Shooting master bns build. The Ultimate Guide to Master Shooting in Blade and Soul

Access to the choice of the first profession in the client online game Blood & Soul will appear at the 20th level of the character. General recommendations for the development of the hero can be found in the article "".

By choosing the class of the Shooter, the user will have at their disposal a professional in remote attacks, who uses a bow in battle. Good accuracy indicators allow the Strelok to inflict powerful physical damage on single targets at a great distance. As a bonus - a good chance to dodge an attack, as well as a temporary stun of the enemy. Read below about how you can quickly pump Arrow.

Primary pumping

In general, it is based on completing quests and battles. To speed up the development of the character in the location Proud of Paradise, you should find the NPC Kain and get the Chest of Heavenly Fire from him. By periodically charging Spirit stones into it, you can get a good increase in experience.

Having chosen a hero class (level 20), you should continue development using specialized skills. Of the 4 basic parameters of the character, you need to invest everything in Strength, the rest of the characteristics can be raised with the help of equipment and a point.

Do not forget about the accumulation of stocks of Colorful Jade, which will later be needed to purchase improved equipment (at the rate of 1 item = 7 stones). For a successful game, you need to take a set of level 50.

After level 40

Now it's time to visit NPC Myrna, take the quest from her. Reward - items for the Legendary set (orange fluff). It will not be very easy to play the next 10 levels as the Shooter, as the opponents will not be inferior to the hero in anything. You have to be patient and fight no matter what.

The first foray into the Arena will take place somewhere around level 45. This event is held twice a day in a 3x3 combat format, registration takes place at the NPC Master of the Arena Pyrrhus. The reward is arena medals, which will be used to acquire skills.

Passing level 50

Here the owner of the Strelka will feel freer, in addition to the usual tasks / battles and the Arena, the Two Lords event will become available to him. The journey to hell and the fight against bosses will begin at level 55, then the player will receive a decent reward and even a good elf.

To complete the level 60 gear set, Jade Stones must be turned in to Kain at level 59.

Shooter skills in Blood & Soul

The Shooter class is endowed with 16 different skills, of which the most interesting are:

  • Glowing Beam is an active skill that allows you to hit the enemy with a powerful shot.
  • Slow Beam is a passive that will allow you to slow down the enemy.
  • Piercing Ray is another passive that deals more damage to the enemy and causes bleeding.
  • Dim Light is an active skill that injures the target. In conjunction with Piercing Beam, it allows you to stun the enemy.
  • Concussive Shot is an active skill that immobilizes the target. It's not worth pushing hard.
  • Starfall - brings down projectiles on a group of targets, active ability. Burning Meteor - enhances the effect of Starfall (passive).
  • Hide in Dreams is a passive skill that increases the chance to dodge attacks. Worth leveling up if you're interested in crit skills.
  • Phase shift - allows the hero to exchange places with the enemy. It doesn't make sense to push too hard.
  • Gravity is an active ability that deals damage to one target and slows other enemies.
  • Destructive Beam - Deals damage to the enemy and its surroundings, causing bleeding.

Playing Blood & Soul as a Shooter means being an accurate damage dealer, therefore, in Blood Magic, you should choose books of the Wind (leveling accuracy). Elf - Trisha (purple), it is best to insert fiery souls into her, raising the attack. For sharpening things: belt - we improve with the help of stars (level 8 and above); cloak and helmet - we insert topazes, boots and gloves - bright sapphires (magical / physical protection); jewelry - increased accuracy.

Choice of specialization

Reaching level 60 will allow the player to deepen the specialization of the Shooter, namely, to become a Ghost or a Pathfinder.


This is a hero who deals a massive blow to the enemy at a great distance. Weak defense requires the player to knock out enemies before they get close. The ghost is good in PvP battles, the main focus of the character is to dodge enemy attacks and attack from a distance. In a solo playthrough, smashing monsters with a ghost is also good, because his damage parameters are quite decent.

Ghost Skills:

  • Comet - an active ability that allows you to attack the enemy and slow him down for a while;
  • Orbit is a passive paired with Comet. Speeds up active skill cooldown time.
  • Meditation - Gives you more chance to deal a critical hit (Passive).
  • Vulnerability, reduces the enemy's armor with each subsequent hit (active).

Ghost leveling:

Since the Ghost is a crit, you can increase the chance of its ability to work by pumping the Dim Light skill and polishing it with an Avatar.

For the Ghost, Meditation and Vulnerability will be more important skills, they are worth downloading, and Comet and Orbit - in case of special desire.

While still in the rank of Archer, the player can get himself an elite bow by completing the weapon quest (level 52). Having received level 60-1 and the second specialization, it will be possible to sharpen the Legendary gear to the Devil's set.

Closer to level 70, the Ghost will be able to take a second weapon, two options are possible here: either two elite bows, or a spear can be paired with a bow.

Gear Tips: Jewelery - You can assemble a set of enchanted rings, necklaces and belts (increased dodge and critical abilities in general).

The choice of an elf for the Ghost: Trisha (changed Trisha), Rafeina the Goddess's Favorite (changed Rafeina), or Demon Princess Alaysha.

Divine Ranks: If you want to boost your crit proc, then you need to choose the God of the Storm. In the event that you are tuned to increase the damage done, then the God of Fire, the God of the Sun.


This is a Shooter who prefers to control his opponents, both single and group targets. The hero of this profession is very dangerous in PvP, especially at close range.

Pathfinder Skills:

  • Meteorite is an active ability that hits a lot of enemies.
  • Meteor Explosion is a passive that buffs the Meteor, allowing it to deal damage to more enemies.
  • Astromagic - Stuns the chosen target for a while (passive).
  • Momentum - using this skill gives a chance to stun the enemy (active).

Leveling Pathfinder:

The most important skills of this specialization: the most effective of them is Astromagic, which should be upgraded first. Meteorite, combines well with the already learned skills of the Shooter. Explosion of a meteorite, enhances the Meteorite ability. Impulse - in principle, a good thing, but it has a small radius of destruction, pumping at will.

Level 52 - complete the quest and take the second weapon for physical damage (spear). Somewhere in this area, you should join the ranks of the Guild so that you can participate in guild events.

Level 60, after choosing a second specialization, you need to tighten up your weapons, the existing Legendary set should be turned into a Devilish one.

For a tracker, precision and control are extremely important. Therefore, in Blood Magic we take the books of the Wind (accuracy),

You can assemble a holy set from equipment items, which will greatly enhance the Pathfinder's abilities. Items need to be sharpened with stones to increase physical attack, as well as physical / magical protection. Stars should be applied at a good level, at least 5-6. Weapons should be sharpened to level 7-10. Blood Magic: A great thing is the Inquisition skill, which enhances the character's attack.

Elf for the Ranger should be focused on physical / magical defense or accuracy. Fits perfectly: Trisha/Changed Trisha and demoness Alaisha/Changed Alaisha.

The Pathfinder can achieve maximum success by turning into the Goddess of Darkness. It also enhances the physical attack status of the God of War quite well, in addition, it allows you to collect a good set at high levels (after the 80th).

Complexity: 3/5;
Race(s): Sheng, Lin;
Type of weapon: Pistols.

Overview per class

The Marksman (Gunner or Gunslinger) in is another ranged class that uses dual pistols as weapons. Gunner is a fairly simple class, since all of his attacks are predominantly carried out at an impressive distance, which reduces the possibility of taking damage.

In addition to dual pistols, the character has harpoons that allow you to move freely in the air and thereby take the enemy by surprise.

To help the group, there are strengthening skills that may be required in emergency situations. There are also skills that enhance only your hero.

Pros and Cons of Gunner


  • High mobility;
  • Simplicity and convenience of management;
  • Impressive damage;
  • Easy in PvE.


  • The class is weak in PvP compared to the rest (this can be compensated for by a long experience of the game).
  • Low level of protection.

Shooting skills in BNS

The damage dealt by Marksman is quite high, but it is very important to follow certain sequences in order to ensure this amount of damage.

An important skill for Gunner is the "Circle of Power", which is able to increase the characteristics of the character for a certain time and open the subsequent, huge damage blows of the "Explosive Flurry".

Note: Explosive Barrage only activates when explosive bullets are present. Activating Circle of Power grants 5 explosive bullets.

PvE builds for dungeons


As an element for passing dungeons, players cannot answer unambiguously. For PvE content, both "Fire" and "Darkness" are equally suitable. There is no big difference between them.

PvP Arena Builds


In battles with other players, you should definitely pay attention to the fire build.

PvP combo attacks

Combo attacks for Blade and Soul Master Shooter will provide you with the most damage, high mobility and mobility. There are basic combinations. which will allow you to fight in the Arena against absolutely any class. In addition, they can also be used when passing dungeons and thus play an important role in the group.

Is it worth playing as Gunner in Blade and Soul?

Gunner, due to the amount of damage, mobility and mobility, is a rather useful class that both beginners and experienced players can easily master.

It's great for dungeon crawling and solo play. However, a significant disadvantage is some weakness in PvP content. For beginners, it will be quite difficult to win for this class in the Arena. Most likely this is due to the low level of protection, which is represented by one skill. In any case, if you make the necessary efforts, you can completely master it and win over any class.

- not only a great master of fast miles, massive area attacks, but also an excellent tank. It is thanks to this combination of characteristics that the Blademaster is one of the most popular classes in the game. 3 races can master this class: Jin, Kun and Lin. There are no differences in the game mechanics for any particular race, so there are no bonuses or chips, only your personal preference. The complexity of the game for the Blademaster is not very high, so the class is ideal for mastering Blade and Soul. Always in demand as a tank in group campaigns and feels great in a solo game.

Blademaster stances in Blade and Soul.

To carry out his attacks, the Blademaster uses a "Sword of Chi", which replenishes over time or for a successful combo. The uniqueness of the class lies in its stances: battojutsu, summoned blades and swordsmanship. And so, fencing is a stance from which we will begin our any fight.

In battojutsu, the character's critical damage power is increased by 20%. The bottom panel is missing.

In the rack of summoned blades, the bottom panel will change, the top will be the same, depending on the rack that was.


Blade Master build and skills in Blade and Soul.

In order to create a good fighter from the Blade Master, you first need to sort out his parameters, which ones need to be maxed out, and which ones can be left as they are. In PVE, we will be useful: penetration, damage, crit rate and accuracy. It is possible if you are a fan of solo to raise hit points, but if you like a group game, then be sure to raise your agro rate. In PVP, things are a little different. Defense and crit protection are very important, and you shouldn't forget about damage.

- At the initial levels, farming mobs is very convenient through Block.

- Blocking and inflicting Injection if it is a single target.

- If a group, then use Undercut.

In the future, we will Block, which will give us a reduction in cooldown and a small heal. I also recommend pumping the Injection to Heaven Shatter.

- Another good AoE with a heal.

- Well and at 25 we take a fiery whirlwind, increases agrorate and restores a lot of Chi.

- If there is not enough damage to finish off - brutal blow, can help in finishing off fat enemies.

- On the 30th without an option, we pump over the previously received Lunge. You can even max. Combining Lunge + Brutal Strike, you can avoid the long animation of skills, that is, non-stop damage

And, of course, don't forget lightning strike, the most powerful Blademaster skill.

- Helps you get out of control Deliverance, but more than one, it is not worth pumping.

- At high levels, in dungeons, feel free to use Shoulder push. Combined with Moon Slash, we will be able to debuff both normal mobs and bosses very well.

- On control, in addition to the Sweep, you will have Powerful kick, which will give good damage generation on prone targets.

Tanking by the Blademaster.

For tanking, the tactics are simple - the boss should only hit us, otherwise the whole group may die:

- help us keep the boss on ourselves Continuous onslaught, glare and Flame whirlwind.

- Sometimes bosses use attacks that break the block, in such cases it is worth using or evasive maneuver, or Evasion.

Blade Master and Arena in Blade and Soul.

- The base can be called a combination through Blade Throw, it allows you to pull the enemy towards you, and also gives Chi.

- In flight, you can give after it A flash of lightning, it will land and stun the enemy.

- End the attack Lightning strike.

- On the ground, replace the Flash with Shoulder push, which under weakening will also add damage to the enemy.

It is important to closely monitor the actions of the enemy, waiting for his mistakes, we can turn the battle in our direction. So, for example, after the enemy uses his air combo, there is a good counterattack:

- We catch the enemy in the air Ascension.

- fainting blown by the wind, which allows you to continue any other DPS series.

The main thing in battle is not to forget to control your Chi, you need to alternate costly skills with simple ones, so as not to end up in a situation where there is simply nothing to fight. I want to warn you right away that it is almost impossible to defeat the Summon Master with the Blade Master, but the Assassin and other classes are taken out very simply.

Weapons and gear for the Blademaster.

Now let's talk a little about equipment. We will be the best sword Khon Path Morph“You can see how to morph it. The tablet is only Sharks, it seems to be created for Blademasters.


It is not so expensive to get, but it will give a significant increase in damage.

Weapon Inlay:

Inlaid weapons, I settled on amethysts, made his choice on absorption, since it deals equal damage to the damage it absorbs, 6 gems proc very often on a crit.

Should I play Blademaster in Blade and Soul?

What can be said in conclusion? The class has its strengths: excellent survivability, block (saves both in pve and in most cases in pvp), a large set of controls and debuffs, huge DPS. Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting: combos that are expensive for Chi DPS, a long rollback of basic skills and the presence of good ping and reaction from the player. But in general, the Blademaster looks very harmonious in the world and has proven himself well in the arena.

Blademaster video:

The arrival of the new 10th class in Blade and Soul was truly the greatest thing ever. Users of Korean servers are truly waiting for the announcement of Master of Shooting on June 14, just in time for the end of the Tournament. And the Russian-speaking part of the players at the moment does not have information and the exact release date, but you can be sure that not earlier than August-September. Indeed, in addition to the introduction of a new class - Maestro to the open spaces of both the Korean, Western, and Russian segments, a huge update is provided that can change the specifics of Blade and Soul at the moment. The update for the Asian community brings new locations and hidden corners of the world, as well as an increase in the maximum character level to 60!

Briefly about Ganner (Maestro) Blade and Soul

The class is the 10th in a row, as well as the latest and final. The developers assured in advance that the existence and possibility of creating a new 11th class simply does not take place. This suggests that it is unlikely that Blade and Soul is expecting any more global update, in addition to the introduction of Gunner (Maestro).

Review of the Master of Shooting (Maestro) Blade and Soul

Shooting Master (Maestro) is a very specific class, it seemed to some that his appearance in the vastness of the Blade and Soul game world is very incorrect. The class seems to breathe with vivacity and reality, which other Blade and Soul classes cannot boast of. However, this is only one side of the coin.

The external component of the Gunner (Maestro) in Blade and Soul is made at the main level, in the best traditions of NCsoft. Beautiful, bright and very pathetic. From this aspect, Gunner (maestro) looks very harmonious.

Let's talk a little about the combat components of the Shooting Master (Maestro) in Blade and Soul. During combat, this class is incredibly reminiscent of a Qi Master and a Spirit Master. Why? Everything is very simple! Marksman Master has a huge list of buffs for the whole group. And besides this, it also has many other functions that are significant for the entire team. But that's not all! The shooter belongs to the ranged classes, while dealing a huge amount of damage.

Let's move on to the character creation stage! Gunner (Maestro) is only available for Sheng and Feng races. The list is really small.

After we start the gameplay itself, you should immediately pay attention to the scales that are painfully familiar to all of us. Shooting Master has no Qi scale. Instead, a scale of cartridges was introduced. In fact, the scheme remains the same, the ammo scale performs the same function as the Qi scale. The maximum number of rounds for Gunner (Maestro) is 40 pieces. If necessary, it is possible to recharge the clip with a special skill.

A lot of questions arise after the announcement of the trailer Gunner (Maestro) Blade and Soul. Namely: what kind of weapon does this class have? Is there a choice between them? Not! In the trailer, for unknown reasons, we were shown Masters of Shooting with a rifle in their hands, but on the test server, by the way, available from June 2, these same rifles were not found. Therefore, we can safely assure you that Gunner's main weapon in Blade and Soul is dual pistols.

The next icon, although not conspicuous, is still harpoons. Their reloading is carried out exactly at the same moment as you activated a specialized skill for reloading cartridges. However, no more than every 12 seconds! Harpoons are needed for high-speed movement. You can activate them by pressing the "q" key. This is a familiar detour to all of us. When fighting with enemies, you can open an additional skill. For example, your enemy hit you while moving with a harpoon, at this moment you should be ready to press the "F" key in time. There are 2 types of additional skill: for enemy control or damage.

In fact, the "q" key is a separate specificity of Gunner (Maestro) in Blade and Soul. It can be regarded as the central point of gravity. When used, a certain area appears in which the Shooting Master moves quietly. However, he can do it outside of it as well.

To the right of the harpoons is the indicator of the elements. Ganner has access to 2 elements: darkness and fire. When learning skills for darkness, the indicator accumulates power, with the help of which, later, you can use a buff that increases damage dealt for a few seconds. When learning skills for fire, the indicator is charged with cartridges, which can be discharged by pressing the "F" key.

Visual video presentation of Gunner and all his skills on the Blade and Soul test server