Magnesium is one remedy for many diseases. Cancer is curable in any form and stage Does magnesium sulfate cause cancer?

The human body is designed in an amazing way, it quickly learns what nutrients it lacks. Magnesium is a very important component for the body, it is necessary for several hundred reactions in the body. And with its deficiency in the body, symptoms immediately appear, that is, warning signals of the body.

Signs You're Not Getting Enough Magnesium

1. Calcification of arteries

What is arterial calcification, I think it is not necessary to explain it. These deposits can lead to myocardial infarction.
Lack of magnesium in the body leads to the deposition of calcium in the arteries, leaching of calcium from the bones.

2. Muscle spasms and cramps

Calcification of the arteries leads to stiffness, which can lead not only to a heart attack, but also to muscle spasms and cramps.
Magnesium intake can prevent this situation. And if nothing is done, it can cause either a heart attack or paralysis.
Pregnant women experience this symptom as there is a wide range of hormonal imbalances during this period of their lives that cause calcium synthesis, hence magnesium deficiency.

3. Anxiety and depression

The appearance of anxiety and depression is a dangerous sign that the body lacks magnesium.
The ratio of calcium and magnesium in the blood affects the supply of oxygen to the brain. In this case, the brain will not have enough energy to control emotions. The person will behave strangely, depression will appear.

4. High blood pressure, hypertension

As a result of calcification of the arteries, they narrow, and the pressure in them increases.
Over time, blood pressure gets higher and higher and arterial hypertension occurs.
This dangerous disease can lead to death.

5. Hormonal problems

Scientific studies have found that the lower the level of magnesium in the body, the higher the levels of hormones in the body.
When magnesium levels fall below the required level, women's estrogen levels increase.

6. Sleep problems

Lack of magnesium in the body makes a person restless. And such a person cannot have restful sleep.
The cause of this restlessness may be high blood pressure, which strains the heart and causes uncoordinated mental activity, which is the ultimate cause of insomnia.

7. Low energy consumption

You heard from high school biology class that ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is responsible for energy in the body.For its vigorous activity, ATP must receive magnesium.If the human body does not receive enough magnesium, then it will be weak and painful.

These dangerous signs of magnesium deficiency should be known.

1) If you go to a neurologist complaining of insomnia, you will be given a prescription for a hypnotic drug that has side effects.
It is better to check the magnesium content in the blood.
Scientists in America claim that 80% of the inhabitants of this country have magnesium deficiency.
Do you think differently in our country? I doubt.
2) If you go to a gynecologist - an endocrinologist with complaints about your illnesses, and the doctor tells you that you have an excess of female sex hormones, how will you be treated? Hormonal drugs.
Get your magnesium tested first. You won't get any better than this!


The magnetic fields of the Activator create the structure of rain or melt water.

Water after magnetic treatment is soft, with the desired acid-base balance ( pH = 7.1 - 7.5 ). And at the same time it is a STRONG ANTIOXIDANT, and this is the prevention of ONCOLOGICAL diseases.

After activation, the water becomes biologically active.

Aging and the bouquet of diseases you have already acquired can be stopped in the only way - by daily use of activated (biologically active) water, as close as possible to cellular water in the body!

Magnesia is a magnesium salt of sulfuric acid, it is also known under the names "magnesium sulfate" and "epsom salt". Magnesia has been used in medical practice for several decades and has been successfully used in many areas: in neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, obstetrics and gynecology. Magnesia is very popular for weight loss and body cleansing.

Magnesium sulfate is also featured in the sports industry. All aspects of the use of Magnesia, reviews on the effectiveness of this drug, detailed and reliable information about the price, forms of release, dosage, possible side effects and contraindications are presented further on this page.

Instructions for the use of magnesia

The drug Magnesia (magnesium sulfate) has the following types of effects on the human body (in descending order of severity):











This is important: High doses of Magnesia when administered intravenously can have an effect similar to the effect of taking drugs from the opiate group, namely: mental retardation, disorientation, fainting, hallucinations.

The speed of the onset of the therapeutic effect, its type and duration depend on the method of taking Magnesia:

    Orally - laxative and choleretic effect of the drug begins after three hours and lasts for six hours;

    Intramuscularly - relaxation of smooth muscles occurs after one hour and lasts up to four hours;

    Intravenous - antispasmodic effect occurs almost instantly, but disappears after half an hour.

The laxative effect of magnesium sulfate is due to its ability to thin and increase the volume of feces, as well as promote an increased flow of water into the intestines. The choleretic effect is achieved due to a decrease in the muscle tone of the duodenum and simultaneous irritation of the mucous membrane lining it.

Since Magnesia is partially evacuated from the body by the kidneys, it has time to cause an influx of fluid to them and serve as a weak diuretic. There is a practice of using Epsom salts for poisoning with heavy metals and poisons: arsenic, mercury, lead. In this case, the ability of Magnesia to enter into chemical interaction with dangerous substances, bind them and quickly remove them from the body is useful.

Magnesium sulfate is actively used in physiotherapy for therapeutic baths and electrophoresis. Such procedures have a pronounced antispasmodic, analgesic, vasodilating and calming effect on the patient's body. Topical application of Epsom salts as compresses and lotions helps to eliminate warts, heal wounds, and reduce psoriatic manifestations.

Sports magnesia is a special powder for treating the hands of athletes interacting with various equipment: barbells, crossbars, bars, spears, discs, rings. The fact is that magnesium sulfate has a pronounced anti-slip effect when applied to the skin of the hands, due to which sports equipment is securely fixed.

Magnesia is used to treat the following diseases and pathologies:

    In neurology - epilepsy, cerebral edema, increased nervous excitability, encephalopathy, convulsive syndrome;

    In cardiology - hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia (deficiency in the body of potassium and magnesium), ventricular arrhythmia,;

    In therapy - poisoning with salts of heavy metals, bronchial asthma, excessive sweating, urinary retention, wounds and infiltrates;

    In gastroenterology- biliary dyskinesia, constipation,;

    In obstetrics and gynecology- preeclampsia and eclampsia, the threat of premature birth.

Magnesia may interact with some other drugs, especially when injected or dripped:

    Muscle relaxants - enhances their effect;

    Anticoagulants, cardiac glycosides, phenothiazine- weakens their impact;

    Nifedipine - causes severe muscle weakness;

    Tobramycin and Streptomycin– reduces their antibacterial effect;

    Ciprofloxacin - enhances the effect of this antibiotic;

    Tetracyclines - reduces absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and reduces their effectiveness.

Magnesium sulfate is absolutely incompatible with the following substances:

    Arsenic salts;

    Phosphates, carbonates and bicarbonates of alkali and alkaline earth metals (potassium, barium, strontium);

    Tartrates (salts and esters of tartaric acid);

    Salicylates (salts of salicylic acid);

    Antibiotics of the lincosamide group (Lincomycin and Clindamycin);



This is important: In case of an overdose or poisoning with Magnesia, gluconate or calcium chloride is used as an antidote.

Magnesia treatment

For oral administration or rectal administration, a suspension is prepared from warm boiled water and magnesium sulfate powder.

The proportions depend on the age of the patient and the goals of treatment:

    Magnesia laxative- 10-30 g of powder in half a glass of water (100 ml). Take once the entire volume of the suspension on an empty stomach, in the evening before bedtime or in the morning immediately after waking up. Do not eat anything until a bowel movement (usually after 1-3 hours). To enhance the laxative effect, you can additionally drink 2-3 glasses of warm boiled water;

    Magnesia choleretic- 15-25 g of powder in half a glass of water (100 ml). Mix thoroughly and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day immediately before meals;

    Enema with Magnesia- 40-60 g of powder per 200 ml of water. Used to treat severe chronic constipation when oral magnesium sulfate has failed;

    Duodenal sounding with Magnesia- 10-50 ml of a solution of 10% or 25% concentration is injected into the duodenum through a probe.

This is important: Magnesia is an emergency laxative, it is not suitable for daily regular use for chronic constipation, because it has a strong irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

If magnesium sulfate is used as a muscle relaxant or a drug that lowers blood pressure and normalizes the heart rate, it is advisable to inject. For injections and droppers, a ready-made 25% solution of Magnesia in ampoules is used. Intramuscular injections do not require a decrease in the concentration of the active substance, and for intravenous and drip administration, the drug is diluted with 5% glucose or saline, since the simultaneous entry of undiluted Magnesia into the bloodstream can cause an unpredictable violent reaction of the body and provoke complications.

Intramuscular injection of magnesium sulfate is accompanied by severe pain. Intravenous and drip administration of the drug is characterized by patients as quite tolerable, but at first a burning sensation is usually felt, spreading through the vein and gradually fading away. The medical staff performing the injection is obliged to warn the patient in advance about the need for careful monitoring of well-being after the administration of Magnesia. If you experience symptoms such as dizziness, redness of the face, fading in the chest, you should immediately inform your doctor about them. After removing the dropper with Magnesia, a control measurement of blood pressure and pulse is always performed.

Maximum dosage of Magnesia

For an adult, the maximum allowable single dose of magnesium sulfate when taken orally is 30 g. Under the condition of intramuscular or intravenous administration, the limit is 200 ml of a 25% solution per day.

The treatment of constipation with Epsom salts has no age-related contraindications, it is only necessary to correctly calculate the dosage of Magnesia for children. For adolescents over 14 years old, a suspension is prepared from 100 ml of warm boiled water and 15-30 g of magnesium sulfate powder, and to find out how much Magnesia can be given to a younger child, use the following formula.

This is important: How old is the baby, how many grams of magnesium sulfate powder should be used to prepare a laxative, for example: 5 years = 5 g of Magnesia + 100 ml of warm boiled water.

If a child is very constipated, you can give him an enema with Epsom salts. Depending on the age and weight of the baby, you will need 50 to 100 ml of Magnesia solution. A concentration of less than 20 g of powder for such a volume of warm water will not have a therapeutic effect when administered rectally, however, it is not necessary to put more than 30 g per half a glass of water, otherwise irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the children's intestines will occur.

Intramuscular or more often intravenous administration of Magnesia to children is used in case of critically high intracranial pressure or suffocation. The drug is even used to treat birth asphyxia in newborn babies, so we can once again say with confidence that Magnesia is safe and has no age-related contraindications.

During pregnancy, magnesium is used as an effective muscle relaxant, that is, a means that relaxes smooth muscles and relieves spasms. Uterine hypertonicity is a common cause of spontaneous abortions and premature births. If the muscles of this organ are too tense, and their undulating contractions are observed, which are undesirable for early gestation and can lead to premature shortening of the cervical canal, dilatation of the cervix and fetal expulsion, the doctor may prescribe intravenous or intramuscular administration of Magnesia to a pregnant woman. Injections are carried out strictly in a hospital under the close supervision of medical staff and with careful monitoring of the patient's blood pressure and pulse.

This is important: The concept of "uterine hypertonicity" is discredited by the modern gynecological community. This organ must have a high muscle tone for successful delivery, and periodic uterine contractions normally do not threaten the normal course of pregnancy.

Therefore, measures to relieve the increased tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus during pregnancy, including the use of Magnesia, must have good reasons: for example, a miscarriage or a history of premature birth, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, bloody discharge from the genital tract. Any pathological symptomatology during pregnancy should be carefully diagnosed, and almost every expectant mother receives an ultrasound report with the outdated wording “uterine hypertonicity” in our country, and often without any reason.

Another important limiting aspect of the use of Magnesia during pregnancy is that magnesium sulfate enters the placental circulation and can depress the respiratory and cardiac function of the fetus. The later the gestation period, the greater the volume of blood that penetrates through the umbilical cord from the mother to the unborn child, respectively, the stronger Magnesia affects his body. Therefore, magnesium sulfate is used in the last trimester of pregnancy only for special indications, and a few hours before the expected birth, it is completely forbidden to administer this drug to a woman.

Special mention deserves the diuretic effect of Magnesia, which is used by some gynecologists in the treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnant women. In this case, the introduction of magnesium sulfate is carried out by drip, very slowly, under constant monitoring of the vital signs of the expectant mother and fetus.

Tubage is a cleansing procedure that is designed to increase the flow of bile through the ducts, eliminate congestion in the gallbladder and prevent the formation of stones in it, that is, the development of cholelithiasis. Tubage can be done not only in a hospital, but even at home on a regular basis, but only as prescribed by the attending physician and after a thorough examination of the body. The indication for such treatment is biliary dyskinesia and bile stasis.

Contraindications for tubage:

    rectal bleeding;

    Dehydration of the body;


    Exacerbation of any chronic disease;

    An infectious process in the body, accompanied by a febrile syndrome.

For tubage, Magnesia is used in powder form: 1 tablespoon in a glass of warm water. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred and drunk as a whole, and then lie on your right side, put a heating pad under the liver area and lie there for about an hour and a half. The procedure is considered successful if, after tubage, the first stool is greenish, that is, it contains bile. Treatment with Magnesia in the form of tubes can last up to 15 weeks in a row - one procedure every week, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor.

Before starting therapy, you need to adjust your diet: exclude fatty, spicy, pickled, smoked and canned foods. The basis of the menu should be cereals (except for semolina, millet and pearl barley), soups, stewed vegetables, boiled or baked chicken or low-fat fish, in a word, easily digestible and healthy dishes. It is recommended to follow a sparing diet throughout the course of treatment, but especially carefully on the day when the tubage procedure is performed. After it, doctors advise eating a little grated carrot with an apple or a salad of boiled beets with vegetable oil.

Colon cleansing with Epsom salts is another popular home procedure. However, it can be done, like tubage, only after consulting a doctor. As we mentioned above, magnesium sulfate is irritating to mucous membranes and is not suitable for regular use. Therefore, it is impossible to clean the intestines with Magnesia more than once a month. Strictly speaking, two or three series of such procedures per year are enough for a person to maintain the intestines in a normal state with a tendency to constipation.

With age, in all people, even those who do not have problems with stools, hard stones - fecal stones - stick and accumulate on the walls of the colon and rectum. They impede the passage of feces through the intestines and serve as a constant source of toxic substances and decay products that enter the bloodstream. All this leads to development, spoils the complexion and provokes constipation. To eliminate fecal stones, they need to be softened, and magnesium sulfate is the best suited for this, which foams the shaft, increases it in volume and quickly removes it from the body.

Bowel cleansing Magnesium is carried out using an enema: 30 g of powder is taken per 100 ml of warm boiled water, mixed thoroughly and the resulting solution is injected into the anus, and then lie on your side, bending your legs under you, until the urge to defecate becomes expressed. Complete emptying of the bowels occurs about an hour after the enema with Magnesia. Purification is carried out in a short course, 2-5 procedures per week (the exact amount is determined by the doctor based on the diagnostic data of the patient).

If we consider the effectiveness of cleaning the intestines with Magnesia, the reviews are mostly positive - the state of health improves, the stool normalizes, there are no side effects. But as for the safety of this method of cleansing the body, doctors disagree: representatives of the "old school" actively recommend Magnesia as a laxative and an agent for enemas, and young specialists talk about the too aggressive effect of magnesium sulfate on the intestinal walls and offer other, more modern and sparing drugs.

Fighting excess weight with laxatives is not a good idea. When the food eaten leaves the body earlier than it is envisaged by physiology, a person not only does not extract energy from it, but also loses the most important useful substances: vitamins, minerals, amino acids - they simply do not have time to be absorbed in the intestines. Therefore, Magnesia for weight loss, reviews of which can often be found on the net, is one of the dubious, and sometimes simply dangerous methods of correcting excess weight. Especially given the duration of this process and the detrimental effect of magnesium sulfate on the mucous membranes.

However, when obesity is accompanied by severe constipation (and this happens very often), the use of Magnesia for weight loss and solving problems with stool is fully justified, since these two aspects are closely interconnected. The solution of magnesium sulfate in this case is prepared in exactly the same way as described above in the section "Treatment with Magnesia". But the limitations of this therapy are the same: it should not be carried out on a regular basis.

This is important: Magnesium sulfate does not affect metabolism and does not have any fat-burning effect, so Magnesia for weight loss is just a laxative in order to reduce calories entering the body and remove water.

There is another way to use Magnesia to combat extra pounds - therapeutic baths. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, promote the evacuation of water molecules from subcutaneous fat, have a calming effect on the nervous system and simply improve mood.

To prepare a therapeutic bath, you will need:

    Magnesia - 4 bags of 25 g;

    Table salt - 0.5 packs;

    Sea salt - 500 g.

Dissolve the listed ingredients in a bath of hot water (but not more than 42 ° C) and lie there for 25 minutes, then dry yourself dry and apply a moisturizing lotion to the skin. You can repeat these procedures 2-3 times a week. As an independent weight loss technique, baths with Magnesia are ineffective, but in combination with diet and exercise they give a good effect (mainly cosmetic, as a means of combating cellulite).

Contraindications to taking therapeutic baths with Magnesia:

    Arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree;

    oncological diseases;

    Infectious and inflammatory processes;

    With diseases of the genitourinary system-, nephropathy, urinary retention;

    with endocrine disorders- for example, with;

    With bone pathologies-, demineralization of bone tissue,.

It is possible to take Magnesia mineral water regularly for therapeutic purposes only after consulting a doctor and passing tests, because if a person has hypermagnesemia (an excess of magnesium in the body), drinking such water in large quantities will aggravate the situation and result in serious complications. There is a long list of diseases of various etiologies in which Magnesia mineral water is not recommended or contraindicated at all, so if you have any health problems, be sure to consult your doctor before drinking any medicinal mineral water.

If we talk about Magnesia in sports, then this is not at all a drug for oral administration or injection, but a special powder for anti-slip hand treatment. Magnesium sulfate is perfectly distributed over the skin and forms the thinnest layer that quickly absorbs sweat and prevents sports equipment from slipping out of the hands or falling of an athlete hanging on a projectile (for example, on a bar or rings). These properties of Magnesia are very relevant for gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players and representatives of many other sports, as well as for mountaineers who make long mountain climbs.

Sports magnesia is either a ready-made powder in bags, or rectangular briquettes or balls that are easily crushed in your hands. It should be understood that this product may contain additional components that enhance the anti-slip effect, extend the life of use, or hold the magnesium sulfate in a given form. Therefore, it is unacceptable to take sports Magnesia inside for therapeutic purposes.

During my work, I have developed a fairly clear understanding that most of the acquired cardiac pathology is related to magnesium deficiency.

When I studied the state of the issue on the Internet, 2 groups of articles on this topic became clearly visible. The first group is the serious work of researchers, written in complex terminology and obscure to ordinary people without medical education. The second - very understandable (like "drink magnesium - and a miracle will happen!"), But not very literate texts with the substitution of concepts and obvious commercial background.

I have made an attempt to write an article without serious errors and understandable for a wide range of patients. Those who are deeply interested in the topic, especially the evidence-based part of it, can read articles on magnesium for doctors on my website.

The role of magnesium in biology and medicine

Magnesium is one of the most "demanded" metals in wildlife. The center of the chlorophyll molecule (the green pigment of plants) is a magnesium atom. Chlorophyll "feeds" plants (grasses, trees, algae), which are eaten by herbivores, which in turn are eaten by predators. It turns out that magnesium ultimately feeds almost all wildlife. The magnesium atom has special properties due to which in the human body it is "embedded" in at least 300 enzymes that perform a huge number of "useful" functions.

Doctor (according to the first diploma) Alexander Rosenbaum wrote in one of his songs:

"There is anxiety on the face, there is magnesia in the syringe ... This is not for entertainment: there is no more effective treatment than its layered introduction ... After ten cubes, if you have not become healthy, then this is a misunderstanding."

This is the opinion of the emergency doctor. As a cardiologist, I fully agree with him.

In foreign countries, serious studies have been carried out on the role of magnesium on thousands of patients, governments (for example, Finland) have implemented programs for the prevention of magnesium deficiency, the implementation of which has given a very serious decrease in the incidence (for 15 years of the program, the number of heart attacks in Finland has halved); Pharmaceutical companies are producing more and more different drugs containing this metal. Unfortunately, in the Russian national guidelines for cardiology, the use of magnesium is stipulated in only a few cases.

What conditions are associated with magnesium deficiency?

In medicine, there are situations when drugs created to treat a disease do not work. Or the reasons for the patient's condition are not very clear. At present, it has been scientifically proven that a very wide range of pathological conditions are caused precisely by magnesium deficiency in the body. I'll try to draw this circle:

  1. Cardiology: high blood pressure, rapid or irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (and, as a result, coronary heart disease with its formidable complication - a heart attack), a tendency to thrombosis, pain in the heart (cardialgia), mitral valve prolapse.
  2. Psychoneurology: increased irritability, poor sleep, deterioration of mental abilities, depression, fatigue, vegetovascular dystonia (including with panic attacks and hyperventilation syndrome), muscle cramps and spasms (including nocturnal cramps of the calf muscles in women), risk of stroke in atherosclerosis blood vessels supplying the brain.
  3. Pulmonology: bronchospasm (difficulty exhaling).
  4. Gastroenterology: constipation or diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain due to impaired gastrointestinal motility.
  5. Urology: oxalate kidney stones or a tendency to stone formation.
  6. Gynecology and obstetrics: premenstrual syndrome, miscarriage, increased pressure and convulsions during pregnancy.
  7. Endocrinology: hyperaldosteronism (fluid retention in the body).
  8. Rheumatology, cosmetology: connective tissue diseases and skin aging as problems of collagen metabolism.
  9. Oncology (although the information is still small and poorly verified): - Magnesium deficiency leads to an increase in the number of cancers.
  10. Narcology: a very significant part of the origin of the "hangover syndrome" is due to the fact that alcohol expels magnesium from the body. Hence the use of magnesium preparations for the prevention and treatment of withdrawal symptoms.

Accordingly, all these conditions are corrected (understandably, to varying degrees and for different times) by saturating the body with magnesium.

The need for magnesium increases significantly with physical and emotional stress, alcohol abuse, pregnancy and feeding, chronic fatigue syndrome, eating certain foods (coffee), and taking medications.

Is magnesium deficiency determined by a blood test?

99% of magnesium in the human body is located inside the cells, so the content of metal ions in the blood plasma reflects the state of the remaining one percent. The blood test in this case is much less accurate than your health. Here is a quote from the official website of the Invitro laboratory: "The level of magnesium in the serum can remain within normal limits even with a decrease in the total amount of magnesium in the body by 80%." More reliable is the determination of magnesium in erythrocytes, as well as in hair and nails.

Accordingly, if the blood test determines the content of magnesium below the norm, then its real deficiency in the body is huge.

How does the body get the right amount of magnesium?

According to the literature, the daily requirement for magnesium is 350 mg for women and 450 mg for men. Tables of magnesium content in foods are widely available on the Internet. The only problem is that far from all the magnesium contained in food is perceived by the body, and, according to the general opinion of doctors dealing with this issue, it is almost impossible to “eat” a normal amount of magnesium. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide the body with well-absorbed magnesium in adequate quantities.

Can magnesium poison you?

It is possible if a patient with severe kidney disease, who is on hemodialysis, will receive intravenous extra magnesium. In other cases, excess magnesium when taken INSIDE will be excreted by the intestines (through varying degrees of loosening of the stool). Specialists working in the field of stopping drinking binges, according to the standard scheme, administer to patients intravenously up to a gram of magnesium, and all the excess is excreted by the kidneys during the day. So our attempts to poison the body with a maximum of five hundred milligrams INSIDE will not be successful in any way.

What magnesium preparations are available on the Russian market?

Let's see what is sold in pharmacies. I do not consider network marketing products, as well as preparations of especially “shy” (or boorish?) Russian manufacturers that do not print the amount of magnesium in the instructions, such as “Motherwort Forte”, “Sea Calcium” or “Magnesium Calcid” (manufacturers believe that You do not need to know “how much to hang in grams?”, And this shows great “respect” for you). Products sold in less than 10 out of 780 pharmacies in Moscow were also not considered. In fairness, I note that I am not on the salary of any of the pharmaceutical companies, so I can have my own subjective opinion (which may differ from the opinion of the reader - you can choose at your discretion).

In the "magnesium" column, the content of pure magnesium is estimated, without taking into account the weight of acid molecules (for example, the drug contains magnesium lactate 200 mg. The formula of magnesium lactate is MgC3H4O3. The atomic weight of magnesium is 24, the weight of lactate is 12x3 + 1x4 + 16x3 = 88, the total weight of the molecule is 112 , that is, magnesium itself makes up only less than a quarter of the weight of the drug).

Table of drugs with prices, moved to my site analogues-drugs.rf.

Dear authors dealing with the issues of magnesium absorption, note that calcium significantly impairs the absorption of magnesium, so I reject all combinations of magnesium and calcium for myself. In addition, different salts have different degrees of digestibility: maximum - citrate, less - organic salts (lactate, pidolate, asparaginate), minimum - inorganic compounds (oxide, sulfate). It is also described that tablet preparations are absorbed by 60 percent at best.

Therefore, a little about the "liquid" drugs, which are absorbed much more fully. There are only three of them (without calcium): Magnesium Plus, Magne B6 in ampoules, Natural Calm. Now I describe my personal feelings and conclusions. Magnesium Plus - I have not personally tried it yet, four tablets (glasses of solution) can, in principle, get almost a full daily dose. Magne B6 I did not like the sweet caramel obsessive taste and the need to take again four ampoules a day. And one drug is taken in the form of a hot solution (in the morning and in the evening, half a cup), which accelerates and improves absorption.

As a result, Magnesium citrate preparations Natural Calm and MagneV6Forte are suitable for serious saturation, Doppelherz active preparations: Magnesium + B vitamins and Magnesium + Potassium are suitable for moderate saturation with minimal money. Everything else is a matter of taste.

In the case of a single dose, magnesium preparations are best taken in the evening (sleep will improve).

How long to take magnesium supplements?

If you feel the effect of taking it and the drug does not cause you side effects, you can (and should) take it FOR LIFE. Some breaks are possible, but in about a week the state of magnesium balance in the body returns to its original state (as before taking the drugs).

Let me remind you that excess magnesium when taken orally is very quickly excreted by the body, and it is almost impossible to “eat” a normal concentration. So it's up to you to choose which pharmaceutical company to "pay tribute" to improve your condition.

You have every right to say that the doctor is trying to get you hooked on magnesium. I agree, but you have long and firmly been sitting on the "needle" of water, oxygen, food, table salt and other delights. Magnesium is not a drug, I assure you.

Yours faithfully, Your cardiologist in Moscow Agarkov Sergey Valerievich.

People with cancer often wonder if they should eat certain foods and drinks, as well as what is possible and what is not all in all.

There is a general range of products that doctors recommend using in the presence of a malignant tumor. These include:

  • fresh, frozen, dried fruits and vegetables without syrup;
  • whole grain products (bread, cereals, pasta), as well as wheat germ, various seeds with an increased level of fiber;
  • protein foods such as beans, peas, lentils, tofu, eggs, low-fat meats, seafood;
  • healthy fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, nut or olive oil, olives).

What is strictly forbidden to use in oncology?

  1. Foods high in carbohydrates (baked goods made from premium flour, muffins, white rice, refined sugar in all forms) because they feed the tumor cell.
  2. Alcoholic drinks. Therefore, the question "Is it possible?" has only a negative response. The less alcohol a person in principle absorbs, the better for his health. Regular alcohol consumption contributes to the development of oncological diseases of the oral cavity, pharyngeal gland, esophagus, larynx, breast, intestines and liver.
  3. Fatty, chemically processed and fried foods (pork and beef meat, as well as store-bought products from them, fried potatoes). These are strong carcinogens.
  4. Semi-finished products, products with a variety of stabilizers, preservatives, etc.

How much does cancer treatment cost in Russia today? You can evaluate the final check amount and consider alternative options for dealing with the disease.

Some points are worth considering in more detail.

Is it possible to drink with oncology?

Drinking liquid in oncology is not only possible, but necessary. Proper hydration of the body is especially important for patients who receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Side effects of these treatments (vomiting, diarrhea) increase the risk of dehydration. Therefore it is recommended:

  1. Drink six to eight glasses of fluid a day. In order not to forget about drinking, you can keep a bottle of water near you and drink it in small sips even when you are not thirsty.
  2. Alternate food and water intake. There must be a pause between them.

The following substances also help to keep fluid in the body:

  • a decoction of fruits and dried fruits;
  • freshly squeezed juices (but the peculiarities of their action should be taken into account);
  • green tea, nutritional supplements, baby electrolytes;
  • soups, gelatin dishes.

Is it possible to take vitamins for oncology?

Our body needs nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and amino acids. Therefore, in a malignant process, it is extremely important to adhere to a balanced diet. But this is not always feasible.

Is it possible to use honey for oncology?

Honey has a powerful anti-carcinogenic effect, as it contains natural biological components of flavonoids. They are antioxidants known for their antitumor activity. When ingested, antioxidants reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and also inhibit the destruction of collagen in the body.

The healing properties of honey are enhanced in combination with cinnamon, frankincense, turmeric, ginger.

However, with the use of honey, you need to be extremely careful. It is forbidden to put honey in boiling water. In this case, it becomes very toxic. Honey can only be consumed with drinks chilled to 42°C.

Is it possible to have dairy with oncology?

At this time, there is still no clear information about the effect of dairy products on the body of a cancer patient. On the one hand, they include the calcium necessary for a person. On the other hand, dairy products contain certain components that can negatively affect cancer formation.

Based on the World Data Review, the following links have been found between dairy products and certain cancers:

  • reducing the risk of development and spread;
  • increased risk of development;
  • regular consumption of dairy products can reduce the risk of development and metastasis of oncoformations of the ovaries and bladder cancer.

Is it possible to coffee with oncology?

Recently, judgments about coffee have changed a lot. If earlier it was believed that this drink adversely affects human health, today most studies point to the anti-cancer properties of coffee. And we are not talking about one or two cups, but about the amount of more than four per day.

Due to the antioxidant properties of coffee, it reduces the possibility of occurrence and recurrence of such malignant diseases:

  • 4 cups of coffee reduce oncological diseases of the head and oral cavity (by 39%);
  • 6 cups of coffee reduce prostate cancer by 60%;
  • 5 cups of coffee 40% prevent brain cancer;
  • 2 cups of coffee reduces 25%. People who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day have a 42% reduced risk of recurrence of bowel cancers after surgery and treatment;
  • 1-3 cups of coffee reduce the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma by 29%.

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Is it possible to massage with oncology?

Massage is one of the available forms of influence on the quality of life of cancer patients, as well as a way to improve the patient's physical condition. But most schools of therapy say that massage is contraindicated in malignant tumors. There is a concern that massage can provoke the spread of the disease due to its effect on blood circulation.

Researchers refute these suspicions. However, it is recommended to seek help only from qualified masseurs-oncologists. They are trained in special techniques that can positively influence the health of a person with a malignant tumor.

Can antibiotics be used for oncology?

Antibiotics for oncology can be consumed. And research from the New York Cancer Institute even suggests that these antimicrobials can destroy mitochondria in cancer stem cells.

The action of antibiotics has been studied on such oncological diseases as (the most aggressive brain tumor), neoplasms of the lungs, prostate, ovaries, mammary and pancreas, as well as skin.

In modern science, many innovative studies have been determined on the influence of certain factors on the malignant process. Therefore, it is important to know what is possible and what is not as well as this or that means or action.

The action is magnesium (Mg). Epidemiological studies have established that there is an indirect relationship between the magnesium content in soil, water and air and the incidence of cancer in a given region. The less it is in the human environment and, consequently, the less the intake of the microelement in the human body, the more often oncological diseases occur. However, magnesium appears to have a preventive effect only on certain types of cancer. Rats fed a diet low in Mg (5 mg per 100 g) spontaneously (i.e., without injection of a carcinogen) developed lymphomas in 47 of 223 and myelogenous leukemia in 5 of 56. After increasing dietary magnesium ( up to 65 mg per 100 g) in a group of 586 animals, none developed lymphoma, and in the other (354 individuals) there were no cases of myelogenous leukemia. Similar results were obtained when experimental animals were injected with various carcinogens, such as 2-acetylaminofluorine (2-AAF). This substance caused lymphomas in 16 out of 111 animals fed a low magnesium diet (5 mg per 100 g). But in a group of 218 animals that were fed a diet with an increased amount of Mg, there was not a single case of this type of cancer. Unfortunately, magnesium acts less effectively on other forms of this disease, and sometimes does not work at all.

It should be avenged that, as for selenium, an unexpected relationship was found between the content of the element and cardiovascular diseases. In 95 major US cities, a statistically indirectly proportional relationship was established between water hardness (which is primarily due to calcium and magnesium salts) and the incidence of cancer, as well as cardiovascular diseases (correlation coefficient 0.75). This means that both of the most common diseases of modern civilization are connected in a certain way with water hardness. It can be assumed that this factor is the presence of magnesium in it. It should also be remembered that smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and cancer. From the point of view of the anticarcinogenic effect of magnesium, the fact that malignant growth is observed less frequently in bones and muscle tissues containing much more magnesium than, for example, in skin and lung tissues, where it is less.

It is not entirely clear by what mechanism magnesium has a preventive effect on the body. It is assumed that it can stabilize the DNA double helix of the cell nucleus and thereby protect it from reaction with a carcinogen or increase the body's cellular immunity, which then more effectively protects against cancer, sometimes changing the cell membrane in such a way that the cell becomes less sensitive to foreign substances.

But, as in the case of selenium, one should be careful when evaluating the action of magnesium: its deficiency can contribute to the occurrence of cancer in the body, but an excess of this trace element can accelerate the growth of existing tumors. In a number of tumors, it was precisely the increased content of magnesium that was found. A method has even been proposed for treating certain types of cancer with gallium, an element similar to magnesium, which should displace magnesium from the tumor, take its place in the cell and thus stop the further growth of the tumor. It is believed that the daily intake of magnesium for a person should be approximately 200-700 mg. But here it should be emphasized that the compensation of its deficiency in the body, as well as a moderate increase in the content, can play a certain role in the prevention of the disease; however, cancer cannot be treated with high doses of magnesium.