Can the temperature rise in a stuffy room? Temperature in a child: causes and remedies

"The norm for each person is an objective, real, individual phenomenon ... A normal system is always an optimally functioning system."

V. Petlenko

Body temperature is a complex indicator of the thermal state of the human body, reflecting the complex relationship between heat production (heat production) of various organs and tissues and heat exchange between them and the external environment. The average human body temperature typically fluctuates between 36.5 and 37.2 degrees Celsius, due to internal exothermic reactions and the presence of "safety valves" that allow excess heat to be removed by sweating.

The "thermostat" (hypothalamus) is located in the brain and is constantly engaged in thermoregulation. During the day, a person's body temperature fluctuates, which is a reflection of circadian rhythms (more about which you can read in the previous issue of the mailing list - "Biological rhythms" dated 09/15/2000, which you will find in the "archive" on the mailing site): body early in the morning and in the evening reaches 0.5 - 1.0 ° C. Temperature differences between the internal organs (several tenths of a degree) were revealed; the difference between the temperature of the internal organs, muscles and skin can be up to 5 - 10°C.

In women, the temperature varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, if a woman’s body temperature is usually 37 ° C, it drops to 36.8 ° C in the first days of the cycle, drops to 36.6 ° C before ovulation, then, on the eve of the next menstruation, it rises to 37.2°C, and then again reaches 37°C. In addition, it was found that in men the temperature in the testicles is 1.5°C lower than on the rest of the body surface and the temperature of some parts of the body differs depending on physical activity and their position.

For example, a thermometer placed in the mouth will show a temperature 0.5°C lower than that of the stomach, kidneys, and other organs. The temperature of various areas of the body of a conditional person at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C internal organs - 37 ° C armpit - 36 ° C deep muscle part of the thigh - 35 ° C deep layers of the gastrocnemius muscle - 33 ° C elbow bend area - 32 ° C hand - 28°С the center of the foot - 27-28°С Critical body temperature is considered to be 42°С, when it occurs a metabolic disorder in the brain tissues. The human body is better adapted to the cold. For example, a decrease in body temperature to 32 ° C causes chills, but does not pose a very serious danger.

At 27°C, coma occurs, there is a violation of cardiac activity and respiration. Temperatures below 25°C are critical, but some people manage to survive hypothermia. So, one man, covered with a seven-meter snowdrift and dug out after five hours, was in a state of inevitable death, and the rectal temperature was 19°C. He managed to save his life. Two more cases are known when patients, supercooled to 16 ° C, survived.

Elevated temperature

Hyperthermia is an abnormal increase in body temperature above 37 ° C as a result of a disease. This is a very common symptom that can occur when there is a malfunction in any part or system of the body. A high temperature that does not subside for a long time indicates a dangerous condition of a person. Elevated temperature is: low (37.2-38°C), medium (38-40°C) and high (over 40°C). Body temperature above 42.2°C leads to loss of consciousness. If it does not subside, then brain damage occurs.

Hyperthermia is divided into intermittent, temporary, permanent and recurrent. Intermittent hyperthermia (fever) is considered the most common type, characterized by daytime temperature swings above normal. Temporary hyperthermia means a daily decrease in temperature to normal levels, and then a new increase above normal. Temporary hyperthermia with a large temperature interval usually causes chills and increased sweating. It is also called septic fever.

Constant hyperthermia - a constant increase in temperature with small differences (fluctuations). Recurrent hyperthermia means intermittent febrile and apyretic (characterized by the absence of fever) periods. Another classification takes into account the duration of hyperthermia: short (less than three weeks) or prolonged. Prolonged hyperthermia can occur with an increase in temperature for unknown reasons, when careful research cannot explain the causes that cause it. Infants and young children have high temperatures for longer periods of time, with larger fluctuations and faster temperature rises than older children and adults.

Possible Causes of Hyperthermia

Consider the most likely options. Some should not cause you concern, but others may make you worry.

Everything is fine

middle of the menstrual cycle(of course, if you are a woman). In many women, the temperature usually rises slightly during ovulation and normalizes with the onset of menstruation. Return to measurements after 2-3 days.

Evening has come. It turns out that temperature fluctuations in many people can occur within one day. In the morning, immediately after waking up, the temperature is minimal, and by the evening it usually rises by half a degree. Go to bed and try to measure the temperature in the morning.

You recently went in for sports, danced. Physically and emotionally intense activity increases blood circulation and warms up the body. Calm down, rest for an hour and then put the thermometer under your arm again.

You are slightly overheated. For example, you just took a bath (water or sun). Or maybe they drank hot or strong drinks, or simply dressed too warmly? Let your body cool down: sit in the shade, ventilate the room, remove excess clothing, drink soft drinks. Well, how? Again 36.6? And you were worried!

You've been through a lot of stress. There is even a special term - psychogenic temperature. If something very unpleasant happened in life, or maybe there is an unfavorable atmosphere at home or at work that makes you constantly nervous, then perhaps this very reason “warms up” you from the inside. Psychogenic fever is more often accompanied by symptoms such as general malaise, shortness of breath and dizziness.

Subfebrile condition is your norm. There are people for whom the normal value of the mark on the thermometer is not 36.6, but 37 ° C or even a little higher. As a rule, this refers to asthenic boys and girls, who, in addition to their graceful physique, also have a fine mental organization. Did you recognize yourself? Then you can rightfully consider yourself a "hot thing."

Time to see a doctor!

If you do not have any of the above circumstances, and at the same time, measurements made by the same thermometer show overestimated numbers for several days and at different times of the day, it is better to find out what this may be due to. Subfebrile temperature may accompany such diseases and conditions as:

Tuberculosis. With the current alarming situation with the incidence of tuberculosis, it will not be superfluous to do a fluorography. Moreover, this study is mandatory and it must be carried out by all persons over 15 years of age annually. This is the only way to reliably control this dangerous disease.

thyrotoxicosis. In addition to elevated temperature, nervousness and emotional instability, sweating and palpitations, increased fatigue and weakness, weight loss against the background of normal or even increased appetite are most often noted. To diagnose thyrotoxicosis, it is enough to determine the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood. Its decrease indicates an excess of thyroid hormones in the body.

Iron-deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency is often due to occult bleeding, which is minor but persistent. Often their causes are heavy menstruation (particularly with uterine fibroids), as well as stomach or duodenal ulcers, tumors of the stomach or intestines. Therefore, it is necessary to look for the cause of anemia.

Among the symptoms are weakness, fainting, pale skin, drowsiness, hair loss, brittle nails. A blood test for hemoglobin can confirm the presence of anemia.

Chronic infectious or autoimmune diseases, as well as malignant tumors. As a rule, in the presence of an organic cause of low-grade fever, an increase in temperature is combined with other characteristic symptoms: pain in different parts of the body, weight loss, lethargy, increased fatigue, and sweating. When probing, an enlarged spleen or lymph nodes may be detected.

Usually, finding out the causes of subfebrile temperature begins with a general and biochemical analysis of urine and blood, x-rays of the lungs, and ultrasound of internal organs. Then, if necessary, more detailed studies are added - for example, blood tests for rheumatoid factor or thyroid hormones. In the presence of pain of unknown origin, and especially with a sharp weight loss, consultation with an oncologist is necessary.

Syndrome of postviral asthenia. Occurs after ARVI. Doctors in this case use the term "temperature tail". A slightly elevated (subfebrile) temperature caused by the consequences of an infection is not accompanied by changes in the analyzes and passes on its own. But, in order not to confuse asthenia with incomplete recovery, it is still better to donate blood and urine for tests and find out if leukocytes are normal or elevated. If everything is in order, you can calm down, the temperature will jump, jump and eventually “come to your senses”.

The presence of a focus of chronic infection (for example, tonsillitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the appendages, and even caries). In practice, such a cause of fever is rare, but if there is a focus of infection, it must be treated. After all, it poisons the entire body.

Thermoneurosis. Doctors consider this condition as a manifestation of the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia. Along with subfebrile temperature, there may be feelings of lack of air, increased fatigue, sweating limbs, attacks of unreasonable fear. And although this is not a disease in its purest form, it is still not the norm.

Therefore, this condition must be treated. To normalize the tone of peripheral vessels, neurologists recommend massage and acupuncture. A clear daily regimen, sufficient sleep, outdoor walks, regular hardening, sports (especially swimming) are useful. Often a stable positive effect gives psychotherapeutic treatment.

Interesting Facts

highest body temperature July 10, 1980 at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, pc. Georgia, USA, 52-year-old Willie Jones, who suffered from heat stroke, was admitted. His temperature was 46.5°C. The patient was discharged from the hospital after 24 days.

The lowest temperature of the human body was registered on February 23, 1994 in Regina, Saskatchewan Ave., Canada, with 2-year-old Carly Kozolofsky. After the door of her house was accidentally locked and the girl remained in the cold for 6 hours at a temperature of -22°C, her rectal temperature was 14.2°C.
From the Guinness Book of Records

Temperature in some animals:

Hibernating bat - 1.3°
Golden hamster - 3.5°
Elephant - 3.5°
Horse - 37.6°
Cow - 38.3°
Cat - 38.6°
Dog - 38.9°
Baran - 39°
Pig - 39.1°
Rabbit - 39.5°
Goat - 39.9°
Chicken - 41.5°
Lizard in the sun - 50-60°C.

Body temperature- one of the main physiological constants of the body, providing the optimal level of biological processes. Slightly low or high body temperature - how to treat it? How to treat high or low temperature and should it be done at all?

How to measure body temperature correctly

To find out the exact temperature, you need to measure the rectal temperature. In this case, the measurement error is the lowest. When the patient already has a temperature, the results of a measurement elsewhere will be very different from the actual temperature.

The usual normal body temperature is not very easy to determine. Significant individual fluctuations can occur during the day. On average, the temperature fluctuates between 36 and 37.5 degrees. If a person is physically active, he is warm; in the evening, the temperature is usually slightly higher than in the morning.

What is the best thermometer to measure body temperature

The old mercury-in-glass thermometers found in most households are now obsolete. In addition, they are quite dangerous in the hands of a child.

Today there are modern temperature meters: digital, or contact, and infrared. While a digital thermometer can be placed in the mouth, rectum, or armpit, infrared thermometers are placed in the ear or on the forehead.

Digital thermometer (also electronic contact thermometer): The temperature can be read digitally. These models are very reliable, especially when used rectally as mentioned above. If this is not possible, then the temperature readings will be relatively accurate if the thermometer is placed in the mouth.
Ear thermometer: using infrared rays, the temperature is measured in seconds on the eardrum. For newborns with otitis media, however, this thermometer is not suitable. But if the child is not comfortable with measuring the temperature of the rectum, an ear thermometer is a good alternative. At the pharmacy, you can ask for a thermometer that matches the age of the child.
forehead thermometer: The temperature of the forehead is also measured using infrared rays. But with such a measurement, small deviations are often unavoidable.

normal body temperature

We all know that the normal body temperature is 36.6 C. In fact, this indicator varies in the same person at different periods of life. For example, a thermometer gives different numbers during the month, even with full health. This is typical mainly for girls. Their body temperature usually rises slightly during ovulation and normalizes with the onset of menstruation. But fluctuations in body temperature can occur within one day.

In the morning, immediately after waking up, the temperature is minimal, and by the evening it usually rises by 0.5 C.

contribute to a slightly elevated body temperature can:

  • stress;
  • physical activity;
  • taking a bath;
  • the use of hot (as well as strong) drinks;
  • stay on the beach;
  • too warm clothes;
  • emotional outburst.

And then there are people for whom the normal value of body temperature is not 36.6, but 37 C or even a little higher. As a rule, this applies to young men and women of the asthenic type of physique, who, in addition to the graceful physique, still have a vulnerable mental organization.

Fever is not uncommon, especially in children. According to statistics, it is typical for every fourth child aged 10 to 15 years. Usually such children are somewhat closed and slow, apathetic or, conversely, anxious and irritable. But in adults, this phenomenon is not unique.

However, it is not worth blaming everything on the characteristics of the body. Therefore, if the usual body temperature has always been normal and suddenly suddenly became elevated for a long time and at different times of the day, this is a cause for concern.

Causes of elevated body temperature

The cause of elevated body temperature may be inflammation or infection. But sometimes the thermometer readings remain above the norm even after recovery. And the elevated body temperature can last for several months. This is how the syndrome of post-viral asthenia often manifests itself. Doctors in this case use the term "temperature tail".

A slightly elevated body temperature caused by the consequences of an infection is not accompanied by changes in the analyzes and passes on its own. However, here lies the danger of confusing asthenia with incomplete recovery, when an elevated temperature indicates that the disease, which had subsided for a while, began to develop again. Therefore, just in case, it is better to take a blood test and find out if the white blood cells are normal. If everything is in order, you can calm down, the temperature will jump, jump and eventually “come to your senses”.

Another common cause of elevated body temperature is experienced stress. There is even a special term - psychogenic temperature. At the same time, fever is accompanied by symptoms such as feeling unwell, shortness of breath and dizziness. Well, if in the foreseeable past you have not endured any stress or infectious diseases, and your body temperature is elevated, then it is better to be examined. After all, dangerous diseases can be the cause of a prolonged increase in body temperature.

At elevated body temperature, the first step is to exclude all suspicions of inflammatory, infectious and other serious diseases. First you need to contact a therapist who will draw up an individual examination plan. As a rule, if there is an organic cause of elevated body temperature, there are other characteristic symptoms:

  • pain in different parts of the body;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sweating.

When probing, an enlarged spleen or lymph nodes may be detected. Usually, finding out the causes of fever begins with the following examinations:

  • general and biochemical analyzes of urine and blood;
  • x-ray of the lungs;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

Then, if necessary, more detailed studies are prescribed - for example, blood tests for rheumatoid factor or thyroid hormones. In the presence of pain of unknown origin, and especially with a sharp decrease in body weight, consultation with an oncologist is necessary.

If examinations have shown that there are no organic causes for elevated body temperature, it is too early to relax, because there is still cause for concern.

Where does the elevated temperature come from, even if there are no organic causes?

It appears not at all because the body accumulates too much heat, but because it gives it poorly to the environment. Violation of the thermoregulation system at the physical level can be explained by a spasm of superficial vessels located in the skin of the upper and lower extremities. Also, in the body of people with elevated body temperature, failures in the endocrine system can also occur (the causes may be impaired function of the adrenal cortex and metabolism).

Doctors consider this condition as a manifestation of the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia and even gave it a name - thermoneurosis.

And although this is not a disease in its purest form, because no organic changes occur, it is still not the norm. After all, prolonged fever is stress for the body. Therefore, this condition must be treated. Neurologists at elevated temperature in such cases recommend:

  • massage; acupuncture (to normalize the tone of peripheral vessels);
  • psychotherapy.

Greenhouse conditions do not help, but rather interfere with getting rid of thermoneurosis. Therefore, for those who suffer from this disorder, it is better to stop taking care of yourself, and start hardening and strengthening the body. People with problematic thermoregulation need:

  • correct daily routine;
  • regular meals with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • taking vitamins;
  • sufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • physical Culture;
  • hardening.

Diseases with high body temperature

The normal value of body temperature is maintained by two groups of processes: heat production and heat transfer. The thermometer will show higher numbers when heat production is activated:

Or if heat transfer deteriorates:


If, in addition to a high temperature, you are worried about coughing, shortness of breath even at rest, and / or you cough up brown sputum - consult a doctor immediately! You may have a lung infection, such as pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs can be very severe, especially in the elderly and people with poor health. If the doctor confirms the diagnosis, he may prescribe fever medication and antibiotics. In addition, the specialist will refer you for a chest x-ray. Sometimes there is a need for inpatient treatment.

Acute bronchitis

If you are coughing up greyish-yellow sputum and/or are having difficulty breathing, you may have acute bronchitis (an infection of the respiratory tract). Drink plenty of fluids and try to keep your fever down. You can also take medicines that reduce coughing. If you develop shortness of breath or you do not feel better after 48 hours, by all means consult a doctor.


  • headache;
  • pain in the limbs;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat.

It is very likely that you have a common viral illness, such as the flu. Stay in bed and take aspirin or paracetamol to reduce fever and feel better. If you develop shortness of breath or do not feel better after 48 hours, see your doctor.


If you have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • pain when tilting the head forward;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • fear of bright light;
  • drowsiness or confusion.

Contact your doctor. These symptoms may be caused by meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) caused by microbes or viruses entering the brain.

You will probably be hospitalized to clarify the diagnosis using a lumbar puncture. If you have bacterial meningitis, you will be given antibiotics, most likely intravenously. If you have viral meningitis, no special treatment is required, but you will be given pain medication and intravenous fluids. Recovery usually occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Acute infection of the kidneys or bladder

If you have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • lower back pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pink or cloudy urine.

The cause of these symptoms may be an acute infection of the kidneys or bladder.

Seek immediate medical attention. The doctor will examine you, give you a referral for a urine test, and probably prescribe antibiotics. He will also refer you for a special x-ray examination of the kidneys to find out the cause of the disease. Further treatment depends on the results of the examination.

Being in the hot sun or in a stuffy room

Being in the hot sun or in a stuffy room can lead to an increase in body temperature. In most of these cases, the elevated temperature returns to normal after about an hour in a cool room. But call your doctor right away if your temperature continues to rise.

High fever associated with postpartum infection

Postpartum infection, although a rare disease in our time, can cause fever after the birth of a child. This usually happens when the uterus and/or vagina become infected after childbirth. If you have pain and redness of the breast, then it may be infected. If your doctor suspects you have a postpartum infection, they will send a sample of your vaginal discharge for analysis. Treatment includes a course of antibiotics.

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes

If, in addition to a high temperature, you feel pain in the lower abdomen and / or you have had abundant or foul-smelling discharge from the vagina. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes (sometimes referred to as salpingitis) is a possible cause of these symptoms. The doctor will conduct a vaginal examination and take the discharge for analysis. If the test results confirm the diagnosis, you will most likely be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Fever may be a symptom of the following diseases

How to bring down the temperature

What temperature should be brought down?

This question has long been quite acute among doctors.

Both opinions have a place to be, because an increase in temperature can be caused by various factors: it can be an external manifestation of disorders of the nervous system, in which case taking antipyretic drugs may be powerless.

The temperature may rise slightly during the working day (overstrain, nervous shock), if there are no symptoms of colds, it should not be knocked down.

Should I bring down a low temperature if it lasts for several days?

It is possible that this is a sign of neurosis or traumatic brain injury, hormonal disorders in the body. In this case, you first need to establish the cause, it makes no sense to bring down the temperature purposefully.

What drugs to bring down the temperature?

In the understanding of a person, a medicine is a kind of magic pill that must be drunk urgently. Undoubtedly, if the temperature really has risen sufficiently and the patient is ill, measures should be taken and a syrup or tablet should be given.

But before you bring down the temperature with the help of pharmaceutical preparations, try to do it with "natural" methods. First, give the patient hot tea or compote to drink. This will give the body the necessary amount of moisture. After a while, offer a drink again, but with raspberries. Raspberry helps to increase sweating, and it helps heat transfer.

  • Provide cool air in the room.
  • If possible, try not to wrap up the patient too much.
  • Alcohol rubbing will quickly help bring down a very high temperature.

How to bring down the temperature if nothing helped?

Paracetamol suppositories work very well. It is through the walls of the intestine that the medicine is absorbed instantly. If there are no candles at hand, you can prepare an enema. To do this, dissolve the crushed antipyretic tablets in warm water and inject them into the patient.

Decreased body temperature

Often, many complain of an unreasonable decrease in temperature, while hands and feet freeze, there is general apathy and lethargy. Low body temperature occurs for a number of reasons:

  • low hemoglobin;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • decreased immunity;
  • recent illness;
  • prostration.

If you visited a doctor, passed tests, and the low body temperature remained, then in order to increase the body temperature, try changing your lifestyle - go in for sports, follow the principles of a healthy diet, take more vitamins.

Causes of a decrease in body temperature

  • decreased thyroid function;
  • damage to the adrenal glands;
  • violation of the normal functioning of the body after a chronic illness;
  • overwork;
  • the use of a large number of drugs;
  • pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins of group C and much more.

Low body temperature - (i.e. body temperature below 36 ° C) is sometimes observed in healthy people in the morning, but even at this time it usually does not fall below 35.6 ° C.

Morning temperature decrease to values ​​of 35.6 - 35.9 ° C is often observed with a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, with some brain diseases, exhaustion as a result of starvation, sometimes with chronic bronchitis, and also after significant blood loss.

Decreased body temperature inevitably occurs during freezing (after the end of the stage of adaptive warming of the body due to chills) down to 20 ° C and below, when metabolic processes practically stop and death occurs.

A less pronounced, not life-threatening, decrease in body temperature is sometimes achieved by artificial cooling of the body (artificial hypothermia) in order to reduce the metabolic rate and the body's need for oxygen, in particular during long-term surgical operations using artificial blood circulation devices.

The first signs of low body temperature

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • general malaise;
  • irritability;
  • inhibition of thought processes.

If a child has a low body temperature, it must be shown to a doctor.

If, at a low body temperature, a person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms, is alert and efficient, the examinations did not reveal any pathology, and the temperature throughout life remains lower than usual in a healthy person, this can be regarded as a variant of the norm.

How to increase body temperature

There are life situations in which a person needs an artificial increase in body temperature. In this context, there are countless methodologies for achieving the desired indicators, both the most effective and the ones that are unstable.

First of all, it is recommended, as the safest way to raise the temperature, exercise for endurance, and you can determine the list of exercises yourself, the main point in this process is the achievement of high fatigue.
Also, safe ways to increase body temperature include being in a very hot bath, though with small growth rates - up to 2 degrees.
General physical method, derived from the laws of thermodynamics - placing the body in any space where the temperature is higher than the temperature of the body itself.
One of the simplest, but quite effective ways to achieve the desired result - rub salt on armpits.
They also work almost flawlessly iodine ingredients- for example, a small amount of unrefined sugar along with 4-5 drops of iodine on the tongue, or dilution of more iodine in a glass of water, while adding about 6 tablespoons of unrefined sugar. An increase in body temperature in such ways is provided.
It is also quite effective graphite use in small quantities.
Of the more exotic ways to raise the temperature, one can bring placing a cut onion for 10-15 minutes under the armpits.

Fever in a young child

If a child, especially a small one, has a fever, some parents are frightened and do not know how to act. The appearance of a high temperature signals an emerging disease. In the most critical moments, you should immediately call an ambulance, in other cases, you can cope with the temperature yourself.

What can not be done with a high temperature in a child?

What needs to be done?

Questions and answers on the topic "Body temperature"

Question:Can it be 37.2-37.3 in the evening and 35.2 in the morning with oncology.

Answer: Such jumps in temperature are possible, but not only in oncology.

Question:Tell me, low body temperature - is this normal? My life temperature is 35.4 - 35.6 (I feel good). I had an elevated temperature only a few times in childhood with serious illnesses, now (28 years old) I endure all diseases not just without a temperature, but on the contrary with a low one, now, for example, I have laryngitis, the temperature is 34.8! Stable. (feeling a little weak). What is the reason for this?

Answer: Low body temperature is not the norm! Check thyroid function for decreased function.

Question:How to measure the temperature of a child?

Answer: Experts recommend measuring the temperature of the baby at rest, and even better - when the baby is sleeping. The baby should be picked up or put on the side if he is sleeping. Place the thermometer on the opposite side from the mother. The setting of the thermometer consists in its complete placement between the arm and the body of the child, as if hiding it from the armpit to the elbow. For children over 4-5 years old, it is permissible to put a thermometer, like adults, perpendicular to the plane of the shoulder.

Question:How many days can you bring down the temperature? What if the temperature rises again and again?

Answer: In cases where you do not know what exactly is causing the temperature in you or your child, be sure to see a doctor if you (or your child) do not feel better 1 day after you (or your child) or if you develop some of the features described at the beginning of the article. As we said above, in such situations, it is much more important to identify the cause of the disease and begin treatment aimed at eliminating it than to bring down the temperature. If you know what is causing the temperature and it is not dangerous, you can bring down the temperature (and associated symptoms) for several days.

Question:What medicine for fever to choose?

Answer: Either paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen can be used to reduce high fever in children. Paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, or aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can be used to reduce high fever in adults.

Question:Hello! I am 25 years old, the temperature is 36.9 - 37.2 for more than half a year. It doesn't create any problems for me! I just don’t know if it’s possible to engage in heavy sports (barbell) at such a temperature? In training, it only throws in the heat once again, but it’s normal! Tell me please!

Answer: Hello. In a healthy person, body temperature can rise to 37.5 C, this is not dangerous. You can play sports if there are no other health problems.

Question:Hello! For four months now, the temperature has been 37.5 - 37.7. But only in a standing position, that is, it is worth lying down and the temperature returns to normal. Doctors say that this is a "violation of internal thermoregulation." I ask how to treat - they shrug their shoulders. I no longer know what to do and what to think. Help me please. Tell me something. To what doctor further to go, whether that.

Answer: Hello. Violation of thermoregulation is a variant of the norm, it does not need to be treated.

Question:Please tell me how many minutes it takes to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer?

Answer: Hello! Body temperature is measured with a mercury thermometer for 7-10 minutes, while the armpit should tightly fix the device so that the result is as reliable as possible. In addition to mercury, there are also electronic contact thermometers. They take the temperature faster, usually within 30-60 seconds. however, many instruments have errors. The most convenient option for young children is non-contact thermometers that measure body temperature at the moment when you pass it over your forehead.

Question:Hello, we are 5 months old, our daughter has a temperature of 37-37.3 since birth, 2 weeks ago we had a general blood test and a general urine test, the pediatrician said that the indicators were normal. But the temperature is above 37 constantly. We also have swollen upper gums now, the lower 2 incisors have already erupted. Should I do an add-on or postpone? what to do with this body temperature? Whether to hand over in addition any analyses? Up to 5 months there was a neurology medical exemption, now the neurologist allowed the vaccination.

Answer: Hello! Often in children, this temperature is considered a variant of the norm, especially if no pathologies have been detected in the blood and urine. Regarding vaccination: I recommend that you consult with an immunologist in person, he gives permission for vaccination or draws up an individual schedule according to which you will vaccinate your baby. I strongly recommend that Viferon gel be applied to the child's nose before a visit to the doctor, now there is a lot of viral infection, the child must be protected.

Answer: Hello! You have a treatment for giardiasis, so you can treat and then control this moment with repeated tests. The child does not have a critical decrease in body temperature, so I do not see any reason for concern yet. You can take a general blood test and see the changes.

Question:A week ago, our temperature rose to 37.2. They called a doctor, examined her, said that her throat was red and hard breathing and her upper teeth were being cut, she diagnosed her with tracheitis, prescribed the antibiotic Lecoclar, and Ambraxol cough syrup. Passed tests. Analyzes are more or less normal, only leukocytes are lowered by 3.6. The rest is normal. We started treatment, the temperature subsided for three days, then rose again to 37.2. They took him to the doctor. She said that the throat is normal, the breath is clean. It's most likely teeth. Can this temperature be maintained during teething? What should I do?

Answer: Hello! The teeth themselves cannot be the cause of the fever. They can cause a temporary decrease in immunity and, as a result, infection with viruses or bacteria. Therefore, with an increase in body temperature, a qualitative examination by a doctor is recommended, plus the delivery of basic tests - a general blood test and a general urine test (if there are any inflammatory changes in them that are responsible for the increase in body temperature). You say that all tests are normal, except for a decrease in leukocytes (may be with a viral infection). I recommend that you start antiviral treatment, for example, with the effective and safe drug Viferon. However, before using it, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician in person.

Heat- a typical symptom in many diseases. It is by focusing on the temperature that we often determine whether a person is sick or not. But this is not entirely correct, because temperature is only a manifestation of the disease, and not the disease itself. Therefore, to bring down the temperature does not mean to recover. It is necessary not only to fight high fever, but to determine which disease caused it, and treat it. And for this you need to see a doctor.

Signs of high fever

The following signs (symptoms) may indicate that the temperature is rising:

  • suddenly piled on fatigue, general morbid condition;
  • chills (mild chills at slightly elevated temperatures and severe chills at high temperatures);
  • dry skin and lips;
  • , body aches;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sweating (“throws into sweat”);

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's a good idea to get yourself a thermometer.

What is high temperature?

The normal temperature is usually considered to be 36.6°C. But in fact, normal is the temperature in a fairly wide range.

During the day, body temperature fluctuates quite a lot. The lowest temperature is observed in the morning, immediately after waking up; maximum - in the evening, at the end of the day. The difference can be somewhere around 0.5°C. Physical activity, stress, ordinary food intake, drinking alcohol, staying in a bathhouse or on the beach can raise the temperature. In women, temperature fluctuations are also associated with ovulation. A few days before ovulation, the temperature decreases, and when ovulation occurs, it increases.

On average, a temperature between 35° and 37°C is considered normal. In children under the age of 3 years, a temperature of up to 37.5 ° C is also considered a normal variant. It matters where you measure the temperature. You can focus on 36.6 ° C if you put a thermometer under your arm. If the thermometer is held in the mouth ( oral temperature), then the normal temperature is 0.5°C higher (36.8-37.3°C). In order to obtain normal values ​​when measuring the temperature in the rectum ( rectal temperature), it will be necessary to add another half a degree (the norm is 37.3-37.7 ° C). Based on the measurement of temperature under the arm, an elevated temperature is a temperature in the range of 37-38°C, a high temperature is above 38°C.

Causes anxiety or a temperature that has risen above 38°C, or a temperature of up to 38°C that persists for a long time ( subfebrile temperature).

When is fever dangerous?

High body temperature is an undoubted sign that some pathological process is developing in the body, usually of an inflammatory nature. The higher the temperature, the faster it rises, or the longer it lasts, the more serious the problem that caused it may be. That is why high temperatures are scary.

Meanwhile, in itself, an increase in temperature in most cases is a protective reaction to the penetration of infection. At high temperatures, the activity of pathogens decreases, and the body's defenses, on the contrary, are intensified: metabolism and blood circulation are accelerated, antibodies are released faster. But this increases the load on many organs and systems: cardiovascular, respiratory. High temperature depresses the nervous system, leads to dehydration. Perhaps the occurrence of circulatory disorders in the internal organs (due to an increase in viscosity and blood clotting). Therefore, a high temperature that persists for a long time can be dangerous in itself. Extremely high temperatures (above 41°C) are also dangerous.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature or not?

There is no need to rush to bring down the temperature. First of all, the patient must be examined by a doctor. You should follow the recommendations of the doctor: if he advises to bring down the temperature, then it is necessary to bring down. The doctor makes decisions based on the overall picture of the disease and assessment of the patient's condition, that is, recommendations are always individual.

However, if the patient is intolerant of fever and the temperature is high (39°C or higher), an antipyretic may be given, strictly following the instructions on the package. It is important to understand that you are fighting a symptom, not a disease.

The correct course of treatment involves establishing the cause of high temperature and carrying out a set of measures aimed at treating the disease that caused its increase.

Causes of high temperature

Any inflammatory process can cause an increase in temperature. The nature of inflammation in this case can be different - bacterial, viral, fungal. In most cases, the temperature is in the nature of a concomitant symptom: for example, with otitis media, the ear hurts (“pulls”) and the temperature is elevated ...

Temperature is of particular concern when no other symptoms are present. The temperature against the background of the standard signs of SARS is common, but only one high temperature is frightening.

Diseases that may cause high fever without other symptoms:

    chronic diseases of the urinary system (chronic,), in women -. Along with subfebrile temperature, abdominal pain and urination disorders can be observed;

    chronic myocarditis and endocarditis. In this case, the usual symptom is pain in the region of the heart;

    autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.).

This, of course, is not a complete list of diseases that can cause fever.

High temperature in a child

The child will not say that he has a high temperature. Even already relatively large children, including students in primary school, as a rule, cannot correctly assess their well-being. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. An increase in temperature can be suspected by the following signs:

  • the child becomes suddenly lethargic or, conversely, restless and capricious;
  • he is tormented by thirst (all the time he asks for a drink);
  • mucous membranes become dry (dry lips, tongue);
  • a bright blush or, conversely, an unusual pallor;
  • eyes redden or sparkle;
  • the child is sweating;
  • heart rate and respiration increase. The normal heart rate is 100-130 beats per minute during sleep and 140-160 while awake. By two years, the frequency decreases to 100-140 beats per minute. The normal respiratory rate also depends on age, for a two-month-old child it is 35-48 breaths per minute, for the age of one to three 28-35 breaths.

You can measure body temperature in the armpit or inguinal cavity with a mercury thermometer (it most accurately shows the temperature), rectally - only electronic. Rectally, you can measure the temperature only in a small child (up to 4-5 months), older children resist the procedure, as it is unpleasant. For rectal temperature measurement, the tip of the thermometer is lubricated with baby cream, the child's legs rise, as if washing. The tip of the thermometer is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 2 cm.

It should not be forgotten that in children under one year old, a temperature of up to 37.5 ° C is considered normal, and even up to 3 years, such a temperature does not always mean that the child is sick. You can not measure the temperature when the child is very worried, crying, or he is heavily wrapped up - the temperature in these cases will be expectedly higher. A hot bath or too high a temperature in the room can also increase body temperature.

In young children, the temperature can rise up to 38.3°C for reasons not related to diseases, such as.

Since childhood, we know that the normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees. If the thermometer shows a higher figure, then we are sick. Does an elevated body temperature always indicate that a failure has occurred in the body, and why it rises, and also when you urgently need to see a doctor, tells osteopath, cranioposturologist Vladimir Zhivotov.

Why is the temperature rising?

Few people know that our body temperature tends to change slightly during the day. When a person wakes up, his body temperature may be below the established norm and be 35.5-36 degrees. And by the evening, on the contrary, our body can heat up by 0.5-1 degrees. Any higher figure is already a signal to start looking for the causes of elevated temperature.

Why is the temperature rising?

A high temperature for most people is a malaise, weakness, a broken state. And, of course, when we see numbers above 37 on the thermometer, we get upset. But in fact, the ability of the body to raise the temperature is an amazing gift that nature has given us. It is thanks to hyperthermia that our body is able to fight off foreign organisms on its own. An increase in body temperature in response to the introduction of viruses or bacteria is a protective reaction aimed at enhancing the immune response. At elevated temperatures, immune factors work most actively: the cells responsible for the antiviral and antibacterial response begin to perform their functions much faster and more efficiently, and immune responses become stronger.

Antibodies circulating in the blood associated with foreign antigens, as well as fragments of viruses and bacterial membranes, enter the hypothalamus with the blood flow, where the thermoregulation center is located, and cause an increase in temperature. Since this is a defensive reaction, you should not panic and try to immediately bring down the temperature with the help of antipyretics. With such actions, you will suppress the immune response and prevent the body from fighting infections, because some of them die at a body temperature of about 38 degrees. Not to mention that antipyretic drugs have certain side effects.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

The body is struggling with something unfavorable and foreign: bacteria, viruses, protozoa. Any inflammatory process in a single organ, whether it be stomatitis, lactostasis in lactating women, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the appendages, and even caries, can lead to an increase in temperature.

Food poisoning or any other intoxication can also provoke a fever. Then the high temperature will be accompanied by a violation of the stool, vomiting, headache. High temperature is also provoked by various endocrine diseases. It is worth donating blood for hormones when elevated body temperature is combined with weight loss, irritability, tearfulness, and fatigue. These may be symptoms of increased thyroid function.

If the body temperature stays at 38 degrees for a long time and at the same time the person does not feel a cold, it is urgent to do a fluorography to exclude tuberculosis of the lungs. This study must be done without fail every year for persons who have reached the age of 15.

Sometimes a slight increase in body temperature in women can be associated with the menstrual cycle: when ovulation begins, the body temperature rises, but with the onset of menstruation it returns to normal. In this case, there is no cause for concern.

But sometimes it happens that there are no apparent reasons for an increase in body temperature. Analyzes are normal, no symptoms of a cold are observed. However, in the body, nothing happens just like that. A prolonged rise in temperature (slightly above 37) can raise the suspicion of problems in the hypothalamus: the thermoregulatory center, which is responsible for the constancy of body temperature. This can happen at any age, but most often occurs either at the beginning of puberty, or by the time the first menstruation appears and a little later. Along with elevated temperature, adolescents are worried about headaches, insomnia, fatigue and irritability, and signs of scoliosis are noted.

How to lower the temperature?

Firstly, there is no need to panic and seek to lower the temperature if it does not exceed 38 degrees. In this case, bed rest and plenty of fluids will suffice. If the temperature is above 38 degrees, you need to look at the state, because for each person the critical body temperature is different. The general recommendation is this: when the temperature is tolerated quite easily, it is better not to bring it down to 38.2-38.5. If at the same time your head hurts, you are worried about severe chills, or you “twist” your joints, you can take medicine. Regular aspirin has a good antipyretic effect. To avoid side effects, it must be crushed before taking, or simply chewed thoroughly and washed down with mineral water or milk.

Of course, if a child has convulsions with an increase in temperature, it must be lowered without waiting for 38. It should be noted that any case of febrile convulsions requires an in-depth examination by an epileptologist and the attention of an osteopath. If the mercury column has reached the level of 38, in any case, this is a reason to call the local doctor: it is necessary to examine the patient and find out the causes of the fever.

In order to alleviate the patient's condition without medication, you can make cold compresses on the forehead and wiping the body with warm water. And you need to wipe it so that droplets of liquid remain on the skin. It is their evaporation that causes the cooling of the body. If a child is sick, then it is better not to do a vodka-vinegar rubdown. A pungent odor can cause a spasm of the respiratory tract, and the components of such a solution can be absorbed through the skin and increase intoxication. You can wet woolen socks with warm water and put on the child. As the socks dry out, the body temperature will drop significantly. If the legs are cold, then you need to put on dry warm socks and massage the foot and fingers. This will help reduce vasospasm and lower the temperature.

As a drink at elevated body temperature, alkaline mineral water with a low percentage of mineralization and ordinary boiled water, as well as cranberry, currant, sea buckthorn and lingonberry fruit drinks are perfect. The latter, by the way, contains acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).

When should you call an ambulance?

An elevated body temperature for more than 3 days is in any case a reason to see a doctor, but sometimes it is better not to hesitate and call an ambulance. This is necessary if:

  • Body temperature reached 39.5 and above.
  • High temperature is accompanied by vomiting, blurred vision, stiffness of movements, muscle spasm in the cervical spine, when the patient cannot tilt his chin to his chest.
  • Hyperthermia is accompanied by pain in the abdomen.
  • In a child under 10 years of age, a high fever is accompanied by a barking dry cough. These may be symptoms of an inflammatory narrowing of the larynx, the so-called laryngotracheitis or false croup.
  • The child has a seizure.
  • The body temperature rises sharply to 38 degrees in a child under 6 years of age who previously had convulsions with a fever.

Body temperature- an indicator of the thermal state of the human body, which reflects the ratio between the production of heat by various organs and tissues and the heat exchange between them and the external environment. In fact, it is a biomarker of the state of the body.

Average body temperature most people is between 36.5 and 37.2 ° C. The temperature is in this range. Therefore, if you have some temperature deviation up or down from generally accepted indicators, for example, 36.6 ° C, and you feel great at the same time, this is your normal body temperature. The exception is deviations of more than 1-1.5 ° C, because this already indicates that there has been some malfunction in the body, in which the temperature can be or increased.

Today we will talk about elevated and high body temperature.

Increased body temperature is not a disease, but a symptom. Its increase indicates that the body is struggling with any disease, which the doctor should determine. In fact, elevated body temperature is a protective reaction of the body (immune system), which, through various biochemical reactions, eliminates the source of infection.

It has been established that at a temperature of 38 ° C, most viruses and bacteria die, or at least their vital activity is endangered. After all, the protein that is part of many microbes simply dies under the influence of high temperatures. You probably know a similar example - egg white when poured into a pan. The same thing happens with infection.

In any case, you need to pay attention to your health even with a slight elevated temperature so that it does not develop into a more serious stage, because. correct diagnosis and timely medical attention can prevent more serious health problems, because high fever is often already the first symptom of many serious diseases. It is especially important to monitor the temperature in children.

As a rule, especially in children, the body temperature rises to the highest point in the evening, and the rise itself is accompanied by chills.

Types of elevated and high body temperature

Types of elevated body temperature:

  • Subfebrile body temperature: 37°C - 38°C.
  • Febrile body temperature: 38°C - 39°C.

Types of high body temperature:

  • Pyretic body temperature: 39°C - 41°C.
  • Hyperpyretic body temperature: above 41°C.

According to another classification, the following types of body temperature are distinguished:

  • Norm - when the body temperature is in the range from 35 ° C to 37 ° C (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, age, gender, the moment of measurement and other factors);
  • Hyperthermia - when the body temperature rises above 37 ° C;
  • - an increase in body temperature, which, unlike hypothermia, occurs under conditions of preservation of the mechanisms of thermoregulation of the body.

Body temperature up to 39°C is elevated, and from 39°C it is high.

Symptoms of fever and fever

An increase in body temperature in most cases is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Sensation of heat in the head, and if the lips touch the forehead of the patient, there is an increased hotness of the skin;
  • general malaise of the body, increased fatigue,;
  • aching in the limbs, as if someone was twisting the arms and legs;
  • pain in the eyes and their redness, sometimes it looks like a “shine” in the eyes;
  • increased fluid loss - sweating, urge to go to the toilet;
  • body cramps;
  • delirium and hallucinations, especially at night;
  • heart and respiratory failure
  • (lymphadenopathy), which can turn into inflammation (lymphadenitis).

At the same time, if the temperature rises too high, it depresses the activity of the central nervous system (CNS). The heat leads to dehydration, circulatory disorders in the internal organs (lungs, liver, kidneys), leads to.

As already mentioned above, an increase in body temperature is a consequence of the struggle of the immune system with foreign microorganisms that enter the body through the impact of various negative factors on the body (burns, etc.).

As soon as the human body fixes the invasion (, and others) and viruses, large organs begin to produce special proteins - pyrogens. It is these proteins that are the trigger mechanism by which the process of increasing body temperature starts. Thanks to this, natural protection is activated, and to be more precise, antibodies and interferon protein.

Interferon is a special protein designed to fight harmful microorganisms. The higher the body temperature, the more it is produced. By artificially lowering body temperature, we reduce the production and activity of interferon. In this case, antibodies enter the arena of the fight against microorganisms, to which we owe our recovery, but much later.

The body fights the disease most effectively at 39°C. But any organism can malfunction, especially if the immune system is not strengthened, and as a result of its fight against infections, the temperature can rise to dangerous levels for humans - from 39 ° to 41 ° C and above.

Also, in addition to the fight of the immune system against infections, increased or high body temperature and its constant fluctuations can be symptoms of many diseases.

The main diseases, conditions and factors that can increase body temperature:

  • acute respiratory diseases (and):,, (rhinitis,), bronchiolitis, and many others;
  • intensive sports or heavy physical labor in a heating microclimate;
  • chronic mental disorders;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases (, etc.);
  • infections of the urinary system, gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  • , infected postoperative and post-traumatic wounds;
  • increased thyroid function (), autoimmune diseases;
  • fever of unknown origin, without infection;
  • or heat stroke;
  • extreme fluid loss;
  • poisoning of various etiologies - drugs, heavy metals;
  • in women after ovulation, a slight increase in body temperature (by 0.5 ° C) is possible.

If the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ° C, you should not try to reduce it with the help of medicines, because. in this case, the body itself struggles with the reasons for its increase. First of all, you need to consult a doctor so that the overall picture of the disease is not “blurred”.

If you did not have the opportunity to see a doctor or you did not attach any importance to this, and the temperature does not return to normal for several days, but constantly changes throughout the day, especially if at this time you constantly feel general malaise and weakness, increased sweating at night, swollen lymph nodes, then consult a doctor without fail.

Particular attention should be paid to this issue in cases with children, because. a small organism is more susceptible to dangers that can hide behind elevated temperatures!

After the diagnosis, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary treatment for you.

Diagnosis (examination) for diseases at high temperature

  • Medical history including complaints;
  • General examination of the patient;
  • Axillary and rectal;
  • to establish the reasons for the increase in temperature;
  • Taking samples of sputum, urine and stool;
  • Additional tests: (lungs or accessory cavities of the nose), gynecological examination, examination of the gastrointestinal tract (EGDS, coloscopy), lumbar puncture, etc.

How to lower body temperature

Once again, I want to note that if you have an elevated body temperature (more than 4 days) or a very high temperature (from 39 ° C), you should urgently consult a doctor who will help bring down the high temperature and prevent more serious health problems.

How to lower body temperature? General events

  • It is necessary to observe bed rest. At the same time, the patient should be dressed in cotton clothes, which must be changed regularly;
  • The room where the patient is located must be constantly ventilated, and also ensure that it is not too hot in it;
  • A patient with a high temperature needs to consume plenty of fluids at room temperature to prevent. A healthy drink is tea with, raspberry, linden. The amount of drinking is calculated as follows: starting from 37 ° C, for each degree of elevated temperature, it is additionally necessary to drink from 0.5 to 1 liter of liquid. This is especially important to observe for preschool children and the elderly, because. they dehydrate the body much faster;
  • If a person has a fever, cool wet compresses help well: on the forehead, neck, wrists, armpits, calf muscles (for children - “vinegar socks”). Also, with cool compresses, for 10 minutes, you can wrap the shins in parallel.
  • At elevated temperatures, you can take a warm (not cold and not hot) bath, but waist-deep. The upper part of the body must be wiped. The water should be around 35°C. This contributes not only to the normalization of temperature, but also to flush out toxins from the skin;
  • It is possible to reduce the temperature with the help of foot baths with cold water;
  • At elevated body temperature, it is necessary to wipe the body with warm water at 27-35°C. Wiping starts from the face, goes to the hands, and then wipes the legs.
  • Food at elevated and high temperatures should be light - fruit purees, vegetable soup, baked apples or potatoes. Further diet will be determined by the doctor.

If the patient does not want to eat, then the body needs it, take a daily diet.

What not to do at high temperatures

  • Do not rub the patient's skin with alcohol, because. this action may increase the chills. This is especially forbidden for children.
  • Arrange drafts;
  • Wrap the patient tightly with synthetic blankets. All clothing, as mentioned, should be made of cotton so that the body can breathe.
  • Do not drink sugary drinks and juices.

Medicines for high fever

Before using any means against high or high fever, be sure to consult your doctor!

Medicines against high temperature are mainly included in the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which, in addition to the fat-reducing effect, also have the ability to stop pain and stop inflammation. However, they have contraindications, and some of them should not be given to children, therefore, antipyretics should be used only if the general recommendations for lowering the temperature, which were written a little higher, did not help.

Please note that antibiotics are prescribed only for bacterial infections - antibacterial drugs do not reduce body temperature.

Before using medicines, pay attention to the dosage of the drug - always read the instructions for it.

When to Call a Doctor Immediately

  • when the temperature rises above 38.5ºС;
  • if the patient cannot drink;
  • with fever. If in a teenager or adult it lasts longer than 48-72 hours. If the child is under 2 years old, then in case of fever longer than 24-48 hours.
  • with the appearance of disorders of consciousness: delirium, hallucinations, arousal;
  • with severe headache, convulsive seizures, respiratory failure;

With inadequate treatment of infectious diseases, blood poisoning (sepsis) can develop.