Young teacher. Young teachers and sex scandals

1. Girls in hard labor
- I will not work here! I'm going to hell! Got it, infection! I'm going to fig!
Meet these young teachers. Here is this tall beauty with black curls, from which so much abuse has now flown out - Toffee. Next to her are two girls: blonde, in a strict striped suit and glasses - Elena, thin, pretty, in a smart yellow sundress - Yuna. Toffee has finished her work day, and she says the same thing she always says at the end of the work day. Her friends try to calm her down a little.
- Hush, Iriska, hush, - says Elena. - What if someone comes in? Will it be beautiful?
- They bugged me! There is no discipline! So that they all in ... fail! All my nerves are exhausted, assholes!
- Well, what are you, really, - Yuna strokes Iriska's hand. - I also have noisy classes, so what? Wait a little, in time everything will be fine.
All three girls were teachers. This year, Yuna and Iriska's friends came to work at the school. Yuna taught literature, and Iriska taught geography. At school, they became friends with a young mathematician, Elena Kokotkina, who worked for one year before them.
The job of a teacher is hard work. Friends did not know from which side to approach such a complex matter.
- Butterscotch! Yuna said during the big recess. “Listen, Iris. Here the guys say that you use foul language in class. This is true?
- So-so ... Toffee frowns. - Is this Okraskina from the sixth "G" enlightening you?
- It doesn't matter who. It is important that you are a teacher, and you should not humiliate yourself like that.
- Have mercy, friend! What humiliation? When I yell at them, they just shut up.
- Aren't you ashamed? You are a teacher! It is unworthy for a teacher to say such words! We need to reassure the class in a more civilized way.
“Hmm…” Butterscotch smirks. - Here you are, Yunochka, you are well-bred with us, and you don’t humiliate yourself with bad words, but at the lesson your children yell like half-cut ones, excuse me. Does your upbringing help you?
“I really haven’t found the right approach to keep my class quiet,” Yuna admitted. But I'm trying, I'm looking.
- Look here! Iris laughed out loud. – And I will do as the whole world is doing now.
Why are you at school at all? Yuna didn't hesitate. - Linen! she called. - Len, well, at least tell her!
- Yuna, - the seasoned Elena began cautiously, - you know, it seems to me that you are wrong. Understand, it can be difficult for Iriska to restrain herself, she has been working here for the first year, and we have loads all day long, so her nerves sometimes fail ...
- Do you and I get tired less? Yuna was outraged. “However, such words are not heard from us.
- Yun, well, not everyone has iron nerves ...
- And if a teenager swears at your lesson? Yuna asked calmly.
- In terms of?
- What if a teenager was shaking and saying a bad word in your lesson?
At this point, Elena for some reason turned the conversation to something else. Nobody understood why.

2. Mysterious guy
He was a handsome and mysterious guy. Outwardly, he did not really look like a mysteriously incomprehensible hero. Charming blond, but with a cheeky, laid-back expression. Only his light chocolate eyes were shrouded in mystery.
At first, Yuna was afraid of him. Now there are only dangers in the country, it is even impossible to think that there is something good and beautiful left. It was early autumn. Yuna finished her lessons and went home. Yuna. As always, she looked as if she was going somewhere for a casting - made up, in white shoes, with a neat hairstyle, decorated with a yellow hairpin.
On the way, a guy with light chocolate eyes became attached to her.
- Girl, let's get acquainted, - he told her.
“I don’t meet on the streets,” Yuna snapped.
- And do not want to make a deviation from the rule?
- Not.
She quickened her steps. He caught up with her.
- And I know everything about you! the guy shouted. – Your name is Yuna, you teach literature at school and you don’t have a husband.
Yuna turned to the boy, hit him on the head with her white purse, and quickly ran away.
The next day, Yuna and Toffee left the school together. A chocolate-eyed boy walked next to them.
- Hi girls! - he said.
"Butterscotch, let's go faster," Yuna whispered. - He's not normal.
- Yah? – Butterscotch turned to guy. - Hi boy! She smiled coquettishly. - Why did you decide to meet us?
- I want to meet your girlfriend, - answered the "abnormal" guy. “Yesterday she hit me on the head with a bag… Yuna, aren’t you ashamed to break my suffering heart?”
"Don't be ashamed," Yuna said and walked faster. Toffee and the guy ran after her.
- Yuna! Iris screamed. - Well, where are you?
“Listen,” Yuna said, “I don't want to deal with psychos. If you want, take it for yourself.
- And this is an idea! My name is Irina, - she introduced herself with a smile of painted lips, - and you?
- Irina, I'm sorry, but I'm interested in your friend, - said the chocolate-eyed guy.
But Yuna had already disappeared into the entrance.
This guy now often followed Yuna to her entrance. If Iriska was nearby, she was wildly happy about the appearance of a guy and began to flirt with him. He answered her with jokes and paid attention only to Yuna. The guy not only never touched her, but also did not make a single dirty hint. Still, Yuna was annoyed by this walk from school to home - her, her girlfriends, and that chocolate-eyed baker on the side.

3. My beautiful Elena
Amorous affairs did not bypass any of the three friends. Iriska embarrassed her students with charms protruding from the neckline of a bright sarafan, bare arms and shoulders, a colorful scarf, which she seemed to casually let through her slender leg. Yuna has a chocolate-eyed admirer. And Elena fell in love with one of the ninth graders.
In Danil's classroom, the air was saturated with obscenities, and Danil recalled the complex beauty of the expressions in the lyrics. Danil grabbed the triples in all subjects, and a beautiful, elusive female image hovered before his eyes. Ridicule flew at Danil, and he tried to write some clumsy poems about this image.
He liked Elena because of her calm grandeur, her sense of her own dignity, the intelligent gleam in her eyes. He so wanted to talk to her about it so that she could guess how much she meant to him!
And such a conversation took place.
Danil. Can I talk to you?
Elena. Can. And about what? (She sat down at the teacher's desk, he was next to her at the desk)
Danil. I don’t know exactly how to start ... I love one teacher, but she doesn’t pay attention to me at all. What can I do to get her interested in me somehow?
Elena. So you love her. And she doesn't like it. Or doesn't notice you.
Danil. Yes…
Elena. You know, I generally think ... The best thing is if you leave her behind.
Danil. Why do you think so? I do love her!
Elena. And she? She doesn't love you. You think about your feelings, but you don't think about her feelings.
Danil. But she can still love me! Well, I must still at least try to win her love!
Elena. You say that as if you want to subjugate her to yourself ... Have you read Pushkin, "I loved you"?
Daniel (happily). Yes, yes, I read! Good poem! I learned it by heart!
Elena. Remember, there are such lines: “I loved you: love, perhaps, has not completely died out in my soul; but don't worry about it anymore, I don't want to make you sad in any way." Pushkin does not say to his girlfriend: “No, you love me, I demand your love!”
Danil. No, but this is something else ... How will I live, knowing that she does not have a reciprocal feeling for me?
Elena. And for love, a reciprocal feeling is not necessary. You can just love and be happy with what you love. And there is no need for reciprocity.
DANIL [getting up abruptly and pushing back his chair]. I will go.
Elena still did not know that love is not a meaningless prayer, but a desire for mutual feelings from a living person. Even in the film "Formula of Love", the hero could not stand the worship of a dead marble statue and fell in love with a living warm girl capable of love.
“I wonder who he fell in love with? - thought Elena and answered herself: - In Iriska, most likely. She is our sex bomb!”
And Danil left the class and tried to recreate the female image to which his poems were dedicated. But the beautiful face was completely erased from his memory. Where are you, image? Either it vanished into thin air, or it shattered into pieces...

4. After the parent meeting
Yuna always felt insecure at parent-teacher conferences. Today, too, there was a meeting, and she experienced a feeling of insecurity that she had never experienced before. A chocolate-eyed guy was sitting in the back of the desk, fiddling with his sweater collar and staring straight at Yuna. She could not understand how he ended up here and why he was looking at her with chocolate eyes.
Yuna barely waited for the meeting to end. When everyone except the guy dispersed, she went up to him and asked, barely holding back her anger:
- What do you need here? How did you even leak into this meeting?
- Quiet, quiet, - the guy spoke, getting up from his chair. - Okay, you got me. I am the elder brother of Vlad Sinichkin. My name is Igor. I saw you in the schoolyard and fell in love.
- Fell in love? Yuna asked in confusion.
Chocolate eyes hypnotized her. When Yunino’s consciousness cleared up for a minute, she immediately imagined the following picture: a guy and a girl in an empty office, he says: “I fell in love”, fills her up on the table ...
- Get out of here! she screamed.
“Yonochka, calm down,” Igor laughed.
- Leave immediately! I will scream!
- Okay, I'm leaving, - at the door Igor turned around and said: - But if I go crazy with grief, it will be entirely on your conscience.
Igor left the classroom, took a few steps and stopped. Why is the girl who is called a teacher reacting to him like that? Now no one believes in the good intentions of the guys. And the Yuna girl doesn't believe it either. And he loves her. Igor wanted to get to know Yuna better, who had not left his thoughts since that memorable day. When he first saw her. He could not tell her well about his love. Love filled him and even overflowed, love no longer fit in Igor. But his beloved did not believe that now a guy can not only abuse a girl, but simply love her.
And now what should he do to make her believe?

5. Depression by Okraskina
When Wanda Okraskina became depressed, Wanda asked Elena for help - "you know, I have depression." Elena only had time to think: “Why is she contacting me, we seem to have psychologists.” And Wanda considered Elena smart, reasonable, and, in general, Elena was an authority for Wanda. The girl thought about who could help her, and was completely sure that Elena was the person she needed.
Wanda told a classic story of adolescence: scandals at home, dizziness from crazy girlfriends, betrayal of a loved one. Slowly, little by little, all this drove the healthy girl into depression. Elena listened and looked at her watch - just at that time she, Iriska and Yuna were supposed to go home together.
“I'm sorry,” she finally interrupted, “but I don't know how to listen to the way psychologists do it. I would just suggest forgetting about it. Well, or turn to a psychologist if you want to talk about it.
- Thanks! Wanda laughed. - I already went to a psychologist ... - Then the story went that not everyone likes her direct adamant character, and the psychologists didn’t like it either.
"I know why it's like this," Elena said. - You see everything only in black and white, not distinguishing shades. This is called youthful maximalism. You constantly fight with someone, recognizing only your aspects. Here, look, - Elena takes a piece of paper that has turned up and writes several times: “I, I, I, I.” - Now, when you spoke, you also repeated all the time: “I, I, I.”
Wanda has always admired Elena's ability to speak well. But now the teacher's eloquence overwhelmed Wanda. She herself could not convincingly explain that since she was talking about her specific problems, she naturally said the word "I". If the story were, for example, about Wanda's girlfriend, then Wanda would repeat the name of the girlfriend.
- What does youthful maximalism have to do with it? – could only squeeze out Wanda. I just asked you to help me...
“And why, exactly, are you asking me about this?” Do you want to pour out your negative emotions on me? There is, after all, another way - to write down everything about your depression in a diary. That's all.
- Yes, I didn’t mean at all that I want to load you with my problems ... I need support ...
- No, why should this support come from me? Do you want me to be your girlfriend? And between us there should be only business relations.
Wanda bowed to Elena from the waist, thanking her for understanding.
"Please, please," Elena smiled.
Leaving, Wanda said that she did not blame Elena, since Elena did not live her life and, therefore, could not understand the whole nightmare of Wanda's life.
What right do you have to accuse me of anything? Elena finally snapped.
They seemed to switch roles: the restrained Elena screamed, driven to anger by Wanda's strange speeches, and the irreconcilable Wanda calmly looked into her face. Wanda's lips smiled, and her eyes suffered.
The girl is gone. “Well, here,” Elena thought angrily, taking her purse, “now Yuna and Iriska definitely didn’t wait for me.” But, leaving the classroom, she immediately saw her friends. They played the game of rock, paper, scissors like little kids. Elena told her friends the story of Wanda.
- And what am I saying! Iris said. – This Okraskina is greying out every day. In fact, are you her friend, or what?
"I think you're wrong," Yuna told Elena. - If I were you, I would be glad that this girl, by the way, is very difficult, she trusts me.
- Yuna, but understand, this is not at all the question that I am obliged to solve. Okraskina may well turn to her friends for help ... or pour out her soul to her diary.
"Didn't you think that she trusts you more than her girlfriends?" And as for the diary, it will not replace compassion from others.
- And what are you arguing? Iris said. It's clear that Lucy is right. With Okraskinskaya's reputation for teachers, it's better not to meddle.
“But you are white and fluffy,” Yuna said. “You still can’t forget that Wanda criticized you?”
- Here, you yourself say, - Elena noticed, - that Wanda criticizes Iriska. And she has no right to criticize teachers. Between her and us there should be only business relations and nothing more.
Yuna was simply amazed at the thick skin of her friends. Well, there's nothing to take from Iriska, that's clear, but Lena! Lena, who has always been so smart, understanding everything in the world, able to solve any problem! Yuna somehow drifted to Elena for a lesson. Elena at that moment spoke with amazing eloquence about the mutual respect people had for each other. Elena, who was supposed to be a prosaic mathematician, spoke so well that Yuna forgot why she had come, after listening to Elena's speech ... So, those beautiful words are worthless?
- Have any of you read the books of Yuri Yakovlev? Yuna asked.
- Is that the one who wrote "Sex with Caramel"? – vividly interested Iriska.
- No, Iriska, I'm not talking about those writers that you read, but about a great man ... Have you read him? Yuna turned to Elena.
Yes, I read a little.
- Yakovlev has a story about the war. The heroine of the story worked as a teacher. The Nazis wanted to shoot four young people, one of them was her son, the rest were students. And so the boys were taken to be shot, and the mother could save her son. But she looked at her students, remembered everything that connected them, and said: "They are all my sons." They were shot... Do you think that heroine shared your views?
- You see, Yuna, - Elena smiled, - then it was a different time. Pupils respected their teachers, teachers appreciated them for it. But now it's not like that. Children are more and more loose, teachers have no authority for them. Naturally, teachers also experience negative emotions from this generation.
- Oh, who are you talking about? Iris intervened. - This retro young lady Yunka is stuck somewhere in the tenth century, she does not understand modern children.
"You're right about something," Yuna said, ignoring Toffee. – Of course, now there are many not the best children. But the teachers are now also becoming smaller. Which of them will our children now respect?
- And which of the children will we respect? Elena asked. Have you thought about us?
- In every class, besides disgusting students, there are people with a high threshold of morality. And our task is to see them and not to disgrace ourselves in front of them.
“Your eyes are blue,” Elena said.
- Blue. So what? Yours are grey, Iriska's are brown.
- And you with your blue eyes see everything in a beautiful sky color.
“Your eyes are gray,” Yuna said. You see everything in grey. You told Wanda that she sees everything in white and black, you call it youthful maximalism, but you yourself don’t even distinguish between these two colors. Black and white have merged for you into one gray color.
They were already approaching Yuna's door. And Yuna went into her porch without even saying goodbye to her friends.
Carried away by the conversation, none of them noticed that chocolate-eyed Igor was walking nearby.

6. Remaining
At the end of the school year, three friends decided, as one, to leave school. It was too obvious that they could not cope with the role of teachers. It would seem that everything is fine, but Yuna's discipline is not good in the lessons, and Elena, looking at the students, cannot understand what is inside them, and everyone has managed to hate Toffee in general.
"Come on, Yun, let's get out of here together!" Iris insisted. – Well, it didn’t work out for us here – and … with them, life doesn’t end there!
"You're expressing yourself again," Yuna replied absently.
Yes, it’s good for Iriska: it didn’t work out at school, it didn’t grow together - it’s okay, she will move to another place. Elena is not used to burdening someone with her emotions, but it seems that it is also not very difficult for her to part with work, where she worked, although little, but longer than her friends. But Yuna felt sad for some reason. The news of the departure of young teachers spread throughout the school.
- Have you heard? They are going away!
- Well, thank God! Danil grumbled, not yet forgotten the insult inflicted on him by the stone girl Elena.
- Mathematician and geographer are leaving - that's good, - said Wanda. - It is high time. But that the writer is leaving - it's a pity ...
The writer at that time was sitting in her class - perhaps for the last time. Yuna thought: how did she already get used to this place, to people. And now you have to drop everything and go no one knows where. Maybe, in fact, it’s not her destiny to work here?
Yuna knew that bad teachers were now infiltrating schools, and so she decided to go to work in some school so that there would be more one Teacher with a capital letter. Yuna saw it as her duty to ensure that her place of work does not turn into a wild forest, but becomes one where people will always find warmth and understanding.
Yuna realized with regret that there are many circumstances due to which she cannot become not only a teacher, but also an ordinary teacher. Yuna was well versed in literature, but when speaking on the subject, she never knew how to express her thoughts. Discussing ordinary everyday issues, even then she found it difficult to speak coherently and convincingly, and from the thought that it was necessary to clearly explain the world classics to the people, she simply became ill. True, sometimes she could speak with feeling and expressiveness about something, but this was only if emotions were overwhelmed, and in most cases, Yuna could not even defend her point of view, since she did not know how to speak well. Then, she absolutely did not know how to establish silence in the lesson. Iriska, when there was noise at her lessons, she began to scream herself, not embarrassed in expressions, and blocked all extraneous noises with her sonorous voice. It didn’t work out for Yuna, and even if she tried to raise her voice, it would be better if she didn’t try. Yuna usually said that, well, if no one wants to listen, she can not teach the lesson at all.
I had to deal with my shortcomings. At home, Yuna practiced in front of the mirror - she talked about the life of great writers. On the way to school, Yuna diligently collected thoughts about this or that work in her head. And finally she got her way! We talked about Lermontov's Masquerade. Yuna enthusiastically, almost in one breath, talked about the essence of the "Masquerade". For a minute she stopped and did not even believe that she spoke so fluently - Elena should have said such words. Then she was afraid that, having stopped, she would no longer be able to speak so beautifully. Fears were unnecessary - Yuna further explained the topic just as well. No one even chatted - they listened to Yun.
But the main thing is this. No matter how much Yuna wanted to join the slender ranks of ideal teachers, she felt that something was missing in her. Something is missing from fate. Of course, being like her is better than being like the cultureless Iriska or Elena with her ostentatious beautiful words. And yet, Yun, apparently, will never make it to the Teacher.
Behind her, the door slammed loudly. Yuna turned around. Wanda Okraskina entered the class. Yuna heard that the teachers had two completely opposite opinions about her. Some said that this is a friendly sweet girl, serious in class and friendly in communication. Others considered Wanda to be impudent, unrestrained in her language, boorish, and Iriska said words about her that Yuna was even mentally uncomfortable to pronounce. Yuna herself looked at Wanda and wondered how anyone could have a bad opinion about her at all.
"Hi," Wanda said. - Tell me, is it true that you are leaving school?
"Yes," Yuna replied.
"Don't leave us, please," Wanda said, as always saying what she feels.
"You really don't want me to leave?" Yuna was dumbfounded. But you've only known me for a year...
- Yes. During this year, I realized that you are a very good teacher. From the young, for some reason, all the time we came across completely stupid interns. And you are just perfect. You are made to work in school. I even ended my depression because of you, believe me?
"I'm happy for you," Yuna said. And thanks for the kind words. But, Wanda, I'm not what you think I am. I'm just a girl who wanted to be a teacher. I make a lot of mistakes and feel less comfortable at school than you do.
“But you are just starting to work,” Wanda smiled. - And we have a lot of teachers who should not be allowed to go to school. If you worked here, there would be one more good teacher. I want to see more human faces!
"Thank you, Wanda," Yuna whispered.
She didn't know why she was thanking Wanda. But she knew she wasn't going anywhere. Her place is here, no matter how difficult it is for her.
After class, Yuna said to her friends, “I’m staying. And you, really, it is better to try yourself in another profession. Yuna didn't say a word about Wanda, fearing Iriska's reaction, but she knew that this difficult, strict girl in her judgments asked her to stay, called Yuna an ideal teacher.
On the way home, the ideal teacher looked around to see if Igor, the guy with chocolate eyes, was somewhere. And, when she completely despaired of meeting him, he himself approached her.
- Yuna, I love you more and more every day, - Igor said.
Chocolate eyes bewitched, beckoned Yuna, and she felt: another second - and she would follow these eyes anywhere ...

1. Debra Lafave

Florida middle school teacher Debra Beasley Lafave was charged in 2006 with having had sex with her 14-year-old student on numerous occasions, including once in a car while his 15-year-old cousin was driving. It was hard for many to believe that such a young and pretty girl sacrificed her young family for the sake of an underage school student. (AP Photo/St. Petersburg Times)

2. Debra Lafave was a reading teacher at the Greco School in Temple Terres, Florida, USA when she was accused in 2004 of having sex with a boy under the age of 16. Lafave was sentenced to three years of house arrest and seven years of probation. Many wondered if a male teacher who had sex with his underage student would receive an equally light punishment. (AP Photo/Hillsborough County Jail)

3. Debra pictured after her hearing in 2007. This time, she was accused of speaking inappropriately with a work colleague at the restaurant where she worked. According to police, the girls talked about family problems, boyfriends and sex. Such conversations are not allowed under the terms of her probation. (AP Photo/Chris O Meara)

4. Pamela Rogers Turner

Pamela Rogers Turner, a small-town gym teacher and movie-star-looking former basketball player, has been accused of having sex with a 13-year-old student, once at the gym. She was sentenced to 8 years in prison, but she only served 9 months. (AP Photo/The Southern Standard)

5. Even after serving a sentence of 9 months, Pamela could not forget her 13-year-old lover. After leaving prison, she continued to contact the boy, sending him texts, photos and videos of sexual content. (AP Photo/Warren County Sheriff)

6. In July 2006, Pamela Rogers was sentenced to 7 years in prison for violating probation. At the hearing, she said: "I am ready to do everything to improve." However, in 2007, she received another two years in prison for sending the same boy a nude photo of herself. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

7. MaryKay Lethornu-Fauula

In this photo, former elementary school teacher Mary Kay hears a court verdict in Seattle in 1998. Then 35-year-old Mary - wife and mother of four children was accused of raping a child - Vili Fualaau. He was in second grade when they met and was only 12 when they first had sex. (AP Photo/Alan Berner)

8. Mary Kay gave birth to a child from Willy in July 1997, when the boy was only 14 years old. She was found guilty of rape and sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. (AP Photo/The Seattle Times)
9. After serving time, Mary Kay married her once-underage lover Vili Fualaau, they have two children together. Now, 47-year-old Mary and her husband Wily have even been able to make fun of their situation by creating a series of "Hot Teachers" parties at a local nightclub. (AP Photo/The Insider)
10. Sandra Beth Giselle

Former Catholic Boys' School English teacher Sandra Beth Giselle has been accused of raping a 16-year-old student. Some believe that the victim was just a girl. (AP Photo/Tom Killips)

11. Giselle reappeared in the newspapers a year later, but this time the "protagonist" was her husband - the president of the bank - who was accused of sexual harassment. Giselle was released and became a Level 1 sex offender. (Colonie Police Department)

12. Eber Jennings

30-year-old high school teacher Amber Jennings was accused of having sexual intercourse with a 16-year-old student. She was accused of "illegal intercourse with a minor" and that she sent him naked photos of herself. (AP Photo/The Telegram & Gazette)

13. In September 2005, Amber Jennings was found guilty of "distributing harmful material to a minor." She admitted that she sent photos of a sexual nature to a 16-year-old student. (AP Photo/The Telegram & Gazette)
14. Carrie McCandless

Carrie McCandless was found guilty of inappropriate sexual relations with a high school student. The 29-year-old teacher was sentenced to 5 years probation. (AP Photo/Sherri Barber)

15. Teacher Carrie McCandless, who was also the wife of the headmaster, was accused of having sex with a 17-year-old student during a country trip with the class. (AP Photo/Jefferson County Jail)

16. Emmy Victoria Beck

Emmy Victoria Beck amazed the police when she came and admitted that she had a relationship with a 14-year-old schoolboy for 9 months. The 33-year-old former teacher was sentenced to two years in prison. (CBS/KCAL)

17. Heather Lynn Zeo

Math teacher Heather Lynn Zeo was fired from her job for allegedly having sex with one of her students in the back seat of her family van and texting him sexual content. (

18. Heather Lynn Zeo was accused of endangering the health of a child and four counts of child abuse. She has three children and runs her own website, where she publishes songs with Christian lyrics, as well as songs for learning mathematics. (AP Photo/The Reporter)
19. Lisa Glide

The soap opera actress has become a controversial teacher. She was sentenced to five years' probation after being found guilty of sleeping with a schoolboy twice. But the alleged 17-year-old victim claimed he was the one stalking her. In her defense, the guy, who is now in his second year at university, sent a letter with the text "Lisa Glide is not a sexual predator." (WCBS)

20. Melissa Petro

Melissa Petro, a New York City elementary school teacher, was fired when her school learned that Melissa had once worked as a prostitute. The girl taught art for three years at one of the schools in the Bronx, and she managed to hide her past from the parents of students and management. (Personal Photo)

21. Everything came to light when 30-year-old Melissa wrote a statue on the Internet criticizing a site for removing ad blocks advertising sex services. (Personal Photo)
22. Terika Dai

A science teacher was kicked out of school when the kids found out she was once a porn actress. (CBS/KFVS)

23. Tara Driscoll

A teacher from New York was accused of having sexual intercourse with an underage student in a motel. The mother of the victim found out about this, and she handed Tara over to the police. (Nassau County Police Department)

24. Loni Folks

Elementary school teacher Lonnie Marie Folks was found guilty of sexual contact with a 16-year-old student. She was charged when found guilty of sleeping with a 16-year-old Italian exchange student who lived in her home. She was given 12 years probation. (WKRG)

25. Sheral Smith

Former tutor Sheral Smith was sentenced to 7 years in prison after being accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy. She was not his teacher. (School Photo/Mug Shot)

26. Stacey Schuler

A 33-year-old Ohio gym teacher was found guilty of having sex with five students. Some of them were football players. One of the students admitted that he and a friend had sex with Stacey at her home. (Warren County Jail)

27. Carroll Ann Hope

South Carolina math teacher Caroll Ann Hope, 36, was found guilty of having sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old student. (Darlington County Detention Center)

They asked young teachers what it is like to teach the mind-reason of high school students when you yourself are just from the university bench. A few stories about flirting, being locked in the classroom and being bullied by parents. / a frame from the film "A Very Bad Teacher" is illustrative

“I had to explain that I don’t rate for likes”

Natalia, 23 years old, English teacher:

“My first 11th grade, which I came to work right after university, consisted of solid boys and only one girl. At first I was scared, for some reason I was sure that it would be very difficult to find a common language with the guys. But in the end it turned out that it was much cooler and easier to communicate with them.

Of course, I had to become much more restrained on my pages on social networks, and I even hid a couple of photos - out of harm's way. Children are constantly in VK, they watch the feed regularly and shower likes on everything that I have there. And I just don’t know how else to explain to students that their likes will not affect their grades in any way.

When I was at university, I was going to be a strict teacher: no concessions, the strictest discipline, clear answers and high scores only to those who really tried to deserve them.

But being among children, it is impossible to maintain the image of the “iron lady” for a long time: one fine day you will still be struck by a smile or laughter, and that’s all - the ice has broken ... Well, like it or not, but your favorites appear. And since the teaching staff is female, we most often sympathize with the boys.

Moreover, we sometimes catch ourselves thinking that we put a higher mark not for knowledge, but for charisma and charm, but we can’t do anything with ourselves. Acquaintances, to whom she praised her boy students, joked: “So choose one and grow up“ for yourself ”! But I just laugh back, of course.

In general, there are enough flirtations from the boys, and the battle for the first desk among them was from the first day. Any of my requests is fulfilled with a bang: to draw water, water the flowers, carry bags to the house. Of course, it also happened that it came to an offer to take a walk together, but I had to pull myself up: “I'm a teacher!”. The trouble is that modern schoolchildren do not look their age, and they behave too liberated ...

Thanks to my “kids”, I discovered a lot of new talents in myself: it turns out that I can yell very well; I manage to drink tea at recess, while keeping the door locked from restless children; I instantly fall asleep in any free minute. And I think I have a lot of such discoveries ahead of me!”

"They said:" Fuck you with your algebra! .. "

Maria, 22, math teacher:

“This is my first year at school, teaching mathematics to ninth graders. The school is the most ordinary, in a residential area where ordinary factory workers live. More or less gifted and interested in learning children go to gymnasiums after elementary school, and, as they say, what is left is left to me and my colleagues ... Many students have divorced parents, some of them drink, some of them - brother sits...

In general, the first few months I sobbed with enviable frequency. It’s good that I’m still at home, and not with my “young monsters”, who diligently drove me as best they could.

Every time I tried to write something on the blackboard or bend over the fallen chalk, the guys began to make voluptuous moans or demonstrate obscene gestures to each other, pointing at me.

They could play on their phones during the lesson, put on headphones, spit chewed paper, did not listen at all. Neither deuces, nor trips to the director, nor the calls of parents to school - nothing took them.

By doing such petty but nasty dirty tricks, they directly reveled in their bad manners and impunity. They said: “Yes, you would go with your algebra, the main thing for me is to finish the 9th ...”.

And when parents came to school at my call, they sometimes turned out to be no better than their children. Like, what kind of “teacher” is such that she cannot teach their son anything, but only complains: it’s not right for her, and it’s not like that ...

But you can't get away from the distribution submarine. I tried to abstract as much as possible from the main disturbers of my peace and focus on those who listen to me at least a little in the classroom. I even went to a psychologist a couple of times. After six months it got better.

Now, just wait a couple of months until the holidays, hold out. And there, let's hope, most of my “inveterate” ones will no longer go to the 10th grade ...

But be that as it may, I reassure myself that such a school of life really hardens and takes off rose-colored glasses. I did not stop loving the teaching profession. But I really hope that these will be the first and last such inadequate students on my way.” / a frame from the film "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" is illustrative

“At 25, I have 22 children!”

Lyubov, 25 years old, teacher of Russian language and literature:

“When I first came to the distribution of the load and they told me that I would lead the 10th grade, I was scared. I was frightened most of all by the fact that I would go into the classroom, and no one would want to listen to me, because some students look older than me, and someone is a head taller than me, or even two ...

Initially, I thought that only strictness, shouting can earn authority. And she was wrong. It was even strange when, at the end of my second year, the new tenth graders said to me: “When you first entered the class, so strict, in black, we thought that our happy days were over. And you, it turns out, are so cool!

It's just that students (of any age, by the way) are individuals, they are exactly the same people as all of us, only less. And by listening to their opinions, listening to them and sharing their interests (I, for example, like many guys, are a big fan of superhero themes), you will earn the respect that you are waiting for.

Yes, they are different. At their age, we behaved differently, the school and teachers were treated differently. But we were in their place, which, I think, should not be forgotten by either young teachers or experienced ones.

High school students show signs of attention, yes. They help to bring a magazine, stacks of notebooks, a laptop to the teacher's room. It's nice, of course. And there was not a day at school that one of the students would not tell me how good I look today. But I think it's still a sign of respect, nothing more. Or maybe a desire to make friends.

In general, in my experience, it is more difficult with boys up to the ninth grade - the age is difficult. And it’s harder with girls in grades 10-11, at that time they become very wayward. Although some come to me for advice, including in their personal lives. All school passions and "Santa Barbara" are immediately visible to the teacher.

And sometimes you have to take a direct part in the "showdown". For example, to help build bridges in a situation where a girl, after breaking up with a boy, started dating his friend and the class was oh so restless ...

At the moment I am a class teacher for ninth graders. Anything can happen, of course. I cried because of them (both from happiness and resentment), I scolded them, I still sometimes shout at them.

But if one of the subject teachers complains about them, I still defend them. It may be difficult with them, but these are my children: 22 “my” children. We learn from each other every day. I have them - life and my subject, and I have them - communication with the new generation and love for everything new.

“The children are afraid of me, but my colleague, it was the case, was even locked in the office”

Olga, 24 years old, English teacher:

“Joining a team with adults, experienced teachers was even scarier than going to the first lesson with children. After all, before that you are at school and at the university mostly with your peers. I was very worried about this age difference, and in fact it turned out to be really difficult.

Many colleagues asked me to help them, for example, print something, create a presentation, and I didn’t refuse anyone, but after six months I was really tired of being an “errand girl” and I finally learned to say “no”.

But I was not afraid of meeting with children, but on the contrary, I was waiting for her. I had so much enthusiasm and ideas, it seemed to me that I could teach English to everyone and everyone, but in reality everything turned out differently. Naturally, there are children who study with pleasure, and there are those who do not care about all this knowledge. Sometimes she offered tasks to children, and there were those who refused to complete them - I had to come up with something on the go ...

Initially, of course, the children wanted to see me as more of a girlfriend than a teacher. They came with their secrets and tried to chat even in the classroom. They often complained about other teachers: they say they are outdated, boring ... But I did not support such conversations. I was very categorical: study, and study again.

But time has passed, and I understand that sometimes children also need to be listened to, laugh with them and mourn. Of course, you will not become a friend, but the main thing is that they trust you.

High school students, especially boys, of course, tried to embarrass me. For example, at school they said "hello", and when they met on the street - "hello". But I always emphasized "good afternoon" or "good evening." Many began to be added as friends on social networks, write, ask about life ... And here the most important thing is to keep a distance.

In general, in working with high school students, my age helped me more than hindered me. It's just that for a long time only adult teachers worked in my school. I was the youngest, and the children were drawn to me. Once, I remember, one 11-grader, sighing, said: “I would marry you!”. And I smiled for a long time, remembering this moment. / frame from the series "Favorite Teacher" is illustrative

In general, all high school students express their sympathy in the same way. They really want to help you. And since by distribution I ended up in a rural school, it was expressed there in a peculiar way: either they would offer to dig up a garden, or mow a lawn ... As for a person who has lived all his life in a city, it was also surprising for me in the countryside that in September the school, including the director, teachers and all students in grades 5-11, goes to ... collect potatoes!

It was my first "field experience". I dressed impractically, and did not understand at all what and how to do. Naturally, this caused the high school students to giggle, and later they remembered for a long time how I picked potatoes one by one with two fingers with a beautiful long manicure ...

But this banter is the exception rather than the rule. My children, I would say, are afraid. And that suits me just fine. Because, for example, one of my colleagues, who ended up in a vocational school after graduation, has a completely different story. There, for quite a long time, the children did not listen to her at all, they rebelled and even locked her in the office. There were tantrums...

From my experience, I can give the main advice to young teachers: to be respected, always keep your promises. She said “I’ll put a deuce” - put it right away. She said “the next lesson we will do something interesting” - do it. She said "Ivanov, I'll ask you tomorrow" - ask. She said “let's go camping in the summer” - pack up and go ... Under any circumstances, fulfill the promise. Then your words will be listened to and respected.”

A young 24-year-old English teacher from St. Petersburg seduced a tenth grader and even bragged about it on social networks.

It became known that Yana B., an English teacher from school 27, from St. Petersburg started a relationship with a high school student from grade 10. According to the site, the pages of both people in social networks even have the status “engaged”, and the teacher has the name of her student. Which hints that most likely young people really have some plans for a joint future. In addition, the teacher was not even shy about posting pictures of a romantic nature with her student on her page. In one of the pictures, she has a ring on her ring finger.

The student's mother said she was shocked when she found out about the incident. According to her, her own son told her about this, and he also added that the whole school already knew about this. The teacher herself, after the story received wide publicity, hastened to write letters of resignation at her school. Now she is going to earn money by tutoring. As can be seen from her resume, she is a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University. She studied at the Department of English and graduated from the magistracy in Germany.

According to the site, cases where teachers seduce their students, have sex with them and even start relationships have recently appeared more and more often. It is not uncommon for teachers to sleep with several students.