Ointment for the treatment of prickly heat. How to treat prickly heat in adults? What is the treatment for

Prickly heat (miliaria) is a skin disease that belongs to the category of pustular dermatoses and is characterized by a rash of small bubbles on the skin as a result of increased sweating. The disease occurs due to blockage of the sweat glands by dead cells of the stratum corneum, which did not have time to exfoliate or inflammation in the area of ​​​​the mouth of the sweat gland.

Miliaria occurs with prolonged exposure to heat, humidity, clothing made of synthetic materials, which disrupt the balance of skin gas exchange and thermoregulation, which leads to skin irritation. In addition, sometimes prickly heat signals internal chronic diseases, which becomes a reason for consulting a doctor.

Infants get sick more often, because they have not yet developed a mechanism for thermoregulation. In addition, the cause is wrapping the child in warm weather. First of all, the places under clothing are affected by the disease.

Sweating on the face

The disease rarely affects the face, it occurs only when moving from the neck or head. As a rule, rashes on the face are of allergic origin and do not cause discomfort.

Sweating on the neck

The neck is much more commonly affected. It manifests itself in the heat, in the absence of ventilation of the room, with insufficient skin care.

Sweating on the head

The occurrence of prickly heat on the head is associated with waterlogging of the skin due to wearing hats, thyroid diseases and heart disease, which cause excessive sweating. Causes itching and discomfort.

Sweating in the groin

Rashes in the groin, manifested in the form of large clusters of rashes, single pimples are rare. The causes of rashes in the groin are increased humidity, insufficient hygiene of intimate places, wearing tight synthetic underwear and warm clothes in the heat.

Symptoms and types of prickly heat

At the initial stage of the disease, itching and redness occur. Sometimes, with prickly heat, the surface of the skin swells - large bumpy formations appear at the site of the lesion.

Prickly heat in adults is classified into three types:

  • red;
  • crystalline;
  • papular.

Red prickly heat symptoms

This type of prickly heat often occurs in adults and is manifested by nodules and vesicles up to 2 mm in size, which are filled with a cloudy liquid, surrounded by redness and do not merge. With an increase in air temperature and increased sweating, itching occurs. This type of prickly heat is more often expressed in places of friction:

  • between the buttocks;
  • under the breast in women;
  • on the inner thighs.

Symptoms of crystal prickly heat

This type of disease usually occurs in children. White or translucent vesicles up to 1 mm in size, white and light pink, appear on the body, which sometimes merge and form large zones. Over time, the bubbles burst, dry out and crusts form, which become infected with pathogenic bacteria with the development of abscesses. Localization:

  • face;
  • torso;
  • shoulders;
  • back.

The disease is accompanied by severe itching and swelling of the localization site.

Symptoms of papular miliaria

Papular miliaria occurs more often in adults due to increased humidity and heat. The skin swells and blocks the functions of the sweat glands. The disease is characterized by peeling, severe dryness of the skin and itching. Rashes on the skin are formed in the form of small blisters of flesh-colored. Localization:

  • lateral surfaces of the abdomen;
  • breast;
  • arms and legs.

In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease is complicated by microbial eczema, which requires prolonged and serious therapy.

Which doctors to contact with prickly heat

Treatment of prickly heat

At the first symptoms of prickly heat, sanitary and hygienic rules are required: a warm shower, clothes made from natural fabrics and ventilation of the room. If the disease is complicated by abscesses, you need to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

  • diazolin;
  • suprastin;
  • tavegil.

These drugs need to be taken for at least a week. To treat small skin lesions, cracks and wounds, antiseptic solutions are used:

  • boric acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • fucorcin;
  • chlorophyllipt.

A proven way to treat prickly heat is a bath with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs:

  • arnica;
  • chamomile;
  • succession;
  • yarrow.

In severe prickly heat, antibacterial agents are used:

  • ichthyol ointment;
  • tetracycline ointment;
  • levomycetin ointment.
  • azithromycin;
  • amoxylicin;
  • doxycillin;
  • ciprofloxacin.

If prickly heat is running, it is recommended to use a complex treatment prescribed by a dermatologist. If the cause of prickly heat is increased sweating, Botox injections are used, which paralyze the nerve endings of the sweat glands, and surgery, in which the nerves of the sweat glands are cut.

Folk remedies for the treatment of prickly heat

Medicinal decoctions are added to the bath when bathing children. Adults are advised to wipe with a soft cloth dipped in a decoction.

Pour 20 g of oak bark with boiling water. Let it brew and strain.
Pour 7 dried bay leaves with 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew, cool and wash the reddened places with adults. In children, bay leaves cause allergies.
Brew 20 g of chopped walnut leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, let it brew and strain.
Boil 20 g of chamomile, calendula or string flowers in 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, cool and strain.
Brew 20 g of dry birch leaves and buds in a glass of boiling water. Insist, cool and strain.
Boil 20 g of dried yarrow flowers in 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours. Strain the broth and add to the bath.
Brew 20 g of celandine in 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew, strain and add to the bath.
When bathing, lather your hand with laundry soap without additives and treat the skin with prickly heat.
Dilute 20 g of soda in 1 cup of hot water. Treat the places of prickly heat on the skin with a soft cloth moistened with a solution to relieve itching.
Dilute 80 g of starch in 1 glass of water. Heat a bucket of water and pour starch jelly into it. Wash the patient with the prepared agent without soap and do not rinse.

Sweating in children

The skin of children is tender and soft, therefore it is exposed to external and internal adverse factors. The most common cause of prickly heat is hyperhidrosis. The disease is manifested by a characteristic rash on the body, usually on the face and in the area of ​​skin folds. It is more common in newborns. The child needs to be shown to a pediatrician who will diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

The reasons

The causes of prickly heat in children are divided into internal and external.

Internal reasons:

Features of the structure of the skin: in children, the skin is thinner than in adults, and there are more blood vessels per unit area.
The pH of the skin in adults is acidic and equal to (4.5 - 6.0), while in children the pH is neutral (6.7). Thus, in adults, unlike children, the environment neutralizes bacteria on the skin and prevents their reproduction.
The peculiarity of thermoregulation: in young children, thermoregulation is not yet developed, because of which the body of children cannot correctly respond to changes in the temperature of the external environment - overheating or hypothermia occurs.
Excess body weight: constant friction in the skin folds provokes the disease.
Congenital or acquired diseases.

External reasons:

Improper hygiene: the lack of adequate care for the baby causes the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and the accumulation of their metabolic products on the skin, which prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin, which leads to a violation of thermoregulation.
Violation of skin respiration, if the child is constantly dressed in tight, synthetic clothing that does not allow oxygen to pass through.
The use of oily creams that form a waterproof film on the skin and impede the nutrition and heat transfer of the skin.
In premature babies, prickly heat is caused by a long stay in an incubator with warm and humid air.
Insufficient ventilation of the room and rare walks in the fresh air.

Miliaria is a non-communicable disease and is not transmitted by contact of children with each other.


With prickly heat, there is redness on the skin and itching.

Against the background of prickly heat, a child sometimes develops a secondary infection. The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • the rash spreads over the body;
  • the size of the rash increases;
  • weeping spots appear;
  • the child itches and becomes restless;
  • the child's body temperature has risen.


Proper care and adequate treatment relieve the disease in a week. But, if the child has a weakened immune system or a cold, prickly heat provokes complications in the form of a purulent skin lesion - pyoderma (staphylococcal and streptococcal infection). Fluid blisters turn yellow (pus). Associated symptoms: fever, weakness and anxiety. The prognosis for pyoderma is favorable, the disease disappears in 7-10 days.

Prickly heat, turning into pyoderma, sometimes provokes the development of the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • sepsis.


Prickly heat resembles an allergic rash, only a doctor can distinguish between these diseases. Therefore, it is better not to guess, but to seek advice from a pediatrician. The doctor will determine the cause of the rash, give recommendations and prescribe treatment.

Antiseptic solutions are intended for external treatment of purulent wounds and skin lesions:

  • chlorophyllipt;
  • nitrofuran.

Ointments and creams protect the skin from diaper rash and inflammation:

  • drapolene;
  • panthenol;
  • bepanthen;
  • zinc ointment.

In case of complications, the doctor prescribes complex treatment with the use of antibacterial, antifungal and immunomodulating drugs.

Folk remedies

Bathing infusions:

Rash Treatments:

Recipes for ingestion:


Preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of prickly heat in children:

Causes of prickly heat

The mechanism of prickly heat: when the body temperature rises, sweat comes out through the pores of the skin, cooling the person. If the pores are clogged with fatty deposits, cosmetics or cream, skin irritation occurs.

As a rule, the development of the disease is associated with the following factors:

  • streptococcal and staphylococcal infections;
  • chronic endocrine diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • heat combined with high humidity;
  • increased sweating;
  • skin injury;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • metabolic disease;
  • tight synthetic clothing;
  • stay in a stuffy room;
  • obesity;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • the use of cosmetics that clog pores.

Areas of the skin where rash occurs:

  • groin area;
  • armpits
  • knee and elbow bends
  • under the mammary glands in women or obese men;
  • behind the ears in children and adults with thick hair.

Diagnosis of prickly heat

As a rule, an examination by a dermatologist is sufficient to establish the diagnosis. Sometimes additional studies are done to exclude toxic erythema, allergic rashes, yeast and pyogenic infections.

Prevention of prickly heat

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • the use of clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • avoidance of overheating;
  • in the heat, excessive physical exertion should be avoided.

Prognosis for prickly heat

As a rule, prickly heat proceeds without consequences and complications, in a short time.

Questions and answers on the topic "Sweating"

Question:Good afternoon! The child is 4 years old. A week after arriving at the sea, a rash appeared. Three days later, a sore throat and a high temperature increased. With the onset of fever, the rash spread throughout the body. But especially in the armpits and in the groin. The child scratches only the chest. This rash looks like goosebumps, a cool color. It's already the fifth day. Two days after the appearance, they began to give antihistamines, there was no improvement. Is this a sweatshirt?

Answer: Hello. Sore throat and fever are not typical for prickly heat. Internal consultation of the doctor is necessary for you.

Question:Hello. A 5-year-old child has acne on his face and hands. We were treated at the age of 2 for Giardia and were tested for food allergies. I was diagnosed with gluten, after treatment the skin cleared up. But after a while the pimples reappeared. Now we are suffering when the child runs around, he immediately has a rash on his back and chest, similar to prickly heat. Summer is just awful. Which doctor should we contact? Why does the child have such a reaction to sweat?

Question:Hello. My daughter is 3 weeks old and has a rash on her neck and forehead. I wipe it with infusion of string and ordinary tea. The temperature at home is 28C. I dress normally, not hot. What causes a rash and how to cure it?

Answer: Hello. 28 degrees in the room is a lot for a newborn. It looks like a sweatshirt in location. Try to ventilate the room, do not wrap the baby much; bathe daily. If the child is not worried, eating and sleeping well, do not worry. In any case, in a week you will be examined by a doctor, and for now the nurse should go to you weekly - show her the rash.

Prickly heat is a skin irritation that can be caused by excessive sweating. Initially, parts of the body that are covered by clothing or hair are affected, making it difficult for sweat to evaporate from the surface of the skin. Prickly heat is considered a childhood disease, in particular infants. But in adults, it is quite common, especially in hot or humid weather. At risk are people with overweight, sensitive skin or excessive sweating.


To start the right treatment and not get confused in the variety of skin diseases, you need to know what prickly heat looks like in adults. With prickly heat, the affected area is covered with tiny bubbles, and redness, swelling, itching and swelling of the skin can be observed. Irritation occurs in places where the skin does not breathe well and rubs against clothes or other parts of the body: between the legs, in the groin, on the back, abdomen, knee-elbow folds, in the armpits, under the breasts, and also on the neck, where to provoke the appearance of prickly heat maybe long hair.

Types of prickly heat

Depending on the severity of skin damage, there are three types of prickly heat:


Mild skin irritation that occurs when the sweat glands are active, such as during exercise. A small rash with vesicles of 1-2 mm disappears within a few days with slight peeling of the skin, without causing much concern. Itching and redness are rare.


Irritation of the skin, in which there are frequent blisters, redness, slight swelling and serous discharge. Red prickly heat is formed in the folds of the skin, between the legs, in the axillary and groin areas, under the breasts - in places subject to friction and pressure. Irritation is accompanied by itching and causes pain, the treatment process can take up to two weeks.

Deep or papular

The frequent manifestation of miliaria erythematosus leads to severe skin damage and the development of papular miliaria. The disease is especially common in hot, humid climates. Constant waterlogging of the skin in conditions of poor ventilation leads to stretching and rupture of the sweat glands. The affected area is covered with blisters and papules (swelling) with blisters that dry up, leaving dry crusts. Subsequently, the depletion of the glands causes dry skin. Another danger of developing deep prickly heat is infectious infection and the occurrence of microbial eczema. It may take months or even years to fully heal.

How to treat

Treatment of prickly heat should begin with improving the condition of the skin. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of irritation. Comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics, compliance with hygiene rules, and the elimination of chafing clothing items will be the first step towards the treatment of prickly heat.

If there is a risk of infection and prickly heat has passed into a severe stage, you should consult a doctor who will draw up a treatment plan and prescribe antibiotics.

Medical treatment

Medical treatment is divided into:

  • antihistamines;
  • solutions;
  • Ointments.


For the treatment of miliaria with the use of antihistamines, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. In some cases, self-treatment is possible. To choose the drug yourself, you need to study the instructions inside the package with the medicine. Most often, an antihistamine is used for prickly heat in adults for at least a week.


For the treatment of affected areas of the skin, the following solutions are used:


For external use with prickly heat, the following ointments are used:

  • Zinc ointment

    Perfectly dries the skin and slightly suppresses the sweat glands. Don't overdo it, it can dry out your skin.

  • Bepanthen

    Means for regular skin care of newborns, for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash, inflammation of the skin and diaper dermatitis in infants. Well relieves inflammation of streptoderma within 1-2 days.

  • Betamethasone

    Dangerous remedy against allergies and skin diseases, addictive. can be used only in advanced cases of the disease after consulting a doctor.

  • Betasalik

    Hormonal drug against skin diseases, addictive. It can be used only in advanced cases of papular and red prickly heat.

  • Kremgen

    The ointment is addictive, you can use it for no longer than 5 days. Perfectly dries up skin rashes.

  • Ichthyol ointment

    It is prescribed in case of running purulent prickly heat. Excellent fights with purulent wounds and heals their traces.

  • Tetracycline ointment

    In severe prickly heat in adults, an antibacterial Tetracycline ointment is prescribed. ointment of a wide spectrum of action quickly penetrates into the focus of the disease and extinguishes it.

Treatment with folk methods

Popular folk methods for treating prickly heat in adults:

Herbal decoctions

A decoction of chamomile, calendula can be used for wiping or baths to effectively cleanse the affected skin.

soda solution

Not a cool solution of soda, as a rub, has a drying effect.

natural powders

Instead of powders, you can use starch (rice, potato, corn).

Laundry soap

Laundry soap perfectly relieves irritation and has a drying effect.

Pharmacy decoctions

Daily ingestion of a decoction of flowers and leaves of the medicinal violet will alleviate the symptoms and prevent the occurrence of prickly heat.

Decoction coltsfoot

For 100 grams of dry base, take 3 liters of water. Before use, the decoction is heated to room temperature, collected in a spray bottle and sprayed on the places where prickly heat appears.


For 1 liter of boiling water, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials of the pharmacy series. You can swim in cooled water to the required temperature. You can also carry out rubdowns and lotions with a string.


To prevent the appearance of prickly heat, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • being overweight is one of the main causes of prickly heat, so bringing your weight back to normal will help protect you from unpleasant skin irritations;
  • in the heat, clothing to the body should be chosen from a natural material that is well breathable;
  • it is necessary to reduce the likelihood of skin friction on hard parts of clothing or other parts of the body;
  • wet, due to sweat, clothes should be changed as often as possible to dry and clean;
  • observe minimum hygiene rules, especially in the hot season. After water procedures, it is necessary to dry all the natural folds of the body well;
  • if irritation periodically occurs in the same place, you can pre-dry this area with talcum powder.

Prickly heat is a skin disease that occurs due to increased sweating, which is accompanied by blockage of the excretory ducts. More often, the disease is diagnosed in people who are overweight or have sensitive skin.

Despite the fact that prickly heat is similar in appearance to infectious diseases, it does not pose a threat of infection to other people.

Sweat released in large quantities does not have time to evaporate, so the glands that remove it are clogged, and the skin is irritated. Extensive areas of the cover begin to become covered with small bubbles that itch and itch.

In this case, the reaction of the body occurs - prickly heat appears.

Causes of prickly heat in adults

There are a lot of reasons that can provoke this disease. They are divided into 2 groups.

Pathological (internal):

  • increased sweating;
  • improper metabolism;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
  • malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy;
  • feverish condition with high body temperature;
  • all degrees of obesity;
  • long stay without movement (lying or paralyzed patients).

Natural causes (external):

  • hot and dry weather;
  • high humidity in combination with warm dry air in residential premises;
  • increased physical activity, intensive sports;
  • uncomfortable, tight clothing made of synthetic fabrics provokes the appearance of prickly heat on the body and hands;
  • narrow shoes made of non-natural materials cause disease on the feet;
  • tonal foundations and fatty creams that are not suitable for the type of skin cause illness on the face;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • long exposure to the sun.

People who are addicted to alcohol are also at risk.

Summer is a period when the course of the disease is exacerbated due to hot weather. In winter, more often the disease manifests itself on the feet due to poor quality shoes.

What does sweating look like in an adult?

To diagnose this ailment in yourself, it is important to know what prickly heat looks like in adults.

The onset of the disease manifests itself in the same way. In places where sweating is increased, irritation appears, and the skin becomes red, itching and peeling occur.

One of the most common dermatological diseases is prickly heat. This is an irritation in the skin folds, which is caused by increased sweating and a simultaneous deterioration in the evaporation of sweat. Prickly heat in adults in most cases appears on those areas of the skin that are covered with hair or clothing. For many years, the disease was considered exclusively childish, but today, cases of the disease among adult patients have increased significantly.

Sweating is not as common in adults as it is in children.

Prickly heat on the body in an adult is most often associated with weather conditions - extreme heat and high humidity. The greatest likelihood of developing a disease such as sweating in adults is in men and women suffering from increased sweating, obesity of varying degrees, and also with hypersensitive skin.

In medicine, various types of diseases are distinguished, each of which has its own characteristics of development, symptoms and treatment. The main types of rashes:

  • Red;
  • Crystalline;
  • papular;
  • Apocrine.

In order to answer what prickly heat is, how it affects the human body, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the form of the disease.

red uniform

The red form of the rash refers to the inflammatory forms of a dermatological disease. It is the appearance of red, small bubbles, with a cloudy liquid inside. They itch and cause severe discomfort, a person rips them off, and weeping crusts appear in their place. Red prickly heat on the skin most often appears in women who are obese. Requires complex and lengthy treatment.

crystalline form

The crystalline type of rash is one of the most common and safe forms of the disease. The rash has the appearance of small multiple bubbles of a light scarlet hue, which can merge with each other and form extensive areas of rashes. The course of prickly heat is not accompanied by itching, burning and other uncomfortable sensations.

papular form

Miliaria papular - also known in medical practice as deep. It is considered one of the most severe types of skin disease and is most often an advanced stage of the red form of rashes. With this disease, papules no larger than 2 mm are formed on damaged areas of the skin, accompanied by itching and burning of the skin. In addition, papular miliaria in adults, the signs of which are described above, is accompanied by manifestations of general intoxication of the body - weakness, lethargy, pain, fever, swelling and redness of the affected skin.

The disease manifests itself in different forms.

Apocrine form

Apocrine prickly heat is a skin disease that develops as a result of blockage of the sweat glands, which are located in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, anus, and armpits. Visually, the rash looks like small bubbles of a light pink or red hue. The main danger of the disease lies in the attachment of an infectious process that affects the deep layers of the epidermis.

What does the rash look like

Many people are wondering - what to do with prickly heat and how can you restore the health of the skin? In order to restore the skin in the shortest possible time, you should immediately contact your doctor after the first signs of a rash appear. And for this you need to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a sweatshirt looks like in adults.

In order to find out what prickly heat is and how it looks, a type of dermatological disease is necessarily taken into account.

Red type: what does prickly heat look like in adults of the red form? It is a small red rash that has a serous content and is accompanied by redness and swelling. Most often, a rash is formed on those areas of the skin that are most prone to friction with clothing - sweat appears under the armpits, in the groin, on the abdomen, back, in women under the mammary glands.

crystalline type: transparent or whitish vesicles no larger than 2 mm appear on the skin, which do not bring a person any itching or discomfort. Redness, peeling occurs in the most rare cases. As a rule, in most cases, the rash disappears on its own within a few days.

The disease in adults causes severe discomfort and requires immediate treatment.

papular type: deep prickly heat, the symptoms of which are described below, in most cases is characterized by the appearance of large papules and blisters containing a clear fluid. Rashes on the skin gradually dry up, flaky crusts remain in their place. This leads to increased dryness of the epidermis, and in the case of simultaneous attachment of an infectious process, to the development of microbial eczema.

Apocrine type: the apocrine form of the disease in an adult develops as a result of improper functioning of the sweat glands. It has the appearance of a fine-grained pink rash, which is located in the armpits, anus, vagina, and nipples.


Deep prickly heat in adults, like other types of dermatological diseases, develop against the background of disturbances in the normal functioning of the sweat glands. They "work" in an enhanced mode, an increased amount of sweat causes blockage of the glands that are located throughout the body. This has an aggressive, irritating effect on the condition of the skin.

All causes of prickly heat can be divided into two large categories - pathological and natural. Among the main pathological factors, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The occurrence of miliaria contributes to hyperhidrosis - that is, the increased functioning of the sweat glands.
  2. Prickly heat in bedridden patients who suffer from deterioration or complete lack of motor activity.
  3. Diabetes mellitus, other pathologies of the endocrine system.
  4. Obesity of varying degrees.
  5. Violations of metabolic processes in the body, diseases of the nervous system and cardiovascular apparatus.
  6. The appearance of prickly heat is promoted by various diseases, which are accompanied by fever, fever and chills.

Signs appear very quickly - a rash, redness, swelling of the skin appears. Answering specifically how prickly heat manifests itself, it is necessary to take into account the developmental features and the type of disease.

The causes of prickly heat can be: sports, excessive physical activity and tight-fitting clothing

Sweating on the body in an adult can be triggered by other, natural causes, among which are:

  1. Increased air humidity.
  2. Passion for intense physical activity, long-term sports training.
  3. Too hot and dry climatic conditions - prickly heat occurs in vacationers during the acclimatization period.
  4. Sweating on the back and abdomen can be caused by regularly wearing tight and constricting clothing made from synthetic materials.
  5. Prolonged stay in wet or sweaty clothes - as a result of prickly heat on the back or prickly heat on the stomach.
  6. The use of decorative cosmetics, especially in the hot season.
  7. Negligent attitude to the observance of the basic rules of personal hygiene.
  8. Prickly heat on the face in adults is often associated with the use of dense tonal products, as well as thick, oily face creams.

Prickly heat on the shoulders in an adult is often associated with prolonged exposure to the open sun, as well as excessive enthusiasm for the solarium. Prickly heat from the watch occurs against the background of regular wearing of the accessory.

Symptoms of sweating in adults

The disease may have a different manifestation. Miliaria, the symptoms of which can vary greatly, in most cases is well diagnosed, which is a guarantee of effective and successful treatment. What is prickly heat in adults and how to treat it, what does prickly heat look like in adults - it is with these that many patients turn to dermatologists.

Prickly heat in adults, the symptoms of which differ depending on the form and severity of the disease, is expressed in the form of rashes of pale pink or scarlet color. The affected area of ​​the skin is covered with a fine-grained rash and blisters, which may contain a clear liquid.

With sweating in adults, the symptoms are accompanied by pain, swelling, redness, itching and flaking of the affected areas of the epidermis. Most often, prickly heat on the body occurs in those places that are prone to rubbing with clothing or other parts of the body. These are armpits, harness, groin area, anus.

In the event that prickly heat is diagnosed in adults, the symptoms and treatment can differ significantly depending on the form of the dermatological disease.

Common locations

Although the most common places of localization of the disease are distinguished, prickly heat can appear anywhere on the body.

The localization of rashes in this dermatological disease can be quite diverse, depending on the types of prickly heat.

  • Folds of the abdomen, on the shoulders, shins, in the armpits - as a result of prolonged squeezing or rubbing with items of clothing;
  • On the forehead, on the neck, as well as on areas of the head covered with hair;
  • On the abdomen, armpits, as well as on other parts of the body prone to the formation of wrinkles.

The occurrence of prickly heat on the skin can be observed in the groin, anus, under the mammary glands, elbows. Also, one of the frequent phenomena is prickly heat in bedridden patients. The formation of the disease is associated with a lack of motor activity, as a result of which the skin cannot fully “breathe”.

Is the disease contagious and is it transmitted to healthy people? Answering the question whether prickly heat is transmitted or not, doctors emphasize that the disease is considered non-contagious and a sick person does not pose any danger to others.

Which doctor to contact first

Treatment of sweating in adults should begin with a visit to the attending physician. If prickly heat itches, patients are worried about itching on the body or face, you should immediately seek help from a dermatologist.

If it was found that the cause of the complications of prickly heat was a violation in the normal functioning of the endocrine system or obesity, in addition to this doctor, the record should be kept simultaneously with a nutritionist or endocrinologist.

Pustular sweating on a bikini may require a consultation with an experienced gynecologist. Prickly heat on the forehead in an adult requires the help of a qualified cosmetologist. In the same way, a rash on the face in adults is eliminated, the treatment of which is carried out by dermatologists and cosmetologists.

How to cure the disease

For any treatment, it would be better to contact a highly qualified specialist.

Before treating prickly heat in adults, it is necessary to establish the type and severity of the disease. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the factors that provoke the development of rashes as effectively as possible, as well as normalizing the process of sweating.

Many patients are diagnosed with crystalline, that is, uncomplicated miliaria - how to quickly restore the normal state of the skin? Before you treat it with medications, you need to completely change your usual lifestyle - give preference to free, spacious things made of "breathing", natural fabrics, closely monitor personal hygiene and cosmetic preparations used. In most cases, this is enough to eliminate the rash.

In the event that complicated prickly heat is diagnosed in adults, treatment is carried out with the help of medications. Most often, drug therapy is carried out with the help of antihistamines, antibiotics, agents with anti-inflammatory and drying properties.

The chronic form of rashes can most often be found on those parts of the body that are prone to wrinkling - armpits, buttocks, back and abdomen. Prickly heat on the abdomen in an adult is accompanied by itching and burning, to eliminate which you can use drying powders, which include talc and zinc.

Medical treatment

Treatment of prickly heat in adults is carried out with the help of various medications, among which are:

  • Antihistamines;
  • Ointments;
  • Solutions.

Before treating sweating in adults, you should definitely consult a doctor, since only a specialist can choose the right effective medicine for rashes. Recommended use of antihistamines:

  1. Tavegil is an anti-allergic drug that helps to remove redness, itching and swelling of the skin.
  2. Diphenhydramine is an effective allergy remedy that has many contraindications and side effects.
  3. Suprastin - eliminates discomfort, itching and burning on the affected areas of the skin.
  4. Diazolin is an effective drug that helps to quickly overcome many dermatological diseases.

Remedies for prickly heat can also be produced in the form of therapeutic solutions with drying and anti-inflammatory properties. Such solutions are intended for external use - they are applied pointwise to the rash, using a cotton swab. Among the most common means are potassium permanganate, Fukortsin, boric and salicylic acid.

Creams and ointments for prickly heat help relieve pain and cure the disease

Treatment of sweats in adults involves the use of other drugs for external use - ointments, creams. The ointment perfectly dries the epidermis, accelerates the process of its regeneration, and normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands. The most common ointments:

  • Bepanthen;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Betasalik;
  • Betamethasone;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Kremgen;
  • Tetracycline ointment.

A hormonal cream for prickly heat, for example, Betasalik, is used only as directed by a doctor, as it can be addictive and has a wide list of contraindications for use.

Treatment at home

With prickly heat in adults, treatment is also carried out using traditional medicine recipes. To dry the rashes and eliminate itching, you can use a weak soda solution, which should be wiped on the affected areas of the body 1-2 times a day. An equally effective addition can be a solution of salicylic acid.

To carry out hygiene procedures for the period of treatment, it is recommended to abandon cosmetics and replace them with ordinary laundry soap, which has drying and anti-inflammatory properties.

Various herbal infusions and decoctions can be an effective solution. For this purpose, decoctions of calendula, chamomile, string are widely used, with the help of which compresses and rubdowns are carried out.

Herbal decoction will help get rid of the disease

How to treat prickly heat in adults at home? Traditional medicine can be an effective addition to drug treatment, but before using any herbal medicine recipes, you should consult with your doctor.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent the development of a disease such as prickly heat on the back of an adult, as well as on other parts of the body, it is enough to follow a few simple rules of prevention.

  1. The wardrobe should contain only clothes made from natural fabrics that allow air to pass through and allow the skin to fully “breathe”.
  2. The room temperature should not be too high.
  3. You need to carefully monitor your weight, as extra pounds provoke the development of skin rashes.
  4. Clothing should not squeeze or rub the body.
  5. After bathing, dry your skin.

These simple rules will reliably protect against dermatological diseases in adults, restore the normal functioning of the sweat glands and ensure the beauty and health of the skin.

The sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin are appendages of the skin. With blockage of the first, prickly heat develops in adults and children. Blocked sebaceous glands also become inflamed, but the result is blackheads (acne). In each of these cases, the rule applies: prevention is the best cure.

Prickly heat - a lack of hygiene or a disease?

Experts call a scattering of nodules and small bubbles on the body in places of blockage of the sweat glands "miliaria". If the leg or buttocks of the child are covered with pimples of red or yellowish color, then the mothers say "sweating". Urine and stool irritate the delicate skin of the baby, the inflammation intensifies in a hot and stuffy room.

Prickly heat in adults occurs when sitting in one position for a long time, after hard physical labor, playing sports. The most important are such factors as high temperature and humidity, tight clothing and tight underwear, which creates a "greenhouse effect".

Attention! The cause of prickly heat on the legs in adults is the wearing of synthetic socks, closed and poorly ventilated shoes.

Typical localization of rashes is the armpits, neck, lower abdomen, inguinal region, foot. Prickly heat develops in the folds of the skin, the folds of the limbs and between the fingers, under the mammary glands in women. The foot is more affected if the shoes are not removed for a long time. It happens that bubbles appear on the lyceum after using foundation creams and oily cosmetics in the summer.

The mechanism of formation of pimples with prickly heat:

  • increased sweat separation;
  • accumulation of fluid in the sweat glands;
  • hydration of the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • swelling of keratin scales (horny substance of the epidermis);
  • blockage of narrow openings of sweat pores;
  • stretching of the ducts of the sweat glands;
  • inflammatory process.

Miliaria refers to skin diseases, to the group of pustular dermatoses. Simultaneously with pimples, pink-red spots may appear on the affected skin. Adults and children can get sick both during holidays in hot countries, and in winter with a feverish condition.

Suddenly, numerous vesicles up to 2 mm in diameter with watery contents appear on closed areas of the body. This is a crystal prickly pear. The pustules open up, the rash dries up, leaving peeling. Red miliaria is characterized by the formation of many itchy nodules and vesicles on the inflamed skin.

How to take care of the body with sweating?

The most important active ingredients in preparations for getting rid of miliaria are zinc oxide, pantothenic acid, boric acid. Cleansing the skin before applying the ointment is carried out with disinfectant and antiseptic solutions, lotions. The benefits of such funds are undeniable: they prevent the secondary infection of bursting vesicles with streptococci and staphylococci, quickly dry the rashes.

What antiseptics are used to treat prickly heat:

  • pink-red solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • salicylic alcohol 1% (alcohol solution of salicylic acid);
  • Chlorophyllipt tincture with eucalyptus extract;
  • furacilin solution (1 tablet per 200 ml of water);
  • fukortsin.

Advice! Wipe the affected skin with antiseptic solutions several times during the day, if possible.

How to treat prickly heat in adults - 5 steps:

  1. Take a bath or shower to wash off dust, dirt mixed with sebum and dead cells.
  2. For a bedridden patient, wash the affected skin with a sponge dipped in warm boiled water. Wipe the skin after water procedures.
  3. Make a bath with potassium permanganate or furacilin.
  4. Dry the skin without rubbing, but applying a terry or paper towel.
  5. Apply a medicinal preparation (ointment, talker).

How to treat prickly heat with ointments?

Many topical treatments for prickly heat contain zinc oxide. This group includes the most affordable remedy - Zinc ointment. Also, zinc oxide contains Desitin cream, Sudocrem, Tsindol talker, Calamine lotion. The most useful properties of the active substance are drying and protective.

Prickly heat in the groin in men gives unpleasant sensations that disappear after applying Zinc ointment. The minus of the product is that the vaseline base is poorly washed off even with soap and water. Creams with zinc oxide have a lighter texture, but they are quickly absorbed and less protective of the skin.

If prickly heat in adults is mild, then treatment is carried out only with dexpanthenol. These are ointments Bepanten, D-panthenol, Pantoderm with a strong healing effect. The active substance is a precursor of pantothenic acid, which is involved in the processes of skin regeneration.

What remedies help with severe forms of prickly heat?

With increased body weight, a sedentary lifestyle, prickly heat develops in the groin in women and men, the treatment of which can be lengthy and not always successful. It is recommended to use stronger agents - ointments with antibiotics Levomekol, Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Hyoxysone. With suppuration of acne, Liniment synthomycin or Ichthyol ointment is applied.

From prickly heat with severe itching, Fenistil gel will help. Inside, antihistamines are taken in the form of drops and tablets: Zirtek, Parlazin, Cetrin, Erius, Loratadin. They eliminate redness, itching, swelling in the area of ​​​​rashes.

In severe prickly heat, Kutiveit, Dermaveit ointments and other drugs for external treatment with glucocorticosteroid substances (GCS) are used. These drugs have a strong anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and healing effect. Apply hormonal ointments once a day for 3-10 days.

Advice! If you need a longer course of treatment, alternate drugs with different GCS in the composition.

Subcutaneous injections of botulinum toxin preparations, such as Botox and Dysport, block the sweat glands for 8 months. Prickly heat in adults goes away when the inflamed sweat glands are removed.

How to treat prickly heat with folk remedies?

Many plants have strong antiseptic properties. Most often, to get rid of prickly heat in adults and children, baths with decoctions and infusions of herbs that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects are used.

Attention! An excellent healing, cleansing and relaxing procedure is a bath with brooms made from branches of medicinal plants.

Normalize sweating and disinfect the skin:

  • leaves of birch, walnut, medicinal sage;
  • grass of a series of tripartite, celandine, St. John's wort;
  • chamomile flowers, calendula;
  • Oak bark.

Vegetable raw materials are used for the preparation of infusions or tinctures in dried form. You can squeeze the juice and mix it with medical alcohol to make a lotion. Another little-known way: grind dried raw materials into powder, add it to ointments and creams before applying to the affected skin.

In the treatment of prickly heat, more attention should be paid to the prevention of new rashes. To do this, you need to maintain normal heat and gas exchange of the body with the environment: wear seasonal clothes made from natural fabrics, thoroughly cleanse the skin and pamper yourself with baths with sea salt, essential oils, herbal infusions.