Propolis ointment 20%. Propolis ointment - what helps: instructions for use and a recipe for making an ointment at home

For medicinal purposes, propolis ointment is often used for external use. The tool helps to eliminate damage to the skin, mucous membranes, treat respiratory diseases. A bond remedy usually contains other ingredients: oils, chicken yolks, honey, resin, herbs or wax.

The usefulness of bee glue is determined by the composition, which includes a number of medicinal compounds. This is a vitamin-mineral complex, amino acids and proteins, wax, resins with esters, pollen. Beneficial bond action:

  • normalization of blood circulation in tissues;
  • acceleration of regenerative abilities;
  • healing of damage to the skin or mucous membranes;
  • pain relief, relief of symptoms of inflammation;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora, viruses, fungi;
  • elimination of bad breath.

Ointment with propolis helps with acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, which are mainly manifested in autumn or winter. Examples:, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. The drug is used as an additional method of therapy for tuberculosis.

In dentistry, an external agent is prescribed to combat bad breath and for hygienic purposes. Helps cure for ulcers, gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis or periodontitis. Other indications: wounds, cuts, burns and frostbite, age-related skin changes. A bond is useful for and in the treatment,.

Instructions for use of homeopathic propolis ointment

Homeopathic ointment, made on the basis of propolis, is used because of the complex effect on the body. The composition includes only natural ingredients. Other ingredients are usually added to the knot. This determines the saturation of the drug with resins, phytoncides, bioflavonoids, vitamins, minerals and organic acids.

Varieties of pharmaceutical preparations:

  1. Concentration at 10%. Main indications: burns of the 1st degree, dermatitis, microtrauma of the skin, frostbite. Indications in gynecology - endocervicitis, diseases of the genitourinary system. In cosmetology, it is prescribed to eliminate wrinkles, pimples.
  2. With a bond content of 15%. For the treatment of severe skin diseases: psoriasis, dry eczema, ulcers, furunculosis. Assign to prevent spots, pits, scars after the elimination of acne, respiratory diseases. For the treatment of joints, a remedy from a bond with resin (turpentine oil) is recommended.
  3. Concentration 30%. Main indications: severe diseases of the joints, in which the resolution of hyaline cartilage occurs; extensive rash from psoriasis; non-healing boils. Also prescribed for carbuncles, bedsores or.

Ointment with propolis is always accompanied by instructions for use. This means that for effective treatment, adherence to recommendations is required. The instructions indicate that the drug is intended for adjuvant therapy, as it enhances the effect of antibiotics, chondroprotectors, and other agents.

Method of application - application to the affected areas, rubbing into the skin and leaving until absorbed. The number of procedures per day is from 1 to 4, according to the decision of the doctor. For the treatment of diseases of the genital organs in women, it is required to impregnate tampons with a healing mass and inject them inside at night. With a runny nose, it is better to lubricate the mucous membrane 2 to 4 times a day. To get rid of skin diseases, it is recommended to make bandages and change throughout the day.

Do-it-yourself propolis ointment

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a drug in a pharmacy. Therefore, information on how to prepare propolis ointments on your own at home can be useful. The basis is petroleum jelly, lanolin, animal or vegetable fat, butter. The tool is made in different concentrations: from 5 to 40%. Usually, esters, wax, calendula, honey, and other useful ingredients are added to the bond.

Ointment from propolis, sea buckthorn oil is an effective cure for burns and lesions of the mucous membranes. Recipe: mix 100 g of sea buckthorn essential oil with 15 g of bee glue powder, put the container in a water bath for 30–40 minutes. After dissolving the solid fraction, remove from the stove and pass the contents through a three-layer gauze.

Methods of using the healing composition: applying to the problem area, applying a bandage or compress, laying tampons. Ointment from sea buckthorn oil, propolis is prescribed for hemorrhoids, cervical erosion, skin problems. The last item includes psoriasis, acne, goose bumps.

Propolis ointment in vegetable oil

For cooking, you need to take 100 g of vegetable oil, for example, from an olive, 15 g of shavings. The principle is no different from the recipe with sea buckthorn oil, so it is recommended to simply follow the same steps. The drug with a fatty base from the olive is used in the presence of wounds, ulcers, skin diseases. Benefits: nutrition of the integument, disinfection, acceleration of tissue regeneration.

Ointment from propolis, yolk and honey

The tool, which includes bee glue, flower nectar and egg yolk, is widely used in cosmetology. Benefits for skin and hair. Step by step preparation:

  1. Separate the yolk from the protein, place in a cup.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of propolis mass with sea buckthorn, 30 g of honey, juice of a quarter of a lemon.
  3. Mix the components until smooth.

Another variant - . First you need to clean the cover, then apply a healing composition, hold for 15 minutes. Do 1-2 times a week. Benefit: whitening, nutrition, acne prevention.

Ointment from propolis, butter

When butter is combined with a knot, a healing cream is obtained. This medicine is used internally to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract or externally for damage to the integument. Preparation: melt the fat base (100 g) in a water bath, add 10 ml, stir.

Recommendations for use : warm healing cream; single serving - 1 tablespoon; reception 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals. It is necessary to dissolve the mass in a glass of milk or water. For external use, the cream is applied to the problem area.

In folk medicine, medicines with medicinal herbs are often found, so you need to know how to make an ointment from calendula, propolis. The composition is favorable, the skin. Cooking steps:

  1. Combine 15 g of bee glue chips with 100 ml of calendula oil.
  2. Warm up in a water bath.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth, remove solid residues.

Properties: elimination of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora and pain relief, stimulation of tissue regenerative abilities. Options: irrigation of the throat or oral mucosa,. Treatment of the sinuses 3-5 times a day will relieve the common cold.

Ointment with propolis, wax

Recipe for a healing agent: boil 1 chicken egg, cool with cold water, peel. Take the yolk, grind. Combine with 30 g of beeswax and 150 g of propolis mixture with vegetable oil. Warm up in a water bath for 20 minutes, then strain the healing mass.

Benefits: antibacterial effect, anti-inflammatory effect. During the course of procedures, skin lesions and cracked heels are healed, and unpleasant symptoms of joint diseases are eliminated. Method of application - lubrication of the affected area, covering with a bandage.

Preparation of the product: combine 10 g of resin (resin), 100 g of olive oil, 20 g of bond shavings. Place the dishes in a water bath to dissolve the solid fraction, then remove from the stove and strain the mixture. Remove the remains, and transfer the liquid part to a jar of the appropriate size.

The main purpose of propolis with resin is the treatment of skin lesions from acne to boils. The drug stimulates the healing and regeneration of tissues, exhibits a disinfecting property. This complex of ingredients is also prescribed for resorption of scars.


Beekeeping products are a strong allergen due to the presence of biologically active substances and pollen. Therefore, the use of healing agents is required only after familiarization with the restrictions. List of contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to components;
  • individual intolerance to products;
  • severe diseases of the kidneys, liver, biliary tract;
  • the presence of weeping eczema;
  • the age of children under 3-5 years;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Healing agents from bee glue for external use are among effective methods of adjuvant therapy. Indications: skin diseases, damage or inflammation of the mucous membranes, respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, joint problems. For cooking, they take a fat base: butter or vegetable oil, animal fat, petroleum jelly, lanolin.

Autumn is coming...winds, rains, squelching noses and red throats. How to protect yourself and loved ones, which drug to choose? And it is desirable that it is also inexpensive and natural!

On the advice of a friend, I decided to try one propolis ointment. “At one, two helps with the throat,” the neighbor chirps. Well, why not take it?

Propolis ointment 20% concentrated

Volume: 47 grams

Price: 200 rubles.

Place of purchase: Sokolushka online store - [link]


The ointment is placed in a plastic jar with a screw cap.

Color: brownish green in a jar. On the body light brown, beige - some)))

Texture not uniform, there are small inclusions, but when applied they are not felt.

Smell: the aroma of propolis is definitely present, and it also seemed to me that it smells of honeycombs.

The ointment is greasy and does not absorb immediately. It is easy to apply, soft in itself, it seems that even warm)

From the manufacturer

It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. It has a wound-healing, analgesic, antipruritic, deodorizing effect, stimulates the regeneration (recovery) of tissues.

What will the ointment help with?

Indications for its use are burns, frostbite, difficult-to-heal wounds and ulcers, eczema, seborrheic eczema (a disease observed in infants characterized by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands), psoriasis, herpes, fungal dermatitis, hyperkeratosis, pyoderma (pustular skin lesions), furuncles of the ear canal (turundas with ointment are injected into the ear canal) and inflammation of the middle ear, x-ray, radium and solar radiation damage, chronic runny nose, erosion of the cervix (first with a swab dipped in a 2% soda solution, mucus is removed, then to erosion press a swab with ointment and leave it for 10-12 hours; procedures are carried out daily for 10-12 days), rectal fissures and hemorrhoids (gauze pads with ointment are applied), postoperative wounds in patients operated on for rectal fistulas, and etc.


For colds and coughs:

Ointment based on propolis is an excellent antitussive, antibronchitis and anti-cold remedy. When coughing, it should be rubbed into the bronchial area from the back every night. After that, you need to put on warm clothes (if there is no temperature) and go to bed. If the temperature is elevated, wrap up should not be. You just need to put on your usual night clothes and go to bed. With a runny nose and for the prevention of viral diseases, apply a small amount of ointment to the mucous membranes of the nose.


The ointment was tested as a warming agent, namely, I applied it in a small layer on the chest and back. I did the manipulations at night, then put on an old T-shirt (the ointment stains clothes) and went to bed. Coincidence or not, after a couple of days the cough disappeared.


It seems to me that at a serious stage of the flu, when the nose is stuffed up and coughing up phlegm, it is better to use an ointment in a duet of antibiotics, but with a SARS that has just begun and for prevention, for example, before going to the hospital, you can also apply solo.

I used the ointment only during the illness, but I also plan to test it in a fight with herpes (the manufacturer claims that it helps).

Thank you for your attention!

Ointment based on propolis 20% is a unique bactericidal and wound healing agent.

Propolis is a sticky, resinous product produced by bees. It contains a large number of useful compounds, more than 280 in total, due to which propolis has found wide application in medicine and cosmetology.

Indications for use

Ointment based on propolis 20% is used as an antiseptic, wound healing and bactericidal agent in the following cases:

  • Dermatitis and rashes on various parts of the skin;
  • With a fungus on the skin;
  • With boils and furunculosis;
  • With bruises, abrasions and cuts;
  • With dry skin;
  • With psoriasis;
  • With eczema;
  • For the prevention of frostbite;
  • When coughing, various colds;
  • From burns.

The agent has a strong antiviral, long-term local anesthetic, regenerating, antibacterial effect.


Ointment based on propolis 20% is a creamy substance with a slight honey smell. When rubbed into the skin, the product is well absorbed, leaving the surface of the skin soft.


The drug has antibacterial, healing, analgesic (when applied topically) properties, due to which it is effective in the treatment of skin diseases, infectious and other diseases listed above.


  • beeswax (15%);
  • Propolis (20%);
  • Lanolin (11%);
  • Peach oil;
  • Palm oil;
  • Olive oil;
  • Pork fat;
  • Fir oil, etc.

Propolis itself consists of 60% resins, 20% wax, essential oils and pollen. Propolis contains dozens of amino acids essential for humans: arginine, tryptophan, proline, serine, methionine, threonine, ornithine and others. Scientists have found in it vitamins B, C, E, A, P, H and microelements phosphorus, copper, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, fluorine and others.

Mode of application

Ointment based on propolis 20% is used only as an external agent.

  • For skin lesions, burns and eczema the ointment is applied to the affected area and the skin area treated with this remedy is covered with a clean napkin, cloth, gauze or bandage.
  • Furuncles inside the ear are treated with the introduction of a gauze swab soaked in propolis ointment into the ear canal.
  • For bronchitis and cough it is rubbed into the chest before going to bed, and then put on warm clothes. A unique therapeutic agent facilitates the patient's condition and speeds up the treatment process.


With open wounds, the use of ointment is contraindicated. You should also avoid getting it on the mucous membranes of the body.

People suffering from allergic reactions to bee products should use the ointment with great caution or even refuse to use it at all. Cases of allergic reactions to the use of the ointment are associated with the presence of pollen in its composition.

Instructions for use

Propolis instructions for use

Dosage form

Homogeneous ointment from light yellow to yellowish brown in color with a characteristic smell of propolis.


Composition per 100 g

Active ingredient:

Propolis Propolis D1 - 5.0 g

Auxiliary substance:

Vaseline - up to 100.0 g


Monocomponent homeopathic preparation, the action of which is due to the active ingredient in its composition.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible. In the absence of a therapeutic effect or the appearance of side effects not described in this leaflet, you should stop taking the drug and inform your doctor about it.

Selling Features

Released without a prescription

Special conditions

Avoid getting the drug into the eyes, mucous membranes and weeping wounds. If the ointment gets into the eyes, rinse them thoroughly with plenty of water.

Wash hands after application.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms

The use of the drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, the work of a dispatcher and operator).


Chronic eczema and neurodermatitis as part of complex therapy.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (including bee products). Age up to 18 years (due to insufficient clinical data).

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

Since there are no data from studies on the use of the drug in pregnant and lactating women, its use during pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding is contraindicated.

drug interaction

The drug is compatible with other allopathic and homeopathic medicines.

The use of homeopathic remedies does not exclude the use of other medicines.

Propolis prices in other cities

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Mode of application


Outwardly. For adults, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area, rubbing lightly, 1-2 times a day.

In case of application to an infected skin surface, it should be pre-treated with any antiseptic.

Perhaps the imposition of a gauze bandage. The duration of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease in the patient and is determined by the achieved therapeutic effect and tolerability of the drug, but not more than 1-2 weeks.

Use the drug only according to the method of application and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

If necessary, please consult your doctor before taking the medicine.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

Valuable properties of bee products are known to all. They were recognized even by official medicine. Often we spend money on expensive imported drugs, although the pharmacy has a cheap and very effective "native" remedy - propolis ointment. What does it help with when you need to get it out of the first-aid kit? And can you do it yourself?

A few words about the composition of the bee glue ointment

Since ancient times, propolis has been used to treat various ailments. It is a sticky substance produced by bees. He has no analogues. This powerful natural antiseptic effectively fights bacteria, viruses and fungi, relieves inflammation, relieves pain, strengthens the immune system, heals wounds and eliminates itching.

The pharmacy sells various ointments based on bee glue. They may contain from 5% to 40% of crushed propolis, the rest is petroleum jelly, oil or other fatty base. Some manufacturers add glycerin, and vitamin A is also present in expensive brands.

Before using the ointment, you should figure out how much propolis is in it and for what purposes it is intended:

  • 10% - for the treatment of burns, frostbite, erosion, nasal congestion;
  • 15% - with bruises, skin ulcers, wounds, rashes;
  • 20% - with boils and fungal infections;
  • 30% - for the treatment of neuralgia, radiculitis, neuritis.

The natural substance contains vitamins, amino acids, minerals, essential oils, sugars, resinous acids, alcohol, artepillin, phenols, flavonoids, cinnamic acid that are significant for humans. The ointment retains up to 50 important components! Such a unique composition contributes to the fact that propolis helps not only at the initial stage of the disease, but also in the chronic course.

From a hundred ailments: how and when to use the ointment?

Propolis ointment instructions for use prescribe to use for various diseases. The treatment regimen is determined by the health problem you are going to solve with such a natural remedy, and its severity. Here are just a few ways to use propolis ointment:

  • from burns - soak a piece of gauze with ointment and firmly attach it to the burn site. Change the bandage after 3-5 hours;
  • for the treatment of external erosions and deep wounds: apply a thin layer to the affected area once a day for no longer than 3 weeks;
  • to eliminate erysipelas - regularly apply 20% ointment to the reddened area, capturing neighboring areas;
  • for the healing of trophic ulcers and neurodermatitis - daily (or every other day) treat them with ointment. Do this once a day, the course of therapy will take 14-20 days. You can use the ointment in the form of compresses;
  • for psoriasis and chronic eczema - lubricate the affected areas or make cotton compresses;
  • from hemorrhoids - mix the pharmacy drug with olive oil in equal proportions. Keep cold. Lubricate the cones 5-8 p. per day;
  • for joint pain - rub the ointment into the diseased joint, do not rinse. For the best effect, mix it with vegetable oil or sour cream. The procedure is carried out twice - in the morning and before bedtime;
  • to prevent infection with the flu and to treat colds - smear in the nose (no longer than 3 weeks);

  • for cough - 1 tsp. inside with tea or warm milk. Drink in small sips. Apply no longer than 21 days. For oral administration, only home-made ointment is suitable. You can also rub the chest and back with this remedy or make a compress - apply the substance to a cotton cloth and attach it to the body, put a cellophane film on top. Fix the compress with a warm scarf or down scarf;
  • from a runny nose and sinusitis - put turundas with 20% ointment. Keep them for 1-2 hours. After the end of the procedure, rinse the nose with a solution of eucalyptus;
  • in order to heal cracks in the nipples during lactation - apply to the area of ​​damage after feeding;
  • to soften the skin of the hands, feet - once a week apply to the skin;
  • from acne - on a dry, clean face, where pustular acne has settled, apply 10% or 15% ointment. Repeat the procedure twice a day. After the drug is absorbed into the skin, remove its remnants with a napkin;
  • in gynecology - with cervical erosion, colpitis, endocervicitis. Make a cotton swab, soak with ointment. First, remove the internal secret of the vagina by douching with a solution of chamomile, then put a tampon. Leave overnight or, if manipulations are performed during the day, for 8 hours;
  • to relieve skin irritation in children - make gauze bandages with ointment, keep them for 5-10 minutes;
  • for bedsores: smear the entire inflamed area, put wax paper on top. Perform several procedures.

Himself a pharmacist: we make an ointment simply and quickly

There is more than one way to make propolis ointment at home. But some of these recipes are difficult to execute. Let's start with those that everyone can easily master:

  • you will need 300 ml of alcohol. It should be poured into a saucepan and wait until it boils. Take 1 kg of propolis, grind it. Dissolve in alcohol, set aside the mixture to cool. Then take 80 g of vaseline. Melt it in a water bath. Mix them in the following proportion: for 5 parts of vaseline - 1 part of the alcohol mixture. Put this composition on the stove (on a small fire), stir to get a homogeneous composition. It is immediately filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a glass container. When the composition has cooled, it can be used;
  • necessary ingredients: 100 g of propolis, 65 g of wax, 1 liter of oil (vegetable). Put the oil on fire. Grind the remaining two components. Pour propolis and wax into boiling oil, boil them for half an hour, stirring constantly. Cool down.

As practice shows, such an ointment is not at all worse than a pharmacy one.

Ointment from bee glue is a multifunctional remedy: one tube replaces 10 or even 20 medicines at once. At the same time, it is inexpensive, allows you not to be afraid of any "chemistry", almost never causes allergies and has almost no contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to bee products. Now you know how to make propolis ointment at home and what it helps with. Therefore, you can choose to purchase the product at a pharmacy or make it yourself, so that there is not a fraction of doubt about its naturalness.