Dental treatment in pregnant women. Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth

Many expectant mothers are faced with the need to visit the dentist. Naturally, this causes fear and many questions. Is dental treatment allowed during pregnancy? Will it harm the unborn baby? What to do if you are worried about acute toothache? Is anesthesia harmful?

It must be said right away that dental treatment during pregnancy is a normal practice. A tooth not cured in time is a gateway for infection, which weakens the body of the expectant mother and can harm the baby. Therefore, it is ideal to visit a dentist even when planning the conception of a child. But it is possible to treat teeth during the bearing of the baby, if certain care is taken.

Dental treatment during early pregnancy

Being in the position of mommy, she must be examined by several doctors, including a dentist. The objective of the examination is to identify risk factors. At the reception, it will either turn out that everything is in order, or the doctor will find some problems - most often it is caries or inflammation of the gums.

First trimester

The first trimester is very important for the development of the baby. In the first three months, all the main organs are laid down, therefore, during this period, doctors recommend refraining from using medications. It is also undesirable to take an aiming picture. It is also strictly forbidden to do an orthopantomogram.

Be sure to tell your doctor about your situation and consult with him. Treatment of caries does not affect the nerve, it does not hurt, therefore, with superficial and medium caries, treatment can be carried out without anesthesia. Or it may be delayed for a safer period.

Second trimester

This trimester is the safest in terms of medical interventions. During this period, it is already possible to carry out a full-fledged treatment of caries and pulpitis, and even remove a tooth under local anesthesia. An exception - perhaps, the removal of "wisdom teeth" and other "complex" tooth extractions - it is better to postpone them.

third trimester

In the later stages, the expectant mother should avoid unnecessary shocks, especially if there are any problems with bearing. But if you take the trip to the dentist calmly, you can treat your teeth during this period as well.

Anesthesia in the treatment of teeth in position

Local anesthesia is used for dental treatment. It does not have a significant effect on the fetus, and therefore can be safely used even in pregnant women. Naturally, if you were going to undergo dental treatment using sedation or anesthesia, it will have to be postponed.

It is recommended to treat your teeth at the dentist at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. However, it happens that the help of a doctor is required while carrying a baby. A lost filling, a chipped tooth, gum disease and other problems require urgent intervention, as they threaten complications and more expensive treatment in the future. There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor for the postpartum period, because then the young mother will have much less time for herself.

Is it necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy?

When carrying a baby, the condition of the teeth may worsen already in the first trimester due to hormonal changes. An increased level of progesterone leads to increased blood supply to body tissues, including the gums. They become loose, which provokes gingivitis, stomatitis, exacerbation of caries. With poor oral hygiene and poor heredity, teeth quickly deteriorate and fall out. Their enamel becomes sensitive to hot, cold, sour foods.

Hormones also affect the amount and pH of saliva. It becomes more, the balance shifts towards acidity. In the absence of preventive and therapeutic measures, hard plaque and tartar quickly form, due to which you can lose teeth. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, there is a lack of calcium, which also leads to tooth decay.

Expectant mothers are wondering whether treatment and prosthetics are necessary during gestation, or whether these procedures can be postponed. Doctors recommend coming for check-ups at least once every three meters, or with specific complaints. The decision on dental intervention is made individually, based on the problem and condition of the pregnant woman. Often manipulations are carried out immediately, using local anesthesia. Sometimes treatment is delayed until the postpartum months.

When is the best time to go to the doctor?

A dental examination is mandatory when registering during pregnancy (for a period of 6-12 weeks). If nothing bothers the expectant mother until this time, you can not go to the doctor. During the examination, the doctor may identify:

Also, the expectant mother should consult a doctor with acute and aching pain. In this case, pulpitis or periodontitis is diagnosed (complications of caries that gradually affect neighboring tissues). In severe situations, periostitis and osteomyelitis are possible - severe purulent processes that are observed in the absence of treatment for caries complications.

If dental problems are identified, the doctor conducts sanitation, which is recorded in the pregnant woman's card. In difficult cases, treatment is carried out immediately. If possible, the procedure is postponed to the second trimester. At this time, the placenta is formed, which protects the baby from the effects of anesthesia. Early toxicosis passes, and the expectant mother feels good, she can sit in the chair for the allotted time.

1 trimester

In the 1st trimester, the organs and tissues of the fetus are laid. It is highly undesirable to treat teeth until the fertilized egg is fixed. The excitement and stress of the expectant mother, as well as the anesthetics used, also affect the health of the fetus, and can provoke an early miscarriage. Dental intervention is also undesirable within 8-12 weeks.

If possible, fillings are postponed to the second trimester. An exception is made for acute pain, pulpitis, periodontitis, which cannot be ignored. As a freeze in the first trimester, "Ultracain" often acts - the safest drug for the fetus. Lidocaine, popular in dentistry, is not used because it leads to increased blood pressure and heart palpitations.

2 trimester

In the second trimester, dental diseases are prevented and teeth are treated, the condition of which threatens to worsen at 30-38 weeks. If there is no risk, manipulations are postponed by the dentist for the postpartum months. Small pockets of caries can be cured without an injection. The doctor carefully removes the lesion with a drill and places a filling without touching the nerve endings. Thanks to modern equipment, filling is painless and comfortable.

3rd trimester

The period of intensive growth of the fetus, in which the expectant mother experiences increasing fatigue. In the prone or half-sitting position, the pressure of the fetus on the inferior vena cava, the aorta, increases, which leads to a strong heartbeat, migraine, and sometimes even loss of consciousness. The sensitivity of the uterus to external influences increases, which sometimes leads to premature birth.

Treatment in the third trimester is indicated in extreme cases (it is desirable to carry out manipulations up to 36 weeks):

  • irreversible processes in which it is important to remove dead tissue;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • unbearable pain.

What procedures do not affect the fetus?

Dental treatment while expecting a child is not dangerous. At the appointment, the expectant mother should tell the doctor at what stage of pregnancy she is, inform about her state of health and the medications she takes. The information will allow the doctor to choose the optimal treatment tactics.

Pregnant women are allowed to remove soft plaque, fill teeth, treat gum disease, gumboil, pulpitis and periodontitis, and remove teeth. The issue of prosthetics is solved individually.

It is important not to give up anesthesia and not to endure pain, especially when treating teeth for long periods (35-36 weeks). The pain leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood, which increases the tone of the uterus. This negatively affects the condition of the fetus.

Permitted types of anesthesia

When prescribing an anesthetic, the dentist will take into account the allergic reaction of the expectant mother to medications. With increased pressure, Novocain is allowed (we recommend reading: how to use Novocain for toothache?). If the pain bothers at home, you can take "No-shpu", "Spasmalgon", "Paracetamol", "Nurofen" in the doses recommended by the doctor. It is forbidden to use "Lidocaine", "Septanest", "Imudon", "Sodium Fluoride" during any period of pregnancy. Drugs can lead to pathology, adversely affect the fetus.

Can an X-ray be taken?

Ultrasound of the teeth of pregnant women is not performed. To assess their condition, the doctor uses an x-ray, which shows the location and condition of the roots, dental canals, hidden carious cavities. The procedure is done after 12 weeks using radiovisiographs - modern devices that give the minimum dose of radiation. In this case, the patient is covered with a lead apron, a highly sensitive film is used, and the necessary pictures are taken at the same time.

Removal of a tooth

Extraction of teeth is an extreme measure, which is resorted to only in the most serious cases. Thanks to modern anesthetics, the procedure is painless, but very exciting for the expectant mother. In order for the hole to heal quickly and correctly, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations for caring for the oral cavity after surgery. You can remove teeth according to indications at any time. The anesthetic "Lidocaine", popular in dentistry, is not used in this case. It can disrupt the pressure and work of the heart, lead to shortness of breath, vomiting, rash, migraine.

caries treatment

Crown caries and its complications negatively affect the course of pregnancy, become a source of infection, purulent inflammation and pain. By themselves, pain does not affect the fetus, but leads to discomfort for the mother, which is transmitted to the baby. With an infection and an inflammatory process it is much more difficult. They can lead to various pathologies.

Caries during pregnancy is treated at any time, but better in the second trimester. When depulping and complicated forms, anesthesia is used. The use of arsenic is unacceptable. There are no restrictions on the choice of fillings. The doctor will select either chemical filling materials or light-curing fillings.

Can crowns be placed?

Dental prosthetics during pregnancy has no contraindications. Dentists-orthopedists carry out manipulations painlessly and safely for health. However, it is important to remember that the gums are swollen during this period, and the casts may be incorrect. This will lead to discomfort during the installation and operation of finished prostheses. Whether it is possible to insert teeth, put veneers and onlays, and from how many months to do this, the orthopedist will determine during an individual consultation.

Other restrictions to be aware of

A number of dental procedures are prohibited for pregnant women. Among them:

  • orthodontic treatment (undesirable installation of braces, bite correction, normalization of the functions of the dentoalveolar system);
  • teeth whitening;
  • implantation and other manipulations where general anesthesia is required;
  • removal of tartar with highly abrasive and chemical devices.

It is highly undesirable during the embroidery period to remove the “eights” (wisdom teeth). It is often accompanied by swelling, bleeding and other complications, after which you need to drink antibiotics. The removal time is agreed with the gynecologist.

This may be the 2nd or 3rd trimester, when the freezing is not reflected in the intrauterine development of the fetus. They tear a crookedly growing tooth, which interferes with the neighboring one and causes inflammation of the gums, as well as “eights” with deep caries of the crown.

Prevention of dental diseases

Healthy teeth during pregnancy are the result of competent care and timely preventive treatment. To save them and forget what caries, gingivitis, dental cyst are, you should follow the recommendations:

  • brushing teeth 2 times a day using a brush and paste selected by the doctor;
  • use of dental floss;
  • thorough rinsing of the mouth after vomiting caused by toxicosis;
  • a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus;
  • to strengthen the gums will allow a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, oregano for rinsing;
  • taking vitamins of groups A, C, D, E and mineral complexes for pregnant women;
  • self-massage of gums and teeth.

The future dad should also go through the sanitation of the oral cavity. Dentists explain why this is necessary. Rotten teeth and unhealthy gums are a hotbed of infection that can be passed on to a newborn. Close contact with the baby (hugging, rocking, kissing) is acceptable only with healthy teeth.

toothache during pregnancy, dental anesthesia during pregnancy, teeth extraction during pregnancy, x-ray of a tooth during pregnancy, anesthesia during pregnancy, caries during pregnancy

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who has not learned from his own experience what a toothache is. And those who have come across it know that sometimes it is difficult to wait until the morning to be in the dentist's chair as soon as possible. What can we say about leaving the thought of treatment for several months - a toothache during pregnancy does not wait and does not endure, but forces you to take the most urgent measures.

To begin with, we note the ideal option when a toothache never bothers you. This is quite realistic and easy to implement. All you have to do is go to a good doctor, treat everything that can ever bother you, and then go to preventive occupational hygiene appointments twice a year. With such a development of events, even the smallest caries will not leave the eyes of an attentive doctor. Of course, it is best to treat your teeth before pregnancy, without waiting for piercing unbearable pain.

And even if there was a pregnancy, it is still worth going to the dentist as planned, but not at an early stage, but in the second trimester. It is this time that is considered ideal for full dental treatment during pregnancy.

What to do if you have a toothache during pregnancy?

If you have a toothache during pregnancy, it would be good to know the contacts of a trusted doctor. It is very important. If you don’t have such a person in mind yet, make sure in advance that you have someone to call in case of acute toothache during pregnancy. A pregnant woman is an object of increased attention for a doctor, and to be honest, this is not an easy patient at all. Your main task as a patient is not to lose your head at the moment of severe toothache and try to find a trusted doctor through your friends and acquaintances, whom you can contact, and not run headlong to the nearest dental office. This is really very important.

Toothache during pregnancy: what can hurt?

Modern medicines and drugs are quite neutral, so that full-fledged dental treatment during pregnancy can be carried out. Once again, the ideal time for a scheduled visit is the second trimester, just because it is the most stable and predictable. But this rule does not apply to acute toothache during pregnancy and treatment can be carried out when necessary. An unshakable medical rule works here: treatment is justified when the benefit from it is greater than the expected harm. So, during pregnancy, you got a toothache. The first thought is probably caries. We note right away that a small, barely noticeable, new caries does not give painful sensations. What hurts you, for sure, has been with you for a long time. Perhaps it pulpitis or periodontitis. In any case, this is a kind of permanent inflammation and a source of infection in the body of a pregnant woman. What is better: the alleged harm from the treatment or the focus of decay and constant reproduction of bacteria in the mouth? For any doctor, the answer is obvious. Therefore, the question of treating or not treating teeth during pregnancy is not worth it for him. Definitely treat!

Any inflammatory process in the body, including those in the oral cavity, provokes an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood. Surely, this will be confirmed by a general blood test, which all expectant mothers regularly have to take. Here we are talking not only about acute inflammations that hurt, worry and do not let us forget about ourselves, here we are talking about chronic processes that can only be diagnosed. Without it, the doctor can only make a preliminary diagnosis. All of the above also sounds in favor of visiting a dentist before pregnancy. But if this did not work out, be sure to visit a specialist during pregnancy in order to get ahead of the pain and plan possible treatment before childbirth. However, if necessary, most dental procedures can be performed during the entire nine months.

Dental anesthesia during pregnancy

Let's start with dental anesthesia during pregnancy. It is often impossible to do without it. Good anesthesia is the basis of any treatment. If the patient is in pain, the doctor is unlikely to be able to carry out all the manipulations with high quality. For successful treatment, the doctor needs a calm, relaxed patient with a wide open mouth. And this is possible only in the absence of pain. Only extremely rare cases of allergies can force a doctor to refuse an injection with an anesthetic. Next, we answer the main question: is it possible to use anesthesia during pregnancy? So, in the arsenal of dentists there are modern painkillers that are not contraindicated for pregnant women. These drugs are not toxic and are quickly excreted from the body. And most importantly, they do not pass the hemoplacental barrier, and, accordingly, are safe for the child. Before taking it, you must definitely tell the dentist about the features of your situation, about possible allergies or reactions to anesthesia. If the doctor deals with the usual caries during pregnancy, the treatment will be simple and quick. All manipulations (tooth treatment, drying, installation and “illumination” of the filling) and preparations are used and performed at the local level and do not threaten the health of the mother and fetus.

Toothache during pregnancy: pulpitis or periodontitis?

It is a completely different matter when most of the tooth tissues are affected by caries, the pain is unbearable, and at the appointment the doctor states: “You have pulpitis.” Surely, many of you have experienced this sharp, throbbing toothache. Not only does it occur unexpectedly, it is rarely possible to drown it out with painkillers. The tooth hurts day and night, and nothing helps ... If you are deprived of sleep by such a severe toothache during pregnancy, the question of caries is no longer an issue, most likely, you are faced with another problem. These symptoms are united by the disease "pulpitis" - inflammation of the neurovascular bundle in the tooth. Also, pulpitis can be characterized by pain when biting on a tooth. It is aching, dull or pulling, making it simply impossible to eat. Importantly, pulpitis always begins with a slight caries. Most often, the diseased tooth has already been treated, and it seems to you that there is nothing to hurt there.

In the case of pulpitis, when the neurovascular bundle in the tooth becomes inflamed, and periodontitis, when inflammation passes from the root canal to the bone surrounding the tooth, root canal treatment is the main measure in eliminating this disease. The doctor finds all the root canals in the tooth, expands them, disinfects and hermetically seals the tops of the root. The modern method of treating pulpitis and periodontitis is carried out in one or two visits to the doctor. Without fail, root canal treatment is carried out under the influence of anesthesia. It should be noted that high-quality root canal treatment is simply impossible without X-ray examination. As a rule, the doctor takes at least three pictures during treatment - before, during the procedure and after it. This is necessary to make sure that all the channels are found, "passed" along the entire length and there is no source of bacteria breeding inside the tooth. At the end of the manipulations for a pregnant woman, the doctor will put a calcium-containing preparation in the tooth cavity, put a temporary filling and invite you to an appointment after childbirth. It is important to understand here: if the treatment of pulpitis or periodontitis has stopped at an intermediate stage, do not delay visiting a doctor after the birth of a child. The temporary filling is not reliable. It should be replaced with a permanent one as soon as possible.

X-ray of a tooth during pregnancy

It is known and proven that X-rays in large quantities adversely affect the human body. However, this does not apply to modern dentistry. To take a picture in the dental office, microdoses of X-rays are used. They are so meager that in Western dental clinics, doctors and assistants have not used lead "aprons" for radiation protection for a long time. In modern clinics, to take a picture, you do not need to go to another room: as a rule, an x-ray is done using a visiograph - a small device that hangs on the wall right in the doctor's office. Studies have been repeatedly conducted that have proven that an x-ray image of one tooth in terms of radiation volume corresponds to two hours spent at the TV or computer screen. Now count how much time you spend in front of the screen and how much importance you attach to x-rays in dentistry. However, with all these facts in favor of modern x-rays, no sane doctor will persuade a pregnant woman to take an “extra” x-ray if there is no urgent need for it.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon. If the process in the tooth is irreversible and the treatment will only prolong the time and will not bring any benefit, the doctor decides to remove it. Important advice: if one doctor has recommended a tooth extraction for you, do not rush to agree immediately, but do not delay the decision either. In the case of such recommendations, it may be worth going to another specialist, because how many doctors, so many opinions. One dentist can only remove, and the other will try to save and restore the tooth. However, if the situation is obvious and the tooth is to be removed, unambiguously agree. Save the focus of inflammation and infection - harm the health of the mother and the unborn child. After the operation, when the anesthesia wears off, you will most likely have a difficult time. There will be discomfort at the site of the operation, possibly even pain. Pregnant women are not recommended to take any painkillers. In case of acute pain - only paracetamol. After removal, also depending on the initial situation, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic therapy. This is necessary for the final elimination of the infection. Knowing about your situation, the doctor will select a group of antibiotics that is safe for the expectant mother. Here the conclusion suggests itself - you should not pull to such a situation that you will have to remove your teeth during pregnancy and drink antibiotics once again. Take care of them ahead of time, visit the dentist as a preventive measure and do not forget about good hygiene.

Dental hygiene during pregnancy

Proper oral hygiene during pregnancy is just as important as visiting the dentist on time. The changing hormonal background brings with it many problems. Expectant mothers who have regularly looked after their teeth all their lives are unlikely to be affected by such problems. Pregnancy will bring inconvenience to those who went to the dentist only because of severe pain. Swollen gums, blood on your toothbrush, and bad breath... If you're familiar with these problems, chances are you've experienced gingivitis of pregnant women. Just this disease has a hormonal basis. During pregnancy, the blood supply to the mucous membranes of the body changes. As a result, the periodontal papillae (the area of ​​the gum between the teeth) may slightly increase. And most importantly, poor oral hygiene stimulates the growth of bacteria. The result is gingivitis. At this point, special attention should be paid to oral hygiene. With proper care and taking into account hormonal changes, gingivitis is likely to go away soon after childbirth. But if the situation in the mouth is neglected, hormonal changes in a woman's body can give rise to more serious problems. If you have signs of gingivitis, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. The dentist will conduct a professional cleaning of the teeth, prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy and recommend maintaining high-quality hygiene. If you do not know how to do this, do not hesitate to ask a specialist right at the reception. The doctor will definitely tell you about the correct technique for brushing your teeth and about various devices and tools that will help maintain dental hygiene at the proper level at home (irrigators, dental floss, etc.).

Most people put off getting their teeth done until the very last minute. Unfortunately, only the most acute unbearable pain pushes them to go to the doctor. There are many reasons for this: both the peculiarity of the Russian character, and the childhood psychological trauma associated with the dentist, and the absence of a truly personal doctor. It shouldn't be like that. If you visit the dentist on time, your teeth will never hurt. And the well-known proverb about a lost tooth for every child will not work with you.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


During pregnancy, the expectant mother always has enough reasons to worry. And the most common of them are diseases that occur at a time when the range of possible drugs for treatment is significantly narrowed down to folk remedies and drugs that are "the least harmful." That is why the solution of dental problems is one of the most important steps in planning a pregnancy.

But what if you are already in position, and the tooth hurts unbearably?

Routine Dental Checkups During Pregnancy - When Should I Schedule a Dental Visit?

Pregnancy always affects the condition of the teeth. And the point is not that “the fetus sucks calcium out of the mother”, but in a powerful hormonal restructuring, as a result of which the gums become loose, and a more convenient path to the teeth opens up for microbes. Which, in turn, leads to stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, and so on.

Someone manages to keep their white teeth safe and sound until the very birth, while someone begins to lose teeth one by one. Alas, it is difficult to influence the process, and much depends on the genetic predisposition to such a phenomenon.

Of course, there are other factors that affect dental health, but it is hormonal changes that remain the key one.

Video: How to treat teeth during pregnancy? — Doctor Komarovsky

Why is caries dangerous for a future mother?

As any adult knows, carious teeth are always a source of infection in the mouth. Moreover, this source can provoke not only toothache, pulpitis, flux, but also diseases of the ENT organs, kidneys, and so on.

That is, carious teeth can be dangerous for the baby himself. Especially dangerous is the infection with bacteria of the fetal waters and the crumbs themselves in the 1st trimester, when the path to the fetus is practically open to harmful microorganisms.

An infection starting from bad teeth is dangerous, and in the 3rd trimester - it can provoke early childbirth.

There is only one conclusion: there should not be sick teeth during pregnancy.

Teeth and pregnancy - when to go to the dentist?

Considering that it is extremely difficult to combine any treatment with pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend visiting a dentist at the planning stage, so that by the time the baby is conceived, the main dental problems (caries, tooth extraction, etc.) have been resolved.

But, given that a planned pregnancy is not such a frequent occurrence, the dental issue has to be resolved already in the process. Most dental procedures for the expectant mother are subject to certain restrictions, but this does not mean that you need to sit at home and rinse your mouth with onion peel decoction. With toothache and caries - run for a consultation with a doctor! And the sooner, the better.

When registering, a woman will immediately be assigned an early visit to the dentist for an examination. The next scheduled examinations fall on 30 and, and if there are problems, you will have to meet with the dentist much more often.

Video: Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Is it possible to treat the teeth of a pregnant woman, and what to do with anesthesia and x-rays?

Not every mother will risk going to the dentist if a toothache makes itself felt during pregnancy.

After hearing horror stories about the consequences of dental procedures for pregnant women, poor mothers silently suffer at home in the hope that everything will pass by itself.

But it's important to understand that...

  • Toothache is a powerful signal from the body about the development of an infection, which is worse for pregnancy than the procedure itself. Especially for up to 15 weeks.
  • Uncontrolled intake of "any" medicines for toothache is also dangerous during this period.
  • Severe pain provokes in the body the release of a hormone such as adrenaline into the blood, which, in turn, increases the tone of the body and narrows the walls of blood vessels.
  • A small caries with toothache can quickly turn into a decayed tooth that will have to be removed. A tooth extraction always requires the use of anesthesia. The use of anesthesia and the removal process itself, which is stressful for the body, remain undesirable.

Is it possible to treat the future mother's teeth?

Definitely - it is possible and necessary. But - carefully and taking into account pregnancy.

Naturally, not all anesthetics can be used in procedures. In addition, many doctors try to reduce the dosage of anesthesia or, if possible, treat teeth without it at all.

Doctors do not recommend treating teeth during this period without urgent need, because in many cases, after treatment, antibiotics are required, which also do not benefit the baby's health.

Do I need anesthesia - what about anesthesia?

According to experts, anesthesia during this period is quite acceptable - and even recommended - in order to avoid fear and pain that can cause.

As a rule, local anesthesia is necessary when drilling a tooth, when removing the pulp, when removing a tooth, and so on. Naturally, only local anesthesia is used in the treatment to avoid complications.

Modern anesthetics have a reduced concentration (or even their absence) of components with vasoconstrictive properties and do not penetrate the placental barrier. Usually, for the treatment of teeth of expectant mothers, new generation agents are used (for example, ubistezin or ultracaine), the use of which is preceded by the treatment of the gums with novocaine spray.

Are x-rays prohibited during pregnancy?

Another topical issue that worries many expectant mothers. There are real legends about the dangers of this type of radiation - and, most often, the consequences of this procedure for pregnant women are greatly exaggerated.

Modern medicine allows you to minimize the risks (especially since the radiation in this case is point, and the main part of the body is protected from radiation by a special apron), but if possible, it is better to postpone this procedure for the 2nd trimester.

It is also important to know that modern dentistry uses equipment that reduces the radiation dose by dozens of times.

Video: Dental health during pregnancy and lactation

When is the best time to go to the dentist - choose the timing and time

Dentistry in the first trimester

  • The period of the 1st trimester lasts up to 14 weeks and is the most important for pregnancy: it is during these 14 weeks that the systems and organs of the child's body are formed.
  • Up to 16 weeks, the placenta is formed (note - a child's place), and until this moment, dental treatment is categorically not recommended due to the unformed protective functions of the placenta and the particular vulnerability of the fetus to drugs and other substances. That is, the placenta up to 16 weeks is not a barrier that protects the child from harmful substances.
  • The first trimester is the most dangerous in terms of possible risks of miscarriage.
  • Procedures at this time are carried out exclusively in emergency situations, taking into account the risk of drugs for the fetus.

Dentistry in the second trimester

  • This period lasts from the 14th to the 26th week and is considered the most favorable for dental procedures.
  • The formation of the placenta was completed, the laying of organs - too. Right now it is necessary to solve dental problems, if any.

Dentistry in the third trimester

  • At this time, treatment is also not recommended.
  • The uterus is too sensitive in this period to various external stimuli, and the risk of premature birth is too high.

Features of treatment, removal and prosthetics of teeth during pregnancy

There can be many reasons for going to the dentist for a future mother. But - if, for example, teeth whitening and other aesthetic procedures can be postponed until "after childbirth", then emergency cases require an immediate resolution of the issue.

  1. Sealing. It is clear that a tooth that has a “hollow” during pregnancy can come into a state that requires removal, so the question of whether to put a filling or not is not even worth it. Usually, the treatment of superficial caries does not even require anesthesia, but deep caries is eliminated with the help of a drill and a “nerve-killing” substance. The filling is placed temporarily, and after a few days - and permanent. Absolutely everything can be used during pregnancy, but painkillers should be chosen from the list of the safest.
  2. Removal of a tooth. If this procedure cannot be postponed for the 2nd trimester, and the pain is too strong, and the tooth is so bad that there is nothing left to save, then the removal is carried out with the safest local anesthesia after radiography. In this case, the care of the area at the site of the extracted tooth is of particular importance. The most difficult procedure is the removal of a wisdom tooth, which requires the appointment of an antibiotic and is often accompanied by various complications. If the tooth is destroyed, but there is no pain and inflammation, it is recommended to regularly apply preventive measures aimed at protecting against inflammation, and “pull” until the period in which tooth extraction becomes safe.
  3. Prosthetics. This procedure is also recommended to be postponed for a safe period. Of course, walking without teeth is not very pleasant, but if the chosen type of prosthetics involves the implantation of implants, then the procedure can become risky for the course of pregnancy. Other types of prosthetics are quite acceptable and have no contraindications.

Acute toothache during pregnancy - what to do if a pregnant woman suddenly has a toothache?

No one plans a toothache, and it always arises suddenly and powerfully, shaking out the last strength and forcing even categorical opponents of drugs to take painkillers in general.

Expectant mothers have the hardest time of all, the range of drugs for which in this period is narrowed to a few units (and it is better not to take them without urgent need).

What should a future mother do with a toothache?

First of all, see a doctor. If the problem “tolerates”, then the doctor will recommend the available means of treatment, but if the problem cannot be postponed (for example, the flux is about to burst), then he will help to quickly solve it.

As for acceptable methods of treatment at home (after all, a tooth can ache at night when clinics are closed), they include the following remedies:

  • Paracetamol and no-shpa, as well as spasmalgon or ibuprofen-based products. With their help, you can relieve spasms of blood vessels, relax muscles and soothe pain. It is recommended to consult your doctor in advance about the use of these medicines in case of toothache. Self-prescription of any drugs during this period is a strong risk!
  • Compress with propolis. Carefully soak the cotton turunda with melted propolis and then apply it to the aching tooth. Instead of propolis, in its absence, you can use sea buckthorn or fir oil.
  • Tooth rinse. Knead in warm boiled water, 1 tsp of soda and salt, rinse your mouth with a solution up to 5-8 times a day.
  • Rinse with a decoction of herbs. We brew a couple of glasses of boiling water for a teaspoon of chamomile, sage and medicinal marigold. Rinse your mouth with this decoction. Use herbal infusions inside during pregnancy should be extremely careful: many of them provoke uterine contractions.

And, of course, remember the main thing: it is much easier to prevent inflammation than to urgently treat teeth during pregnancy.

There is a misconception that dental treatment during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. But doctors say otherwise. Carrying out therapy during the bearing of a child is not only not prohibited, but also extremely necessary. Just for this, there are certain deadlines and precautions.

What threatens neglected caries?

The statement of experts that dental treatment is a necessary procedure is not groundless. The presence of carious cavities and other foci of infection at least leads to deterioration already existing dental pathologies.

But this is not the most dangerous. The infection can spread throughout the body, leading to systemic complications.

Suffer first gastrointestinal tract, since the infection from the mouth quickly enters the esophagus and stomach. This can lead to gastritis, intestinal dysfunction, and late toxicosis. As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed, which negatively affects the development and growth of the fetus.

Often, in the presence of dental diseases, a child is born with a small body weight.

If the focus of the disease is located near the periodontium or bone tissue, then the infection can lead to complete loss of teeth. The infection can enter the bloodstream and provoke inflammation of the organs or cause general intoxication organism.

Studies have shown that caries-causing bacteria are a common cause of premature birth.

Therapy in the first trimester

The first trimester is one of the important stages of pregnancy, during which dental treatment is carried out using anesthetic drugs extremely undesirable. During this period, the laying and development of all organs of the fetus.

An incompletely formed placenta is not able to provide high-quality protection for the fetus. Any exposure to medications can lead to pathological violation of the formation his internal organs.

At this time interval, treatment is carried out only in case of acute manifestations of the disease, for example, periodontitis, pulpitis, which threaten complication in the form of a purulent infection. In the chronic course of the disease, treatment is recommended to be postponed until a more favorable period.

Therapy in the second trimester

The second trimester is the most auspicious time for treatment, as the risk of negative effects is minimized. By the beginning of this period, the woman's body gets used to the new state and becomes stronger.

The placenta, which acts as a barrier and prevents the penetration of foreign substances to the fetus, is fully formed.

At this stage allowed treat acute and chronic dental pathologies with the use of anesthetics local action, which no adrenaline or its presence is reduced to a minimum dosage.

Before therapy can conduct research using x-ray equipment(visiograph), only in this case it is necessary to use a special protective apron.

Conduct implantation in the 2nd trimester Not recommended, as these procedures require the use of a large number of medications.

Therapy in the third trimester

Just like the first trimester, the third is to not the most favorable period for dental treatment. At this time, the muscles of the uterus become as sensitive as possible and react to any impact with an increase in tone.

Anesthesia drugs have the same effect. In most cases, they contain a minimal dose of adrenaline, which increases the tone of the uterus, which increases the risk of preterm labor.

In case of urgent intervention during therapy, the woman should be in the supine position, as the fetus strongly presses on the main aorta and can cause increased pressure and loss of consciousness.

What diseases must be eliminated?

Not always the dentist is ready to take up the treatment of diseases during pregnancy. The main indications for therapy are the following pathologies:

  • Caries. Even with a small caries lesion, the infection penetrates the gastrointestinal tract and causes its dysfunction. In addition, in the presence of cavities, the quality of chewing food deteriorates significantly, which increases the load on the stomach.

    With a deep lesion, the infection can penetrate into the bone tissue, leading to its inflammation and loss of the crown.

  • Periodontitis and/or pulpitis. Act as a complication after caries. A problem that is not stopped in a timely manner leads to the occurrence of a purulent infection, which can lead to the development of sepsis.
  • Odontogenic periostitis- characterized by inflammation of the periosteal tissue. Complete loss of a tooth is a complication.
  • Parodontosis, periodontitis. They cause pathologies of the heart, joints and general intoxication of the body.
  • Stomatitis- a dangerous pathology, which is often accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body up to a steady increase in temperature and severe intoxication. The disease can cause pathological development of internal organs or fetal death.
  • Gingivitis- inflammation of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity. It leads to a general decrease in immunity and the addition of other dental pathologies.

In addition to the listed diseases, during the period of bearing a child can conduct simple tooth extraction(except for the last molars, which most often require complex extraction).

It is also possible to install orthodontic structures ( braces) and prosthetics with minimal use of medications.

Pain medications

The choice of drug for setting anesthesia plays an important role during the period of gestation. Preference is given to funds with a minimum content of adrenaline.

Usually, small dosage such a drug should not affect the uterus and penetrate the placental barrier, having a negative effect on the fetus.

Only a few drugs meet these requirements:

  • Ultracain. It is a colorless solution, the active ingredients of which are articaine and epinephrine. As auxiliary components, the product included: sodium metabisulfate, purified water, sodium chloride.

    The drug is fast-acting - the effect of anesthesia occurs within 2 minutes after the injection and lasts up to 45 minutes. It does not have a depressing effect on the vascular system and the heart, but is prohibited in glaucoma, kidney pathology, and severe hypoxia.

    It is also worth remembering the side effects of the drug: urticaria, lowering blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbance. The drug is sold in special cartridges (carpules) intended for use only with a special syringe.

    This injection system is painless. After the introduction of ultracaine, the syringe along with the carpula are destroyed. The cost of one cartridge of this tool is from 45 to 90 rubles.

  • Primakain. This is a combined anesthetic, which included epinephrine and articaine. The main difference of this drug is its short half-life, thanks to which it can be used for children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

    After the injection, primacaine begins to act after 30 seconds. The action lasts about 40 minutes. The drug is contraindicated in heart disease, anemia, renal failure, high blood pressure.

    Last trimester its use may lead to bleeding. The average cost of funds is 80 rubles.

  • Ubistezin. The main active ingredients are articaine, epinephrine. Additional components: sodium sulfite, water for injections. Like other drugs of the articaine series, it has an anesthetic effect 1 minute after administration and retains it for up to 45 minutes.

    The drug has practically no negative effect on the heart. In rare cases, there is a slight increase in pressure and a rapid heartbeat.

    Contraindications are kidney disease, hypertension, tachycardia. Ubistezin can be purchased for about 40 rubles.

  • Septanest. The main components of articaine and adrenalin. It has a minimal vasoconstrictive effect and does not adversely affect the functioning of the heart.

    The maximum analgesic effect occurs three minutes after the injection and lasts about an hour. The remedy is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, as it can provoke an attack of suffocation.

    Using in the first trimester may cause dizziness and loss of consciousness. The average market cost of one ampoule of funds is about 60 rubles.


Therapy without injection

It is not always necessary to use anesthetics during dental treatment. In some cases, you can do without anesthesia. Even if therapy is carried out in the safest period, the risk of negative effects of medications on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus always remains.

Therefore, with pathologies in the initial stage, they try not to use anesthesia. As a rule, with this treatment, pain is absent. Instead, they can only manifest discomfort.

If the patient is not able to calmly endure discomfort, it can be used local anesthesia spray or gel.

In situations where the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, it is recommended to use anesthetic drugs, since in some cases pain can have a greater negative effect than the drugs used.


Dental care during pregnancy is a necessary procedure. The method used in this case will depend on the pathology and the degree of its neglect. No dentist will resort to treatment with anesthesia, unless there are certain indications.

The use of painkillers will be justified only if the harm from the pathology exceeds the negative effect of anesthetics.

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  • Daria Gikst

    September 9, 2016 at 03:25 pm

    Quite recently, a couple of months ago, I became a mother and the question of dental treatment arose for me. I can say with confidence that pregnancy is not a sentence and not a reason not to visit a dentist. I am not a doctor, but at an elementary level understandable to an ordinary person, I can make an unambiguous conclusion that the drugs used for pain relief are not more harmful than all those factors that no pregnant woman is insured against: ecology; the quality of store products (in the manufacture of which God knows what they use). And it is better to cure the teeth before the birth of the baby than he will receive a dose of harm from his mother's diseased teeth. Moreover, medicine has stepped far ahead and converges to a minimum of painful procedures.

  • Olga

    September 11, 2016 at 2:55 am

    I treated my teeth at the dentist during pregnancy, the doctor assured me that anesthesia would not affect the child in any way, and I believed him. The main thing is not to be too nervous in the dentist's chair, this can affect the child. So I tried to calm down and distract myself, think about something good. Of course, X-rays also needed to be done, but I was afraid and postponed this procedure. But now more than a year has passed after the birth of the child and I still have not taken an x-ray, so they say correctly that after you give birth there will be no time to go to the doctors. This is one of the reasons for dental treatment during pregnancy.

  • Lisa

    November 7, 2016 at 03:06 pm

    When I was pregnant, dental treatment didn't seem very important to me. In principle, everything was fine with my teeth, but somewhere in the sixth month, one of the teeth began to crumble and, as a result, almost nothing was left of the tooth. I didn’t go to see a dentist, but somehow a conversation about this incident came up with my gynecologist, how much he scolded me that I didn’t immediately go to treat a tooth. My second trimester was almost over and I still went to the dentist, the tooth was affected by caries and it was difficult to save it, but I managed to save it with the use of anesthesia, the dentist explained everything to me and explained that the anesthesia he used would not harm the child, but here's how since my caries would have done him enough harm. Only now it dawns on me how stupid I was ..

  • Marina

    March 2, 2017 at 5:24 am

    During pregnancy, I treated all my teeth. I turned to the dentist in the first trimester, but she advised me to start all the manipulations from the fourth month. She was treated with painkillers, fortunately, this did not affect the child in any way. As a result, she breastfed another child for almost two years and her teeth remained intact. And if she hadn’t dealt with this issue during pregnancy, then probably more than one tooth would have had to be removed. So, really, you need to do everything on time. Moreover, now there are absolutely harmless painkillers for the expectant mother and baby.