My office in the perfect world. Online games, free games, play online

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Review of the game Perfect World

perfect world is an online role-playing multiplayer game developed in China by Beijing Perfect World and adapted for the Russian audience by specialists from Astrum Nival.
With the help of the game, gamers can immerse themselves in the fascinating universe of Chinese mythology. The action takes place in Panga - a multi-faceted colorful universe, where sunny days are replaced by starry nights. The usual laws of gravity do not apply here, so everyone can fly through the air or arrange walks under water.

After registration, gamers have the following amazing opportunities at their disposal:

— Magic. It is based on five elements that are characteristic of the mythology of Chinese culture.

- Enough melee weapons. You can find options of any class and range.

- A wide range of uniforms.

- In the gameplay, you can use creatures that you need to summon.

- A large assortment of auxiliary elements - powders, potions and other things.

Each player can make his character unique; for this, the game has a well-developed appearance editor. You can adjust any detail of the face, everything is not limited to a standard set of different faces.

In total, there are three races in the game, while the gamer can develop both the magical and military class of his hero, each of them has its own characteristics.

- People - there are no unique external features, a traditional race. To fly, representatives of people use a big sword (acts as a surfboard).

- Seeds - representatives of this race can fly from the very birth. From the thirtieth level, it is not necessary to spend magical energy to fly, wings appear for this. A characteristic feature of the appearance is that there are small wings on the head.

- Zoomorphs are an unusual, exotic race of werewolves. Representatives are characterized by some external features that appear even when the character is in an unconverted state. If we talk about magicians, then this is the presence of animal tails or ears, if we consider the military class - the character has an animal head and skin.

The character develops depending on what choice the gamer makes, while this process is continuous. With each level in Perfect World, the player is given five points, which can be directed to the development of basic characteristics.

perfect world, 7.1 out of 10 based on 70 ratings

Perfect World is a popular online multiplayer client game that has already collected more than 30 million users worldwide. Client MMORPG Perfect World will take you to a fascinating world full of magic, incredible adventures, brutal wars and endless picturesque spaces. You have to choose your own path and go through it to the end. By starting to play the online game Perfect World you create a character, whether it be a mighty warrior, an insidious magician, a huge werewolf, an exquisite seed or a representative of the water world.

You can create a truly unique character, not only can you choose almost everything - a figure, skin color, four faces, a haircut, and so on, you can also upload a photo according to which the computer will create a character for you, if you want Brad Pete - please. In the online multiplayer game Perfect World, you can fight not only on land and water, but also in the sky.

Every race is capable of flight - Seeds have wings from birth, humans use special equipment, Zoomorphs control flying animals, Amphibians use fins. Thanks to swift flights, you will be able to get to even the most remote corners of the fantastic world of Perfect World. Thanks to the ability to assemble an army, you will be able to subjugate not only certain territories, but also entire settlements and cities, as a result, you can become the ruler of the entire ideal world.

In addition to wars and adventures, you can also arrange your virtual personal life - find a sweetheart, create a family, and you will open a number of quests that can only be completed by married couples. In general, the Perfect World online game is an incredible world of secrets and mysteries that you can conquer both alone and with the support of like-minded people.

Brief overview of the game:

perfect world- fantasy mmorpg, implemented in beautiful 3D graphics. The combat arsenal of the players includes magic (taken from Chinese mythology in the form of five elements), weapons (bows, axes, legs, swords, clubs, etc.), different types of uniforms (chain mail, bracelets, helmets, leggings, etc.). as well as creatures, various powders and potions.
In its original form, the game was distributed with a subscription to a monthly fee. PW found its peak of popularity precisely at the moment when the developers switched the game to the mode ("free-to-play").

Download Perfect World (PW) client

This version of the Perfect World client is designed to play on a free official Russian server

To start playing, you need to register your account

and download the game in one of the following ways:

Launcher.exe is a special downloader program that allows you to download or install games online. The principle of its operation is similar to "Torrent" programs, with the only difference being that Launcher-downloaders are created by developers separately for each game.

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol - “hypertext transfer protocol”) is an application layer data transfer protocol (originally in the form of hypertext documents). HTTP is now ubiquitous on the World Wide Web for retrieving information from websites.

If you have any problems with creating an account, installing the client or launching the game, please refer to the "Technical Support" section of the official website.

System requirements

The latest version of the DirectX library, as well as the latest driver updates for NVIDIA and ATI Radeon video cards, can be downloaded from the following links

To find out the system settings for your computer:

1. Click "Start" => "Run"
2. In the line that appears, enter the command "dxdiag" (without quotes) and click OK
3. Select the "System" tab and look at the computer settings

Developed in China, MMORPG "Perfect World" can measure the popularity of such well-known projects as "World of Warcraft" and "Lineage 2"

Just imagine - more than 30 million players from all over the world and different versions of the gameplay for some countries.

Video Games - Perfect World Trailer

By the way, the North American version is considered the international version, and the rights to the Russian-language toy belong to So what is the "ideal world" like?

History and today

The simple concise plot of "PW" is based on Chinese mythology.

At first, only the god Pan Gu existed, but he was lonely in the universe. Therefore, he created elemental elements, and then the whole world, populated it with animals and representatives of three races.

True, he did not have time to enjoy the result of his creations, when Soulless creatures appeared, bringing death and destruction. We'll have to fight them to return the world to its ideality.

Now "Perfect World" - it's beautiful graphics, diverse locations and deserving special attention to great instrumental music, providing a complete immersion in adventure.

Where to begin?

Traditionally, the game starts with character creation and choosing a race with a class. Here we'll talk about them. It is important to note the excellent features of the hero's uniqueness, thanks to which you can create your own copy or parody of your favorite actor.

After the release of numerous additions, the races in the game became not 3, but 5. Each race can choose from two classes.


Representatives of the race look gentle and sophisticated, and their main difference from other characters is the wings, which make it possible to fly from the first level.

They can be archers (deal physical damage with any ranged weapon) and priests (emphasis on healing and supporting allies).


You are probably familiar with the appearance of people. They fly with the help of special swords. With the choice of classes, everything is simple: warriors and magicians.


A race close to the wild, a mixture of humans and animals. They get along well with birds and animals, so they can tame them for flying and riding. Male zoomorphs can be werewolves, and females can be druids.


For a long time they lived under water, but the attacks of the monsters forced them to get out. They can swim in the form of a mermaid and fly with their gills-wings. Classes: the killer is an excellent DDshnik, and the shaman, he is also a magician.


A new mysterious race that fly with the help of special devices resembling kites. Guardians are melee fighters, and mystics can call on the help of demons from neighboring worlds.

Combat options

Well, have you figured out the class? It's time to learn about the possibilities of PvP and PvE. The game is fine with this:

  • Upon reaching level 30, you can attack other players wherever you want. As expected, you will abuse - get the mark of the killer and become a tasty prey for other players.
  • Players of initial levels can also attack everyone in a row in special locations.
  • And there are duels that are available from the very beginning of the game.
  • You can gather with the whole clan and go to capture the territory, destroying the monsters living there. From the land you will receive income.
  • If she's already taken, no problem. Go to war with another clan, destroy their tower with a catapult and laugh at the defeated enemy with a special interaction feature.
  • Of course, there are enough quests, mobs for hunting, as well as dungeons where you should go in company.

When you get tired of fighting- study one of the professions, for example, the creation of armor, weapons, jewelry, runes or medicines. Yes, even all at the same time!

What else?

And yet, the most important thing in PW is not battles and military achievements, but communication with other players. Oh, there are so many possibilities for this!

Long courtship, horse riding, serenade under the moonlight, weddings, divorces, showdowns and dances in the town square. What is the salvation of the world when it is so interesting to find a soul mate!

"Perfect World" is exactly the kind of game where a girl can go rocking in one outfit, then put on a dress for socializing in the square, and later recolor it for a date.

World popularity Perfect World

"Perfect World" is popular all over the world and there is a logical explanation for this. Bright colorful graphics, wonderful music, thousands of quests and many opportunities.

There are many more women in the game than in other similar projects. Well, do you already understand why?