Is it possible to correct an overbite with braces in adults. Twelve reasons not to correct an overbite

Not only external attractiveness, but also chewing functions depend on the correct bite, which means the health of the whole organism. Therefore, it is desirable to correct the wrong one. This article explains how to fix an overbite in different ways - with and without braces, the features of each and the prices.

How to fix an overbite with braces

Wearing braces is a popular way to correct an overbite. There are various options for such structures, but they have one thing in common: by creating a certain pressure on the teeth, they force them to take the correct position.

Types of braces

By type of construction
Variety Design features Price


They are traditional braces mounted on the outer surface of the teeth.From 15000 rub.


They are installed on the inner surface of the teeth, invisible from the outside, therefore more aesthetic.From 50000 rub.


The design involves a ligature - a special rubber band that fastens the lock to the arc. Over time, it oxidizes and loses its “marketable” appearance.From 15000 rub.


Modern designs in which there is no ligature. More efficient and compact.From 25000 rub.
According to the material of manufacture


They are made of medical steel and nickel-titanium alloy. Reliable and efficient, but not too aesthetic. There are gold options - hypoallergenic.From 15000 rub.


Inexpensive, but not durable. The color is close to the shade of enamel, however, due to coffee, nicotine, and other products, they can stain.From 10000 rub.


Less noticeable, because the color of the ceramic is close to the shade of the enamel. Can be combined with metal.An average of 40,000 rubles.


Transparent, in combination with a white arc, they are almost invisible in the mouth.From 33000 rub.

Installation and operation

The installation of braces is possible in children and adolescents, and in adults. But we must understand that the older the patient, the more difficult it will be to align the row of teeth. The feasibility, chances for a complete correction and the shape of the bracket will be determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Installation and treatment are carried out in several stages:

  1. An examination, during which the doctor assesses the condition of the oral cavity, determines the type of bite and the possibility of its correction.
  2. Diagnosis, during which the structural features of the jaw are determined in detail.
  3. Preparation, which consists in the removal of tartar, professional teeth cleaning.
  4. Selection of suitable treatment taking into account individual characteristics, determination of the type and shape of braces.
  5. Installation of braces - after careful treatment of the surface of the teeth with a special solution, locks are placed on them, through which arcs are passed.
  6. Observation - the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor and undergo regular examinations, if necessary, the position of the arches is changed.

Wearing such structures, especially at the beginning, causes discomfort, and sometimes pain. Over time, a person gets used to it, and a competent specialist will help to minimize discomfort.

The action of braces is based on the fact that the arc connecting the locks is trying to straighten, but they do not allow it. This creates pressure on the teeth, which forces them to take the correct position. The teeth are forced to move and get used to the correct locations. As their position changes, the specialist adjusts the position of the braces.

When do braces help?

Crooked teeth are one of the problems that braces can help fix.

Wearing braces will help to cope with such problems:

  • various bite anomalies;
  • crooked teeth;
  • the presence of gaps between the teeth;
  • difficult eruption - help to stretch the tooth;
  • deformation of the rows after the loss of part of the teeth.

For each violation, there will be slight differences in the use of constructs.

Wearing time

Duration of wearing is from one year to one and a half years. In the most severe cases, in the presence of several violations at once, the process can take 2-3 years. The stories that it will take 5-6 years are not true. Also, do not believe the advertisements that promise to correct the bite in a two to three times shorter period.

Advantages and disadvantages

Here are the benefits of braces:

  • high efficiency;
  • various options for design and materials;
  • a wide range of problems that they are able to solve;
  • the ability to use at any age;
  • the opportunity to choose a suitable option for the price.

The disadvantage is the long term for correcting the problem, but it is comparable with other designs.

Important! The sooner you start treatment, the better. In older patients, there is a risk of removing some misaligned teeth while wearing braces.

How to fix an overbite with caps

Caps are an alternative to braces. Their difference is that they are removable, made of polycarbonate.


The cost of caps is comparable to the cost of ceramic and sapphire vestibular braces. At the same time, it is lower than that of lingual structures. It should also be borne in mind that during the treatment process, it will be necessary to make several different caps.

Description and principle of operation

Caps or aligners is a convenient device for bite correction in children and adults. Made of polymer material, it is comfortable and easy to care for. The cap should be removed and cleaned every day. In the process of correcting the bite in this way, several aligners are made and replaced as the line of the teeth changes.

The principle of operation of the cap is based on physical pressure, due to which the bite is leveled. The desired effect is achieved fairly quickly. Suitable for both teens and adults.

What anomalies will help

Indications for wearing such structures are:

  • too large gaps between the teeth or, conversely, their absence;
  • cross bite with slight deviations;
  • the location of one or more teeth lower or higher than necessary;
  • displacement of the tooth to the side or a slight rotation in relation to its own axis;
  • the absence of several teeth, which caused changes in the bite;
  • injuries that caused bite changes;
  • improper eruption of milk and permanent teeth in children.

Wearing a cap is also prescribed after removing the braces - to consolidate the result and prevent the teeth from moving again.

Course duration

The duration of wearing a cap depends on the type of violation and its severity. The minimum term is six months, the maximum one and a half to two years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Mouthguards, unlike braces, are invisible on the teeth.

Here are the benefits of caps:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to take off and put on;
  • quick effect;
  • ease of maintenance.

However, they also have disadvantages. This method of adjustment is only suitable for disciplined people. The problem is that the structures are removable, so there is a great temptation to take them off at the slightest discomfort and give yourself a rest. And for success, you need to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, including the duration of wearing.

Often removing the aligners may not achieve anything at all. In addition, caps are not suitable for all anomalies, since they are not able to have such a strong effect as braces.

How to correct malocclusion in children

In childhood, it is easier to correct an overbite, but there are many reasons for its development. Common are thumb sucking, nibbling habits, pressing the tongue on the teeth, holding the jaw incorrectly, and others. To help children in this regard, there are several methods.

With the help of a pacifier

The orthodontic pacifier primarily serves not to correct the bite, but to ensure that it is formed correctly. Its difference from the usual one is that the form is as natural as possible, close to the structure of the female nipple. Therefore, her sucking is natural for the child.

She teaches the baby to hold the jaw and tongue correctly, helps to form the correct nasal breathing. As a result, a correct bite is formed, which will help to avoid problems in the future.

With the help of a plate

Records are removable devices. They can and should be periodically removed to honor them and the teeth. Correction with plates in childhood is achieved quite effectively and quickly. They are designed for:

  • holding the teeth in the right position;
  • impact on the formation of jaw bones;
  • stimulation or restriction of jaw development;
  • adjusting the width of the sky.

The disadvantage of the plates is the age limit. Their use is considered optimal before puberty. As you grow older, it will become more and more difficult to correct an overbite in this way. In adults, plates are used only for minor defects.

With staples

Staples are recommended to be placed after 8-9 years, the optimal age is 12-14 years. They are shown with the following violations:

  • irregular shape of the jaw bones;
  • too narrow or wide palate;
  • abnormal too fast or slow growth of one or both jaws;
  • incorrect position of the teeth;
  • various pathologies of bite.

Braces resemble braces in design and action, but are less bulky and removable.

With the help of trainers

The trainer is a special tire made of elastic material. Their difference from other devices is that the action is not aimed at correcting the bite, but at eliminating the causes that influenced it. When these causes are eliminated, the position of the teeth is also normalized.

The trainer helps the facial, masticatory muscles to work normally, due to which the correct bite is formed. The main time of wearing is a night's sleep. During the day, the device is worn during rest for a maximum of four hours. The device acts slowly and gently and is not able to correct serious malocclusion.


In some cases, surgery will be the only way to correct an overbite.

In what cases and who needs

The operation is indicated in the following cases:

  • lack of symmetry of the face;
  • too uneven rows of teeth;
  • improper distribution of the load on the jaw during chewing, which causes severe discomfort;
  • serious speech disorders;
  • deformation of the alveolar processes;
  • inability to fully close the teeth;
  • unnatural location of the tongue in the mouth;
  • distortion of the cranial vault;
  • improper development of the jaw;
  • severe trauma to the bones of the face.

Unfortunately, there are situations in which even surgery is not able to help.

How does it go

The operation takes place under general anesthesia in several stages:

  • anesthesia;
  • dissection of tissues;
  • rearrangement of tissues, removal, fixation;
  • tire placement.

Its features depend on the corrected defect. So, for example, to eliminate an open bite, a part of the bone is removed, as a result of which the remaining ones fall into place. Treatment is carried out before and after the operation. In many cases, it requires the extraction of one or more teeth before it is performed.

After the operation, the patient is under medical supervision. The operated tissues are fixed with the help of special devices. Drug therapy may be needed, and a change in diet is also necessary so as not to put unnecessary stress on the jaws. The postoperative period lasts at least three months.

Possible Complications

After surgery, the following complications may occur:

  1. Swelling of the face. It is observed a couple of days after the operation, then gradually disappears.
  2. Dizziness and nausea. This is a possible reaction to anesthesia.
  3. Pain. A natural process for any surgical intervention.
  4. tissue inflammation. Occurs with increased load on the operated jaw.
  5. Speech disorders. Small ones pass quickly, serious ones cannot be fixed without the help of a specialist.
  6. Divergence of seams. Occurs sometimes, in this case, re-fixing may be necessary.

It is important to understand that discomfort and discomfort after any operation is normal. Concern should arise if they get worse or do not go away for a long time.

Pros and cons

The main advantage of the operation is its efficiency. Excellent results are achieved in a short period of time. It is also an opportunity to solve several problems at once.

Cons are primarily related to the psychological component. Braces seem to be easier and safer than surgery. The disadvantages include the occurrence of side effects and the high cost of the operation.

What is the price

The operation to correct the bite in combination with appropriate therapy will cost about 300-450 thousand rubles.

Laser bite correction

The laser for bite correction is used only in combination with other methods.

Laser bite correction cannot be attributed to an independent method. Rather, he is helpful.

It is used for the manufacture of high-precision caps, in preparation for the installation of corrective systems, after the removal of braces and after surgery. It is also used to correct such shortcomings as a short frenulum of the tongue in a child.

In addition, the laser is involved in teeth whitening, to relieve inflammation, to accelerate regeneration processes. Allows you to most accurately fit the corrective systems to the shape of the teeth.


Many are interested in the question, is it possible to somehow do without all this? That is, correct the bite at home, without going to the doctor. In this case, special exercises will help.

In what cases are they effective?

Exercises will be quite effective in mild cases, in childhood, and also in combination with removable structures to correct the bite.

Important! In order not to spoil the result of the work of the orthodontist, you should consult with him about the choice of exercises.

A set of exercises

  1. Squeeze sticks with a diameter of 10, 20, 30 mm five times with jaws. Helps with open bite.
  2. Raise your chin, straighten your shoulders. Move the chin away from you and back 10-15 times with an increase in amplitude. Recommended for deep bite.
  3. Squeeze and stretch your lips, as if blowing out a candle. Then stretch them into a wide smile - 10 times.
  4. Press with the tip of the tongue on the palate near the upper teeth until slight fatigue appears. Helps with underbite.
  5. In front of a mirror, open your mouth wide and put your jaws in the correct position, close your mouth, clench your teeth. Then repeat the same, but without a mirror, focusing on your own feelings. Recommended for oblique bite.

Popular questions

  • What is the best way to correct a deep bite? For teenagers, a cap or trainer will be optimal, in adulthood - braces with facial arches.
  • How to correct an overbite? It is shown to wear braces, use exercises as an auxiliary technique. And also the operation.
  • What is the best way to correct an overbite? In children, removable constructions and gymnastics will fix the problem, in adults, braces cannot be dispensed with.
  • What are the ways to correct an open bite? This type of overbite can be corrected with braces.
  • Can an overbite be corrected without surgery? Yes, correction with braces and exercises as an aid is possible.
  • Which doctor should I contact? This is what an orthodontist does.
  • How to fix an overbite yourself at home? You can correct it yourself with the help of exercises, without going to a doctor, only in children and with minor violations.
  • At what age is it better to correct an overbite? Is it possible to correct it in 30-40-50 years? Up to what age is it possible? The optimal age for correcting the bite with the help of structures is 12-14 years. This is the time when the permanent teeth have already grown and the bite has begun to form. You can do this at 30, but it will be more difficult. The older the person, the less chance and the longer and more painful the correction will be. The operation can be performed at any age.
  • Do I need to correct my bite? Yes, because in addition to a cosmetic defect, malocclusion leads to speech disorders, changes in jaw joints and muscles, worsens chewing function, and therefore harms the body as a whole.
  • Can an overbite be corrected with veneers? Crowns? Veneers are designed for cosmetic effect, they cover the "wrong" teeth, but do not correct them. Crowns are used to replace missing or damaged teeth.
  • Can an overbite be corrected for free? Only with the help of exercises, in simple situations.
  • Will tooth extraction help? Extraction of teeth is indicated in some cases before the installation of braces or surgery. In most cases, the extraction of teeth, on the contrary, worsens the bite.

Malocclusion is a dental pathology, which is characterized by an incorrect arrangement of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. An overbite is one of the most common dental problems. This disorder usually has a genetic predisposition, but can also be caused by thumb sucking, prolonged pacifier use, and other childhood habits. While this disorder cannot be safely and effectively treated at home, malocclusion in children and adults can still be corrected with several professional treatments.


Part 1

Establishing diagnosis

    Clench your teeth and smile to check if you have an overbite problem. To check for an overbite, close your mouth so that your teeth clench in their natural position. As you clench your teeth, smile into the mirror and look at the area where one row of teeth overlaps another. Although a slight overlap is acceptable, seek medical attention if one row protrudes significantly more.

    • A malocclusion is considered severe when the teeth protrude 3.5 mm or more. For more accurate measurements, you should contact your dentist.
  1. Get a dental checkup. If you are not sure if an overbite needs medical attention and are not ready to spend money on a dental examination, consult your dentist. Ask him to conduct a dental examination, during which the dentist will check the condition of each tooth and the general condition of the oral cavity. Have him take an x-ray to check for one of the following types of malocclusion:

  2. Find a good orthodontist. The orthodontist will tell you how you can correct your malocclusion, how much it will cost and how long it will take. Find a highly qualified specialist with the appropriate education and experience. Before starting treatment, make sure that the orthodontist is a member of the professional society of Russian orthodontists.

    • If you can't find a good orthodontist in your city, ask your dentist to recommend someone.
  3. Try traditional wire retainers. In some cases, especially when it comes to children who are still growing, malocclusion can be corrected with regular wire retainers. They require less maintenance than braces and cost less. A fixed structure will cost from 2000-3000 rubles and more per jaw. Removable braces will cost more - from 10,000 rubles per row. Although they are more visible than clear aligners, they can be easily removed if needed.

    • Very often, retainers are placed after braces are removed to keep the teeth in their new position.

If it becomes necessary to correct the bite, most dentists advise using.

These are iron plates that are put on the teeth. They do not look aesthetically pleasing and therefore most patients refuse this technique.

To date, it is possible to correct the bite without the use of braces.

How to fix an overbite without braces?

Previously, dentists argued that it was possible to correct an overbite only in childhood. But medicine is constantly improving, which today allows you to perform this procedure at any age.

Bite correction can be done by alternative methods.

Namely, with:

  • orthodontic trainers;
  • vestibular plates;
  • aligners.

The choice of a particular device directly depends on the characteristics of the structure of the teeth. Correcting an overbite without braces requires the patient to visit a dentist.

First of all, you need to get your teeth in order. If necessary, then the doctor installs prostheses.

Before the procedure, the patient is required to be sent for x-rays. With the help of this procedure, the condition of the dentition and jaw is determined.

Orthopantomogram is a panoramic image of the entire dentoalveolar system, which helps to diagnose anomalies in the development and location of teeth.

Also, the doctor needs to conduct a visual examination of the patient's oral cavity and study the history. This will enable the formation of a strategy for correcting the bite.

The procedure is carried out if the patient experiences aesthetic discomfort. Also, bite correction is necessary in the presence of a variety of dental problems.

If the patient has, then this leads to an uneven load on the dentition. That is why the gums are affected and teeth can be lost prematurely.

This pathological condition can lead to a violation of the respiratory, chewing and swallowing functions, which negatively affects the state of human health.

The choice of a bite correction method should be carried out only by a dentist after an appropriate diagnosis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Vestibular plates

Vestibular plates allow correcting the bite in children without braces. They are a plastic base, an arc and clasps.

Vestibular plates are most effective at an early age

With this method, you can not only correct the bite, but also correct the width of the palate. Also, with the help of these devices, the width of the jaw is adjusted. The use of vestibular plates is possible only if the age of the child is from 3 to 11 years.

During the period of application of the plates, the possibility of painful sensations is eliminated. That is why most children agree to use this method.

If we compare these devices with braces, they are almost invisible on the teeth, which eliminates the possibility of aesthetic discomfort.

When using plates, the possibility of damage to tooth enamel is eliminated.

Thanks to the use of universal materials for the production of orthodontic plates, patients do not experience allergic reactions during their use.

Devices do not require special care, which ensures ease of use. The disadvantages of these devices include the fact that they cannot be used to correct bite in adult patients, which is explained by their ineffectiveness.

To care for the vestibular plate, a toothbrush with soft bristles and special gels are used.

Due to the correct selection of material for the production of plates, allergic reactions and other undesirable effects do not occur in patients during their use. These devices affect the cause of the disease, which allows them to effectively correct the bite.

Vestibular plates belong to the category of universal devices, with the help of which the most comfortable bite correction is carried out in childhood.

Orthodontic trainers

Orthodontic trainers are universal devices, the production material of which is elastic silicone.

With the help of these devices, you can eliminate a variety of problems that are associated with malocclusion. The use of trainers is carried out if it is impossible to correct the bite with the use of braces.

If the patient has difficulty swallowing or breathing, then he needs to use these devices. They are indicated if a person has crowded teeth of the lower row.

Trainers look like silicone multi-colored mouthguards

If relapses occur after dental therapy, it is recommended to use orthodontic trainers. Their dentists recommend wearing them after braces, which allows you to fix the result of bite correction.

The material for the production of trainers is a special soft silicone, which slightly presses on the teeth and is characterized by full adaptation to the oral cavity.

Orthodontic trainers do not need to be worn all the time, they are recommended to be worn at night. In the daytime, the use of devices is carried out within 2-4 hours. In order to correct the malocclusion, it is necessary to use two types of trainers: initial and final.

Initially, you need to use the first type of fixtures. It is worn for 6-8 months.

The duration of the second stage of bite correction using the second type of trainers is the same interval.

The fixtures are made of hard silicone, which provides a stronger impact on the teeth. In order to monitor the effectiveness of the procedure, patients are advised to visit the dentist every two months.

The retainer has increased flexibility and is much smaller in size than the trainer

Removable or other methods of bite correction are used to consolidate the results. They are a plastic cap that has a metal arc. These devices eliminate the possibility of recurrence.

The use of special caps (aligners)

Aligners are removable orthodontic appliances that are attached to the teeth. They are characterized by the absence of color and therefore are almost invisible. Wearing these devices is necessary around the clock. They are only removed when eating or brushing your teeth.

The use of caps should be carried out only in accordance with the indications:

  1. If it is not possible to use braces to correct the bite.
  2. There are no gaps between the teeth.
  3. Small crowding of teeth.
  4. Expanded or narrowed dental arch.

The application is often carried out to eliminate relapses after correction of the bite. For the procedure, a variety of caps are used:

  1. Standard. Their production is carried out using a single template.
  2. Thermoplastic. These devices are characterized by the ability to change their shape. For this purpose, they are exposed to high temperatures.
  3. Individual. The production of fixtures is carried out in accordance with the individual characteristics of the dentition of each individual patient.

Transparent mouthguards for teeth alignment are invisible and comfortable, but are ineffective for very advanced and serious deformities.

The production of individual caps is carried out using elastic biopolymer compounds. Thanks to this, the devices repeat the given shape.

In order to make a cap, you must first remove the plaster model of the jaw. Caps need to be replaced every 15-20 minutes. To correct an overbite in adults, it is necessary to wear mouth guards for a year.

The retention period lasts approximately two years. This allows you to most effectively consolidate the result.

In some cases, patients are shown permanent wearing retainers. During the period of use of these devices, it is necessary to strictly follow all the prescriptions of the doctor.

Aligners are universal devices with the help of which effective bite correction is carried out in adults and children.


If the bite is corrected without braces, the price plays an important role in the choice of appliances. The price of records starts from 4000 rubles.

If these devices are used to correct the bite in adult patients, then the cost will be from 5 thousand rubles. The minimum cost of retainers is 6 thousand rubles.

If carried out, then the patient needs to spend up to 150 thousand rubles. The average cost of aligners is 170 thousand rubles.

Bite correction without braces is a rather serious process that requires an individual approach. That is why the selection of the necessary device is carried out by the dentist after the diagnosis.

Useful video:

An alternative to treatment on braces: mouth guards for correcting bite - in detail about the installation process, advantages and features of use:

The correct bite has only a small part of the world's population, approximately only one in five. In the rest, there are various changes in the bite. Small shifts are noticeable only to the person himself, while serious shortcomings can be noticed by others. In addition to purely aesthetic discomfort, malocclusion can be the cause of many dental diseases, problems with facial expressions and chewing food. An overbite needs to be corrected, with or without the help of a doctor. But first, let's decide if you have the right bite?

How to spot an overbite

To pass this test, you need to sit comfortably and take a small mirror in your hand. Close your teeth tightly, as you used to do. Open your lips and look in the mirror.

  1. With the correct bite, the upper teeth are superimposed on the lower ones. Indigenous at the same time are in close contact. The upper teeth are parallel to the lower - strictly opposite. That is, the upper right incisor is directly opposite the lower right incisor, no shifts. If your teeth are not exactly opposite, your bite is wrong.
  2. With the correct bite, there is no special gap between the row of upper and lower teeth, the teeth lie tightly.
  3. Protrusion of the lower jaw or a strong protrusion of the upper jaw forward is a sign of malocclusion.
  4. Visually draw a line in the center of the face. If it passes exactly between the upper and lower incisors, you most likely have no problems with bite.

After analyzing the bite yourself, you can seek help from an orthodontist. He will assess the situation and, if necessary, take up treatment.

Dangers of malocclusion

Many patients wonder - why treat the wrong bite? Indeed, why interfere with the body if nothing hurts and does not bother? Of course, strong and obvious changes in the bite should be corrected primarily for aesthetic reasons. A person with a malocclusion often feels flawed, insecure, ugly. If this situation can be corrected, it must be done as soon as possible!

But why change the bite if it does not interfere with the owner, does not cause discomfort and is noticeable to others? The fact is that even small changes or underdevelopment of the jaw can lead to serious consequences. Firstly, a person does not chew food thoroughly enough, which affects the functioning of the digestive system. It is more difficult for a person with a malocclusion to swallow, which makes throat diseases more difficult and occur more often. If the patient has a malocclusion, this leads to more frequent dental diseases, a predisposition to periodontitis and gingivitis. These teeth are more difficult to clean and more prone to caries. It is also more difficult to treat such teeth, and especially when it comes to prosthetics. Improper closing of teeth leads to excessive friction in unnecessary places, tooth enamel suffers from this. That is why if you suspect a wrong bite, you need to urgently correct the situation. But what could be the reason for this development of the jaws?

Causes of malocclusion

In addition to hereditary and genetic factors, there are many physiological reasons that can lead to a curvature of the bite in a child.

  1. The underdevelopment of the lower or upper jaw may be the result of improper intrauterine development of the child. Lack of vitamins, stress, bad habits of the mother can lead to a number of abnormalities in the child.
  2. Often the wrong bite appears in artificial people. Little babies need the jaw training they get from breastfeeding. If the baby is not breastfed, he is offered a bottle, milk from which flows without much effort. The baby does not need to strain the jaws, they become weak, develop poorly.
  3. If a child has problems with adenoids, he has to breathe through his mouth very often. The constant presence in this position atrophies some of the jaw muscles, the upper jaw narrows, forming a malocclusion.
  4. A nipple or constant finger sucking can also cause a baby to have a malocclusion.
  5. Injuries, bruises, loss of some teeth - all this can be an impetus for the development of malocclusion. After such situations, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.
    Whatever the cause of the child's malocclusion, it must be corrected. You can do this at home or under the supervision of a doctor.

There are many modern dental techniques that will help you correct your bite in a relatively short time.

  1. Mouthguards. These are plastic prostheses that are put on the teeth and can be easily removed if necessary. Mouthguards can be worn around the clock or only at night (if the bite is slightly changed). They are completely transparent and do not bring much discomfort. They are usually used to correct bite in children and adolescents.
  2. Veneers. These are thin porcelain plates that completely cover the teeth and hide their imperfections. With the help of veneers, you can correct bite defects, while immediately hiding them from others.
  3. Trainers. This is another modern way to correct an overbite. The trainer is a small silicone device that is worn on the lower or upper jaw (sometimes on both). The trainer not only fixes the teeth in the right position, but also keeps the tongue in the correct position, trains the facial and jaw muscles. After wearing the trainer for a long time, the bite remains correct, the corrected defects no longer return.

Only a doctor can choose a method of bite correction, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient. If you have not yet reached the dentist, you can try to fix the situation at home.

How to fix an overbite at home

In fact, it is almost impossible to correct serious violations on your own. However, some minor defects can still be eliminated. The most effective way for this is exercises for the development of facial and jaw muscles. By acting on certain muscle groups, you will achieve their growth and increase. Trying to constantly position the jaw in the correct, and not in a comfortable position, you will gradually develop the necessary muscles and the bite will begin to change. Here is a set of effective exercises that will help you become better and healthier.

  1. To begin with, the jaw must be kneaded. Open your mouth wide and close it rhythmically in a few movements. After that, move the lower jaw to one side or the other.
  2. Touch the tip of your tongue to the sky. Fix in this position. With translational movements, move inside the mouth, that is, to the base of the tongue. Try to advance as long as possible, but do not allow pain in the frenulum area. At maximum distance, open and close your mouth several times.
  3. Place your elbows on the table and rest your chin on your palm. Open and close your mouth so that only the upper jaw moves along with the head. The lower jaw must be fixed and motionless. Repeat the exercise several times.
  4. Try to push the lower jaw forward as much as possible. Then move your jaw back as far as possible.
  5. Try to correct the bite for a while and be in the opposite state. If, during a habitual bite, the upper teeth cover the lower ones, change their position and stay there for at least three minutes. This trains the weak jaw muscles.

Each of these exercises should be repeated at least 10 times. The complex must be performed in the morning and in the evening, if you want to achieve real results. Regular exercises, patience and diligence will bring your jaw in order without medical intervention.

A beautiful smile wins hearts, but not everyone can boast of this wealth. Modern methods of dental treatment can correct even the most serious pathology. But often minor problems can be completely solved on their own, giving a load on the right muscles. And then you can correct the bite at home - without long queues and financial costs. Be healthy, please others with a snow-white smile!

Video: how to fix an overbite and make your teeth straight

Incorrect bite, that is, a violation of the natural interaction of teeth when closing, can be corrected at any age. Causes of malocclusion can be different. The specialist deals with each case individually, since for different reasons, even outwardly similar bite defects, there are different directions of treatment. Is it possible to correct an overbite without braces - let's try to figure it out in this article.

The beginning of the path to the correct bite is always a visit to the dentist, the condition of the teeth is put in order, and if necessary, prosthetics are carried out. A preliminary x-ray of the jaws is also necessary to identify the condition of the dentition and soft tissues of the jaws. Based on the visual examination and the data obtained from the analysis of the x-ray, a strategy for further treatment and bite correction is formed.

The need for correction is associated not only with the aesthetic issue of appearance, there are other dental problems. Bite with deformation affects the uneven load on the dentition, which leads to premature loss of teeth and damage to the gums. In addition, violation of the functions of chewing, breathing and swallowing leads to an imbalance in other systems of the human body, which affects the manifestation of unwanted ailments.

At what age is it possible to correct an overbite?

There is an opinion that. This is not entirely true. Yes, there is an optimal age for correcting an overbite - this is the age range from 9 to 15 years. It is advisable for fathers and mothers who have noticed peculiarities in the bite in a child to hurry - this is the period when the correct bite is formed with maximum efficiency and with minimal discomfort. But modern technologies in the field of orthodontic products continue to improve, so today we can say with confidence: "Bite can be corrected regardless of the number of years lived for any person." But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of age. Correction of bite in adults can last twice as long as in children, but there are no other restrictions - with the skillful actions of the dentist and an individual approach to the patient, the teeth occupy a natural position in the dentition.

bite correction methods

There are several main areas of orthodontic bite treatment:, and bracketless. Surgical intervention is justified only in the most serious cases. Correction of bite with brackets is effective, but not always acceptable to the patient.

The last direction in the enumeration of bite correction (without braces) has so far been considered weak in effectiveness. However, the progress of dental technologies, the emergence of new materials and the accumulated experience of specialists have significantly increased the efficiency of removable orthodontic devices in bite correction.

How to fix an overbite without braces

Orthodontic devices are distinguished by the nature of attachment and impact on the dentition.

Vestibular plates

The effectiveness of this device is high, with the help of plates it is possible for children before the maturation period to even change the external parameters of the jawbone, correct (limit or stimulate) the development of the jaws, regulate the development of the width of the palate and keep the teeth in the required position.

Vestibular plates have a number of advantages over the use of briquettes: the ability to independently remove the plates allows you to brush your teeth in a normal mode, to give rest to your teeth and jaws from deforming stress.

The disadvantage of the plates is the limited use (for adult patients, they are effective for minor occlusion deficiencies) and that the process of occlusion correction requires a longer exposure time.

Orthodontic trainers

The peculiarity of this device is that its task is not directly forming physical impact on the teeth. Trainers are designed to eliminate the causes that contributed to the occurrence of malocclusion.

By design, these are elastic silicone devices. The patient quickly gets used to the effects of trainers, the facial and masticatory muscles acquire the “correct” algorithm of work, which contributes to a natural and soft bite correction.

The advantages of trainers consist in the principle of impact: the impact on the cause anticipates possible problems in the correction and post-correction periods, which gives the dentition not only an aesthetic appearance, but also a harmoniously developed functionality when chewing.

The material for this orthodontic device is selected so that the patient does not experience any allergic or other undesirable side reactions.

An important advantage is that the recommended period of daily wear of trainers is no more than 4 hours. The main training effect occurs at night, when sleep minimizes the number and intensity of discomfort that occurs when the jaws and dentition are stressed. The sleep period preserves the effectiveness of training the correct position of the tongue, the swallowing process, the position of the jaws and the correctness of inhalation-exhalation, which contributes to the maximum comfort of the process during long-term bite correction.

Daily use of trainers is also convenient to combine with rest phases: reading books, computer entertainment, watching TV. Suitable for correction may be a period when there is no physical activity, no need for sudden movements, and the internal emotional state is close to serenity, since the masticatory and facial muscles are closely related to manifestations of a physical and emotional nature. Grinding of teeth, excessive clenching of the jaws can slow down, or even interfere with the setting of the desired bite.

The process of "educating" the correct bite with the help of trainers is usually divided into several stages: the first stage solves the general tasks of restoring the bite, and at the second stage, the impact is directly on the dentition.

The first stage lasts from six months or more - the individual duration of this correction phase is determined by a specialist. At this stage, a very soft and pliable trainer is used, to which the patient gets used without difficulty and very quickly. At this stage, the “education” of the correct functionality of the facial and chewing muscles, the position of the jaws takes place.

The duration of the second stage is also a period of six months or more, and the sign of completion will be the approach of the bite to the maximum possible correctness. At this stage, more rigid trainers are used, their task is to directly affect the dentition. The maximum changes in bite appear already during the first three months of use, and then there is a “finishing and fixing” of the result.

The process ends with the so-called "retrainer", the main function of which is to create a "buffer" period of adaptation of the transition from the use of trainers to the cessation of use. The peculiarity of the retainer is its reduced size and increased elasticity. The device is almost not felt, but at the same time it has a fixing effect on the corrected bite.

The main disadvantage of trainers - the duration of exposure (a year or more) is fully compensated by the unobtrusive sensations during application, the naturalness of the correction process and financial availability.

As an orthodontic method, it will perfectly help both adult patients and children.

The use of special caps (aligners)

The advantage of caps for bite correction () is the effectiveness of the application, they are more effective than vestibular plates in terms of impact and lead to the desired effect somewhat faster when compared with the corrective effect of trainers. Mouthguards are comfortable, easy to remove and easy to maintain.

They directly affect the dentition, so dentists carefully and carefully approach the manufacture of individual caps and recommendations for use.

Caps for each patient are made individually, using a cast of the dentition. In the manufacture, computer technologies are used, on the basis of special programs a model of caps is created, which not only do no harm, but will also actively contribute to the correction of the bite.

Since rough and abrupt intervention in the correction of occlusion is unacceptable, dentists use "cascade" treatment with caps. During the course of bite treatment, several caps are made, each of which is the next stage to the final bite during treatment.

With all the advantages of caps, there are also "minuses", and the main one is not related to the material or design of the apparatus. The disadvantage is that mouth guards will not help unruly patients. When using caps, regularity, cleanliness and the desire to achieve results are needed. Mouthguards are very convenient, but their “democratic” nature: put on and take off at any moment, as soon as such a desire or need arises, often a “minus” turns from a “plus”. “Forgotten”, “interfering”, “uncomfortable” are the main reasons that the period for correcting the bite is postponed indefinitely. In addition, a mouth guard is an effective, but expensive device for correction.

By themselves, mouthguards are comfortable, effective and invisible when used. It is recommended for people of all ages as a treatment for overbite.

General rules when using removable orthodontic appliances

Oral use of devices always leads to additional rules and requirements for use, which will help to anticipate undesirable consequences.

The occurrence of discomfort or pain

If discomfort occurs during the first week of using the orthodontic appliance, then this phenomenon is normal and must be experienced. The habituation period for children is approximately three days, and adults can adapt to unusual sensations within a week. With severe discomfort, the use of light painkillers is allowed.

In the initial period, you should not remove the devices too often, it is better to be patient and thereby shorten the period of getting used to the corrective sensations.

If the pain occurs unexpectedly or does not stop with the already long-term use of orthodontic products, then you need to contact a specialist without wasting time.


Cleaning of orthodontic products is carried out regularly, twice a day, as soon as you brush your teeth: you brush your teeth, clean your cap or trainer, and put a clean corrective device on your clean teeth. A necessary condition for hygiene will be an additional brush for the devices: one brush for the cap, and another for the teeth. If the device is not used for some time, then it is lowered into a container with a storage solution.

Avoid deforming the device. If it happens that the orthodontic tool is deformed, then it is reckless to use it. In this case, it will be correct to contact a specialist, he will check whether the device is suitable for further use.

Exercises to correct an overbite

You need to understand that exercises for correcting a bite are not a self-sufficient tool, but an auxiliary one. Exercise helps speed up and move the correction process when using corrective orthodontic products.

Deep bite correction exercise

Perform standing. Shoulders are straightened. Raise the chin as much as possible. Then, slowly and without excessive load, but with a noticeable tension, we begin oscillatory stresses with the jaw from ourselves to ourselves. From oneself - in tension in order to increase the amplitude, towards oneself - a relaxed state for a short rest. Exercise should be done 10 to 15 times.

Corrective exercise in case of open bite

Can be done while sitting. You will need "gymnastic equipment" - three sticks of different thicknesses: 1, 2 and 3 cm in diameter. Each stick should be squeezed with moderate effort by the jaws 5 times.

Correction for incorrect inclination of the upper incisors

The task of the exercise: to lengthen the upper lip, to achieve closure of the lips. Can be done while sitting. Make an intense movement with your lips, as if you want to blow something away (imagine blowing off a clinging dust speck or a candle flame). Stretch the "blow off" position of the lips with tension into a wide smile of a Hollywood star. Repeat these movements 10 times. Then again stretch your lips forward with a tube and try to clearly count out loud to 30.

Exercise for the correction of the mesial occlusion

Can be done while sitting. Consists of two parts.

First part: lightly bite the lower lip, then trying not to change the position of the lower lip, stick out the tip of the tongue and press it firmly on the front teeth from the outside. Do this until you feel a little tired. Then we move on to the next part of the exercise.

The second part: it is necessary to slightly tilt your head back and start opening with a wide amplitude - closing the jaws. At the moment of closing, the tip of the tongue tends to the back of the palate.

Corrective exercise for oblique bite

This exercise requires attention and concentration. Performed directly in front of a mirror. Looking at your own reflection, open your jaws wide, then move your jaw so that the relative position of the jaws becomes as correct as possible, then close your jaws, trying to maintain the corrected position with moderate force, clench your teeth.

Close your eyes and remember the sensations in the jaws in this position.

Perform the same exercise, but with your eyes closed, correcting the bite not visually, but according to the sensations reproduced from memory.

Perform up to ten times, alternating the exercise with open and closed eyes.

If there is such a need, then help yourself to correct the location of the jaws relative to each other by turning the head.

Exercise Safety

We follow the golden rule: “it is better not to finish than to redo”. Tension during exercise should be felt, but it should not allow discomfort or pain. After each exercise, do a relaxing rotation of the head in both directions. And before you start a set of exercises, be sure to consult with your dentist about each exercise that you plan to practice.