The magic of numbers. Interpretation of the dream Matryoshka in dream books Why do you dream about Matryoshka

Find out from the online dream book what Matryoshka dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about Matryoshka in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Matryoshka in a dream, why does the dreamer dream?

Matryoshka - Seeing a nesting doll in a dream means your desires will come true.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Matryoshka from your dream

Matryoshka - Find out the secret; disappointment.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Matryoshka according to the dream book?

Matryoshka - The dream signifies that your passion for some person is understandable: more and more good qualities will be revealed in him.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Matryoshka?

Matryoshka - A dream foretells large financial expenses for organizing an upcoming family celebration. An unfolded set of nesting dolls, standing side by side from small to large, is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children. Buying a nesting doll as a souvenir as a gift to foreign friends means that the laziness and decadent mood that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters and drag you into a life full of idle entertainment.

Dream Interpretation of Sergei Karatov

Matryoshka - dream interpretation

Matryoshka - If you dreamed of a painted nesting doll, this means that the man (woman) you really liked and on whom you made the same impression will not disappoint you. In addition, you will soon discover all new advantages in it.

See also: toys, foreigner, gift.

Modern dream book of Elena Avadyaeva

Why do you dream about Matryoshka?

If you dreamed of a nesting doll, it represents longing for children or for your childhood.

A disassembled nesting doll in a dream means that you will meet an unpleasant person.

Painting in a dream - you can become a victim of a scam in love or you yourself can deceive someone’s expectations.

If you dreamed about buying a nesting doll as a gift, this is a sign of well-being in the family and a wonderful relationship with your children.

Dream book for the whole family

See Matryoshka, how to unravel the symbolism

Matryoshka - If in a dream you bought a matryoshka, then very soon a situation that seemed insoluble to you will be resolved. It will not require much effort on your part and you will be surprised by such a successful outcome. If you dreamed that you were taking apart nesting dolls, pulling out smaller ones from larger ones, then you may soon be “hooked” by a clever woman.

If you paint the nesting doll yourself, then you are acting in the wrong direction and you should reassess your position. If you dreamed that you were given a matryoshka doll, then you are infatuated with a woman who will not be able to give you what you want, as the dream book predictor reports.

Modern dream book


Matryoshka - Buying a matryoshka - a situation that you consider hopeless will soon resolve itself, and you will be surprised that you could not foresee such an outcome.

If you dreamed that you were disassembling nesting dolls, taking out small ones from large ones, then this means that you will soon be hooked by a clever woman. For a woman, this dream promises victory over her rival.

Painting a matryoshka doll yourself in a dream means that you are wasting energy and time, but acting in the wrong direction. You should analyze the situation and develop a plan for further action.

If you dreamed that you received a nesting doll as a gift, then you are not attracted to the woman who can give you happiness.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Matryoshka - An empty-headed friend will give you advice on how to live.

For those born in May, June, July and August

You may dream of a matryoshka doll for a trip abroad, as the dream book says about this dream.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To see in a dream how you take out the nesting dolls one after another - to a large family.

In a dream, a nesting doll symbolizes the fulfillment of desires, the discovery of a secret, or disappointment. Sometimes he hints at a quick trip abroad. The dream book will analyze the dream plot in detail and tell you exactly what it is about in your dream.

Good relations

This unusual toy is most often associated with large families. Did you dream of numerous dolls standing in a row according to size? The dream book prophesies well-being in the home and excellent relationships with children.

Why do you dream if you took apart a nesting doll at night? The plot promises victory over a rival for women; it warns men: you will get carried away by a beautiful but cunning lady who will use you. Collecting nesting dolls in a dream literally means building relationships.

Miller's instructions

Why do you dream about a funny nesting doll? Mr. Miller believes that you will meet an unusual person, and gradually you will discover more and more interesting qualities in him.


Did you dream about a nesting doll? A stupid girlfriend will teach you about life. Try not to take her advice.

The dream book considers this doll image a symbol of illusions. Essentially, you are mistaken in your assessment of some situation. Chances are there are literally multiple layers to the circumstances.

Moreover, take a close look at your surroundings. There is a person nearby who hides his bad intentions under the guise of friendliness.


Why dream if you personally tried to make a doll out of wood? A dream prophesies an incredible insight in reality.

Seeing someone whittling a product from a single piece of wood in a dream means that someone around you will clarify the situation.

Did you dream that you personally painted a matryoshka doll? The dream book believes that you have chosen the wrong direction and all efforts will be useless.


Did you dream that you received dolls as a gift? You are carried away by a person who will obviously doom you to unhappiness.

Did you have to buy a painted toy yourself? You will find yourself in a situation that seems completely hopeless and even hopeless. But the dream book is sure that it will be resolved safely without the slightest effort on your part.

In a dream, did you buy a Russian nesting doll to give it to a foreign friend? In reality, a decadent mood and laziness will come, you will abandon your business and plunge into idle idleness.


The dream book advises considering a number of other transcripts that will help establish the true interpretation of the dream.

  • Lose - miss out on a profitable offer.
  • Throw it away deliberately - luck will turn away.
  • To wash - big troubles are coming.
  • Playing is the successful management of household chores.

If you magically turned into a nesting doll in a dream, then in reality you are in some kind of danger. It's good to see that you got inside. This is an eloquent symbol of comprehension of the secret, both in the esoteric and in the mundane, everyday sense.

Get your act together!

Why do you dream about a very old, almost ancient nesting doll? Alas, be prepared to receive sad news. Did you dream of a toy with a worn-out design? The dream book calls on you to gather your strength; there is a rather difficult period ahead with an unpredictable ending.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Freud's Dream Book

The process of disassembling or assembling nesting dolls symbolizes your desire for group sex.

A fully assembled set of nesting dolls speaks of your suppressed sexual aspirations.

A disassembled and arranged set of nesting dolls symbolizes your indiscriminateness in choosing sexual partners and the lack of strong attachment to someone.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Family dream book

Dream Interpretation: seeing a Matryoshka doll in a dream - If in a dream you bought a matryoshka doll, then very soon a situation that seemed insoluble to you will be resolved. It will not require much effort on your part and you will be surprised by such a successful outcome. If you dreamed that you were taking apart nesting dolls, pulling out smaller ones from larger ones, then you may soon be “hooked” by a clever woman. If you paint the nesting doll yourself, then you are acting in the wrong direction and you should reassess your position. If you dreamed that you were given a matryoshka doll, then you are infatuated with a woman who cannot give you what you want, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Spring dream book

Matryoshka - an empty-headed friend will give you advice on how to live.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Summer dream book

Dreaming of a matryoshka symbol means a trip abroad.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Autumn dream book

To dream about how you take out nesting dolls one after another - to a large family.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A matryoshka doll seen in a dream foreshadows large financial expenses for organizing an upcoming family celebration.

An unfolded set of nesting dolls standing side by side from small to large is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children.

Buying a nesting doll as a souvenir as a gift to foreign friends means that the laziness and decadent mood that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters and drag you into a life full of idle entertainment.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Modern dream book

Buying a nesting doll - such a dream means that a situation that you consider hopeless will soon resolve itself, and you will be surprised that you could not foresee such an outcome.

If you dreamed that you were disassembling nesting dolls, taking out small ones from a large one, a clever woman will soon hook you. For a woman, such a dream promises victory over her rival.

In a dream, painting a matryoshka doll yourself means you are wasting energy and time, but you are acting in the wrong direction; you should analyze the situation and develop a plan for further action.

If you dream that you were given a matryoshka doll, this means that you are not attracted to the woman who can give you happiness.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Men's dream book

If in a dream you bought a nesting doll, then very soon a situation that seemed insoluble to you will be resolved. It will not require much effort on your part and you will be surprised by such a successful outcome.

If you dreamed that you were taking apart nesting dolls, pulling out smaller ones from larger ones, then you may soon be “hooked” by a clever woman.

If you paint the nesting doll yourself, then you are acting in the wrong direction and you should reassess your position.

If you dreamed that you were given a nesting doll, then you are infatuated with a woman who cannot give you what you want.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Dream book for the whole family

If in a dream you bought a nesting doll, a situation that seemed insoluble to you will very soon be resolved. It will not require much effort on your part and you will be surprised by such a successful outcome.

If you dreamed that you were taking apart nesting dolls, pulling out smaller ones from larger ones, you may soon be “hooked” by a clever woman.

If you paint the nesting doll yourself, you are acting in the wrong direction and you should reassess your position.

If you dreamed that you were given a nesting doll, you are infatuated with a woman who cannot give you what you want.

Why do you dream about nesting dolls?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

A dream about nesting dolls means that your passion for some person is not groundless: more and more good qualities will be revealed in him.

A dream about nesting dolls means that your passion for some person is not groundless: more and more good qualities will be discovered in him.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Dream about Matryoshka

If in a dream you bought a nesting doll, then very soon a situation that seemed insoluble to you will be resolved. It will not require much effort from you and you will be surprised by such a successful outcome.

If you dreamed that you were taking apart nesting dolls, pulling out smaller ones from larger ones, then you may soon be “hooked” by a clever woman.

If you paint the nesting doll yourself, then you are acting in the wrong direction, and you should reassess your position.

If you dreamed that you were given a matryoshka doll, then you are infatuated with a woman who cannot give you what you want.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

The meaning of Matryoshka dreams

A matryoshka doll seen in a dream foreshadows large financial expenses for organizing an upcoming family celebration. An unfolded set of nesting dolls, standing side by side from small to large, is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children.

Buying a nesting doll as a souvenir as a gift to foreign friends means that the laziness and decadent mood that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters and drag you into a life full of idle entertainment.

Interpretation of dreams from