Treatment of hair loss with blood plasma injections. Plasmolifting for hair: achievements in cosmetology for thick and silky curls

Plasmolifting (or plasma therapy) is an effective technique, the action of which is based on the improvement of the hair and scalp by introducing the patient's platelet-rich plasma. Using the resources of your own body in this case is a significant advantage, since it practically negates the likelihood of side effects.

The Plasmolifting system was developed and patented by Professor R. Akhmerov and R. Zarudiy. Currently, the technique is approved and registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and is actively used in cosmetology clinics not only in our country, but also abroad.

Today you can take a course of plasmolifting in our trichological clinic "Doctor Volos".

Our advantages:

  • highly qualified specialists with higher medical education who have completed a training course based on the developers of the methodology in Russia;
  • availability of certified equipment and specialized test tubes;
  • attentive attitude, individual approach to each client.

Plasmolifting for hair: indications

Plasmolifting is prescribed for diseases of the scalp. A trichologist may include plasmolifting in the course of treatment if you have:

  • profuse hair loss;
  • alopecia (diffuse, focal or androgenetic alopecia);
  • various types of seborrhea (dandruff).

Changes are visible after the first session: they consist in improving hair growth, gradually restoring their structure, and stopping the process of dying of follicles. In addition, the function of sebum secretion is normalized, the reproduction of fungi and bacteria is suppressed.

It should be noted that the plasmolifting system solves not only problems associated with hair and scalp. It is also actively used for facial rejuvenation, elimination of cosmetic defects (acne, dry skin, wrinkles, etc.).

Features of the application of the technique

The plasmolifting procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Sampling of the patient's venous blood.
  2. Its purification and centrifugation.
  3. Obtaining platelet-rich plasma.
  4. Treatment of the scalp with an antiseptic.
  5. The introduction of plasma according to a predetermined scheme.

Like mesotherapy, plasmolifting is carried out by microinjections, while pain is minimized. The entire session usually takes about an hour. You can return to your daily activities immediately after.

Plasmolifting: contraindications for carrying out

The procedure is not carried out:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • patients younger than 18 or older than 65;
  • during acute infectious diseases (including SARS);
  • with a history of oncology;
  • with clotting disorders, as well as systemic blood diseases.

Before starting the course, a doctor's consultation is required, as well as passing tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C.

After plasmolifting for several days, it is necessary:

  • avoid extreme temperature effects, direct sunlight on the scalp;
  • refuse to visit the pool, sauna, bath, solarium;
  • don't wash your hair.

How many Plasmolifting procedures are required?

As a rule, the course recommended by the trichologist includes at least 5 sessions. Their exact amount depends on the desired effect, symptoms, as well as on the individual characteristics of the organism. The intervals between procedures will be determined by the specialist, as a rule, they are at least a week.

The price of plasmolifting of the scalp in Moscow

This technique is used in various trichological clinics of the capital. The cost of one procedure starts from about 4,000 rubles and depends on the pricing policy of the medical institution. "Doctor Volos" offers you favorable conditions: 4,400 rubles per session and a discount of up to 30% for a one-time payment for 5 or more procedures.

Doctor: Sharova Marina Anatolyevna. Procedure: Plasmolifting for hair

Every woman sincerely wants to be the owner of gorgeous lush hair, but, unfortunately, not every body is predisposed to such a "gift of nature." In this case, ladies begin to actively use professional cosmetics, visit beauty salons and expensive procedures, one of which is plasmolifting. Let us consider in more detail what it is, what effect it gives and whether the final result is worth the money.

The essence of the procedure and its benefits for hair

Plasmolifting is a kind of method of supplying and enriching the basis for hair follicles - the scalp - with plasma. Additional blood flow helps to restore damaged tissues, promotes their healing, cell regeneration, and in some cases triggers the body's hidden capabilities, activating rejuvenation processes. The safety of the procedure lies in the fact that your own blood is used for acupuncture, which immediately discards the possibility of rejection or plasma incompatibility.

Supplying the scalp with its own blood helps to activate the hair roots and their follicles, provoking their intensive growth, an increase in density and getting rid of bald patches.

Injectable cosmetic procedures are becoming more and more popular - this fact also contributes to the expansion of the range of applied techniques.

The procedure is cumulative - each time the effect will be more noticeable (the first result is visible after three sessions). Cosmetologists recommend attending a maximum of ten procedures. Firstly, you should not abuse this technique, and secondly, after a few sessions you will already become the owner of lush thick healthy hair.

Plasmolifting technology

You should come to the session with the preliminary results of a blood test, washed your head in advance, having a light breakfast and not using alcohol and tobacco products for several days in order to purify the blood and maximize its potential.

  1. Blood (100 ml) will be taken from your vein. The procedure is no different from the usual blood sampling for analysis.
  2. The blood is poured into a special test tube and kept for about half an hour so that the plasma is separated from the main composition.
  3. At this time, you are once again well examined to comply with all precautions and ensure complete safety during the procedure.
  4. The cosmetologist starts injections - acupuncture over the entire surface of the head, or only in certain, most problematic areas. Painful sensations are practically absent, but if necessary, you can ask the beautician for anesthesia. The procedure lasts an hour and a half, depending on the amount of work. At the end of the session, you can go about your daily activities without worrying about possible slight itching and redness of the skin.

Video on technique

Plasmolifting or mesotherapy: which is more effective?

Mesotherapy is the same acupuncture procedure as plasmolifting, with the same goals and results, but the composition of the solution injected into the scalp does not include the patient's pure plasma, but a chemical medicinal cocktail with the substances necessary to solve the patient's individual problem. Plasmolifting is a newer technique than mesotherapy, but both procedures remain popular. Let us consider in more detail the comparative characteristics of both technologies.

comparison table

Plasmolifting Mesotherapy
Indications Dull, brittle or oily hairWeak, lifeless or oily hair
Dry skin and itching caused by it; fungusDandruff and dry skin; skin diseases
Baldness for various reasonsIntense hair loss
Injection solution Pure patient plasma - one of a kindChemical drug. There are a lot of prescriptions according to the specific problem of the patient.
Security No risk of infection, rejection or incompatibilityThe possibility of an allergic reaction of the patient to the drug
Interaction with the body Improving the condition of the hair at the expense of its own resourcesImprovement due to external intervention in the natural processes occurring in the body
Who is more suitable Young people due to high plasma productivityElderly people due to ineffective blood composition
First result After 2-3 sessionsAfter the first procedure
Effect Soft, restorative, but slowed downFast, sharp, but with depletion of tissues and cells
The need to repeat the procedure and the consequences Although it is cumulative, it is not mandatory. Can be done one timeAfter six months, the problems will return with even greater force, so a second procedure is necessary.

Contraindications and side effects of the procedure

If you have the following problems, you should refuse cosmetic sessions or postpone them for a while:

  • Severe damage, tissue irritation and wounds on the surface of the scalp;
  • Infectious skin diseases or exacerbation of chronic;
  • Decreased level of platelets in the blood;
  • Severe autoimmune diseases;
  • Tumors and neoplasms;
  • Taking medications that can cause a negative reaction in the body in combination with the injected solution;
  • Pregnancy or critical days.

Otherwise, there is a risk of discomfort, pain and ineffectiveness of the procedure. In the absence of the above problems, there are practically no side effects from the procedure. The most terrible and unpleasant thing that can happen to a patient is slight redness, slight swelling and itching in the injection area, which will soon disappear on their own.

If a girl's hair falls out, then she throws all her strength into their treatment: masks, proper care, massage. But sometimes such complexes do not help. In the field of beauty, a completely new procedure has appeared - plasmolifting for hair, and we want to tell you about it, what is its price and present a photo of the results after the session.

How is the procedure performed

Plasmolifting is the latest development of Russian scientists. Back in the 20th century, it was proved that everything in our body is set up for self-healing: spinal cord cells, placenta, etc. Based on such information, scientists suggested that absolutely any disease can be cured with plasma. This is how the plasma lifting in the hair appeared.

Plasma occupies most of the blood. It contains all the useful substances and minerals known to mankind. There are many methods by which patients are restored with this fluid after severe injuries or operations, plasma transfusion is considered much more effective than blood fluid transfusion.

To perform plasmolifting, the patient's blood processed and purified by a special method of vacuum exposure is taken. Its processing is carried out using special test tubes and centrifugation (rapid rotation of the liquid around its axis). Under the influence of high speed and complete absence of pressure, a unique substance is released from the blood - plasma, saturated with the elements necessary for treatment.

The substance is placed in syringes with a very thin needle and injected into the scalp according to the principle of mesotherapy. The advancement of the needle starts from top to bottom, i.e. from the frontal part to the back of the head and so on over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head. On average, it is recommended to repeat the course 4 times, in a week, in total, it will take a month to restore the strand structure.

Many are afraid of the possible soreness of plasmolifting, but we can assure you that the sensations will be the same as with - unpleasant, but not painful. Penetration of the syringe occurs only a millimeter, in some cases less. If necessary, the doctor may suggest that you numb your head with topical medications. After the session, you can immediately go about your business, because. with the right approach and cooperation with a competent doctor, there should be no side effects: dryness, pain at the injection sites, redness or itching.

Lifting is a modern and fast way to cure hair, get rid of alopecia, help curls restore their structure and help split ends. But its main advantage lies in the speed of the effect. The first results will be noticeable in a couple of days - the strands will fall out much less, and after a week they will stop fluffing and will be more obedient.

Many trichologists recommend after plasmolifting special care not only to enhance the effect of the procedure, but also to prolong its action. To do this, periodically you need to take and make nourishing masks, do not forget every time you go outside in the cold season, put on a hat, try at least for the first time to limit the use of ironing and hair dryer, they spoil the structure of curls, and contribute to the consumption of collagen.

When prescribed by doctors plasmolifting for hair treatment:

  1. With intense loss;
  2. During the treatment or prevention of alopecia;
  3. If the strands have changed their structure after any procedure - dyeing, perm, keratin straightening;
  4. They became lifeless and dull, brittle and disobedient.

Video: how plasmolifting restores hair growth


Despite the opinion of trichologists who claim that plasmolifting is absolutely safe, every patient is still a little afraid. Plasma is a rather complex compound, and even a transfusion from it is done only in extreme cases. When is a hair lift can't be done:

  1. With oncological diseases;
  2. During an exacerbation of chronic diseases (up to allergies);
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding (in these happy moments of life, a woman's body is very weakened, stress and even a small loss of blood can turn into a serious problem);
  4. With blood diseases, or diseases transmitted by direct contact;
  5. In case of non-compliance of analyzes with standards.

Before the procedure, you are required to conduct a complete examination of the body, and if the doctors find any deviations, then the course will not be conducted.

Photo - Before and after plasma lifting

All reviews about plasmolifting for hair are positive, but, despite such a hype, girls still do not run headlong to beauty salons. All because of the price - the procedure is far from cheap.

Photo - Injections in the head

Another disadvantage is that it will not work to save money; it cannot be carried out at home. One forum of trichologists discussed this problem very vigorously, and it all came down to the fact that even if you agree and extract the necessary amount of blood from your blood, it is simply impossible to inject it yourself.

Of course, it is possible that hair rejuvenation will be more affordable in smaller cities, either during the discount period or with a salon discount card.

Location of the lift

A very difficult question is where to do plasmolifting so that it is of high quality and affordable. We advise you to start talking with friends and acquaintances, there is a very high chance that one of your friends has already performed it.

  • Where does the needle go after the procedure?
  • Where do the test tubes come from?
  • How to handle the syringe and hands.

All this seems like trifles, but your life literally depends on them.

Plasmolifting for hair is a non-surgical technique that allows you to restore the beauty of curls, restore their former luxury and correct the mistakes of nature. The results are truly amazing. Strength, health, shine and silk of hair become the main decoration. Appearance is top notch. At the same time, in technical terms, the procedure is simple and reliable. Allergic reaction excluded and safety guaranteed.

What is hair plasmolifting?

This is accelerated tissue regeneration, through the introduction of microscopic injections of one's own plasma, which is rich in platelets, into the scalp. For the procedure, venous blood is used, which, after special medical manipulations, turns into plasma. At the same time, platelet activity increases tenfold.

Plasma injected into the skin reverses the process of hair follicle death, switching them from shedding mode to growth mode. Microcirculation improves, immunity and cellular metabolism increase.

Indications for plasma therapy of the scalp

If, when combing your hair, you began to notice a deterioration in their quality, they became:

  • lifeless
  • naughty
  • brittle
  • greasy.

In general, instead of decorating, they have become a cause for grief, which means that it is time to pay close attention to them. Inaction in such a situation is a crime against one's own beauty. After all, science does not stand still, it takes care of our appearance, it remains only to take advantage of its achievements.

Indications for plasma-lifting hair are as follows:

  • decrease in density;
  • fragility;
  • dry ends;
  • excessive fat at the roots;
  • intense loss;
  • obsessive itching.

These and other problems are easily eliminated after several sessions of hair plasmolifting. Within a couple of days after the first session, you can notice a decrease in the hair left on the comb, itching disappears, fat content normalizes.

After completing the required course, and this is about six plasma sessions, you will feel that it has become easier for your scalp to breathe, and after another six months, your hair will become your pride.

Description of the procedure

Plasmolifting of hair is carried out in three stages:

  • At the first stage, about ten milliliters of blood is taken;
  • In the second step, this blood is placed in a centrifuge and the plasma is separated;
  • At the third stage, the separated plasma is injected into the scalp with the help of microinjections.

Injections are made either manually or with a special medical gun. The entire surface of the scalp is treated at regular intervals. As a rule, this is a gap of one to two centimeters.

Plasma preparation

A consultation with a trichologist before plasma therapy, as well as with a specialist who will conduct it, is required. Here it is important to find out how justified its implementation is, and which areas of the scalp should be paid special attention to. Otherwise, the preparation of something unusual is not.

  • take more liquid than usual;
  • give up alcohol;
  • refuse too fatty foods;
  • exclude spicy food;
  • reduce physical activity.

The procedure is usually carried out in the morning, so you can have a light breakfast, but it is better to do it on an empty stomach. As before any medical procedure, it is necessary to do a blood test: biochemical and clinical.

I'll start with why I decided on such a "procedure". For almost two years now, I have been struggling (in the truest sense of the word) with hair loss. Some methods, devices, preparations helped (fallout decreased), some did not. And the hair all left my head, slowly but surely. Having bypassed all possible doctors, having found out some diagnoses, I began treatment (mostly I got caught by a gastroenterologist).

But while I was undergoing treatment (aggressive antibiotics and other drugs), I didn’t take anything for my hair, except for external agents (masks, serums), respectively, my hair began to fall out even more intensively, and then I decided to try plasmolifting.

What is plasmolifting for hair?

Plasmolifting is a method of stimulating tissue regeneration by local injection of an injectable form of platelet-rich autoplasma.

Plasmolifting - treatment and restoration of hair by injection. The peculiarity of plasmolifting is that your own blood is taken for the procedure. Blood is taken from a vein, and then it is poured into a vacuum tube and placed in a centrifuge, where the blood is processed and purified, when the blood quickly rotates around its axis, in a centrifuge, platelet-rich plasma is released from it. At the same time, platelet activity increases from 5 to 10 times, because it is platelets that accelerate and enhance all the processes that occur in our body. Then the plasma is drawn into a syringe and micro injections are made into the scalp.

The plasma injected into the patient's skin prevents the hair follicles from dying off and "switches" them from the shedding phase to the growth phase. As a result of exposure to plasma, microcirculation and cellular metabolism improve, local immunity of the scalp increases, pathogenic flora is suppressed, and hair follicles are actively nourished.

Indications for plasmolifting of the scalp

  • Intense hair loss.
  • Alopecia (diffuse, focal, telogen and even androgenic).
  • Depleted, brittle and split ends.
  • Hair thinning.
  • Dandruff (seborrhea), oily scalp.
  • Damaged hair by coloring, chemistry, keratin straightening.

This method is considered safe from the point of view of infection with viruses, bacteria, because the procedure takes its own blood. But before doing such a procedure, you need to know the contraindications.

Contraindications for plasmolifting

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  • Infectious diseases (ARVI, herpes).
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Allergy to anticoagulants (they are in a test tube where the patient's blood is transfused to prevent its clotting).
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Menstrual cycle.

The results of using plasmolifting for hair

  • Stops the process of dying hair follicles.
  • Reduces hair loss (effectiveness in more than 70% of cases).
  • Hair follicles are strengthened (hair begins to grow intensively, somewhere after the second procedure)
  • New hair growth is stimulated (new hair grows strong and healthy).
  • The fragility and sections of the hair are reduced, due to the improvement of the quality of the hair shaft itself (the hair is alive and elastic).
  • The density and diameter of the hair increases (hair density increases).
  • The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, dandruff is eliminated (literally after the first session).
  • Hair is restored and acquires a natural shine.
  • It has a long-term effect (the result is enough for two years, and then, if necessary, can be repeated).

Plasmolifting: my review

At the reception, the trichologist, for starters, said to take a blood test, if it is in the aisles of the norm, you can start a course of treatment.

- for two days, exclude from the diet all fatty, fried, smoked, chocolate, coffee, sweets, alcohol;

- drink at least two liters of water, eat more fruits and vegetables (in two days);

On the day of the procedure, do not eat anything, you can only drink a glass of water. Therefore, it is better to do plasmolifting in the morning;

- Wash your hair before the procedure.

And so, at the reception, you lie down on the couch, and the doctor takes about 10 ml of blood from a vein, this is enough for one procedure. You can take blood every time, or you can draw it several times at once and freeze it (I chose the first option, fresh each time). Then this blood is poured from a syringe into a special test tube and placed in a centrifuge, where the blood rotates at high speed without pressure and plasma saturated with platelets is released from it. And leukocytes and erythrocytes precipitate, thanks to the use of a special fixing gel (in time, this is about 15 minutes). This plasma contains vitamins, proteins, trace elements, hormones and growth factors that increase cellular metabolism and skin immunity, which moves hair from the shedding phase to the growth phase. Further, this plasma is drawn into a regular syringe, it turns out about 4.5-5 milliliters, then the doctor replaced the regular needle with a small one, for micro-injections.

The procedure began with the treatment of the scalp with an antiseptic. The trichologist dissuaded me from anesthesia, assuring that it would not hurt, because the needles would be changed 4-5 times during the procedure, and local painkillers in this case are ineffective.

First, lying on the back, the frontal part of the scalp is pierced (from the forehead towards the crown), to a depth of no more than a millimeter, everything happens too quickly, micro-injections are injected in small portions. Next, you need to lie on your stomach and head to the side. The doctor changes the needle and begins to pierce the left side of the scalp, then again changing the needle injects into the right side, and at the end - the back of the head (changing the needle). Relatively speaking, the scalp is divided into four zones. The doctor changes the needle for each zone, so that pain is less felt. The entire injection process runs from the periphery to the center of the scalp.

Having pierced all the zones, the doctor also made four injections into the top of the head, much deeper than the rest, they are called “DEPO”, that is, for a while, after the procedure, nutrition for the scalp and hair diverges from them.

The trichologist said that the plasma begins to act immediately after it is injected. At the cellular level, metabolic processes are activated that enhance and restore cellular activity. The hair follicles immediately receive directly all the nutrients from the plasma, which are necessary for the growth of healthy hair.

Now, actually, about the pain, in the frontal zone, it is almost not felt, it hurt me when they did it at the temples and on the back of the head. But, the pain is tolerable, even for me, although I am very, very afraid of injections and this was the main reason why I did not decide on plasma lifting for a long time (it was even hard to imagine that more than 40 injections would be given to my head). After the third procedure, the pain became more noticeable, in almost all areas, but tolerable. And yet, at the third session, the doctor added biotin-vitamin of group B to the plasma (other vitamins and cocktails can be added) so that it immediately gets to the hair roots. The trichologist explained it this way: even if we drink a bunch of different vitamins, this does not mean that they immediately get to the hair, the body sends them first to more important organs, and they come to the hair last. In one session, the doctor makes more than 60 injections.

After the first plasmolifting procedure, I had a break for almost a month, after the next two weeks.

My impressions. After the first procedure, in principle, I didn’t see anything, no improvements: the hair fell out and falls out, there are also no changes in the structure of the hair, the oiliness of the scalp is the same as it was (mine every other day).

After the second procedure, something special didn’t happen, except that the hair looked more alive, but how it fell out and fell out (at times it even seemed to me that it was more than before plasma-lifting).

After the third procedure, I got a haircut and my master said that I have a huge amount of small hair all over my head (the trichologist spoke about this in the third session), even on the back of my head. The master also noted that my hair shines like after lamination or even toning (this is on light brown hair), the color has become saturated. A week later, I myself began to notice these small hairs (if only they grew and did not fall out), but there were not many of them at all. And after washing my hair, there was less hair in the drain in the bathroom, if before, I washed my hair with shampoo, after which I picked my hair from the drain (because the water no longer drained), then washed off the mask and cleaned the drain again, now I do it only after masks. The hair did not stop falling out, but there was less hair fall out.

The fourth procedure has already passed. Everything is standard, like all the previous ones, but this time the pain was simply unbearable, the trichologist explained this by the fact that I would soon have my period, so my skin was more sensitive. This time there were a lot of injections, more than 60, and she added a mixture of minerals (zinc, magnesium, calcium ...) to the plasma. In the first few days, it even seemed to me that the hair falls out much less, but it wasn’t there, a week after the plasmolifting, the hair fell even more, maybe it was connected to the spring, seasonal hair loss, so I was upset, plus I also started inject B vitamins (10 injections). In general, there are a lot of small new hairs all over my head, but they won’t save me the length (I’ll have to cut it, 10 centimeters), the hair itself grows like “crazy”, a little overgrown bald patches, small hair. The hair looks alive, it doesn’t split as much as it used to (I have dry curly hair), it has a beautiful natural shine, but it still falls out, so I still can’t achieve the main goal of plasmolifting - to reduce hair loss.

Fifth procedure was appointed a month and a half later. Feelings after the fifth procedure are the same as after the previous ones. Hair looks alive, grows fast, but still falls out.

Sixth procedure. The last procedure was scheduled a month later, only one plasma was injected without additives. More than two weeks have passed since the last treatment, hair loss has decreased slightly, but still has not returned to my usual norm (20-30 hairs).

In conclusion, I will say that plasmolifting is a rather interesting procedure for hair that will help put them in order, but as for hair loss, do not count on a 100% result, no matter what they tell you. I never found my reason for hair loss, although I visited four doctors (trichologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, neuropathologist), passed a bunch of tests and everything is normal and no one can understand why they fall out.

Throughout the whole time, I also drank vitamins (medobiotin, ascocin), totem (once every three days, and then once a week), pierced the course of B vitamins (they are not absorbed by me in tablets), iodomarin, and also glycised (for months). I did not drink everything at once, the doctor painted the entire course of treatment in groups. She also took a course of massage.

After the procedure, the doctor gave instructions on what to avoid after plasmolifting:

  1. Do not wash your hair for a day, but preferably two.
  2. Avoid sun exposure.
  3. Three days do not visit the sauna, bath and pool.
  4. Do not massage the scalp for several days.
  5. For 5 days, do not make masks for the scalp with irritating components (tincture of capsicum, mustard ...).
  6. On the day of the procedure, try not to comb and generally do not touch your hair once again.

The number of plasmolifting procedures is determined individually, depending on the condition of the hair. On average, it is recommended to do from 2 to 6 procedures, with an interval of 10 days to a month.

Plasmolifting is widely used in skin care (skin rejuvenation, skin aging prevention, acne and post-acne treatment, hyperpigmentation and cellulite treatment).