Lack of sex hormones. Side effects of low estrogen levels

The endocrine glands (endocrine glands) that produce hormones, along with the nervous system, are the most important system in the human body. Hormones are responsible for the proper functioning and balance of many organs and systems in the body. Our health, beauty and good mood depend on them.

There are more than a hundred hormones in our body. They are closely linked through a complex network of relationships. Sometimes a deficiency or excess of just one hormone is enough for the activity of the whole organism to be turned upside down.

Hormones are especially important in the life of women. The correct course of the menstrual cycle depends on chain reactions involving several hormones. Estrogen is responsible for stimulating the growth of the lining of the uterus. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) leads to the development of follicles in which eggs mature. Progesterone, in turn, prepares the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.

Where does hormonal imbalance come from Symptoms Treatment

  • Recipes for women
  • Recipes for hypothyroidism
  • Recipes for hyperthyroidism
  • frequent fractures - you need to examine the level of parathyroid hormone. Excess amounts of this hormone can accelerate bone loss. The bones then become porous, brittle, and prone to injury. Equalizing parathyroid hormone levels will help prevent fractures. If the diagnosis is confirmed, we advise you to eat more dairy products, because they are rich in calcium, and fish, because they have vitamin D.
  • weight change (dramatic weight loss or weight gain) for no reason - you need to examine the level of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). An elevated level of TSH may indicate hypothyroidism (its symptoms are excessive weight gain and general weakness), while a low level may indicate hyperthyroidism (patients lose weight by eating more food than usual). In case of hypothyroidism, the patient should use a low-calorie diet. In hyperthyroidism, a high-energy diet is used, but with a restriction of animal fats.
  • constant thirst - study the level of insulin. If there is not enough of it, or the body is resistant to this hormone, glucose cannot enter the cells and remains in the blood. And this leads to the development of type 2 diabetes. If tests confirm elevated blood sugar levels, a low-sugar diet and daily physical activity (which increases insulin sensitivity) is necessary.
  • fast heartbeat, sweating and high blood pressure - these symptoms are controlled by adrenaline (stress hormone). Its excess is the result of a busy life. To reduce adrenaline levels, practice relaxation techniques - this can be a walk, exercise, hobbies. Limit smoking, alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  • violation of the menstrual cycle - examine the level of prolactin. Its excess causes the cessation of menstruation and impaired fertility (the ability to conceive) in women. Most often, the roots of the problem lie in stress, but sometimes the cause can be a pituitary adenoma. What to do if the tests are disappointing? First, get a good rest - to reduce tension and lower prolactin levels. If you have an ovarian cyst or uterine fibroids, you need to treat these diseases (you will find recipes on our website).
  • lack of sexual desire - check for estrogen. The level of this hormone begins to gradually decline in women over the age of 35. This is a natural process. If a decrease in estrogen levels causes unpleasant symptoms (lack of libido, vaginal dryness), appropriate treatment should be carried out - especially in women who want to become pregnant.
  • Excessive body hair in women (hirsutism) - check your testosterone levels. An increase in the level of this hormone in women may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. Hirsutism, dandruff, and other symptoms can also result from the use of steroids and blood pressure medications.

So, all of the symptoms listed above are warning signs that should prompt you to see a doctor immediately. This is especially true for women, because their body is more delicate and prone to hormonal fluctuations.

To treat hormonal disorders with folk remedies, you need herbs containing phytohormones - they will help normalize hormonal levels in mild ways, and do not lead to side effects.

Recipes for women

With hormonal fluctuations, the following herbs will be of particular benefit to the fairer sex.

  1. Vitex sacred. This herb will help control emotions as well as relieve chest pain and swelling. Vitex also regulates the menstrual cycle and helps to get pregnant. In the evening, pour a tablespoon of the plant into a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water, close the lid and leave until morning. The next day, drink the drink in small portions instead of water.
  2. Voronets - will help women who experience severe symptoms of menopause (unpleasant sensations of heat, mood swings). You can make tea from the crow grass (fill a teaspoon of the plant with a cup of boiling water and drink with honey), or you can make an alcohol tincture (100 g of crowberry per half liter of high-quality vodka, leave for days, take a teaspoon 2 times a day).
  3. Potentilla goose - relieves stress and frequency of uterine contractions, can be useful for painful periods associated with hormonal disruptions. Make an infusion of this herb (a teaspoon per cup of boiling water), and drink 2 cups daily, starting a week before your period. During the "critical days" taking goose cinquefoil is stopped.
  4. Flaxseed oil contains phytoestrogens, or natural plant compounds similar in design and function to estrogens. Thanks to these properties, you can cure both deficiency and excess of this hormone. Flaxseed oil can only be used cold - for example, add it to salads or just drink 2 tablespoons of the product per day.

If you have a hormonal failure, treatment with folk remedies should be continued for a long time, because the hormonal system is a complex mechanism that takes a long time to recover.

Recipes for hypothyroidism

To strengthen the function of the thyroid gland and thus treat hypothyroidism, make yourself an infusion of cumin fruits. A glass of boiling water goes to a tablespoon of raw materials, the product must be infused for at least 2 hours. Take ¼ cup of the infusion 4 times a day until your tests improve.

It is also useful for people with hypothyroidism to eat cranberries and drink tea from strawberry leaves.

Recipes for hyperthyroidism

Brew feather grass in hot milk (3 teaspoons of raw materials for 3 cups of milk). During the day, drink 2 cups of infusion, and use the remaining liquid for compresses on the thyroid gland.

Instead of feather grass, you can use hop cones brewed in milk (3 tablespoons of the plant for 3 cups of milk). You also need to drink 2 glasses a day and do compresses in the evening.

Decoctions of galangal grass (a tablespoon of the plant in a glass of water) will also be useful. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Take half a glass in the morning and in the evening after meals.

Recipes to Lower Blood Sugar

To reduce blood sugar, you need to prepare an infusion of lemongrass berries: pour a teaspoon of crushed fruits with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. In the morning and evening, drink half a glass of the drink, the treatment lasts 2 weeks, after which you need to take a break of 1 month and repeat the course.
An alcohol tincture of radiola roots (75 g per 500 ml of vodka) will bring good benefits. The plant is infused for 2 weeks, then filtered. Patients need to take half a teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day.

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How to increase estrogen, tell your doctor. Often the lack of such a hormone is detected at the next examination. This hormone has a direct effect on a woman's appearance. Although estrogen is present in men in small quantities. The lack of female sex hormone negatively affects the human body.

Medical indications

Estrogen is produced by the female body in the first half of the menstrual cycle. This process is stimulated by the hormone FSH. After ovulation, the follicle is destroyed. The production of gestagens is observed. This reduces the concentration of estrogen. During fertilization, gestagens are produced throughout pregnancy. Otherwise, their level decreases, and the concentration of estrogen increases. Menstruation is coming.

The female sex hormone is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • delayed sexual development;
  • mitigation of the general disorder of the body;
  • support for weak labor activity;
  • skin pathologies.

Synthetic estrogens are indicated for deficiency of one's own hormones. Estrogen in women is presented in the following forms:

  • estriol;
  • estrone;
  • estradiol.

The optimal level of estrogen in women is 50-400 pg/ml. If the value is below 100 pg / ml, then menopause occurs. In men, this phenomenon can be triggered by malnutrition and unhealthy lifestyles. The functions of the sex hormone include:

  • breast enlargement;
  • distribution of fat in the body;
  • normal development of the uterus and reproductive system;
  • regular menstruation;
  • general well-being.

The concentration of estrogen changes due to the hormonal background. Symptoms of a lack of estrogen:

  • painful and irregular cycle of menstruation;
  • decreased performance and libido;
  • nervousness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • insomnia;
  • frequent mood swings.

Due to estrogen, a normal concentration of cholesterol is ensured. Estrogen and testosterone work together to promote muscle growth. At the same time, libido in men is maintained. Excess estrogen negatively affects the female and male body:

  • excess weight;
  • decreased libido;
  • stress;
  • depression.

To increase estrogen in women, use the drug method and a balanced diet. It is recommended to consult with your doctor beforehand. Pills containing estrogen are used for treatment and contraception. Preparations of the first group, which increase the concentration of the hormone, are indicated in the following cases:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • underdeveloped sexual apparatus;
  • menopause;
  • weak generic activity;
  • infertility.

Classification of drugs

Often the doctor prescribes complex treatment. Combined oral contraceptives are divided into the following types:

  • monophasic (Mersilon, Rigevidon);
  • two-phase (Anteovin);
  • three-phase (Trikvilar, Triziston).

The action of such funds is aimed at preventing ovulation. If these drugs are used for medicinal purposes, then the amount of blood discharge during menstruation decreases, the pain disappears, the menstrual cycle proceeds normally. Estrogen tablets are used in the following cases:

  • replacement therapy with sex hormones;
  • climax.

During premenopause, the doctor prescribes pills to increase the concentration of estrogen. Such drugs eliminate the symptoms of menopause and osteoporosis. This normalizes cholesterol levels. Estrogen medications used in replacement therapy are presented as:

  • drugs taken orally (estradiol succinate, estradiol valerate);
  • funds that are injected through the skin (Climara patch);
  • injectables (Ginodian-Depot);
  • vaginal tablets.

Before you increase your estrogen levels with the above drugs, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. They are accepted only under his control. Drug therapy includes taking the following drugs:

  1. Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - used in combination with contraceptives. The main advantage is the stabilization of the work of the genital and reproductive organs.
  2. Premarin with conjugated estrogens.
  3. Proginova - to increase and normalize hormonal levels.
  4. Gemafemin - the drug is made from the blood of female deer. It contains vitamins C and E. The remedy is used for the prevention, inflammation and treatment of pathologies developed against the background of elevated estrogen levels.

Before you increase estrogen with folk remedies, you should consult with a nutritionist. The concentration of the female sex hormone is increased with the help of nuts, cereals, legumes, vegetable oils, cabbage. Before using herbs (sage, hops, red clover), it is recommended to consult a doctor. There are certain rules for taking herbal teas:

  • cyclic reception;
  • refusal of this drink during menstruation, with the appearance of side effects, when using oral contraceptives.

Before increasing the level of the hormone, it is recommended to determine its amount in the body. For this, the patient is prescribed various laboratory tests. An increase in estrogen is promoted by foods rich in proteins, vegetable oils and carbohydrates. It is not recommended to consume foods high in sugar, alcoholic beverages.

Phytoestrogens cannot replace natural estrogen, but they can be substitutes for it. Phytoestrogens are found in bran, legumes. The above products should be consumed after consulting a doctor. Excessive consumption of phytoestrogens enhances tissue growth, which is contraindicated in women who have previously suffered from breast cancer.

To support a healthy endocrine system, it is recommended to include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, peaches, asparagus. Carotene is found in peppers, white cabbage, spinach, carrots, pumpkin.

It is recommended to eat dandelion greens, basil and turnip greens. Animal products contain vitamin B (potatoes, liver, beef, hazel tuna and kefir). Doctors advise increasing the female hormone estrogen with whole grains (wheat, barley, oats, brown rice).

Traditional medicine recipes

Flax seeds contain phytoestrogen and omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. They contain one type of phytoestrogen - lignan. In flaxseeds, the concentration of this substance is 100-800 times higher than in other plant products. Doctors advise eating 60 g of flax seeds per day.

Legumes increase estrogen levels due to the high concentration of phytoestrogens. To increase the concentration of estrogen in the diet include the following soy products:

  • miso paste (rich in sodium);
  • nuts;
  • tempeh (promotes the replacement of animal proteins);
  • Soy meat.

Soy products are contraindicated for men. A diet aimed at normalizing hormonal levels should be monitored by a specialist. Abuse of the above products can cause negative consequences. You can increase the level of estrogen with the help of aromatherapy (essential oils of basil, sage, fennel).

Excessive regular physical activity has a negative effect on the body. This lowers estrogen levels. With the help of moderate physical activity, the risk of breast cancer is reduced, life is prolonged. To ensure a normal level of estrogen, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations, eat right, do yoga, follow the regime, good sleep.

Recently, women of different ages are increasingly diagnosed with hormonal disorders. They manifest as irregular periods, mood swings, weight gain, hair loss, poor sleep, decreased libido, headaches, chronic fatigue. In the absence of correction, hormonal failure usually ends in problems with the onset of pregnancy, childbearing, the development of pathological formations, including malignant ones, in the female genital organs and mammary glands, and other serious complications.

  • Changes during pregnancy
  • Help with menopause

Principles of hormonal failure recovery

The main female hormones that regulate the puberty of girls, the menstrual cycle and the functions of the reproductive system are estrogens and progesterone. Their concentrations in different phases of the cycle should be within certain limits, and deviations from the norm in one direction or another lead to hormonal failure in the body, which entails a number of negative health consequences, poor health and sometimes even some changes in appearance.

The reasons for such violations of the coordinated work of the hormonal system can be:

  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • nervous stress;
  • weakened immunity;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • abortions;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle;
  • diseases and operations on the organs of the reproductive system.

Hormonal failure in a woman's body can also be caused by natural physiological changes. We are talking about the beginning of puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, menopause. The changes occurring at this time in the absence of deviations are absolutely normal, and the unpleasant symptoms associated with them are temporary and do not require any drug therapy. To make it easier to survive these periods, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, nutrition, rest more, it is permissible to use folk and homeopathic remedies.

If you suspect a hormonal failure, a woman should contact a gynecologist, and the sooner the better. Only a doctor after a thorough examination, including tests for hormones, tests for infections, general and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, will be able to identify the cause of the violations and prescribe adequate therapy.

To restore the hormonal background, in most cases, hormonal preparations are used in combination with a diet, lifestyle correction, physiotherapy, prevention of stressful situations and their negative effects on the body. When genital infections are detected, appropriate antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating therapy is necessarily prescribed. In some cases (with hormone-producing tumors, myomas, cysts and other pathological formations), surgical treatment is necessary to restore hormonal failure.

Video: Obstetrician-gynecologist about the causes of hormonal failure and methods for its correction

Impact of diet and lifestyle

Risk factors for the development of almost any health problem, including hormonal failure, are unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Violation of hormone levels is often the result of chronic lack of sleep, overwork, increased physical, mental and nervous stress, lack of proper rest and relaxation. In this regard, in the treatment of hormonal failure, an important role is given to the normalization of lifestyle, the observance of the regime of work and rest, the creation of conditions for providing the body with the opportunity to fully restore its strength.

The following recommendations will be extremely helpful:

  • increase time for sleep and rest;
  • give up bad habits, if any;
  • before going to bed, take warm relaxing baths with the addition of decoctions and infusions of herbs that have a sedative and relaxing effect;
  • listen to soothing music at night;
  • spend more time outdoors
  • several times a week to do exercise therapy, yoga or Pilates.

Proper nutrition is also important for maintaining hormonal balance. Girls and women are often addicted to various diets that are not always beneficial to health. With an illiterate approach, they lead to the fact that the body does not receive enough of the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In the treatment of hormonal failure and for its prevention, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet, give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, exclude or significantly limit the use of sweets, fatty, fried and spicy foods. Foods containing phytoestrogens will be useful. These include mushrooms, cereals and legumes, apples, carrots, pomegranates, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Problems with puberty

For the first time, young women may encounter hormonal failure during puberty. To assess the correct development of the reproductive system and the changes taking place in the body, it is recommended to contact a teenage gynecologist and undergo an examination. The following deviations may indicate a hormonal failure during this age period:

  • lack of menstruation before the age of 16;
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle a year after the first menstruation;
  • excessive or insufficient hair growth;
  • underdevelopment of the mammary glands;
  • lack of secondary sexual characteristics by the age of 14;
  • severe leanness or, conversely, obesity.

To restore hormonal balance in teenage girls, the safest means are used first. These include the organization of a correct and comfortable daily regimen, good rest, a balanced diet, vitamin intake, moderate physical activity, and the prevention of stressful situations. If it is necessary to use drugs, preference is given to homeopathy and remedies based on medicinal plants (cyclodinone).

Particular care should be taken when prescribing hormone-based drugs to adolescents to correct hormonal failure. This is due to the fact that some systems of the body, including the reproductive system, are still under active development, and such “intervention” can lead to unpredictable and difficult to predict health consequences in the future.

Changes during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, cardinal changes occur in a woman's body, all resources are directed to providing optimal conditions for bearing and giving birth to a healthy child. The production of the main pregnancy-supporting hormone progesterone and estrogen increases. Progesterone stimulates the development of the mammary glands, ensures the fixation of the ovum in the uterus and suppresses the woman's immunity in order to prevent its rejection. Estrogens control the growth of the uterus, accelerate the removal of excess fluid from the body, and normalize blood pressure.

Hormonal failure during pregnancy can lead to the threat of miscarriage, spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, complications in childbirth and the postpartum period, problems with lactation. To prevent the threat of miscarriage, many women who have had a history of problematic pregnancy and menstrual irregularities are prescribed progesterone preparations (utrogestan, duphaston) in the first and second trimesters.

After the birth of the baby and the end of breastfeeding, the hormonal background of the woman gradually returns to its original state. Usually it takes 2-3 months.

Help with menopause

A common cause of hormonal imbalance in women over 40 is menopause. The changes that occur during this period are due to a lack of estrogen and manifest themselves in the form of:

  • frequent and prolonged headaches;
  • soreness in the mammary glands;
  • sleep disorders;
  • constant fatigue, distracted attention;
  • irritability;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • pain in the joints;
  • depression;
  • night sweats.

Considering that most women tolerate the symptoms of menopause extremely poorly, hormone replacement therapy is most effective to improve their condition during this period. It allows you to compensate for the deficiency of your own hormones with the help of hormonal preparations based on the estrogen ethinyl estradiol and synthetic analogues of progesterone. These funds help to prolong youth, eliminate mood swings, hot flashes, slow down the processes of skin aging, reduce the risk of developing oncological formations in the organs of the reproductive system, osteoporosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Folk remedies to restore hormonal failure

For the treatment of hormonal failure, you can use folk remedies. Particularly useful are infusions and decoctions based on medicinal plants containing phytohormones - substances that have an activity similar to human hormones, but less pronounced:

  • sage contains phytohormones with estrogen-like action, restores the normal structure of the endometrium;
  • goose cinquefoil promotes the production of progesterone;
  • Oxygen regulates the menstrual cycle, increases the production of female sex hormones;
  • fenugreek stimulates the production of prolactin and estrogen, increases the production of breast milk, contributes to the speedy recovery of a woman's body after childbirth;
  • mint has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes hormonal balance, reduces the severity of menopause symptoms.

It should be remembered that any treatment, including alternative methods, must be agreed with a specialist.

Video: Self-massage to restore the menstrual cycle

Estrogens are female sex hormones. Symptoms of their deficiency and excess in the body are equally dangerous. What causes hormonal imbalance in women? Most of the estrogen is produced in the ovaries, and part of the total - in the adrenal glands. This happens throughout the childbearing period.

Its production takes place in the first half of the menstrual cycle and its level in different periods of the cycle is also different. It is decisive for the physical, mental and sexual development of a woman and maintains the internal environment - homeostasis. The reasons for the lack or high content of estrogen in a woman are determined by the laboratory.

  • what is the role of the hormone
  • lack of estrogen
  • excess hormone
  • phytoestrogens

The role of the hormone in the body of a woman.

There comes a time when a woman turns 40+ and she realizes that she doesn’t like herself in the mirror, her skin is no longer fresh, covered with a network of small wrinkles, her nails exfoliate, her hair looks dull, and her eyes stop shining. It's all about low hormone levels. Specifically, estrogen.

What is this hormone responsible for in women?

Women's health and hormonal levels are affected by: a woman's age, her heredity, resistance to stress, viral infections. As well as how and in what quantities medications are used, the amount and quality of sleep, the state of the cardiovascular system, bad habits, tumors, sudden weight gain or loss, and other factors.

The presence of estrogen determines the development of the female type. It prepares the body for bearing a fetus. In a woman of childbearing age, he is responsible for the menstrual cycle, an increase in the level of thyroid hormone, and the activity of the cardiovascular system.

While a woman is in childbearing age, estrogens promote blood flow, the process of removing cholesterol takes place. When menstruation stops, hormone levels drop sharply. The vascular walls become thinner. Not completely dissolved cholesterol settles on the walls of blood vessels, forming cholesterol plaques. At this age, women dramatically increase the number of cases of heart attacks, strokes, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Another purpose of this female hormone is to have an anti-sclerotic effect by reducing the level of bad cholesterol and increasing the good one.

Thanks to this hormone, the regulation of water-salt metabolism occurs - the more estrogens in a woman's body, the higher the risk of developing edema of both external and internal organs.

Due to it, the regulation of phosphorus and calcium occurs, which are responsible for the state of bone tissue, do not allow it to collapse. The most serious disease - osteoporosis is prevented.

Our body is covered with sebaceous glands, which function properly if a woman's body contains estrogen in the right amount.

The skin of a woman who has the right amount of estrogen will have moisture that is normal. The psychological and emotional state will be stable.

Signs of a lack of estrogen.

To understand that a woman suffers from a lack of this hormone is usually obtained with the development and exacerbation of concomitant diseases. There is a violation of health, which is reflected in the appearance. In reproductive age, this leads to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), a decrease in the size of the uterus and infertility.

If a girl has a hormone deficiency, her figure becomes similar to the figure of a young man, femininity, smoothness of movements disappear, there is a decrease in intelligence and a sharp change in mood.

Estrogen deficiency can be caused by ovarian surgery, adrenal disease, malfunction of the endocrine glands.

The lack of the hormone causes brittle bones, their density decreases, and posture is disturbed. Increased fragility of nails, dullness and hair loss, reduction and flabbiness of the mammary glands.

Despite the fact that a woman does not consume a large amount of food, her body weight changes upwards. There is a rapid growth of adipose tissue on the abdomen and thighs, there are problems with the work of the endocrine glands, the production of elastin and collagen is disrupted.

The mobility of the intestine decreases, the production of cholesterol in the gallbladder increases.

There is a noticeable decrease in libido, a complete absence of intimate relationships, dry mucous membranes, diseases of the urine - the reproductive system, even bleeding occurs. Tormented by hot flashes and cold sweat, increased fatigue and drowsiness during the day, frequent urination at night.

The central nervous system also fails - disorders occur, nervous breakdowns occur, and depression increases.

If the hormone is not enough, breast tumors can develop.

To eliminate the causes of low hormone levels, you should adjust the diet, introduce foods rich in phytoestrogens into it, increase physical activity, and improve the emotional background.

In case of severe violations, the intervention of doctors is necessary. After testing for hormone levels, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed.

Signs of excess estrogen.

Its level rises during the passage of ovulation, when a woman is expecting a child. It can also increase with the onset of menopause.

Excess estrogen in women causes symptoms such as weight gain, premenstrual syndrome, migraine headaches, chest pain, swelling, nausea, vomiting, acne, thyroid disease, and even diabetes.

Hormone-dependent tumors may develop. These formations are benign, but in the future they can degenerate into malignant ones. These include cysts, fibroids, mastopathy and all its varieties.

A high amount of estrogen leads to infertility. Hormonal preparations lead to the fact that the level of hormones in a woman's body on a permanent basis exceeds that which is laid down by nature.

High levels of hormones inhibit metabolic processes and lead to excessive fullness. Slow metabolism does not allow decay products to be removed from the body in time, slag is formed

Bring hormones back to normal A proper diet that limits the intake of food of animal origin will help. Such food contributes to the production of the hormone. Reduce consumption of legumes and coffee. Introduce foods high in fiber into your diet. Lead an active lifestyle and be attentive to the medications you take: exclude the use of hormonal contraceptives and other hormone-based drugs. If the hormones are very high, it is just as dangerous as a very low hormonal background and you should seek the help of a doctor.

Normalization of estrogen levels.

How to increase estrogen in women of different ages with folk remedies?

It has been noticed that the inhabitants of Asian countries look young for a very long time, are full of energy, and almost always endure menopause painlessly. The thing is that their body is filled with plant estrogens, which are also called phytoestrogens.

If there is a lack of estrogen, phytoestrogens, which are found in foods, seeds, fruits and herbs, will come to the rescue.

The highest content of derivatives for the production of estrogen in a woman's body is found in such a simple product as flax seed. It can be used both whole and ground. Add to cereals, drinks, first and second courses, dairy and lactic acid products. The largest therapeutic dose is two tablespoons of ground seed per day.

Sprouted wheat and sprouted flax are very useful. Good in this regard and sesame. The sunflower seed and all legumes are not inferior to him: beans, beans, green peas, lentils, chickpeas. Pumpkin and vegetable oils are very useful. Soy is also useful, but in small quantities, since now almost all of it is grown using genetic modification.

If you suffer from a low content of this hormone in the body - drink coffee. Scientists conducted studies that showed that women who consumed 500 ml. strong coffee per day, increased the level of estrogen in your body by 70% of the existing one.

A fruit such as apricot well increases the level of the hormone. Also: dates, papaya, pomegranate, apples. Sage, ginseng root, chamomile, licorice root and other fruits and herbs containing phytoestrogens do an excellent job.

Linden tea helps a lot with this problem. It contains a large amount of estrogen. The body from such tea is rejuvenated. Tea helps cleanse blood vessels, strengthens their walls, relieves hot flashes. Every woman, whether she is of any age, needs to drink tea from linden flowers in a course of 10 days 3-4 times a year. Making this tea is quite simple: take 2-3 pinches of linden flowers in a 300-gram mug and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 10-15 minutes, strain. You can drink warm or cold.

Grape flour contains a lot of phytoestrogens. It is very good to add it to lactic acid products: kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream. Can be added to curd.

Phytoestrogens are also found in foods such as broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage, carrots, lettuce, beets, asparagus, and tomatoes. They tend to be regulated by our body. If there is a lack of a hormone, the body will take it from food, and if it is normal, the body will take what it needs, and estrogen simply will not absorb. Unlike estrogen, which is found in animal products and has a more detrimental effect on the body than a healing effect, phytoestrogens never cause cancer, tumor diseases and they are better absorbed by the body.

Estrogen from animal products can be very dangerous. Right now, the animals don't get fresh grass. Instead, they are raised on feed supplemented with various hormonal supplements to promote rapid growth and increase milk production. These hormones are found in milk and meat. Women who consume a lot of animal products suffer from changes in hormonal levels, disruption of the monthly cycle and other diseases of the reproductive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and other systems.

Paying attention to your diet, keeping yourself in a good mood, leading a physically active life, every woman can prolong her youth and be beautiful and desirable for a long time.

... The hormone that makes a woman out of a woman is estrogen. How to recognize the lack of estrogen, what the excess affects, and how such hormonal disorders can be cured...

Hello dear readers and readers. Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today we have a fundamentally important topic: estrogen. Let's get started...

Friends, read the article below, there will be a lot of interesting things in it! And those who want to: restore their health, remove chronic ailments, start eating themselves properly and much more, starting today, go to this one and get FREE video tutorials from which you will learn:
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Lack of estrogen: manifestations

Estrogen is a purely female hormone. In all senses. He begins his "woman-forming" work in childhood during puberty. It is thanks to estrogen that everything that should be rounded is rounded in girls, the voice becomes soft and gentle, children's jumping and spontaneity are replaced by femininity, softness of character. And most importantly, the ability to bear children appears.

If this hormone is not enough, various symptoms appear:

  • Weakness, lethargy, fatigue, decreased performance, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, decreased sexual desire.
  • Mood swings. Women's emotionality in general directly depends on the hormonal background. A minute ago, the lady smiled sweetly, but she already clenched her fists and splashes with saliva. Faced with a bitch and a hysteric? Become one yourself? If it's a one-time thing, still all right, it's impossible to be nice forever. And if it constantly “covers” like this, up to, then the hormonal background is disturbed, this is 99%.

Here, by the way, is an interdependent relationship. Sometimes just psychosomatics responsible for the lack of estrogen

  • External changes. Insufficient estrogen synthesis affects the body : the chest sags, it is deposited faster at the waist. The skin loses elasticity, becomes dry, wrinkles appear early. Hair becomes dull and thin.

  • Lack of calcium. Estrogen is involved in the normal absorption of calcium by the bones. If it is not enough, caries develops, posture is disturbed.
  • menstrual disorders cycle. It manifests itself , starting with the irregularity and soreness of menstruation to their complete absence for even six months. Hence the inability to get pregnant, infertility.
  • Early climax. Even in young women, reduced hormones resemble the symptoms of deficiency in menopause : arterial jumps, hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations,.
  • Genitourinary disorders: infections, cystitis, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, uterine diseases: fibroids, endometriosis, endometritis - temperature in the rectum (basal) rises.
  • and an abundance of moles - also here.

Lack of estrogen in pregnancy

So, happiness happened. And again estrogen comes into play: it prepares the uterus for the attachment of the placenta, then it is responsible for feeding it and the fetus. He is also responsible for the readiness of the breast for lactation.

There are signs of a lack of estrogen already in early pregnancy:

  • Strong weakness.
  • Bad mood, tearfulness, irritability.
  • Skin problems: pigmentation, stretch marks, skin laxity in problem areas (inner thighs, armpits, buttocks, neck).
  • Hair begins to fall out, teeth crumble.
  • There are pains in the lower back, the posture changes quickly.

What does it threaten:

  • Threat of miscarriage and premature birth;
  • Placental insufficiency, malnutrition of the fetus;
  • An increased risk of developing Down syndrome in a baby;
  • The risk of developing adrenal hypoplasia in the fetus.

As you can see, everything is serious. Therefore, constantly throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother takes tests, including hormones. And with even a slight deviation from the norm, it is recommended to eat better, take vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, and sometimes hormonal drugs, if the doctor prescribes.

What about excess?

We are so arranged that there should be balance in everything. And too much is just as bad as too little.

Signs of excess are essentially the same as those of deficiency. There is also something:

  • . This is the main sign. Moreover, all fat accumulates in the lower part: legs, hips, buttocks, lower abdomen;
  • Frequent hunger;
  • Increased emotionality;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Pain not associated with menstruation;
  • convulsions;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Indigestion, bloating;

During menopause and excess in postmenopausal women appears very rarely, mostly there is an acute deficiency.

Lack of estrogen: normalizing hormones

How to replenish insufficient estrogen levels? In women, treatment usually given as follows:


What foods can make up estrogen level? Those that contain its plant counterparts are phytoestrogens. And this is ours:

  • Legumes. Record holders for the content of phytoestrogens. Peas, beans, chickpeas and especially lentils.
  • Olives, olives. In addition to plant estrogens, they contain omega-9 fatty acids.
  • eggplant, carrots, pumpkin, cabbage.
  • Apricots, papaya, pomegranate, mango.
  • Soy.
  • Nuts, seeds (pumpkin and sunflower), sesame seeds, wheat germ.
  • Vegetable oils, especially linseed and olive.
  • Green tea, cocoa and even beer, yes.

Hormonal drugs

They are not always prescribed - if the imbalance is small, you can do without drugs. Moreover, they are taken in different ways: inside, subcutaneously and in candles. Therefore, it is better not to experiment on your own, rely on a doctor.


Basically, it's yoga. Just there is a relatively young offshoot - hormonal yoga. Her exercises involve areas that improve blood circulation to the glands and relieve stress.

Any sport that brings you pleasure can be considered medicine. Frequent good mood cures many ailments.

Herbs are everyone's favorite folk remedies. But I can't help but remind you of something important. For some reason, many believe that they can be taken at will and the dosage should not be taken into account. I hope you don't.

Because most medicinal herbs have contraindications. In addition, they can be taken only at a certain period of the cycle, otherwise you can not improve the situation, but make it even worse. In any case, it will be better to consult a doctor. Ideally, with a phytotherapist.

What herbs help restore estrogen balance:

  • Hibiscus (hibiscus);
  • Nettle;
  • Plantain;
  • Aloe;
  • Sage;
  • Rowan;
  • Raspberry leaves;
  • Fenugreek;
  • Clover;
  • Hop;

By the way, all these medicinal plants act not only on women, but also on men. But the mode of reception is different. For example, a course of treatment for women on average lasts three months, and for men - only one.

As they said: only sex and optimism strengthen the body

The main thing is that it was a loved one. The one and only.

Well, like, she told everything. If you have any questions, leave a comment, I'll be happy to answer!

See you soon on my blog!

Which keeps approximately at the same level, starting from the first menstruation and for another twenty to twenty-five years after that. And only after about forty estrogens significantly decrease. The downside signs are pretty obvious. The skin begins to gradually lose moisture, fade, becomes more flabby; sexual desire is reduced or completely disappears; becomes less strong

; weight is rapidly creeping up and fat deposits appear. These are all symptoms of a lack of estrogen. And soon comes postmenopause, or menopause - the time when it begins to grow old and loses the ability to motherhood.

However, the lack of this female hormone may also be in very young girls who find out about it when they are tested or preparing for a future pregnancy. Symptoms of a lack of estrogen can manifest themselves quite clearly. These include:

  • Frequent depression, bouts of despair.
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle, scanty menstrual bleeding.
  • Frigidity, underdevelopment of the genital organs, infantilism of the uterus.
  • Skin problems: pimples, acne, blackheads.
  • Constant pain in the lower abdomen.

On the pelvic organs and with folliculometry, the symptoms of a lack of estrogen will be the inability to mature, the absence of ovulation and, as a result, the inability to conceive a child. In most cases, for patients with such problems, the doctor prescribes vitamin E in increased doses. And if there is a lack of estrogen in women, the symptoms will not disappear, only then a special hormonal treatment is prescribed. It will go in combination with taking drugs containing progesterone, since the entire hormonal background must be carefully balanced.

Also, with a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood, a balanced diet is necessary, in which phytoestrogens must be included. To do this, consume soy products, legumes, and some fruits and animal products daily. Proper nutrition will reduce the symptoms of a lack of estrogen and normalize a woman's hormonal background. At the same time, she herself will feel younger, healthier, more active, her face skin will acquire a healthy color and radiance, her hair will become shiny and strong again, and sexual desire will increase, which will undoubtedly affect female attractiveness.

However, in pursuit of an increase in the amount of estrogens, the most important thing is to stop in time, since their excess causes cell growth and can negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism as a whole. An excess of this hormone causes:

  • Growth of cancer cells (uterus, breast, etc.).
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Mastopathy and fibrocystic tissue changes.
  • Allergy, asthma.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

Therefore, before fighting diseases, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who will treat you individually and under strict control.

To maintain youth and health, the proper functioning of the body at any age, estrogens are necessary - female hormones.

Deficiency symptoms are manifested by a complex of negative signs: pressure surges are disturbing, skin tone decreases, fat deposits appear on the abdomen, and the functioning of internal organs worsens.

Estrogens play an important role in the female body.

Under its influence, important processes occur in the body:

  • during puberty, a pelvis of an optimal shape is formed in adolescent girls, external and internal genital organs develop, mammary glands increase, pubic hair and axillary hair appear;
  • fat deposits appear on the buttocks, thighs, in the knees, chest, the figure acquires femininity;
  • a regular menstrual cycle is established. Estrogen deficiency negatively affects the nature of monthly bleeding: menstruation becomes painful, scanty, occurs earlier or later than usual;
  • with a sufficient level of estradiol, a woman experiences sexual desire, receives satisfaction from sexual life;
  • cells of the vaginal mucosa secrete a sufficient amount of secretion to prevent dryness of an important section. Deficiency of mucus provokes discomfort during intercourse, the pain increases with an irregular sexual life;
  • a sufficient level of estrogen prevents neuroendocrine, urogenital and chronic disorders in the female body. Among them: skin laxity, osteoporosis, hot flashes, frequent mood swings, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, memory problems, overweight.

lack of estrogen

Deficiency of an important sex hormone negatively affects well-being, mood, appearance, sexual life does not bring vivid sensations.

General weakness, problems with the heart and pressure, obesity, dryness, thinning of the skin, decreased memory and concentration, digestive disorders - not all the negative consequences of a lack of female sex hormone.

You need to know why negative changes occur in the female body in order to minimize the negative impact of hormonal failure.

With the observance of preventive measures, it is possible to prevent a sharp decrease in estrogen levels, to stabilize well-being even during menopause.

Causes of Decreased Estrogen Levels

The lack of female sex hormone develops against the background of the following factors:

  • dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • passion for diets with a limited fat content;
  • prolonged use of antidepressants;
  • hormonally active neoplasms;
  • low body fat;
  • excessive physical activity in professional athletes in combination with a strict diet that reduces estrogen levels;
  • improper intake of Vitex tablets. An overdose of a drug to relieve menstrual pain reduces estrogen production;
  • pathological processes in the pituitary gland that adversely affect the production of hormones;
  • smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug addiction;
  • decrease in the level of thyroid hormones;
  • natural aging processes: with age, the production of estrogen occurs in smaller quantities.

Lack of estrogen in women - symptoms

The lack of estrogen in women can have visible and tangible signs. With attention to the body's signals, a woman can recognize the initial stage of hormonal failure.

Doctors distinguish functional disorders, external signs, problems with the psycho-emotional state.

When the first signs of estrogen deficiency appear, you need to seek help from a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

After the correction of the hormonal background, the risk of damage to the cardiovascular system and problems with the skin is reduced, painful “hot flashes” and other negative manifestations disappear.


Signs of estrogen deficiency:

  • in a short time, many wrinkles appear on the skin, the epidermis becomes dry, flabby, blackheads and peeling are noticeable. Creams, physiotherapy, hardware techniques in a cosmetology clinic do not give a noticeable result: the cause of negative changes lies inside the body;
  • insufficient collagen synthesis provokes thinning of the skin, loss of elasticity, the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. If urgent measures are not taken to correct the hormonal background, then you can permanently lose your youthful appearance;
  • Another sign of a lack of estrogen in women is the fragility of the nail plates. Vitamin-mineral complexes with yeast, retinol, tocopherol, calcium give a temporary therapeutic effect;
  • on various parts of the body in a short time (6-12 months) a lot (10-20 pieces or more) of moles, papillomas appeared;
  • the chest sags, an unaesthetic fat layer appears in the abdominal cavity, the waist becomes wider. In many women, the weight increases dramatically by 5-10 kg or more, obesity develops, the figure loses harmony. Also, excess fat is deposited on the internal organs, which leads to heart disease, digestive problems: bloating, constipation;
  • harmful cholesterol accumulates more actively on the walls of blood vessels, which negatively affects cardiac activity, provokes drops in blood pressure;
  • a woman quickly gets tired even with light work, feels a breakdown. Sudden changes in blood pressure interfere with the performance of professional duties and household chores.


The lack of female sex hormones adversely affects the well-being, psycho-emotional state, bone density, vascular elasticity.

Urogenital, neuroendocrine, intermediate, chronic disorders negatively affect working capacity, family relationships, interfere with habitual communication with colleagues, acquaintances and the opposite sex.

With a sharp change in character, a decrease in libido, problems with the menstrual cycle, the appearance of "tides", you need to urgently visit an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. Hormone replacement therapy, correction of lifestyle and nutrition, taking formulations with phytoestrogens return the level of the female sex hormone to normal, negative symptoms weaken or disappear. It is important to correct the hormonal background until a complex of negative signs appears.

Significant symptoms of estrogen deficiency:

  • vaginal dryness, a decrease in the level of sexual desire, the development of urethral syndrome;
  • memory problems, lack of concentration;
  • depression, tearfulness, sleep disturbance, nervousness, frequent mood swings;
  • decrease in bone density against the background of increased calcium leaching (osteoporosis), atherosclerosis, problems with cerebral circulation, increased risk of ischemic stroke and heart attack;
  • “hot flashes” appear, as with menopause: a feeling of heat appears in the neck, chest, face, after a few minutes cold is felt in these areas, discomfort is aggravated by the release of a large amount of sweat, increased heart rate, nausea, numbness of the hands;
  • infertility is detected in women of reproductive age, the inability to become pregnant often develops with estrogen deficiency, with an integrated approach to treatment, hormonal correction, it is possible to restore the ability to conceive if there are no insurmountable obstacles to pregnancy.

Symptoms of deficiency in menopause

With the onset of menopause, many women experience unpleasant symptoms that occur against the background of estrogen deficiency. Often one problem is connected with another: deterioration in appearance reduces confidence in one's attractiveness, the desire to look for a sexual partner or pay attention to intimate communication with her husband decreases. The less often sexual contacts occur, the higher the risk of contracture of the muscle tissue near the entrance to the vagina and acute pain during the introduction of the male genital organ.

The lack of estrogen in menopause causes the following symptoms:

  • accumulation of fat in the waist and abdomen;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse;
  • painful “tides”: sudden redness of the face, chest, neck, alternation of heat and cold in the upper part of the body, dizziness, palpitations, increased sweating, attacks are repeated 1-2 times a day, with a severe form of hormonal failure - up to 30 or more times ;
  • deterioration of health, irritability, depression;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • the figure takes on a characteristic shape: the abdomen protrudes due to the accumulation of fat, saggy, flabby arms, the waist is practically invisible, the woman stoops, the ease of walking disappears, on the knees, hips, the fat layer alternates with wrinkled areas that have lost elasticity;
  • loss of strength, unwillingness to do usual things, decreased motivation for work;
  • lack of interest in life, unwillingness to communicate with loved ones, excessive immersion in one's own interests, suspiciousness;
  • tense and pressing headaches in the occipital region, on the crown, upper neck and shoulder area;
  • insomnia, problems remembering information;
  • fragility of bones, decreased mobility of the supporting column;
  • change in character for the worse;
  • development of hypertension, high risk of heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris;
  • palpitations during hot flashes and against the background of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • distraction, forgetfulness, low concentration.

Symptoms of a lack of estrogen in women carry serious consequences if left unattended. To correct the hormonal background, you need to be examined, take an analysis for the level of estrogen and FSH. It is important to identify the causes of a lack of hormones, to figure out whether only the natural aging processes cause negative processes or a hormonal failure was provoked by a woman with malnutrition or excessive overload in the gym. Knowing the symptoms of estrogen deficiency will help to recognize the signs of disorders, in time to seek qualified help.

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Hormonal imbalance is linked to many diseases, from infertility and depression to loss of focus and loss of muscle strength. Reproductive hormonal imbalances and systemic hormonal imbalances can be sources of serious problems. Here are a few ways, both natural and medical, to treat and balance your hormones.


Part 1

Balancing female hormones

    Understand how your hormones work. Each hormone is responsible for performing certain tasks in the female body. Knowing what each hormone does will help you determine which hormone you are lacking based on which bodily functions are not performing properly.

    • Estrogen: This is the main female sex hormone. In women, it speeds up metabolism, increases fat stores, reduces muscle mass, helps form secondary sexual characteristics, increases sex drive, and promotes growth and formation of the uterus.
      • Estrogen deficiency can cause menstrual irregularities, lack of menstruation, mood swings, lack of sexual desire, inability to conceive, and early menopause.
    • Progesterone: Commonly considered the “pregnancy hormone”, it is responsible for preparing the uterus for conception and lowers the immune response so that the body can accept the pregnancy. Decreased progesterone levels after pregnancy are thought to help induce labor and milk production.
      • Progesterone deficiency is primarily recognized by heavy, irregular periods and difficulty maintaining a pregnancy. There may also be excess weight in the middle part, severe premenstrual symptoms, severe fatigue.
    • Testosterone: Known as the primary male sex hormone, it is also present in the female body. In women, it promotes libido and is responsible for many of the changes a woman goes through during puberty, including acne, slight changes in vocal range, and completion of the growth cycle.
      • Testosterone deficiency in women is most commonly identified by a lack of libido, a physical inability to arouse, abnormally dry skin, and very brittle hair.
    • Prolactin: Although it has a wide range of actions, it is the main hormone responsible for stimulating the mammary glands to induce lactation. This hormone also helps the development of the fetus when a woman is pregnant, and counteracts arousal, reduces it.
      • Prolactin deficiency is characterized by insufficient lactation, menstrual irregularities, delayed puberty, hair loss, and fatigue. It is most often diagnosed in women after childbirth, especially if heavy bleeding was observed during childbirth.
  1. Replenish the hormones you are missing. Some female sex hormones can be brought into balance simply by taking supplements available over the counter.

    • Estrogen and progesterone supplements are available over the counter in both cream and tablet form.
    • There are no prolactin supplements, but women who suffer from excess prolactin often take estrogen supplements or prolactin-slowing drugs to correct the problem.
    • There are no testosterone supplements on the market that are safe for women. Testosterone pills meant for men are too strong for women.
  2. Change your diet. In general, maintaining a balanced diet also helps keep hormones in balance, but there are a few specific diet changes that can further improve hormone levels.

    • Zinc is known to aid in the production of testosterone. Foods high in zinc include dark chocolate, peanuts, and many meats, including beef, veal, lamb, crab, and oysters.
    • Eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats create healthy cell membranes that allow hormones to reach their destinations in the body. Walnuts, eggs, and many types of fish are good, including sardines, trout, salmon, tuna, and oysters.
    • Include more fiber in your diet. High-fiber foods include whole grains, raw fruits, and raw vegetables. Fiber joins with old estrogen, clearing it out of the body, resulting in improved overall balance.
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Studies show that excessive consumption of any of these foods can contribute to premenstrual hormonal imbalances.
  3. Exercise more often. Exercise is known to stimulate the release of chemicals that improve mood and help balance mood swings caused by a lack or excess of female sex hormones.

    Reduce stress. Stress triggers the production of excess cortisol, which blocks estrogen. In women, the loss of estrogen also causes low levels of serotonin, which is often associated with mood disorders.

    Seek medical attention. If natural remedies don't work for you, you may need to regulate your hormone levels through the use of prescription drugs or hormone replacement therapy.

    • Start taking oral contraceptives. Contraceptive measures do more than just stop reproduction. The pills contain synthetic hormones that are able to balance high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels.
    • Ask your doctor about antidepressants. Most antidepressants work by balancing serotonin levels, which fall in response to low estrogen levels. Some have also been shown to be moderately effective in reducing hot flashes for hormonal imbalances in menopausal women.
    • Go to hormone replacement therapy during menopause. Hormone replacement therapy is the prescription equivalent of conventional over-the-counter hormone supplements. Menopausal women are sometimes given doses of estrogen, progesterone, or a progestin-estrogen combination.

    Part 2

    Balancing male hormones
    1. Learn more about your hormones. Understanding the hormones involved in the male reproductive system will help you assess which hormones you may be missing.

      • Testosterone: Considered the primary male sex hormone, it is responsible for the growth of muscle mass, the maturation of male sexual organs, the maturation of male secondary sexual characteristics, the completion of growth, sperm production, and libido strength.
        • Testosterone deficiency is most quickly recognized by decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and shrinking testicles. Other signs may include hot flashes, decreased energy, depressed mood, lack of concentration, insomnia, and loss of strength.
      • Dihydrotestosterone or DHT: Mainly involved in the formation and maturation of the male genitalia.
        • DHT deficiency is common in boys before and during puberty. Men with underdeveloped external genitalia tend to lack dihydrotestosterone. In adult men, a lack of DHT can cause infertility.
      • Estrogen and progesterone: Although both are considered female sex hormones, they are also present in men. Estrogen helps regulate sperm maturation and libido. Progesterone balances estrogen levels in men, preventing excess estrogen from entering the male reproductive system.
        • Estrogen or progesterone deficiencies can manifest in similar ways. When any of these hormones are out of balance, depression or loss of libido can occur. Estrogen deficiency can lead to loss of bone density, excessive hair growth, weight gain, or gynecomastia (male breast enlargement).
      • Prolactin: Another hormone commonly associated with women, it also occurs in men. In men, it is believed to play a role in the body's immune response, but there is no indication that prolactin is vital to the male body.
        • Excess prolactin can prevent testosterone production in men. However, prolactin deficiency does not seem to have any specific side effects.
    2. Replenish your hormones. Over-the-counter hormone supplements available in cream or tablet form can often correct some of the most common hormonal imbalances in men.

      • Testosterone is the male hormone most commonly replenished without a prescription. Men can find testosterone supplements in the form of tablets, creams, and gels.
      • There are no drugs available for DHT deficiency, but an excess of it can lead to hair loss, and there are DHT blockers available in the form of pills and shampoos.
      • Available at pharmacies, progesterone cream for men can be used to treat progesterone deficiency and excess estrogen. However, men who need estrogen replacement may need a prescription.
      • Prolactin deficiency can be reduced with over-the-counter B-complex supplements.
    3. Choose healthier food. A balanced diet is the best way to regulate hormones for most men; and most hormonal imbalances in men can be helped by simply adhering to traditional healthy eating standards.

      • Eat plenty of meat and carbohydrates, which provide energy and help with hormone production. Seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids and low-calorie meats will be a better option, as will fiber-rich cereals.
      • Avoid sugar, caffeine and excessive consumption of dairy products, which can make the body sluggish and require effort to produce hormones.
    4. Exercise more. Regular exercise with aerobics and strength training can increase testosterone production.

      Take it easy. In men, increased stress levels create more cortisol, which can convert testosterone to estrogen. The result is an abundance of the female sex hormone and an acute shortage of the male sex hormone.

      Get good sleep. Most testosterone is produced during the REM sleep cycle. Thus, lack of sleep will cause a decrease in testosterone, while adequate sleep can help stabilize testosterone levels.

      Wear loose clothing. Loose underwear and trousers are especially important. A tight bottom can create unwanted heat that can break down existing semen and ultimately reduce sperm count.

    5. Contact your doctor. Serious hormonal imbalances in men may require treatment with hormone replacement.

      • Testosterone injections are the most common treatment used to balance male hormones. Doctors prescribe injections for as long as they deem necessary. The amount of the drug is eventually reduced and the patient is monitored to see if testosterone levels remain balanced after treatment or continue to fall. If levels continue to fall, long-term treatment may be needed.
      • Men who are deficient in estrogen or progesterone may also want to learn about prescription hormone replacement to treat these imbalances, as supplements for men are usually hard to find on the market.

    Part 3

    Balancing the hormonal system
    1. Exercise more. After a workout, the body releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, which create a positive mood and help support the rest of the endocrine system.

      • Training also releases growth factors, including insulin.
    2. Be attentive to your diet. A well-balanced diet can affect more than just female or male sex hormones. All of the body's hormones can benefit from a diet filled with lean meats, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

      • Know how soy can affect your thyroid. There have been some indications that a soy-based diet may lead to decreased thyroid hormone production. Those suffering from hypothyroidism, a deficiency in thyroid hormones, should limit soy intake.
      • Balance your iodine levels. Iodine is a mineral that helps in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Foods high in iodine include sea vegetables, potatoes, cranberries, yogurt, strawberries, and dairy products. If you have hypothyroidism, eat more iodine-rich foods. If you have hyperthyroidism, limit your intake of iodine-rich foods.
      • Eat carbohydrates in moderation. Carbohydrates can provide the body with energy, but they also increase the amount of the hormone insulin the body makes. Too many carbohydrates can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels as well as insulin levels.
      • Improve melatonin synthesis with vitamin B5. Foods rich in B5 include milk, yogurt, eggs, and fish. These foods are also rich in tryptophan, which converts serotonin to melatonin.