A smear the next day after the ultrasound. When is it prescribed and what does a smear study in women show

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Anna asks:

Is it possible to take a smear for purity and oncocytology immediately after a vaginal ultrasound. Thank you!

In the event that an ultrasound and a smear are scheduled for the same day, you first need to take a smear, and then do an ultrasound. If this is not possible, these studies should be carried out on different days. You can read more about deciphering the results of a smear from the vaginal mucosa, about the indications for this diagnostic method, about how to prepare for it, in our article: Smear, its meaning. You can read more about ultrasound diagnostics in the section: Ultrasound.

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Oncocytological smear is a microscopic analysis performed for the purpose of early diagnosis of abnormal (cancerous) changes in the epithelium of the cervix. Biological material for analysis - cells selected from the vaginal part and cervical canal - ectocervix and endocervix.

Due to the increased risk of cancer, a Papanicolaou test, as it is also called oncomicroscopy, is recommended for women predisposed to cancer, as well as pregnant women. The results of the study are presented in the form of a description of the cells found in the material.

Preventive and diagnostic analysis can be done at the Women's Medical Center. Research is carried out in a short time - in the laboratory of the center. The cost of the service in the ILC is 1,500 rubles. Completion time - 10 working days.

The cost of a smear for oncocytology*

Why take a pap smear

The PAP test gives a clear picture of the condition of the epithelial cells of the uterus and cervical canal. Oncocytology is used both as a preventive measure (therefore, the test is recommended for all women over the age of 18 every year), and as the easiest way to detect cancer at an early stage.

At least once a year, a cervical smear should be taken by patients who are at risk due to age and hereditary factors, women who have cervical erosion or papillomavirus. In pregnant women, scrapings are taken three times.

Most often, cervical cancer is diagnosed in middle-aged women - from 35 to 55 years. Among those who have practically no chance of a cure, women who have not undergone preventive examinations and diagnostics for several years have been self-medicating.


Preparation for analysis

Any inflammatory processes in the vagina can change the picture of oncocytology, so the analysis is carried out only after confirming the purity of the vaginal environment.

  • douche;
  • have sexual contact;
  • use vaginal preparations;
  • take a bath (use a shower).

It is better to take a smear in the period starting from the 5th day of the cycle, but no later than 5 days before the onset of menstruation. If a colposcopy is scheduled, then the scraping is taken the day before or 2 days after the procedure.

How to take a swab for cancer cells

The material is taken from the cervical canal and the vaginal part with a special brush or spatula. A smear for oncocytology in our center is examined in the traditional way - it is transferred to a sterile glass, stained and studied.

The average time to prepare the results is 7-10 days. The sampling of material does not cause pain and is carried out during a gynecological examination.

Discomfort can only be delivered by the introduction of mirrors, which are used to expand the view of the inside of the vagina.

What shows oncocytology of the cervix: the norm and interpretation

The essence of oncocytology is the study of the cellular composition and state of organelles - the permanent constituents of cells. For the reliability of the result, the doctor is not limited to taking a scraping from the vaginal part of the cervix, but takes a smear from the cervical canal for examination.

The results of the analysis are descriptive and state the presence or absence of cancerous or altered cells (characterizing a precancerous condition).

The term "without abnormal features" in the cytogram indicates a negative result - the norm. In positive oncocytology, anomalies can be described as a change in cell morphology, single cells with structural abnormalities or pronounced signs of malignancy, a large number of abnormal cells.

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You can undergo oncocytology using the innovative Pap test method at the Women's Medical Center. Receiving a positive cytogram is a cause for concern. It is possible that the diagnosis will not be confirmed, and the smear showed an inflammatory process, but for this you need to consult a gynecologist, if necessary, undergo an additional examination.

Every woman had to take a gynecological smear. This procedure allows you to identify various gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases, to determine the vagina. This is a fairly simple, fast and inexpensive way to monitor the condition of the genitourinary system. Every woman is recommended to take a smear annually, even in the absence of unpleasant symptoms.

In what cases is a gynecological smear prescribed?

A gynecological smear is taken at almost every examination by a gynecologist. Often a smear is given for prevention, since many diseases in the initial stages are asymptomatic.

Many women are interested in when it is better to take a smear so that it is reliable, whether it is possible to take a smear during menstruation. The terms of the smear are prescribed by the doctor, they are individual and depend on the specific disease: in some cases, smears are given at any time, others require a certain day of the cycle.A woman can take a smear at a paid clinic at any time she wants to check her health.

A doctor prescribes a smear in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a smear on the flora is taken several times. This is necessary to check the condition of the female reproductive system, to control pregnancy. Any bacterial, inflammatory disease can lead to impaired development and termination of pregnancy.
  • Unusual discharge. It is recommended to take a gynecological smear if the discharge has become an unusual color (yellow, green, brown), consistency (thick, cheesy) or has acquired a pungent odor.
  • Itching, burning and pain in the perineum. The presence of itching and burning in the perineum may indicate the presence of an infectious, inflammatory disease. These signs require immediate investigation.
  • Menstrual disorders. With various violations of the menstrual cycle, a woman is recommended to undergo a complete examination: donate blood, smear, do in order to identify the cause of the violations.
  • . At the planning stage, a smear is necessary, as it allows you to detect violations and inflammations in time, treat them even before the moment of conception, which increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.
  • Long-term medication. Some drugs can disrupt the microflora of the vagina. These drugs include oral contraceptives, antibiotics. After completing the course of treatment, it is recommended to take a smear in order to detect and treat violations in the microflora in time.
  • Change of partner. If a woman has changed her partner or has had more than 1 partner in the last year and has not visited a gynecologist, it is advisable to take a swab for flora.

When is the best time to take a pap smear?

As mentioned above, the timing of the smear is individual. If it is not possible to take a smear at the moment, the doctor will appoint another time. Usually a smear for prevention is taken immediately when visiting a gynecologist without taking into account the cycle. If violations are revealed, the next smear may be prescribed taking into account the cycle and course of treatment.

There are several types of smears: vaginal, cervical, urethral. They are usually taken at the same time:

  • It is believed that the optimal time for taking a gynecological smear is 7-10 days after the onset of menstruation, that is, 2-3 days after the end of bleeding.
  • During menstruation, the smear does not give up, as spotting can blur the picture. In some cases, this is possible, for example, if a woman needs to take swabs constantly to check for bacterial growth and the development of the disease. During menstruation, a smear is taken if a woman has urgent complaints, pains and discomforts that require immediate examination.
  • Sometimes a woman's bleeding does not stop for a long time. In this case, a smear is also taken at any time, since it is necessary to determine the cause of uterine bleeding.
  • If the first smear revealed violations, a course of treatment is prescribed. After the end of treatment, a woman is recommended to wait for her period and take a smear on the 7-10th day of the cycle.
  • During pregnancy, a smear is given at any time when it is necessary.
  • The timing of the smear is affected by the intake of various drugs. It is not recommended to take a swab from the vagina and urethra while taking antibacterial drugs.

Useful video - Pap smear from the cervical canal:

Despite the possibility of taking a smear during critical days, one should not forget that such an analysis will have its own difficulties. For example, it is recommended not to wash with soap before a smear, and during menstruation this is not possible, especially if the discharge is plentiful. The use of hygienic wet wipes will also lead to a violation of the result.

During the sampling of a smear due to discharge, the doctor practically does not see where exactly he takes the material from. Blood invariably enters the smear, so the result may be unreliable. However, when bacteria are detected, menstruation analysis does not affect the result in any way.

Preparation and procedure for taking a smear

Often a smear is taken when visiting a gynecologist as a preventive check. In this case, there can be no preparation. If the smear is planned, the doctor will definitely warn about the methods of preparation.

Preparation affects the reliability of the result. The procedure itself is quite painless, the sensations can be compared with unpleasant. If severe pain is felt, this is due to the presence of inflammation, but not the smear procedure itself.

  • A day or two before taking a smear, it is recommended to refuse sexual intercourse.
  • It is not recommended to wash with soap before going to the doctor. You can do this in the evening. Harsh cleansers can disrupt the vaginal flora. In addition, it is undesirable to use daily pads.
  • On the day of the smear and the day before, it is not recommended to insert vaginal suppositories, use ointments and intimate lubricants.
  • If the smear is given for, that is, for the definition of infections, it is recommended to provoke them. The day before the test, you need to eat smoked, salty, spicy food, which will help reveal hidden infections.
  • It is undesirable to shave the bikini area on the day of the doctor's visit. Immediately after shaving, small swelling, redness, inflammation, scratches form, which can affect the result. It is best to do hair removal a day or two before visiting the gynecological office.

A vaginal swab is taken quickly and painlessly. The woman sits on a chair, and the doctor, using a disposable spatula, takes some mucus from the vagina. The woman may not feel anything.

A smear from is accompanied by more unpleasant sensations.

The cervical canal is located close to the uterus, so taking a smear from this part is somewhat more difficult. Usually this smear is necessary to determine pathologies, the presence of cancer cells. A smear is also taken with the help of gynecological mirrors and a spatula.

A swab from the urethra is taken with a thin hook-shaped spatula. This procedure is unpleasant, but not painful. Some time after taking a smear, a burning sensation may be felt. It is not recommended to urinate one hour before the urethral swab.

The result of a smear: what a smear can “tell” about

A gynecological smear helps to detect various inflammations, infections and diseases

The smear has 4 degrees of purity. A smear of the first degree of purity is considered ideal. All indicators are within normal limits. A smear of the fourth degree of purity indicates that the disease is already running, there is an inflammatory process and it is urgent to start treatment.

A gynecological smear includes many indicators, but their rate varies depending on the presence of pregnancy or menopause in a woman:

  • . These cells indicate the presence of inflammation. They can be present both in the vagina and in the cervical canal, urethra, but in small quantities.
  • . Epithelial cells are present in any smear, but in moderation. If the amount of epithelium is large, this indicates either an inflammatory process or hormonal disorders.
  • Gram-positive rods. They should only be present in the vagina. The more of them, the better. They are responsible for the immunity of the vagina. But a reduced amount of stick indicates inflammation or dysbacteriosis of the vagina.
  • Gram-negative rods. These rods are absent in a healthy body. Their presence indicates inflammation or imbalance of the microflora.
  • Yeast mushrooms. Mushrooms must be absent from the smear. Their presence indicates candidiasis, or thrush.
  • Gonococcus. These are the causative agents of gonorrhea, the presence of which in the body is very undesirable. Gonorrhea causes unusual discharge, pain in the perineum and urethra, discomfort during intercourse, and can also lead to joint diseases.
  • Trichomonas. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. The presence of any number of Trichomonas in a smear indicates trichomoniasis. This disease does not often lead to complications, but in its advanced form it can cause inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
  • Chlamydia. Chlamydia in the smear should also be absent. Chlamydia is one of the most common causes of female infertility and can also lead to miscarriages during pregnancy.

It is often the first step in the examination. If abnormalities are found in the smear, then a further examination is prescribed. In some cases, a gynecological smear is enough to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.