ENT medical services. ENT (otolaryngologist): treatment of diseases of the ear, throat and nose

What does an otolaryngologist treat?

An otolaryngologist (ENT) is a doctor who specializes in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. The abbreviation ENT is derived from the word "laryngootorhinologist". Literally translated, the word "otolaryngology" means "the science of the ear, nose and throat." ENT treats diseases of three organs at once, because these organs are in close physiological connection. For the same reason, diseases of these organs, especially infectious ones, often require complex treatment.

When is an appointment with an otolaryngologist necessary?

Consultation and reception at the Laura is needed for: the occurrence of severe sore throat, headache, fever, inflammation (enlargement) of the cervical lymph nodes, nasal congestion or purulent discharge from the ear.

What diseases to deal with?

Rhinitis (runny nose) - inflammation of the nasal mucosa;

sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus;

acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) - inflammation of the lymphoid formations of the peripharyngeal ring (most often, the palatine tonsils become inflamed);

pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx;

otitis media - an inflammatory process in the ear;

nasal cavity polyps - benign formations in the nasal cavity;

sulfur plugs - a large accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal.

Where to find a good lore?

Need an ENT doctor, advise someone.

You can see patient reviews about otolaryngologists and choose the right doctor. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the specialist indicated in the questionnaire.

Which ENT clinic should I contact?

If you have any doubts about choosing a clinic, on our website you can find the one that suits you according to patient reviews and the rating of clinics.

What is included in the appointment of an otolaryngologist?

The primary reception of the doctor-lor includes the collection of anamnesis (medical history *) and complaints in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in the pathology of the organ of hearing and the organ of smell; visual examination, palpation in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in the pathology of the organ of hearing and the organ of smell; examination of the upper respiratory tract using additional light sources and mirrors; examination of the organs of hearing with the help of a tuning fork; laryngoscopy, pharyngoscopy, otoscopy; the appointment of drug therapy, dietary therapy and health-improving regimen for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with pathology of the organ of hearing and the organ of smell.

How to prepare for an appointment with an ENT doctor?

Special preparation for admission is not required. But you should prepare in advance all the questions that you would like to ask the doctor and determine the exact date when the complaints first appeared. If you are taking any medications, write down their names or take the instructions for use with you. Bring medical documents with you - medical reports, extracts from the hospital, the results of tests and examinations that you underwent earlier.

How is the recording through DocDoc?

You can make an appointment with a specialist online or by phone. You can get information and reviews about doctors on the DocDoc website or check the necessary data with the operator.

Diseases of the ENT organs must be treated at an early stage of their development, since after the transition of these pathologies to the chronic stage, the treatment will be more complex and lengthy, often dragging on for many years. Untreated diseases in childhood can cause a delay in the development of the child.

Varieties of diseases

The list of ENT diseases is huge, it can include hundreds of clinical names. Diseases of the nose, throat and ear are often diagnosed in children and adults. Children are exposed to them more often due to the imperfection of the immune system.

Nose diseases:

  • runny nose or in acute and chronic stages;
  • ( , );
  • foreign body in the nasal cavity;
  • nosebleeds, etc.

The pathological process affects the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. Some diseases of the nose of a chronic nature (for example, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis) can cause serious complications in the form of excruciating migraines, blurred vision, and the development of meningitis.

Ear diseases:

  • inner, outer and middle;
  • eustachitis;
  • sulfur plug;
  • foreign body in the ear canal;
  • trauma of the inner ear and eardrum, etc.

The clinical picture of ear pathologies in almost all cases occurs against the background of hearing loss. Inflammatory processes are usually accompanied by fever, symptoms of intoxication of the body, discharge and acute pain in the ear.

In adult patients, the signs of ear disease are often blurred and mild, so the pathology is more difficult to detect and with a great delay. Signs of a pathological process may not make themselves felt for a long time.


With the individual susceptibility of the body, they can cause sore throat and swelling of the nasopharynx. Allergens are dust, animal hair, pollen, etc.

Regardless of the cause of the allergy, it is possible to get rid of it only on the condition that contact with the allergen is excluded or as limited as possible. Also, the therapy of allergic rhinitis consists in the appointment of antihistamines.


A cold can catch you by surprise not only in the cold season, but also in hot weather. This is most often observed in people suffering from a decrease in immunity. In the cold season, low temperatures provoke spasm and vasoconstriction, disrupt tissue trophism, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes and ENT diseases due to the penetration of infectious pathogens into the organs.

In the summer, the greatest danger to the throat is swimming in cold water, ice cream and chilled drinks.

Ears are more susceptible to cold gusts of wind and low temperatures, so be sure to protect them by wearing a headscarf or hat. And a runny nose most often develops due to frozen feet, which is why you need to wear shoes according to the weather and prevent them from hypothermia.

Any diseases of an inflammatory, infectious and systemic nature often become a provoking factor for the development of ENT diseases.

General symptoms

The general clinical picture of diseases of the ear, nose and throat is characterized by:

  • discomfort and pain in the larynx and nasopharynx;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • intoxication of the body in the form of weakness, deterioration in performance, muscle pain;
  • inflammatory phenomena in the affected organs;
  • discharge from the nose and ears;
  • pathological enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • hearing loss;
  • headaches;
  • decreased protection of the immune system;
  • impaired sense of smell, etc.

If, against the background of the current disease, several of the listed symptoms are noted at once, this indicates an advanced stage of the disease.

How are ENT organs interconnected?

All diseases of the ENT organs are combined into a general category, because the throat, ear and nasal cavity interact as a single physiological system.

For example, if a person has a sore throat, the infectious process can easily enter the sinuses or the inner ear, causing inflammation in them, and vice versa. Most often this happens due to untimely treatment of ENT diseases or a decrease in immunity.

Otolaryngology as a science is engaged in the study and treatment of ENT diseases, and also works in a preventive direction. An otolaryngologist, in addition to specific knowledge of the pathologies of the ENT organs, must have the knowledge and practical skills of a therapist and surgeon. Advanced diseases in otolaryngology often require the doctor to perform surgical procedures.

Treatment of ENT diseases consists in a complex effect on the body, in particular, on the affected organ or organ system of drug, symptomatic, physiotherapeutic and radical therapy.

All diseases require competent diagnosis and the choice of the most gentle and effective therapeutic effect. In addition to treating the underlying pathology, specialists pay attention to improving the patient's immune system and are engaged in the prevention of possible relapses of ENT diseases.

Self-medication or ignoring the treatment of diseases can cause serious consequences for the body as a whole. One pathology of ENT organs easily leads to a complication of another. For example, a common cold can lead to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis) and middle ear (otitis media). That is why it is necessary to treat any pathological conditions of the ENT organs in a complex manner, since they are interconnected.

Useful video about ENT diseases

What does an otolaryngologist treat?

An otolaryngologist (ENT) is a doctor who specializes in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. The abbreviation ENT is derived from the word "laryngootorhinologist". Literally translated, the word "otolaryngology" means "the science of the ear, nose and throat." ENT treats diseases of three organs at once, because these organs are in close physiological connection. For the same reason, diseases of these organs, especially infectious ones, often require complex treatment.

When is an appointment with an otolaryngologist necessary?

Consultation and reception at the Laura is needed for: the occurrence of severe sore throat, headache, fever, inflammation (enlargement) of the cervical lymph nodes, nasal congestion or purulent discharge from the ear.

What diseases to deal with?

Rhinitis (runny nose) - inflammation of the nasal mucosa;

sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus;

acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) - inflammation of the lymphoid formations of the peripharyngeal ring (most often, the palatine tonsils become inflamed);

pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx;

otitis media - an inflammatory process in the ear;

nasal cavity polyps - benign formations in the nasal cavity;

sulfur plugs - a large accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal.

Where to find a good lore?

Need an ENT doctor, advise someone.

You can see patient reviews about otolaryngologists and choose the right doctor. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the specialist indicated in the questionnaire.

Which ENT clinic should I contact?

If you have any doubts about choosing a clinic, on our website you can find the one that suits you according to patient reviews and the rating of clinics.

What is included in the appointment of an otolaryngologist?

The primary reception of the doctor-lor includes the collection of anamnesis (medical history *) and complaints in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in the pathology of the organ of hearing and the organ of smell; visual examination, palpation in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in the pathology of the organ of hearing and the organ of smell; examination of the upper respiratory tract using additional light sources and mirrors; examination of the organs of hearing with the help of a tuning fork; laryngoscopy, pharyngoscopy, otoscopy; the appointment of drug therapy, dietary therapy and health-improving regimen for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with pathology of the organ of hearing and the organ of smell.

How to prepare for an appointment with an ENT doctor?

Special preparation for admission is not required. But you should prepare in advance all the questions that you would like to ask the doctor and determine the exact date when the complaints first appeared. If you are taking any medications, write down their names or take the instructions for use with you. Bring medical documents with you - medical reports, extracts from the hospital, the results of tests and examinations that you underwent earlier.

How is the recording through DocDoc?

You can make an appointment with a specialist online or by phone. You can get information and reviews about doctors on the DocDoc website or check the necessary data with the operator.

ENT (otolaryngologist) is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the ear, nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx in adults and children.

Ear, nose and throat diseases are among the most common human diseases. Since the ENT organs are located close to each other and are functionally interconnected, complex treatment is required in many cases. Inattention to the first symptoms (sore throat or in the ears, enlarged submandibular lymph nodes, difficulty in nasal breathing) can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process and the development of complications.

Timely appointment with an otolaryngologist and the treatment prescribed by him will allow you to quickly restore health and avoid problems in the future. If you need an appointment with an otolaryngologist in Moscow, please contact JSC "Family Doctor". You can make an appointment with a highly qualified specialist at any convenient time. Surgical treatment of ENT diseases is carried out in our Hospital Center and Surgical Hospital.

With what diseases should you go to the ENT doctor?

The competence of an ENT doctor includes diseases that require both therapeutic and surgical treatment, including:

    infectious diseases accompanied by damage to the upper respiratory tract;

    nose, ear and throat injuries;

    deformation of the nasal septum;

    smell disorders;

    diseases and injuries of the paranasal sinuses;

    pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharynx;

    tonsillitis - inflammation of the palatine tonsils;

    laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx;

    tracheitis - inflammation of the trachea;

    otitis - inflammation of the outer, middle and inner ear;

    hearing impairment;

    balance disorders associated with ear diseases;

You may need to see an otolaryngologist if you experience symptoms such as

    runny nose, sneezing, nasal discharge, itchy nose;

    smell disorders;

    frequent nosebleeds;

    pain in the nose, throat, or ear;

    labored breathing;

    swallowing disorder;

    extraneous sounds in the ear;

    dizziness, prolonged headaches of unknown origin;

When the first symptoms appear, sign up for a consultation with an ENT doctor. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to detect ENT diseases at the initial stages and reduce the treatment time.

Methods for diagnosing ENT diseases

An outpatient appointment with an ENT doctor in the clinics of the Family Doctor JSC network is carried out using the most diagnostic (including endoscopic) equipment. Along with the collection of anamnesis and instrumental diagnosis of ENT organs, the doctor may prescribe (or conduct) additional studies, including:

    For visualization of specific anatomical structures.

    - X-ray examination of the pharynx with contrasting with a special substance, which allows to detect foreign bodies, tumors and deformities.

    Allows you to get three-dimensional images of the area under study.

    And to determine the state of the hearing organs.

    It is carried out for those patients who, for whatever reason, cannot give feedback during the study process.

    Laboratory diagnostics (the doctor will take biological material from the problem area right at the appointment and transfer it to the laboratory for examination).

Treatment of ENT diseases

Treatment will be prescribed to you immediately - based on the data of the initial examination. At the second appointment, the ENT doctor, having received the results of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics, will, if necessary, make changes in order to achieve the maximum result in the shortest possible time. Treatment prescribed may include methods such as:

    drug therapy for ENT diseases.

    Hardware for rhinitis and sinusitis.

    Allowing you to quickly stop the exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

Imagine that a singer can't sing, or you can't hear beautiful music. Think what if you can't smell the flower, or can't taste and enjoy your favorite dish. It is not possible to sleep all night next to a loved one because he snores.
All this, as a rule, is caused by diseases of the ENT organs.

Hearing and balance, swallowing and speech, breathing and sleeping problems, allergies and inflammation of the sinuses, and even facial plastic surgery are just some of the problems that ENT specialists can help with.
In professional terminology, these doctors are called "otolaryngologists", but it's easier to just say "ENT".

An otolaryngologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. He performs medical diagnostics and treatment, including surgeries including endoscopic surgery, laryngeal microsurgery, hearing-improving surgeries.

Treatment of simple and complex

Did you know that almost half of the patients who first come to medical institutions have any ENT problems?

Almost everyone has a stuffy nose, sore throat or ear problems... ENT doctors treat a wide range of conditions and disorders of the ears, nose, throat - from simple to severe.

Otorhinolaryngologists are not only doctors who can treat your sinusitis, your child's otitis, or your father's sleep apnea. They are also surgeons who can perform extremely delicate operations: to restore hearing - operations on the middle and inner ear; to restore nasal breathing - correct the curvature of the nasal septum, remove polyps in adults or adenoids in a child; get rid of a sore throat - by performing surgical interventions in the pharynx.

What do otorhinolaryngologists treat?

Otorhinolaryngologists do not limit their practice to any one part of the ENT organs, and can treat various diseases. However, some physicians receive additional training (specialization) in one of the following areas:

Ears (audiology / otoneurology): Hearing and balance (vestibular function) are extremely important to our daily lives. Treatment of conditions such as middle ear infections, hearing loss, dizziness, tinnitus (tinnitus).

Nose (rhinology): Our nose cleans, humidifies and warms the air we breathe, helping to prevent potentially harmful substances, allergens from viruses and bacteria from entering the lower respiratory tract. Doctors treat difficulty in nasal breathing, rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), acute and chronic sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).

Throat (laryngology/phoniatrics): Diseases of the pharynx and larynx can have a huge impact on our quality of life. Doctors of this specialization treat acute and chronic diseases of the pharynx and larynx, voice disorders (dysphonia), hoarseness or complete loss of the ability to speak (aphonia).

Dream: A good restful night's sleep affects how we feel during the day, how we do our work. Sleep problems can contribute to the development of diseases of the heart, nervous system. Specialists treat sleep disorders, snoring and sleep apnea (episodes of stopping breathing), as well as other conditions that cause sleep problems.

Facial plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery: Damage to the face and related changes in appearance caused by an accident, trauma, birth defect. Doctors in the field of facial plastic surgery treat congenital cleft palate, ear deformities, congenital and post-traumatic deformities of the external nose.

ENT diseases in children: Frequent diseases of the ear, throat and nose in childhood need special attention. Otorhinolaryngologists treat acute and chronic otitis, tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis and palatine tonsil hypertrophy. A special place among ENT diseases in children is occupied by hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids), adenoiditis (acute or chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil). These problems very often lead to difficulty with nasal breathing. Often, the lower respiratory tract is involved in the process. There are sleep disorders and much more.

Applied surgical treatment

Correction of the nasal septum