Menstruation and weight of the girl. Weight gain during menstruation

Why does this happen, and how to prevent the appearance of extra pounds?

Some unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, appear already a few days before the onset of menstruation. Pain appears in the abdomen, dizziness, bouts of nausea, swelling of the legs, arms, joints, swelling of the chest and abdomen are possible.

In connection with the changes taking place in the hormonal background of a woman, during menstruation, appetite awakens - this is inherent in nature. From about the middle of the cycle, the amount of the hormone progesterone in the body increases. This hormone is responsible for pregnancy, and a woman's body naturally stores for future use to produce healthy offspring.

A normal phenomenon can be called an increase in weight by no more than 900 grams, which go away after menstruation. However, many women, due to their great appetite during this period, increase their weight by more than a kilogram. And naturally extra calories settle on the figure. Since this happens on a monthly basis, excess fat is gradually accumulated.

In order to protect your figure during critical days, listen to the advice of the site.

1. Don't follow desire

If you have an overwhelming desire to eat something forbidden on critical days, hang a sign in the kitchen with the words: “PMS will go away, but the weight will remain.” It will help you to refrain from "harmful" food.

2. Have a nurturing conversation with your man

Men also contribute to gaining excess weight in their second half. After all, they have to deal with such unpleasant manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in their beloved as tears, tantrums, bad mood.

And in order to somehow protect themselves from such manifestations, they are forced to indulge us with sweets, some agree to run to the store for chocolate even at night. During the premenstrual period, women around the world eat tons of chocolate products. Talk to your partner about this if you don't want these tiles to sit on your hips and waist.

3. Get on the charge!

Light exercise can help reduce appetite. It could be like 15-minute exercise in the morning, as well as dancing. It is very important at the same time that the training brings emotional pleasure, leaves a pleasant feeling of warmth in the body, and does not take away all your strength.

Scientific studies have shown that exercise reduces appetite. This is due to an increase in the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood against the background of muscle work. In addition to the fact that these hormones help break down fats, they also help to increase the tone of the brain, reducing the depressive mood of the body. Accordingly, the body ceases to feel the need for food as an antidepressant.

4. Manage your weight

Weight change on critical days /

In the premenstrual period, the uterus swells and its weight increases by 1-1.5 kg, and during the critical days, the weight increases by another 1 kg. There is also an increase in the breast by 1.5-2 sizes, and the stomach may look like in the third month of pregnancy. In order not to spoil your mood, you do not need to weigh yourself these days.

During menstruation, excess fluid accumulates in the body, causing such unpleasant manifestations as heaviness, nausea, vomiting, irritation of the alimentary tract. And the fluid in the tissues of the brain provokes such nervous manifestations as nervousness, irritability, depression. And extra pounds can be just this liquid that will disappear after critical days.

Weigh yourself at least once a month, but after your period. It is better to do this on the same day of the menstrual calendar and record the result. If there is no change in weight, this suggests that you can control your "menstrual" appetite.

Nutrition on critical days

5. Pay Attention to Your Nutrition

Do not eat fatty foods these days: bacon, pork, all kinds of sausages and high-fat cheeses. Forget fried potatoes, chicken skin and all-purpose mayonnaise sauce. Limit the consumption of pickles, alcohol, beer and especially sweets (confectionery, pastries, sweet fruits, chocolate).

6. Diet for a good mood

If you are in a state of significant psychological stress, in other words, you are experiencing premenstrual syndrome, then we advise you to adhere to carbohydrate diet, which promotes the production of serotonin - the hormone of pleasure, and at the same time helps you not gain extra pounds.

A few days before menstruation and throughout all the "red" days, your diet should consist of various cereals, grain bread, vegetables and fruits. It is worth including lettuce, cabbage, apples, broccoli in the menu as often as possible.

And instead of sweets, you can treat yourself to bananas, dried apricots, watermelons, sunflower seeds and nuts. If you cannot do without meat, give preference to poultry fillet. Avoid salty foods, sugary and caffeinated drinks.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Many ladies, who have just recently declared a brutal war on excess fat, sometimes come to a stupor - the arrows of the scales sharply shift forward a couple of divisions, although there were no special nutritional disorders or training before that. The answer to the important question of why during menstruation weight increases even on a strict diet or other effective weight loss technique lies in the physiology of the female body - body weight always increases before menstruation. The reason for such a distressing phenomenon for women and girls is a sharp fluctuation in hormonal levels.

Does weight increase during menstruation

A unique creation of nature - a well-coordinated mechanism called the "female body" - is arranged in such a way that every month, under the influence of special female hormones, cyclic changes occur in it, associated with the function of procreation. Moreover, these periodic metamorphoses affect the operation of absolutely all systems. Such changes become more noticeable a few days before the appearance of menstrual flow - this is a familiar premenstrual syndrome for most women.

Unpleasant symptoms of PMS are not only the appearance of physical and emotional discomfort - before the start of critical days, a few extra pounds are instantly gained. During menstruation, weight always increases, regardless of what diet you follow and how actively you train to lose weight. You can also gain one or two kilograms during ovulation.

How much weight increases during menstruation

Weight gain during menstruation is initially due to a genetic predisposition. Since birth, every woman's body has an individual program for the passage of the monthly menstrual cycle and all the ailments that accompany it. One kilogram or as many as three you will gain during women's days - it depends solely on the characteristics of your body.

However, it is wrong to consider genetics the only reason for weight gain before KD - weight gain during menstruation is directly due to the amount of food and fluid consumed on the eve of the onset of menstruation. Therefore, it is so important during the period of menstruation not to deviate from the usual diet and constantly monitor the amount of food absorbed so as not to get better.

Why do you gain weight before your period?

Normally, the main sex hormones of the female body - estrogen and progesterone - have certain values. Before the onset of menstruation, their level changes dramatically - the amount of progesterone begins to decrease to critically low numbers, and estrogen - to grow. This process provokes uncontrolled weight gain before menstruation: hormones force the body to store fluid, which it will lose so much along with menstrual blood. From excess water, the body begins to swell, but menstrual swelling disappears a couple of days after the start of the KD.

However, there is a second problem associated with fluctuations in hormonal levels and causing rapid weight gain during menstruation: such jumps in hormone levels do not have the best effect on appetite. Sometimes it becomes just brutal - uncontrollable, obsessive, indomitable. Metabolism during this period slows down, so all excess calories are instantly processed into body fat.

Is it possible to lose weight during menstruation

Since the female body experiences a considerable load during menstrual bleeding, a strict diet, as well as active wear and tear training, can greatly harm. They are not only ineffective in the process of losing weight during menstruation, but are often fraught with unpleasant consequences for the hormonal system, which, with this approach, can give a serious failure. Losing weight during menstruation is unlikely to succeed, the main thing during this period is not to get better. To do this, it is reasonable to limit your diet and monitor nutrition.

During menstruation, many women face such a problem as weight gain and bloating, constipation and swelling. Why does weight increase during menstruation and what can be done with all this - let's talk about this further.

Causes of weight gain before and during the menstrual cycle

The root causes that provoke an increase in the weight category, increasing weight, experts, first of all, see the change in the hormonal background, determined by the course of the cycle. Next, we will consider in more detail how exactly menstruation affects weight gain:

  • The changes occurring in the body themselves provoke abnormal fluid retention - often women experience problems with going to the toilet and constipation, swelling. This is one of the root causes that provokes weight gain before and during menstruation.

After the critical days pass, the weight often returns to its previous parameters.

  • Often these very critical days provoke an uncontrolled appetite in a woman - this is a normal reaction, a preparatory stage for a possible pregnancy. Most of this is a consequence of ovulation and a change in estrogen levels.
  • Progesterone - after ovulation passes, the level of this hormone increases. It is the fluctuations of both of these hormones that provokes uncontrolled appetite before and during the days of critical days.

In addition to hormonal changes in the body, the level of body weight before and on the dates of critical days can be influenced by factors such as:

  • diet and metabolic processes in the body;
  • a woman's genetic predisposition to excessive weight gain;
  • how mobile the rhythm of her life is.

But for the most part, it is the hormonal background that determines fluctuations in kilograms during critical days, their excessive set. It is in this way that the body prepares for the future maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg, conception and bearing of the fetus, compensates for the loss of fluid and blood, vital macro and microelements.

How much can weight increase during menstruation

If we talk about how many kilograms a woman can gain during menstruation, in this regard, gynecologists and nutritionists unanimously argue that for the most part these indicators are due to a genetic predisposition, therefore it makes no sense to fight with medication or strict diets with this root cause.

In the female body from birth, there is initially a predisposition to weight gain before menstruation, accompanied by all the accompanying symptoms.

Therefore, answering the question - how much a woman can gain in this interesting period, a kilogram or as many as three depends solely on the characteristics of the organism itself and heredity.

However, genetic predisposition should not be considered the only reason for weight gain before menstruation. So the very increase in body weight is also due to the amount of food and liquid consumed - that is why it is so important to deviate from the usual diet on the eve. As experts note, a few days before the onset of critical days and during the period of spotting, a woman's taste preferences may change, which affect the amount of food consumed, dishes.

As nutritionists note, we have foods at our disposal that can not only satisfy the feeling of hunger, but also control kilograms on critical days and bring more benefits to the body. With regard to the rules of nutrition and body weight control on critical days and before them, nutritionists distinguish the following fundamentals of the basics:

With regard to harmful foods that are shown to be excluded from the diet - these are all foods and dishes containing caffeine in their composition, as well as muffins and sugar, confectionery and simple carbohydrates, alcohol and fast food, soda and fatty, fried foods.

All these products negatively affect the body not only during the critical days, but throughout the menstrual cycle.

In contrast to harmful foods during menstruation, it is best to introduce beans and buckwheat, brown rice and nuts in small quantities, as well as soy and potatoes, apples and pomegranates. It is shown to introduce both hard varieties of pasta and whole grain bread - the main thing in this case is not to exceed the norm at the rate of 3-4 grams per kilogram of a person's weight. In all other respects, it is worth coordinating the diet with a nutritionist and gynecologist. They will help to compose and choose the right diet, frequency of meals and volumes of ready-made meals consumed at a time.

The video has a more complete answer to why weight increases before menstruation:


Dependence of weight on the menstrual cycle. Weight before menstruation. Weight during menstruation. Natural weight gain during critical days.

There are days in a woman's life when it seems that the whole world is against us! The arrow of the scales briskly trots to the right, your favorite skirt, which was free yesterday, does not converge at the waist, and there is no strength to do physical exercises. Yes, and thoughts work in the direction: what would be delicious to eat! What is happening to you? The whole secret is in the monthly cycle of a woman, on which weight, metabolism, appetite, and physical activity depend. Let's tell you whyweight before period increases and how to survive this period.

The first phase is menstruation.

Nutrition and lifestyle.

During menstruation, any diet is strictly prohibited. The level of progesterone in the blood during this period decreases and a large amount of prostaglandins begins to be produced - substances that irritate the uterine mucosa and provoke its exfoliation (menstruation itself). At the same time, the level of estrogen in the blood drops sharply. Note that this female hormone is directly involved in the production of the hormone of happiness, serotonin. It is logical that during this period of women, at best, their mood drops, at worst, a real depressive state sets in. Naturally. The body compensates for the lack of serotonin through cravings for sweets, which does not affect the figure in the best way. Weight during menstruation is growing.

What to do?

You can't do anything about the physiological need for carbohydrates. However, you can replace harmful carbohydrates with useful ones: vegetables, fruits, cereals, honey. Refrain from tea, coffee, chocolate, strong broths, because they enhance the effect of prostaglandins on the body, and you will crave sweets even more. Also, under the influence of these derivatives of the body weight increases. If you really want chocolate, eat a couple of slices, no more.

What is my weight to you?

Menstruation is the time when it is better to hide the scales away. A change in the hormonal background leads to the accumulation of fluid in the body and an instant weight gain of several kilograms. Remember, weight gain comes from fluid, not fat. You should not be upset, after 5-7 days the metabolism returns to normal, and excess water will leave the body. Just follow the golden rule: don't weigh yourself during your period!

Physical activity.

The first days of the cycle (approximately 7 days) any physical activity is very difficult. If you have painful periods, stop exercising altogether. But you should not lie flat on the bed all week: many experts advise taking walks during this period. In a horizontal position, the tone of the uterus changes, which can increase pain, weak physical activity (walking) normalizes the tone, which reduces pain.

If you can get out of bed, go for a walk in the nearest park. Half an hour - an hour at a walking pace - and you will not only saturate the body with oxygen, but relieve pain in the uterus. By the way, before menstruation it is also recommended to increase the walking time.

The second stage of the cycle is ovulation.

Nutrition and weight.

During ovulation, the body works according to a program for the possible onset of pregnancy. The body intensively produces male sex hormones - androgens. With a changed hormonal background, the metabolism increases to the maximum, so any diet during this period is very effective. But you should not overdo it with limiting calorie intake. During menstruation, the body experiences blood loss, and the diet will only increase the lack of iron, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. To avoid problems, eat a balanced diet and include iron-rich foods in your diet - liver, buckwheat, apples, eggs, spinach.

Body mass.

The results of weighing during this period please more than ever. After the end of the menstrual period, the hormonal background changes, and all excess fluid is excreted from the body. Weight stabilizes.

Physical activity.

It's laid down by nature. That during the period of ovulation, a woman becomes hardy. She is resistant to stress, is in a good mood, active. It is for this reason that on the 12th - 14th day of the cycle (plus two days before and after), any physical activity is easy. The body during this period withstands large and unusual loads without consequences, so this is the ideal time to start practicing a new sport.

Phase of destruction of the egg

Weight fluctuations.

If pregnancy does not occur during ovulation, the egg dies. And this means that if in the first phase of the cycle the body is set up for creation, in the second phase the body is set up for destruction. Therefore, the period on the 15th - 20th day of the cycle is considered ideal for losing weight.

Arrange fasting days, start a diet, switch to proper nutrition. But remember that a week before the start of menstruation, you can feel brutal hunger. Its nature lies in increasing the level of lutoinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates the exit of the corpus luteum from the ovary and maximizing its level before menstruation. This hormone directly affects weight and appetite.

During this period, the effectiveness of any diet will tend to zero, a weight plateau sets in. Do not torture yourself in vain, the weight before menstruation still will not go away. Stay away from simple carbohydrates (pastry and sweets) and switch to complex ones (wholemeal bread, whole grain cereals) and proteins. This way you can stay slim without dieting.

But what about weight?

During this period, you can safely step on the scales, because the weight remains normal. However, at the end of the cycle, many women experience increased sweating, swelling of the mammary glands. The abdomen before menstruation increases in size, inflates. An increase in the region of one to one and a half kilograms can be observed. Reduce the amount of salt and water if you have a tendency to edema. Enter diuretic teas (linden, raspberry, hibiscus, birch bud tea) into the diet. It is great to eat raspberries, apples, watermelons during this period.

Physical activity.

At this time, physical activity is easy and effective. The hormonal background is stable and the woman is full of energy. Physical activity becomes more and more difficult towards the end of the cycle with a change in hormonal levels. During this period, you should not force yourself to play sports, as this can provoke headaches, increased pressure, and swelling.

As we see, menses and weight closely connected. Body weight is subject to the laws of nature and the natural physiological cycle dictates to a woman what her weight should be. Adjust to your cycle, then losing weight will be the most effective.

Brad what! I do sports all the time during my period! And I do the standing. And I'm working on the press. Bullshit for lazy asses.

After menstruation is not always the answer. Bullshit.

If you do sports on time for menstruation, maybe hello. Muscles grow, they weigh more and retain water. This is where the weight increases.

Everyone has a unique physiology. At me during monthly a plumb line happens. And after - weight gain. So everything is individual.

Well, not only physiology is here, nutrition is also involved. It is possible at the end of menstruation to sort out the salt for the night and there will also be no plumb line, while salt retains water. And in the middle of the cycle you can arrange a weekly fire for yourself - then no cycle will plumb you.

I mean, if someone who is losing weight is perplexed by unexpected weight gain, even with maximum effort and observing the daily caloric intake, let them not be upset. Maybe it's the cycle's fault.

Everything is right! My weight depends on the cycle!

My critical days are painful, so I can't bear any physical activity. A week before the onset of menstruation, zhor attacks, the emotional state changes: I become whiny, irritable, there is a change in mood. During menstruation, “hot flashes” are characteristic (when the normal state is abruptly replaced by a rolling weakness). These days I try to drive even without special need. That's how I "sausage" a week before and during menstruation!

I have a stomach during menstruation as in the sixth month of pregnancy. The son asks - will you give birth to my brother?

I never really watched the weight, but this time in a week somewhere, the weight crept up. I weighed myself 46-46.5 kilograms and weighed, and then shortly before menstruation, it began: then 47.5, then 47.9, and then, oh horror! 48 kilograms, or 48.2 and even 48.4. I eat as always, nothing fatty, salty, smoked, I cook for myself in a double boiler, there were no congestions, but I sinned with sweets, but not so much. And suddenly almost half a centner!

Yes, you wait, the period will pass, and we'll see.

I’m waiting impatiently and with a little fear, what if it’s not menstruation to blame, maybe I really ate too much! I'll die of frustration then.

Oh, I'm waiting too! This happiness gave me as much as 3 kilograms. Although I think that this is not menstruation, but halva, marshmallows, chocolate. Even though my husband says That I like you better. And in general, get better. And I'm afraid!

And here is the answer: a week before menstruation, a woman’s body accumulates water and resources in case of pregnancy.

I am always amazed that I have as much as 3 kilograms a day before my period. But at the end of menstruation, it returns to normal and becomes the same. Although I don’t focus much on weight when losing weight, I look at volumes, skin tone, and muscle hardness.

I, too, am guided by weight gain. If the weight jumped sharply up, tomorrow you need to get white ones with wings.

Yesterday, on my home channel, I watched a program about losing weight - Family size in my opinion, and so there the nutritionist said that during menstruation a woman adds up to 6 kilos, since the uterus increases like at 3-4 months of pregnancy, plus there are all sorts of PMS, mood swings , of course, breakdowns and congestion. In short, it is better to forget about scales during menstruation.

You just once again confirmed my suspicions that a sharp jump in weight by a couple of kilograms a week before menstruation is connected with them. They just reassured me, otherwise I was worried. Now I'm waiting for the end of my period and I'll see what's with the weight. Although I haven't seen this before.

I'm in real shock!

Oh me too weight before period grows by an average of 3-4 kilograms. I don’t even weigh myself at this time so as not to be upset.

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Overweight problems are a concern for all women and girls. Often, representatives of the weaker sex pay attention to the fact that body weight increases before menstruation. Why does weight increase during menstruation?

Women are interested in the fact: Why am I gaining extra pounds, does the weight increase with menzies temporarily? There are several reasons for this phenomenon.

Before the start of menstruation, the level of progesterone and estrogen in the body of a lady rises. An increase in hormones entails many changes in the body.

Fluid retention

Hormone failure provokes water retention in the body, in addition, it can cause constipation, disorders in the functioning of the intestines. The rectum is greatly relaxed, and this leads to constipation. After the end of menstruation, everything is normal. The intestines are cleansed, excess fluid is expelled from the body.

Diet change

As soon as ovulation occurs, the level of progesterone in the female body increases greatly, before the start of the cycle, estrogen and progesterone descend to the lowest level. Such indicators negatively affect the condition of a woman. They make her feel depressed. In an attempt to improve her mood, a woman begins to eat a lot,. During this period, it is very difficult to establish control, so the mass increases.

Enlargement of the uterus

Why before menstruation there is an increase in weight, the mass may increase due to the preparation of the uterus for the fertilization of the egg. The uterus is preparing for a possible pregnancy, the vessels grow, their inner layer thickens. Due to this, an increase in the volume of the uterus occurs.

You should not worry about weight gain during menstruation, as soon as menstruation is over, excess fluid will go away. Abdominal bloating with constipation will also disappear.

It is worth being attentive to those girls who, even after menstruation, are unable to moderate their appetite. In such a situation, the mass is added more than the norm, weight gain will not stop at two kilograms.

So that after menstruation the weight gained is completely gone, and there is no extra half a kilogram left, you need to follow some rules.

  1. Monitor your weight, control your weight daily, especially during menstruation.
  2. During a period of depression and bad mood, negative emotions should not be seized.
  3. Reconsider your diet, exclude from the menu all products that do not bring benefits.
  4. The best option for nutrition during menstruation is to create a menu for yourself that would include all the components necessary for the body.

How much does weight increase during menstruation? So many factors will depend on lifestyle.

How to avoid weight gain

If a woman watches her diet, then her weight before menstruation can increase by no more than one kilogram. This kilogram will leave as quickly and imperceptibly as it has accumulated.

In most women, weight gain is observed in the region of two kilograms. In order not to gain more and easily get rid of the added kilograms after menstruation, you must try to follow very relevant rules.

The main symptom of overeating is frequent weighing. You need to choose a specific day of the cycle and constantly write down the results. When the weight stays the same every month, there is nothing to worry about. If with each cycle the weight begins to increase, this is an occasion to think about your diet.

It provokes overeating during menstruation, a severe psycho-emotional state of a woman. During this period, she is irritable, alarmed. Women try to seize their negative emotions. If she abuses this, then returning the weight back to normal will be much more difficult.

You should try to distract yourself these days. You do not need to concentrate completely on your condition, spend more time in the fresh air, walk. Do not go into the kitchen once again without special need, so as not to succumb to temptation. Menstruation is not a reason to get depressed and gain fat.

Food quality control

Stop weight gain before menstruation girls are not able. This is a natural physiological process that is not controlled. For her part, a woman can maintain a state of body weight.

During menstruation, remove from your diet all fatty foods, fried, salty. Do not use sauces and mayonnaise. Minimize the consumption of vegetable oil. It is strictly necessary to give up alcohol, pastries and sweets.

It is very difficult to restrain your appetite during menstruation, since at this moment all metabolic processes of the body are actively working. The feeling of hunger varies depending on the period of the cycle. At the very beginning, a woman has a very strong appetite. In the following days, it decreases, so it is necessary to make efforts to lose weight right at the very beginning.

In the future, it is easier to control the process, monitor your nutrition. No need to eat junk food these days. The diet should include foods rich in long carbohydrates. These foods include vegetables and grains. It is useful during menstruation to eat bananas, watermelon, seeds, nuts and dried apricots. You need to give up sweets and starchy foods, reduce the consumption of protein: eggs, fish, sausages, meat.

Physical activity

It is very important for weight stabilization during menstruation not only to follow a diet, but also to play sports. Many women cannot fully give their body physical activity due to poor health. But light charging will only benefit. It could be dancing or swimming. Loads will not only tone the body, but also relieve psychological stress.

In addition, according to experts, light exercise can reduce appetite. During exercise, the body increases the level of catecholamine - adrenaline, this hormone promotes the breakdown of fats. Muscles in the process of work send impulses to the higher nervous system, thereby increasing its tone and eliminating depression. And when a person is busy with business and he has a great mood, then there is no desire and time to overeat.


When controlling weight, one should not forget that it is necessary to get enough vitamins and minerals.

During menstruation, a woman loses about 100 ml of blood. It's almost half a glass. Together with the blood, the body loses 30 mg of iron. Not all women tolerate this well. For most, this causes a lot of discomfort. During this period, women begin to worry about weakness, drowsiness, loss of strength. Many are watching. If during this period you do not give the body to fully eat, you can aggravate well-being.

As a result, women begin to worry about anemia. Feeling weak, they will actively eat, leaning on sweet and starchy foods. Although in this situation, you need to give preference to foods high in iron. These include brewer's yeast, bran, liver, seaweed. You can use iron in vitamins.

If the weight increases due to hormonal failure, then in this case the treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist. A woman needs to pass tests, on the basis of which the exact cause of the ailment is established. The choice of drugs and their dosage is always strictly individual. Taking hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription is prohibited, as it can cause complications.

Particular attention should be paid to situations where weight is gained, but not reduced after the completion of the cycle. This may be a symptom of a serious illness. And the disease may not be associated with the female reproductive system.

Many people confuse pregnancy with weight gain before menstruation. Weight gain during pregnancy begins to appear only in the second trimester.

The dependence of menstruation on age

It is easiest for girls to cope with extra pounds. The younger the body, the more clearly it works. When all metabolic processes are normal, there is no sharp jump in hormones, and, therefore, you can not be afraid of a strong weight gain.

As we age, our body's estrogen levels drop during menstruation. With the fall of the hormone, the body begins to demand the accumulation of adipose tissue. Appetite increases, followed by weight. In middle-aged women, there is more often a failure in the hormonal background, the menstrual cycle exacerbates the situation. The mass begins to increase more actively, but the decrease is more difficult.

Menstruation can bring us not only general malaise, discomfort, but also a couple of extra pounds. You don't have to worry about adding them. The right measures will help to easily get rid of them after the end of the cycle.