this radical method, the sensitivity of the finger is completely lost, the pain symptom does not resume.

    An artificial fracture (osteotomy) is resorted to as a last resort, when there is no other way to release the nerve from compression. A fracture of the fourth metatarsal bone is performed under X-ray control through a puncture, without an incision. After the operation, the recovery process takes about a month.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional methods of treatment are usually resorted to in the first place, even before visiting a doctor. It must be understood that these methods will not lead to complete healing, but can only help relieve pain and partially relieve inflammation.

    Among the mass of various recipes, there are several effective ones. They can be used both independently and in combination with doctor's prescriptions.

    The most common of these are lotions or dressings with wormwood. They can significantly reduce pain. To do this, bitter wormwood is ground to the state of gruel, spread on a gauze napkin and laid on a painful place. The bandaged lotion can be left on all night.

    A warming ointment of pork or goose fat and table salt (1 teaspoon of salt per 20 g of fat) is rubbed into a painful place, and a dense warming bandage is applied on top.

    Tangible relief will bring baths with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or lavender. A small amount of sea salt is added to the water. The water temperature should not be higher than 38 ° C. An infusion of herbs is prepared in advance. 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, allowed to boil for 3-5 minutes and infused for an hour.

    Importance of using insoles

    For patients diagnosed with Morton's neuroma, orthopedists recommend using orthopedic insoles. In each case, the doctor makes an individual selection. Sometimes the additional use of silicone interdigital liners is recommended.

    What is the importance of using insoles? They help to solve a number of basic issues to reduce the load on the foot:

    • the pressure of the body weight on the forefoot is reduced, which contributes to the restoration of the transverse arch;
    • reduces or stops the pressure of the bones on the nerve, which stops the development of the disease;
    • reduces pressure on the plantar nerve, which helps to eliminate pain;
    • improves blood circulation, and fixes it in the right position, so that the patient has the opportunity to correctly place the foot.

    Selection and production of insoles occur individually. You can start using them immediately after the diagnosis is made - in this case, the chance for a speedy recovery increases. It is recommended to use insoles after surgery.


    How to prevent Morton's disease? First of all, choose the right shoes that fit the size, do not compress the arch of the foot, with a stable heel and with a comfortable last. If for some reason it is impossible to refuse a heel, a woman should limit the time of walking in it, and in the evening do foot baths or lay them on a slight elevation.

    Significant chances of getting a neuroma in people suffering from flat feet. Therefore, regardless of age, they are recommended to wear orthopedic insoles or special shoes.

    An equally important factor is the observance of the motor regime. Avoid prolonged standing or long walks. You should always take breaks to reduce the load on the foot and give it the opportunity to rest. If you experience anxiety symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Conservative treatment at an early stage is most effective and will avoid surgery.

    How to treat Morton's neuroma and what it is

    The growth of nerve tissue located on the sole of the foot, between the 3rd and 4th fingers, is called Morton's neuroma. What it is? This fibrous benign neoplasm usually affects one leg, rarely both at once.

    Clinical picture

    The progression of the pathology in Morton's neuroma gives severe pain - neuropathologists, orthopedists, surgeons know what it is and how to treat it.

    With this disease, nerve conduction is disturbed, reflexes disappear. According to ICD 10, Morton's neuroma is coded under code M 20.1, when the pathology curves the thumb, or under code M 77.4, if metatarsalgia of the foot develops. Different manifestations of Morton's neuroma require a different therapeutic approach.

    External manifestations of Morton's neuroma

    The disease manifests itself in the form of a thickening of the nerve on the sole, this is accompanied by severe pain, sharply restricting a person's movement. When doctors suspect the development of Morton's metatarsalgia, this indicates a tumor neoplasm of the nervous tissue that causes severe pain in the metatarsal joints.

    Oncologists treat this form of neuroma, despite the fact that the neoplasm is considered benign.

    With damage to the plantar nerve, which is responsible for nerve conduction in the fingers, neurologists distinguish certain forms of pathology:

    • Morton's foot, characterized by insufficient development of metatarsal bone tissue, due to which the second finger takes the form of a hammer;
    • interdigital neuroma on the sole - a pathology in its pure, "textbook" form.

    How to treat Morton's neuroma, you will have to find out at the appointment with a neurologist. It is noted that most often the neuroma affects the legs of young women. The neurologist determines the pathology in the interdigital space at the third finger. Here, tissue thickening with severe pain increases.

    According to the anatomy in this part of the foot, the nerve is divided into branches that go to the lateral surfaces of the fingers, the pain diverges in these directions. According to the reviews of patients who have encountered Morton's neuroma, they already know what it is and how to treat the pathology so as not to bring the disease to surgery.

    The disease does not threaten a person's life, but brings him discomfort, severe pain, restriction of movements. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, carry out the necessary diagnostics, treat a neuroma in order to avoid surgical intervention.

    Causes of damage to the plantar nerve Morton's neuroma

    Excessive stress on the feet is the main factor provoking the development of Morton's neuroma on the plantar nerve.

    The main reasons for the development of pathology:

    • the habit of walking in high heels;
    • excess body weight, leading to constant stress on the feet;
    • violation of posture;
    • long infectious disease;
    • the need to stand for a long time or walk for a long time, associated with production needs;
    • sports activities, the basis of which is the emphasis on the feet.

    Late treatment to the doctor leads to the development of serious complications. Discomfort and pain in the legs brings a lot of inconvenience, and you don’t have to endure them, you need to go to a neurologist or surgeon in a timely manner.

    It is believed that a timely diagnosed Morton's neuroma, when doctors are convinced of what it is, can be cured at home. This disease is quite common; therapeutic, neurological and surgical treatment tactics have been developed.

    The risk group consists of patients with diagnosed diseases:

    • flat feet;
    • foot deformity;
    • arthrosis;
    • bursitis;
    • tumor neoplasms.

    These diseases lead to infringement of the nerve endings, due to which edema is formed, and pathological growth of the sheath of nerve fibers occurs. It becomes difficult for them to fit between the ligaments of the foot.

    Symptoms of Morton's neuroma

    The onset of the disease is manifested by a weak sensation of squeezing in the zone of the 3rd and 4th fingers. Already such a symptom should alert a person, show him that a failure has occurred in the work of the leg. With the further development of the disease, the symptoms gradually increase.

    Main symptoms:

    • pain, burning, loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​the 3rd and 4th fingers;
    • severe pain in the foot, in all fingers;
    • change in gait;
    • leg numbness;
    • it is difficult to walk in high heels, when changing shoes, the discomfort disappears.

    The neglected disease is characterized by pain even at rest. According to patients, they compare walking in uncomfortable shoes, as if walking on the edges of stones.

    Diagnosis and treatment of Morton's neuroma

    The first step of the patient is a trip to the therapist, he examines the condition of the leg, makes a diagnosis. Suspecting a pathology, the therapist refers to a consultation with a neurologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist, vascular surgeon.

    Morton's neuroma is diagnosed by examinations:

    According to the results of the examination, doctors direct the treatment to remove pressure on the affected nerve tissue. For this, the patient changes his style of shoes, chooses models with extended toes, small heels.

    Conservative treatment includes local blockades of Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketarol, Nimesulide. The severe condition of the leg requires injection with hormonal drugs, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone are used here. Treatment of Morton's disease with medicines relieves pain only 3 months after therapy.

    Neuroma is treated with physiotherapy:

    If the disease is in a neglected state, its progress is stopped only by an operation. Surgeons suggest opening the metatarsal canal, dissecting or removing the neuroma. All operations are performed under general anesthesia.

    Surgical methods:

    1. Removal of the neuroma.
    2. Ligament dissection; after this operation relapses are probable.
    3. Laser removal of Morton's neuroma.
    4. Ablation of Morton's neuroma by radiofrequency method.

    Rare cases of advanced disease require an artificial fracture of the bone in order to dislodge it and free the compressed nerve tissue. Such an operation is performed without incisions, with X-ray control.
    Neuroma and neuroma

    Neurinoma grows on the cells of the nerve membranes in the peripheral zones, on their ditches, roots. In the practice of neuropathologists and surgeons, there are single tumors or multiple thickening of the nerves. These formations tend to turn into a form of malignant sarcoma, which is how they differ from neuromas.

    They practically do not differ in symptoms, the difference in formations is shown only in the diagnosis of CT, MRI, ultrasound. Then oncologists take over the treatment of the disease. Neurinomas are manifested by dense nodules on small nerve endings. The slightest touch is answered with sharp shooting pains. Their development is slow, accompanied by paresthesia and, in rare cases, paralysis. What is it - Morton's neuroma, and how it is treated, patients will learn from the oncologist.

    In the early stages of the formation of a neuroma, it is treated conservatively, using the same scheme as in the treatment of neuroma, with the same drugs. A radical method of removing a neoplasm is used when drug treatment does not work.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of neuroma and neuroma

    As an addition to drug therapy, and after surgery, doctors recommend using traditional healers. But they warn that they give only temporary relief from pain.

    Healer Recipes:

    1. Wormwood lotions. Freshly picked leaves and soft stems of bitter wormwood are ground into a mushy mass, applied to the site of severe pain, and fixed with a bandage. Hold until dry.
    2. Lubrication with goose and interior pork fat. A small amount of fat is rubbed into the place of pain, a bandage is applied with a warming effect. You can leave the bandage overnight. In the morning, the fat is not washed off, but its remnants are gently wiped off with a damp warm cloth.
    3. Hot rub. Prepare a mixture: salt, dry mustard, hot pepper in equal proportions. Pour 250 ml of vodka, insist for a day. At night they rub their feet, put on warm socks.

    Apply folk remedies in the treatment of Morton's neuroma with the permission of the attending physician. Warming compresses are not allowed for purulent and inflammatory processes.

    Now you know what kind of disease it is and how to treat it - the main thing is to see a doctor in a timely manner!

    How and how to treat Morton's neuroma at home?

    Morton's neuroma is an uncommon pathology of the foot joint. The disease is often accompanied by an increase in pain with each movement and lengthening of the nerve fibers. Treatment of Morton's neuroma at home can be effective only in the initial stages of the pathology. But it is not always possible to diagnose the disease at the initial stage. Vivid symptoms are observed at a late stage, when drug therapy is indispensable.

    Description of pathology

    Most often, the pathology develops in menopausal women. Morton's neuroma makes itself felt during movement, pressing on the plantar nerve of the foot.

    Symptoms of Morton's neuroma occur due to prolonged compression of the plantar nerve, and are accompanied by pathologies such as:

    • Transverse flat feet;
    • Frequent injuries and bruises;
    • The presence of chronic infections of the arch of the foot;
    • Obesity.

    The consequence of Morton's neuroma is a change in the blood flow of the foot and the development of obliterating atherosclerosis of the legs.

    It is almost impossible to detect a neuroma on your own. This is due to the fact that metatarsalgia of the foot is not a tumor and is not outwardly noticeable. The disease is a concentration of nerve tissues united by a common sheath. Therefore, the foot looks completely healthy on examination.

    If a person is in pain, he notices a violation of gait or an elongation of the second toe, there is a feeling of a pebble in the shoe, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is difficult to self-diagnose Morton's neuroma, since the clinical picture of the disease resembles neuralgia and other pathologies of the feet.

    There are several treatments for Morton's syndrome. Traditional therapy consists in the use of medications, the appointment of exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy. It helps to relieve inflammation of the arch of the toes, eliminate pain. In the absence of the effect of conservative treatment, an operation is prescribed. Important!

    To reduce stress on the foot and relieve pressure on the nerve, it is recommended to use orthopedic insoles. This will make it possible to redistribute the load on the lower limbs.

    Also, the patient will need to change shoes. Avoid stilettos in favor of soft leather models with a wide toe and a wide, stable heel. At an advanced stage of the disease, custom-made orthopedic shoes may be required.

    With the systematic implementation of prescriptions, the treatment of Morton's disease with folk remedies can become an alternative to surgery.

    Such therapy is affordable and has a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions. How and how to treat Morton's neuroma at home depends on the stage of the disease. Traditional medicine will help the patient to reduce pain and restore mobility of joint tissues. But if the disease is growing in nature, such treatment is useless.

    Medical treatment

    NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) will help relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process in the bone and soft tissues. Most often prescribed:

    The course of treatment for NVPS is from 2 to 3 months. If therapy with nonsteroidal drugs turned out to be ineffective, injections of anesthetics (painkillers) and steroids (hormonal drugs) are used - Kenalog, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone and Dexamethosone.

    Massage for Morton's neuroma is aimed at reducing pain. Soreness occurs even at the first stage of the disease, and over time leads to the inability to wear habitual shoes and move independently.

    Self-massage for neuroma is allowed only in exceptional cases. Even if such a decision is made, you should visit several sessions with a specialist. On average, 7-15 procedures are enough to obtain a therapeutic effect. After 2-3 weeks, the massage course should be repeated.

    Massage movements with Morton's neuroma should not create increased pressure on the heads of the bones of the foot. This can cause increased pressure on the nerve and increase pain. The most effective technique is soft tissue massaging.

    The massage course for Morton's neuroma allows you to:

    • Relieve muscle tension;
    • Increase blood flow and lymph flow;
    • Normalize the motor activity of the joints;
    • Eliminate the risk of muscle spasm.

    After several sessions with a specialist, you can have a massage at home. Before the procedure, the inflamed nerve should be cooled. This will help relieve pain. To do this, freeze water in a disposable plastic cup. A piece of ice should be gently carried over the foot, lingering on the most painful areas. Conducting an "ice" massage will relieve inflammation and pain in neuroma.

    Performing special exercises is another home treatment for Morton's syndrome. Exercise therapy will reduce unpleasant symptoms and help restore joint mobility. Exercises can be found on the Internet, but they must be agreed with the doctor.

    All exercise therapy exercises in the treatment of Morton's pathology are aimed at:

    • Crick;
    • their strengthening;
    • Maintaining balance.

    Despite the fact that patients with neuroma are shown to rest. Most doctors recommend exercise therapy to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

    Stretching exercises

    Stretching the muscles allows you to reduce pressure on the neuroma. When performing these exercises, you should fix the foot in one position for 10-15 seconds. This will enhance the effect of the treatment.

    Exercises to strengthen the plantar part of the foot:

    • Squeeze the heel firmly with the right hand, and the toes with the left hand. Next, pull the sock towards the lower leg. Repeat 3-5 times;
    • Repeat the exercise without arms. The number of repetitions is the same.

    Exercises to relieve tension in the muscles:

    • Stand facing the wall, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Put your palms on the wall, move your right leg back 30-50cm. Press your heels to the floor, bend your knees, linger for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times;
    • Freeze a plastic water bottle. Put her on the floor. Put your foot on top. Roll the bottle back and forth, straining the muscles of the foot;
    • Take a waffle towel. Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Place your toes in the middle of the towel. Pull the towel with your hands so that the toe of the foot looks at the lower leg. Repeat 7-10 times.

    Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    To strengthen the muscles of the foot, you will need to perform the following exercises daily:

    • Walking on the floor, stretch the big toe, drawing a figure eight in the air. Gradually increase the range of motion. Repeat 10-25 times;
    • Now with your big toe you should alternately write all the letters of the alphabet;
    • Gently rotate the foot clockwise and then in the opposite direction. Make sure that the amplitude is maximum. Repeat 10-15 times.

    Balance exercises

    Good stability will increase the mobility of the joints of the foot, reduce pressure on the neuroma and reduce soreness. Useful exercises are:

    • Alternately stand on the right and left foot, trying to maintain balance for the maximum amount of time. To complicate the exercise, you can close your eyes or perform movements with the second leg;
    • Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Gently rise on your toes, lingering in this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 15-20 times.

    When performing exercises for the treatment of neuroma, you should increase the load gradually so as not to increase the compression of the nerve. With increased pain, exercise therapy should be stopped and consult a doctor.

    Folk remedies

    Treatment according to the recipes of traditional healers will be effective if the neuroma is diagnosed at the first stage. In such a situation, applications using:

    • Leaves or freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice (has an analgesic effect);
    • Fresh cabbage leaves, which should wrap the sore spot;
    • Grated raw potatoes;
    • Burdock leaves or their concentrated decoction.

    A good therapeutic effect in Morton's syndrome has a rubbing of ground red pepper, salt and dry mustard. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1, pour a glass of vodka. Rubbing relieves acute pain in neuroma.

    Ointments for neuroma

    Ointment for the treatment of Morton's neuroma can be prepared at home on your own. The course of treatment with ointment is from 7 to 15 days. The most popular ointment recipes:

    • Warming - combine 100 grams of badger, pork and goose fat, add a tablespoon of salt. Apply to the painful area before going to bed;
    • Ointment based on bay leaf - grind bay leaf and pine needles in a coffee grinder in a ratio of 2: 1. Add melted butter. Treat the affected area daily.

    Treatment with compresses

    The use of compresses in the treatment of Morton's syndrome can quickly reduce the level of pain. They are made on an alcohol basis or on a decoction of herbs. The following compresses are used:

    • Mustard and vegetable oil are mixed in equal proportions, brought to a boil. After cooling the mixture, add a spoonful of honey to it. In the resulting mass, moisten gauze or bandage well and apply on the foot for an hour. The course of treatment is 7-10 days;
    • To lard and chili pepper (1: 1) add chopped onion and paprika in a blender. Such compresses are applied daily (at night) for 30 days;
    • Dissolve 5 tablets of analgin and aspirin in triple cologne. Carry out the procedure from 7 to 15 days;
    • Rosehip flowers are poured with vinegar and allowed to brew for 3-5 days. Such a compress is applied for 20 minutes, so as not to provoke a burn.

    To prevent recurrence of Morton's syndrome, stiletto heels should be avoided. A wide heel no more than 5 cm would be ideal. In this case, it will be possible to optimize the load on the nerve endings of the foot. It is useful to walk barefoot on pebbles or sand. And when the first symptoms appear, it becomes necessary to consult a doctor. All this will help maintain leg health and physical activity.

    • overweight;



    Treatment tactics

    • Learn homemade foot massage.


    • rachiocampsis;


    Morton's neuroma, its causes and treatments

    Thickening of the nerve fiber at the base of the toe with pain and difficulty in walking - Morton's neuroma. Pathology is not at all malignant. The name was fixed historically - due to the probing of the formation on the nerve fiber. Young women are susceptible to the disorder - due to the peculiarity of wearing high-heeled shoes. Most often the defect is unilateral. He does not threaten life, but requires timely medical intervention - to prevent severe pain.

    A light and beautiful gait for people is provided by the complex structure of the foot - the bones of the metatarsus, ligaments, and interdigital nerves are connected in it. All structures are under tremendous daily stress. Therefore, to a greater extent than the rest of the body, prone to deformation.

    The appearance of areas of thickening on the nerve fiber is the result of its infringement in the tight space between adjacent bones and joints. Provoking factors:

    • often - wearing uncomfortable shoes;
    • women's passion for high heels;
    • incorrect posture when walking;
    • overweight;
    • flat feet - especially its transverse variant;
    • obliterating disorders of the lower extremities;
    • forced prolonged stay in a standing position;
    • engaging in sports in which the emphasis is on the feet.

    Sometimes a neuroma is formed after an injury - professional or domestic. An unfavorable background for Morton's disease is inflammatory processes in the joints, for example, bursitis, tendonitis. In response to tissue edema, areas of compaction are formed in the nerve fiber that cannot fit in the tight space between the metatarsus. The result will be the appearance of a neuroma.


    The main clinical sign of Morton's pathology is pain. Its nature and intensity directly depend on the size of the neuroma and its localization. Unpleasant sensations at the beginning of the disease appear periodically - as a slight tingling or burning sensation. As a rule - after a long standing on your feet, physical activity. During the night hours, the discomfort is eliminated.

    As Morton's neuroma progresses, it makes itself felt more often - the pain increases, the periods of remission between episodes are reduced. Numbness appears in the toes - against the background of its integrity. There are no visual changes.

    Wearing the old shoes is uncomfortable - according to the sensation of a foreign body at the base of the 3rd and 4th fingers. In advanced cases of Morton's pathology, pain persists throughout the day, even at night. People's gait changes, they often limp, they are forced to make stops in order to reduce unpleasant symptoms.

    In the absence of complex therapy, the neuroma increases in size - it can be palpated. This is a kind of dense formation in the region of the nerve fiber. Pain will appear regardless of the shoe option. Complications form.


    Morton's disease is the result of an inflammatory process, and not a tumor degeneration of tissues. To diagnose it, the doctor carefully collects an anamnesis - when a person felt discomfort, in what and where he manifested himself, what measures bring relief to well-being.

    On examination, the specialist assesses the shape of the foot, its shape, the presence of anatomical curvatures. It then performs compression in the frontal plane. If the patient has increased pain in the area of ​​the metatarsus, this is a reliable sign of a neuroma between the toes.

    In addition to information from visual inspection and palpation of Morton's neuroma, diagnosis should also be carried out with instrumental examinations:

    • radiography - deformation of bone structures, degenerative processes, cracks, other changes due to injuries;
    • with a doubtful result - computed / magnetic resonance imaging, which confirms the presence of a local thickening between the metatarsal bones;
    • ultrasound examination - assessment of soft tissues, blood flow;
    • biopsy - for differential clarification of the tumor under the ligament of the foot.

    Faced with discomfort in the bases of the toes - on one or both sides, before starting treatment, you should find out which doctor to contact and get a consultation. Typically, the first line of outpatient care is a primary care physician, who will then refer the person to a specialist to deal with Morton's disease.

    Treatment tactics

    The experience of orthopedists allows them to choose a patient with Morton's neuroma, its symptoms, treatment in each case of treatment individually. The main emphasis will need to be placed on the correction of physical load on the lower limbs:

    • purchasing and wearing comfortable, anatomically appropriate shoes;
    • use of specially designed orthopedic insoles;
    • if necessary, the use of toe separators;
    • spend less time standing;
    • move for short distances and with a calm step, without haste;
    • Learn homemade foot massage.

    Conservative therapy is started with frequent pain attacks in the legs - the implementation of preventive measures does not bring relief to well-being. It is based on taking anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins for the nerve fiber, as well as applying external agents - creams, ointments. Foot baths are useful and available for Morton's disorder. They relieve muscle tension, reduce the severity of inflammation.

    With an intense pain syndrome, such a method of anesthesia is available as blockades with an anesthetic - for example, with lidocaine, directly to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neuroma. Physiotherapy methods come to the rescue with Morton's thickening - magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with medicinal solutions, acupuncture.

    With Morton's neuroma for treatment at home, it is allowed to resort to warming compresses, rubbing, ointments based on pork fat, extracts of medicinal plants, tinctures from them. However, each recipe of traditional medicine is recommended to be agreed with the doctor.

    In the absence of a positive result - the neuroma does not allow you to move without pain in the foot, there is one more method of treatment. They are surgery - an operation to excise a thickened section of a nerve fiber. 2 main options have been developed - dissection of the ligament or removal of Morton's neuroma as such. The best method of surgical intervention, its scope and timing will be considered by the specialist in each case separately.


    With a late request for medical help, or non-compliance with the recommendations of an orthopedic surgeon, a foot neuroma leads to a number of complications:

    • persistent pain syndrome, which is not amenable to even strong analgesics;
    • change in gait - limping;
    • rachiocampsis;
    • inability to wear stylish beautiful shoes;
    • psychological problems - neurosis, a tendency to depression.

    Early diagnosis and complex therapy is the key to quickly getting rid of discomfort in the toes and preventing possible complications. Each person builds the building of his own health. After all, it is not for nothing that it is considered that it is in the feet that the most important centers are located, the impact on which allows you to improve overall well-being and increase energy barriers. The presence of a neuroma creates the prerequisites for the formation of internal pathologies.


    Special efforts from people to prevent the appearance of a thickening on the nerve fiber of Morton are not required. It is enough to follow a number of simple measures so that the neuroma of the foot does not form:

    • from a young age, monitor physical activity on the lower limbs - do not lift weights, do not stand for a long time, change postures during work - squat, walk;
    • buy shoes taking into account the anatomical features of the structure of the foot - the heel is recommended to be small so that the physiological arch of the metacarpal bones is preserved;
    • master manual massage to relax muscles - perform every evening with a tendency to pain;
    • adjust the weight - each "extra" kilogram will increase the load on the legs.

    Special prevention measures include the purchase of insoles for Morton's neuroma - they relieve the load on the metatarsal bones. It is best to order their manufacture on an individual basis - taking into account the anatomical structure. This avoids the recurrence of the neuroma if the person has already undergone surgical removal.

    Do not put off consulting a doctor with soreness in your favorite legs. As you know, any disease, including Morton's, is easier to prevent than to treat later.

    The disease is benign, affecting the plantar nerve. The developing growth is most often found in women of mature age. This disease is diagnosed in the stage of a certain neglect.

    In the early stages, almost no one pays attention to this, since the symptoms are invisible and do not pay any attention to the usual way of life.

    In the later stages, unbearable pain occurs in the foot, which is permanent.

    If you suspect the occurrence of a disease such as Morton's neuroma, home treatment is possible. Folk remedies will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms of pain, inflammation.

    Causes of Morton's Syndrome

    The factors that influence the occurrence of this pathology must be known in order to avoid or eliminate them. The main ones are:

  • Compression of the plantar nerve for a long time. This is due to improperly selected shoes - high heels or narrow toe, size mismatch with the parameters of the foot.
  • Weak musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot.
  • Inflammatory pathologies.
  • Transverse flat foot.
  • Received injuries.
  • Incorrect gait - if the foot is tucked inward, then the nerve is stretched and damaged.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, which is manifested by blockages of cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the legs.
  • Fracture or severe swelling in the area where the nerve passes.
  • Excess weight, long walking or running, which put a lot of stress on the foot.
  • The listed reasons provoke a gradual irritation of the nerve fibers, and after a while there is a pathological change in their structure and inflammatory processes develop in the foot.

    Signs of Morton's neuroma

    The early stage of this disease can be determined by the following characteristic features:

    • burning, tingling, numbness;
    • sensations of sharp pain, which are aggravated by squeezing the feet with your hands;
    • sensation of a foreign object in the shoes, in the affected area;
    • discomfort during movement.

    Since a neuroma is an inflammation of the nerves, the feet are not deformed outwardly.. Symptoms of the disease are changeable, they can intensify and disappear for a while, sometimes even for several years.

    In the advanced stages, the pain becomes intense, a pulsation is felt in the affected area. In a certain area, the legs hurt constantly, regardless of the load on the foot and the comfort of the shoes.

    Morton's neuroma. Why do my legs hurt?

    How to diagnose a disease?

    When the first signs of Morton's neuroma appear, the question arises of which doctor to turn to, which doctor treats such an ailment?

    To diagnose and prescribe treatment, you should consult a neurologist, surgeon or podiatrist. A podologist is a specialist who deals exclusively with foot problems.

    A qualified doctor, after examining the foot and analyzing the patient's complaints, will be able to make the correct diagnosis and determine the size of the neoplasm. In some cases, an MRI or X-ray may be ordered..

    These additional examinations make it possible to identify or exclude the presence of fractures, arthritis and other factors that can cause pain in the toes. After such procedures, the neurologist determines how to treat Morton's neuroma in a particular case.

    Treatment with conservative methods

    Conservative treatment will be effective only in the absence of chronic changes in the structure of nerve fibers. This method of treatment can be used if the disease is detected at the initial stages of its development.

    The main aspect of conservative treatment is orthopedic insoles for Morton's neuroma.. Their use in the early stages makes it possible to quickly eliminate the symptoms.

    Special insoles significantly reduce pain and relieve numbness of the foot.

    How the insoles work:

    • the load on the forefoot is reduced, restoring the transverse arch;
    • the effect on the overgrown nerve is eliminated;
    • improves blood circulation in the foot.

    Orthopedic insoles must be purchased in specialized stores strictly according to their size. Mismatching parameters can significantly aggravate the situation and lead to serious problems.

    To relieve pain and inflammation, the following drugs can be prescribed:

    Hydrocortisone ointment has proven itself as an anti-inflammatory agent. Before using these drugs, be sure to read the instructions. Since many non-steroidal drugs are contraindicated in the presence of stomach problems.

    Massage is an effective physical therapy. You can do it yourself at home or seek help from a specialist. Hand massage in the area of ​​the inflamed nerve relieves pain and speeds up the healing process.

    The procedure can be done using a ball, rolling it over the foot. A good result is the massage of the entire foot with a special massager that puts pressure on different parts of the foot.

    If the pain is severe enough and not relieved by conservative methods, the doctor may prescribe an anesthetic blockade to the area of ​​the affected nerve. The blockade is an injection into the projection of the neuroma.

    The drug forcibly eliminates local inflammation and swelling, which significantly reduces symptoms or contributes to their regression.

    Treatment of Morton's neuroma with folk remedies

    The effectiveness of the treatment of Morton's neuroma with folk remedies is confirmed by experts. There are folk methods that help well to get rid of the disease, they eliminate inflammation and pain.

    But drugs from traditional medicine recipes are not able to eliminate the cause of the disease.

    Effective folk recipes for influencing a neuroma:

  • Wormwood treatment. Helps relieve inflammation in the foot. The plant is applied in the form of compresses. To do this, you need to grind a few leaves with a blender until a mushy state is obtained. This mixture is applied to the affected area. Top cover with a bandage and fix with a bandage. The procedure should be done before going to bed, repeat until the condition improves. In the same way, you can use the squeezed juice of wormwood.
  • pork fat. For cooking, you need 100 grams of fat and a tablespoon of salt. An ointment will be obtained, which must be applied to the affected area, fixing with a bandage.
  • Hot pepper, dry mustard and salt. These ingredients should be dissolved in a glass of vodka, 2 tablespoons each. Infused, for at least a week, the medicine is applied to the foot at bedtime. This procedure improves blood circulation.
  • Cabbage leaf will help. It is applied to the sore foot all night.
  • Effective foot baths with the addition of mint leaves, chamomile, pine needles, calendula. The procedure eliminates pain and inflammation, improves metabolism in the affected tissues.
  • Burdock root. For cooking, you need 2 tablespoons of chopped root and 2 liters of boiled water. The decoction is boiled for 5 minutes, then applied to the affected area in the form of a compress.
  • Bay leaves and pine needles. The ingredients must be ground using a coffee grinder. After that, 4 tablespoons of ground products are mixed with butter. You will get an ointment that is applied to the sore foot, put on a sock and left for the whole night.
  • Vinegar baths. For cooking, you need half a liter of vinegar 9% and a bowl of water. The warming procedure should be continued for at least 25 minutes, while the basin should be at a slight inclination. Then the feet should be wiped with a towel, but do not rinse with clean water.
  • Neuroma of the foot can be treated with Kalanchoe juice. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze out the liquid from the plant, moisten a cotton pad with it and wrap it with a bandage to the sore spot.
  • Fresh potatoes help. It is crushed to a mushy form and used in the form of compresses or spread on a piece of cloth and wrapped around the foot all night.
  • Using folk recipes to eliminate the symptoms of Morton's neuroma, it is important to adhere to the dosage of the components and follow the rules for the use of medicinal products.

    Morton's neuroma is a rare but unpleasant disease.. The most negative point is the diagnosis in the later stages of development.

    There are many methods for eliminating the disease. Self-treatment with the use of folk recipes is also possible. But such procedures effectively eliminate the symptoms, but do not completely eliminate the disease.

    To avoid such a problem, it is better to know the causes of its occurrence and preventive measures.

    Neuroma Morton is a fibrous benign growth of plantar nerve tissues, most often in the third intermetatarsal space (between the bases of the fourth and third toes). Nerve damage is mostly unilateral, but can also occur on both sides (extremely rare).

    Other names for the disease:
    1. Morton's disease.
    2. Morton's metatarsalgia.
    3. Intertarsal neuroma.
    4. Neuritis of the plantar nerve III and IV fingers.
    5. Plantar neuroma.
    6. Perineural fibrosis.
    7. Morton's neuroma.

    Women are more susceptible to developing this disease.

    The main cause of Morton's neuroma is compression of the nerve by the heads of the metatarsal bones.

    Risk factors for Morton's neuroma:


    The cause of the symptoms of Morton's neuroma is irritation of the nerve by surrounding tissues (metatarsal heads, swelling of soft tissues, hematomas) and its subsequent inflammation.

    At the beginning of the disease, patients complain of a feeling of numbness, pain or discomfort when wearing narrow shoes or shoes with high heels, long walks and running. Merton's neuroma is characterized by the appearance of a sharp pain in the foot or its intensification when the foot is squeezed by the hands from the sides (in the transverse direction). Some feel the presence of a foreign object in the place of compression of the nerve. The exacerbation of the disease is undulating: an increase in the intensity of symptoms is replaced by their decrease.

    Pain occurs during walking, especially long. If you take off your shoes, stretch your fingers and foot - in most cases, the pain subsides.

    With the further development of the neuroma, the intensity of pain increases, its character becomes pulsating. Gradually, the pain becomes constant and does not depend on the type of shoes and the load on the foot.

    To make a diagnosis of "Morton's neuroma", sometimes it is enough for the patient's complaints and a well-conducted examination of the foot with the performance of some diagnostic tests. To rule out arthritis and possible bone fracture in the area of ​​the neuroma, an X-ray examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are indicated.

    Conservative treatment

    In the absence of permanent changes in the nervous tissue at the onset of the disease, conservative treatment is possible. All activities are aimed at reducing pressure on the nerve.

    An important point in the treatment is the change of shoes: a wide nose and low heels, a free block. It is possible to use special orthopedic shoes, the use of orthopedic insoles and metatarsal pillows (insoles).

    To reduce pain and stop the inflammatory reaction, prescribe
    anti-inflammatory drugs such as:

    If the use of these drugs does not lead to the desired therapeutic effect, then the introduction of hormonal drugs together with an anesthetic (a drug that reduces pain) directly into the neuroma is indicated. For this, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Diprospan, Kenalog are used. In most cases of the initial stage of Morton's neuroma, a positive effect of conservative therapy is observed.

    Use of insoles

    Orthopedic insoles are used to treat Morton's neuroma. They solve several main tasks:

    • Reduce the increased load on the forefoot, creating conditions for the restoration of the transverse arch, overloaded with this disease.
    • Reduce or completely eliminate the pressure on the bones on the inflamed nerve, so the disease does not progress further.
    • Pain relief by reducing pressure on the plantar nerve.
    • They improve blood circulation in the foot, so that the patient is able to walk correctly.

    The insoles are made to order. It is better to order them immediately after the diagnosis is made - then the risk of the need for surgical treatment is significantly reduced.

    Surgical treatment: removal of Morton's neuroma

    In the absence of the effect of medical treatment carried out for several months, surgical treatment is indicated.

    To this end, under local anesthesia, the removal of Morton's neuroma, sometimes with a small part of the nerve, or the expansion of the peri-neural space in order to reduce tissue pressure on the nerve, is performed.

    Treatment of Morton's neuroma - video

    Causes of Morton's neuroma

    Among the main reasons for the occurrence of Morton's neuroma, the leading place is given to excessive load on the forefoot. It can be associated with the constant wearing of shoes with high heels, the use of shoes that are too tight and / or uncomfortable, improper gait, overweight (for example, in obesity), long walking, working in a standing position, sports activities. Morton's neuroma can develop due to the presence of foot deformity, more often with flat feet, Hallux valgus.

    Various foot injuries (fractures, dislocations, bruises) can provoke the formation of Morton's neuroma due to direct nerve damage, its compression by a hematoma, or as a result of the development of post-traumatic transverse flatfoot. Other provoking triggers include chronic foot infections, foot bursitis or tendovaginitis, atherosclerosis obliterans or endarteritis obliterans of the lower extremities, the presence of a lipoma located at the level of the metatarsal bones.

    The above factors have an irritating or compressive effect on the common digital nerve. As a response, there is a local compaction and thickening of the nerve sheath, reactive degeneration of its fibers, perineural proliferation of connective tissue. Chronic trauma can cause the formation of inflammatory infiltrates and lead to fusion of epineural tissues with surrounding musculoskeletal structures.

    Symptoms of Morton's neuroma

    The most characteristic pain is in the area of ​​the distal parts of the foot, more often in the 3rd-4th toes. The pain is characterized by a burning character, sometimes accompanied by "shots" in the fingers. In some cases, patients complain of discomfort and a feeling of a foreign object that supposedly got into the shoes. At the beginning of the formation of Morton's neuroma, pain is closely associated with wearing shoes. Patients report significant relief when taking off their shoes. Over time, these symptoms may disappear and then reappear. Aggravation is often provoked by wearing tight shoes.

    The progression of Morton's neuroma leads to the transformation of the pain syndrome. The pain becomes constant, increases when wearing any shoes, does not go away when it is removed, but only decreases. There is numbness in the fingers. Initially, the periodic nature of the pain syndrome contributes to the fact that patients turn to doctors already in the advanced stage of the neuroma, when conservative therapeutic methods are ineffective.

    Diagnosis of Morton's neuroma

    Patients with Morton's neuroma may see a neurologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, or podologist. The diagnosis can be made based on clinical data. The pathognomonic symptom is a positive test with compression of the foot in the frontal plane, which is characterized by an increase in pain and its irradiation to the fingers innervated by the affected digital nerve.

    To clarify the diagnosis, radiography of the foot is used, which in most patients reveals the presence of longitudinal-transverse flat feet. However, radiography, as well as CT of the foot, does not allow visualization of the neurinoma. On MRI, Morton's neuroma is defined as a vaguely demarcated area of ​​increased signal intensity. However, visualization of a neuroma with MRI is difficult and may give false negative results. The optimal diagnostic method is ultrasound in the area of ​​​​the proposed localization of the neurinoma. Instrumental studies also make it possible to exclude the presence of traumatic injuries, tumors (chondromas, osteomas, lipomas), hematomas; to differentiate Morton's disease from arthritis of the foot and deforming osteoarthritis.

    Treatment of Morton's neuroma

    Conservative therapy begins with the replacement of shoes with more comfortable, soft, free and not causing overload of the forefoot. The use of orthopedic insoles, metatarsal pads and toe separators is desirable. The patient is advised to avoid prolonged standing and walking. To relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac) are prescribed, local anesthetics are injected into the interdigital spaces or therapeutic blockades are made in the area of ​​the corresponding metatarsophalangeal joint. Physiotherapy is actively used: magnetotherapy, acupuncture, drug electrophoresis, shock wave therapy. In the absence or low effectiveness of conservative methods, they switch to surgical treatment.

    With regard to Morton's neuroma, two types of operations are possible. More sparing is the dissection of the transverse intertarsal ligament. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis and takes no more than 10 minutes. Within a couple of hours after the procedure, the patient can walk, leaning on his leg and practically without feeling any discomfort. However, in some cases, after such an intervention, a relapse of the pain syndrome is possible. More radical is the excision of Morton's neuroma, i.e., resection of the affected nerve. This operation takes more time, but can also be performed on an outpatient basis. In the postoperative period, immobilization of the foot is not required. After the operation, the patient remains numb in the interdigital space for some time, which does not affect the support function of the foot.

    a brief description of

    Morton's neuroma of the foot has more than one code according to ICD 10. If there was a curvature of the thumb, then M 20.1, if metatarsalgia of the foot developed as a result of the pathology, then M 77.4.

    This disease manifests itself as a thickening of the plantar nerve, which subsequently causes severe pain, limits walking. In oncology, it is called Morton's metatarsalgia and indicates a tumor formation of the nerve, leading to pain in the metatarsus. Usually there is a lesion of one plantar nerve, which is responsible for the innervation of the fingers. Neurology distinguishes the following forms of the disease:

    • Morton's foot, in which metatarsal bone insufficiency develops, conditions are created for the formation of a second toe with a hammer-like shape;
    • Morton's disease is represented by an interdigital neuroma on the sole and reflects the essence of the pathology.

    Many are interested in what it is Morton's neuroma. This disease often affects young women. They have a pathology in the third interdigital space. In this area, a seal is formed, accompanied by pain. In this area, the nerve divides into branches that go to the lateral surface of the fingers, so the pain spreads in a similar way.

    Pathology does not pose a threat to the patient's life, but causes serious discomfort, limiting movement. If timely diagnosis and therapy are not carried out, surgical intervention may be required.

    Photo of Morton's neuroma.

    The reasons

    The main reasons for which foot neuroma occurs lie in excessive load. It usually occurs due to:

    The risk group includes people suffering from:

    • flat feet;
    • foot deformity;
    • Arthrosis;
    • bursitis;
    • tumors;
    • Survivors of injuries that damage the nerve trunk.

    The listed conditions lead to infringement of the nerve, due to which swelling develops, the membrane grows, which is difficult to fit in the space of the ligaments of the foot.


    At the initial stage of the disease, the signs are manifested only by weak squeezing sensations between the third and fourth fingers. Symptoms of Morton's neuroma are expressed in:

    • Pain and burning;
    • Pain that radiates to the foot, fingers;
    • Discomfort when walking;
    • Decrease in sensitivity in the area of ​​the third, fourth toe;
    • numbness;
    • Feeling of stone in shoes;
    • Discomfort when wearing high heels. If you remove it, then the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

    The advanced stage of the disease is characterized by the manifestation of pain at rest. The discomfort is similar to walking on sharp stones.

    A characteristic feature of Morton's syndrome is the localization of pain between the metatarsal region, other pathologies lead to an unpleasant sensation in the heads of the fingers.


    Many patients are interested in which doctor to contact with Morton's neuroma. First of all, it is necessary to consult with a therapist who, during the examination, will make a primary diagnosis. If a pathology is suspected, he can refer to narrow specialists:

    • To a neurologist to confirm the presence of damage to the nerve ending of the foot;
    • The orthopedist, who will detect the presence of changes in the ligaments, joints, diagnoses the increased size of the nerve endings;
    • Vascular surgeon to refute or confirm leg thrombosis;
    • A rheumatologist who will check the correlation between salt deposits and pain;
    • Traumatologist to check for injuries;
    • surgeon if surgery is needed.

    Diagnosis of Morton's neuroma involves the following types of examinations:

    • Palpation, which allows you to determine the nature and extent of pain;
    • X-ray captures bone changes, injury, flat feet;
    • CT accurately visualizes bone components;
    • MRI determines the presence of seals;
    • Ultrasound detects a pathological process.

    Conservative treatment

    Treatment of Morton's neuroma at the initial stage is aimed at relieving pressure on the affected nerve. To do this, the patient is recommended to change shoes, opt for models with a wide nose, a free block, and a small comfortable heel. If necessary, blockade is carried out with the following drugs:

    • Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketarol;
    • More severe cases require hormonal intervention, Dexamethasol, Hydrocortisone. In this case, the drugs are delivered to the site of the lesion of the neuroma.

    Usually, drug treatment of Morton's disease gives a result 3 months after the start of therapy.

    It is necessary to make a choice in favor of orthopedic shoes, equipped with special insoles, instep supports, which are made individually.

    For the treatment of neuroma, the following physiotherapy is actively used:

    • Magnetotherapy;
    • shock wave therapy;
    • electrophoresis;
    • Massage from the ankle to the tips of the fingers;
    • Acupuncture.

    In advanced cases, the progression of the disease can be stopped only by surgery.

    Surgical intervention

    If conservative therapy does not give the expected result, then surgical intervention is required. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, the metatarsal canal is opened, the neuroma is dissected or removed. After that, the patient feels numbness in the interdigital space for some time.

    The rehabilitation period lasts up to 10 days, during which it is recommended to wear the right shoes, providing the foot with maximum rest. You can walk for a short time the next day after the operation. Surgeons use the following techniques:

    • Removal of the neuroma. During the procedure, an incision is made between the fingers, the neuroma is removed and completely removed. Usually the patient does not require immobilization of the foot;
    • Ligament dissection is a gentle method. But it does not guarantee the absence of relapses;
    • Removal of Morton's neuroma with a laser avoids incisions; on the same day, you can leave the clinic home;
    • Ablation of Morton's neuroma with radiofrequency components. It is carried out under ultrasound control without incisions using a thin needle, leads to loss of sensitivity within 2 months;
    • In exceptional cases, an artificial bone fracture is required, followed by its displacement to release it from nerve compression. The operation is performed without incisions, under x-ray control.


    Treatment of Morton's neuroma at home only helps to relieve pain:

    • Lotions from wormwood. Grind the grass into gruel, apply to the affected area, fix with a bandage;
    • Rub goose fat into the affected area, apply a warming bandage on top;
    • Hot rubbing made from salt, dry mustard, hot pepper. All components must be taken in equal quantities, mixed, insisted on 250 ml. vodka. Rub the foot, put on warm socks, leave overnight.

    The use of folk remedies is allowed only after consultation with specialists. Warming up, compresses are prohibited in case of lesions of the feet of a purulent and inflammatory nature.

    Morton's neuroma is a specific disease of the foot. It is a thickening of a benign nature and occurs as a result of the growth of fibrous tissue. It occurs in the region of the plantar nerve of the foot. As a result, the bones and ligaments located next to the nerve begin to squeeze it. Basically, this neoplasm appears between the 3rd and 4th toes of the foot, in an area called the third intermetatarsal space. Very rarely, a neuroma can be found elsewhere - between the 2nd and 3rd fingers. What is more characteristic of this disease is that it almost always occurs on only one foot. In most cases, nerve damage in a neuroma is unilateral. Bilateral is very rare. Morton's neuroma may have other names. These are foot neuroma, interdigital neuroma, Morton's toe syndrome, Morton's syndrome, perineural fibrosis, and intermetatarsal neuroma.

    This pathology occurs most often in women older than middle age.

    Causes leading to the appearance of the disease

    There are several causes that contribute to the appearance of Morton's neuroma. Among them:

    • Wearing tight and narrow shoes, as well as shoes with high heels;
    • Excess body weight;
    • Transverse flat feet;
    • Mechanical impact when the nerve is compressed by the bones of the metatarsus;
    • Increased loads experienced by the forefoot. Occur when a person has to stand for a long time;
    • Various infections, hematomas and other foot injuries.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Morton's neuroma in the initial stage may not have visual signs. The main symptom of the presence of pathology is pain, which occurs during transverse compression of the forefoot. The patient may complain of numbness in the toes, aching pain, and a feeling that there is a foreign object between the toes. All these symptoms are not pronounced, and the disease itself is sluggish. This may go on for several years. Exacerbations of the disease occur when wearing tight and narrow shoes. The pain appears during walking and subsides if you take off your shoes and massage your feet.

    As the disease enters its final stages, the pain becomes severe and shooting. Now it appears regardless of the shoes and the magnitude of the load. Every year the pain gets worse.

    Diagnosis of Morton's neuroma

    Diagnosis of the disease takes place in several stages. First, anamnesis is collected and the patient is interviewed. The doctor should listen to the patient's complaints and also find out what type of shoes he wears. In order to establish a possible cause of the disease, the doctor collects information about what kind of leg diseases the patient had in the past. It can be muscle diseases, arthritis and various kinds of injuries.

    Then the doctor palpates, squeezing the foot with his fingers to find out in which area the pain or numbness appears. In the case when the diagnosis is difficult, an x-ray or MRI can be done. To determine the location of the neuroma, a method such as the introduction of anesthetics is used.

    Treatment Methods

    Treatment of Morton's neuroma is carried out in two ways - conservative and operative. A conservative method of treatment is usually applied at the onset of the disease. All activities and procedures of this method serve to eliminate unnecessary pressure on the nerve area. In this case, shoes must be replaced without fail. It should be loose and comfortable, with low heels. The best option is special orthopedic shoes. In the place where the foot is squeezed, a pad should be used. Also, patients need to systematically carry out physiotherapy procedures.

    To relieve pain and inflammation, the patient is usually prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It can be ibuprofen, indomethacin or others. If this treatment is ineffective, you can try other drugs - steroids. Together with an anesthetic, they are injected directly into the area of ​​the neuroma. Drugs such as hydrocortisone, kenalog, or diprospan may be used. Usually the conservative method of treatment brings success in 80% of cases.

    If conservative treatment does not give the desired result, surgical intervention is used, that is, surgical intervention. This procedure is done under local anesthesia. During it, the metatarsal canal should be opened, and then the neuroma itself should be dissected. Part of the nerve may also be removed. Often, this operation can lead to numbness in part of the foot, which is temporary. After the operation, during the rehabilitation period, which lasts approximately 2 weeks, orthopedic shoes should be worn. For the forefoot, you need to provide the highest possible level of rest. You can walk the next day after the operation, but walking should not be long.

    Possible consequences that the disease can lead to

    If a progressive neuroma is not treated, then the consequences can be the most disappointing. This is the ongoing growth of the neoplasm, increased discomfort and pain in the foot. Lack of treatment leads to the impossibility of such physical activities as running or dancing. You can also forget about sports.

    If you feel the slightest pain or discomfort in the forefoot, contact a specialist immediately. If Morton's neuroma is diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately. We remind you that wearing properly selected orthopedic shoes is the most important component of such treatment.