Ladini matrix and decoding of the health map. Characteristics of the arcana based on the book by Natalia Ladini “Diagnostics of Destiny” and the calculator “Matrices of Destiny

Every person who is interested in his spiritual nature tries to understand himself and his purpose in life more deeply. Sometimes this understanding never comes. When reading an astrological or numerological portrait of your personality, you understand that half of what has been said is not about you. Or it is so deep that even one cannot see these qualities. I found for myself a technique that reveals the essence, and thanks to it I understood my purpose. This technique is called "Diagnostics and Correction of Fate - 22 Arcana" by Natalia Ladini.

Method of Natalia Ladini

Looking for a purpose

22 Arcana very fully and deeply characterize the personality of a person. I have not seen a more accurate description either in astrology or in numerology. I recognized myself, felt the truth of what was written inside me. Perhaps this is not all manifested in life, and is not noticeable to other people, but I know for sure that it is in me. When reading the meanings of the arcana of my matrix and listening to the meditations of Natalia Ladini, my soul responds, as if saying, “Yes, this is about me, they understand me and see my essence.” She sings and rejoices. The task is to manifest this essence in the world, to reveal the existing qualities and realize them in life. Not forgetting about the polarity of the expression, when the quality is manifested positively or negatively. If the manifestation is not for the better, you need to transform it, thereby correcting your destiny.

Matrix of Destiny

The essence of the methodology of Natalia Ladini is to calculate the matrix of fate, the nodes of which are the arcana of the tarot. You can calculate your matrix on the lasso calculator, by entering your date of birth. To find out the meaning of the arcana, click on the matrix node you are interested in (when hovering, the nodes are highlighted).

TRAINING AND CONSULTATION ACCORDING TO THE MATRIX OF THE FATE OF PEOPLE AND ANGELSa unique system that includes elements of astrology, psychology, numerology. Individual training In person (personal meetings) and in absentia (Online in the Skype program).

MATRIX OF FATE is a universal reference for knowledge of the methods of work of reality. It contains not only the laws of physics, but also the foundations of astronomy, medicine, chemistry and other sciences. Fate Matrix- the most harmonious system of predictions and descriptions of reality today.

The knowledge that has been preserved and passed on to the initiates to this day is unique. They are based on the symbolism of playing cards, astrological calculations and the sacred geometry of numbers. This is a simple, logical system that allows you to see deeper relationships between people and events in their lives by their date of birth, to realize the concept of fate, karma and human free will.

How often do we suffer and suffer from some quality that we think interferes with us, for example, anxiety of the mind (card 3 of clubs), this negative quality is transformed into a positive one, thanks to the Matrix, moreover, it is revealed in a completely positive quality - like a card artist or creative person.

MATRIX - this is a way to return to yourself, this is the imposition of the Path on which you are walking on Destiny. Study the Matrix, thanks to it, you will pull out all the negatives from yourself and how, by Magic, they will turn into talents. This disclosure occurs from the first hours of the Basic Course. This is a fantastic system! Wonderful metamorphoses begin to happen to you in a dream and in reality!

The seminar and further training rapidly accelerates the process of identifying weaknesses and transforming them into an awesome positive, while a map that is responsible for this quality pops up in your head! No psychologist in the traditional classical way will be able to identify and solve your problems with such speed and such a result as studying at the School of the Matrix of Fate.

You experience instant transformations: EMOTION, Awareness, MANIFESTATION in physics. The Matrix makes it possible to meet with positive interest - what the coming day is preparing for Us.

You can also participate in seminars on the Matrix. The seminar consists of 4 lessons.

First day: Acquaintance with your Birth Chart, determination of your psychological characteristics, as well as karmic and evolutionary programs operating in the current incarnation (primarily in the profession and personal life).

Ability to work with Birth Cards of other people and receive comprehensive information about any person (plus from here - potential opportunities for advising other people).

The ability to determine your compatibility with any other person , as well as the nature of the relationship (plus the more general ability to determine the compatibility of any two arbitrary people, i.e. the potential ability to consult.

Second phase: Debtors, Looking-glass counterparts, Antipodes. Graph of energy, periods, planets. Marriage, children, family.
Third Stage: Planetary control map, goal algorithms. Bifurcations of mystery, money, love, etc. Lilith and Selena.

The fourth stage of training: Practice - Matrix Arithmetic!

Literature is ordered in advance for each participant of the seminar. All relevant materials, keys, are given during training.
Each lesson lasts 4.5 hours, with the right to a break. (30 min).

To work with Maps, you only need to know the date of birth (time, place and year do not matter). But for all its apparent simplicity, the system of cards is built on powerful and ancient astrological keys that work flawlessly and whose origin is still a mystery.

Use the question form or the application form for Online.

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The secret of your karmic destiny, the matrix of fate

is a set of cause-and-effect relationships in your life developed by past incarnations. Karma is the laws of justice of the Universe.

Exists two aspects of karma: the aspect of the mirror and the aspect of the rake (rake).

Aspect of the mirror- this is karmic working off manifested in a similar attitude towards you of your loved ones, just as you treated them in the past.

Aspect rake- those rakes that we constantly walk on and get spelt until we learn a certain lesson.

And when you calculate your karma according to the matrix, you will understand what lessons you will have in this incarnation.

Karma Improvement happens through two things: forgiveness and gratitude.

Individual matrix of fate- these are programs for life laid down from the moment of birth.

With the help of karmic one can calculate three levels human:

- personal purpose

- what needs to be given to others

- general purpose

Knowing your own gives you an understanding of where to move, which way, what goals to achieve. You can control fate with the help of karmic knowledge. Karma, which means "action" in Sanskrit, reveals a person's destiny. The special technique of Ladini helps to be able to calculate your karmic energies. To build such a matrix, the date of birth of a person is used.

In the video provided, you can learn about the three levels of your destiny. Their decoding will help you understand why you came into this world. The method uses the values ​​of 22 arcana Tarot cards to work with the matrix.

In the first part, Aleksey Prosenkin and Marina Khmelovskaya, leaders of the Life as a Miracle Center, will teach you how to calculate the matrix of your

Video courtesy of the developing video channel Radomir.

First part: calculation of individual matrices of fate by date of birth

In the second part, see the decoding of all 22 arcana, the gates of karmic matrices of fate.

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