Mammologist - all about the medical specialty. Mammologist - what does he treat? Who is an oncologist-mammologist, surgeon-mammologist, gynecologist-mammologist? Where does he receive (hospital, clinic)? How do I book an appointment with a doctor for a breast exam? How to get a con

A mammologist is a specialist who diagnoses certain diseases related to the mammary glands, as well as their treatment and the development of subsequent preventive measures to prevent diseases in this area. Thus, answering the question of who a mammologist is, one can supplement the answer with the fact that it is this specialist who should be contacted if a number of different problems arise, ranging from such a manifestation as breast engorgement, which occurs before the onset of menstruation, to mastitis (and it is with this problem that the patient’s mammologist is most often referred), mastopathy or tumor formation.

The competence of a mammologist implies the possibility of treating this type of problem within the framework of outpatient treatment, as well as the possibility of treatment in a hospital setting (surgery, drug therapy). These areas of activity can be combined or implemented only separately, it all depends on the specific specialist.

It should be noted that in the conditions of the CIS countries, as well as in neighboring countries, such specialization as a “mammologist” does not exist in principle. Basically, the functions that are assigned to mammologists are performed by doctors whose activities are related to the treatment of cancer, related conditions and conditions of a similar type. The mammary glands, respectively, are also among the areas of their profile, while the specialists themselves in this case are oncologists.

Considering the fact that breast cancer is practically the leader in terms of oncological diseases in various countries, including Russia, a mammologist's appointment is available in almost any serious clinic. The mammologist also accepts in the clinic, so finding a mammologist, regardless of the situation, is not so difficult.

Mammologist: what does this specialist treat?

The main activities of a mammologist in terms of specific diseases are as follows:

  • dishormonal pathologies of the mammary glands - in this case, fibrocystic disease or mastopathy, as well as gynecomastia are considered;
  • tumor pathologies of the mammary glands - this includes breast cancer, lipoma, fibroadenoma, sarcoma, etc .;
  • pathologies of the inflammatory nature of the mammary glands - here, in particular, mastitis is considered; in general, inflammatory diseases of the glands also fall under the competence of surgeons, whose specialization relates to purulent surgery.

When to go to a mammologist: preventive, first and urgent examination

As a preventive measure, you should visit a mammologist twice a year. You should take into account a certain feature, taking into account which a mammologist can accept you - the days of the cycle. Given this, you can go to him after the end of menstruation, before the onset of ovulation (about 5-6 days).

It is better if the first consultation with this specialist is made in youth, because precisely due to early diagnosis in the presence of any pathology and the need for treatment, the doctor, accordingly, will be able to prescribe him, thereby minimizing the possible threat to her as much as possible. development.

As for an urgent consultation, it is necessary regardless of age or other factors, the main reason for going to this specialist is the appearance of symptoms (discharge from the nipple, chest pain, etc.). In the absence of complaints, aggravating heredity and other predisposing factors, a visit to a mammologist after 30 years of mammologist can be considered as a necessity, implemented within a period of one and a half years. Accordingly, with aggravating factors and with a hereditary predisposition, a visit to the doctor should occur twice a year.
It is also important for women to understand that breast cancer in its initial form does not show visible and painful symptoms. Moreover, the traditional measure (self-palpation of the glands) may also be ineffective during this period of the disease. Thus, the detection of pathology in the latent (initial) form of its existence is possible only when visiting the office of a mammologist.

Mammologist examination: when does it become necessary?

There are a number of conditions of the mammary glands, which without fail require an appropriate approach to them, namely, consultations with a mammologist. These are specific symptoms, on the basis of which, even without this recommendation, a woman may have serious anxiety about her own condition and the current disease. In order for the reader to understand what exactly is meant by such states, we single them out in detail:

  • redness of the mammary glands;
  • changes in the size of the mammary glands (both up and down);
  • the appearance of a lump in the chest;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nipples;
  • pain in the armpits and in the surrounding areas;
  • pain in the mammary glands (or in one of the glands);
  • swelling or retraction of the skin, noted in the area near the nipple;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands.

In addition, there are also a number of predisposing factors, against the background of the influence of which one should also pay attention to the need to visit a mammologist, we will highlight them below.

  • the presence of diseases of the genital organs (relevant at the moment or previously transferred);
  • the presence of specific sensations, which may even be insignificant in the nature of their manifestation (a feeling of fullness, pain in the mammary gland, a palpable seal, various types of discharge from the nipples / nipple, a feeling of engorgement of the glands, etc.);
  • the course of pregnancy was accompanied by the occurrence of certain unpleasant moments in it;
  • in the past, in a relatively recent or present time, there was an injury to the mammary gland / glands;
  • actual problem in the form of impaired liver function;
  • severe and prolonged stay in a state provoked by a traumatic situation, in other words, in this case, the transfer of stress is considered as a predisposing factor;
  • the relevance of hereditary predisposition, in which breast cancer occurred in one of the closest relatives.

Basically, the reception of the specialist we are considering is outpatient, which implies consultations with a mammologist, performing the necessary manipulations in terms of diagnosis. In parallel, as already noted, he is operated on in a hospital, as well as the required treatment.

Reception mammologist: how is it?

The reception of this specialist consists in palpation (that is, probing the mammary glands), as well as in clarifying specific complaints that are relevant to the patient. As research methods, due to which the subsequent diagnosis of pathology can be made, the following options can be assigned:

  • mammography (as part of this study, the mammary glands are studied using x-rays);
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the mammary glands;
  • study of tissues removed by biopsy for subsequent oncoanalysis of the material.

Additionally, the following methods can be used:

  • scintigraphy;
  • CT and MRI of the chest;
  • ductography (method of x-ray examination of the ducts of the mammary glands).

Analyzes prescribed by a mammologist

The option of conducting analyzes is not excluded, they include the following:

  • taking a smear (the procedure is carried out with the removal of material from one nipple), conducting a cytological examination (the seized material is examined);
  • taking a smear from both nipples of the glands, cytological examination of the seized material;
  • puncture for one of the palpable formations, carried out as a diagnostic method using an ultrasound machine during this procedure.

Children's mammologist

We have already highlighted the need to visit a mammologist at an early age above, in fact, a pediatric mammologist is a specialist whose visit is necessary for a child or adolescent to treat certain conditions and diseases. As such, pseudotumor formations, asymmetry of the glands, trauma to the glands or their hypertrophy (enlargement) can be distinguished. It is also age-related mastopathy, fibroadenoma, etc. We repeat that with timely access to a mammologist, the possibility of a complete cure is allowed with the implementation of adequate therapeutic measures.

In adolescence, a consultation with a mammologist is necessary during the so-called “hormonal storm”, because breast diseases often begin to develop precisely from this period, and their manifestation can be noted already during pregnancy or lactation (breastfeeding).

It should be noted that a pediatric mammologist should partly be a psychologist, taking into account the peculiarities of the child's psyche and the psyche of adolescents. Important is the ability to establish contact, to inspire confidence on the part of patients. With this in mind, a mammologist, whose reviews are often the best confirmation of compliance with the requirements for professionalism and treatment, must be chosen carefully, that is, again, taking into account both the qualifications and the effectiveness of the treatment, and attitude towards patients.

Breast cancer: symptoms

Considering that breast cancer is almost one of those major diseases that women are especially afraid of, it is important to know what symptoms appear with it at obvious stages of its relevance, that is, when, in general, any phenomena are already one way or another. otherwise, but they make themselves known.

So, first of all, this pain. An important fact is that periodically women one way or another, but face soreness in this area. With the frequent appearance of chest pain, one can assume the relevance of hormonal changes as the cause of this phenomenon (up to 90% of cases this is exactly the case). With pain in only one of the mammary glands, as well as with the appearance of secretions in the same gland, with engorgement of the skin and with the detection of a tumor formation in the process of palpation, we can say that the symptoms that appear in a particular case look somewhat more serious than just pain in chest.

Pain in the armpits, pain in the nipple area - these manifestations occur in about 10% of cases in women during the premenstrual period. The pain that appears in this case is characterized as dull. To relieve pain, you should reduce the amount of salt in the diet in the period a few days before the start of menstruation, you should also refuse drinks that contain caffeine during this period. Due to this, the removal of fluid from the body will occur unhindered, breast tissues are also no exception.

When transferring an earlier biopsy procedure or with a previous injury, pain sensations have a slightly different character. So, the concentration of pain is noted in a specific area, without connection with the menstrual cycle. The pain is sharp or shooting in nature. It should be noted that after a biopsy, pain can persist for up to two years, pain is concentrated mainly in the chest, although the main focus of pain is concentrated in the ribs. With increasing soreness with a deep sharp breath or when pressing on the ribs, there is reason to believe that the patient has nothing more than arthritis.

Stress in pain also has its position in terms of the manifestation of symptoms. So, if the level of the stress hormone in the body is increased, then the pain sensations in it also increase, regardless of the area of ​​​​their localization, respectively, this is also true for the mammary glands. If we add this to the effects of alcohol, coffee and improper diet in combination with the daily routine, then we can soon notice that the pain in the chest increases.

The next symptom, which in the context of this disease should be paid attention to, is the appearance of discharge. Allocations although they can alarm, in reality they have nothing to do with cancer in most cases. Basically, this is a normal phenomenon, relevant for the second part of the menstrual cycle, the cause of their occurrence is the accumulation of a certain amount of fluid in the area of ​​​​the milk channels. If pregnancy does not occur, this fluid disappears over time. It should be noted that the excited state of the nipples can lead to the release of a small amount of this fluid, it is mostly either transparent or slightly cloudy. Sometimes such discharge occurs against the background of significant physical exertion.

Despite the fact that the discharge is not a direct indication of actual breast cancer, certain features of them, nevertheless, should cause alertness:

  • the permanent nature of the discharge (that is, they appear not only in the period of several days preceding menstruation);
  • secretions are accompanied by external changes in the mammary glands (there is a palpation of seals, engorgement of the skin);
  • the appearance of a spontaneous type of discharge (that is, the discharge appears without prior compression of the chest, without previous physical activity or friction);
  • the liquid released from the nipples has a certain color (that is, it is not cloudy or transparent, but reddish, greenish, etc.);
  • the skin of the nipple itches and is generally inflamed;
  • discharge is noted from only one breast or discharge is noted from 1-2 pores in the nipple.

seals, which we have already noted, in many cases are not malignant, but this is not a reason to exclude them as a serious symptom indicating a possible breast cancer, quite the contrary. In particular, an appeal to a mammologist may be the appearance of the following symptoms associated with a seal in the chest:

  • when probing, the hardness of the seal is noted;
  • the edges of the seal are uneven;
  • it is characterized by soreness;
  • there are no similar seals in the other breast;
  • the movement of the seal occurs only with the tissues adjacent to it;
  • the features inherent in the seal do not change in accordance with the menstrual cycle.

If you need a good mammologist in Moscow, do not rely on chance when choosing. Of course, you can ask your friends, colleagues, fitness club friends the appropriate question, take an interest in the Internet forum. But such advice is sometimes emotional and subjective. So listen, but use factual material as well.

Refer to a specialized site - use the offer of our resource. Here is an opportunity to clarify the specialization of a doctor, to find out what professional experience he has, to get acquainted with his achievements, to read the opinions of patients who have already been seen or have been treated. The desire of patients to entrust serious problems depends not only on the professional competence of a mammologist, but also on his human qualities, contact, and attentiveness. Only then can you make a decision and make an appointment.

Women's fears

Most women who accidentally or during self-examination notice changes in the appearance of the mammary glands or feel pain, first of all, the assumption of cancer visits. These fears are understandable. The number of people with this pathology continues to grow steadily every year. Breast cancer is the third leading cause of death in women.

It should be noted that most of the cysts, tumors, seals of breast tissue - almost 80% - are benign, that is, they do not pose a threat. To make sure that this is really the case, a visit to the mammologist will help you. But even if the neoplasm turns out to be dangerous, with early diagnosis and adequate treatment, the patient will be completely cured in 9 out of 10 cases.

Who is a mammologist

Mammologists are professional doctors who are engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathological conditions, neoplasms of the mammary gland. Specialists of this profile work in outpatient clinics, as well as carry out inpatient treatment with the help of medicines. If necessary, many of them can perform surgical operations. These treatments may be shared or performed by the same physician. Therefore, when looking for a good mammologist in Moscow, keep this in mind, paying attention to the specialization and practical capabilities of the candidates.

Note that in the Russian Federation, as in other CIS countries, mammology is not a separate specialty. Despite the fact that there are many breast departments in the city of Moscow (and other regions), this is a subspecialization for related areas of medical workers. Among mammologists, oncologists represent the largest number, since they are the ones who treat patients with malignant tumors and other similar diagnoses. A slightly smaller number of specialists in diseases of the mammary glands are surgeons, plastic surgeons, gynecologists, obstetricians.

A mammologist in Moscow treats:

  • Diseases accompanied by tumors of the mammary glands (fibroadenoma, lipoma, sarcoma, oncological pathologies, etc.).
  • Pathologies of the mammary glands caused by hormonal imbalance (diffuse fibrocystic and nodular mastopathy).
  • Diseases that have an inflammatory, purulent nature (mastitis).
  • Congenital malformations of the mammary glands.

How often should a woman visit a mammologist

For the first time, experts recommend that 15-16 year old girls come to a mammologist for an examination. This will allow to identify pathological processes at the beginning of their development and take timely measures. Moreover, it is early diagnosis that ensures the use of conservative, least traumatic methods and a complete cure. Or you can rejoice at the absence of breast diseases. It is possible and necessary to make an appointment for the first time, then undergo an examination by a mammologist, feeling completely healthy. If at least one unusual symptom is noticed (soreness of the tissues of the gland, discharge of fluid from the nipples), an urgent consultation of a specialized specialist is needed.

After the age of 30, women who do not have complaints about the condition of the mammary glands, as well as breast pathologies among relatives, are recommended to visit a mammologist at least once every two years. In the presence of aggravating hereditary factors or symptoms, visits should be more frequent, at least 2 times a year. At this age, self-examination of the mammary glands after the end of menstruation (on the 5-7th day of the cycle) should become regular. But such a monthly palpation of the breast does not guarantee the timely detection of hidden neoplasms, so a visit to a mammologist is mandatory.

After 45, a professional preventive examination of the mammary glands should be carried out every year.

Please note that the results of the examination will be most revealing and reliable if you schedule a visit to the mammologist on certain days. Go to the doctor in the period after the end of the discharge before ovulation, this is the 5-6th day of the menstrual cycle.

Reasons for an unscheduled visit

Some conditions of the mammary glands are a serious reason to urgently find out their true cause. These symptoms include:

  • Redness (hyperemia) of the mammary glands or their areas.
  • Breast reduction or enlargement.
  • The appearance of seals in the tissues of the mammary glands.
  • Secretion from the nipples, regardless of color. Particular caution should be shown if these secretions contain streaks of blood.
  • The appearance of pain in the armpits or near them.
  • Pain in the mammary glands or in one of them.
  • Changing the shape of the nipples to a more convex or, conversely, retracted.
  • Changes in the condition of the skin around the nipples (swelling or retraction).
  • Asymmetry of the right and left mammary glands.

But even in the absence of such signs, having a history of some factors that predispose to the development of dysfunction or structure of the mammary glands, you should visit a mammologist more often. Among these circumstances are the following:

  • Gynecological diseases that are currently or have been transferred before.
  • Difficult childbirth.

  • The presence of even minor discomfort in the area of ​​​​the mammary gland (chest pain, a feeling of fullness, compaction, discharge from the nipples, swelling of the glands, etc.).
  • Breast problems during pregnancy and/or lactation.
  • Old or recent injury to the mammary glands or one of them.
  • Functional pathologies of the liver.
  • Prolonged stay in a state of tension of the nervous system, repetitive or single psychotraumatic stressful situations, anxiety.
  • Hereditary predisposition - if breast cancer or other pathologies were in the closest relatives in the female line.

Such problems are subject to the competence of a specialist. A mammologist in Moscow will receive a patient on an outpatient basis and provide professional assistance.

How is the appointment of a mammologist

At the appointment with a mammologist, the patient states all the existing complaints about the health of the mammary glands. A good specialist will definitely ask a series of questions that will help to find out the reason for the treatment and the appearance of changes in the breast. Then a visual examination of the glands and palpation (palpation) is performed. If the doctor finds grounds for a more detailed diagnosis, he will recommend several or one of the types of examinations:

  • Mammography (X-ray examination of the mammary glands on a special apparatus - a mammograph).
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the breast.
  • If necessary, an aspiration biopsy is prescribed - an analysis of breast tissue, which is taken with a thin needle, while monitoring the process on an ultrasound machine. Then the material is sent to the laboratory for cytological examination.
  • Scintigraphy is a procedure that uses the introduction of a small amount of a radioactive substance, followed by the analysis of tumor formations on a gamma tomograph.
  • Ductography is a method of X-ray examination of the state of the ducts of the mammary glands.

  • MRI or CT of the chest.
  • Taking a sample of material (liquid) secreted from the nipple with a referral for cytology examination (detection of structural changes in the biomaterial).

After receiving and evaluating the results of the research, the oncologist mammologist in Moscow will offer an adequate tactic for treating the disease, prescribe a number of procedures that will help defeat the disease. The best option is for the same doctor to treat the patient and observe her until complete recovery.

Help in choosing a doctor: how to make an appointment

Often on the Internet, women ask: "Advise a good mammologist and guide the price per appointment." Our site contains a large amount of useful information for you. These are questionnaires of experienced doctors who successfully help women with breast problems. You will find information about the education of specialists, work experience. But the most important thing is to get acquainted with the opinions of real patients about mammologists. Only in this way, by sharing experience and leaving honest feedback, patients can help each other. The average cost of a consultation with a mammologist in Moscow is 1,850 rubles.

An examination by a mammologist is necessary for every woman who cares about her health and wants to preserve the beauty of her breasts until old age. A visit to a doctor involved in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the mammary glands has become especially relevant in recent years, when the number of malignant and benign diseases of the mammary glands has sharply increased. Regular visits to the mammologist are the key to female longevity.

Who is a mammologist

A mammologist is a specialist who deals with the treatment of functional and organic diseases of the mammary glands. The scope of his work includes the following types of pathologies:

  • benign, malignant neoplasms of the breast: fibroadenoma, lipoma, sarcoma;
  • inflammatory, infectious diseases (mastitis);
  • pathologies resulting from hormonal imbalance: fibrocystic disease, mastopathy, gynecomastia in men;
  • congenital malformations of the mammary glands in women, men.

A mammologist is a narrow specialty that has been singled out as a separate branch of medicine due to the widespread prevalence of breast cancer. However, at the moment, in the CIS countries, a mammologist is not included in the official list of medical specialties, so patients who want to make an appointment with a doctor in a district clinic are sent to an appointment with a gynecologist or oncologist.

There are several main specializations of doctors involved in the treatment of diseases of the mammary glands. This is how a breast surgeon detects and treats breast diseases that require surgical intervention (for example, mastitis). An oncologist-mammologist is engaged in the study of neoplasms of the mammary glands, it is he who can recognize a tumor at an early stage of development.

Prevention is a guarantee of health and longevity

Every woman needs to make an appointment with a mammologist at least 1 time in 1-3 years. It is advisable to start visiting a doctor at the age of 18 or an earlier age. The first visit to a mammologist is recommended to be made in youth, when the reproductive system is being formed. At the appointment, the doctor will not only examine the breasts of a young girl, but also talk about methods for preventing diseases, about the rules for caring for the mammary glands.

It is advisable for women from 18 to 30 years old to undergo a preventive examination at least 1 time in 3 years, patients over 30 years old with an unaggravated history should visit a doctor 1 time in 1.5 years. If a woman has had breast diseases in the past or if her close relatives suffered from severe breast diseases, then she should visit a doctor annually.

Many representatives of the fair sex underestimate the importance of preventive examinations of the mammary glands. But it should be remembered that the most severe breast diseases, such as cancerous tumors, are asymptomatic in the initial stages. The first signs of the disease appear at later stages. But the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of a full recovery. It is possible to detect oncological diseases at asymptomatic stages only if a woman undergoes regular mammological examinations.

Patients with an increased risk of developing breast disease should pay special attention to prevention. These are women who have gynecological diseases caused by metabolic disorders, as well as endocrine pathologies, liver disorders, any hormonal disruptions, constant stress and nervous shocks. The risk group also includes patients who have had unfavorable pregnancies.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

An appointment with a mammologist is necessary if any unpleasant symptoms appear. You should be concerned about:

  1. Pain, swelling or any other discomfort in the mammary glands. With advanced forms of mastopathy, patients may complain of pain in the armpits, shoulder blades, shoulders, and collarbones. In the initial stages of the development of pathology, pain often appears only in the second half of the menstrual cycle, and women mistakenly take it for manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.
  2. Change in size, swelling or asymmetry of the mammary glands.
  3. Thickening in the tissues of the breast. Of particular concern should be seals that are tightly connected to surrounding tissues and do not move when probed.
  4. Nipple retraction or bulging.
  5. Discharge from nipples. The most formidable symptom is the presence of bloody, brown discharge. They may indicate the development of malignant neoplasms that destroy the small blood vessels of the milk ducts.
  6. Changes in the skin of the chest: redness, peeling, itching, expansion of skin pores.

Also, a doctor's examination is required for women who have had chest injuries (even minor ones) in the recent past.

What happens at the doctor's appointment

A woman who has decided to make an appointment with a mammologist needs to properly prepare for the upcoming visit. If a visit to the doctor is due to the presence of any unpleasant symptoms, then you need to remember when these sensations appeared, what is their nature. If the patient is to have a preventive examination, then it is necessary to mentally describe the condition of the breast.

To visit the doctor, you should choose the right day, the best option is after the end of menstruation, but before the onset of ovulation, that is, 5-12 days of the cycle. After ovulation (12-15 days), changes occur in the breast tissues, making it difficult to diagnose. If a woman needs emergency care, then you can visit the hospital any day. There are no restrictions on the days of the cycle in women during menopause, as well as in patients taking oral contraceptives.

At the consultation, the mammologist records the patient's complaints, examines and palpates the mammary glands. If necessary, he prescribes additional studies: mammography, ultrasound, tissue biopsy, MRI, ductography or nipple swabs. According to the results of the research, the doctor prescribes treatment to the patient.

Choice of clinic

The first step to your health is to decide to examine the mammary glands, the second step is to figure out how to make an appointment with a mammologist. First of all, you need to find out where the relevant specialists are accepted. Depending on her needs and priorities, the patient can choose either a municipal polyclinic or a private medical center.

The advantages of the polyclinic are that doctors are received there completely free of charge, the disadvantages of public hospitals are the inability to make an appointment at a convenient time, the presence of large queues. The main advantage of a private center is the ability to visit a doctor at any convenient time, the main disadvantage is that the examination is carried out for a fee.

To make an appointment at the clinic, you need to approach or call the reception. If there is no mammologist in the hospital, then the patient may be referred to a gynecologist, therapist or surgeon, depending on the complaints. Now in many hospitals you can make an appointment with a doctor online, but still not all public medical institutions provide such a service. You can make an appointment in a private center in any convenient way: by visiting the reception, by calling on the phone or by going to the website of the medical center.

Doctor's Choice

The easiest way to choose a mammologist and make an appointment with a doctor is to use our online service. Thanks to a handy widget presented on this page, you can choose a doctor according to a number of parameters: by the address of the place of work, by the cost of a consultation, work schedule, user reviews. Here you can also read a detailed profile of each mammologist.

The information provided by our service is constantly updated, so we offer you only the most popular and highly qualified doctors. If you cannot choose a mammologist after reading the list presented, then our consultants will answer all your questions over the phone and help you make the right choice.

There are two ways to make an appointment with a doctor: by filling out an electronic form on our website or by calling the specified phone number. After completing the application, the clinic staff will call you back to confirm the appointment. Take care of the health and beauty of your breasts - make an appointment with a mammologist right now!