Menu for the day proper nutrition. Healthy nutrition menu for every day and week

In recent years, the relevance of a healthy lifestyle has increased. Given all its advantages, people normalize their daily routine, adjust their diet and give up bad habits. “Zozhniki” pay special attention to their diet, carefully monitoring the balance of calories consumed and the number of calories.

Today, our resource will help those readers who decide to eat right and without harm to their health choose the optimal diet for each day of the week.

Are you interested in this issue? Then be sure to read the article below to the end. We assure you that all the material presented will be useful to everyone.

The benefits of proper nutrition and its basic principles

Certain foods should be eliminated entirely

is the key to a long and trouble-free life for any person. Everyone knows this aphorism: "We are what we eat." He does not exaggerate the importance of diet in people's lives, so if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, this phrase should be taken as an axiom and never forgotten.

To eat right, you don’t need to take any complicated measures. The main thing is to eat the food that does not harm the body. Basically, such products are rich in plant components and trace elements.

Proper nutrition is not something boring and complicated in terms of organization. It is not necessary to refuse harmful goodies during its implementation - it is enough not to abuse them. Chips, fast food, smoked meats and similar products can be considered an example of tasty but unhealthy food.

By approaching your diet selectively and wisely, anyone will be able to eat tasty, but at the same time good for their health. The most important point in the right diet is food, which in principle is not surprising.

However, we must not forget about other principles of healthy, proper nutrition. They fully include:

  • Meals only with a feeling of hunger and exclusively in natural poses.
  • Lack of overeating - it is better to get up from the table with a slight feeling of malnutrition.
  • Organization of fractional meals in an amount of 4 times a day.
  • Proper distribution of calories consumed throughout the day and their adequate selection.
  • Normal water intake, but it is advisable not to drink liquid immediately after a meal or as a drink for meals.
  • The last meal is "light" and is organized 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Directly the process of eating food should be calm. It is important to chew food thoroughly and in small pieces. Swallowing all or a significant portion of a serving is pretty stupid and, most importantly, unhealthy. In principle, nothing more is required to implement proper nutrition.

It is enough to observe and adhere to the principles noted above.

List of "correct" products

The concept of “the right product” is an extremely ambiguous definition. In general, it should be understood as all types of food that will be beneficial to the body and will not harm it when taken.

Such products include:

  • greens rich in fiber;
  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • green tea and some types of black;
  • compotes and fruit drinks.

All other products cannot be attributed to the correct and useful ones. Their reception may be harmless, but it must be organized in a dosed and adequate regimen.

In addition to the type of food itself, the technology of its preparation should be taken into account. The most useful and correct option would be to eat dishes prepared by boiling, steaming or baking.

You can eat fried, smoked and pickled products, but it is important to do this with extreme caution and always without abuse.

What should be abandoned

The main rule is quality products!

As mentioned above, significant restrictions are not required if you want to eat right. The main thing is not to abuse potentially harmful products. What does it mean? Everything is simple.

Even the most harmful chips and similar foods can be eaten, but only periodically and in reasonable quantities. In this case, harmful dishes will not bring any harm and will allow you to appease the gastronomic needs of any person.

It is not necessary to refuse any product, but you should always be careful in terms of its use. With some caution, you can eat:

  • chips, kirieshki and similar "pickles";
  • all fried, smoked, pickled and salted foods;
  • coffee and black tea;
  • lemonades;
  • sweets and sugar directly;
  • canned products of any kind;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • bakery and similar products.

Perhaps only meal replacements, food additives and sauces should be completely abandoned. Even in small quantities, these products provoke problems in the body and do not combine with the idea of ​​proper nutrition. Otherwise, a healthy diet does not require restrictions.

An example of an optimal menu

Without proper nutrition, it is not easy to have a slim figure ...

The optimal menu is what all “foodies” strive for, while observing the principles of healthy eating. Most people do not want to lose weight or gain mass, but simply pursue the goal of maintaining their weight at a constant rate.

Choosing the right diet is very easy. As a rule, the banal observance of the above provisions is enough, taking into account the total calorie content of the products taken.

As an example of an optimal menu for middle-aged women and men, imagine the following 7-day meal schedule:


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled egg, vegetable salad with sour cream or a little butter, green tea with sugar.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): an apple or a banana, a glass of milk or kefir
  • Lunch: lean meat, vegetable salad, soup, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: tea with cookies or something baked.
  • Dinner: fish, vegetable salad, green tea with sugar.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, compote.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): salad with bread.
  • Lunch: buckwheat, chicken, vegetable salad, green tea with sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: a light sandwich with cheese and butter.
  • Dinner: lean meat, fresh vegetables, a couple of boiled potatoes, compote.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs with greens, green tea with sugar,
  • Lunch: puree soup, cutlet, vegetables, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: green tea pie.
  • Dinner: low-fat fish with vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: fried eggs, stewed vegetables, black tea with sugar.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): banana.
  • Lunch: lean meat, potatoes in any form, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: a light sandwich with anything and green tea.
  • Dinner: lean meat with vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: Perlovka porridge, nuts and milk.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): any fruit.
  • Lunch: turkey fillet, vegetable soup, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: baked goods with green tea.
  • Dinner: stewed fish, vegetable salad, compote.


  • Breakfast: , coffee.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): grapefruit.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, buckwheat cutlets, green tea with sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: biscuits with compote.
  • Dinner: lean meat, vegetables, compote.


  • Breakfast: black tea with sugar, any porridge.
  • Second breakfast (lunch): banana.
  • Lunch: chicken, any side dish, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: any bakery product with milk.
  • Dinner: chicken, vegetables, green tea.

When eating according to the menu described above, it is important:

  1. Keep its total calorie content at the level of 2000-2600 calories.
  2. Get up from the table, malnourished.
  3. Dilute your meal with a drink of water.
  4. Organize snacks in the form of lunch and afternoon tea in an easy mode.
  5. Do not refuse a small amount of bread and spices when absorbing main dishes.

In principle, there are no difficulties in proper nutrition. With a competent approach to its implementation and compliance with all the principles noted, organizing a healthy diet is very simple.

Diet for losing weight

Proper nutrition - in the fight against excess weight

The menu discussed above is truly universal, as it can be organized to maintain body weight, and to cut it, and even to build muscle. To use this diet for weight loss, it is enough:

  • Reduce its calorie content to 1,600-2,200 calories.
  • Crush meals up to 6-8 times a day.
  • Cook all dishes only by steaming, by boiling or baking.
  • Drink 2.8-3.5 liters of fluid daily (preferably green tea and water).
  • Limit your sugar intake as much as possible.
  • In a very small amount, use any sweets, cookies and bakery products.
  • Additionally, go in for sports (at least light physical education to speed up metabolism and speed up the process of losing weight).

By adhering to these principles, the optimal menu for maintaining weight can be easily converted into. As practice and reviews of people show, the effect of such a diet is quite significant.

Diet for gaining weight

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then the considered menu is subject to even less adjustment. For stable muscle growth you will need:

  • Increase calories to 2600-3500 calories per day.
  • Make sure that per 1 kilogram of body weight you have to consume at least 1.5-2 grams of protein and 4-5 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Also drink plenty of fluids.
  • Work out with weights.
  • If necessary, use appropriate supplements (protein, amino acids, energy drinks, etc.).

As in the case of a diet for weight loss, the diet does not require significant adjustments. The main thing is to consume the right number of calories and proteins. With systematic sports, weight gain will not keep you waiting.

Perhaps, on this the most important provisions on the topic of today's article have come to an end. In principle, there is nothing complicated in proper nutrition.

When organizing it, it is enough to adhere to certain principles and not to abuse potentially harmful products. We hope that the presented material was useful for you and gave answers to your questions. Health to you and a long, happy life!

The video will introduce you to the basics of proper nutrition:

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For the normal existence of a healthy person, a rational diet is necessary. Its main task is to ensure the intake of essential nutrients in the form of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, salts and vitamins. In addition, this way of eating is characterized by a variety of taste qualities of food and their culinary processing. Therefore, it should be taken as a mandatory rule to draw up a proper nutrition menu for the week ahead.

The daily rational diet of a normal healthy person should contain up to 100 g of protein, 60-80 g of fat and 500 g of carbohydrates. It is also necessary to consume one and a half to two liters of fluid and up to 20 g of table salt.

Proper nutrition should contain a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

Food must also contain:

  • metal salts (iron, copper);
  • minerals necessary for the growth and development of body cells;
  • and vitamins - A, B1, B2, Bpp, B6, B12, C, D, E, K.

The latter are introduced in relatively small quantities. However, their presence is mandatory, and their absence will lead to the development of various diseases: night blindness, polyneuritis, pellagra, anemia, scurvy, rickets.

  1. Metal salts are found in greens, fruits, liver and meat. The body needs calcium salts found in dairy products, cabbage, vegetables and fruits. Phosphorus compounds are present in milk and its products, egg yolks. Potassium salts are potatoes and other vegetables.
  2. Vitamin A is present in the form of carotene in carrots, spinach, rose hips, fish oil, egg yolks, and butter.
  3. B vitamins are present in the peel of cereals and bran, brewer's and baker's yeast, legumes, meat products and liver, spinach, peanuts, citrus fruits.
  4. Vitamin D is rich in fish, butter, eggs.
  5. Vitamin E is present in milk, vegetables, cereals, egg yolks and lard.

Inadequate dietary intake of animal proteins can lead to a number of diseases.

Of the total daily amount of proteins, 60% should be covered by the so-called complete ones. These are animal proteins found in meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and eggs. The remaining 40% is due to vegetable proteins, with the exception of potato protein, which is also complete.

Fats are also divided into animal and vegetable.

  • Products containing animal fats are lard, sour cream, butter, cheese, milk, egg yolks.
  • Accordingly, vegetable fats are oils that are produced from the seeds of plants. These are sunflower, corn, olive, cottonseed, peanut and others.

Unlike vegetable fats, animal fats contain lipoids, which are of higher nutritional value for the human body.

Sources of carbohydrates are flour, bread, cereals, potatoes, honey, milk, vegetables, fruits, berries and sugar.

From the above follows the main principle of proper nutrition. It must be complete and contain in the required quantity all the vital products of animal and vegetable origin.

Differences in the preparation of the menu for women and men

When compiling a menu for every day, it is necessary to take into account the weight of a person, age, climatic conditions of residence. The change of seasons is also important, because in winter a person needs much more energy than in summer. These are factors that determine the amount of energy expended by the body. That is why the daily ration is usually calculated in calories per kilogram of body weight. This is an indicator of the amount of energy needed that will be expended by the body.

The menu for each person individually.
  • For people engaged in mental work, office workers, service industries, the calculation of the daily amount of calories needed is based on 40 calories per kilogram of body weight.
  • For those who are engaged in physical labor, the calculation is as follows - 50 calories per kilogram.
  • Builders, miners, agricultural workers should eat more densely, because their work is hard, they expend a lot of energy. Therefore, here the calorie content of nutrition should be the highest - up to 70 - 80 calories per kilogram of weight.

For men, food that is richer in calories and proteins is suitable. Since the representatives of the stronger sex spend more energy on maintaining their body. Their muscle mass is also higher. Therefore, for an average-sized man working in an office, you need about 3,500 calories per day. It is also important that the composition of the products contains a little more selenium and zinc.

The women's menu differs from the men's in that it contains fewer calories. Enough 2500 calories per day for the normal functioning of the female body. The menu should contain foods that include calcium, unsaturated fatty acids, collagen. Proper nutrition for weight loss can be less high-calorie.

At a young age, women's metabolism is quite high, so you can sometimes afford more sweet and even fatty foods. However, after twenty-five, you need to slightly reduce the calorie intake so as not to gain excess weight. After thirty, it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

Proper nutrition menu for the week

During the day, there should be several meals at different times. The traditions of different peoples and all kinds of diets offer 3-6 meals a day. However, the most acceptable in the current conditions is a menu of 3-5 meals per day.

A proper nutrition menu should contain a sufficient amount of vegetables, dairy products, meat and foods rich in fiber.
  • Breakfast should account for 30 - 35% of the calories of the daily diet.
  • Lunch should be 45-50% of calories.
  • And for dinner - only 20%.

When compiling a menu for a week, it should be borne in mind that for breakfast it is better to choose cereals with milk or water with dried fruits and nuts. Whole-grain bread with cheese or butter, kefir, fermented baked milk are suitable for them. In the morning, you can gain strength before the upcoming working day with chicken or quail eggs in the form of an omelette or soft-boiled. In summer, a fresh salad - vegetable or fruit will be good.

For lunch, soups are preferred - borscht, chicken broth, pickle, cabbage soup, bean soup, mushroom, etc. The second course should also be satisfying, but not so much that after dinner you feel sleepy. For example, vegetable stew or goulash with a piece of fish or a cutlet, durum wheat pasta with cheese and sauce. And a salad of fresh vegetables will be a great addition.

Dinner should not be saturated with protein foods, it is better to give up fried foods. Salads, steam cutlets, vegetable dishes are preferred. Cottage cheese casseroles and cheesecakes will perfectly contribute to satiety before a night's rest. And kefir or yogurt will stimulate the digestive process.

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
Cheese sandwiches
Buckwheat porridge with pork
cabbage salad
Steam cutlets with mashed potatoes
TuesdayPancakes with curd fillingSoup puree with beans
Steam cutlets
Vegetable Salad
Fish and baked potatoes
WednesdayCheese sandwiches
Noodle soup
Stuffed eggs
Potato and mushroom casserole
ThursdayWarmed sandwiches with sausage and cheeseBorsch
Vegetable ragout
Vegetable salad
Baked fish fillet
FridayOatmeal with ground walnutsear
Steamed cutlets with beans
SaturdayOatmeal with raisins and dried apricots
Soup with meatballs
Steam cutlets
Cabbage salad
Omelet with mushrooms
SundayBuckwheat with milkSalad with greens
chicken broth
Chicken pilaf

Recipes by day of the week

We offer main dishes from the presented menu by day of the week.

Omelet with tomatoes

Omelet with tomatoes is a quick breakfast that saturates the body with a lot of nutrients.


  1. 4 eggs.
  2. 2 tomatoes.
  3. Grated cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  4. Greens.
  5. Flour - Art. a spoon.
  6. Butter - 40 g.

Cut the tomatoes into slices, chop the onion and herbs. Beat eggs, add grated cheese and flour, mix well. Stew onions and tomatoes a little in butter, add greens to the pan. Pour over the eggs, salt to taste. Fry under a closed lid for 7 minutes over medium heat.

Buckwheat porridge with pork

Buckwheat porridge with pork is a very satisfying, tasty dish.


  1. Pork - 200 g.
  2. Buckwheat - a glass.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Vegetable oil - half a glass.
  5. Greens, salt, spices.

Grate the carrots, chop the onion, cut the meat into pieces. In a cauldron, fry the vegetables in oil, then put the meat. Pour water and add the washed buckwheat. There should be enough liquid to completely cover the contents of the cauldron. Salt, add herbs and spices. Simmer, stirring occasionally, over low heat until tender.

Steam cutlets

Steamed cutlets are much healthier than those cooked in a pan.


  1. Veal - 300 g.
  2. Onion.
  3. Egg yolk.
  4. Greens, spices, salt.

Prepare minced veal with onions. Add egg yolk, chopped herbs and spices to it. Salt, form cutlets. Pour water into the pan, and as soon as it starts to boil, lay out the meat preparations. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the cutlets for about half an hour, adding water if necessary.

Pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese

Pancakes with cottage cheese are a delicious treat.


  1. Pancakes - 4 pcs.
  2. Cottage cheese - 120 g.
  3. Cream - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Whip cream, add cottage cheese to them. Start pancakes with the resulting mass.

Soup puree with beans

Bean soup is cheap and easy to prepare.


  1. Red beans - 1 tbsp.
  2. Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  3. Vegetable oil - to taste.
  4. Herbs, spices, garlic, salt.

Boil the beans, chop the onion, chop the tomatoes. Stew the onion in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes, adding a decoction of beans. Then add half the beans to the pan and continue to simmer for a few more minutes. Remove the container from the heat and crush its contents with a pestle or grind with a blender into a puree.

Pour a little water into the pan, transfer the resulting puree there, add the rest of the beans, tomatoes, garlic, salt and spices. Simmer soup for 20 minutes until tender, stirring occasionally.

Fish and baked potatoes

A complete and healthy meal.
  1. Potatoes - half a kilo.
  2. Mackerel - 300 g.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Spices, herbs.

Cut the potatoes into circles, chop the onion, grate the carrots. Cut the fish into pieces. Lay out layers of potatoes, carrots, fish and onions on oiled foil, flavoring it all with spices. Wrap the foil as tightly as possible and place on a baking sheet. Bake for half an hour at 200 degrees until cooked.

Noodle soup

Noodle soup is rich and hearty.


  1. Chicken backs - 2 pcs.
  2. Noodles.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  5. Spices.
  6. Greens.

Boil chicken backs in water for forty minutes with spices. Carrots and onions at this time should be chopped, fried in vegetable oil and sent to a saucepan with broth. Put the noodles into the soup and cook for a couple of minutes. Before serving, add finely chopped greens to the soup.

Stuffed eggs

Stuffed eggs are always a popular snack.


  1. Four eggs.
  2. Pate - 70 g.
  3. Mayonnaise.
  4. Spices.

Cut the hard-boiled and peeled eggs into two parts. Get the yolks, grind them together with pate and mayonnaise. Add spices to this mass, and then carefully fill the proteins with it with a teaspoon.

Potato casserole with mushrooms

Potato casserole with mushrooms is one of the most basic dishes.


  1. Mushrooms - 200 g.
  2. Potatoes - half a kilo.
  3. Two eggs.
  4. Milk - a glass.
  5. Sour cream - 2.5 tbsp. spoons.
  6. Vegetable oil to taste.
  7. Spices.
  8. Greens.

Mash the boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes, add milk, and cool. Beat the eggs and combine them with the puree. Mushrooms fried with spices and onions.

Then take a baking sheet, grease with oil and put mashed potatoes and prepared mushrooms on it in layers. Gently top everything with sour cream. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 150 - 180 degrees for twenty minutes.


Borscht is the most popular dish.


  1. Cabbage - 150 g.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Beets.
  4. Potato - 1 pc.
  5. Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  6. Tomato - 1 pc. or tomato paste - Art. spoon.
  7. Vegetable oil.
  8. Beans to taste.
  9. Spices.

Boil beans, cut potatoes and bell peppers, chop onion and cabbage, grate carrots and beets. Send beans (you can canned) and potatoes to a pot with boiling water. Then fry the onion, carrot and bell pepper in vegetable oil. Send these vegetables to the pan with the future borscht. Put the chopped tomatoes there, and then the cabbage. Grate the beets and also pour into the borscht. Season the dish with spices and herbs.

Vegetable ragout

The dish will definitely be appreciated by those who follow their figure.


  1. Bulgarian pepper.
  2. Eggplant.
  3. Zucchini.
  4. Tomato - 2 pcs.
  5. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  6. Vegetable oil.
  7. Spices.

Cut the eggplant into cubes, pour cold water over it, add salt and leave for 15-20 minutes. Cut the zucchini and bell pepper, chop the onion, cut the tomatoes into slices.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a saucepan or cauldron, put prepared vegetables there. Drain the darkened water from the eggplants, squeeze them lightly with your hands and then add to the rest of the products. Simmer with garlic and spices until all ingredients are soft.

Baked fish fillet

Fish fillet is obtained with a delicate taste.


  1. Fish fillet.
  2. Greens.
  3. Spices.
  4. Half a lemon.
  5. Vegetable oil.

Process the prepared fish fillet with spices, salt and put on a sheet of foil. Put chopped onion, thin slices of lemon and greens on top. Spray the workpiece with vegetable oil. Wrap everything in foil, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees.


Ukha diversifies your menu.


  1. Fish - half a kilo.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Potato.
  4. Bulgarian pepper.
  5. Spices.
  6. Greens.

Chop the onion, cut the bell pepper into strips, potatoes into cubes, carrots into circles. Put the potatoes and spices into a two-liter pot with boiling water, and after a few minutes add the fish.

Lightly sauté onion, carrot and bell pepper in vegetable oil separately in a frying pan. Then add these vegetables to the ear and cook until tender. Before serving, you can put a little chopped greens in each plate.


Pilaf is a combination of flavors, juicy meat and delicious vegetables.
  1. Meat - 400 g.
  2. Rice - 1.5 cups.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Spices.

Chop the onion, cut the carrot into small strips. In a cauldron, heat the vegetable oil and put the prepared vegetables. Stew a little, add meat, add water and simmer until soft, covered with a lid.

After that, put well-washed rice in a cauldron, add spices and garlic. Pour everything with water so that it covers the cereal. Close the pilaf with a lid and cook over low heat until tender.

Soup with meatballs

Soup with meatballs is a hearty and elegant dish.


  1. Ground beef - 200 g.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  4. Vegetable oil.
  5. Spices.

Chop the onion and divide into two parts. Add one of them to the mass of minced meat, season with spices and mix well. Drop chopped potatoes into boiling water. Then form meatballs and put them in the soup, adding spices.

In vegetable oil, lightly fry the second part of the onion and grated carrots. Then put the vegetables in a pan with an almost ready first course.

Omelet with mushrooms and cheese

Omelette with mushrooms and cheese - an absolute delicacy


  1. 4 eggs.
  2. Mushrooms to taste.
  3. Small onion.
  4. Cheese - 40 g.
  5. Milk - a quarter cup.
  6. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Chop the mushrooms, beat the eggs with milk and salt. Grind the cheese on a grater. Chop the onion. Take:

  1. Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
  2. Rice - 1 - 2 cups.
  3. Tomatoes.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Bulgarian pepper.
  6. Vegetable oil - a third of a glass.
  7. Spices, herbs and garlic.

Chop the onion, grate the carrots, chop the tomatoes and bell pepper, chop the garlic. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into a metal pan or cauldron, put garlic, onions, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers there. Stew vegetables for 5 - 7 minutes over low heat, then send chicken meat to the pan and cook the dish for a few more minutes.

Then pour vegetables with meat with well-washed rice, add spices and herbs. Fill the contents of the pot with water, cover with a lid and cook until tender, stirring occasionally.

Shopping list for menu planning

A ready-made menu and a list of products for it, of course, are very convenient to find on the Internet. The problem seems to be resolved. However, this is not so, because everyone has their own taste preferences, habits, and salary. Some of the products you may not need at all, and some ingredients will have to be added to the proposed list.

Plan your shopping trip carefully.

Here are some tips to make shopping and going to the market easier.

First of all, you need to decide on what day it is best to do this. Then look into your "bins", check what products are already stored in the locker. Often this is flour, cereals, sugar - they do not need to be purchased weekly. You can make a purchase once a month.

It is better to make a list of products by sections so that it is easy for you to navigate in the store.

We offer a list of products for the week, which is made up of those dishes that are listed in our menu. Determine the amount of food based on the amount of food needed for the whole family.


  1. Butter.
  2. Milk.
  3. Cottage cheese.
  4. Sour cream.
  5. Cream.
  6. Yoghurts.
  7. Mayonnaise.
  8. Eggs (always located in the store on the shelves next to the dairy)

These are perishable products, so stocking up on them for a week will not work. You will have to buy once every couple of days.

Meat products:

  1. Veal.
  2. Pork.
  3. Ground beef.
  4. Chicken backs and breasts.
  5. Sausage.
  6. Pate.

Fish products:

  1. Mackerel.
  2. Any fish optional.

These products, with the exception of sausages, can be purchased immediately for a week and stored in the freezer.


  1. Flour.
  2. Red beans.
  3. Buckwheat.
  4. Noodles.
  5. Spices and bay leaf.
  6. Salt and sugar.

Groceries can be successfully stored for several months, so you can buy them infrequently, but with a margin.

Canned food:

  1. Canned beans.
  2. Pate.
  3. Tomato dressing.
  4. Vegetable oil (often sold in the store on the shelves next to canned foods).

Vegetables fruits:

  1. Potato.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Beet.
  4. Cabbage.
  5. Tomatoes.
  6. Bulgarian pepper.
  7. Zucchini.
  8. Eggplant.
  9. Cucumbers.
  10. Greens - onion, lettuce, dill.
  11. Garlic.
  12. Mushrooms.

Of the prepared and frozen products, according to the proposed menu, only pancakes are needed.

Budget food menu option

There are many healthy products that are quite inexpensive, but are quite suitable for preparing delicious dishes.

Proper nutrition does not mean expensive food.

Proper nutrition for women and men does not suffer at all.

  • These are vegetables familiar to everyone - carrots, onions, cabbage, radishes, beets.
  • In the budget menu, expensive beef, pork can be successfully replaced with inexpensive fish (most often herring) and chicken.
  • Also use offal - liver, kidneys.
  • Legumes contain valuable vegetable proteins, so sometimes they can completely replace meat. In the budget menu, they can be used more often, especially since the price of peas and beans is quite acceptable.
  • Habitual cereals - buckwheat, rice, oats - are rich in valuable nutrients, vitamins. Therefore, their presence on your table is a must.
  • Dairy products are vital, but sometimes expensive. Therefore, the choice should be made in favor of kefir and Greek yogurt instead of sour cream and cream. You can buy plain fat-free cottage cheese, instead of expensive curd masses with sweet and fatty ingredients.
  • The cheapest fruits are apples and bananas. They can be found in almost any store or market.
  • It is better to bake bread yourself or buy rye bread.
  • Sweets completely replace dried fruits and honey. Sometimes you can afford some dark chocolate. It is much healthier than light milk.

Between the main meals, you can arrange small snacks for yourself, like a second breakfast and an afternoon snack. For this, fruits, a glass of kefir or yogurt, 100 grams of cottage cheese are suitable.

We offer an approximate menu for a very small budget:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
Mondaycabbage salad
boiled rice
Tea or coffee
boiled fish
Vegetable salad
Dried fruits compote
Boiled chicken breast
Vegetable stew
TuesdayBuckwheat porridge
Cottage cheese
Vegetable soup
The vinaigrette
Tea or compote
radish salad
Steamed vegetables with rice
Kefir or ryazhenka
Wednesdayoatmeal porridge
Vegetarian borscht
Braised fish with vegetables
cabbage salad
chicken cutlets
Dried fruits compote
ThursdayCottage cheese
Two eggs
Coffee or tea
Vegetable soup with beans
Dried fruits compote
Barley porridge
carrot cutlets
FridayRice porrige
cabbage salad
Steamed fish
Vegetable salad
Boiled chicken breast
Vegetable stew
Dried fruits compote
SaturdayScrambled eggs
Salad with fresh herbs
Vegetarian pickle
Chicken breast with garlic in the oven
The vinaigrette
Dried fruits compote
2 soft-boiled eggs
Braised fish with vegetables
Potato salad
Cottage cheese

Proper nutrition is the most healthy way to eat food, contributing to the normal functioning of the body and beauty. This is a wonderful habit that is better to follow for a lifetime, and not for two weeks in order to lose weight. Try it and see for yourself that it is easy, tasty and not expensive.

An example of proper nutrition for a week will help you plan your menu, always look good, have a good figure and excellent health. Healthy and proper nutrition is nutrition that supplies our body with the right substances in the right ratio. They are digested and provide energy for physical and mental work. Nutrition should be varied, balanced, fruits, berries and cereals, in one meal.

Basic rules of healthy eating

Eat in moderation and use lean meat, skinless chicken for cooking.

Cook food in vegetable oil. Use low fat milk and dairy products. The diet should include low-fat cheeses such as mozzarella, feta, halloumi. A healthy diet for a week includes legumes, cereals, potatoes. Sea fish, such as herring, mackerel, sardines, should be present at your table at least once a week. Fish is essential in the diet of every person, regardless of age. It prevents caries and thyroid diseases, contains calcium, lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves the condition of blood vessels, takes part in blood clotting. It is better to give preference to boiled and baked fish in foil. Canned fish also retains calcium.

Proper nutrition for every day provides for the entry into the human body of all the necessary substances. It is undesirable to get involved in salty foods, and it is also better to reduce salt in soups and other dishes. Salt dehydrates the body and adversely affects the joints. Light undersalting is the golden rule of cooking. It is better to use sea or iodized salt.

Be sure to add seafood to your diet, such as squid, crabs, shrimp, scallops, mussels. Don't forget the seaweed. It is rich in iodine, potassium and iron.
Add spices and spices to your dishes that have a beneficial effect on the body. It can be dry and fresh spices. Ginger, cumin, dill, mint, cilantro very well emphasize the taste of the dish and develop appetite.

The body should receive at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. , as well as tea, juices, kefir every day, especially if you want to eat. Do not forget about herbal preparations and vitamin drinks. When buying bread, give preference to white flour of the first grade.

The main mistakes in nutrition

1. First of all, pay attention to How many times a day do you eat.You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions with an interval of 2-3 hours. Then you will forget about the feeling of brutal hunger and overeating.

2. food quality. If you don’t have breakfast, but grab it somewhere on the go and instead of a full meal eat sandwiches with smoked meats, and have a hearty dinner in the evening, then you need to change your habits. It is especially dangerous if fast food is present in your diet every day, and cold carbonated drinks complement this menu. Sooner or later, this lifestyle will lead you to the doctor.

It is necessary that daily diet necessarily included hot soup, meat or fish, fruits, cereals and dairy products.

3. Very often the cause of excess weight and overeating is an imbalance in the diet. If something is missing in the diet, the brain signals this with a feeling of hunger. A person eats something else, but saturation does not occur, because. the body does not get what it needs. As a result, overeating, stomach problems, exhaustion of the body, poor organ function, general poor health, dissatisfaction, depression.

4. Another very common dietary mistake is dehydration. Overeating can be the result of an imbalance in the body's water balance. Often people mistake thirst for hunger. Therefore, nutritionists recommend drinking half an hour before any meal.

Menu for the week

You can improve an example of proper nutrition for a week according to your taste and the availability of products. In this menu, you will approximately get acquainted with the diet for each day. and remember that proper nutrition for breakfast, lunch and dinner is the key to health and well-being.
First breakfast: a glass of fruit or vegetable juice, fat-free cottage cheese.
Lunch: a piece of black bread, butter, cheese, tea.
Dinner: vegetable salad, mushroom soup, chicken fricassee with vegetables.
afternoon tea: fruit or kefir.
Dinner: Fish baked in foil, radish salad.

First breakfast: a glass of warm milk with a bun.
Lunch: soft-boiled egg, bread with homemade beef liver pate.
Dinner: carrot salad with seaweed, vegetable soup with zucchini, beef stroganoff, buckwheat porridge.
afternoon tea: fruit juice, cottage cheese
Dinner: boiled turkey with rice and green beans.

First breakfast: a cup of tea, cottage cheese casserole.
Lunch: apple, piece of cheese.
Dinner: leaf salad dressed with olive oil with shrimp, chicken broth with egg, veal cutlet.
afternoon tea: carrot juice, cracker.
Dinner: liver, vegetable salad.

First breakfast: syrniki with sour cream, rosehip drink.
Lunch: scrambled eggs, tea
Dinner: beetroot salad dressed with olive oil and lemon, borscht, beef goulash, vegetable stew.
afternoon tea: milk jelly, a piece of charlotte.
Dinner: boiled fish, rice with vegetables.
First breakfast: rice casserole, cranberry juice.
Lunch: tomato with mozzarella.
Dinner: vegetable salad dressed with yogurt, fish hodgepodge, chicken hedgehogs, grilled vegetables.
afternoon tea: fruits, cheese.
Dinner: vegetable lasagna.
First breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, rye bread toast with jam.
Lunch: scrambled eggs from two eggs.
Dinner: fresh tomatoes with herbs, sauerkraut soup, lamb pilaf.
Dinner: stuffed zucchini.
First breakfast: omelette with vegetables
Lunch: nuts, fruit
Dinner: salad with salmon and lettuce, pickle with pearl barley, a piece of boiled pork, stewed cabbage with vegetables.
afternoon tea: kefir, croutons.
Dinner: green beans with chicken medallion.

* Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or herbal tea with honey, this will allow you to fall asleep peacefully without feeling hungry.

**Remember that all drinks can be consumed at least 40 minutes after a meal.

How to accustom yourself to proper nutrition

Everyone wants to know, without stress and forever. First of all, do not expect such quick results and do not demand too much from yourself. If you want long-term change, take it step by step.

Take as a basis a ready-made example of proper nutrition for a week or make your own menu. Plan so that your diet is balanced, and the body receives both proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates. Monitor the quality of products and their usefulness. Avoid "empty" foods that do not benefit you. These are mostly flour products. Write down in a notebook everything that you ate and how much.

Be sure to go to the store with a list of products on your menu and do not deviate from it under any circumstances.

planning purchases, increase the range of vegetables and fruits.
Try to keep in the refrigerator only those products that are on your menu, and then the temptation to eat something forbidden will disappear by itself. You will learn to possess your appetite, desires and mood.

Eat from small bowls. The brain will perceive the type of food as a full portion, and you will be better saturated with food, which means you will not overeat.

Carry prunes and dried apricots with you. They will help you not to "be brutal" from hunger until the next meal.

Make a ritual out of meals. Decorate your meals beautifully. Pleasant taste, color and appearance contribute to the secretion of gastric juice and better digestion. Tasty, mouth-watering dishes attract with their ingredients and have a good view.

Table setting also matters.. Tablecloth, cutlery, cozy atmosphere. Use beautiful dishes, do not save them for a holiday, make a holiday every day, gathering at a beautiful table.

After a nervous day at work, it is undesirable to immediately sit down at the table. It is better to calm down, drink a glass of water, relax and start eating in a calm mood. Postpone watching programs, discussions, reading magazines for another time.

As well as refrain from educational work with your household while eating. Focus on your taste sensations and enjoy your meal.

But British scientists have finally spent their funding properly and conducted a rather useful study. See the video below for how should the correct diet change depending on age:

Proper nutrition is the key to health! Throughout our lives, we continually promise ourselves to start losing weight, go to bed early, go in for sports, give up bad habits, stop eating fast food and other harmful products. But, few people keep these promises, all the time postponing them until tomorrow. It's never too late to take care of your health and nutrition, the main thing is to start. There is nothing complicated in a healthy diet, the main thing is a properly composed menu for a week.

Proper nutrition: universal rules

Without these rules, you will not be able to create a good menu for yourself, with which you can not only start taking care of your health, but also lose a couple of extra pounds.

  • Proper nutrition should meet the needs of your body, provide it with vitamins and minerals. At the same time, you should not starve and deny yourself food. Everything should be in moderation, without excesses and sacrifices.
  • You will have to learn to recognize the need for food or drink. Sometimes these 2 desires that are absolutely different from each other mislead us. So when you feel hungry, drink a glass of water. If after half an hour, you still want to eat, you can safely proceed to the meal.
  • Don't drink your meals. The fact is that entering the stomach, after 10 minutes, the water passes on, taking with it the gastric juice necessary for digestion. As a result, heaviness appears, food is poorly digested, not absorbed and does more harm than good. It is recommended to drink either 20-30 minutes before meals or 40-60 minutes after.
  • Do not abuse fatty, spicy and highly salty foods. Otherwise, you will be thirsty and you will not be able to keep up the gap between eating and drinking.
  • Never eat stress, otherwise all proper nutrition and weight loss efforts will come to naught. At this time, you are not experiencing physical, but emotional hunger, so deal with it without overeating.
  • Chew food thoroughly, never swallow it in pieces (which people often do when eating quickly and on the go). Food should not only be thoroughly chewed, but also richly moistened with saliva in order to be well absorbed and digested. Make it a habit to chew each piece at least 20 times - until a mushy state.
  • After eating, do not exercise and do not go to bed. During sleep, all body processes slow down, and food is poorly absorbed. The optimal ratio is to go to bed after 2-3 hours. By the way, in the evening it is not recommended to eat too much at all.
  • Get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. So you save yourself from heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness and laziness.
  • Set aside time and eat calmly, not paying attention to anything. Our brain receives a satiety signal only 25 minutes after the start of a meal. If you eat quickly, you run the risk of eating too much, which will result in heaviness in the stomach and extra pounds.
  • When compiling a healthy diet for a week, make sure that it is complete, balanced and as diverse as possible. The body must receive nutrients for normal life.

  • People who lead an active lifestyle should eat 5-7 times a day (breaks between meals should be at least 3 hours). Those who live in a measured rhythm of life do not overwork, it is enough to eat 3-4 times a day (keep a break between meals at 4 hours).
  • Don't skip your main meals. The only thing you can refuse is dinner. If you come home late, it is better not to eat too much, go to bed and wait for the morning. Eat a hearty breakfast in the morning and go about your business.
  • Breakfast is recommended no earlier than 30 minutes after getting up. Breakfast should account for about a quarter of the amount of food per day. Lunch should be between 13.00 - 15.00. It depends on your schedule. Dinner is at the rate of 25% of the total daily food intake. The break between breakfast and dinner should be 12 hours. In total, the number of calories per day should not exceed 2000 kcal.
  • Most of the diet should be vegetables, berries and fruits (about 40%). They contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed by the body.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid every day, because water is the source of beauty, health and life. Please note that the lack of water, as well as its excess, harms the body.
  • The optimal amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins should come from a ratio of 1:4:1. Moreover, carbohydrates should be complex, contained in rye bread, wild and brown rice, buckwheat, legumes, cereals, barley, wholemeal pasta, greens, mushrooms, etc. Minimize the amount of simple carbohydrates.
  • Be sure to include dietary fiber in your diet. It improves digestion, is the prevention of constipation, improves intestinal motility, cleanses the body of harmful products. The required amount of fiber is 35 g per day. Its main sources are bran, whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits and seeds.
  • Limit your salt and sugar intake.

Proper nutrition: prohibited foods

To correctly compose a proper nutrition menu, you need to understand which foods are harmful and prohibited. These include:

  1. Purchased fatty sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  2. Store-bought fruit drinks, juices, lemonades;
  3. Pizza, fast food, chips, croutons and other snacks;
  4. Greasy pastries, cakes, confectionery, unhealthy sweets, sweets, cookies, etc.
  5. Semi-finished products and canned food;
  6. White bread;
  7. Margarine, spread and other harmful fats;
  8. White rice;
  9. Fried and fatty foods.

Many people who have switched to proper nutrition are concerned about the issue of alcohol. There is little good in it, but there will be no harm from a glass of quality wine drunk on a holiday.

By removing these foods from your diet, you will notice how you begin to lose weight right before your eyes. You will also feel much better.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: a sample menu for a week

The weekly menu should be based on vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, non-fat meat, seafood and cereals. Indulge in potatoes - boiled in their skins, mashed or baked with vegetables in the oven has not hurt anyone yet. Be sure to include fish and seafood in your diet (ideally, these products should be present on your table 5 out of seven days a week). For variety, alternate between meat, fish, and poultry to keep your diet varied.

Eat complex carbohydrates (cereals, except semolina) for breakfast. For lunch, give preference to soups and vegetable salads, and combine complex carbohydrates with proteins. Eat yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, fruits, jellies, mousses, light salads, dried fruits, sandwiches, smoothies, nuts, etc. Such snacks satisfy hunger well and benefit the whole body. For dinner, it is good to eat food rich in proteins.

Proper nutrition: a menu for every day


  • Breakfast: oatmeal or muesli with yogurt, any unsweetened fruit, tea with lemon or coffee with cream.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese with condensed milk or jam, a handful of nuts.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, salad with vegetables dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, baked or boiled potatoes with mushroom sauce, fruit drink or juice.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad dressed with Greek yogurt, crackers or crispbread.
  • Dinner: paella or lasagna, classic vinaigrette, green tea.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat with milk, tea or coffee.
  • Second breakfast: Greek yogurt, apple.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with a piece of meat, grilled fish with brown rice, Greek salad, compote or fruit drink.
  • Afternoon snack: cocoa, sandwich with turkey and vegetables.
  • Dinner: risotto with vegetables, a slice of cheese or ham, green tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast: Herculean porridge with fruit, toast with jam and tea with honey.
  • Second breakfast: a handful of nuts and bread with goat cheese and figs.
  • Lunch: fish soup, boiled meat with stewed vegetables, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Snack: yogurt with cottage cheese and dried fruits or mousse.
  • Dinner: coarse meat pasta, vegetable salad with low-fat sour cream, compote.

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes, sandwich with cheese, ham and vegetables, coffee or tea.
  • Second breakfast: unsweetened fruit, kefir.
  • Lunch: chicken soup, seafood salad, grilled fish and fruit drink.
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruit or berry jelly.
  • Dinner: French meat, Greek yogurt, carrot salad.
  • Breakfast: barley porridge with dried fruits, coffee.
  • Second breakfast: biscuits with juice.
  • Lunch: borscht, chicken breast, buckwheat porridge and juice.
  • Snack: cottage cheese casserole with berries.
  • Dinner: Caesar salad, grilled vegetables, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese mousse with honey, goat cheese toast and tea with lemon.
  • Second breakfast: any fruit and a handful of nuts.
  • Lunch: pea soup puree, baked fish and fruit drink.
  • Snack: fresh carrot juice with cream, caramel apples.
  • Dinner: French omelette with ham, chicken salad and green tea.


  • Breakfast: toast with liver pate, cottage cheese with prunes.
  • Second breakfast: granola with milk, bread with vegetables.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup, chicken cutlet, baked vegetables, fruit juice.
  • Snack: Crisps with curd cheese and herbs, salad with olives.
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, baked salmon, green tea.
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

It is never too late to start eating right, thereby achieving a slim figure and health. With the right approach, the menu for the week can be varied, balanced and very tasty. Following the recommendations, adhering to a healthy menu and the basic rules of a healthy diet, you will get not only a slimmer body, but also fresh clean skin, strong nails, luxurious hair and a radiant look.

Diets are only temporary. To be slim always, you must adhere to proper nutrition. How to start and what to eat for women, men, teens and people over 40.

Improper nutrition is the main reason for the appearance of extra pounds. Why is the problem of excess weight still relevant today? There are several reasons. Firstly, the pace of life, which often deprives a person of the opportunity to eat a balanced diet. Second, the quality of the food. Despite the fact that natural products (cereals, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits) have not been canceled and the younger generation is learning from the mistakes of its predecessors, making a choice in favor of healthy food. The popularity of semi-finished products, various snacks and confectionery is still quite high. Thirdly, catering. The lack of a diet leads not only to the appearance of excess weight, but also provokes many other health problems: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

Any diet is designed for a short period, after which, in order to maintain the achieved result, it is recommended to switch to a balanced healthy diet. Proper nutrition does not at all imply a categorical rejection of food that is beloved, but not beneficial to the body - for example, shortbread cookies or boiled condensed milk. However, there is a restriction and strict control of the consumption of such products. Proper nutrition is something that should be adhered to throughout life if you want to be slim and stay young for a long time. So, if you are not just interested in how to lose weight on proper nutrition, but are determined, first make a menu.

How to make a menu for the week

A personalized healthy eating menu will help you learn to eat at certain times. After all, regular nutrition is the key to food discipline. When compiling the menu, focus on your daily routine. If you are a "lark" (wake up at 6:00 and go to bed at 21:00), follow this nutritional principle:

  • breakfast: 7:00;
  • second breakfast: 10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • afternoon tea: 16:00;
  • dinner: 19:00.

If you are a night owl (waking up at 9:00 and falling asleep at 00:00), get into the habit of eating at these times:

  • breakfast: 10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • lunch: 15:00;
  • afternoon tea: 17:00;
  • dinner: 20:00.

Distribute the time of meals depending on the regimen. But do not forget that you need to have breakfast an hour after waking up (after you get up - drink 250 ml of non-carbonated water at room temperature), 2-3 hours should pass between meals, and dinner should be no later than two hours before sleep.

Remember: for weight loss, it is important to keep track of the calorie content of the food eaten. Write down everything you eat without missing anything, even if it's a sip of fruit juice or a sugar-free mint. This develops the habit of being attentive to what and how much you eat and be able to stop in time.

When planning a menu for a week for weight loss, follow these recommendations:

  1. Make a separate list of the products you want to add and distribute them by day. For example, it is better to choose different days for chicken and fish.
  2. Remember that, firstly, breakfast cannot be skipped, and secondly, it must be hearty and balanced: 50% of the total daily diet should belong to carbohydrates, 30% to proteins and 20% to fats.
  3. For dinner, eat proteins: cottage cheese (5-9% fat), baked, boiled chicken or fish (hake, pollock, salmon).
  4. Do not forget about snacks between main meals. Eat fresh fruits (if bananas - then no more than one per snack, if grapes - no more than 200 g), vegetables, dried fruits and nuts (walnuts or unsalted peanuts - no more than 50 g per snack). Record snacks too.
  5. Consider your level of physical activity. So, if you have a difficult mental (important report, exam) or physical work (for example, a lot of moving around the city) - you should not make a meager diet for this day. Include a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the menu, have a hearty breakfast.
  6. Drink clean water without gas and green tea. Water speeds up metabolism and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, and teas contain antioxidants necessary for the body and, moreover, well reduce appetite.
  7. If you drink high-calorie coffee drinks (latte, mocha, cappuccino, etc.) - try to drink them in the morning (before 2:00 pm).
  8. The daily calorie content of drinks (coffee with additives, sweet tea, juices) should be no more than 500 kcal.

In order to achieve the desired effect, when compiling the menu, avoid the following mistakes:

  • Sweet and starchy foods: if you don’t want to completely exclude confectionery and flour products, give them a minimum in the diet: such products do not bring benefits, but they can interfere with weight loss. Moreover, it is very easy to get carried away and violate the permissible norm.
  • Cooking food: try to eat as little fried food as possible. Do not eat a lot of boiled, consume more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Dinner: It should be light, and the portion should be small. If you are preparing fish or meat for dinner, it is better to bake, boil or stew. For example, prepare 200 g of baked chicken breast or boiled shrimp + 1 cucumber.
  • Alcohol: be extremely careful with it. Firstly, it is high in calories, and secondly, it stimulates the appetite.
  • Water during meals: Do not drink water or any other liquid during meals, and earlier than 20 minutes before meals and less than 30 minutes after. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, as a result of which the digestion process can be disturbed.
  • Salt, seasonings, and sauces: Add these in moderation, as salt retains fluid in the body, and seasonings (especially those containing monosodium glutamate as a flavor enhancer) whet the appetite. Sauces are best prepared on their own, based on low-calorie ingredients.
  • Try not to skip meals. If it is not possible to fully eat, carry a bag of nuts (50 g), water with honey and lemon in your purse (1 teaspoon of honey per 0.5 l of water + lemon is not your choice). This will not allow the appetite to break out, which can provoke overeating.

Menu for the week

Going to the grocery store, take with you a list and the amount of money that corresponds to the planned purchase. So you resist the temptation to buy bad goodies "goodbye" before switching to a healthy diet. Remember that you need to start not on the next Monday, but as soon as possible. After all, a beautiful figure will give you lightness and self-confidence, which means that many different opportunities will open before you.

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g of rice porridge in water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 apple, coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 1 toast (25 g), 1 boiled chicken egg, 1 fresh cucumber.

Lunch: 200 g baked hake, 150 g salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + green peas + olive oil).

Snack: 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat), 1 apple, green tea with lemon.

Dinner: 200 g of any stewed vegetables, 100 g of baked chicken breast.

Day 2

Breakfast: 1 sandwich (20 g of rye bread + fat-free cottage cheese + 10 g of any hard cheese), 1 banana, coffee or tea without sugar.

Second breakfast: 70 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey.

Lunch: 200 g chicken broth, salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + carrots + lemon juice).

Snack: 1 apple, 1 kiwi, mint tea.

Dinner: 250 g boiled chicken fillet, 2 cucumbers.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g of oatmeal on the water + 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 banana, coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 50 g walnuts, 1 apple, green tea with lemon.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled brown rice, 150 g of any stewed vegetables.

Snack: 150 g cottage cheese-banana casserole (cottage cheese + bananas + semolina + low-fat yogurt), green tea.

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato.

Day 4

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk (1.5% fat), 100 g of strawberries or raspberries.

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (up to 5% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, natural coffee without sugar.

Lunch: 250 baked hake, 150 g sauerkraut.

Dinner: 200 g baked chicken breast with parmesan (30 g), 2 cucumbers.

Day 5

Breakfast: 200 g of mashed potatoes + 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 boiled egg, 1 cucumber.

Second breakfast: 2 kiwis, green tea.

Lunch: 250 g of rice soup with mushrooms, 1 toast (20 g) + 10 g of any hard cheese.

Snack: 150 g cottage cheese casserole (cottage cheese + raisins + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g of baked pollock, 100 g of seaweed.

Day 6

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (2 eggs + 150 ml of milk 3.2% fat), coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 orange.

Lunch: 200 g baked potatoes, 100 g baked champignons, 70 g baked chicken fillet.

Snack: 200 ml of kefir, 1 apple.

Dinner: 150 g cottage cheese (5-6% fat) without sugar, 2 apples baked with cinnamon.

Day 7

Breakfast: barley porridge on water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 kiwi.

Lunch: 250 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 100 g boiled chicken fillet.

Snack: 150 g boiled shrimp, 200 ml tomato juice.

Dinner: 150 g steamed fish cakes, 100 g boiled brown rice, 200 ml tomato juice.

For the family

The weekly menu for the family should be based on the following factors:

  1. The age of each family member.
  2. Level of physical activity. For example, if you have a sedentary job, you better give up butter and fatty meats. And a man who does hard physical work (for example, works at a construction site) will need much more calories than you.
  3. Individual features: if your child suffers from gastritis, then for breakfast it is better for him to cook oatmeal in milk (2.5% fat) with a banana. The combination of oatmeal and banana has an anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach lining.
  4. Breakfast should be complete for every member of the family.
  5. After eating, it is important to feel full, but not oversatiated.
  6. Make sure your meals are always freshly prepared. This is especially true for salads.

If your family consists of two, three, four or more people, then the amount of food should be multiplied - in accordance with the needs - for each member of the family. For example, if your family has two adults under 40 years old, one teenager 15 years old and an elderly person aged 70 years old - when cooking, for example, dinner, you will need 800 g chicken fillet or breast (200 g each). for each). These calculations are approximate, since the need for the amount of food for each family member can vary significantly.

For men

Depending on the level of physical activity, a man should consume 3000 - 3500 calories per day.

Day 1

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (3 chicken eggs) + 25 g bacon + 2 toasts (25 g each) + 15 g jam + sweet coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: sandwich (20 g bread + 10 g butter + 15 g hard cheese + 10 g ham), 2 tomatoes.

Lunch: 300 g of soup with minced beef meatballs, 20 g of any bread, 200 g of buckwheat porridge on the water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 150 g of chicken cutlets.

Snack: 3 baked apples, 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: 250 g baked potatoes, 150 g baked chicken fillet.

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 toast (25 g) with jam, tea.

Second breakfast: 150 g of salad (chicken fillet + tomatoes + cucumbers + Chinese cabbage + sour cream 15% fat).

Lunch: 300 g of borscht, 200 g of mashed potatoes + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of baked turkey fillet.

Snack: 200 g of sweet curd mass (curd 5-7%) with raisins and dried apricots (optional), 200 ml of fermented baked milk (4-5% fat).

Dinner: 250 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 150 g cutlets (from minced fish) for a couple.

Day 3

Breakfast: 250 g of buckwheat porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 sandwich (20 g of bread + 10 g of butter + 15 g of hard cheese or cheese), coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: 150 g cottage cheese and banana casserole.

Lunch: 250 g of fish soup, 25 g of rye bread, 200 g of baked potatoes, 100 g of stewed chicken fillet.

Snack: 150 g salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil + lemon juice), 20 g rye bread.

Dinner: 200 g of mashed potatoes + 1 teaspoon of butter, 150 g of boiled shrimp, 100 g of salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15-20% fat).

Day 4

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (3 eggs + 150 ml milk 3.2% fat), sandwich (20 g bread + 10 g butter + 15 g hard cheese).

Second breakfast: 2 bananas, 1 apple, 150 ml of kefir (3% fat).

Lunch: 300 g of mushroom soup, 200 g of boiled rice + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of stewed beef, 100 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + olive oil).

Snack: 100 g cottage cheese (5-7% fat), kiwi.

Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat porridge on the water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 150 g of boiled mussels.

Day 5

Breakfast: 250 g of sweet oatmeal with milk (3.2% fat), 20 g of hard cheese, 1 apple, coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (3-5% fat) + 20 g of dried apricots + 20 g of prunes.

Lunch: 250 g borscht, 200 g vegetable casserole, 100 g baked hake.

Snack: 200 g salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g of rice porridge on the water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of stewed turkey fillet.

Day 6

Breakfast: 200 g cottage cheese banana casserole, 1 apple, coffee or tea with milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 200 g of fruit salad (bananas, apples, pears, oranges, kiwi + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon of honey).

Lunch: 300 g of vermicelli soup, 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water, 150 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Snack: 100 g of biscuit, 250 ml of fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 250 g vegetable casserole, 150 g cod stew, 200 ml tomato juice.

Day 7

Breakfast: 2 toasts (30 g each) + 15 g jam, 30 g cheese (no more than 50% fat), 1 boiled egg, coffee with milk (2.5% fat) or tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 banana.

Lunch: 300 g of borscht, 200 g of baked cod, 100 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Snack: 3 baked apples, 1 loaf + 1 teaspoon of jam, 250 ml of fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole, 100 g baked hake, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato.

For women

For uniform weight loss and keeping fit, women should eat according to this pattern.

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in water with grated apple + 1 teaspoon of honey + 50 g of cottage cheese (9% fat content), tea or coffee.

Second breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (5% fat).

Lunch: 250 g of cheese soup, salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + green peas + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 1 banana, 50 g almonds.

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp, 1 boiled egg, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes.

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge in water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 toast (25g), 1 tomato.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 persimmon.

Lunch: 250 g of mushroom soup, 100 g of steamed chicken cutlets, 100 g of boiled brown rice in water, without oil.

Snack: 200 g salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + natural yogurt).

Dinner: 200 g boiled mussels, 150 g vegetable casserole, green tea.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g cottage cheese and banana casserole + 20 g dried apricots, 1 banana, coffee with milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (3-4% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 banana.

Lunch: 250 g soup with minced chicken meatballs, 150 g vegetable stew (potato + cabbage + carrot + onion), 50 g stewed chicken fillet.

Snack: 2 loaves + 10 g jam, 1 apple, 250 ml kefir (2.5% fat).

Dinner: 200 g baked chicken breast, 100 g salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + 15% fat sour cream), 1 rice cake.

Day 4

Breakfast: 2 baked cheesecakes (25 g each), 1 banana, 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat), tea.

Second breakfast: 2 apples, 2 kiwis.

Lunch: 250 g of fish soup, 200 g of boiled mussels, 2 cucumbers.

Snack: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 20 g of walnuts + 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: 200 g of baked pollock, 1 loaf, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, green tea.

Day 5

Breakfast: 200 g of rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 20 g of hard cheese, 1 apple, green tea.

Second breakfast: 3 baked apples, 250 ml of kefir (2.5% fat).

Lunch: 250 g of borscht, 70 g of boiled chicken fillet, 100 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Snack: 100 g cottage cheese (5-7% fat) + 1 banana.

Dinner: 150 g boiled potatoes, 100 g boiled mussels, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 tomato.

Day 6

Breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 toast (25 g), coffee.

Second breakfast: 50 g biscuit, 1 apple.

Lunch: 250 g of buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 150 g of barley porridge, 50 g of stewed beef.

Snack: 3 baked apples, 250 ml fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 100 g boiled chicken fillet, 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber.

Day 7

Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge, 1 steamed chicken cutlet (30 g), 1 boiled egg.

Second breakfast: 1 apple, 1 orange.

Lunch: 200 g mushroom soup, 100 g baked chicken breast, 2 cucumbers.

Snack: 2 loaves, 50 g cottage cheese (9% fat), 1 cucumber, 1 tomato.

Dinner: 200 g baked turkey fillet, 150 g vinaigrette, 0.5 grapefruit.

For teenagers

Since the body of a teenager develops, strict diets and fasting days are contraindicated for him. A teenager should eat a balanced diet, consuming all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

  • If the child is overweight, high-calorie foods should be limited.
  • A teenager needs to have a full breakfast (it can be cereals with 2.5% fat milk, omelettes or cottage cheese with fruits), as this activates metabolic processes and prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis).
  • 50% of the diet should belong to carbohydrates, 30% to proteins and 20% to fats.
  • Don't overeat. During puberty, both an increase in appetite and a decrease in it are possible. The ideal solution would be fractional meals 5-6 times a day.
  • Sweets, fast food and flour are best eaten in the morning, but not more than three times a week.
  • Sweet tooth, harmful sweets should be replaced with useful ones. Include bananas, grapes, marshmallows, dark chocolate, marmalade, marshmallow, fruit jelly in the menu.
  • The calorie content of the menu depends on the physical activity of the teenager.
  • Girls should consume no more than 2400 kcal per day, and boys - no more than 2800 kcal per day.


As snacks between meals, you can eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts (without salt). Drink kefir, natural sugar-free yogurt or fermented baked milk (no more than 3% fat).

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g of sweet oatmeal with milk (2.5% fat) + 50 g of marmalade, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 apple.

Lunch: 250 g of buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 150 g of baked chicken fillet, 100 g of stewed mushrooms.

Snack: 200 g cottage cheese casserole (cottage cheese + raisins + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g baked hake, 150 g salad (fresh cucumbers + tomatoes + any greens + olive oil).

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of marshmallows, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 orange, 1 banana.

Lunch: 250 g rice soup with meatballs in chicken broth, 150 g salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + chicken fillet + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 200 g fruit salad (bananas + apples + kiwi + oranges + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon honey), tea.

Dinner: 200 g of boiled shrimp, 150 g of rice porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 2 cucumbers.

Day 3

Breakfast: two egg omelet and 150 ml of milk (2.5% fat), 30 g of any hard cheese, one toast (25 g) with jam, tea.

Second breakfast: orange, natural yogurt.

Lunch: 250 g of borscht, 50 g of stewed chicken liver.

Snack: toast (25 g), 100 g cottage cheese (9% fat) with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: fish cakes (200 g), 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter.

Day 4

Breakfast: 200 g of barley porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 apple, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 200 g of any berries.

Lunch: 250 g of fish soup, 200 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 150 g of fruit and milk jelly (milk fat content should be no more than 3.5%).

Dinner: 150 baked potatoes, 150 g boiled mussels.

Day 5

Breakfast: 100 g biscuit, 1 banana, tea.

Second breakfast: 2 apples, natural yogurt without sugar (you can add 1 teaspoon of honey).

Lunch: 200 g vegetable casserole, 150 g baked chicken breast.

Snack: 100 g cottage cheese (9% fat), 1 orange, 250 ml natural fruit juice.

Dinner: 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 200 g of baked pollock.

Day 6

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of oatmeal in milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 70 g marshmallows, tea or 200 ml fruit juice.

Lunch: 250 g mushroom soup, 150 g baked hake.

Snack: 150 g of natural yogurt (no more than 6% fat), 1 banana.

Dinner: 200 g of baked chicken breast, 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter.

Day 7

Breakfast: 2 toasts (25 g each) with nut-chocolate paste, 1 apple, tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat) + 20 g raisins + 20 g dried apricots.

Lunch: 200 g soup with meatballs, 200 g salad (Beijing cabbage + tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 200 g fruit salad (bananas + oranges + apples + strawberries + natural yogurt + 1 teaspoon of honey).

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp, 100 g seaweed.

For kids

  • Chicken, turkey, lean veal, beef must be in the child's diet.
  • Sausages, sausages and sausages are strongly recommended to be excluded from the children's menu.
  • Children need to eat low-fat fish (1-3 times a week): pike perch, hake, pollock, cod. It contains iodine, which is necessary for mental activity.
  • The presence of natural dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt) is mandatory, as they contain calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B2 necessary for growth.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are an integral part of the children's menu. It is better to add natural vegetable oil to salads.
  • Children of preschool and school (1st - 2nd grade) age should consume 280 g of carbohydrates, 70 g of protein, 70 g of fat daily.
  • The child must have breakfast: 25% of the daily calorie content should be breakfast, 40% lunch, 15% afternoon tea and 20% dinner.
  • The daily calorie intake of children 7-10 years old should be 2400 kcal. Children aged 11 - 13 years should consume: boys - 2300-2600 kcal, girls - 2100 - 2400 kcal.
  • A child involved in sports should consume 300-400 kcal more than their peers.


Day 1

Breakfast: bread (20 g) with butter (10 g) + hard cheese (15 g), 200 ml of milk (not less than 2.5% fat), tea.

Lunch: 200 g soup with meatballs, 150 g mashed potatoes, 50 g boiled hake.

Snack: 100 g sweet cottage cheese (9% fat) with raisins (15 g), 1 banana.

Dinner: 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of boiled chicken breast.

Day 2

Breakfast: 150 g of oatmeal with milk (any fat content) + 1 banana, 15 g of hard cheese, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of borscht, 100 g of any stewed vegetables, 100 g of baked chicken fillet.

Snack: 1 bun with poppy seeds (60 g), 200 ml of kefir (any fat content).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 100 g cod stew.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 2 teaspoons of honey or 20 g of raisins, 1 banana, tea.

Lunch: 200 g rice soup with chicken broth, 100 g boiled chicken breast, 100 g salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + 15% fat sour cream).

Snack: 150 g fruit salad (bananas, kiwi, apples, oranges + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon honey), tea.

Dinner: 150 g of rice porridge on the water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 70 g of baked veal.

Day 4

Breakfast: 170 g of buckwheat porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of boiled chicken breast, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of vermicelli soup, 100 g of baked pollock, 1 cucumber.

Snack: 150 g cottage cheese and banana casserole, 200 ml fermented baked milk (4-5% fat).

Dinner: 150 g of mashed potatoes + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 70 g of baked chicken breast, 100 g of salad (cucumbers, tomatoes + sour cream 15% fat).

Day 5

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (2 eggs + 100 ml of milk of any fat content), 1 banana, 1 toast with jam, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of rice porridge on the water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of baked beef.

Snack: 70 g oatmeal cookies, 200 ml milk (3.2% fat).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole + 100 g cod stew.

Day 6

Breakfast: 150 g of sweet rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 banana, tea.

Lunch: 150 g buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 100 g mashed potatoes, 100 g steamed chicken cutlets.

Snack: 100 g milk-fruit jelly, tea.

Dinner: 150 g of barley porridge on the water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of baked turkey fillet.

Day 7

Breakfast: 1 bun with jam (80 g), 100 g cottage cheese (9% fat), tea.

Lunch: 150 g of barley porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of baked pollock, 100 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 150 g of sweet curd mass (9% fat cottage cheese + 20 g of raisins + 10 g of dried apricots + 1 tablespoon of honey), 200 ml of kefir.

Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat porridge on the water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of baked pollock, 1 cucumber.

After 40 years

  • After forty years, the body becomes more vulnerable to the effects of various adverse factors. An unhealthy diet has an extremely negative effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. So, malnutrition with gastritis or an ulcer can result in cancer due to the fact that the human immune system weakens after forty years. In addition, metabolic processes slow down somewhat, so in order to maintain health and a slim figure, you need to carefully consider the calorie content of food.
  • Nutrition after forty should be varied and balanced.
  • It is advisable to eat fractionally - 5-6 times a day. If you are used to three main meals, reduce your usual portions (for example, use smaller dishes, eat without additives), enter snacks with fruits, fresh vegetable salads (with olive oil).
  • Since after forty years the ability to absorb fats decreases, and the formation of fats from carbohydrates occurs faster - limit the consumption of fatty meat and fish, flour, confectionery.
  • You need to consume at least 100 g of protein per day. Especially valuable are those proteins that contain methionine - an amino acid that forms lipotropic substances in the body (promote lipid metabolism and regulate cholesterol levels). Methionine is found in dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheese). They also contain the calcium needed by the body.
  • Meat and fish are best boiled or baked.
  • Minimize your consumption of fried foods.
  • It is better to exclude fatty pork and lamb, or eat very rarely.
  • Eat no more than ten eggs per week.
  • Be sure to use rice, oatmeal, buckwheat - these are excellent adsorbents that will not allow toxins and toxins to linger.
  • Eat more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as prunes, sauerkraut and seaweed. These products have a mild laxative effect and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the intestines.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure water without gas per day, herbal teas. Coffee consumption should be reduced. Drink no more than 2 cups of not too strong coffee a day.
  1. Regardless of age, try to get rid of bad habits (smoking, eating in front of a computer or TV). This reduces the effect of a healthy diet.
  2. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep a night, and ventilate the room before going to bed.
  3. Move more. If possible, do not use transport, but travel distances on foot. So extra pounds will go even faster.
  4. Make more time for hobbies. It is also a great distraction from the obsessive desire to eat.
  5. Buy a good body cream and use it after every shower. This will protect your skin from excessive moisture loss and give it a healthy look.
  6. Try different tea blends (e.g. black tea + jasmine + strawberry). It is possible with honey, but only without sugar and without sweets in a bite. Teas also help to suppress an inopportune appetite and cheer up.
  7. When eating, do not focus only on food. This will prevent you from overeating.
  8. Do not rush to lose weight: the slower the weight goes away, the more reliable the result.
  9. Remember that proper nutrition is not a diet, but the norm of life.

Nutritionist's opinion