Hands go numb after running. Why does the left hand go numb and why is it dangerous

Numbness of the extremities, including the hands, is increasingly common in patients of different age groups, this is called paresthesia. Basically, complaints come from people leading a sedentary lifestyle. This problem creates discomfort and interferes with the flow of normal life. Hand numbness can occur at night, in a dream. During the day, for example, during work, when the hands are in the same uncomfortable position, working at the computer is also at risk.

Causes of hand numbness

The most common cause of numbness is pressure on the nerve, hence circulatory disorders. And this happens due to the uncomfortable position of the body. Often, a person lies uncomfortable, sits a lot, physical inactivity is the scourge of megacities. An incorrectly selected pillow provokes an overstrain of the neck muscles. Work at the computer in one position and for a long time. Modern man does not know how to relax. If you change your posture, move your limb, restore blood flow and numbness goes away, then you should not worry. Chronic numbness of the limbs is a reason to see a doctor for examination and diagnosis.

A common cause of numbness is cervical. Osteochondrosis is a common disease of the cartilaginous surfaces of bones, mainly the spine. Nerve compression can be caused by an overgrowth of cartilage (osteophytes), herniated discs, muscle spasm, or degenerative changes in the spine.

The most dangerous situation is numbness of the hands, the cause of which is a violation of the blood circulation of the brain. This is one of the signs of developing, often accompanied by high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Stress, depression, other psycho-emotional conditions can also cause numbness.

Signs and Diagnosis

If the left hand goes numb and at the same time the heart hurts, we can talk about a disease of the cardiovascular system. With myocardial ischemia, a pressing sensation occurs, spreading to the left arm, and it becomes numb. This condition can occur after stress, and after exercise, even overeating can cause a similar reaction. from hypothermia causes pain in the left side of the chest and numbness of the arm.

The etiology of the origin of pain should be diagnosed by a doctor. The appointment of a blood test for biochemistry, it will determine the level of cholesterol, ultrasound of the vessels and computed tomography will determine the pathology of circulatory disorders, the presence of blood clots and the risk of stroke. Electroneuromyography will reveal pinching of the nerve or muscle spasms. Circulatory disorders of the brain will determine magnetic nuclear resonance, and an x-ray of the spine will give a clear picture of the state of the vertebrae.

Hand numbness treatment

If the cause of hand numbness is not the presence of a disease, a person can help himself and get rid of the disease. Regular exercise to restore blood flow, morning exercises, aerobics, running and walking at a fast pace. To maintain blood vessels and joints in good shape, you need to give up bad habits - alcohol and smoking. Limit in the diet foods such as salty, spicy and too spicy. Include more vegetables, fruits and herbs in the menu. Hot food should be on the table every day.

To prevent numbness, you need to dress in such a way as not to freeze, giving preference to natural fabrics - excessive sweating provokes hypothermia. In monotonous work at a computer or at a table, about every hour, you need to take breaks, during which stretch your stiff limbs, do light gymnastics, rotate your arms and hands. The doctor will recommend therapeutic exercises for you to perform during breaks.

If hand numbness is associated with the presence of osteochondrosis, a neurologist will advise you on anti-inflammatory drugs that dilate and strengthen bone tissue. Along with drug treatment, you can undergo treatment with an osteopath, masseur or acupuncturist. Tilt your head more often, forward, down and to the sides, but do not throw it back sharply, such a movement is not recommended. Lowering the shoulders will help relieve pressure on the cervical region. There is a special gymnastics for the cervical spine, which can be performed without leaving the workplace. Self-massage of the neck and forearms will help.

A visit to a chiropractor will help with displacement of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The pinched nerve endings will be released by traction therapy or a special stretching of the spine, which will bring quick relief. And the removal of triggers and blocks, areas of pain, will help to forget about the pain and numbness of the hands for a long time.

If the cause of numbness is a micro-stroke, without proper treatment by a doctor, it can develop into serious circulatory disorders of the brain with mental and physical disorders. Diagnosis and treatment is carried out only by a doctor! In the case of a disease of the cardiovascular system, do not risk your health and also contact a specialist.

Being in constant nervous tension, a stressful state, provokes a pinched nerve from impaired blood flow, muscle stiffness, which causes numbness in the hands. Treatment in this case is carried out individually by a neurologist or psychiatrist. If a person can associate numbness with a certain event, then with the help of relaxation, discarding problems, it is possible to get rid of the disease on their own. To be at peace with yourself, do yoga, learning the unity of soul and body, getting out of stress, which means getting rid of diseases.

The best treatment for a disease is its prevention. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, a positive attitude, peace and tranquility in the soul will not let diseases win. But in any case, going to the doctor is the best way out. Hand numbness is not a disease, but a symptom, finding the cause and proper treatment is the key to health.

Recently, complaints such as numbness of the left hand have become more frequent. This condition is extremely unpleasant not only physically, but also emotionally. Attacks of numbness of the left hand appear after squeezing the nerve endings and / or blood vessels. This condition is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation. Today we will touch on the topic of why the left hand goes numb? We will give recommendations on what to do if the left hand goes numb.

Temporary numbness of the left arm

Such an unpleasant sensation appears when the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck have been tense for a long time or have been in a not very comfortable position, for example, working at a computer. Numbness in this situation can be observed completely in the entire arm, including the elbow joint, shoulder girdle. This phenomenon can be explained quite simply - the tissues do not receive the necessary dose of oxygen and nutrients. To prevent numbness of the left hand in this case, it is necessary to periodically change the position of the body, do a little exercise, warm up during forced long-term sedentary work. If the hand is numb, then massage, exercise will help. Temporary numbness of the left hand may appear when wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing, prolonged position of the left hand at a level above the heart. Unpleasant sensations in the left hand pass within an hour after the provoking factor has been eliminated. If the condition has not improved and the left hand is still numb for a long time, then you should contact a neurologist.

Periodic attacks of numbness of the left hand are observed during exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervical region. If the left hand goes numb and nausea, headache, dizziness appear, then these are symptoms of impaired blood supply to the brain.

The left hand goes numb with cardiovascular diseases

Such a symptom should cause some concern in people with coronary heart disease, vascular atherosclerosis. Most likely there was a failure in the work of the heart. Pain in the left side of the chest, numbness of the left limb, shortness of breath, cold sweat are common symptoms of a pre-infarction condition, and may also indicate that the blood supply to the brain has worsened. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to take the medicines that were previously prescribed by the doctor and call an ambulance. It is important to remember that the sooner a patient with a heart attack is taken to the hospital and provided with medical care, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome.

Sudden numbness of the arm, which is accompanied by severe, sharp pain that tends to increase, and there is also swelling of the limb, these symptoms indicate thrombosis of the main vessels of the left limb. If the pain does not subside within an hour, then the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital. Delay can lead to tissue necrosis, independent attempts to improve the condition can also lead to negative consequences.

Diseases that are accompanied by numbness of the left hand

cervical spondylosis is a chronic disease of the spine and is characterized by pathological growth of bone tissue in the region of the cervical vertebrae. In addition to the fact that the left arm goes numb, there is pain in the neck, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle, ears and eyes may hurt. Cervical spondylosis is characterized by increased pain during movement. For injuries clavicular plexus along with pain, there is also numbness of the left hand. Such injuries are often received by motorcyclists, snowboarders and representatives of other extreme sports. Avitaminosis quite often accompanied by numbness of the limbs, also similar symptoms can be observed with a lack of calcium in the body.

What to do if the left hand goes numb?

If discomfort is caused by any of these diseases, then measures must be taken to treat them. If we are talking about a heart attack, you will need emergency medical care. With arthritis or osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medicines. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a course of antidepressants. Morning exercises will help to avoid discomfort in the limbs. After morning exercises, you need to stretch your arms up and stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, which will help improve blood circulation in the limbs. Daily intake of ginger will help strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. A light massage will help get rid of the painful feeling of discomfort in the left hand. Active movements, swimming, physiotherapy exercises will improve well-being with osteochondrosis. With periodic numbness of the left hand, it is recommended to limit yourself from physical exertion for a while.

The above tips should be taken as an alleviation of the condition, but it is better to refuse self-diagnosis. Without additional examinations, an examination by a doctor and a consultation with a neurologist, it is impossible to establish a true diagnosis. Only a timely examination will allow timely detection of a disease that may be the cause of such a symptom as numbness of the left hand.

Why do my hands go numb while running?

Let's look at the root of the problem that leads to numb hands when running. The bottom line is that while running, the main pistons for the movement of both ourselves and our blood through the body are our legs. Of course, in addition to our heart. 🙂 Hands perform a very secondary function. And the amplitude of their movement is not as large as that of the legs. And there is almost no load, since they only move their weight in space. While the legs carry the weight of our entire body. Because of this situation, we get the feeling that our hands go numb when running. After all, they simply get limited blood flow.

The idea I am sharing with you is not mine. I myself once spied it in a book about running from a Soviet edition. And there the idea was also not the author. 🙂 He himself saw it in action on one of the runs and only slightly modified the instrument itself.

Solving the problem when your hands go numb while running

You won't believe how easy it was to solve the problem when your hands go numb while running! These are ordinary expanders! Yes, yes, those that are squeezed in the palm of your hand. They are called "carpal expanders". If your hands go numb while running, just take hand expanders with you for a run. And that's it - problem solved! Thus, we give an additional load on the hands and improve blood flow to them. And voila - our hands no longer go numb when running!

When choosing an expander for running, I would like to advise you to opt for plastic or rubber models. Do not take expanders with metal handles! Remember that when you run, your palms will sweat. And the metal in a wet hand becomes very slippery. Therefore, metal expanders will always strive to slip out of your hands. I myself have been using plastic for the second year and am very satisfied.

Even when choosing an expander, pay attention to the fact that under the thumb it has a small, upturned stop horn. This is a very important element that will not allow the expander to jump out of the palm of your hand. It will be very comfortable for you to work with it while running.

How do you deal with hand numbness while running?

With this, my short note on the topic of solving the problem, when hands go numb while running, has come to an end. I hope this old runner invention will help you get rid of the unpleasant feeling when your hands go numb while running. Personally, this helps the author a lot. And not just when running. When I train on a machine like stair walking, I also use resistance bands all the time. And the hands do not go numb, and I train the strength of the hand. At a minimum, to the health of the cardiovascular system, a firm handshake should also be achieved. 🙂

Or maybe you, dear reader, have some secret of your own to deal with numbness of the hands during a long run? I would be grateful for your advice, which you can leave here in the comments to my note.

Left hand numbness - a symptom that can accompany many diseases. Most often this is a neurological problem, or is associated with heart disease and vessels.

Sometimes patients complain of numbness of the fingertips with a slight tingling sensation. It can manifest itself as numbness of the hand, which is quite often observed.

Hand goes numb: possible causes

Here it is important to understand whether this is the result of prolonged squeezing of the arm (for example, during sleep, when the wife’s head lies on the man’s shoulder or arm).

Or it may be after a long load, for example, when working on a computer keyboard for a long time.

Numbness of the hand also occurs with changes occurring in the spine. At osteochondrosis when the height of the intervertebral discs decreases, compression of the roots of the nerve endings can occur and, as a result, unpleasant sensations in the hand.

General weakness, difficulty turning and tilting the head can be added to numbness. If these changes are suspected, the doctor may prescribe manual therapy, which includes diagnosis for the specified problem and treatment.

For heart disease and vessels (ischemia, thrombosis), the blood supply to the peripheral vessels is impaired. This can cause numbness in the ring finger and little finger. Cardiologists advise not to neglect these signs and consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of a heart attack. Also, prevent the development of a severe form of angina pectoris.

Angina pectoris can cause pain in the left shoulder, arm, and shoulder blade. At night, blood circulation in the radial and ulnar arteries is disturbed. If, in addition, a person began to have a headache, it became difficult for him to speak, then these are possibly signs of a developing stroke. You need to call an ambulance right away.

Hand numbness prevention

To maintain normal metabolic processes and prevent loss of sensitivity of nerve endings (which we feel at the time of numbness), you need to eat foods that contain large amounts of vitamins A and B.

Should be carefully monitored cholesterol level . Vessels clogged with fatty deposits are not able to fully transport blood. Especially in this case, the limbs suffer. No one is immune from atherosclerosis. You need to follow a healthy lifestyle and eat right at any age, and after 45 years - without fail. Just as important to know sugar level in the blood, with fluctuations, conduct the necessary examination.

Take care of yourself, the state of your body. Include vegetables and fiber-rich foods (cereals) in your diet. This will help maintain blood vessels in a healthy state and cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol and toxins.

Have you ever had numb hands? Never? Then you are a happy person. And this article will be just interesting information for you. But if hand numbness is a frequent phenomenon for you, the editors of the site will tell you what causes the loss of hand sensitivity and what to do with this scourge.

The fact is that harmless, at first glance, numbness, tingling, “goosebumps” can talk about neglected problems that need to be addressed immediately.


Hand numbness occurs due to three “culprits”: circulatory disorders, problems with the nervous system, or disorders in the cerebral cortex. You ask: what about the hands? The fact is that arms, hands and fingers are the final "point" in the circulatory system, as well as nerve impulses. And if one of these systems fails - due to overwork, a sedentary lifestyle and a number of other reasons, then most often it is the hands that “tell” about the problem in the body.

Here are the top 5 causes of violations that are important to take into account.

Wrong posture while sleeping

Due to incorrect posture or posture in a dream, blood vessels are pinched, which leads to an outflow of blood from the muscles and oxygen starvation. This is especially true for pregnant women.

Diabetes and anemia (anemia) are also characterized by numbness of the limbs due to oxygen starvation and excess lactic acid in the muscles.

Osteochondrosis leads to compression of the nerve roots of the spine (in the zone of the cervical or thoracic regions).

Postponed fractures, dislocations, neuritis, crying also remind themselves of numbness of the hands.

Malfunction of the central nervous system can cause spasm of small vessels and their numbness: the hands become pale and cold.

Lack of vitamins (especially group B), strict diet can cause numbness as a signal of disorders in the body.

"Tunnel" (carpal) syndrome due to constant sitting at the computer in an uncomfortable position, due to which the neurovascular bundle is squeezed in the place where the brush bends.


First of all - to reconsider your lifestyle as a whole - activity, healthy eating without fast food and other "empty calories".
. Working at the computer, taking breaks every 1.5-2 hours, during which you climb 3-5 flights of stairs, take a walk down the street, stretch your back, arms and legs.

If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, perform simple movements.

Check how comfortable your bed and the right pillow are: whether your neck or spine is arched too high. It is worth replacing the high pillow with a more comfortable one - orthopedic - and, quite possibly, only memories will remain from the numbness of the hands.

Hands go numb even in tight pajamas or if you do not take off your rings and bracelets at night.

Since the hands can also become numb due to serious internal diseases, it is not superfluous to be examined by a doctor, it is elementary to take blood tests. Be healthy!