Masks with burdock oil, onion and honey. Honey and onions are the best ingredients for making a hair mask

You must have heard at least once about an onion hair mask, some are delighted with the effect after it, others are shocked by the smell, others do not dare to use it at all, let's figure it out in order what kind of mask it is and what it is for " are eating").

What are the benefits of onions and onion masks?

In fact, an ordinary onion contains a lot of useful vitamins, such as B2, B6, C, B3, B9, E and etc.

Onions also contain many minerals: sulfur, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and etc.

Onions also contain essential oils, phytoncides, organic acids you.

Have you run to make an onion mask yet?) Then let's move on.

The effect of onion hair masks

1. Enhances hair growth- due to its rich composition, onion improves blood circulation, which contributes to the rapid growth of hair.

2. Stops hair fall- onion juice strengthens hair follicles, nourishing them with vitamins and minerals. Onion masks are leaders in the fight against hair loss.

3. Treatment and prevention of baldness- if you regularly rub onion juice into the places of baldness, then soon new hairs will appear there.

4. Dandruff treatment- phytoncides contained in onion juice help cleanse the skin of the fungus that causes dandruff.

5. Prevention of gray hair- thanks to vitamin C, onion masks will help maintain hair color for a long time, and gray hair will not disturb you at an early age.

6. Help with oily hair- onion masks help reduce the work of the sebaceous glands.

7. Repair hair and add shine- essential oils contained in onions close the hair scales, give them elasticity and shine.

And even despite all the obvious usefulness of onions, many are afraid to make such a mask because of the unpleasant smell that appears if the hair gets wet or, for example, you sweat. Yes, it certainly scares away, who wants to walk around and leave a trail of unpleasant odor behind them? But there are little tricks that will help you get rid of the amber after the onion mask, so do not rush to give it up. I'll talk about this a little later.

Onion mask recipes and how to use them correctly

Classic bow mask

This mask is also very simple and fast. Take one medium onion and grate it, then squeeze the juice with gauze and rub it into the scalp with massage movements.

Then the head must be insulated with a towel or put on an unnecessary warm hat. Leave the mask on for an hour for greater effect, then wash off with shampoo.

Onion mask for hair growth - super recipe! The result is guaranteed

- onion juice 3 tbsp. l.
- kefir 2 tbsp. l.
- cocoa powder 1 tbsp. l.
- Bay essential oil 2 drops;
- essential oil of rosemary 2 drops;

Thoroughly mix all the main components and then add essential oils, apply the mask only on the scalp, accompanied by a massage. The exposure time is 30-60 minutes. Course of masks: 2 times a week.

Onion mask against hair loss and baldness

- 1 onion;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- Art. l. cognac;
- 1 tbsp. l. honey;
- 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

Peel and chop the onion and garlic with a blender, then squeeze the resulting juice and add melted honey, butter and cognac to it. Apply to the scalp and leave for an hour and a half. The mask is effective even with alopecia.

Onion hair mask with burdock oil and honey

2 tbsp. l. onion juice;
1 st. l. burdock oil:
0.5 st. l. honey.

Preheat honey in a water bath to a liquid state and add the remaining components to it, mix thoroughly and apply on the scalp. To enhance the effect of the mask before use, you can do a head massage.

Leave the mixture under a warm cap for an hour, then rinse your hair well with warm water and shampoo.

Mask for dull and dry hair with onion and egg

Take 2 tbsp. l. onion juice and mix thoroughly with the yolk, apply to hair partings and wrap with a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off with cool water.

Onion mask with yeast

This mask has received many accolades, keep the recipe:
For the mask, you can use both dry and "live" yeast.

Recipe with live yeast to stimulate hair growth:

Take about 20 gr. pour yeast with a small amount of water and add 1 tsp. sugar, put the mixture for 10-15 minutes in a warm place. Then add 3 tbsp. l. onion juice and a couple of tablespoons of your favorite base oil (olive, almond, burdock, etc.). Wash off the mask after 40-60 minutes.

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for onion masks, you can make your own mask by adding your favorite oils and other ingredients to onion juice. Or just add some onion juice to your favorite homemade mask.

Aloe juice, kefir, honey, oils, cognac, eggs, mayonnaise, sour cream, bread- all these components can be used with onion juice.

How to get rid of onion smell - 7 ways

1. Use only onion juice, not gruel. Onion juice leaves almost no odor, and in combination with other components, it can be completely avoided.

2. Put on a mask only on the scalp. The fact is that the hair is porous in its structure and absorbs the smell well, try to get on the hair as little as possible and then the onion smell will be minimal. This is especially true for bleached, damaged, curly hair, they are more porous in structure and the onion smell will be quite difficult to remove. 3. Clay for hair- a great way to eliminate onion smell from hair. Clay has a good cleansing property and absorbs odors. After you have washed the onion mask from your hair, apply clay previously diluted in water to the scalp. The consistency of the clay should be like sour cream. Clay can be used white, blue, green, etc.

4. Essential oils- a proven way to combat odor. Add a couple of drops of tea tree or ylang ylang essential oil to your hair conditioner and apply to your hair after you wash off the onion mask. Citrus essential oils are also great for odor control.

5. Rinse your hair with herbs. It helps not only to eliminate the smell of onions, but also to strengthen the hair. For a decoction, such herbs are suitable: nettle, oak bark, chamomile.

6. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar(2 tsp per 1 liter of water), read here how to carry out this procedure correctly.

7. Lemon juice. To get rid of onion smell 2 tbsp. l. dilute lemon juice in 1 liter of water and rinse your hair well. This procedure also adds shine to the hair!

Do not wash off the mask with hot water (the pores on the skin will open and the onion smell will penetrate deeper).
- do not keep the mask too long, 1 hour is enough.
- carefully strain the onion juice, the main unpleasant smell appears precisely because of the ingress of onion gruel.

Everything turned out to be not so difficult;)

Beautiful hair has long been considered a woman's natural wealth and a sign of a man's health. However, maintaining this beauty is not easy. Unfavorable environmental conditions, poor quality tap water, unhealthy diet and stress at best spoil the appearance of hair, and at worst can lead to baldness. Even the elimination of the influence of adverse factors will not immediately improve the condition of the hair. Homemade masks with onions and honey will help preserve their beauty.

The benefits of masks with onions and honey

Honey is a unique natural ingredient. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and in the form that is easiest for biological tissues, skin and hair to absorb. Therefore, honey is widely used not only in folk cosmetics, but also in innovative professional cosmetic products.

Onions contain keratin in a biologically active form. This valuable material is necessary for damaged hair to restore their structure. In addition, onions contain a large amount of vitamin C, silicon, zinc, which heal the hair roots and prevent the appearance of gray hair.

For the preparation of masks, only high-quality liquid honey is used. If it thickens a little, it can be heated in a water bath, but not higher than 40 ° C, otherwise the honey will lose its beneficial properties. If the recipe requires onion juice, then you can make it by chopping the onion in a blender or on a fine grater and squeezing it through cheesecloth.

Onion hair masks with honey can be divided into 3 groups: to stimulate growth, to combat hair loss and to correct appearance. It is desirable to do all of them in a course for a couple of months. These masks are suitable for hair growth on the head or beard, but they should not be used on eyelashes to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Masks for growth stimulation

  1. Mix 2 parts of honey, aloe juice, 1 part of onion juice and add raw yolk. The resulting mass is rubbed with massage movements into the roots of washed and dried hair, wrapped with a film and a terry towel. The duration of the action is half an hour. After that, the head is washed with lukewarm water with regular shampoo and rinsed with a decoction of onion peel or nettle. This procedure is carried out once a week.
  2. Mix honey and onion whipped in a blender in a ratio of 1:4. Apply the resulting "cocktail" to a clean scalp and rub. The exposure time is 45 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm clean water or with a gentle shampoo for everyday use.
  3. Mix the juice of 1 onion, 1 part brandy, honey, kefir and sea salt. Apply to the hair with massage movements and warm the head with polyethylene and a warm blanket. Leave for 1 hour. Wash with shampoo.
  4. Mix 1/4 cup onion juice, 1 part honey and 4 parts sour cream or yogurt. With oily hair, sour cream should be with a low percentage of fat, with dry hair - sour cream with a high percentage of fat, mixed in half with oil (olive, almond, burdock or castor). Rub the solution into a clean scalp. Leave for 1 hour. Wash with lukewarm water and regular shampoo. Apply once every 3-5 days.

Hair loss masks

  1. The simplest mixture is honey and an onion grated on a fine grater. Apply to damp hair along the entire length. Leave for 1 hour. Wash with shampoo.
  2. Combine equally onion gruel, castor oil and honey. Add raw egg yolk. Rub the resulting mask into a clean scalp, cover with plastic wrap and terry cloth. Leave for an hour. For the visible effect of the mask, it is necessary to do the course 1 time per week.
  3. Mix 2 parts of the hair balm on hand, 1 part each of honey, onion juice, cognac and kefir or yogurt without additives. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair and insulate with a film and a terry towel. Action time - 40 minutes. Wash with cool water.
  4. Mix equally honey, onion juice, olive oil and mayonnaise. Massage the mask on the scalp and wrap with polyethylene and a warm cloth. Leave for 1 hour. Wash thoroughly.
  5. Mix 2 parts of onion juice and castor oil and 1 part of liquid warmed honey. Massage this mixture for several minutes at the roots of the hair, then insulate with a film and a terry towel. Action time - 30 minutes.

Masks for shine and moisturizing hair

  1. Mix 4 parts of onion juice, 2 parts of yogurt without additives and burdock and 1 part of honey. Spread this solution on the roots of the hair and lubricate the hair to the very ends. Cover with foil. Leave for 1 hour. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Combine 1 small onion grated on a fine grater, 2 parts honey, 1 part olive oil. Distribute the resulting mixture over the entire length of the hair. Cover with cling film or a shower cap. The exposure time is 40 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
  3. Mix the juice of 1 onion, honey and a couple of drops of rosemary, lavender and clary sage oil. The exposure time is half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

How to get rid of onion smell

Essential oils contained in onions have many beneficial properties, help fight dandruff and increase blood circulation to the scalp. However, they have one undoubted drawback - a strong smell. The stronger when applying the mask, the smell is absorbed, the more damaged the hair. The most unpleasant smell will remain on the hair after dyeing, perm, frequent blow-drying and other heat treatment. Often, this feature of onion masks makes you refuse to use them. You should not do this, because they are unusually effective, and an unpleasant odor can be dealt with in several effective ways.

First of all, it should be noted that small particles of onion exude a more persistent aroma than onion juice. Accordingly, masks with juice are less fragrant, you just need to carefully filter it. Masks against hair loss and for hair growth are mainly applied to the scalp and do not require application to the hair to the most porous areas. In these cases, the mask can be applied pointwise with a pipette, because the skin retains the onion smell much less than the hair.

Hot water increases the volatility of essential oils, and therefore the smell, so it is undesirable to wash off the masks with hot water. Water should be either cool and at room temperature, or warm if the mask contains vegetable oils.

The unpleasant smell from the mask neutralizes the addition of banana pulp, lemon juice or 4 drops of rosemary, lavender, tea tree or ylang-ylang oil.

After the onion mask, you can make a short-term five-minute mask of kefir or colorless henna. They will absorb excess odor.

The following rinse aids also help with odor:

  • decoction of nettle, chamomile or burdock;
  • liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. orange or lemon juice;
  • a liter of water with 3 drops of lemon, orange or grapefruit oil.

The main thing to remember when using onion masks is that they have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect only with regular use and with minimal negative factors. With significant problems with hair, a consultation with a trichologist or dermatologist is required. They will identify the cause of the problems and help solve them, and onion masks will give an excellent cosmetic effect.

The biggest downside to this product is its smell. This is especially felt in cases where the strands are dyed, permed, or they have a porous structure. There are several ways to neutralize the odor, such as using vinegar or lemon juice added to the rinse water.

Onion juice is used separately or as part of a variety of masks. If the juice is used separately, it must be diluted or used no more than once every 7-10 days, leaving only 10-15 minutes.

Benefits of honey for hair

This healing product is useful for the whole body. Almost everyone knows the feature of honey to strengthen the immune system, it is this product that doctors recommend using to combat colds and many other diseases. Honey is also used to restore the health and beauty of strands. It gives the curls a natural healthy shine, they become soft, obedient.

With this valuable product, you will restore the structure damaged by perms, dyes, regular blow-drying and constant use of flat irons.

To preserve the beneficial properties of the product, you should not heat it above 36-37 0 C. It is recommended to apply honey mixtures to clean, washed strands, slightly dried with a towel to eliminate excess moisture. In order for the mixture to work most effectively, it is best to cover your head with a shower cap or cellophane, and wrap it with a scarf or towel on top and leave it for the time specified in the recipe.

Honey is also used for home hair lightening. To do this, apply honey along the entire length of the strands, wrap and leave overnight or for 8 hours during the day. Of course, with this method, it will not be possible to drastically turn from a brunette into a blonde, but the strands are guaranteed to lighten by 1-2 tones. In addition, no harm will be done to the hair.

Hair mask recipes

Consider effective masks for curls with honey, onions and other ingredients. Such mixtures restore, strengthen and accelerate the growth of strands, and also help against hair loss.

Honey and onion composition

The recipe for this mask will help strengthen curls, as well as stop the process of intense hair loss. For cooking, you need an onion, 1 tbsp. l. melted honey, garlic (1 clove).

Grate onion and garlic or chop in a blender, combine with honey and apply to the roots for 35-45 minutes. When applying, rub the mixture into the roots and massage the scalp.

Mask with oil and cognac

Thanks to this recipe, the process of stimulating the hair follicles occurs, which accelerates hair growth, and the curls themselves are saturated with nutrients. In addition, this composition will help get rid of excessive oiliness of the scalp and hair.

You will need fresh onion juice - 2 tbsp. l., the same amount of kefir, honey, burdock oil, cognac and sea salt, 1 tbsp each. l.; all ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair roots, the remains are distributed along the entire length of the strands. If there is no cognac at hand, vodka will become its replacement. Don't forget to wrap your head. The exposure time is about an hour.

Onion and egg

To strengthen weakened hair, prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. onion juice, you should add cognac, burdock oil, honey - 1 tbsp. l. and yolk. If desired, strengthen the composition of the mixture with garlic juice. With massaging movements, the composition is applied to the scalp and hair roots. Cover the head and leave for 45-50 minutes.

Beauty products made from natural ingredients have always been popular with women of any age. If you have dull, brittle hair, onion-honey masks will help you quickly restore their shine and beauty, which will last for a long time.

The fact is that onion juice, due to the content of a large number of useful substances in it, acts tonic. Onions are able to easily restore the structure of each hair, as well as save you from their frequent loss.

Any woman can afford healing onion masks, regardless of her hair type. Usually the course of treatment is one and a half to two months, if necessary, you can repeat the treatment with onion mixtures again, but not more than 3 courses during the year.

Honey has no less benefit to the hair and scalp. Nourishing healing masks from this product can accelerate their growth, strengthen the structure and give the curls a healthy shine. Already after several applications of honey masks, you can notice a positive result - strong, healthy hair, shimmering in the light and no split ends. Iron, iodine, copper, zinc contained in honey perfectly tone the scalp, relieve dandruff and reduce hair loss.

Onion hair mask with honey

Onions and honey go well with each other, after the first application of the onion-honey mask, you will get an excellent firming effect. Hair mask with onion and honey is very easy to prepare.

You will need:

  • Onion - 1 medium head
  • Natural honey - 3 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp (best olive or linseed)

It is important that all components are at room temperature, only in this way it will be possible to preserve all the useful substances. Peel and chop the onion head with a blender (you can rub it with a grater with small cells), add honey and oil to the resulting slurry, mix everything well. The mask is ready!


Wash and then dry your hair. Apply the onion gruel on the scalp in a circular motion, distribute the rest of the mixture so that it covers the entire length of the hair. Cover your head first with a plastic bag, then wrap it in a towel in several layers.

After three quarters of an hour, wash off the mask with warm water. You can add tea tree oil or jasmine to the water to eliminate the unpleasant onion smell. Lemon juice perfectly kills the onion smell.

Apply an onion-honey mask should be no more than three times a month, this number of procedures is enough to restore the hair structure, strengthen it and get rid of dandruff forever.

Honey mask with onion and egg

Often an egg is added to honey-onion masks. The fact that this product is very useful for hair has been known for a long time. Even if you just wash your hair with a chicken egg, it will become softer and stronger. And all because the egg is a storehouse of vitamins, micronutrients.

A hair mask with onion and egg, both with and without honey, perfectly fights the problem of their frequent loss.

You will need:

  • One medium head of onion
  • A couple tablespoons of cognac
  • Three teaspoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon olive, castor or flaxseed oil
  • Egg
  • Juice of half a small lemon

Squeeze the juice from the onion, put oil in a bowl, add a spoonful of honey there, slightly heat everything with a water bath. To get a hair mask, mix onion, honey, egg, add cognac and lemon juice. Ideally, the mixture should be a slightly watery consistency.


Since the mask contains a strong alcoholic drink, which can give excessive dryness, before applying the onion-honey-egg mixture, lubricate the hair along the entire length with any nourishing oil. Then evenly distribute the mask on the hair and massage it thoroughly into the scalp with massaging movements. Wrap your head with cellophane, top with a towel and forty minutes, no more. Rinse the onion-egg mixture from your hair with lemon water.

Today, it is difficult to find a girl who has never heard of the benefits and beneficial effects of onions. The secret of its popularity is simple and lies in the wonderful properties of the golden vegetable.

Onion juice is a storehouse of valuable substances.

A diverse complex of vitamins and essential trace elements such as sodium, zinc, aluminum, calcium, iodine and others actively stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, awaken dormant hair follicles and fight baldness.

Vitamin C enhances blood circulation, thereby improving its absorption of nutrients and enriching it with oxygen.

organic acids onion juice regenerate cells as much as possible, and potassium effectively moisturizes the skin.

Phytoncides have antibacterial and antifungal effects, and biotin restores the structure.

Obviously, onion juice is a miracle elixir for nourishing and moisturizing hair, but there is one “but” that scares some girls away from using it. It is, you guessed it, the smell.

Indeed, the “aroma” of the onion will be heard for some time after applying the mask, but it can be completely neutralized or made barely audible. Then the smell will disturb for a very short time.

Useful video

See the pros and cons of onion hair masks, as well as another recipe for the simplest but most effective mask:

The dream of having luxurious hair is quite feasible.

You just have to start! Provided that you are not lazy and follow the rules for using masks, you will soon be able to boast of magnificent thick hair.