Monopoly are similar games invented by people. Which version of Monopoly should you choose?

Tabletop entertainment for the whole family that has been popular for decades is a classic Monopoly. A game that is not just fun, but also an economic strategy: you need to think quickly and carefully consider each step, and not just rely on luck. A rational approach and the ability to think ahead are important in it. She gained her popularity in the last century, becoming famous in different parts of the world: including the USSR, having reached us in the late 80s.

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is a board game played by more than half a billion people, and this number is growing every day. But how did this game deserve such wild popularity, sales and devotion? Monopoly, whose logo is a mustachioed rich man in a top hat, is loved by people of all ages because of its features. They should be told in more detail.

Difficulty level: Average

Number of players: 2-6

Develops skills: Intelligence, Communication, Planning

About the board game Monopoly

The board game Monopoly was created by American Charles Darrow over 80 years ago. A large company refused to release his project, so he produced and sold several thousand copies on his own. The game was soon noticed, and sales were simply huge, making him an incredibly wealthy man.

But what is Monopoly? In it, you buy, rent and sell property, trying to enrich yourself by beating your competitors. It is designed for two or more players: the battle will continue until there is only one lucky person who has not gone bankrupt. It's really fun to play with the whole family - the rules of the classic version are designed for ages 8 and up, not to mention the simplified types designed specifically for younger children. But in the Monopoly card there are many subtleties and conditions that you should be aware of in order to get real pleasure from the gameplay. Therefore, it is so important to first look at the description of the Monopoly game.

Game Description

In the classic version, 2-6 players are required: each must have their own chip. The rules of the Monopoly game should be studied in detail before starting: look at the values ​​​​of the various squares along which the participants move depending on the value of the number dropped on the die. The economic board game is tied to the profitable purchase and sale of real estate, in which the funds available to the participants are invested. At the beginning, everyone is given the same amount, so at first the opportunities for everyone are equal. Monopoly money is used not only to buy and sell real estate, but also to pay taxes or rent if the player enters the territory of a competitor.

But, although a lot depends on the actions of the player, luck greatly affects the further course of events: the roll of the die largely determines whether he will enrich himself or fail. The Monopoly game field is cells on which various properties with a specified value are located, sectors "", " Prison" and others. Monopoly and its rules may seem complicated even for adults, but after reading the details and gaining practical experience, everything becomes very clear.

Preparing for the game

The number of players affects the number of chips on the field: everyone must choose one for themselves and put it on the start. It is also necessary to identify among the participants banker, who will be responsible for auctions, spying on the bank's funds and, in special cases, "printing money". From the bank, the players receive salaries and bonuses, he also collects taxes and fines from them. With its help, property is traded in Monopoly. Further shuffled cards "" and " public treasury» are laid out on the corresponding parts of the playing field. The basic preparations for the game have been completed: next you need to study the rules in order to have a good time with your friends.

Assets, the bank, home runs, prison, rent, free parking, the Chance card, hotels and houses... Guess what game all these concepts coexist peacefully in? Of course we are talking about the famous Monopoly! She appeared in the United States at the height of the Great Depression and in just a year gained incredible popularity. People who in life hardly found food for themselves, with pleasure, reincarnated as skillful bankers and skillful businessmen in the game, plunging into the square field of Monopoly with its chips and cards. For a couple of hours, they could finally forget about the difficulties and hardships that this difficult time awarded them. Perhaps that is why the invention of Charles Darrow (who during the Depression earned money by walking dogs) was so loved in America.

And Monopoly is extremely interesting! This is an economic strategy designed for 2 or more people, the purpose of which is to bankrupt rivals and become a full-fledged monopolist. For this, participants are given the same starting capital and equal opportunities at the start. To succeed, you need to rationally spend and plan your budget, pay rent and earn on it, and interact with the bank. And of course - sometimes obey the will of fate, because. on the playing field of the participants, several squares “Chance” and “Rally” lie in wait, which can radically change the course of the game.

Now Monopoly is played all over the world, and the number of its fans has exceeded half a billion people. Even world championships are held annually with impressive prize funds, in which anyone can participate. The popularity of Monopoly is really impressive. But if you and your children have already “played enough” in it and want to try something new, pay attention to other, no less interesting options that, in their specifics, resemble a well-known strategy. In this article, we want to introduce you to a few of them.


So, Monopoly is a money game. And in it, this money can be earned by showing oneself in organizing a business. When playing Monopoly, many people are sure that if they had good start-up capital in real life, they would become successful businessmen without any problems. But you should not trust the realities of the game so much, because the starting money in it is not real, and the actions are largely due to the dice. In Libertek, everything is like in reality. The playing field is the schedule for the month. You can work every day, get tired as hell, but make decent money. And you can use every minute of time wisely - look for opportunities to implement your ideas and use each of them.

This is something like a personal life manager that helps to find harmony between human and financial capabilities. At first, you will have to count quite a lot, but very quickly the count will turn into fun fun. Achieve financial independence in the game Libertex and learn to control your income and expenses. A huge plus is that new editions go on sale every 2-3 years and contain real prices, exchange rates, etc.


What could be more like Monopoly than Anti-Monopoly? It is very similar to its predecessor, only here you can strive not only for the role of a monopolist, but also for the role of a competitor. The first one is planning, thinking for the future, being patient and waiting. And the second - can act immediately, at your own peril and risk. Competitors make this game more dynamic and exciting, but its task is always more difficult than that of a monopolist. After all, he will have to get rich quickly, while not allowing the enemy to “rise”.


This is a prototype of an ideal metropolis, the builders of which are the participants of the game. Here you don’t have to earn money, but you can break away with might and main in matters of urban planning. The game begins with a tiny bedroom and residential area of ​​the city, which grows and develops along with the metropolis. Players will become newly minted city managers and will build up their favorite city, turning it into the most ideal place on the planet.

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And again building. Only already in the days of ancient civilizations. At its beginning, players are given only one small town, in which a site has already been prepared for the construction of a wonder of the world. It remains only to choose a development strategy and bring it to life, and very soon a huge metropolis will flaunt on the site of a tiny town. Moreover, what it will become depends entirely on the strategy. For example, if you build a theater at the initial stage of the game, then in the next era a free statue is given for it, and then a chic garden, which otherwise had to be built on its own resources.


Do not forget about the younger generation, because there are also children's board games similar to Monopoly. For example, Zooloretto is a beautiful family game where young entrepreneurs aged 7 and over can own their own zoos with three enclosures. The initial conditions are equal for everyone, and the winner is the one who makes the best zoo. To do this, you have to buy and repair enclosures, take offspring from the inhabitants of the zoo, maintain entertainment stores, etc.

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The compact cardboard box holds a deck of 190 cards, 60 coins and two six-sided rule dice. All this will plunge a company of 2-5 people into the cozy world of Japan, where each player will have to try on the role of the mayor of a small town. And every manager should love his city and work only for its good. Therefore, the task of the players is to achieve prosperity and peace in it. For this, of course, it is necessary to build! Ordinary residential buildings, landmarks and green areas. The one who manages to achieve the prosperity of his city faster than anyone else will win.

Of course, you can add legends about Monopoly - it is still so popular and in demand, although more than 80 years have passed since its creation! But even this small part of everything interesting can overshadow the well-known economic strategy. Perhaps some of these games will draw you in even more than you expect. It remains only to play them!

Buy monopoly board game, Monopoly for 1290 rubles in the web store mosigra with pleasure. After all, adults will also be curious about how their child copes with financial difficulties and fortunes. Monopoly, the game for children, which will gather the whole family at the table. It is not only funny, fascinating, informative and necessary, but also developing. Various design games like monopoly both boys and girls will like it. Monopoly with bank cards. 2-6 players. One of a dozen variations of the most famous economic games that everyone has played at least once. You can get cheap monopoly and quickly collect money (for some reason, rivals most often fall on the sectors of the cheapest streets) or save up for the “golden mile” for a long time. The absence of a wretched appearance of papers gives this board game solidity, deprives the banker of the opportunity to cheat, and not very clean players - to steal money from the bank.

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Entered: 2005-11-25 10:07:40 Guessed: 2005-12-04 17:14:07 Author: Yukki Administrator: Yukki Total questions: 65 Guessed: 15 Discuss on the forum. Condition: The man pushed his car to the hotel and realized that he was bankrupt. Answer: Monopoly game. The man was playing economics with the Johns. board game with chips in the form of cars ( like, monopolies) and went bankrupt, hitting the sector "Hotel? Among the" endless " board games is the most popular board game type " Monopoly" or "Manager" in the Russian version. It's so popular the game among children and adults that it is worth talking about it in particular. Somehow I came across a "shop" option board game"Manager" (actually the game « Monopoly"is a trademark, so you can't just take it and copy it). Looking at the field and reading the rules, I was amazed at the paucity of the imagination of cooperators-manufacturers and the stupidity of the rules.

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This year marks the 80th anniversary of Monopoly, one of the most popular board games. Over the years of its existence, the game has gained millions of fans and dozens of copies, the most successful of which we will talk about today.

Curiously, the surge in interest in these games often coincides with periods of economic hardship. Monopoly was played during the years of the Great Depression, and Manager was played in the difficult 90s. And in 2014, companies selling board games record a new wave of interest. While in reality prices are rising by leaps and bounds, and incomes are melting before our eyes, economic games make it possible for anyone to get rich - if not in life, then at least in dreams.


The Monopoly board game was born in 1934, at the height of the Great Depression. It was invented by the American engineer Charles Darrow, who at that moment was left without work. He himself drew a playing field with plants and factories located on it, and then offered the game to Parker Brothers. But the publishers did not appreciate the idea.

Darrow did not despair. Having printed 5,000 pilot copies of Monopoly at his own expense, he decided to sell them himself.

Seeing such a hype, representatives of Parker Brothers changed their minds and bought the rights to it from an enterprising engineer. Just 2 years after its invention, Monopoly became the most popular board game in the US, and a few years later in the world.

The Monopoly playing field is divided into sectors in which enterprises are located by industry. The goal of the game is to become a monopolist in all industries, earn as much money as possible and ruin your rivals. As the owner of Parker Brothers said, “The magic of Monopoly is that you can bankrupt your friend without causing him any real harm.”

Now there are many variants of the game. The novelty of 2014 is "Monopoly", where "bank cards" are offered instead of paper money. The cost of this version in Russian stores is about 3 thousand rubles.


The principle of "Monopoly" formed the basis of all the economic games that exist today. The most famous of the Russian analogues is "Manager".

In September 1988, the PetroPan publishing house first released a modernized version of the American game. In the "Manager" instead of foreign plants and factories, one could buy Soviet trade enterprises: "Gostiny Dvor", "DLT" or "Bolshevichka" and pay for them with banknotes from 10 to 50,000 rubles. The game itself cost 20 rubles - a lot of money at that time.

Simultaneously with the release of the game, several channels began to play its commercial. It was one of the first Soviet TV commercials. Even the press did not stand aside from such an event, which reacted sharply negatively to the "Manager".

Until now, many believe that the "Manager" anticipated the events of the post-Soviet period: from sharp inflation to privatization. Unfortunately for many, the 1988 version of the game is now out of print. On sale is only its modernized version - "Classic Manager", which is very different from the original. But you can buy a used version of the game with hands for several thousand rubles.


Another Russian analogue of Monopoly, which was born in 1988. The name "NEP" or "New Economic Policy" was given to the game in honor of the period of the Soviet economy in the early 20s of the last century.

Instead of factories, shops and hotels, they bought pineapples and stellate sturgeons here. Instead of building branches and enterprises, cooperatives and syndicates were created. Otherwise, the principle of the game was the same as in the "Manager" and "Monopoly".

"NEP" did not become as popular as "Manager", but won its audience. And for many Russian families, it remained a kind of symbol of the early 90s.


The game of the 2000s, which, according to the creators, took all the best from Monopoly and The Manager. The playing field presents companies by industry that you can buy, and then open their branches and enterprises. In addition, the game has stocks, the ability to play on the stock exchange and sell real estate through an auction.

The advantage of "Millionaire" is its low price. If the prices for the classic "Monopoly" range from 1200 to 1500 rubles, then the "Millionaire" can be safely purchased for only 300 rubles. True, many of those who have played complain about the abundance of complex rules and instructions that may not be very clear to children and adolescents.

"Cash flow"

Quite an interesting game, the author of which is Robert Kiyosaki ("Rich Dad Poor Dad"). Kiyosaki himself positions the game not as entertaining, but as educational, and promises that it will teach anyone to manage their cash flow, invest and quickly increase income.

The rules of "Cash Flow" are somewhat different from the rules of the usual economic games.

The playing field is divided into two parts: the first is the "Rat Race" and the second is the "Fast Track". "Rat race" symbolizes daily trips to the office, a small salary, loans and other fuss. And the Fast Track is an opportunity for real, big earnings. You need to get there as soon as possible to fulfill your dream.

Like "Millionaire", "Cashflow" is more suitable for adult players. Especially those who are interested in investment issues and the search for sources of passive income. Although the author himself puts the age limit 12+. Prices for the game start at 5 thousand rubles, but it is in stable demand.

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