Treatment of stomach ulcers with drugs. How to treat a stomach ulcer at home

If the doctor made a formidable diagnosis of "stomach ulcer", it's time to turn to traditional medicine that has been proven for centuries to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and enhance the effect of the therapy prescribed by the attending doctor. Folk experience suggests coping with a stomach ulcer with the help of gifts of nature - vegetable and berry juices, vegetable oils, medicinal herbs, bee products and even clay. The most effective means will be discussed in our article.

potato juice

potato juice gained the greatest popularity in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system for its general availability, low cost and unique properties, including:

  • reduction of hyperacidity;
  • protection of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract from damage;
  • anti-inflammatory activity;
  • anesthetic effect.

Cooking method: peeled fresh potatoes grate on a fine grater, after squeezing the juice from the pulp through gauze, or pass the vegetable through a juicer.

Freshly squeezed potato juice is taken no later than 10 minutes after preparation, while the concentration of medicinal substances in it is high. To prevent exacerbations, half a glass of a freshly squeezed drink should be drunk 30-35 minutes before each meal. The course lasts at least two weeks, after which a two-week break is required.

In the event of an exacerbation of the ulcer, such a drink will have to be consumed much more often, so that the daily dose is about a liter. After 10 days of taking it, you need to take a 10-day break, and then resume taking it.

Precautionary measures! Juice should not be taken with individual intolerance to potatoes, and this type of treatment should also be abandoned if the potatoes have been stored for a long time, as solanine, which is harmful to health, accumulates in it. Fruits for juice should be whole and without pink and green spots.

Video: How to cure an ulcer with potatoes

carrot juice

Freshly squeezed carrot juice is contraindicated during an exacerbation of an ulcer. During the remission period, you can drink 200-300 ml daily 20-25 minutes before meals, adding a little vegetable oil to the glass, which helps the absorption of vitamin A. The course will be 21 days, after which a month break is required.

Potato-carrot juice

These juices should be mixed in equal proportions, using 200 ml of the resulting mixture every morning on an empty stomach 35 minutes before a meal. Two weeks of admission is usually enough for the unpleasant symptoms of the disease to disappear for a long time.

cabbage juice

Such a drink accelerates the processes of scarring of the ulcer and should be consumed until it is completely healed.

Cooking method: grind the leaves of a fresh head of cabbage with a meat grinder, and squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry through gauze.

A glass of drink is drunk three times during the day half an hour before meals. After each week of admission, a three-day break is made. Usually two months is enough.

pumpkin juice

Such a fresh acts gently, and therefore there are no restrictions on its reception. You can drink up to 800 ml per day for three months.

The main properties of pumpkin juice:

  • decrease in acidity;
  • normalization of the digestive process;
  • healing of damage to the gastric mucosa.

Interestingly, after preparation, this juice can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container for up to 12 hours, and its beneficial properties do not decrease from this.

Important! For all freshly squeezed juices, except for pumpkin, the rule applies - you need to drink them within 10 minutes after preparation. Juice is oxidized from contact with air, therefore, during long-term storage, it loses all its beneficial properties.

Summary table on the rules for taking juices from stomach ulcers

JuiceHowWhenAdmission course
potato juice100 ml before each meal; with exacerbation - increase to a liter per day30-35 minutes before meals10 days to two weeks
carrot juice200-300 ml per day20-25 minutes before meals21 day
Potato-carrot juice200 ml once a day35 minutes before mealsTwo weeks
cabbage juice200 ml three times a day30 minutes before mealsTwo months, intermittent
pumpkin juice800 ml per dayAnytimeUp to three months

Video - Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies

Vegetable oils

The high efficiency of oils in the treatment of stomach ulcers is explained by their enveloping properties. Sea buckthorn and olive oils can bring the greatest benefit.

Sea buckthorn oil

Hippocrates trusted this remedy in the treatment of abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The composition of sea buckthorn oil is replete with minerals, vitamins and other biologically active substances.

Healing properties of sea buckthorn oil:

  • envelops the gastric mucosa, protecting it from damage;
  • has a powerful regenerating effect, accelerating the healing of the ulcer;
  • effectively anesthetizes;
  • prevents and eliminates the process of inflammation in the digestive tract;
  • has antibacterial activity, inhibiting the growth of bacteria;
  • endowed with a choleretic effect that improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is recommended to take oil in a teaspoon 30-35 minutes before meals three times a day. With the onset of persistent improvements, you can reduce the number of doses to two per day. For preventive purposes, sea buckthorn oil is used one teaspoon in the morning 30-35 minutes before meals. One or two months of admission will be enough.

A mixture of sea buckthorn oil and propolis tincture taken on an empty stomach in a ratio of 70:30 has a good effect. It is taken in the morning by a teaspoon for up to a month and a half.

Precautionary measures! Oil should not be taken with individual intolerance. The use of this remedy is also contraindicated for people suffering from cholelithiasis, since the choleretic effect of the oil promotes the movement and release of stones. Large stones can get stuck in the bile ducts. Also, taking oil is contraindicated in exacerbation of diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Olive oil

Olive oil is not inferior to sea buckthorn oil in its healing capabilities. Its antioxidant properties are so great that regular consumption of olive oil can prevent the formation of malignant tumors in the body. In addition, this oil prevents the reproduction of the notorious bacterium Helicobacter Pylori, which provokes the occurrence of ulcers in the stomach.

It is necessary to take this oil for one month on an empty stomach three times a day for a teaspoon, at least 25 minutes before meals.

This healing mixture also works great: half a liter of olive oil, a pound of honey, freshly squeezed juice of two large lemons. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting mass is taken daily, once a day, 25 minutes before meals, a tablespoon. Before the next dose, it is advisable to mix the medicine with a wooden spoon. The treatment course will be a month. You can repeat it after a month break.

Contraindications are the same as for sea buckthorn oil:

  • individual intolerance;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas in the acute stage.

Medicinal herbs and plants

Phytotherapy can have a significant effect in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Both individual plants and special collections of herbs are used.


This habitual indoor plant improves immunity, normalizes the composition of the digestive juice, thereby accelerating the healing process.

Useful properties of the plant:

  • regenerates tissues;
  • prevents inflammation;
  • counteracts the growth of microbes;
  • relieves pain.

Only aloe leaves older than three years are suitable for treatment. Two weeks before cutting them, the plant is stopped watering. The collected leaves are kept in the cold for another 10 days. The finished leaves are crushed, and the resulting mass is taken 35 minutes before meals in a tablespoon twice - in the morning and in the evening. To obtain the optimal effect, a monthly course is sufficient.

You can also separate the juice from this mass using gauze, mix it in half with honey, and take 50 ml before meals twice a day for a month.

Flax seeds

A decoction of medicinal flax seeds is actively used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system and shows its best side. Its benefits have been proven by official science.

The benefits of flax seeds for the stomach:

  • due to the presence of mucus, they envelop the walls of the stomach, preventing damage to the epithelium;
  • accelerate regeneration processes, healing ulcers;
  • regulate the acidity of gastric juice;
  • cleanse the stomach of toxic substances;
  • accelerate metabolic processes.

It is advisable to prepare a medicinal decoction in one serving, as it is prone to rapid oxidation and cannot be stored. A teaspoon of seeds is placed in a glass dish, 100 ml of boiling water is poured. The mixture must be left under the lid for 15 minutes, shaking occasionally, and then strain. The resulting composition should be taken half an hour before meals. Repeat the procedure three times a day, each time preparing a new portion. The treatment course is a month. A more effective way is to brew the seeds in a small thermos, leave for 25-30 minutes, shaking occasionally, strain. For greater efficiency, the seeds can be pre-ground in a coffee grinder.

The decoction is prohibited in the following situations:

  • having an allergy to flax;
  • period of exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • cholelithiasis, since flax has a pronounced choleretic effect, which can lead to blockage of the ducts by outgoing stones;
  • acute stage of pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • acute or chronic cholecystitis, especially in the acute stage;
  • early pregnancy and lactation, since phytoestrogens in flax can change the hormonal background.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds can be used as a tea for ulcers, recommended by the soothsayer Vanga. The pumpkin seeds extracted from the pumpkin are washed, dried and lightly fried in a dry frying pan. One teaspoon of seeds crushed together with the peel is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. This remedy is used as an auxiliary, so you can take it until the ulcer is completely cured (usually up to two months).

calendula flowers

Calendula infusion, which has a strong anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, helps to quickly heal damage to the mucous membranes of the digestive system, including an ulcer. Having a general strengthening effect on the body, calendula accelerates metabolism and cell renewal, which leads to scarring of ulcers.

25 g of flowers are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for at least 15 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and drunk warm in several sips throughout the day, and so on for up to a month.

Precautionary measures! Do not use calendula with a tendency to allergies, cardiovascular diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 12 years old.

Dog-rose fruit

A decoction of rose hips will be useful if the ulcer proceeds with low acidity. Before preparing it, it is necessary to remove the hairs inside the berries in order to avoid irritation of the esophagus and gastric mucosa.

To prepare 30 fruits, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting broth must be insisted at room temperature for a day, and then filtered. A decoction is taken in a warm form twice a day for 25-35 minutes before meals, half a cup. A month of daily intake is enough.

Video: What is useful rosehip for the body?

Chamomile flowers

Chamomile is characterized by a mild therapeutic effect, and therefore you can drink chamomile tea almost without restrictions. The minimum course of treatment will be three months, during which you need to drink at least three glasses of chamomile tea daily (two teaspoons of flowers per 200 ml of boiling water).

Another option is to prepare an infusion of 10 g of flowers, poured with 250 ml of boiling water, and aged for three hours in a thermos. The finished drink is filtered and taken shortly before meals (20-25 minutes) in the morning and in the evening, 50 ml each for a month and a half.


This wonderful remedy is able to quickly tighten ulcers due to its powerful astringent and wound healing effect. For treatment, only nuts in the shell are suitable, which must be cleaned before use. You can’t buy already peeled walnuts, as the oil on them goes rancid very quickly, reacting with air.

The first treatment option is to simply eat 6-7 fresh shelled walnut kernels in the morning on an empty stomach. This must be done for a month at the very beginning of winter, and then repeated at the beginning of spring.

You can also make a special therapeutic mixture, which you need to take half a teaspoon 5-7 times a day for one month. Pour 20 g of finely crushed walnuts with 100 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, stirring occasionally, at the end add 1-2.5 teaspoons of honey to taste. The medicine is ready!

The shell should not be wasted either. It, previously thoroughly washed, is placed in a jar, glass or deep bowl, and poured with 70% alcohol. It is advisable to immediately take a large amount of shell, from about 1 kg of nuts. After two weeks of infusion, you will get an excellent remedy for ulcers and other problems with the digestive system, which should be consumed in a teaspoon 25-35 minutes before meals on an empty stomach three times a day. It is enough to drink the tincture for a month to heal the ulcer.

Precautionary measures! It is forbidden to take alcohol tincture in the stage of exacerbation of the ulcer. Also, unfortunately, this method is not suitable for people with allergies to alcohol.

bee products

Products donated to humans by bees boost immunity, improving overall health. In the treatment of stomach ulcers, honey and propolis are especially effective.


Bee honey, eaten systematically, according to the results of studies, is able to reduce the acidity of gastric juice in people with ulcers accompanied by high acidity. In addition, honey

  • eliminates pain syndrome;
  • reduces inflammation and irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • eliminates nausea and heartburn;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • calms the nervous system, relieves the effects of stress, which is a common cause of ulcers.

To cure a peptic ulcer, characterized by an increase in acidity, a tablespoon of honey is dissolved in a glass of warm water, drinking the mixture one and a half hours before the next meal and two hours after. If the acidity is lowered, honey should be dissolved in cool water. In this case, the secretion of hydrochloric acid will increase. You can be treated this way for up to three weeks, after which you must take a week break.

Honey must be taken in combination with other means. Only in this case, you can count on a lasting effect.

Precautionary measures! Honey is a powerful allergen, so care should be taken when taking it.


This miraculous bee glue is prescribed by doctors to relieve stomach inflammations, including ulcers. Propolis is considered the most effective remedy in the fight against ulcer-causing bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

The best option is an aqueous extract of propolis, but it is very difficult to find on sale and it is expensive. Therefore, alcohol tincture is used more often for the treatment of peptic ulcer.

Benefits of alcohol tincture of propolis:

  • has a powerful antimicrobial effect;
  • heals damage;
  • relieves spasms and pain;
  • gently reduces acidity;
  • envelops the walls of the stomach with a film, protecting against chemical irritation due to high acidity.

At first, a 10% tincture is used, which should be taken three times a day 30-35 minutes before meals, dissolving 50 drops in half a glass of water or milk. If the treatment does not cause discomfort, then after a week you can switch to a 20% drug. The duration of the course will be from one to two months.

Precautionary measures! Propolis is a strong allergen, so a sensitivity test is necessary before use. Alcohol propolis tincture is contraindicated in case of alcohol intolerance.


Not the most pleasant, but very effective way to get rid of ulcers in the stomach, and at the same time a high-quality cleansing of the body. The ability of clay powder to absorb toxins and harmful intestinal microflora, quickly removing all impurities from the body, has made it a universal remedy in the fight against many diseases. Due to its disinfectant properties, clay inhibits the growth of bacteria that irritate the stomach lining and prevent ulcer scarring.

Of course, you will have to take white-blue clay sold in a pharmacy inside. Half a teaspoon of clay powder is diluted in 30 ml of water and drunk twice a day, an hour before breakfast and dinner. After 21 days of admission, you must take a 10-day break. These intermittent courses last up to three months on average.

Folk remedies will definitely help during an exacerbation of the disease, but they will still have the maximum benefit if you follow a special therapeutic diet and use other remedies prescribed by your doctor. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate errors in nutrition, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the instructions of doctors. With such an integrated approach, recovery will come quickly.

You should not neglect the mandatory consultation with your doctor before starting the treatment of an ulcer with any of the selected folk remedies. A qualified gastroenterologist will evaluate the feasibility of such treatment, the benefits and possible side effects, and based on this, select the most optimal option. you will find the answer in the link.

The mechanism of occurrence and development of gastric ulcers is not yet fully understood. On the one hand, it has been proven that the culprit of the infection is a special pathogenic microorganism - Helicobacter pylori. And on the other hand, strong immunity, a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and a stable neuropsychological status of a person would not allow Helicobacter pylori to multiply and provoke peptic ulcer. Therefore, the approach to the treatment of this disease should be comprehensive.

Competent therapy for stomach ulcers includes:

    Taking several types of medications according to a special scheme;

    Correction of the psycho-emotional sphere and the rejection of bad habits;

    Spa treatment;

    Surgical intervention (if required).

Drug treatment of stomach ulcers is performed using three main groups of drugs:


    Histamine receptor blockers;

    Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

Auxiliary therapy is carried out using several more types of drugs:










The scheme of treatment of stomach ulcers

The most effective is a two-stage scheme for the treatment of peptic ulcer:

    Stage I lasts 7 days. During this period, the patient is prescribed a combination of two antibiotics, usually metronidazole and clarithromycin, as well as a proton pump inhibitor, such as lansoprazole. Drugs can be replaced by analogues at the discretion of the attending physician, the dosage is also set individually. The goal of the first stage of treatment is the complete destruction of Helicobacter pylori, and in 95% of cases it is possible to cope with the task;

    Stage II takes 14 days and is required only if, after the first stage, it is still found in the stomach. Against bacteria, a tandem of antibiotics metronidazole + tetracycline is used, and therapy is supplemented with one of the bismuth preparations, as well as PPIs (omeprazole, rabeprazole) and a histamine receptor blocker (ranitidine, famotidine).

Treatment is necessarily supported by anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, wound healing, antiemetic and other drugs that relieve the unpleasant symptoms of stomach ulcers and speed up the healing process. Folk remedies (herbal decoctions and infusions), vitamins, natural extracts, such as aloe vera, are very useful. However, for any medication, you should consult your gastroenterologist.

Peptic ulcer disease is very individual, characterized by different indicators of acidity and is often accompanied by complications from other organs. In addition, antibiotic therapy almost always gives side effects in the form of digestive disorders and pain. Treatment of acute stomach ulcers is recommended to be carried out in a hospital under the constant supervision of qualified specialists.


    Semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic. A direct descendant of erythromycin, it is one hundred times more resistant to the destructive effect of hydrochloric acid, more complete and faster absorption, good distribution in tissues and a long half-life. Due to this, clarithromycin outperforms erythromycin and is recommended as the main antibiotic for the treatment of gastric ulcers;

    Amoxicillin. Semi-synthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group. Unlike penicillin, it is resistant to the corrosive action of gastric juice, absorbed almost completely (by 93%), spreads faster through tissues and fluids, covers the body more fully and stays in it longer, which allows you to prescribe amoxicillin for peptic ulcer twice, and not four times a day. day;

    Tetracycline. An antibiotic from the tetracycline group. It has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it disrupts the interaction between ribosomes and transport RNA, as a result of which protein synthesis by bacterial cells is suspended, and they die. Tetracycline is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as against most enterobacteria, including Helicobacter pylori.

Histamine receptor blockers:

    Ranitidine. The drug is the second generation of histamine blockers. Reduces the activity of pepsin (a digestive enzyme responsible for the breakdown of proteins). Normalizes the pH level in the stomach, inhibits the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. Depending on the dosage, it protects the mucous membrane from the damaging effects of excess acidity for 12-24 hours;

    Nizatidine. The second generation of histamine III-receptor blockers. It suppresses both its own synthesis of hydrochloric acid by the walls of the stomach, and excess synthesis provoked by acetylcholine, histamine and gastrin - enzymes and mediators. Significantly reduces the hyperactivity of pepsin and keeps the pH level in the physiological norm for 12 hours after ingestion;

    Roxatidine. The second generation of histamine H2 receptor blockers. It inhibits the activity of pepsin, normalizes the acid-base balance of the stomach, reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid caused by food, gastrin, histamine, acetylcholine, and also suppresses the basal synthesis of gastric juice. It is rapidly absorbed and acts within an hour after ingestion. The effect lasts from 12 hours to one day, depending on the dosage;

    Famotidine. It is also a drug of the second generation of histamine H2 receptor blockers. It inhibits both basal and externally provoked secretion of hydrochloric acid by the cells of the gastric mucosa. Thus, it well protects the patient's body from the undesirable effects of pepsin, histamine, gastrin and acetylcholine;

    Cimetidine. The drug is the first generation of histamine III-receptor blockers, but still has not lost its relevance. It also regulates the pH level in the stomach well, inhibits the synthesis of hydrochloric acid and inhibits the activity of the pepsin enzyme. It costs less than the above modern analogues, but is considered less effective due to the short period of continuous action (6-8 hours).

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs):

    Inhibitor of H + -K + -ATPase - an enzyme responsible for accelerating the exchange of hydrogen ions. Regardless of the reasons for the hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, lansoprazole inhibits its production at the final stage, that is, immediately before being released into the stomach cavity;

    Omeprazole. It also inhibits the action of the proton pump by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme H + -K + -ATPase. Hydrogen ions penetrate worse between the membranes of the cells of the gastric mucosa, and this interferes with the production of gastric juice. And it doesn’t matter what exactly provokes the hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid - the intake of food or the action of enzymes and mediators;

    Rabeprazole. Better known under the brand name "pariet". This drug not only inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid, blocking the action of H + -K + -ATPase, but also has a detrimental effect on Helicobacter pylori, the culprit of stomach ulcers. Rabeprazole begins to act one hour after ingestion and protects the mucous membrane for up to two days in a row;

    Esomeprazole. The drug, which is a dextrorotatory isomer of omeprazole, and has a similar effect. It also inhibits the synthesis of hydrochloric acid at the last stage due to the deterioration of hydrogen exchange between the membranes of the cells of the gastric mucosa. Being a weak base, esomeprazole is activated in the acidic environment of the parietal tubules and inhibits the action of the proton pump.

Gastroprotectors, anabolics and reparants:

    Sucralfate. The drug has antiulcer, adsorbing, enveloping, antacid and protective action. It practically does not affect a healthy mucous membrane, and under conditions of increased acidity of a diseased stomach, it breaks down into sucrose sulfate and aluminum, which allows you to bind mucus proteins and form a strong protective film in places of ulceration. After taking sucralfate, the stomach walls are protected for 6 hours from excess hydrochloric acid, pepsin, waste products of harmful bacteria and bile thrown from the pancreas;

    Solcoseryl. Powerful reparant and cytoprotector. Restores the gastric mucosa, promotes healing of ulcers, improves cell metabolism. It is produced from the blood of dairy calves and is a hemodialysate with a molecular weight of 5000 D. The potential of solcoseryl is not yet fully understood, however, the use of this drug at the stage of healing of a stomach ulcer, that is, after the active antimicrobial phase, gives exceptionally good results;

    Enprostil and misoprostol- synthetic analogues of prostaglandin E2 and E1, respectively. These substances are similar to hormones and are produced in almost all tissues of the human body. Prostaglandins are mediators of inflammation, they regulate blood pressure, normalize muscle tone, reduce gastric acidity and inhibit the secretion of gastric juice;

    Biogastron. The active substance of this drug is carbenoxolone, a synthetic analogue of glycyrrhizic acid. Scientists extract this valuable material from the licorice root. Biogastron has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus and stomach. The drug is well known abroad, and is rarely used in Russia, although it has great potential;

    Actovegin. Effective reparant and antihypoxant. Like solcoseryl, it is made from blood and is a hemodialysate with a molecular weight of 5000 daltons. Ultrafiltration makes actovegin able to penetrate cell membranes, improve the uptake of oxygen and glucose and ensure rapid regeneration of damaged and inflamed tissues;

    Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. The most optimal preparation of bismuth for the treatment of stomach ulcers. In conditions of high acidity, it quickly forms a protective film that covers the damaged areas of the mucous membrane. In addition, tripotassium bismuth dicitrate enhances the production of prostaglandin E2 and inhibits the activity of helicobacteria that cause peptic ulcer;

    Amigluracil. An effective anabolic and reparant. It accelerates the synthesis of proteins and amino acids, promotes the healing of ulcers and wound surfaces, increases and helps the body cope with infections on its own by enriching the blood with immune cells. It is successfully used at the final stage of recovery after gastric and duodenal ulcers;

    Methyluracil. Also a popular immunostimulant, anabolic and reparant. Stimulates the synthesis of leukocytes, accelerates nucleic acid metabolism, promotes rapid regeneration and epithelialization of damaged tissues and mucous membranes. The anti-inflammatory effect of methyluracil is due to its inhibitory effect on proteolytic enzymes. At the final stage of the treatment of stomach ulcers, the drug helps scarring and cell renewal;

    Sodium oxyferriscarbon. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing drug based on iron with the addition of sodium salts and alloxanic acid. It is used to treat peptic ulcers of the esophagus, small and duodenal ulcers, as well as stomach ulcers;

    Romazulan. Phytopreparation based on chamomile, which has a complex effect: relieves spasms, anesthetizes, kills microbes and stimulates the healing of wounds and ulcers. Romazulan solution is used both externally, for skin lesions, diseases of the oral cavity and urogenital area, and inside, diluted with water, for the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis;

    Histidine hydrochloride. The drug is an amino acid, which, when it enters the body, undergoes a decarboxylation reaction, and as a result, histamine is formed - a mediator that has a multilateral effect on the body. Histamine stimulates the production of epinephrine, excites smooth muscles, increases the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, increases the heart rate and causes the stomach to produce more gastric juice, and in some types of stomach ulcers this is necessary.


    The active substance - pirenzepine - belongs to the group of M1-cholinergic receptor blockers, but unlike atropine, the most famous representative of this group, it does not inhibit the activity of cholinergic receptors of the heart, eyes, salivary glands and other organs, but only affects the gastric mucosa, causing produce less hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen;

    Buscopan. The drug has a blocking effect on the M-cholinergic receptors of the stomach, kidneys, gall bladder and bladder, and also works as an antispasmodic. Buscopan relieves spasms of smooth muscles and somewhat reduces the level of secretion of gastric juice, which makes it possible to symptomatically alleviate the condition of patients with gastric ulcer;

    Platifillin. It blocks M-cholinergic receptors of internal organs and eyes approximately 8 times weaker than atropine, and also blocks H-cholinergic receptors to some extent. Benefits from atropine due to the fact that it rarely causes tachycardia. Platifillin has an antispasmodic effect on the walls of the stomach and intestines, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure;

    Metacin. It also refers to milder than atropine blockers of M-cholinergic receptors. It well reduces the tone of the gallbladder and bladder, relieves spasms and eliminates pain in the stomach, suppresses the secretion of gastric juice, sweat, saliva, and normalizes blood pressure. Less likely than atropine, it causes unwanted heart rate jumps, pupillary dilation and increased intraocular pressure;


    Almagel. Adsorbent, enveloping and analgesic medicine, which is well known to all ulcers. Almagel protects the gastric mucosa from the damaging effects of excess hydrochloric acid and pepsin, absorbs toxic waste products of bacteria and interferes with the absorption of phosphates. Thus, it does not cure a stomach ulcer, but helps relieve its painful symptoms and reduce the harm caused by the inflammatory process to the patient's body as a whole;

    Maalox. Antacid preparation based on magnesium and aluminum hydroxides. Maalox reacts with hydrochloric acid and neutralizes its excess, and there is no re-compensating secretion. This drug normalizes the pH level and protects the gastric mucosa, but, like Almagel, does not eliminate the very cause of peptic ulcer;

    Gastal. A more advanced, combined antacid, which, in addition to magnesium and aluminum hydroxides, contains magnesium carbonate. Immediately after ingestion, it allows for two hours to artificially maintain a physiologically normal pH level of 3.5 in the stomach, due to the neutralization of excess hydrochloric acid. It does not cure a stomach ulcer, but it saves from pain and;

    Phosphalugel. Antacid preparation based on aluminum phosphate. It has a more pronounced and lasting effect than the above drugs of the same type. Phosphalugel not only neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid, but also inhibits the activity of the pepsin enzyme. It reliably envelops the walls of the stomach, creating a protective barrier for irritants, but it does not have a detrimental effect on Helicobacter pylori, therefore it can only be used for symptomatic relief of the condition of patients with peptic ulcer;

    sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda is the easiest and most affordable antacid. A solution of soda helps relieve heartburn and stomach pain with ulcers, and is also used to combat acidosis caused by general intoxication of the body or.


    Motilium. The active ingredient is domperidone, the opposite of dopamine. The drug blocks the activity of dopamine receptors and increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, accelerates the movement of food through the digestive tract, stimulates the motility of the stomach and intestines. Motilium does not have any effect on the secretion of gastric juice, it simply relieves attacks of nausea and with gastritis and stomach ulcers;

    Cerucal. A drug that prevents the transmission of nerve impulses through the visceral channels from dopamine receptors to the vomiting center in the brain, and also stimulates intestinal motility, increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and promotes the energetic movement of food through the digestive tract. Thus, even if there are objective reasons for vomiting, it can be avoided;

    Metoclopramide. The drug blocks dopamine and serotonin receptors, due to which it is possible not only to stop vomiting attacks, but also to stop hiccups and avoid diarrhea, which can be a side effect of moving food from the stomach to the rectum too quickly. Metoclopramide does not affect the secretory functions in any way, but there is still an insufficiently substantiated medical opinion that this drug promotes the healing of stomach ulcers.


    Halidor. The active substance - bentsiklar - myotropic antispasmodic, blocker of calcium channels, serotonin receptors and sympathetic nerve nodes. Perfectly relieves spasms of blood vessels and smooth muscles, increases the elasticity of erythrocytes, lowers blood pressure, but may slightly increase heart rate. Halidor in large doses is considered as a tranquilizer. With stomach ulcers, it is indicated as an anesthetic drug;

    Myotropic antispasmodic, benzimidazole derivative. It has a smoothing effect on the muscles of internal organs, blood vessels and capillaries, normalizes blood pressure, dilates the vessels of the brain and accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses between synapses. It perfectly relieves headaches and muscle pains, but it does not last long, therefore, in the treatment of stomach ulcers, more advanced and modern antispasmodics are usually prescribed;

    Papaverine. Calcium channel blocker, mild myotropic antispasmodic. It dilates blood vessels and capillaries, lowers blood pressure and smooth muscle tone, relieves pain in the internal organs caused by muscle spasm, but it does not last long and does not affect the parasympathetic nervous system sufficiently to save from severe pain in stomach ulcers. Therefore, at present, papaverine is not considered as a reliable pain reliever;

    No-Shpa. The most popular antispasmodic. The active substance, drotaverine, is very similar in structure and pharmacological action to papaverine, but acts more pronouncedly and for a longer time. No-Shpa prevents the entry of calcium molecules into smooth muscle cells, thereby relieving pain in migraines, periodic female ailments and peptic ulcers. The range of application of No-Shpa is very wide, and it is this myotropic antispasmodic that is prescribed in cases where anticholinergics are contraindicated for a patient for any reason - drugs that relieve pain better, but are not suitable for everyone.


    Benzohexonium. It inhibits the conduction of impulses between the ganglia (large nerve nodes) of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and also inhibits the activity of all endocrine glands, including the gastric mucosa, adrenal cortex and pancreas. Benzohexonium is used for the symptomatic treatment of stomach ulcers, and many other diseases;

    Dimecolin. A more perfect analogue of benzohexonium. It has a pronounced antispasmodic effect on blood vessels, muscles and internal organs by blocking nerve impulses between the ganglia, therefore it is successfully used to relieve acute pain attacks in case of peptic ulcer, hepatitis, cholelithiasis. Sometimes dimecoline is also prescribed to patients with persistent arterial hypertension;

    Camphonium. Quaternary ammonium compound. Well reduces pressure, reduces the tone of the coronary arteries and peripheral blood vessels, smoothes the muscles of the internal organs. Camphonium, like all ganglion blockers, is used for symptomatic relief of the condition of patients with gastric ulcer, in addition, the drug is sometimes prescribed to patients with obliterating endarteritis.

    Quateron. Monoquaternary ammonium compound. It inhibits the conduction of nerve impulses between the ganglia of the parasympathetic nervous system better than the sympathetic one, therefore it is used specifically to relieve pain in ulcers and patients with specific colitis. Kvateron expands the coronary arteries slightly, so it is rarely prescribed as an antihypertensive drug;

    Temekhin. It interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses from preganglionic to postganglionic vegetative fibers, and due to this, it effectively relieves muscle spasms and dilates blood vessels. Temehin has a beneficial effect on arterioles, therefore it is relevant for persistent arterial hypertension and, and for patients with gastric ulcers, it is prescribed to reduce hypersecretion of gastric juice and reduce pain caused by spastic phenomena.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Medicine" received at the Russian State Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (2005). Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Gastroenterology" - educational and scientific medical center.

A stomach ulcer may worsen depending on the time of year, which indicates that the disease is chronic. It is very difficult to cure an ulcer, it takes a lot of time and effort. A person can get rid of excruciating pain if he follows a strict diet and uses drugs, but they are not cheap. Unfortunately, any medicine not only cures, but also causes other diseases due to side effects. Treatment of an ulcer is a delicate and complex process, which is what we will talk about below.

The article will include the following items:

Causes of stomach ulcers

The disease appears due to an imbalance of protective and harmful factors in the work of the stomach and duodenum, which necessarily leads to exacerbations and deterioration of the patient's condition. The main harmful substance that causes an ulcer is hydrochloric acid, which is regularly produced in the stomach. Of course, bile also affects the defeat of the stomach, it is produced in certain quantities in the liver and sent to the stomach and duodenum. Our stomach produces a special mucus that envelops it and stimulates blood circulation and the restoration of the outer shell. But the protective layer is not able to keep other negative factors: eating spicy food, stress and nervous breakdowns, drinking strong coffee, alcoholic beverages, medicines, such as aspirin and analgin. But the disease will appear regardless of your lifestyle and diet, if somehow a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori gets into the stomach.

The ulcer may open due to the fact that one of the parents has already had this disease. The chances of developing an ulcer are very high if relatives are still suffering from the disease. But in most cases, the disease is not transmitted, only the functions of the stomach are transmitted, such as intense secretion of hydrochloric acid, weakness of blood vessels, because they are responsible for supplying mucus to the gastric walls. If a person regularly eats fried and spicy with coffee, while having a genetic predisposition to an ulcer, then the disease will appear sooner or later. The defeat of Helicobacter pylori is the most serious problem, because the bacterium increases the excretion of harmful substances, hydrochloric acid, toxic ammonia, and so on. This leads to painful inflammation of the stomach, but it can be cured faster, you just need to get rid of the bacteria and the ulcer will instantly disappear.

Symptoms and signs of stomach ulcers

First of all, a person begins to experience pain in the upper abdomen. There is pain in the middle of the abdomen, but periodically it goes to the right or left hypochondrium, back or navel. The place where the pain appears depends on the food consumed and the exacerbation, for example, in spring and autumn, the pain may appear in different places. The pains begin to disappear after the use of full-fat milk and antacids, you can also clear the stomach with vomiting, which will also reduce the pain. But the pain is always different depending on the area in which it appeared. It can begin to be felt only an hour after eating, then it remains for an hour and a half or two hours, and after a while it completely disappears. If an ulcer has formed in the prepyloric section of the stomach or duodenum, then the pains are late, that is, they appear three hours after eating. Sometimes they appear late at night, which necessarily causes insomnia and forces people to wake up and do everything possible to get rid of it, such as drinking milk in large quantities. Against the background of pain, other symptoms appear: heaviness, nausea, belching, vomiting, fullness or a feeling of bloating in the stomach. Despite this, a strong appetite remains, but the person deliberately limits food intake.

It is now increasingly common to see asymptomatic or asymptomatic ulcers, often referred to as "silent" ulcers. In most cases, they are characteristic of older people, patients with diabetes and people who drink anti-inflammatory and nonsteroidal drugs. Stomach ulcers without symptoms are susceptible to those who abuse alcohol and smoking. In this case, the disease will make itself felt only after a few years, but the person will immediately have very severe pain, you may have to call an ambulance. If the ulcer is not treated for a long time, then after a while the stomach or duodenum will perforate, and this will cause heavy bleeding and stenosis. After that, simple drugs will not be enough, the person will be sent to the hospital for a consultation with a surgeon, then surgery will take place in the hospital, since this is a very dangerous form of the disease.

During the perforation of the ulcer, the layers of the walls of the stomach or duodenum begin to deform, and their contents pass into the abdominal cavity. A person begins to experience very acute and painful symptoms, as if boiling water has spilled into the stomach or a sharp knife has been hit in the stomach, the pain rises from the bottom up or vice versa falls from the top down. A person cannot turn the body, breathe deeply or cough, there is pain in the diaphragm. The fact is that the pain does not disappear after a while, but on the contrary, it intensifies and is localized not only in the stomach, but throughout the body. Then there is the development of peritonitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the peritoneum, and this threatens with death. But you can get rid of the disease and complications if you go to the hospital and perform a surgical operation. The sooner this is done, the higher the chances of a complete cure of the disease.

Many people think that bleeding is necessarily noticeable with a stomach ulcer, but this is not so. It can be hidden or abundant, depending on the severity of the disease. If the bleeding is profuse - a person begins to vomit with venous (black) blood, his stool turns black and loses any design, since it is always liquid. You can immediately state the symptoms of large blood loss, for example, dizziness, decreased efficiency and activity, "stars" before the eyes, buzzing in the ears, pale skin, increased heart rate and cold sweat. During occult bleeding, as much blood is not released, but in the future it is still detected due to anemia (anemia). If a person gradually loses blood in large volumes, you need to send him to the hospital without any objection, so that the intervention of the surgeon and treatment with medications are carried out. It is advisable to immediately contact the surgeon, as the drugs may not affect the disease. It is difficult to ascertain an ulcer with hidden blood loss, therefore, instrumental and laboratory examinations are first performed. Against the background of treatment, ulcers also replenish lost blood, change the diet to release iron and hemoglobin, and so on.

During an exacerbation and worsening of the ulcer, it can spread to other tissues and organs that are nearby. In most situations, it also passes into the pancreas, a person may experience severe pain in this area, which does not go away after a long time. Pyloroduodenal stenosis is a change in the lower part of the stomach, usually a narrowing, that can occur after several flare-ups of a stomach ulcer. People note the appearance of bloating and heaviness in the middle part of the abdomen after eating, and the eructation after eating is very strange, has an unpleasant and rotten smell. If the stenosis has not deepened much, conservative therapy can be carried out, but if the disease has already deepened, the surgeon cannot do without the help.

People with stomach ulcers have a disease such as. Due to the combination of two diseases, there is a risk of the appearance of the stomach. The fact is that it is almost impossible to ascertain stomach cancer in the early stages, since it has the same symptoms as simple gastritis or an ulcer. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly visit a gastroenterologist and do gastroscopy, be sure to check the gastric juice and gastric mucosa for microscopic examination.

Diet and nutrition for stomach ulcers

There are several main rules to consider when dieting:
  • The gastric mucosa should be completely at rest after eating.

  • You can not eat foods that provoke the secretion of gastric juice.

  • Do not eat hard foods, such as cutlets with a hard fried crust. Food should be soft and tender.

  • Do not eat too large portions of food in one sitting.

  • There are small portions once every three hours so that the food is digested faster.

  • Do not allow the use of cold or hot food, the body needs time to bring it to the desired temperature, and then assimilate.

  • Do not eat more than 10 grams of table salt during the day.

You need to eat only healthy foods that contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins in sufficient quantities. Food should contain vitamins and minerals. Be sure to use sour-milk products, as they soften the gastric juice and envelop the walls of the stomach, but it all depends on your tolerance for milk - during a peptic ulcer, not everyone can use it. You can add milk to weak coffee and tea, drinking strong coffee is undesirable. The products should contain vegetable and animal fats, you need to add olive oil to the diet, because it heals the wound. For a day you need to consume no more than 500 grams of carbohydrates, 100 grams of protein, 100 grams of fat. The recommended number of calories per day is 3000, in no case more.

What kind of products can be used:

  • Bread- dried or white wheat in the amount of 500 grams per day. Unsweetened biscuits, crackers and biscuit can also be consumed.

  • Soups- Mucous milk, milk cereals, with vermicelli or homemade noodles, with mashed vegetables, but without cabbage.

  • Eggs- steamed omelet or soft-boiled eggs are acceptable, but no more than three per day.

  • Dairy- fresh sour cream without sour taste, pure milk, cream, fresh cottage cheese.

  • Meat dishes- chicken, beef and veal contain little fat, so you need to use them. Remove fat and tendons from meat, steam, for example, meatballs, cutlets, mashed potatoes or meatballs. Sometimes you can eat boiled meat, the softer it is, the better.

  • Fish- perch, pike and pike perch contain a low percentage of fat, so it is better to use them in steam, boiled and chopped form.

  • Vegetables- beets, potatoes, white zucchini, carrots and pumpkins should be consumed without peel in the form of mashed potatoes or vegetable stews.

  • Pasta and cereals- oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, rice, barley. Serve semi-liquid. Boil them together with milk and clean water. Pasta and vermicelli can only be eaten boiled.

  • Fats- vegetable oil no more than 30 grams, butter 20 grams per dish. You can not eat more than 100 grams of fat per day, also do not forget that animal products contain fat, it should not exceed 40 grams per day.

  • Berries- preferably sweet: strawberries, strawberries and raspberries.

  • Fruit– non-astringent, sweet and soft. Bake or grate and make a salad of different fruits.

  • Sweets- kissels, creams, jelly and compotes from sweet fruits and berries are very preferable.

  • Sauces- it is best to use a milk sauce, such as bechamel.

  • vitamins- do not buy vitamins in a pharmacy, drink a decoction of wheat bran and rose hips, drink fresh juice of non-acidic berries and vegetables, but dilute with clean water in equal proportions.

In no case should you drink strong meat, fish and mushroom broths. Do not eat fatty and fried meat, fish, mushrooms, especially refractory fats, such as lamb, pork and beef, should be excluded from the diet. Heavy fiber from hard vegetables also irritates the stomach. Forget about spicy and salty foods, fried foods too, as they contain carcinogens. You can not smoke and drink alcohol, also do not eat junk food: carbonated drinks, sausage, canned food, chocolate pies and much more. To put it simply - follow a competent diet and eat only healthy food.

On the day you need to eat several servings, divided into two or three parts. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Eat your last meal a couple of hours before bedtime, and drink a glass of warm milk at night. Your menu for the day looks something like this:

  1. Breakfast: two soft-boiled eggs or steamed scrambled eggs, rice or semolina porridge cooked with milk in the amount of 250 grams, tea with sugar and milk.

  2. A few hours after breakfast: mashed potatoes with olive oil, two steamed cutlets, milk porridge with a glass of milk, a small piece of bread.

  3. Lunch: milk soup with cereals, steamed meatballs, mashed potatoes with butter, fruit jelly.

  4. Dinner: boiled fish, mashed potatoes with vegetable oil, rice porridge with milk.

  5. Before going to bed: one glass of warm milk.

How to treat a stomach ulcer (drugs)

During the diet, you need to use medications, of course, it is not recommended to prescribe them to yourself without a doctor. You need to consult a doctor so that he picks up a group of drugs that will help in your particular case. A similar treatment is carried out to achieve a sustainable result, basically it works as follows.

First of all, the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori is eliminated. For this, antibiotics are selected, and this should be done with caution. What kind of antibiotics can be used:

  • Macrolides (Clarithromycin and Erythromycin) - drink 500 milligrams of the drug per day in the morning and at night.

  • Penicillins (Amoxicillin) - take 500 milligrams three or four times a day 20 minutes after eating.

  • Nitroimidazoles (Metronidazole) - consume 500 milligrams at least three times a day, 20 minutes after meals.

If the disease is not due to bacteria, you need to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach juice, which will lead to relief and getting rid of heartburn and pain. The following drugs are prescribed:
  • H2 inhibitors (Ranitidine) - drink at least 150 milligrams twice a day 10 minutes before meals.

  • Proton pump inhibitors - the drug Omeprazole drink 20 milligrams twice a day before meals.

  • Antacids (Maalox and Almagel) - take 20 milliliters half an hour before eating.

  • Bismuth (De-nol) - is able to have an astringent effect on the gastric mucosa, but also has the ability to neutralize the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It is drunk at 120 milligrams three or four times a day before meals, in about 15-20 minutes.

Four or three drugs can be prescribed at once during treatment, it all depends on the severity of the disease, which is determined directly by the attending physician after a medical examination and examination of gastric juice. In rare cases, when the disease is very acute and medications can cause pain and exacerbation, injections are prescribed. The minimum duration of treatment with injections or preparations in the form of tablets is 2 weeks.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies

Of course, traditional medicine will never compare with treatment from a doctor, but if you do not want to go to the hospital and want to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, even for a while, you should use the treatment methods that we have described below.

Pork fat can help treat the disease, consume about 20 grams of natural pork fat daily just before breakfast. The duration of treatment is 2 months.

Wash the tuber of raw potatoes, remove the peel, and then grind it on a grater. Next, squeeze the juice and add pure water in a 50/50 ratio. You need to drink juice 30 minutes before eating in the morning in the amount of 200 milliliters. You will feel relief after 3-4 days, drink the juice for a month. Remember to eat healthy food during treatment.

Add 350 grams of honey, butter and walnuts to an enameled saucepan. Put in the oven, heated to 100 degrees, after 20 minutes, remove the mixture and mix well. Eat a tablespoon between main meals, but do not drink tea or water with the medicine.

You can also drink a liter of clean water every day in the morning and start breakfast only after three hours to relax the stomach and cleanse it of food debris. But keep in mind that folk methods are not so effective, so they take a long time to get any healing effect.

Prevention of stomach ulcers

In order to never get this disease, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and diet.
  • Sleep at least 6 hours, preferably 8-10 hours.

  • Do not eat fried, smoked and fatty foods. Steam food, it will not be too greasy, but it will retain nutrients.

  • If you experience pain in the stomach, go to the doctor. You will immediately be prescribed a strict diet to improve the condition of the stomach, it will definitely include steamed food, both meat and vegetable dishes.

  • Chew your food thoroughly so that the stomach does not load too much during digestion.

  • Do not be nervous if you are stressed - relax, find a way to get rid of stress.

  • Do not eat hot or cold food, this is not the best way to affect the condition of the stomach.

  • Forget about smoking and, otherwise the food will not be digested, and the walls of the stomach will be irritated.

  • Get rid of other diseases that in one way or another affect the speed of digestion and absorption of food.

Be healthy!

Peptic ulcer is a small erosion (defect) in the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is not infectious or oncological.

How to cure a stomach ulcer permanently? Let's talk about how to quickly cure a stomach ulcer. Treatment for stomach ulcers often involves a combination of medications, lifestyle changes, and possibly surgery.

However, different types of ulcers require different types of treatment, including folk remedies.

Can an ulcer be cured? Can. Finding a doctor who practices an individual approach to treatment is a key factor in successful therapy.

The doctor must identify the causes of the disease, starting from the existing symptoms and examination data.

The reasons

Stomach ulcers can be caused by several factors. Ulcers usually develop when certain factors cause mucus problems in the stomach.

Helicobacter pylori infection is common in people with stomach ulcers. This bacterium irritates the stomach wall, and infection often causes ulcers to develop in it.

Helicobacter pylori is able to thrive in the acidic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the above infection is associated with the occurrence of bowel cancer.

Many oral pain relievers (NSAIDs) used to treat soreness due to arthritis or physical injury can cause ulcers as a side effect.

NSAIDs include agents such as:

  • ibuprofen;
  • aspirin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Naroxena;
  • Celebrex.

These drugs often damage the stomach wall and cause ulcers to form. The longer the drugs are used, the higher the risk of ulcers.

Besides NSAIDs, there are other drugs that can cause stomach ulcers as a side effect.

Some of these drugs include antidepressants, drugs that inhibit blood clotting, steroid drugs, alendronate, and risedronate (used to treat osteoporosis).

"Low-dose" aspirin is often used to treat heart disease, but it can also cause peptic ulcers.

Stress ulcers tend to occur in people who are suffering from intense physical exertion, such as severe critical illness, sepsis, or severe injury, including burns or head trauma.

The exact mode of occurrence of such ulcers is not well understood. Experts believe that stress can cause an increase in the production of acids in the stomach, causing peptic ulcers.

Smokers also face an increased risk of ulcers. Many components of tobacco smoke are very irritating to the stomach.

Spicy foods cannot directly cause peptic ulcers, but they do irritate the stomach and worsen the discomfort caused by existing ulcers.

Alcoholic beverages are known to irritate the stomach. Excessive alcohol consumption over a long period of time significantly increases the risk of developing the disease.

Alcohol increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, so drinking large amounts of it can cause illness.

Hyperacidity, or excess acidity in the stomach, is also a leading factor contributing to the appearance of peptic ulcer.

This condition may be related to a person's lifestyle, genetics (family history of stomach ulcers), and diet.


The most well-known symptom that occurs with every stomach ulcer is constant pain and discomfort in the stomach.

A person may notice that the pain appears daily, and then followed by periods of no pain. Pain can come and go for no apparent reason.

Some other symptoms are as follows:

  1. Abdominal pain, which may be more severe after eating, for example, after three hours after eating (during illness, the duodenum may be relieved after eating, while the gastric ulcer may be further irritated by eating food) .
  2. Bloating and sensation of intra-abdominal fullness.
  3. Nausea accompanied by excessive vomiting.
  4. Lack of desire to eat and weight loss.

It is possible that some or even all of the listed symptoms will not be present.

However, an ulcer is present in the body and spreads in the stomach, and sometimes symptoms only occur after it has reached a high level.

The signs listed below require a person to seek immediate medical attention:

  1. Bleeding in the stomach or damage to the esophagus due to severe or persistent vomiting.
  2. Melena is a black stool, which indicates the admixture of blood in the feces.

In rare situations, peptic ulcer can lead to perforation in the stomach or duodenum. This is an extremely painful condition that requires medical intervention and surgery.

Any evidence of an unexplained sudden, acute, burning sensation in the stomach that does not subside should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

One of the complications that can occur with stomach ulcers is gastrointestinal bleeding.

This condition occurs when ulcers destroy blood vessels. Sudden large bleeding can be life threatening and requires emergency medical attention.

A perforation is a hole in the wall of the small intestine or stomach. It can have disastrous consequences.

When the intestinal wall is destroyed, a crack in it can allow the contents of the stomach or intestines to spill into the abdominal cavity. This leads to peritonitis, that is, inflammation of the peritoneum, which is fatal.

Other complications caused by ulcers are penetration into other organs, narrowing of the duodenum and obstruction, and pyloric stenosis (narrowing of the opening from the stomach to the intestines, causing severe vomiting).


How to quickly cure ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, how to permanently get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease? Treatment of the disease will depend on many factors.

If the ulcer is caused by an infection with Helicobacter pylori, then antibiotics must be taken to kill the bacteria.

If the pathological process is caused by the excessive use of NSAIDs, it is recommended to stop taking the medication.

Another way to treat ulcers is to use drugs that reduce the amount of acid in the gastrointestinal tract.

These medications include H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors, which can help get rid of excess acid in the GI tract.

These drugs give only a short-term effect. It is impossible to permanently remove the above symptom.

Another factor influencing how the body responds to disease treatment is lifestyle.

Each of these factors will help to more quickly restore and cure the affected areas of the intestinal wall.

For men, this change means limiting alcohol intake to two or fewer drinks a day. Women are advised to abstain from alcohol completely.

A disease that does not respond to traditional methods of treatment and can lead to complications, in fact, may be a sign of a malignant process.

Sometimes when symptoms do not respond to treatment or worsen, it may signal some additional serious health and gastrointestinal problem.

Due to the improvement in the quality of drugs used to treat ulcers, surgery is rarely used to get rid of the disease.

Surgery should only be considered when a life-threatening complication of ulcers occurs, such as severe bleeding, perforation, or obstruction.

In some cases, even these conditions can be treated without surgery.

Recently, the treatment of ulcers with folk remedies is gaining popularity. In particular, you can use cabbage juice. Vitamin C contained in it helps in the healing of ulcers.

Some studies have proven the effectiveness of the use of fermented cabbage juice to improve the results of therapy, as it increases the level of the above vitamin.

Many people are put off by the smell of garlic. However, folk remedies also include the use of garlic, which is a powerful antibacterial agent that can prevent the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the body.

How to get rid of stomach ulcers forever? With proper treatment with medications and folk remedies, lifestyle changes and dietary recommendations, even people suffering from a chronic form of the disease can lead a normal life.

Now you know how to cure a stomach ulcer forever. If not treated promptly, GI ulcers can recur, so it's important to follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor.

Useful video

A stomach ulcer is one of the most common ailments in gastroenterology. Pathology can occur both in children and in adults. Various factors can lead to the development of an ulcer: poor nutrition, burn wounds of a chemical nature, the development of pathogens, predisposition at the genetic level. After contacting a specialist and making a diagnosis gastric ulcer drug treatment carried out with the appointment of certain groups of funds. The main task of medicines is to return the disease to the stage of stable remission.

In order for drug therapy to achieve positive results and not harm health, it is prescribed by a gastroenterologist or therapist.

Attention! Medications in the treatment of ulcers are selected by a specialist strictly on an individual basis, taking into account the age specifics of the body, well-being, previous illnesses and existing diseases, the possible manifestation of allergies and the degree of damage to the gastric mucosa.

The funds are prescribed in a complex way, since with their use it is necessary to achieve a number of goals:

  1. Destroy the detected bacteria.
  2. Reduce or increase the acidity of gastric juice.
  3. Protect mucous membranes.
  4. Regenerate damaged tissue.
  5. Restore the work of digestion.
  6. Normalize peristalsis.
  7. Remove unpleasant side effects of the disease - nausea, vomiting.

Drug treatment is carried out using 3 groups of medicines:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Histamine receptor blockers.
  3. proton pump inhibitors.

Drug therapy is indicated if:

  • the acute course of pathology is expressed;
  • there is no improvement with a long and strict diet, after taking drugs like Festal;
  • clear progression of clinical signs;
  • pathology is provoked by a virus;
  • there are intense pains that do not stop after the use of alternative methods of treatment;
  • A stable remission has been achieved, measures are being taken to prevent ulcers with medications.

Video - Stomach ulcer

Therapeutic plan for peptic ulcer

When the pathology is provoked by helicobacter pylori, the treatment process often takes place in 2 stages.

Stage #1

The duration of the course is one week. During this period, the patient is prescribed a complex of the 3 most effective drugs, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by laboratory tests.

  1. Two antibiotics.
  2. proton pump inhibitor.

From antibacterial drugs are isolated:

  • Clarithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Metronidazole.

To reduce acidity and suppress the production of hydrochloric acid, prescribe:

  • Lansoprazole;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Rabeprazole;
  • Nexium.

If the patient cannot take inhibitors, they are exchanged for a means of similar effects. These are blockers of H2-histamine receptors.

  1. Ranitidine.
  2. Nizatidine.
  3. Famotidine.

The required dose of the drug is prescribed only by the doctor in each specific situation.

Attention! The task of treatment at the initial stage is to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment is successful in 90% of cases.

Stage #2

The duration of this course is 2 weeks. It is required if, after the initial week of treatment, Helicobacter pylori is still present in the stomach. To overcome them, antibacterial agents, PPI, gastroprotector are used ( Metronidazole with tetracycline, from IPP - Omeprazole, Rabeprazole and medicines containing bismuth - Vikair, Vikalin, De-Nol).

Thanks to these medicines, the walls of the stomach are enveloped, a protective film is created, which allows not only to reduce the aggressive influence of negative factors, but also to reduce pain. In addition, the drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect.

At both stages of treatment, probiotics are prescribed, which contribute to the restoration of the intestinal microflora, since an imbalance may occur during antibiotic therapy.

Effective probiotics include:

  • Linex;
  • Bifiform;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

In the process of curing an ulcer, it is mandatory to prescribe drugs that relieve inflammation, spasms, which anesthetize, heal wounds, have an antiemetic effect, as well as drugs that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms and speed up the healing process.

Ulcerative pathology is quite individual, has different indicators of acidity and often leads to complications from other organs. In addition, antibiotic therapy is almost always accompanied by side effects in the form of pain and indigestion. Therefore, it is important, if possible, to treat the disease in stationary conditions, under the supervision of doctors.

Video - Auxiliary folk remedies for the treatment of stomach ulcers

The main groups of drugs

Medicines for gastric ulcer are divided into separate groups, which differ in the principle of action.

Medicine groupmedicinal productImpact
Agents that fight bacteriaDe-nol
Eliminate pathogenic microorganisms
Preparations for the regulation of hyperacidityBlockers:



Thanks to blockers and inhibitors, the excess release of hydrochloric acid and the production of the pepsin enzyme are corrected. Antacids protect the mucosa from the action of pepsin
Means accelerate the process of excretion of processed food, adjusting motor skills
Have an analgesic effect
Selective anticholinergicsAtropine
They help to increase the duration of exposure to antacids, reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, relax the muscles of the intestines and stomach

Antibacterial drugs

Antimicrobial drugs destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of: gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers. Most often, antibiotic therapy is required. The drugs are prescribed in tablets and in the form of injections.


It is a semi-synthetic agent, has resistance to the influence of hydrochloric acid. The drug has fast digestibility and good distribution in tissues. Due to these properties, the drug effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms.

The daily dosage of the drug is 0.25-1 g. The course of therapy is set individually, based on the general well-being of the patient.


The drug has a wide spectrum of action, being an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent. Its action is aimed at the destruction of pathogens.

When taking Metronidazole, you should not drink alcohol, because there is an active reaction between substances, which can cause sad consequences.

Daily dosage - 1000 mg. The medication is taken regardless of the meal. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.


An antibacterial drug that has a bacteriostatic effect on various types of bacteria, among which Helicobacter pylori is present. The drug prevents the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Belongs to the penicillin series. The drug is taken 10-15 minutes before a meal. The daily dosage is 500 mg to be taken at a time. With a complicated form of pathology, the dosage can be increased to 1 g. The course of treatment is set individually.

Histamine receptor blockers

This group is used as a blockage of excessive secretory work of the glands in the walls of the stomach.

Medicines take part in the blocking of parietal cells responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice enzymes.


The use of the drug helps to restore the pH balance, reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid produced, and also protects damaged walls throughout the day.

Assign 150 mg of the drug twice a day, or 300 mg 1 time per day. The course of therapy is 4-8 weeks.


For 12 hours after use, it has a depressing effect on the production of gastric juice, reducing the effect of enzymes that provoke an increase in acidity.

To prevent the development of stomach ulcers, patients are prescribed 150 mg once a day. In the treatment of pathology - 150 mg twice a day.

proton pump inhibitors

A group of agents reduces the excess production of hydrochloric acid, which leads to a dulling of the symptoms of inflammation.


Reduces the secretion of gastric juice, has a detrimental effect on bacteria. In the treatment of pathology, patients are prescribed 20 mg once a day. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.


It does not allow hydrochloric acid to be produced and enter the stomach cavity. The daily dosage is 30 mg. The course of treatment is 8 weeks.


Such medicines protect the mucous membrane, relieve pain and other signs of the inflammatory process.


It is a powerful reparant and cytoprotector. The drug helps to restore the gastric mucosa, heals ulcers and improves cell metabolism. Solcoseryl is prescribed at the stage of remission after active antimicrobial treatment.

It is prescribed in injections. The dosage is set individually, based on the history and neglect of the pathology. The course of therapy varies within 30-60 days.


The dosage and course of administration is set individually, based on the individual characteristics of the organism, the age of the patient and the neglect of the pathology. Most often, the dosage is as follows:


If the pain is severe, painkillers are prescribed. It is impossible to take such funds on your own, since in this way it is possible to complicate the correct diagnosis and provoke adverse consequences.


It helps to briefly relieve pain, relax the muscles of internal organs and expand blood vessels. If the pain is severe, then the effect of it is small. The dosage is appointed individually.


One of the most popular painkillers is No-shpa.

One of the most popular pain relievers. No-shpa helps to block the absorption of calcium by cells, as a result of which muscle relaxation occurs, and spasms go away. The dosage is appointed individually.

In case of a stomach ulcer, treatment with drugs should take place only under the supervision of a specialist. Self-therapy can lead to adverse consequences and further aggravate the patient's well-being. study the link.