Better for migraine. What are the most effective migraine pills

Headaches are often associated with migraines. However, this symptom does not mean that a person has the disease. In fact, migraine is not a common pathology. Headaches can indicate many diseases. Among them - almost all infectious and inflammatory processes, vascular disorders, etc. What is a migraine? How to relieve pain in the head if the patient actually developed this pathology? Only a specialist can answer these questions.

What is a migraine?

The fact that a person has unpleasant sensations in the head does not always indicate the presence of such a pathology as a migraine. Home treatment is actually effective for this ailment. However, the first thing to do is to make sure that there are symptoms of a migraine, or if a person shows signs of another disease. Compared with other pathologies accompanied by a headache, with this ailment they are much more intense. Most often, discomfort occurs on one side or in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skull.

In addition, in most cases, headaches are preceded by characteristic changes in the general condition - the aura. Until now, it is not possible to find out the exact cause of the development of pathology. It is believed that migraine is caused by a genetic predisposition. Due to the lack of reliable data on the etiology of the disease, it is impossible to eliminate the cause of the disease. However, it is possible to eliminate the main symptom that migraine is characterized by. How to relieve pain, which in this pathology is so strong that it does not allow a person to concentrate on anything? There are many methods to get rid of discomfort.

Migraine symptoms in adults and children

Before asking the doctor the question: "How to treat a migraine?" - you need to know about its symptoms. The disease can take several forms. Most often there is a "classic" and "simple" migraine. In the first case, the pain syndrome is preceded by a specific condition - the aura. The classic form of migraine occurs in a third of patients. An aura is a state that occurs 20-30 minutes before an attack. It is characterized by changes in vision (loss of visual fields, temporary blindness), loss of sensitivity, flickering in the eyes. The simple form of migraine has the same clinical picture as the classical one, but no aura is observed. The symptoms of the disease include:

  1. Intolerance to loud sounds and bright lights.
  2. Severe pain on one side of the head, less often in the back of the head, forehead, temples. In some people, discomfort spreads over the entire surface of the skull. The pain has a pulsating, sharp character.
  3. Nausea not associated with eating. Vomiting is less common.
  4. Loss of energy, drowsiness.
  5. General weakness.

When these symptoms appear at intervals of 3-4 times a month, migraine should be suspected. How to relieve pain, tell a specialist in this field - a neurologist. For treatment, both folk methods and medications are used.

Mechanism of pain development in migraine

The question of how to get rid of a migraine torments everyone who has come across this ailment. After all, the main symptom of pathology is an unbearable headache. The mechanism of its occurrence is not fully understood. It is known that pain is not associated with damage to the structure of the brain. With migraine, it is considered a functional disorder. Most often, attacks are preceded by nervous strain, physical activity, menstruation, taking hormonal drugs and alcohol, changing weather conditions. As a result of any impact, the trigeminal nerve is activated. In addition, there are metabolic disorders associated with the hormone serotonin.

Migraine Treatment Methods

How to get rid of a migraine forever? Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to completely cure the disease, this is due to the fact that the causes of its development are unknown. Despite this, it is possible not only to reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, but also to reduce the frequency of attacks. To this end, various treatment methods have been developed. Among them, the following therapeutic procedures are most often used:

  1. Anesthesia with non-narcotic analgesics.
  2. Acupressure for migraine.
  3. Folk methods of treatment: the use of various infusions and decoctions.
  4. Soothing baths to reduce the intensity of pain.
  5. Triptans for migraine are drugs that affect metabolic processes in the brain. They have the action of serotonin, the functioning of which is disrupted in the presence of this pathology.
  6. The impact of magnetic installations designed to relieve migraine pain.

All these methods of treatment are used both individually and in combination. The effectiveness of this or that method is determined by the patient. In this case, the individual characteristics of the organism and the nature of the disease play an important role.

The effectiveness of massage for migraine

What to do with a migraine if there are no medications nearby? In some cases, patients do not want to take pain medications because they develop side effects or allergic reactions. In such situations, you can use other methods of treatment. One of the effective ways to relieve pain is a migraine massage.

It is known that there are points on the surface of the head, the impact on which reduces the sensitivity of the receptors. In most cases, they are located symmetrically. Head massage is performed with pressing and circular movements. The impact on one point should last about a minute. It is desirable that the massage is done by a specialist in this field. After all, wrong actions can not only be ineffective, but also harm the patient. In addition to acupressure of the head, another physical method of pain relief is also used - a mechanical effect on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands and feet. Massage points are located between the index finger and thumb.

Migraine: how to relieve pain at home

Massage is one of the ways to eliminate pain at home. In addition, there are other methods. Among them are therapeutic baths, taking infusions and decoctions, applying magnetic devices to the head. All this cannot completely defeat a migraine. Treatment at home is aimed only at relieving pain. An effective method is the constant intake of soothing infusions and decoctions. They reduce the intensity of pain, and also help prevent the development of an attack.

What to choose a folk medicine for migraine? First of all, it depends on the human body. Therefore, it is worth trying various methods of pain relief. In addition, it is necessary to normalize the daily routine, diet, exclude such harmful factors as alcohol, smoking. To reduce nervous tension to a minimum, it is recommended to take the Persen sedative, motherwort or valerian tincture. It is also necessary to treat inflammatory diseases of the internal organs in a timely manner, as they can provoke migraine attacks and affect the emotional state.

Folk methods include: applying cabbage leaves, lilacs to the head, ingestion of a decoction of clover, hawthorn, shepherd's purse, potato juice. An infusion of Siberian elder flowers is considered effective. In addition to decoctions of herbs, green tea, currant and viburnum juice relieves pain.

How to get rid of migraine without medication? If there are contraindications to taking medications or the patient cannot afford them, then the patient can try the following methods:

  1. Normalize the daily routine. Spend more time outdoors, relax, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Eliminate stressful situations, if possible - do not enter into conflicts, change jobs (if the field of activity provokes migraine attacks).
  2. Use calming infusions for stress, periodically replace coffee and tea with herbal decoctions, juice.
  3. Take a contrast shower.
  4. For pain, massage the collar zone, head, hands and feet.

Is it worth using therapeutic baths for migraines?

Another cure for migraine is special soothing baths. It is worth remembering that they are not allowed for everyone. For example, they are contraindicated for pregnant women, people suffering from certain skin pathologies and severe cardiovascular diseases. If this method is approved by the attending physician, then it must be tried. Local mustard baths for hands and feet are recommended (they are considered more effective), it is practiced to add sea salt and various essential oils to the water.

Medical therapy for migraine

It is worth remembering that there is no etiological treatment for this disease. Effective migraine pills are painkillers and vasoconstrictors, sedatives. As prophylactic agents, beta-blockers, antidepressants are used. To stop the attack, the medicines "Paracetamol", "Aspirin", "Solpadein", etc. are prescribed.

Triptans for migraine: drugs for pain relief

In recent years, a new group of drugs, triptans, has been used to treat migraine. They do the following:

  1. Participate in the formation of anti-inflammatory biological substances.
  2. Reduce the sensitivity of pain receptors of the trigeminal nerve.
  3. They constrict blood vessels, which are significantly dilated during migraines.

This group of drugs includes medicines "Rapimig", "Sumatriptan", "Rizatriptan", nasal spray "Zomig". Tablets are taken only as directed by a neurologist, at the beginning of an attack.

Effectiveness of psychotherapy for migraine

One of the additional methods of treatment is psychotherapy. It does not help get rid of migraines, but it has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person. Through psychotherapy sessions, the patient learns to “accept” his illness. A positive attitude motivates to search for methods to combat migraine. This method is recommended for people who cannot cope with the problem on their own, do not agree with the diagnosis, and have a low pain threshold.

Magnetic devices against migraine

How to treat migraine with magnetic pulses? This method of treatment was discovered recently. Typically used for "classic" migraine (with aura). Scientists have proven that the effect of magnetic impulses on the occipital region of the head eliminates one of the mechanisms for the development of pathology - depression of the cerebral cortex.

Outwardly, the device resembles a hair dryer, it is considered safe for the body. The effect is achieved by using the device during the beginning of the aura.

An excruciating, debilitating headache that interferes with work and rest, causes suffering and torment. The worst option is a migraine - a condition worse than torture, accompanied by a pulsation in the temples or the back of the head. The situation can be dealt with if you know the cause and have painkillers in stock.

What are headache pills?

Only a doctor can say for sure which headache medications will help you. This is because there are many causes for a painful condition. By quickly coping with the attack, you will remove the symptom, but the next day everything can happen again. Knowing the exact diagnosis, the doctor will select the necessary funds. Tell at the reception about the place of occurrence of unpleasant sensations: forehead, back of the head, temples, describe the nature of the pain:

  • acute;
  • squeezing;
  • pulsating;
  • dull;
  • bursting.

According to their action, painkillers are divided into groups:

  • Analgesics. They have antipyretic and analgesic effects. The list of funds is headed by Analgin, Panadol, Aspirin.
  • Antispasmodics. They help relieve spasm of blood vessels, increase blood circulation. No-shpa, Papaverine, Dibazol help well.
  • Nootropics. They cause vasodilation of the brain, which relieves a migraine attack. These are Trental, Nootropil, Piracetam.

Depending on the disease in which the head hurts, drugs are isolated:

  • Barbiturates. Actively affect severe symptoms, have a hypnotic, sedative effect. Among them are Barbital, Butizol, Alurat.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). At the same time relieve pain, fever, inflammation. Bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Popular means: Nise, Voltaren, Diclofenac.
  • Antidepressants. Prescribed for tension pain, depression. Effective drug Amitriptyline.

What pills to take

Go to the hospital if you have frequent headaches. Only a specialist, after diagnosing and listening to you, will be able to prescribe effective remedies. Too many causes cause headaches and migraines. A wide range of medicines is in the arsenal of doctors. Only together with the patient is it possible to cope with problems. What pills to take? Here is the answer to this question.

For migraine

The prescription of drugs for migraine depends on the severity of the patient's condition. If the attacks are rare and short, then you can take analgesics or NSAIDs. They begin to act in half an hour, but they do not completely relieve the attack. This situation occurs because drugs slow down the absorption of active substances. To speed up, you need to add drugs with caffeine: Citramon, Excedrin. This type of medicine includes:

  • Analgin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen.

Migraine combination medications already contain caffeine. After 15 minutes, a weak attack stops completely. For a severe form, these funds are not suitable. In the list of drugs: Solpadein, Stopmigren. For severe pain, when the form of the disease is moderate and severe, triptan preparations are used. They quickly cope with an attack, but they require a prescription to obtain. This group includes:

  • Zomig;
  • Imigran;
  • Eletriptan.

Under pressure

Pills for pain in the head caused by high blood pressure affect the blood vessels, helping to relieve spasm, speed up blood circulation. Such funds with familiar names should be in the home medicine chest of patients with hypertension. Inexpensive and effective, they help to cope with the problem. Known means include:

  • Papaverine;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Dibazol;
  • No-shpa.

With reduced pressure, the pain is throbbing, pressing, accompanied by nausea, dizziness. Such patients are often meteodependent. In this case, means that contain caffeine help to increase pressure: Askofen, Citramon, Gutron contributes to stabilization. Effective tonics - tinctures:

  • ginseng;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • lemongrass.

For tension headaches

You feel that your head is being squeezed in a vise, unbearable pain covers your neck. This happens after stress, lack of sleep or an uncomfortable posture at work. Rarely seen in old age. You can deal with tension headaches. This will happen provided that the cause is precisely established. Tablets are used:

  • antidepressants: Paroxetine, Duloxetine - for anxiety;
  • muscle relaxants: Tolperisone, Tizanidine - if there are movement restrictions;
  • NSAIDs: Ketoprofen, Naproxen - for muscle pain, osteochondrosis.

When can I drink analgin

Among the remedies for headaches and migraines, Analgin is still popular with our people, although this medicine is not used in Europe. The drug can quickly relieve a migraine attack, pacify the pain. Analgin is effective at high temperatures. It is also cheap and affordable. It is important to know that this medicine only relieves painful symptoms. No need to get carried away with momentary relief. You should find the cause, make a diagnosis, start treatment.

Analgin is part of the preparations: Pentalgin, Spazmalgon, Mig-150. It is not recommended to use the medicine for stomach ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It should not be given to small children. The action of the drug is associated with serious side effects:

  • causes allergies;
  • inhibits the function of the bone marrow;
  • when taken in large quantities, it reduces the content of platelets and leukocytes.

Folk remedies

Replace pills for headaches and migraines folk remedies. Popular are:

  • daily intake of a glass of viburnum juice;
  • applying cabbage leaves to the head;
  • taking 3 tablespoons of potato juice;
  • cold water compresses on whiskey;
  • inhalation of aromas of mint oil, lavender;
  • soothing decoction of herbs melissa, mint, valerian;
  • using a warm bath with essential oils of geranium, orange.

What headache medicine to take during pregnancy

The occurrence of pain in the head in women awaiting the birth of a baby is a common phenomenon. This is facilitated by:

  • lack of sleep;
  • physical exercise;
  • stress.

A pregnant woman should take headache and migraine remedies with great caution. Many drugs during this period are completely excluded. What to drink from a headache in this situation? Here the main decision is made by the doctor. Help solve the problem:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol Extra;
  • Ibuprofen - except for late dates;
  • Solpadein Fast.


In this article, you will learn about quick-acting migraine remedies. Migraine is a disease of the nervous system, which is characterized by severe pain in the head. The headache can be so severe that it causes people to stop all activities and force them to hide from the outside world.

Migraine attacks can last for hours without a break. At the same time, they make a person suffer unbearably. This can be avoided by using various medications. You will learn about what good migraine remedies exist, about their features of use and characteristics, in the following sections.

Quick acting drugs

This category of drugs includes drugs used to relieve attacks of pain in the head. In other words, those medicines that are used to eliminate the symptoms of the ailment that has arisen. The most effective and fastest are the remedies that relieve the headache or reduce its severity in at most two hours. The list of medicines for migraine rapid impact looks like this:

  • Combined analgesics along with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Medicinal preparations of ergot.
  • triptan drugs.

So, a good migraine remedy can be selected from analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Analgesics and NPS for migraine

In fact, this is a group of drugs with which the treatment of migraine begins. They are symptomatic. They help relieve headaches. Askofen-P is considered the most effective of this category, along with Solpadein, Sedalgin-Neo, Pentalgin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen and Diclofenac. The list of effective migraine pills is endless.

The drug "Askofen-P"

This medicine is a combination of paracetamol, caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. It is produced in granules for the manufacture of solutions, in capsules and tablets. The recommended dosage is two tablets per dose.

Paracetamol with acetylsalicylic acid enhance each other's effects, differing in anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. And caffeine, in turn, contributes to the normalization of the vascular tone of the brain, that is, this component affects the mechanisms of headache in the presence of migraine.

It is worth noting that this drug is contraindicated in the presence of gastric ulcer in the acute stage, and, in addition, it is not taken against the background of bronchial asthma, pregnancy, blood clotting disorders, kidney and liver failure, as well as with a pronounced increase in pressure.

The medicine "Solpadein"

It consists of caffeine, codeine and paracetamol. It is produced in the form of ordinary tablets, which are water-soluble, which accelerates absorption and the onset of the therapeutic effect.

The substance codeine is considered a strong pain reliever - it belongs to narcotic medical substances and potentiates the effects of paracetamol. To reduce the intensity of pain, you should take a maximum of two tablets at a time. The drug is forbidden to be taken during pregnancy, against the background of glaucoma, blood diseases (with thrombocytopenia or anemia) or hypertension.

Means "Sedalgin-Neo"

This is a good remedy for migraine, it contains substances such as codeine along with caffeine, analgin, paracetamol and phenobarbital.

Codeine with phenobarbital by itself has an analgesic effect, while enhancing the effect of paracetamol and analgin. Such a medicine is contraindicated under the same conditions as the drug "Askofen-P".

Take, as a rule, one pill for migraine attacks. The maximum single dose is two tablets. What else is an effective remedy for migraine in tablets?

The drug "Pentalgin"

This remedy contains paracetamol along with naproxen, caffeine and drotaverine hydrochloride. That is, it includes substances that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects and normalize vascular tone, producing a slight sedative effect.

This medicine is released in tablets, and for migraines, one pill is taken orally. Means "Pentalgin" can not be used in the presence of ulcerative lesions in the digestive system, against the background of bleeding of any localization, and, moreover, during pregnancy. Severe hypertension along with bronchial asthma, heart rhythm disturbances and severe liver disease is also a contraindication.

The drug "Ibuprofen"

This drug in a dose of 400 to 800 milligrams is quite effective for migraines. The drug is available in effervescent and soluble tablets. This medication provides the onset of a rapid analgesic effect. The drug "Ibuprofen" is forbidden to use in the presence of ulcerative lesions in the digestive system, against the background of bleeding, and, moreover, in the postoperative period. The presence of significant kidney problems is also a serious contraindication.

The drug "Naproxen"

This tool contains only one active ingredient. However, nevertheless, it has a very good analgesic effect. If a person has a migraine, it is recommended to take two tablets orally only once a day. Contraindications for this remedy for migraine in tablets are similar to the contraindications of Ibuprofen.

The drug "Diclofenac"

This medicine belongs to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The maximum daily dosage is not more than 200 milligrams. This drug is not recommended for patients with hemophilia and other disorders of the blood coagulation system, and, in addition, during pregnancy, against the background of an erosive ulcerative process in the intestine, and so on.

All of the above drugs are referred to as ambulances in the event of a migraine. Despite the apparent, at first glance, the uniformity of non-steroidal drugs and analgesics, there are quite frequent cases in which one drug is effective in relieving a migraine attack, while the other is not. This is what explains such a rich assortment of such tools.

It must be emphasized that the abuse of such drugs, for example, regular, almost daily use, can lead to the formation of another type of abuse headache. It is difficult to treat. The course of using analgesics is 15 days a month.

Patients in whom analgesics with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not suitable or who have contraindications to their use are recommended treatment with another group of drugs. They should pay attention to ergot preparations. They are also included in the list of effective migraine remedies.

Ergot preparations

This category of drugs can provide a tonic effect on the vessels of the brain. They are distinguished by antiserotonin activity, which is directly related to their analgesic effect in migraine. These drugs are only very effective for migraine and are completely useless for other types of pain.

Preparations that contain only ergot alkaloids include "Ergotamine" along with "Dihydroergotamine". They can be used orally in the form of drops, intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously.

Combined forms of such drugs with the addition of caffeine have been developed. These are "Coffetamine", "Cafergot", "Nomigrene" in the form of pills, and this also includes the nasal spray "Digidergot". The dosage form in the form of a nasal spray is very convenient and effective, as it allows the active ingredient to be absorbed as quickly as possible from the nasal mucosa and does not contribute to the aggravation of nausea and vomiting during attacks, which often happens when using tablets.

The maximum dosage for seizures is four injections. When using these drugs, it is required to completely stop smoking in order not to provoke spasms of peripheral vessels and not to disrupt blood circulation.

Ergot preparations are not used in patients suffering from ischemic disease, and, in addition, angina attacks, uncontrolled hypertension, the presence of severe kidney failure. Such medicines are not suitable for use in obliterating vascular pathologies.

In some situations, tablet formats of ergot preparations are used not only to eliminate migraine, but also to prevent its occurrence. In this case, the drugs are applied for several weeks. However, triptans are considered the most effective treatment for migraine.

Use of triptans for migraine

This category of drugs has existed for more than a century, although they have become especially widely used only in the last few decades. They are called triptans because they are derivatives of hydroxytryptamine. The mechanism of action of such substances is based on the following functions:

  • They are able to connect with the receptors of the vascular walls, which causes a narrowing of the vessels of the brain.
  • The ability to block the appearance of pain of the trigeminal nerve, which provides innervation to the face and head.
  • Possibility to influence other symptoms of migraine. That is, these drugs are quite effective not only for pain in the head, but also for concomitant vomiting, nausea, and sound phobia.

Such a polymorphic effect of triptans explains their very wide use in medicine for migraine. Triptans are available in various dosage forms, ranging from tablets and suppositories to nasal sprays. Candles called "Trimigren" and spray "Imigran" are preferably used in the presence of severe nausea and vomiting.

The most common effective migraine remedies from this series are drugs in the form of Imigran, Rapimed, Sumamigren, Amigrenin, Zomiga, Relpax, Noramiga and so on. And despite the fact that they all have the same mechanism of action, as a rule, only one drug turns out to be effective for a particular patient in each specific case.

Triptans, in addition to eliminating a migraine attack, can also be used to prevent their occurrence. However, a reliable study on this subject has not yet been conducted. In this case, medications are prescribed in the form of tablets for several weeks. Contraindications to triptan treatment are age under 18 and over 65 years of age, and, in addition, the presence of severe heart disease, such as heart attack or stroke, along with high blood pressure and intolerance to the main substances. But if you wish, you can make a remedy for migraine at home.

Alternative methods of migraine therapy

From folk recipes, you can borrow the following methods of treating migraine:

  • Application of apple cider vinegar. Baths with the addition of this product can help with migraines. You can also use a vinegar head wrap.
  • Egg treatment. Beat one egg in a glass and pour boiling milk to the top. Then the product is quickly stirred and carefully drunk.
  • Use of vegetable juices. They drink such juices three times a day before meals, 50 milliliters each. Juice can be made from carrots, cucumbers, and spinach is also suitable. Potato juice helps a lot. The course of therapy with juices should be at least a week, and preferably three months. Folk remedies for migraine have always been popular.
  • Treatment with mustard baths. As part of this folk method, a handful of mustard is dissolved in a glass of hot water until a creamy mass appears. The solution is poured into a basin of warm water, hands and feet are lowered into it. The limbs are kept in a basin until they turn red.
  • Garlic decoction in milk is a very effective folk remedy for migraines. Ten cloves are crushed, poured with 50 milliliters of milk and brought to a boil, then boiled for three minutes, cooled and filtered. It is necessary to bury ten drops of the resulting medicine in each ear.

Folk remedies for migraine do not have a quick action compared to pills, but they can also be quite effective.

Migraine is a neurological disease in which a person feels pain in the head. The pain can be so severe that it is impossible to lead a full life. With severe attacks, migraine pills help to cope with the disease.

This condition can occur suddenly, sometimes last for several hours, while the person experiences torment. The main danger of the disease is that it is impossible to completely cure it, especially in an advanced degree. Therefore, people suffering from such an ailment should regularly take headache pills.

IMPORTANT! Before you start taking any medication, you need to undergo an examination to make sure that it is a migraine.

The manifestation of the disease

In addition to headache, the disease is provoked by such deviations:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Feeling uncomfortable in bright light.
  3. Increased sensitivity to loud sounds.

Migraine can be unilateral or bilateral, so the pain is sometimes localized in only one part of the head.

In different patients, there are 2 types of migraine, with and without aura. Aura is a special symptom that precedes attacks. They can manifest as clouding of consciousness, dizziness, flashes before the eyes. These signs differ in all patients.

After such harbingers, after a few minutes, attacks of headache occur. Therefore, with migraine with aura, the patient can immediately recognize the problem and take the necessary medications. However, not in all cases, a pre-taken migraine remedy helps prevent the disease.

The frequency of seizures occurs differently for each person. So, some patients may suffer from migraine only 1-2 times a year, while for someone such torment is repeated every week. Regardless of the frequency of pain in such a disease, treatment with medication is necessary.

Seizure frequency is different for everyone.

Any drugs for headache and migraine are divided into 2 types:

  • stopping seizures. Such medications are essential for all patients with migraine.
  • preventive. Such medicines are prescribed for patients with severe manifestations of the disease.

Treatment features:

  1. Drugs that have a therapeutic effect on one patient may be completely ineffective for another.
  2. Even the best pills that provide quick results can stop working after a while.
  3. When a patient has 2 varieties of the disease at once, then with the manifestation of previous symptoms and without, complex therapy is necessary.

Such features make it difficult for doctors to prescribe any drug in an individual case. In addition, given the above facts, you should not self-medicate migraine.

Fast acting remedies

This category includes drugs that are able to provide quick help immediately when an attack occurs, as well as for the period of the aura. The drug is considered fast-acting if it is able to stop pain in a maximum of 1-2 hours.

Medications, fast acting:

  • various types of analgesics;
  • means of blocking the inflammatory process;
  • ergot alkaloids;
  • drugs based on serotonin agonists (triptans).

In most cases, these drugs are able to cope with the problem. However, if there is no improvement after the use of the medication, the patient needs urgent hospitalization.

The action of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs

It is with this group of drugs that any therapy for the treatment of migraine begins. They allow you to quickly remove unwanted symptoms.

Patients noted the greatest effectiveness after taking the following drugs:

  1. Askofen-P contains paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine. The first 2 components provide analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The medicine is produced in the form of capsules, tablets and special soluble granules. The daily norm for an adult is no more than 1-2 tablets. Caffeine helps to strengthen and maintain vascular tone. The drug is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract for the period of exacerbation, and it is also forbidden to take it during pregnancy, lactation, with pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Ibuprofen is another effective migraine pain reliever. It is produced in the form of coated tablets, as well as soluble tablets. Release in combination with codeine and salts for a quick effect. The daily norm of the substance ranges from 400 to 800 mg, depending on the severity of the symptoms. It is forbidden to receive with acute gastritis and ulcers, as well as during the rehabilitation period immediately after surgery. It is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with pathological changes in the liver and kidneys.
  3. Solpadeine contains paracetamol, codeine and caffeine. The drug is available in the form of soluble tablets, which allows for better absorption. Codeine, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of narcotic drugs. It actively interacts with paracetamol. For migraines, 1 or 2 tablets are usually used immediately. The drug is not prescribed for increased eye pressure, as well as hypertension. It is forbidden to take during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. The composition of pentalgin includes caffeine and paracetamol, as well as other excipients, which, in addition to pain relief, provide a sedative effect. It is used directly during an attack, when a sharp headache occurs. The daily norm is no more than 1-2 tablets. The drug is not prescribed for severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the event of hemorrhages. In addition, it is not used for disorders of the heart, kidneys and liver.

All this helps to quickly deal with the problem.

All these migraine pills help to quickly deal with the problem. It happens that in some attacks the drug has an effective effect, while in others it is useless.


Preparations of this group allow you to restore vascular tone, have analgesic properties. Such pills can only relieve pain from migraine, for other causes of headache they are useless.

Products containing ergot:

  • Dihydroergotamine;
  • Ergotamine.

There are several types of drugs that contain additional components, such as caffeine. Also, the product is available in the form of a spray, which allows the substance to start acting faster after it gets on the mucous membranes.

In addition, nasal sprays are prescribed for patients who are unable to take migraine pills due to nausea. For 1 time it is allowed to make 2-3 injections. Sometimes with a strong attack, the dose is increased, but such actions are allowed only after consulting a specialist.

With this treatment, it is necessary to completely eliminate smoking so as not to cause undesirable consequences for the vascular system. In addition, this technique is not used to treat patients with pathologies of the heart, liver and kidneys. Also, the main contraindication is pregnancy and lactation.

Sometimes taking such a drug is prescribed not only to relieve pain, but also as a preventive therapy. In this case, the medicines are used for 1 week.


These remedies have been known for centuries, but have been widely used to treat migraine for only a few decades. They have the following effect:

  1. They allow the vessels of the brain to constrict.
  2. They relieve pain by acting on the receptors of the trigeminal nerve.
  3. These migraine pills help to cope with unwanted symptoms of the disease.

The drugs are available in the form of tablets, sprays, suppositories. The most famous representatives of this group:

  • Relpax;
  • sumatriptan;
  • Naramig.

They not only help relieve pain, but are also used to prevent migraines from occurring. Treatment should begin a few days before the expected attack.

Such funds are contraindicated for children, women during pregnancy and lactation. Also, this treatment is not used for frequent jumps in blood pressure.

Sequence of therapy

The main methods of treating migraine and taking pills for migraine:

  1. Usually, treatment begins with taking analgesics, which allow you to quickly relieve pain and inflammation.
  2. If after the use of analgesics there is no positive result, then a triptan is prescribed for use.
  3. If the triptan did not help to cope with the problem, it is necessary to choose another drug from this group.
  4. If the analgesic has not worked in several attacks, then in the future, if pain occurs, treatment should be carried out with a triptan.

IMPORTANT! Control the method of therapy. And only the attending physician can carry out further treatment.

The attending physician will select the correct treatment

During pregnancy

Pregnant women often suffer from headaches, migraines can appear suddenly. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. The disease does not have a negative impact on the body of the unborn child.

With such an ailment, women are often prescribed the drug Tylenol. This effective remedy is permissible for use only with the permission of a doctor. To alleviate the painful symptoms, it is necessary to apply a bandage moistened with water to the head.

IMPORTANT! Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to drink any analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs on their own, during this period it is better to use the advice of a specialist.


Such drugs are drunk only if the patient needs comprehensive assistance with severe migraine attacks. Migraine pills for prevention, a list of effective remedies:

  • from the group of antidepressants (Velafax);
  • to relieve convulsions (Topiramate);
  • to block calcium channels (Nifedipine).

All these drugs must be used for a long time to achieve a positive effect.

Migraine is a special type of headache that has haunted mankind for many centuries. Modern medicine has come to the conclusion that this is an incurable disease that is highly likely to be inherited.

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It differs from a normal headache in some ways:

  • Pulsating, most often unilateral, or changing localization, acute headache;
  • Light and noise fear;
  • Nausea and sometimes vomiting.

VAS, facial and verbal pain scale

VAS - visual analogue scale to determine the intensity of pain in an adult. To do this, the doctor asks to show the patient on a special ruler 10 cm long the intensity of the headache according to subjective sensations. On this ruler, 0 means no pain, and 10 is the worst pain imaginable. Thanks to this scale, you can independently determine the level of pain on the scale.

There are other scales for measuring the intensity of pain. The verbal scale of pain consists in a verbal description of pain sensations, and the facial scale allows you to assess the intensity of pain by facial expression. It is worth noting that the facial scale for measuring the level of pain can be used even with children.

Migraine warning signs:

Who is prone to migraine

1 In the course of research, scientists have come to the conclusion that special genes that are inherited from parents are responsible for migraine headache attacks. At the same time, it is argued that this disease is transmitted most often precisely in the female line. Women suffer from migraines 3 times more often than men.

2 Residents of villages and villages suffer from this disease much less often than residents of large cities. Bad ecology, constant stress and depression, psychological disorders and excessive anxiety provoke headache attacks.

3 Migraines are more common in women who take hormonal preparations containing large doses of estrogen, including contraceptives.

What causes migraine pain

The following factors, diseases and bad habits provoke migraine attacks:

  • smoking;
  • diabetes;
  • malnutrition;
  • dehydration;
  • starvation;
  • prolonged stay in a stuffy or smoky room;
  • the beginning of menstruation;
  • abrupt change of weather;
  • sharp and bright flashes of light;
  • strong odors;
  • long watching TV, sitting in front of a computer;
  • air travel and travel by other modes of transport;
  • some foods and drinks: coffee, cocoa, red wine, chocolate, cheese, nuts, citrus fruits, fast food.

migraine with aura

Many migraine sufferers note the appearance of the so-called aura before the onset of a headache attack. This happens in about 10 minutes-1 hour before the onset of a migraine. There are several types of migraine aura:

1 visual- occurs most often. It manifests itself in the fact that dancing points, lines appear before the eyes of a person, a distorted perception of reality arises;

2 Olfactory- a person is haunted by an obsessive unpleasant one and the same smell;

3 auditory- there is noise in the ears and head;

4 Motor- weakness appears in the body, it becomes difficult to move arms and legs, some parts of the body become numb;

5 speech- the words are drawn out.

After the aura comes an attack of severe headache, which is similar to blows with huge hammers on the head. It is localized in one part of the head, gives pain impulses to the eye, neck, jaw. Pulsating pain that does not go away makes you postpone everything. The only desire of a person becomes to retire in a semi-dark quiet room, where he would not be annoyed by loud sounds, light, smells, etc.

Some note that the appearance of an aura does not always lead to a migraine in the end. Very often, the symptoms of the aura go away on their own without the appearance of an acute headache. The average duration of a migraine attack, even in the same person, is always different. An attack can last a few minutes or torment a person for several hours or even days. A migraine that lasts for several days is called migraine status.

Migraine Prevention

It is impossible to completely recover from migraine attacks, but a person is quite capable make seizures less painful and less frequent. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Try to eat right, balanced, take vitamins.
  2. Try to follow the daily routine, get enough sleep.
  3. Give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs.
  4. Avoid excessive physical activity.
  5. Avoid stressful situations, depression.

Also, experts recommend conducting the so-called migraine diary, in which you can record all the information about each attack. So you will identify the causes of migraine and provoking factors in your case, and if necessary, provide the doctor with the necessary information about the course of the disease in dynamics. Download the diary template below. You will be able to independently edit the spreadsheet in Excel format. The first column is given as an example and can be cleared.

How to treat a migraine

Everyone who has encountered this disease wondered: how to relieve migraine pain. There are no universal cures for this disease, and everyone is trying to find the best remedy for themselves.

The only thing that all migraine medicines have in common is that they should be taken as early as possible, even at the level of the appearance of the precursors of the onset of a headache and during the aura period. Also during this period, ideally, it is better to lie down and try to fall asleep after taking the medicine. As a rule, during sleep, the pain goes away without starting. However, some say that pain can also appear during sleep. Regardless of the intensity of migraine pain, treatment should be started immediately, without waiting for it to get worse.

Migraine Remedies

Most often, migraines are treated with conventional painkillers. The most effective are combined preparations, which include substances that enhance and accelerate the analgesic effect of each other.

have been developed and special migraine remedies, which perfectly help relieve pain even in the middle of an attack. They are available in the form of tablets, sprays and suppositories. If a migraine sufferer is worried about nausea and vomiting, then candles should be preferred.

All drugs are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Painkillers, as well as triptans, are medicines designed to combat migraine pain.
  2. Medications that allow symptomatic treatment, that is, to relieve the symptoms associated with migraine.
  3. Means for the prevention of the onset of new attacks of pain.

Headache relief medications

The first group of drugs is the largest. It includes 2 groups of drugs:

  1. Painkillers with a wide spectrum of action.
  2. Means of the triptan group.

1 The first subgroup includes all classical means - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics designed to reduce pain. They relieve swelling around the vessels of the brain, due to which the effect on the pain center is reduced, and the pain recedes. It is necessary to take these drugs at the initial signs of an aura or at the first symptoms of a migraine. The sooner the medicine is taken, the more likely it is to work. Pain medication not taken on time may not help. These drugs are available in different versions: conventional or absorbable and soluble tablets, capsules, suppositories. If the patient has gastritis or a stomach ulcer, then it is recommended to take capsules that begin to dissolve only in the small intestine. If migraine is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, you can use medicines in the form of suppositories.

The most famous drugs in this group:

  • Analgin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Aspirin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Citramon;
  • Ketanov;
  • Solpadein and others.

2 Group triptan preparations was created specifically for the treatment of migraine and relief of headache attacks. These drugs effectively relieve pain not only when taken at the beginning of an attack, but also when taken in the midst of an attack. They fight directly with headaches and are ineffective for other types of pain. However, they reduce nausea and vomiting, photophobia, and sensitivity to other external stimuli. Triptans effectively fight migraines with and without aura by constricting dilated brain vessels.

The most popular means of the triptan group:

  • sumatriptan;
  • Eletriptan;
  • Zolmitriptan;
  • Relpax

Helps well too triptan spray for migraine sumatriptan, which is convenient to use due to the unusual form of release.

Symptomatic drugs

With the help of these drugs, the patient does not get rid of the headache, but can improve his condition by eliminating the accompanying symptoms of migraine, such as nausea, vomiting, weakness and weakness.

Popular drugs in this group are:

  • Cerucal;
  • caffeine etc.

Light sedatives, such as:

  • Glycine;
  • Valerian extract, etc.

Drugs for the prevention of migraine attacks

Patients who have migraine attacks more than 5 times a month, it is recommended to take drugs to prevent seizures, daily, regardless of the presence or absence of migraine.

This group of medicines includes:

  • Antispasmodics- arpenal, aprofen, drotaverine, etc. relieve spasms of blood vessels and muscles, which helps to reduce migraine attacks;
  • Antidepressants- these medicines must be taken according to the regimen suggested by your doctor. The effectiveness of antidepressants does not appear immediately, therefore, as a rule, treatment with antidepressants is quite long;
  • Medications for high blood pressure- the more often the patient has high blood pressure, the more often migraine attacks occur, so this indicator should be monitored, and if necessary, take such drugs constantly;
  • Allergy medicines Sometimes migraine attacks become more frequent with allergies. Therefore, antihistamines can be used to prevent migraines.

The doctor prescribes certain prophylactic drugs after a complete examination of the patient, after identifying the symptoms associated with migraine in each patient.

In addition to taking these drugs:

  • You need to change your lifestyle.
  • Avoid smoking and large amounts of alcohol.
  • Try to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Eat properly.
  • Follow the daily routine.
  • include moderate exercise in your schedule, etc.

The most effective sports for frequent migraines are swimming and yoga. They allow you to sufficiently relax the cervical spine and at the same time strengthen the muscles of the neck, which also helps to reduce the frequency of attacks in the patient.

Migraine treatment at home

Not all those who suffer from migraine are in a hurry to consult a doctor with their problem. Very often, many are not going to turn to specialists at all, not attaching much importance to this pain, believing that it only needs to be endured. However, all doctors unanimously say that it is fundamentally wrong to endure a migraine headache, waiting for it to pass on its own.

It is necessary to begin treatment of an attack as early as possible. In this article, we will also describe effective folk methods that are passed down from generation to generation.

Important! During pregnancy, any traditional medicine can be detrimental to the fetus, so check with your doctor first.

What to do first when starting an attack

1 Take a medicine that works for you. It may be from the group of combined pain medications or triptans.

2 Curtain the windows, dim the lights, or turn them off altogether. Patients feel best in a dark room.

3 Try to protect yourself from communication with household members. Any noises, loud conversations, laughter, disputes will provoke an increase in pain.

4 Turn off the TV, computer, as their flickering screens also provoke a further attack.

5 Increase the supply of fresh air to the room. It is best to leave a window or window open so that oxygen enters the room.

6 Try to sleep. Many doctors and patients agree that it is sleep that helps to quickly overcome an attack and reduce pain.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs occupy a special place among folk remedies for the treatment of migraine. Prescriptions of medicines using herbs have been used since ancient times, when there were no modern medicines. The most effective recipes have been passed down from generation to generation.

  • Brew oregano, let the decoction infuse, drink the decoction 3 times a day.
  • Chamomile is also useful in the fight against migraines. Two tablespoons of chamomile must be poured into 500 ml of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. After that, you can take a ready-made decoction, and it is also recommended to take it 3 times a day before meals and after the attack is over. After the first dose, it can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Recipe for the treatment of migraine with a mixture of herbs. For this recipe, we need a mixture of pharmaceutical herbs: chamomile, mint, lavender. Mix all the ingredients in a deep container, pour 500 ml of boiling water, let the broth brew for 30 minutes, strain, Take the broth before each meal.
  • Herbs such as mountain arnica, small periwinkle, meadowsweet will help reduce pain and improve blood circulation in the brain. Any of these herbs is brewed in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of boiling water, insisted for several minutes and taken 2 times a day, preferably at bedtime.
  • Judging by the reviews, another medicinal plant that helps fight migraines is meadow clover. Pour 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain the broth and drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  • You can make a decoction of Siberian elderberry. 1 tablespoon of dried flowers should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Then you should insist it for one hour, strain, mix with honey and take a quarter cup 3 times a day before meals.

  • To prepare the next decoction, we need in equal parts: peppermint, oregano, narrow-leaved fireweed. 1 tablespoon of a mixture of dried herbs is poured into 250 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 1 hour, filtered and taken 1 cup for migraine.
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon balm are poured with a glass of boiling water. An hour later, the broth is filtered and taken 2 tablespoons up to 5 times a day.
  • A decoction of valerian officinalis has a calming and relaxing effect. We will need 1 tablespoon of chopped valerian root, which must be poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is then boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. At the end, the broth is filtered and it is ready for use. It is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • You can make a decoction of primrose. To do this, grind the stems, leaves, roots in one container, and then pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the mixture. Then it is worth insisting the broth in a dark warm place for about 1 hour. After straining, the decoction is ready for use. It is necessary to drink half a glass 3 times a day. A decoction of primrose has a relaxing and mild hypnotic effect.
  • You can make tea from the flowers of the heart-shaped linden. They need to be brewed like regular tea and drink 1 cup 3 times a day.

  • The herb lumbago can also help in the fight against this ailment. 2 teaspoons of dried herbs are steamed with a glass of boiling water. The decoction is infused in a dark place for one day. The resulting broth is drunk little by little during the day cold.

Medicinal tinctures, juices, essential oils and other means

Not only medicinal herbs help in the fight against migraine attacks. There is a huge amount of alcoholic and non-alcoholic tinctures, juices, medicinal drinks, compresses and lotions. In the fight against this disease, all means are good, and even a skillful and timely head massage, bath and more can help.

Juices and other drinks

Many juices and drinks help to cope with a migraine attack.

The recipe for an effective migraine drink

This recipe helps to cope with frequent migraine attacks. To prepare it, we need:

fresh chicken eggs, preferably homemade and homemade milk.

  • A raw egg is poured into a glass of boiling milk;
  • Mix;
  • Wait for cooling and drink;
  • Strain;
  • Repeat the process once a day for several days. You can use this drink at the first symptoms of a beginning headache attack.
  • The best natural remedy for acute headaches is caffeine. Sometimes a migraine can be cured with a cup of strong coffee or tea.
  • Cope with this type of pain and strong green tea.
  • Brew tea from raspberry leaves and stems. You can add a small amount of black tea to this decoction.
  • Instead of tea 2-3 times a day, you can drink a decoction of dogwood fruits.
  • Fresh potato juice also helps reduce pain. Drink a quarter cup of potato juice 2 times a day.
  • Juices of fresh viburnum and black currant relieve pain well.

  • You can make a delicious juice mix: 3 parts carrot juice, 1 part dandelion juice, 1 part spinach juice - mix everything and drink three times a day before meals. Also useful are freshly squeezed juices of cucumber, spinach and carrots, drunk separately.


Alcohol tinctures prepared at home are also very popular.

  • To combat migraines, you will need to make a lilac flower tincture. Dip 100 g of white lilac flowers into a liter of alcohol and insist in a dark place in a glass bowl for 10 days. If you feel that another attack is approaching, put a few drops of tincture on a cotton pad and apply to your temples;
  • There is another recipe for an alcohol tincture, which, when an attack is approaching, is recommended to be rubbed into whiskey. To prepare the tincture, you will need dry mint and lemon balm, dry coriander, 100 grams of medical alcohol. All ingredients are poured with alcohol and infused in a dark place for 3 days;
  • For patients with high blood pressure, a recipe for viburnum bark tincture is suitable. Pour 2 tablespoons of bark with half a liter of boiling water. Then boil the decoction in a water bath for about half an hour. Let the broth brew, then strain it, and store in the refrigerator. The decoction can be taken several times a day;
  • Dill infusion has a beneficial effect on the body. Pour 1 teaspoon with a glass of boiling water. Then we insist for 2 hours and drink during the day along with the sediment.

Compresses, lotions

Compresses are something that can always be made from improvised materials, and for their preparation you do not have to run to the pharmacy.

  • The simplest compress is water. Dampen a handkerchief or towel with cold or warm water and place it on your forehead. Cooling compresses work best for some patients, warming compresses for others. It is also believed that if half of the patient's face turns red, then cold compresses are placed on this side of the head, and the legs are dipped in hot water. And vice versa. If part of the face turns white, then warm compresses are placed on it, and the legs are placed in a basin of cold water;

  • If the side of the head in which the pain is localized does not change its color, then you can apply a circle of fresh lemon to the temples and wrap your head with a hot towel;
  • You can make a compress from a leaf of fresh cabbage, it is believed that it cools this area well and the pain goes away;
  • You can make a compress from the peel of a lemon and a piece of cloth. Sometimes lemon causes redness of the skin, this is normal and should not be worried;
  • A sauerkraut compress is done like this: place the cabbage on the temples and behind the ears, and then tie a towel around your head;
  • Fresh lilac leaves that need to be applied to the forehead and temples relieve headaches well;
  • Leaves of fresh or steamed wormwood can be applied to sore spots;
  • Well relieves pain compress with grated raw onions, applied to the forehead;
  • You can relieve pain with an ordinary mustard plaster, which must be placed on the neck below the back of the head for 10 minutes.

Essential oils for migraines

Essential oils have a special effect on humans.

  • Some types of oils have an amazing relaxing effect, such as peppermint and lemon balm. A drop of either oil can be rubbed into both temples;
  • To treat a headache, you will need a choice of eucalyptus, juniper, fir or lemon oils;

Put a few drops of this oil on a teaspoon with table salt. This mixture can be poured into a small jar and, during attacks of pain, inhale one or the other nostril.

Healing baths

  • An excellent effect is provided by baths with a decoction of valerian, which is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of dry valerian officinalis is poured with a glass of boiling water, and then boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. This decoction can be drunk. For a bath, the proportions can be changed depending on the amount of water in the bath;
  • Mustard baths also have a therapeutic effect. For such a bath, we need mustard oil. You can buy it in online stores, eco-shops and pharmacies. In a small 0.5 liter plastic bottle, fill halfway with warm water, then add 10 ml of mustard oil, close the cap and shake vigorously. Add the resulting emulsion to the bath while bathing.


With a migraine attack, a properly done massage also helps. This massage can be done by close people, or by yourself. We will describe the basic principles of such a massage below.

A yoga center specialist tells how to properly massage the head so that a headache does not bother:

Thanks to the following video, you will learn how to do acupressure of the head for headaches: