Onion hair mask how to remove the smell. The most effective onion hair masks

An ordinary onion can provide invaluable benefits to hair. Dandruff, poor hair growth, hair loss and partial baldness will easily fix onion hair masks, it is only important to prepare them correctly so that there is no smell left.

The benefits of onion masks for hair

Onions have a large supply of useful components, including vitamin C, B6, B6, PP and E, micro and macro elements - zinc, copper, sodium, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, sulfur, potassium and manganese. Onions also contain organic acids. All this storehouse of useful substances of the onion mask is given to the hair, making it healthy and strong, stopping hair loss, eliminating dandruff, and accelerating growth. The only negative is the unpleasant smell after the mask, but rinses easily solve this problem.

Rules for the use of onion hair masks

By following these simple rules, you will get the maximum benefits from the onion mask - getting rid of dandruff, eliminating hair loss and accelerating their growth, and you will also not experience problems with the smell of onions after the mask.

  • Use only onion juice in the mask, not mashed onion. Onion puree is poorly washed out, once, and gives a strong smell, which is then difficult to get rid of. Therefore, do not be lazy to squeeze the juice from the grated onion.
  • Onion masks are most commonly used to stop hair loss and speed up hair growth. The roots of the hair are responsible for this, so it simply makes no sense and even harmful to distribute the onion mask along the entire length of the hair. To spendsevere hair loss treatment , apply the mask exclusively on the scalp, rubbing into the skin with fingertips.
  • The effect of the onion mask will be more noticeable if the composition is heated in a water bath to about body temperature (36-37 degrees).
  • After application, it is recommended to wear a shower cap and cover your head with a towel.
  • The time for any onion mask is 30-60 minutes. But if you feel severe irritation, then wash off the mask earlier, and next time reduce the amount of onion juice in the mask by half so that the skin gets used to it.
  • Be sure to rinse your hair with rinses, their recipes are given at the end of the article to remove the smell of onions from your hair.
  • Treatment with onion masks is carried out in a course - 2-3 times a week for a month. After a 30-day break is made, then, if desired, the course can be repeated.

Onion masks for hair loss, dandruff and hair growth

Onion masks perfectly strengthen hair follicles, stopping even severe hair loss. To prepare this mask, prepare one onion, 1 tbsp. l. cognac or vodka and the same amount of vegetable (and even better burdock) oil. Peel the onion and pass through a meat grinder, grater or blender, squeeze the juice, add alcohol and oil, rub the composition into the scalp. Then put on a shower cap and cover yourself with a towel. After half an hour, wash off the mask, wash your hair and rinse your hair. Combine this recipe with others for best results.hair loss masks .

Onion mask for hair growth

Onion masks are among the top three best homemade masks for fast hair growth. The product has a stimulating effect on the hair follicles, due to the increased blood circulation, more nutrients are suitable for the hair follicles. This is what causes hair to grow. To get juice, pass the peeled onion through a meat grinder or a fine grater, put the pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Add to it 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Warm the mixture and apply on the scalp. If it burns, try othershair growth masks .

Onion mask for dandruff

Onions will help to cope with dandruff, eliminate itching and tightness. For cookingdandruff masks squeeze the juice from the onion, add 2 tbsp. l. honey, mix and apply on the scalp.

Onion mask for dry hair

Onion masks give dry hair strength, splendor, restore shine, nourish and moisturize. onion recipemasks for dry hair simple - mix the juice of the onion with 1 raw yolk and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the scalp.

Onion mask for oily hair

Eliminate the effect of "dirty" hair, adjust the production of sebum and return the hair to a neat appearance the next one will helpoily hair mask . Mix the juice of one onion with 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, add a quarter cup of kefir. The composition is ready for use.

Onion mask for normal hair.

Normal hair also needs proper care, onion masks in this matter can be very useful. The recipe for this mask will help add shine, volume and accelerate hair growth. To prepare it, you need 2 tbsp. l. pour ordinary baker's yeast with the same amount of warm water, add 1 tsp to the mixture. sugar or honey and leave the container to swell in a warm place. When the yeast "rises", mix it with the juice of one large onion, add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (you can replace with any other). We remind you that the mask is applied to the hair roots.

How to eliminate the smell of onion after the mask

It is no secret that after applying onion masks, an unpleasant odor remains on the hair. To remove the smell of onions from your hair, after the mask, you must first rinse them thoroughly under running cool water (you can not use hot water), then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo (keep your hair in a foamy solution for 3-4 minutes), and then rinse your hair with one from the ingredients listed below.

  • If you have oily hair, use either an apple cider vinegar rinse (dissolve 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a liter of water, rinse your hair with the resulting solution, hold it on your hair for a while, then rinse it off with warm water), or rinse with lemon juice, taking on the same volume of water juice of half a lemon.
  • If you have dry hair, honey and colorless henna will be the best rinses. Honey in a water bath dissolves to a liquid state and is applied to the same place where the onion mask was for 10 minutes, henna is diluted with water to a thick cream, applied to the hair roots and washed off after 15 minutes.
  • Another universal remedy for all types of hair is a decoction of parsley. Put a bunch of herbs in boiling water and let it boil for 5 minutes. Cool and use as directed. More recipes can be found in the article.hair rinses who are interested, take a look.

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Many girls are afraid of using an onion mask because of the smell that remains after it. There are many ways to get rid of bad breath. You may need to try several methods before deciding on an option to deal with the residual phenomenon after applying the mask, but in the end you will be able to find the best method for yourself. Consider how to remove the smell after the onion mask, what means can be used for this and how to use them correctly.

How to remove onion smell from hair

To get rid of the smell of onions, you can use colorless henna. To do this, take 1 tbsp. dry powder, dilute it in a small amount of hot water, stir. The result should be a homogeneous mass. Let the henna brew for 15 minutes. If the hair is long, then the amount of ingredients should be increased. After you have washed off the onion mask, washed your hair with shampoo, you need to apply the product to wet hair, after squeezing out excess water from them. The mask must be rubbed into the roots and distributed using a flat comb for this, along the entire length of the hair. Leave the product for 20 minutes, while the head should be wrapped in polyethylene, wrapped on top with a warm towel. After that, rinse your hair with water, while using shampoo is not necessary.

You can also use colorless henna masks by adding mustard, kefir and essential oils to them. You can dilute henna with kefir, and not with water, add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. dry mustard powder, 5 drops of essential oil of rosemary, tea tree or lemon, if the hair is oily, or cedar, lavender, sandal for other types of hair.

Another way to remove the onion smell from your hair is to use an vinegar rinse. To do this, dilute 1-2 tablespoons in 1 liter of warm water. vinegar (regular or apple), and rinse the hair with the resulting composition at the end of the washing procedure. Vinegar can be replaced with 3-4 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. This method is more suitable for oily hair types.

The smell of onions from the hair can be removed by preparing the following mask: grind 2 raw egg yolks and 1 tbsp. liquid honey. Add 5 drops of tangerine, cedar, sandal or lavender essential oil. Apply the mask to all hair, leave for 1 hour, then rinse with shampoo. This version of the mask is recommended for dry hair types. Yolks can be replaced with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise. The mask should be applied immediately after you have washed off the onion mask, after wringing out wet hair. If the smell persists, it is recommended to re-apply the mask after 2-3 days.

If the hair is oily, then the smell of onions can be removed with a honey mask, adding rye (black) bread and lemon juice to it, while 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey you need to take 3 slices of rye bread, removing the crust, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 5 drops of lemon, tea tree or rosemary essential oil. Apply the mask immediately after washing off the onion mask, wring out the hair, leave for 1 hour and rinse with shampoo.

To get rid of the onion smell after the mask, rinse your hair with herbal infusion, which can be used as a decoction of burdock, chamomile, nettle, etc. Hold the decoction on your hair for 5 minutes and rinse with water. You can add lemon juice to the decoction, which helps to consolidate the result.

Eliminating the smell of onions from the hair is facilitated by the use of essential oils. It is recommended to give preference to citrus oils. Lavender and rosemary oils also have a good effect. To rinse your hair, dilute 3 drops of oil in 1 liter of water.

Kefir removes the smell from the hair well, which must be applied to the hair in its pure form, left for the time that you can sit with such a mask, and rinse with water.

You can also eliminate onion smell with a mixture of lemon juice and honey. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice from one lemon, add 1 tbsp to it. liquid honey and 2 tsp. hair balm you usually use. Apply the resulting composition to wet hair immediately after washing off the onion mask, and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse your head with shampoo and balm.

Many girls are afraid to use because of the unpleasant smell. Yes, the smell of onions can spoil your fragrance, but still, you should not completely refuse this wonderful mask! There are many ways to help eliminate the onion smell, if one method does not suit you, then try another.

You can’t be sure that this or another method will suit you, but over time you will find your odor neutralizer and will be able to delight your hair with onion masks without any problems!

1. For masks, use only onion juice (and not onion gruel). The juice is easier to rinse out of the hair, and it will leave less smell;

2. Wash off onion masks with colder water, hot will only enhance odors, and cold, as we know, is good at blocking them.

3. After you have washed off the mask, rinse your hair with herbal infusion. It can be a decoction of chamomile, burdock, nettle, etc. Hold the decoction for 5 minutes and rinse with water. You can also add lemon juice to the broth, it will not only help get rid of the smell but also fix the effect.

4. Colorless henna also helps to remove the onion smell. Dilute the henna to a pulp and apply to the hair for 5 minutes.

5. One of the best ways to get rid of odor is with essential oils. It is better to choose citrus essential oils (lemon, orange, grapefruit). Rosemary and lavender oils also help. Oils are diluted in the following ratio: 3 drops per liter of water. Then rinse your hair with this solution.

6. Mix apple cider vinegar and water in equal proportions, rinse your hair, leave it for 3 minutes and rinse with water.

7. Well removes the smell and yogurt, it must be applied to the hair, hold as long as you can, then rinse the hair with water.

Onion hair mask - reviews, opinions, how to wash off the smell of onions from the head.

I don’t even know if this will be a review or it’s better to call what I write an experiment. To begin with, I have had a lot of problems with my scalp on a nervous basis lately. These were crusts on the head, and dandruff and itching. All sorts of herbal shampoos for hair loss and for hair growth, of course, did not help. And then I somehow got inspired and decided to strengthen my hair.

The main goal was - it's long, thick hair. And for you to think, the thought immediately came to mind about the onion and the fact that it provokes a sharp growth of hair, wow, that's even how! I found the most popular recipe and got down to business:

In a small bowl I poured:

a spoonful of olive oil

2 spoons of cognac,

1 spoon of honey

1 spoon of lemon juice,

Onion juice (1 large onion is enough)

Squeezed the juice of a couple of cloves of garlic

a few drops of juniper essential oil

I mixed everything properly and put it on my head. To my great happiness, there was a shower cap lying around at home, which I once grabbed from a hotel on vacation. How long to keep onion - honey mask?

According to the rules, the mask must be kept on the head for at least an hour.

How to get rid of onion smell from hair?

Of course, the rest of the time before washing my hair, I only thought about what to do with the smell of onions. Well, I think it's summer, I don't meet people much, I don't take my child to school, it's time to say so. Any advice about lemon, vinegar and other odor removers was immediately swept aside due to the fact that, judging by the reviews, they did not help. How to wash it off and how to make it so that there is no smell afterwards?

The only thing I cherished hope for was parsley.

Why PETRUSHKA? Well, at least because they give it in restaurants along with onions, precisely because it eliminates the smell of onions. Yeah. I was very lucky - there was an old bunch of parsley lying around in the refrigerator. But it was not there.

After all, I was very curious about whether I would stink of onions, so I scored on parsley. As soon as I washed off the mask from my head, I felt that the smell of onions stuck around me from head to toe. Well, no, of course, I love onions and the smell didn’t annoy me at all, but the thought that other people would feel it really bothered me.

Hehe. As according to the well-known law, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a bunch of cases appeared related to meetings with people. Summer. Heat. The head is sweating. You can’t smear it like armpits with all sorts of Fa and Nivei. And here you still need to look good, hair loose. Bliiiiiiiiiin. I rushed home the first day like crazy.

The second day was even worse, I ended up in the pool, although I didn’t plan at all. And the peculiarity of this bow is that it does not smell on dry hair, but still like on wet hair. It was the second day of shame. Everything, I said to myself, while brewing parsley. The experiment is over.

The second bow mask.

The thought of beautiful, long and thick hair haunted me. A bunch of parsley in the fridge gave me hope. I made an onion mask. She applied it to her hair and put the parsley to boil. After I washed off the mask, the parsley decoction was ready. I diluted it with cold water and jumped into the bath.

After the onion mask, I rinsed my hair in a decoction of parsley. The first thing I did when I got out of the bath was to ask my daughter if it smelled like onions. She said she smelled awful of parsley. Hooray! I have triumphed! The parsley took away all the onion smell. The joy was not long. It only lasted one day. The next day, I was sweating on the treadmill and smelled the familiar smell of onions. Immediately after the sport, she rushed into the bath and rinsed her head with the remaining parsley broth.

The most interesting thing is that after the decoction the head does not smell, but after a couple of days a faint smell of onion appears. I didn’t boil parsley anymore, because I didn’t want my hair to darken, and I fixed the result with chamomile broth.

Well, what can I say, when wet, the head smells a bit of onions, but not sharply and not for the whole house, you can live. I decided to give up onion masks.

But it was not there.

It turned out that the onion mask is actually MAGIC!

I made only 2 onion masks and all my dandruff, crusts on my head and itching disappeared. Hooray, figs with her with length and density! I had a healthy scalp and was happy. Until one moment. Somewhere in a week, itching appeared, crusts began to appear behind it. What the hell, I thought. Do you really now have to make a mask of onion regularly and smell all your life?

My friends, I am confused, shocked, and so on and so forth. Is it really the bow that made this miracle? Right now, I'm nervously thinking about trying this hair strengthening mask without the onion and the chickweed. Whether it will help with dandruff and crusts, I don’t know, but I really hope so. If you have any opinions on this I would be very grateful!

I am also very interested in the onion peel mask, how to make it, will it smell?


In general, I finally found something that saved me from dandruff. This is juniper oil. I will then prepare a separate article about him. The point is to buy baby shampoo without any additives. It does not foam at all and it is very inconvenient for them to wash their hair. But juniper oil can do just that. Add a few drops of essential oil to baby shampoo and stir. The shampoo will lose its transparency and start lathering very well. Wash your hair with this shampoo and you will get rid of dandruff and crusts. Unfortunately, to prevent them from reappearing, you need to add essential oil with each use. But since after juniper my head smells like grass, I switched to lavender oil. While everything is ok, there are no signs of dandruff, and the head smells better.

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How to remove onion smell from hair

With such a problem how to get rid of onion smell from hair, faced by many lovers. After all, you must admit that the presence of this smell on the hair, which usually does not disappear with the first wash of the head, can be quite annoying and give self-doubt.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about folk remedies that are used after, or during use, and help to kill the smell of onions from the hair.

Helps to get rid of onion smell .

It is necessary to dilute approximately 1 tbsp. a spoonful of its dry powder (if the hair is long, take more henna) with a small amount of hot water, and stir to end up with a homogeneous mass, the consistency of which is like sour cream. Let the henna brew for 15 minutes (the most convenient way is to cook it while you are still holding the onion mask on your hair, 10 minutes before washing it off).

After you have washed off the onion mask and washed your hair with shampoo, apply a colorless henna mask to damp hair, squeezing excess water from them with a towel, rub the mass well into the roots, and distribute with a flat comb completely along the entire length of the hair. Hold for 20 minutes, wrapping your head with plastic wrap and a warm towel on top, and then rinse your hair thoroughly with water, you can even without using shampoo. But if it seems to you that the hair is not washed enough, wash it with shampoo.

By the way, colorless henna not only absorbs the unpleasant smell of onions from the hair like a sponge, but also helps to strengthen them.

In particular, colorless henna masks, with the addition of products such as, and essential oils, help to remove the smell of onions from hair.

So, for example, henna itself can be diluted not with water, but with heated kefir (the drier the hair, the more fat the kefir should be, and vice versa). In the resulting mass, you can add 1 teaspoon of dry mustard powder (also previously diluted with a small amount of water), and 5 drops of tea tree or rosemary (for oily hair), lavender, cedar, or santal (for other types of hair).

To some extent rinsing with vinegar solution helps to get rid of the smell of onions from hair .

It should be diluted 1-2 tbsp. spoons of ordinary or apple cider vinegar in 1 liter of warm water, and rinse your hair thoroughly with this composition at the very end of the washing procedure.

Or instead of vinegar, you can take 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Just keep in mind that rinsing, both with vinegar and lemon juice, is more suitable for.

You can try to remove the smell of onions from your hair with the following folk mask:

Thoroughly rub two raw egg yolks with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey. Add 5 drops of tangerine, sandalwood, cedar or lavender essential oil to the resulting mass. Apply the mask completely to all hair, including the roots, and hold for about 1 hour. Rinse afterwards with shampoo. The fact is that honey is very caustic, and, eating into the pores of the hair, etches the smell of onions.

This mask is more recommended when available. Instead of yolks, you can take 2 tbsp. spoons. It must be done immediately after washing off the onion mask (on wet hair squeezed out of the water). If after the first application the onion smell is not completely removed, repeat the mask after 2-3 days.

With oily hair, in order to kill the smell of onions, it is also recommended to make a honey mask, only with the addition of lemon juice. For 1 st. a spoonful of liquid honey is taken 3 slices of rye bread (without crust), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, and 5 drops of tea tree, lemon or rosemary essential oil.

The method of application is the same as in the case of the mask of honey and yolks described above.

Not bad removes the smell of onions from the hair mask of lemon and cocoa butter .

Take 1 whole lemon, cut into 4 slices, and grind together with the peel in a blender (or in any other way, so that you end up with a smooth puree). Now squeeze this puree well through gauze, or through a sieve, and the mass that is squeezed out, you will need to use for the mask.

After you have washed off the onion mask and washed your hair with shampoo, squeeze out excess water from your hair, and apply the prepared cocoa butter mask on them, rubbing it liberally into the roots, and spreading it along the entire length of the hair. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water alone and then apply the balm you normally use.

Keep in mind that after this procedure, the hair may look greasy, so this method is more suitable for dry hair types.

To get rid of the onion smell from your hair, try the following recipe:

Squeeze the juice from one whole lemon, and stir it with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey (if the honey is thickened, first melt it in a water bath or low heat), and with 2 teaspoons of the hair balm that you usually use.

Apply the resulting composition to wet hair (after washing off the onion mask), and hold for 20 minutes. Wash your hair again with shampoo and conditioner.

In particular, to kill the smell of onions, it is recommended to add it to the onion masks themselves (5 drops each).

Or if you are using onion juice, add about 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to it.

Also, the smell of onion will not be so strong if only onion juice is used in masks, without pulp.

What other products help to neutralize the smell of onions is honey and cognac. They can be additionally added to onion masks (1 teaspoon of honey, or 2 teaspoons of cognac).