Small red rash on hands. Allergic rash on hands photo with description

The rash, which appears as small red dots on the arms, hands and wrists, causes discomfort. The reasons for its appearance can be different, among them there are quite serious diseases. A rash can be not only a manifestation of an allergic reaction, but also a signal that an infection has begun to develop in the body. It is for this reason that you should consult a specialist if the rash does not go away and is accompanied by other symptoms.

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    Causes of rashes

    A rash on the hands can appear for various reasons. In children, it can occur as a result of lack of hygiene. In the summer, they spend a lot of time outside, getting their hands dirty in the sand. This can lead to skin irritation and breakouts.

    Common causes of a rash in adults are allergic reactions, irritations, insect bites. In some cases, a rash can be a symptom of the development of cardiovascular or infectious diseases.

    Rash on the body in adults - causes and methods of treatment

    Insect bites

    Any person can distinguish a mosquito bite from various rashes. But in some cases, even adults cannot always understand that the result of a red rash on the hands was the bites of bedbugs, midges and other insects.

    Most often, spots appear on the back of the hand, itch and cause physical discomfort. Often, bite sites swell, redden and become inflamed. The red rash on the hands goes away after 2-5 days on its own. To relieve itching, doctors recommend using special ointments with a cooling effect.


    Irritation is the response of the body to external factors that have a negative effect on the surface of the skin. At the same time, red spots appear, dryness is noted. In some cases, the skin begins to peel off.

    Usually the rash occurs on the back of the hand and wrists, since the upper layer of the epidermis in this area is more sensitive. Irritation may be accompanied by constant discomfort and burning that occurs when water enters or from rubbing clothing.

    Reaction to the sun

    A rash on the hands in the form of red dots can occur with prolonged exposure to the sun. Most often, this reaction occurs in people with fair skin. It is enough for them to walk in the sun on a hot day and their hands begin to itch at first, and then red spots appear.

    People with sensitive skin are recommended to use special creams before and after sunburn. They protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. This reaction in medicine is also called solar dermatitis. In severe cases, when the rash covers large areas of the body, treatment is required.

    Pathologies of the circulatory system

    A red rash on the hands can also appear as a result of the development of some serious diseases. Rashes can be the result of thrombosis, phlebitis or thrombophlebitis. These pathologies are characterized by the formation of blood clots in the vessels that block the lumen and cause circulatory disorders.

    The spots in this case are different from the rash that occurs after an insect bite or as a result of an allergic reaction. They are more like bruises and can be either in the form of small dots or significant subcutaneous hemorrhages. When blood clots form, they appear not only on the hands, but also on the lower extremities. If spots are found, an ambulance should be called immediately, since thrombosis, if left untreated, is fatal.

    While waiting for the doctor, the patient should lie down and remain completely calm. It is also necessary to limit physical activity. The rash on the hands, which appeared as a result of the formation of blood clots, is not accompanied by itching. Weakness, malaise, headaches, or dizziness may occur.

    Dermatological diseases

    In dermatology, there are a number of pathologies that are characterized by the appearance of a rash on the hands. Each of them has its own characteristics. For example, with psoriasis, rashes affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints and occur more often on the legs and elbows.

    Mycosis is also considered one of the most common skin diseases. This is a fungal infection, and it is transmitted from the carrier through handshakes and when using other people's towels, washcloths. A rash on the hands appears with mycosis most often on the palms, elbows and feet. Accompanied by itching, redness and swelling of the tissues.

    If found, you should immediately consult a doctor. In order not to infect loved ones, you should use a separate towel, do not walk barefoot at home. For prevention purposes, doctors recommend being careful when visiting a bath, sauna, swimming pool and wearing slippers.

    Another common disease is hives. It is characterized by the appearance of small red spots on the back of the palms, hands, elbows. May be accompanied by mild itching.


    An itchy rash on the hands can occur due to an infection. A distinctive feature of all infectious pathologies is an increase in temperature. This occurs against the background of intoxication with various waste products of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the patient feels weakness, malaise, headache, chills.

    The most common infectious diseases accompanied by a rash are:

    • Measles;
    • Rubella;
    • Herpes;
    • Chicken pox;
    • Pseudotuberculosis;
    • Mononucleosis of an infectious form;
    • Erysipeloid (erythrema).

    Erysipeloid is characterized by the appearance of spots on the hands and occurs after eating infected meat.

    Part of the rashes provoked by the development of infection requires the use of antimicrobials. This helps to stop the spread of red spots and avoid more serious diseases.


    A small rash on the hands may occur as a result of an allergic reaction. This pathology in medicine is called "contact dermatitis", since it is with the hands that people touch objects in the first place. Rashes on the back of the hand can appear due to interaction with various chemicals.

    Allergies can be triggered by taking various medications, as a result of wearing synthetics, eating certain foods. In addition, redness and spots can occur with intolerance to the components of creams, lotions, gels. A distinctive feature of contact dermatitis is severe itching and swelling of the tissues.

    Experts identify several groups of substances that can cause allergies:

    • Food. A negative reaction of the body can occur on almost all foods. The most allergenic are citrus fruits, chocolate and various berries. To determine the product that caused the appearance of rashes on the hands, the doctor prescribes an allergy test.
    • Allergic reaction to drugs. A rash can occur on the elbows, hands, palms, and wrists as a result of long-term medication. If the cause was the drug, you should immediately stop taking it.
    • Reaction to household products and cosmetics. It is also a common type of allergy. Hands most often come into contact with various chemicals. A reaction can be caused by a dishwashing detergent, a floor cleaner, and a window cleaner. The rash most often begins to appear on the wrists and between the fingers.
    • Allergy to animal fur. Rashes appear almost instantly after contact with the allergen. Accompanied by shortness of breath, runny nose, sneezing and sore throat.

    Allergies in rare cases are accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being. This is what distinguishes it from an infectious disease. In exceptional cases, contact dermatitis causes headaches, dizziness.

    The rash resolves after avoiding contact with the substance or animal and taking an antihistamine.

    Stress and nervous strain

    The cause of rashes on the hands can be regular stress, excitement and strong feelings. Rarely accompanied by peeling and severe itching. Treatment is carried out with the help of various herbal preparations, which have a calming effect, sedatives. Therapy should be comprehensive and include local medicines, these can be Bepanten, Triderm.

    Red spots that have arisen on a nervous basis disappear after a course of treatment with sedatives. But it is not uncommon for them to reappear.


    Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. It can also cause red spots on the arms, hands, or wrists. The rash is accompanied by itching, swelling and soreness.

    Syphilis can be distinguished from other diseases that have a rash as a symptom by certain signs. These include:

    • Swelling of the genital organs is one of the most pronounced manifestations of syphilis;
    • Sore throat;
    • Malaise, weakness;
    • Temperature rise;
    • Enlarged lymph nodes.

    If a rash appears, you should immediately contact a specialist who will conduct the necessary diagnostics and prescribe a course of treatment. If syphilis has been established, sexual intercourse should be excluded, since the pathology is contagious.

    Lack of hygiene

    Insufficient hygiene or its absence causes a rash not only in a child, but also in an adult when working in adverse conditions. Such rashes appear in the form of diaper rash, small spots of red, pink color or dots. They can be localized only on the hands or spread throughout the body.

    Failure to comply with hygiene requirements in some cases leads to the penetration of a staphylococcal infection into the body. This provokes the development of vesiculopustulosis. Pathology is accompanied by a rash not only on the hands, but throughout the body. The rash looks like small red pimples that are very itchy.

    The danger of the disease is that with mechanical damage, the bubbles begin to burst, and the rash spreads to larger areas. Over time, it can appear on the chest, legs and other parts of the body.

    The causes of a rash can be different. In order to correctly establish the disease, the symptom of which is the rash, you should consult a specialist. Only an experienced doctor can carry out the necessary diagnostic measures, correctly determine the cause and type of the disease, and prescribe treatment.

    Hand rash treatment

    Treatment of a skin rash in adults directly depends on the reasons for which it arose. In cases where it appeared against the background of the development of an infection, drugs are prescribed to treat the underlying disease. In order to relieve itching, pain and burning, it is recommended to use ordinary brilliant green. It dries the bubbles well, preventing them from injury. The affected area can also be treated with a special antiseptic solution.

    If the rash on the hands itches, and scabies has become the cause of its appearance, the use of sulfuric ointment is recommended. With severe itching, the doctor prescribes remedies in the form of creams and ointments based on corticosteroids. In order to reduce itching, a piece of ice can be applied to the affected area for a while. But this only brings temporary relief.

    With allergic dermatitis, treatment, first of all, involves the elimination of the allergen. The patient is recommended to review the diet and exclude contact with various aggressive chemical, cosmetic products, as well as animals. Pay special attention to powder, fabric softener and other products. Antihistamines are prescribed to relieve itching and irritation. Local remedies include "Fenistil-gel", which in a short time relieves redness, swelling, burning and itching. You can use baby cream. It not only soothes irritated skin, but also nourishes, preventing flaking and dryness.

    In cases where the rash on the hands appeared against the background of irritation after contact with chemicals, experts recommend using rubber gloves while doing housework. This will help protect delicate skin from the aggressive effects of chemicals.

    If the appearance of rashes is provoked by a lack of hygiene, you should carefully monitor your hands. When pustules appear, the injured areas are lubricated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and the skin around is treated with alcohol. For some time, you should stop swimming, especially in open water. Skin needs careful care.

    The course and duration of treatment depends on the cause. A rash that appears on the arms, palms or hands may indicate the development of serious diseases. That is why you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

    Prevention measures

    In order to protect yourself from the appearance of rashes on the wrists, hands or palms, a number of preventive measures should be observed. These include:

    • Observe the rules of hygiene. Hands should be washed after visiting public places, toilets, streets and before eating. It is better to buy liquid soap, as bacteria accumulate and multiply on the solid, which, upon contact, get on the skin, causing irritation.
    • Do not overcool or expose your hands to prolonged exposure to sunlight. In cold weather, gloves or mittens should be worn.
    • Avoid direct contact with household chemicals. Often, it contains a number of substances that negatively affect the skin, drying it out and causing rashes. When doing housework, use protective gloves, after lubricating your hands with cream.
    • A rash on the hands appears as a result of an allergy. In order to avoid this, you should review your diet and exclude all allergens from the menu. Also, do not try unfamiliar and low-quality products.
    • Completely avoid contact with animals that live on the street. They are often carriers of various diseases, a symptom of which can be a rash.
    • Use personal hygiene products: washcloths, towels. Wear slippers in baths and saunas.
    • In winter, use protective hand creams. They help protect delicate skin from external factors.

    If all preventive measures are followed, the risk of rashes is significantly reduced. The rash is most often allergic. There are many reasons for its appearance, and sometimes it is impossible to accurately determine it on your own. In some cases, the use of a cream or lotion helps to get rid of the emerging rash, but they do not bring relief when itching.

    If red spots appear on the hands that begin to itch, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes a rash can indicate the presence of serious pathologies, the treatment of which should be carried out under the supervision of specialists. That is why when it occurs, you should consult a dermatologist.

The appearance of skin reactions is always an unpleasant surprise. To get rid of it, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factor, as well as to orient in the preparations and traditional medicine in time. If a rash appears on the hands in the form of red dots, which is very itchy and itchy, it is necessary to act immediately. The main reasons for the occurrence of such a reaction are discussed below in the article.

Most dermatological problems do not have a clear localization, so other threatening factors can also be the cause of a rash on the hands.

As a rule, such a rash is very itchy, so there is a high risk of secondary infection. It is especially important to prevent scratching of rashes in children, because scars and scars can remain on sensitive children's skin.

Allergic dermatitis

Distinguish contact and atopic dermatitis, manifested after interaction with the allergen. Contact dermatitis occurs when the allergen comes into direct contact with the skin. Usually these are detergents, plant pollen or metal accessories. Health care workers may be allergic to latex gloves or disinfectant solution. Workers in other professions are also prone to contact dermatitis, but usually localization sites are not limited to one hand.

Atopic dermatitis is also a skin reaction to an allergen that has entered the body. Usually this is a negative reaction to food (chocolate, honey, nuts and others), as well as to taking medications. Most often, cases of atopic dermatitis were recorded after taking antibiotics, novocaine, sulfonamides, barbiturates and arsenic derivatives.

The photo shows allergic dermatitis on the hands.

Insect bites

This is also a kind of allergic reaction, because a strong toxic substance is injected into the wound. Depending on the degree of damage, the type of insect, as well as the individual reaction to the bite, the lesions may look different. If the skin is covered with small itchy red dots, then these may be traces of the invasion of bed bugs, fleas or ants.

Infectious diseases

When the body is affected by infections of a different nature, a rash is one of the characteristic signs. In the vast majority of cases, rashes spread throughout the body, and not just on the hands. Additional symptoms of infectious diseases are also fever, runny nose and sore throat. There is also general weakness, increased drowsiness and sometimes digestive disorders.

Common infectious diseases are:

  • Rubella.
  • Scarlet fever.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Measles.

Special treatment will help you choose a doctor. It is very important during this period to limit the contacts of the patient, because all of the listed diseases are very contagious.

The photo shows chicken pox in the palm of an adult.

Red rash with syphilis

One of the symptoms of this disease is the appearance of a small itchy rash on the hands and feet. In addition, be sure to pay attention to additional symptoms. These include swelling in the genital area, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and general malaise. Treatment of syphilis in an adult or child (when the disease is transmitted from an infected mother) must also be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, in no case allowing a transition to the chronic stage.

The photo shows an example of a syphilis rash.

Temperature fluctuations

Often the cause of a rash on the hands can be negative temperatures, wind or wet snow. In this case, the skin becomes weathered, redness and peeling appear. Sometimes this reaction can cause a rash or "chicks" to appear. Getting rid of them is not so easy, for this you need to complete a full course of moisturizing and restoring hand masks. To prevent such a situation, it is better to use gloves and regularly moisturize the skin with nourishing creams.

In the summer, the risk of temperature allergies is also high, but only from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The skin can become covered with age spots, increased dryness and premature aging are often noted. The use of sunscreen, as well as regular hand skin care, will help reduce such negative manifestations.

Treatment for red rash on hands

Depending on the cause that led to such negative manifestations, the necessary treatment measures are also distinguished. With an unclear etiology of the problem, you should definitely visit a specialist - a dermatologist, in order to exclude the symptoms of life-threatening diseases. In the event that the diagnosis is made and the exact cause of the rash is determined, in addition to the main treatment, a special one may also be needed. The main categories of drugs used are discussed below.

How to treat a red rash on the hands:

  • One of the best ways to relieve itching and relieve inflammation are warm baths and compresses from herbal decoctions. Such lotions will help with the allergic nature of the occurrence. It is best to use decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, succession and celandine, provided that there is also no allergy to such components.
  • Paraffin masks and spa procedures will help get rid of flaking and dry skin of the hands when chapped and exposed to adverse temperatures.
  • Special antihistamines. For dermatological problems, the release form is used in the form of an ointment or gel with varying degrees of concentration of active substances. Allergy pills and drops are also used to help relieve itching and redness of the skin.
  • Corticosteroid drugs. Used for severe lesions or the addition of a secondary infection. They contain hormones in the composition, so the duration and dosage is strictly regulated.
  • Broad spectrum absorbents. They help to quickly relieve the symptoms of intoxication in case of food allergies.

The main attention should be paid to the treatment of the provoking disease. In order for the skin to recover faster, you can use special creams and ointments, as well as traditional medicine. It is very important to avoid stressful situations and get plenty of rest, otherwise there is a high risk of deterioration and unsuccessful therapy.

Prevention of rashes

Exact methods for preventing such symptoms have not been developed, because it depends on the nature of the rash. Basically, it is a healthy lifestyle, regular examinations and elimination of chronic diseases, as well as proper nutrition.

Other preventive measures:

  • Compliance with hygiene rules.
  • Refusal of aggressive detergents in favor of more natural.
  • Avoid contact with toxic and potent substances.
  • Regularly change bedding, which can accumulate dust and allergens.
  • Taking multivitamins to help reduce the risk of developing allergies.
  • Protection of hands in the cold season with gloves, in summer - with sunscreen.

The appearance of a rash on the hands can indicate the development of many diseases. Most often, this is the body's reaction to contact with an allergen or a certain chemical substance. The reasons may lie in infectious diseases, as well as problems with blood vessels and the liver. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the rash and prescribe treatment.

If you notice that your hands are covered with a small itchy rash, you need to find out the cause of this phenomenon as soon as possible and begin treatment. The fact is that a rash is often associated with certain diseases, for example, problems with the immune system. But still, most often the rash occurs from exposure to an allergen.

But not always the cause can be an allergy. Therefore, it is very important to find out why a small rash appeared on the hands that itches, which is sometimes simply unbearable. Treatment also cannot be postponed until later. It is best to understand the causes of the rash by a dermatologist, an allergist or a therapist.

In the meantime, you can get acquainted with some common ailments that can cause itchy rashes on the hands:

Common causes of a small rash on the hands

Allergy. It can occur for a variety of reasons, both external and internal. In this case, a rash may appear due to a change in cosmetics, the use of perfume. Rashes can be triggered by an allergy to pet hair, pollen, to the fabric of a new dress, to any food product, or medicine.

It must be said that with allergies, a rash occurs on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, without affecting the vast surface. Moreover, it is observed not only on the hands, but also on other parts of the body.

Infection. When the infection enters, when the hands are often dirty, but rarely washed, there are also small rashes that itch a lot. The infection can get inside the skin through the handrails of public transport, door handles. You can also get infected by shaking hands.

With an infectious lesion, most often the rash is located in small foci, affecting a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, accompanied by redness, swelling, itching.

Rash with severe cold. With the flu, a cold, the immune system is weakened, which can also cause skin rashes. This is due to the fact that the body actively gets rid of harmful substances that are removed along with uric acid through the pores of the skin, sweat glands. Because of this, skin irritation, rash, itching occur.

The presence of dermatitis (contact). This disease also has an allergic nature. It often develops under prolonged exposure to an allergen, for example, aggressive household chemicals. These household products often cause small rashes on the hands when used without rubber gloves.

The presence of dermatitis (atopic). This allergic disease occurs at a very early age. Although it can develop in adolescents, as well as in a completely adult person. It is manifested by a small red rash, which is localized in the hands, deep skin folds, face, neck, buttocks. It itches a lot and causes noticeable discomfort. With dermatitis, there is increased dryness of the skin, peeling in those areas where a rash is observed.

If you do not take timely measures for treatment, the skin becomes denser, coarsened, the manifestations of the disease are more and more difficult to treat. If someone in the family already has this disease, the risk of developing it in relatives increases, since dermatitis can be inherited.

Pink deprive. This skin disease can also be accompanied by a rash on the hands. If you are diagnosed with such a diagnosis, you can cure lichen with natural 6% apple cider vinegar, which should be lubricated on the affected skin. Also a good remedy is juice or a decoction of fresh beets in half with bee honey.

How to get rid of itchy skin rashes?

To soothe irritated skin on the hands, reduce rashes, eliminate itching, you can use cool compresses and rubbing. For example, wet compresses, rubbing, lotions from a cold decoction (infusion) of chamomile flowers, celandine herbs, strings give a good effect. From the decoction, you can make ice cubes that rub itchy skin. You can also use pharmacy hypoallergenic ointments.

However, it is necessary to treat a skin rash only after establishing the exact cause that caused it. Therefore, in order to exclude the presence of an allergy, or to identify another cause of the rash, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will examine the skin, prescribe the necessary tests. According to the results of the examination, adequate, effective treatment will be prescribed.

After the treatment, you should try to avoid the recurrence of the rash. To do this, follow some simple, but very important regulations:

Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands often with soap and water. Try to use hygiene products with a minimum amount of various additives - preservatives, fragrances, dyes.

Avoid contact with substances that cause you allergic reactions. Do not eat foods that are unusual for your diet or not very fresh.

After a trip in public transport or just after getting your hands dirty, wash them as soon as possible with baby soap.

Do not touch homeless animals, do not stroke them, do not pick them up.

After contact with paper or metal money, be sure to wash your hands or wipe them thoroughly with a sanitary napkin.

Be attentive to your health, follow the rules of personal hygiene, keep your hands clean. These simple rules will help you keep your skin healthy, prevent itching and rashes. Be healthy!

A person who has a rash on his hands becomes unbearably difficult to do his usual things. After all, often rashes not only turn red and inflame, but also itch and hurt. Contact with various substances only exacerbates the problem.

To eliminate the symptoms, it is important to consult a dermatologist. He will determine why rashes appear, and give specific recommendations for their elimination.

Causes of a rash

If a person notes that a rash has appeared on the hands in the form of acne, it is necessary to find out its etiology. After all, there are many factors that provoke such disorders in the body.

In childhood, pimples most often indicate the development of an infectious process. In an adult, the causes of rashes are different. It is necessary to consider the most common of them.

Allergic reaction

A rash on the hands in the form of pimples may appear with the development of allergies in the body. Thus, various systems respond to the penetrating stimulus. Especially often the reaction appears upon contact with the allergen.

Irritation comes from:

  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics;
  • synthetic clothing;
  • metal jewelry and bijouterie;
  • ultraviolet rays.

Peeling on the hands may be the result of an allergic reaction.

Allergies can occur when taking medications. Many foods are also considered common irritants. Animal hair, plant pollen and household dust can provoke a rash on the hands. Aeroallergens often provoke an exacerbation of the disease in summer and spring.

An allergic reaction can manifest as blisters or small spots, bubbles. The skin becomes reddened and swollen, begins to itch. In especially serious cases, urticaria develops severe burning and peeling.

A small red and white rash may indicate a metabolic disorder.

Changes are observed with the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.

The work of the organs of the digestive system can also affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, with a change in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, acne is formed on the face and body. Such formations are one of the options for the development of the disease.

As for the hands, the rash is first localized in the area of ​​​​the palms. Further, the spots spread to the hands.

Many pathologies are accompanied not only by rashes, but also by itching.

Infectious diseases

A rash on the wrists, hands and above may indicate an infectious or fungal skin infection. The latter appears as:

  • itching of the skin surface;
  • red and white rashes;
  • peeling.

The fungus can spread through contact with a sick person. If the integument is injured, it is easy for the microorganism to penetrate through wounds and cracks.

Fungal infection may not be observed until the immune defense is reduced. Such processes are caused by frequent colds, antibiotics and stress.

The causes of a rash on the hands may lie in the defeat of the body by infections.

The most common among them are measles, rubella, chicken pox.

Diseases can be accompanied by various symptoms in addition to a rash, among which stand out:

  • weakening of the body;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chills;
  • fever;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Infections are most common in childhood. But adults can also suffer. In the latter case, the inflammatory process is much more difficult.

A rash on the hand in the form of small pimples can appear with scabies. It is accompanied by intense itching.

With an infectious skin lesion, pimples and abscesses form

The disease appears when the scabies mite is active. It can spread to neighboring areas with:

  • lack of therapy;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • scratching acne.

In this case, rashes are formed not only on the back of the hand, but also spread to the forearms, the abdomen.

A dangerous infectious disease is streptoderma. When it occurs, rashes are localized on the cheeks, chin, and hands.

Recognizing pathology is not difficult. Water bubbles form on the surface of the skin, inside of which there is a cloudy content. Therefore, sometimes acne is represented by a white and yellow hue.

When the blisters burst, a crust forms on the surface. It persists until the person cures the streptococcal infection that caused the disease. If you tear off the scab, the inflammatory process is activated, and the blisters form again.


A watery rash on the hands may indicate the development of neurodermatitis. When the disease affects the elbow folds. You can also meet water pimples between the fingers.

The disease is provoked by emotional overstrain, stressful situations and outbursts. Until the patient's condition returns to normal, new rashes will continue to appear on the hands.

The rash is accompanied by severe itching. However, combing the affected areas is strictly prohibited. After all, if the integrity of the blister is violated, the probability of infection spreading to healthy cells is high.

Dyshidrosis and dyshidrotic eczema

A rash on the fingers with dyshidrosis is a consequence of clogging of the sebaceous glands. Formations are formed deep in the tissues.

The disease appears under the influence of some factors. Among them are:

  • violations of the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • fungal infection of the body;
  • allergic reactions.

At the initial stage of the disease, the patient feels itching and tingling. They are marked on the inside of the hand, fingers. Further, the formation of internal subcutaneous acne begins, inside which a clear liquid is contained.

Dyshidrosis appears as small, itchy blisters

Follicular keratosis

Skin pathology follicular keratosis is accompanied by excessive keratinization of the epidermal layer. This inflames the hair follicles.

Among the main causes of pathologies are:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • changes in metabolism;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of vitamins A, B, C and E.

Follicular keratosis is characterized by pathologies of hair follicles.

hereditary predisposition

If parents periodically develop skin rashes, the child may also suffer from this. In this case, the rash may cover the integument from the elbows to the shoulders.

With the development of the disease, the spread of symptoms is noted. If the treatment is not timely, the inflammatory process goes lower. At the same time, at a severe stage, the pathology is not easy to cure.

Non-observance of hygiene rules

If a person does not follow the rules of hygiene, then rashes may form on the skin. A particularly favorable environment is the skin of the hands. Therefore, it is much easier for bacteria to spread over the surface.

Especially often, parents note that children's hands are covered with formations. This is because the child may pay less attention to handwashing.

Hormonal disorders

People may experience hormonal imbalances during certain periods of time. It manifests itself during puberty, during pregnancy and menopause. In this case, rashes are formed not only on the skin of the face, but also on the left, right hands.

With an increased level of male hormones or a lack of female sebaceous glands begin to work in a more enhanced mode. Due to the excess production of skin secretion, pores become clogged faster, and comedones form on the skin.

Inside the formations, a special environment is created in which pathogenic microorganisms develop well. In this case, inflamed abscesses can be seen on the skin.

Squeezing out formations is strictly prohibited. The rash will easily spread to nearby healthy tissue. Also, cauterization of inflammation is not performed to eliminate the likelihood of scarring and red spots.

stressful conditions

Stress can cause severe skin rashes. Also, formations are observed with an unstable emotional state, depression.

Manifestations can be found in the elbows, shoulders. The rash covers the neck and décolleté areas.

Just external therapy in this case will not help. Restoration of morale should take place in the office of a psychologist or psychotherapist, depending on the degree of violations.

Under stress, formations can cover the zones of the elbow bends

Types of rashes

The dermatologist can determine what kind of rash the patient has according to the results of the examination. Formations can differ both in appearance and in the nature of the inflammatory process.


Dry rash is a consequence of the thickening of the upper epidermal layer, which is keratinized. Especially often such symptoms appear in frosty, windy weather.

Cosmetics that exfoliate cells will help to cope with the problem. They also need to be moisturizing.


Water formations that itch severely may indicate the development of:

  • infectious diseases;
  • scabies;
  • dyshidrosis.

They are easy to injure, so it is important not to allow them to be scratched. Otherwise, the infection may spread to neighboring areas when fluid flows out.

Sea salt can be added to water to dry wet formations and disinfect tissues.


Ulcers occur under the influence of pathogenic microflora. It is easier for bacteria to penetrate tissues if they have small cracks and microscopic damage.

On the internal contents present in purulent acne, boils, an abscess can develop and infection can spread. If pus enters the circulatory system, various serious complications can be observed.


When a subcutaneous pimple is formed, the excretory ducts of the glands overlap. Sebaceous plugs do not allow the contents to come out.

Squeezing out the subcutaneous tissue is prohibited. Formations can be liquidated independently. But, if there is an increase in acne, pain, it is important to consult a dermatologist. It will exclude the likelihood or confirm the development of furunculosis.

External means of therapy are selected in accordance with the diagnosis.

To eliminate symptoms, it is important to use protective products for the skin of the hands.

Rash treatment

Treatment of a rash on the hands should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a dermatologist. It determines what to do with inflammation, depending on their type.

All diseases should be treated under the supervision of a dermatologist. Self-treatment can lead to complications.

Leads some people into bewilderment, because they are faced with such a problem for the first time and do not know how to deal with it. What can cause it to appear? And how to deal with this scourge? We will talk about this now.

Causes of a rash on the hands

We could often observe a rash on our hands in childhood in ourselves or our peers. The people call it "chicks", which occurs as a result of the development of simple dermatitis. It is very easy to eliminate the appearance of this symptom, you just need to keep your hands warm and lubricate them with a moisturizing baby cream.

With age, such manifestations of dermatitis may disappear. However, not for long. At the age of 20-25 years, a rash reappears on the hands, which occurs as a result of the transition from ordinary dermatitis to allergic (contact) or atopic.

This disease appears as a result of chronic inflammation of the skin and is allergic in nature. As a rule, its first manifestations can be seen in infancy, then it completely disappears by 4-5 years.

However, it can appear suddenly in an adult. The main symptoms of atopic dermatitis are:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of severe itching;
  • a small rash on the hands, which tends to merge.

Passes only under the careful supervision of a dermatologist and an allergist. A sick person is prescribed powerful drugs that contain hormones. In addition to them, this disease requires constant intake of antihistamines, which reduce the impact of allergens on the body and prevent the disease from reappearing.

This type of disease occurs against the background of regular exposure to the skin of allergens and other irritants. In this case, contact dermatitis can appear in a completely healthy person. But most often it occurs as a result of not treating other types of dermatitis.

The main reason for the development of this disease is regular contact with aggressive chemicals without the use of rubber gloves. As a result, a watery rash appears on the hands, accompanied by severe itching. Over time, pimples burst, leaving behind painful wounds and cracks. The pain is especially acute when you try to bend your fingers.

And to prevent the occurrence of such an ailment, you should constantly protect your hands from chemicals by simply putting rubber gloves on them.

Another reason for the development of contact dermatitis is plant pollen. It is carried through the air and can settle on any objects that a person then touches with his hands. This type of disease has another name - hay fever. It manifests itself mainly in the spring and summer, when plants begin to bloom.

There is also the so-called "medical dermatitis", which occurs in health workers who are constantly in contact with latex (sterile medical gloves are made from it). In this case, the rash is only on the hands and, as in other cases, is accompanied by severe itching.

In addition, the development of contact dermatitis can occur due to:

  • violations of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious diseases;
  • various blood diseases;
  • violations of the functions of the cardiovascular system.

Other reasons

A rash on the hands can occur not only due to the development of dermatitis. It may also result from:

  • a banal allergic reaction when eating unfamiliar dishes and exotic fruits;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun (sunburn);
  • non-observance of elementary standards of personal hygiene;
  • development of colds.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a rash may appear in the hands. And before starting its treatment, it is necessary to establish the root cause and eliminate it. Indeed, without this, the rash will appear again and again, causing you a lot of discomfort. therefore, if you yourself cannot identify the cause, seek the help of a doctor and undergo a thorough examination.

As a rule, if a rash on the hands was formed as a result of a common allergy, then it goes away on its own the next day. If at the same time acne is very itchy, in no case do not scratch them, as there is a risk of infection.

To eliminate itching, use various cooling ointments or cold compresses. But remember that the latter can not be used for more than 15 minutes. Prolonged exposure to cold on the skin can lead to circulatory disorders, skin irritation and even frostbite.

In the event that a rash on the hands appeared as a result of a violation of personal hygiene standards or the development of a cold, then you can use traditional medicine. For example, baths prepared on the basis of a decoction prepared from herbs that have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects (chamomile, string, celandine, etc.) help well. Such herbs are well suited for making ice cubes, which can be rubbed on painful areas of the skin.

In the event that a rash on the hands is a consequence of the development of contact dermatitis, then you need to start treating it as soon as possible. After all, painful wounds and cracks may soon appear at the site of the rash. At home, you can treat such a rash as follows:

  • first apply an antiseptic to the skin of the hands (it is better to use Miramistin ointment for this purpose, which will not only have an antiseptic effect on the skin, but also eliminate the allergen from its surface);
  • treat your hands with an ointment that contains corticosteroid hormones;
  • if there are wounds on the surface of the skin, it is necessary to apply lotions with Burov's solution;
  • take an antihistamine.

If the rash on the skin of the hands arose as a result of the development of an infection, then to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can also use herbal baths or make lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is also worth immediately starting to treat the underlying disease. To do this, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Prevention of the appearance of a rash on the hands

Once you manage to get rid of a rash on your hands, be sure to take preventive measures to prevent their occurrence in the future. To do this, regularly follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

Do not come into contact with aggressive detergents without wearing gloves. Get yourself antibacterial wet wipes and wipe your hands regularly.

Also, try to eat less foods high in allergens. And before going outside in hot weather, treat your hands with sunscreen.

Remember that if the appearance of a rash on your hands in your case is due to the development of any diseases, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. Be sure to complete the entire course of treatment. This is the only way you can once and for all get rid of an unpleasant symptom in the form of a rash on your hands.

Video about the treatment of skin rashes