Fixed lymph node in the groin. Causes of inguinal lymphadenitis

The general level of health of the human body is directly related to the state of its lymphatic system. So, with its failures and violations, the degree of natural protection decreases, so a person becomes completely unarmed in front of an endless number of pathogens in the surrounding space.

One of the clear signs of problems in the functioning of the lymphatic system is the inflammation of the lymph nodes in any part of the body. The pathological process in the groin can also occur in the fair sex, and may indicate a direct negative impact on the nodes or the development of a serious disease.

In order to prevent the development of this disease, or to cope with it, it is very important to understand its true causes, symptoms, and how to best treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women at home.

The lymph node is a peripheral organ of the human lymphatic system, which is an oval or rounded formation, its dimensions are from 0.5 to 2 cm.

It performs the functions of cleaning the lymph and producing protective cells that fight tumors and infections in the human body.

The inguinal lymph nodes are located in the region of the inguinal folds (femoral triangle) and are responsible for the transfer of lymph to the iliac lymph nodes, which are located in the abdominal cavity.

Swollen lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. The disease can be acute or chronic, one node, a group of nodes, or several groups of nodes can become inflamed - this is typical in cases of systemic human diseases.

Lymphadenitis in the inguinal lymph nodes in women may indicate an inflammatory process, infection in the legs or pelvic organs of the patient.

The lymph node acts as a filter, which should purify the lymph. In turn, the infection enters the lymph nodes through the lymphatic vessels. If an infection enters the human body, it is the lymph nodes that are the first to react to it.

They take a hit on themselves, preventing the possibility for a deeper penetration of the infection into the body. One of the main types of inflammation of the lymph nodes is inguinal lymphadenitis. What are the main causes of the disease, how to diagnose and cure it?

Inflammation is a reaction of the lymph nodes to a harmful accumulation of cells that are infected with pathogens. These cells penetrate into the nodes through the lymphatic vessels from the source of infection.

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes lead to:

The sudden pain and swelling of the lymph node is a clear indication that the cause of the disease was mechanical damage or infection.

If the lymph node becomes inflamed slowly, then you need to look for a more serious deep source.

The cause of swollen lymph nodes can also be sexually transmitted diseases, such as:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • papillomaviruses;
  • genital herpes;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydia.

Inguinal lymphadenitis is also possible with cystitis, urethritis, vesiculitis, balanoposthitis.

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area in women?

Inguinal lymph nodes are close to the surface of the skin, so they can be palpated. When exercising and walking in the inflamed area, an unpleasant feeling of discomfort and aching pain may occur.

In addition to changes in size, pain during movement and palpation, the following symptoms are observed:

  • compaction of the lymph node;
  • skin redness;
  • burning, itching, peeling of the skin;
  • elevated body temperature of the patient;
  • intoxication of the body develops in case of accumulation of pus in the lymph nodes and the progression of inguinal lymphadenitis. This condition is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, general weakness, chills, muscle and headache appear. A blood test at the same time shows a high content of ESR and a pronounced leukocytosis.

Lymphadenitis is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, weakness, weight loss and appetite, loss of strength, headache. Malaise clearly indicates the course of a chronic or acute inflammatory process in the human body.

An enlarged lymph node in the groin area does not always cause pain. If it has become immobile and hard, this may be a signal of the formation of a malignant tumor.

The most difficult thing is to diagnose chronic lymphadenitis, since its symptoms can be mild, and because of this, some diseases can go into an advanced stage.

Diagnosis of inguinal lymphadenitis, as a rule, is necessary with the help of a medical examination. Often complicates the identification of the disease is the fact that the lymph nodes in the groin are not always easy to probe.

Therefore, an additional laboratory study or diagnosis using instrumental methods is prescribed. It is important to accurately diagnose lymphadenitis, as its symptoms are similar to those of an inguinal hernia.

Methods for diagnosing lymphadenitis:

If a person is concerned about the state of his lymph nodes, he should contact a local therapist who can refer the patient to other narrow specialists - an infectious disease specialist, a urologist, a gynecologist.

Many of us are well aware that the key to successful treatment of any disease is a timely visit to the doctor. Similarly, the case is with the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

If the first symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes are found, it is necessary to consult a specialist, and he, in turn, will conduct an examination and, based on the acquired data, prescribe the necessary treatment.

Effective treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis largely depends on identifying the true cause of inflammation and swollen lymph nodes.

Lymphadenitis of the inguinal nodes rarely develops as a separate independent disease, on the contrary, in most cases this disease is preceded by infectious inflammatory foci in the body: carbuncles, boils, abscesses and others.

So, how to treat inguinal lymphadenitis? Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the inguinal region in women is treated conservatively or surgically. At the initial stages of the development of the inflammatory process, the patient may be prescribed:

Surgical intervention for the treatment of lymphadenitis is considered only if pus forms and gradually accumulates in the lymph nodes. To ensure the outflow of pus from the inflamed lymph nodes, the surgeon resorts to drainage.

General therapy in the treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis involves the elimination of any symptoms of inflammation. To do this, you need to follow the following simple recommendations:

  • a patient with lymphadenitis is shown bed rest;
  • diet: eat only light, dietary foods, avoid too fatty and high-calorie foods;
  • the main drugs in the treatment are antibiotics, since the most common cause of the development of lymphadenitis is an infection. Until the exact cause of the disease is determined, broad-spectrum antibiotics may be used.

To date, there are many methods of treating folk remedies for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women. Below are the most effective ones:

If the pain in the lymph nodes has no apparent cause and does not go away after a few days, do not postpone the visit to the clinic, since inflammation of the lymph nodes may indicate serious health problems.

Before starting treatment with folk methods, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor. It is also necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination without fail, since only in this case it is possible to carry out the correct treatment.

Lymphadenitis is not a separate disease, but a direct reaction of the body to another disease.. It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate in the presence of tumors, while it is vital to carry out urgent surgical intervention.

One of the types of pathology of the lymph nodes, inguinal lymphadenitis, reflects a wide range of various inflammatory processes in the human body, covers almost all age and gender categories. It is often the result of serious diseases listed in the international registry, the rapid treatment of which prevents death.

Types of inguinal lymphadenitis

In connection with the reasons, duration, features, the following classifications of ailments are distinguished using WHO standards for microbial 10:

  • depending on pathogens: specific or non-specific;
  • based on the nature of the course: purulent or catarrhal;
  • frequency and intensity determine the chronic as well as the acute stages.

How is inguinal lymphadenitis formed?

For the most part, the disease is the result of the activity of various microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci, mycobacteria, chlamydia and others. And also, when the inguinal zone is injured, where unicellular pathogens penetrate, initiating inflammatory reactions. In some cases, the causes lie in the oncological formations of the genitourinary system. Pathogenic initiators invade the elements of the lymph node. In response to this, the body launches a mechanism to combat the focus of infection, localizing processes in the area of ​​penetration of pathogens.

Clinical picture (symptoms) of inguinal lymphadenitis

Inguinal lymphadenitis in women

The symptoms of this ailment depend on the pathogen. The bacterial nature is manifested by the rapid course of the disease . Inguinal lymphadenitis in women is painful. Lymph nodes in this area are visually more visible, hot to the touch, have the ability to connect.

If the causes are of a viral nature, the nodes in the groin of women are small and mobile.

Painless enlargements with lymphadenitis located in the groin in women can signal cancer.

Inguinal lymphadenitis in men

Usually, inguinal lymphadenitis in men evolves against the background of the consequences of venereal diseases. If the malaise is a consequence of a disease of the skin of the male groin, as well as as a result of the activation of oncological formations, a painful one-sided seal may appear on the organ itself. In this case, it is necessary to start treatment quickly in order to prevent the spread of the tumor.

Inguinal lymphadenitis in children

This malaise in infants is congenital in nature, older children get sick due to traumatic causes. Adolescents may be associated with sexually transmitted infections.


Since many diverse pathogens lead to pathological changes in the nodes, in order to prescribe effective treatment, multilevel diagnosis is necessary.


At the initial stage of the process of determining the disease, the doctor performs an examination, during which, having probed the lymph nodes in the inguinal region, he identifies the causes of the disease, in order to substantiate which he appoints versatile studies.

Laboratory diagnostics


  • complex blood tests, which allow, by its indicators, to determine the degree and probable cause of the inflammatory process;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • sputum sampling to detect signs of tuberculosis;
  • at a particularly advanced stage, or a serious disease is suspected, the node element is analyzed for the presence of a benign or other formation.

Instrumental examination methods

In cases where the results of laboratory tests are not enough, deeper examinations are prescribed:

  • x-ray of the lungs - for the diagnosis of tuberculosis manifestations;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • study of violations of lymphatic drainage.


Having determined the disease code for the ICD (international labeling of ailments of the tenth edition), the doctor can prescribe treatment for the patient.

How to treat catarrhal lymphadenitis

With catarrhal lymphadenitis, therapeutic measures include antibiotics, vitamin complexes, ointments, physiotherapeutic procedures. It is advisable to keep the patient calm.

Therapy of purulent lymphadenitis

Purulent lymphadenitis must be treated quickly. Through surgical manipulations, the focus of suppuration is opened, pathogenic formations are removed, disinfecting procedures are performed. Periodic dressings are also needed.

Method of treatment of specific lymphadenitis

Based on the disease that provoked the pathology, specialized treatment is prescribed, based on antibiotics, after which the lymphadenitis itself is eliminated.

Treatment of chronic lymphadenitis

In chronic lymphadenitis, a set of measures is prescribed to strengthen the entire immune system. In parallel, all inflammatory processes are eliminated.

Treatment of lymphadenitis as a result of the oncological process

Cancer is treated with chemotherapy. Sometimes there is a need to remove formations.

Treatment with folk methods

In folk medicine for lymphadenitis, echinacea tincture is used as a general tonic. Also, the treatment is carried out with the help of infusions from raspberry roots, hazelnut leaves, young shoots of coniferous plants. The use of blueberry compote is also effective for cleaning the lymph.


It is necessary to protect the body from the penetration of harmful microbes, both through open wounds, treating them in a timely manner, and through sexual contact, taking care of the safety of sexual relations. It is recommended not to expose yourself to hypothermia, to carry out general strengthening fortification.

Comprehensive preventive measures and treatment, timely response to alarming symptoms of the body, will prevent lymphadenitis of the inguinal region in the future.

Inguinal lymphadenitis is called inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area, it occurs in both men and women. The nodes swell and become more dense to the touch. There are approximately 600 lymph nodes in the human body, but normal lymph nodes can only be felt below the jaw, under the armpits, and in the groin area.

Lymph nodes are involved in the filtration of microorganisms, the production of antibodies, and the processing of lymphocytes in the human body. With the exception of neoplasia, lymph nodes are rarely the site of primary disease. However, they are involved in almost all infectious processes. When a local infection occurs, regional lymph nodes react to the invasion of microorganisms. If pathogens manage to overcome this barrier of resistance, the infectious process can spread to more distant sites or enter the bloodstream.

There are three groups of lymph nodes in the groin area:

  1. Upper. Through it, a colorless liquid (lymph), washing the cells, comes from the lower part of the abdominal wall and buttocks.
  2. Median or medial. On it, the lymph "leaves" from the perineum, anus and external genitalia.
  3. Lower. It drains lymph from the lower extremities.

Symptoms of inguinal lymphadenitis in men include:

  • swelling and soreness of the lymph nodes in the groin;
  • redness of the skin over the lymph glands;
  • pain in the groin;
  • fever and chills.

If lymphadenitis is caused by an infection of the skin of the legs or groin, then redness, soreness, swelling, or red streaks on the skin above the leg or in the groin may be added to the above symptoms.

There are two types of inguinal lymphadenitis:

  1. Primary - as a result of the penetration of the pathogen into the lymph node due to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Secondary - a consequence of any inflammatory disease (for example, venereal).

Causes of inguinal lymphadenitis in men and women include:

  • bacterial infection;
  • viral infection;
  • injuries such as sports injuries that affect the legs and groin are among the main causes of swollen lymph nodes in the groin;
  • other diseases and conditions such as the presence of malignant tumors in the lymphatic system, inguinal hernia, allergic reactions to drugs (such as antibiotics), and hydrocele in male children can also cause swelling in the lymph nodes located in the groin.

Bacteria found on the skin are harmless because the surface of the skin acts as a protective barrier. When this barrier is broken, bacteria can get under the surface of the skin and begin to multiply. Streptococci or staphylococci are the most common bacteria that cause inguinal lymphadenitis. Lymphadenitis due to bacterial infections usually occurs after a skin injury. Injuries allow bacteria to invade subcutaneous tissues and then spread to the lymph glands.

Injuries that can lead to bacterial infections include:

  • animal bites;
  • scratches from cats;
  • stab wounds;
  • abrasions.

Sexually transmitted diseases that cause inguinal lymphadenitis include:

Viral infections that cause inguinal lymphadenitis include:

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  • mononucleosis;
  • cytomegaly virus;
  • chickenpox;
  • adenovirus infections.

Risk factors for inguinal lymphadenitis in men include:

  • AIDS;
  • animal bites;
  • insect bites on the leg;
  • chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema;
  • diabetes;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • chronic swelling of the legs (bilateral);
  • elderly age;
  • poor circulation;
  • skin ulcers or bedsores;
  • the use of steroid drugs.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in men and swelling of the lymph node in the groin in men

Key aspects of the history that help in the diagnostic examination and in the differential diagnosis of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in men are:

  • Patient's age: 79% of biopsies taken from young patients (<30 лет) были доброкачественными. Увеличение возраста (>40 years) suggests a malignant nature of the disease.
  • Symptoms of infection. These include: skin ulceration, localized soreness, genital ulcers, fever, night sweats, etc.
  • Epidemiological clues: exposure to animals, harmful substances, travel to other countries where infection may have occurred.
  • Medication History: Some drugs (eg, phenytoin) are a common cause of lymphadenitis.
  • Disease duration: persistent inflammation of the lymph node in the groin in men (more than 4 weeks) indicates a chronic infection, or malignancy of the tumor, while localized lymphadenitis of short duration often accompanies some infections (for example, infectious mononucleosis).

Medical examination with an increase in inguinal lymph nodes in men

The most important data in the physical examination are: the size of the lymph nodes, their consistency and mobility.

  • Dimensions lymph nodes vary depending on their location. For example, inguinal lymph nodes can be 2 cm in size in healthy individuals. The significance of enlarged lymph nodes should be considered in the context of their location, duration of the disease, associated symptoms, age and gender of the patient. In general, lymph nodes smaller than 1 cm are rarely of clinical significance. In contrast, lymph nodes larger than 2 cm that are persistently enlarged for more than 4 weeks should be carefully evaluated.
  • Consistency: hard to the touch nodes are more common in malignant tumors, and soft enlarged nodes often accompany inflammatory disorders. If a single enlarged lymph node of a hard consistency and with a bumpy surface is found in a patient, the doctor must exclude cancer of the lymph nodes. For this, a general blood test is prescribed. If the cause of the “swelling” of the lymph node is inguinal lymphadenitis, then there will be an increased content of leukocytes and an increased ESR in the blood. In cancer, the leukocyte formula does not change, and the ESR is accelerated. The patient will also be referred for an ultrasound of the inguinal region.
  • Mobility: Immobile or entangled nodes suggest metastases, while freely mobile nodes may occur with infections.

Inguinal lymphadenitis: warning signs

Contact your doctor if:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area.
  • Increased pain in the groin.
  • The appearance of redness of the skin around the lymph glands.
  • No improvement after antibiotic treatment for 2 days.
  • The appearance of red stripes on the skin of the leg or in the groin.
  • Fever and temperature of 38.8 C and above.
  • Multiple vomiting.

Treatment of lymph nodes in the groin in men, children and women: possible complications of the disease

Treatment of lymph nodes in the groin in men will be determined by the attending physician based on the following grounds:

  • The scale of the problem.
  • Age, general health, and history of the patient.
  • Tolerance to specific medications or procedures.

The exact type of treatment depends on which infection has spread to the lymph nodes. Once the infection has penetrated the inguinal lymph nodes, it can quickly "get over" to other parts of the body, so it is very important to quickly find the cause of lymphadenitis and begin treatment.

Bacterial infections are usually treated with antibiotics. Treatment for inguinal lymphadenitis may include:

What happens during incision and drainage:

  • The skin is sterilized with alcohol or antibacterial soap.
  • A local anesthetic is injected into the tissues surrounding the lymph glands.
  • The doctor makes an incision with a scalpel and drains the pus from the lymph glands.
  • The node cavity is treated with various antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, miramistin, etc.).
  • In some cases, a strip of sterile gauze remains inside the knot cavity for 24 to 36 hours.

In the past, removal of altered lymph nodes was practiced. Now doctors rarely resort to such an operation, because subsequently the outflow of lymph worsens and lymphostasis (lymph stagnation) occurs.

Treatment of lymph nodes in the groin in men and women at home includes:

  • Avoid putting pressure on swollen glands.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Apply a warm compress to the affected area for 20-30 minutes every 4 hours.
  • Do not skip doses of medication prescribed by your doctor. This makes them less effective.

Pain relief from inguinal lymphadenitis in adults

Medications commonly used to control pain and inflammation in adults include:

  1. "Acetaminophen" - helps reduce pain, but does not have anti-inflammatory properties. Dosage for adults: 2 tablets (325 mg) every 4 hours or 2 tablets (500 mg) every 6 hours. The maximum dose is 4000 mg per day. Avoid this drug if you have alcoholism, liver disease, or an allergy to the ingredients of the tablet. See instructions.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Ketoprofen. Reduce pain, fever and inflammation.

    Aspirin: 2 tablets (325 mg) every 4 hours with food. There are many foods that contain aspirin. Follow the directions and precautions for taking NSAIDs.

    "Ibuprofen": 200-400 mg every 4-6 hours. Do not exceed 1200 mg per day without medical advice.

    Naproxen: 200 or 220 mg twice a day with meals. Do not exceed 500 mg per day.

    "Ketoprofen": 12.5 mg every 4-6 hours with food. Do not exceed 75 mg per day.

    NSAIDs: precautions for treating groin lymph nodes in men:

    • Avoid drinking alcohol while taking any of these drugs.
    • Do not mix prescription and over-the-counter NSAIDs unless directed otherwise by your healthcare provider.
    • NSAIDs can interact with other blood thinners and cause bleeding.
    • Ask your doctor if you can use NSAIDs if you have an allergy to aspirin, asthma, peptic ulcer, stomach ulcer, esophageal ulcer, bleeding disorder, liver disease, or kidney disease.
  3. Narcotic painkillers (require a doctor's prescription) are used for very severe pain.
  4. Treatment of pain in inguinal lymphadenitis

    Common medicines used at home to treat pain in children include:

  • "Acetaminophen". Dosage - 10-15 mg per kilogram of body weight every 4-6 hours, up to the adult dose. Do not exceed the maximum daily dose. Avoid giving the drug to children with liver disease or who are allergic to acetaminophen.
  • "Ibuprofen". The dosage for children over 6 months of age is 7-10 mg per kilogram of body weight every 6 hours, up to the adult dose. Do not exceed the maximum daily dose. Always follow the instructions on the package. Avoid giving this drug to children with liver, kidney, stomach or bleeding problems.
  • "Naproxen". The dosage for children 13 years of age and older is 200 mg twice daily with meals. Do not exceed 500 mg per day. Always follow the instructions on the package. Avoid giving this drug to children with liver, kidney, stomach or bleeding problems.

Aspirin and most other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in children only under medical supervision. Their uncontrolled use can lead to serious consequences, such as liver damage or a violation of the blood clotting system.

Complications of inguinal lymphadenitis include:

  • abscess;
  • cellulite;
  • sepsis;
  • gangrene;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • septic arthritis of the hip joint;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area is a pathological process, accompanied by painful symptoms, in which the lymph nodes are significantly enlarged. This process occurs due to bacterial or viral infections of the pelvic organs. The lymphatic fluid coming from the inflamed organs carries with it bacteria and viruses, the accumulation of which leads to the development of lymphadenitis.

A disease in which there is inflammation of the groin lymph nodes in women is called lymphadenitis. For successful treatment, it is important to remember that there are always significant causes that cause the activation of the lymphatic and immune systems. In medicine, several types of lymphadenitis are distinguished, depending on the location, causes, etc.

Allocate general (generalized) and local lymphadenitis of the inguinal nodes. Local inflammation refers to inflammation of one or several lymph nodes, and can be unilateral or bilateral.

If unilateral inguinal lymphadenitis is observed, this indicates an external penetration of the infection into the lymph nodes. The bilateral form indicates a more serious infection of the internal organs.

There are two main groups of lymphadenitis:

  • specific;
  • non-specific.

Groups of specific lymphadenitis are inflammatory processes in the groin that occur as a result of serious systemic diseases, such as plague, tuberculosis, syphilis, and oncological processes. Nonspecific forms are caused by various types of infections.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes can be acute and chronic. Acute lymphadenitis is manifested by severe pain, a sharp increase in temperature, the general condition of the body worsens significantly.

The chronic course of the disease is expressed in a constant enlarged state of the lymph node, followed by hardening and the formation of adhesions. This condition can be caused by the consequences of not fully cured acute pathology of the lymph nodes, or occurs when there is a constant source of infection in the groin area.

The development of purulent inguinal lymphadenitis is accompanied by the appearance of purulent masses in the lymph nodes. This process is an advanced stage of the disease and has quite acute manifestations. In this case, blood poisoning and infection with purulent masses of neighboring tissues are possible.

Causes of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes

There are many diseases that contribute to the development of lymphadenitis. They are mainly caused by bacterial infections. In some cases, this leads to a violation of the integrity of the skin in the lower part of the body. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons:

  • Injuries, cuts in the buttocks, thighs, groin. Bacterial infections enter the body, and the lymphatic and immune systems are activated. Tick ​​bites in the lower part of the body or legs can cause unilateral inflammation of the lymph nodes of the inguinal region in women - this disease is called borreliosis.
  • Venereal diseases. This is a large group of diseases that are caused by the penetration of bacteria into the body during unprotected intercourse. These are syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureplasmosis. Such serious diseases, in addition to swollen lymph nodes, have other acute symptoms.
  • Gynecological diseases. These include all types of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system: adnexitis, endometritis, bartholinitis and tumors. Typically, such diseases occur without any special symptoms, in a chronic form, and the presence of inguinal lymphadenitis in women can be one of the signals indicating a problem.
  • Urological diseases. This includes inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract. In some cases, the presence of stones in the kidneys or gallbladder causes the development of inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes.
  • Furuncles, carbuncles. These dermatological diseases, if they appear on the skin of the back, buttocks, legs, can provoke an increased activity of the immune system and inflammation in the groin.

The main causative agents of inguinal lymphadenitis are viral infections. These include measles, rubella, chickenpox and shingles, herpes simplex. A characteristic consequence of viruses is the defeat of almost all lymph nodes in the body, but, in some cases, the lymph nodes may be more vulnerable to infection.

Fungal infections. When the lower body of a woman is affected by fungal infections, an inflammatory process almost always occurs in the lymph nodes. Firstly, it can be genital candidiasis, which is manifested by rather painful symptoms. Secondly, these are fungal diseases of the skin of the back, buttocks, groin, legs and even toenails.

Another reason for the increase and inflammation of the lymph nodes, in addition to the listed diseases, can be oncological processes in the body of a woman. This is a very serious factor, since the appearance of lymphadenitis can be the only symptom at the initial stage of cancer development.

This disease manifests itself in the same way in women and men. Only the symptoms that led to lymphadenitis can be different. Let us consider in more detail how inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes manifest themselves.

  • Enlarged lymph nodes: one or more. Normally, the inguinal nodes are small enough and not palpable. With an increase in size to 1.5-2 centimeters (and more), they can be easily felt. There is also a feeling of pressure on the blood vessels in this area.
  • Pain when pressed, discomfort during movement and in any position where slight pressure on the inflamed node is possible, as well as when walking. In more serious cases, pain is felt even without pressure on the affected areas.
  • Inflamed lymph nodes in the groin are accompanied by fever, chills, loss of appetite.
  • The manifestation of the main viral or bacterial infection: pain in the lower abdomen, burning in the vagina, burning and discomfort of the external genital organs, specific discharge from the vagina, etc.
  • Redness and swelling over the affected lymph nodes in the groin may indicate suppuration of the nodes. This process is manifested both by throbbing pain and simply by the pulsation of the lymph node against the background of a local increase in temperature.
  • Acute pain without additional symptoms may indicate diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • Prolonged discomfort and an increase in lymph nodes for 3-6 months indicates pathological processes in the body.

With acute symptoms of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes, you should immediately seek medical help. Sometimes the symptoms are minor, appearing only from time to time. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, since the long course of the disease indicates, at a minimum, a decrease in immunity. In the worst case, these processes can be symptoms of serious oncological or systemic diseases of the body.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of this disease is carried out depending on the cause - infectious, mycotic or bacterial infection. Diagnosis of inguinal lymphadenitis in women is carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the main source of infection of the body. After diagnosis and analysis, the following types of drugs are prescribed.

  • Antibiotics. The course of treatment and the type of antibiotics depend on the specific bacterial infection.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed for viral and infectious inflammations.
  • Antimycotic drugs. There are both local and general use. For local treatment, special ointments and sprays are used. Antifungal tablets may be prescribed for significant damage to the whole body.
  • Immunostimulants. These are drugs that strengthen the immune system. They are necessary for some viral diseases, as well as for frequent morbidity.

If the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women is severe enough, special treatment is prescribed. Usually these are anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic drugs, therapeutic compresses. You can also use physiotherapy procedures that have a beneficial effect on the affected inguinal lymph nodes: improve blood and lymph circulation, and tissue regeneration. These are procedures using ultraviolet, ultrasound, etc.

Surgical treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis in women is used for suppuration of the nodes. The procedure is aimed at cleansing the lymph nodes from purulent accumulations. After the operation, a drainage system is placed for some time. Sometimes sutures are placed on the operated sites.

Successful treatment of the problem of lymphadenitis depends on an important factor: identifying the initial cause, which led to inflammatory processes in the groin lymph nodes. In this case, successful treatment of the underlying disease will also eliminate the mechanisms for the development of inguinal lymphadenitis. In the initial stages of inflammation, there is no need for special treatment. In more advanced cases, medical and surgical treatment is mandatory.

Treatment with folk remedies

The use of folk remedies for inflamed groin lymph nodes is unacceptable without medical advice. Many serious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, become the causes of inflammatory processes and suppuration in the inguinal lymph nodes. To avoid complications, in no case do warm compresses, do not warm the inflamed areas of the groin.

It is advised to drink it for any inflammatory processes in the body, including groin lymphadenitis. The tincture has anti-inflammatory, strengthening properties. Dilute 20-25 drops of echinacea tincture in water and drink it 2 times a day. It is advisable to do this before breakfast and dinner.

Herbal compresses. Take herbs that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (chamomile, nettle, mint, dandelion flowers, calendula). Pour boiling water over them and insist until cool. The proportions are approximate: enough water is needed to slightly cover the medicinal herbs. Make compresses (but, and in any case, not hot!) On the affected lymph node. To do this, you can soak gauze in the resulting liquid and apply to a painful place.

When choosing recipes for use in inflammation of the lymph nodes, be guided by common sense. Without the main drug treatment of the root cause, any folk remedy with an active inflammatory process will be powerless.


Preventive measures consist in maintaining the general and gynecological health of a woman:

  • Get rid of bad habits;
  • Go in for sports;
  • Eat wholesome food;
  • Adhere to the rules of hygiene of the genital organs;
  • Use reliable means of protection in case of accidental intimate contacts that lead to sexually transmitted diseases and inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes;
  • Take your vitamins during the off-season.

Prevention for lymphadenitis is similar to the general rules of a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to maintain immunity at the proper level, since it is on it that the body's resistance to diseases and the speed of recovery depend. See a doctor on time to avoid serious complications of not only major diseases, but also inguinal lymphadenitis.

) is a frequent companion of severe inflammatory processes in the body. Inguinal lymphadenitis in women occurs with acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the organs of the lower abdomen and pelvis. This is a wake-up call that the protective barriers have collapsed, and the immune system is unable to contain the spread of infection. The causative agent leaves the focus of infection and enters the regional lymph nodes with the lymph flow.

Causes of the development of inguinal lymphadenitis:

  • Viral diseases: genital herpes, mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus infection (CMV);
  • Inflammatory process of the organs of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature, such as: cystitis, urethritis, endometritis, adnexitis, bartholinitis, ovarian cysts;
  • Fungal lesions: vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Reactive inflammation in cancer.
  • Inguinal lymphadenitis in women can be detected in the absence of diseases of the internal organs, if the pathological process begins in the lymph node itself -,.

Localization of the lymph nodes in the groin

The lymphatic system is our sanitation service. Its competence includes disinfection and removal of waste products of the body, and the initial barrier is the lymph nodes. The superficial lymph nodes in the groin of women are located along the inguinal fold, part along the fold, the rest a little lower. In the normal state, they are located in the subcutaneous fat, in inflammatory diseases their size can increase significantly and under the skin you can feel the formation of a rounded or elongated configuration.

Symptoms of inguinal lymphadenitis

An increase in the lymph nodes in the groin in women indicates the presence of a serious inflammatory process. Along with local changes, general symptoms are also noted - an increase in temperature, although it may not be present at the initial stages, intoxication phenomena: weakness, loss of appetite, headache.

The causes of inguinal lymphadenitis in women affect the nature of changes in the structure of inflammation.

Symptoms of inguinal lymphadenitis in women largely depend on the type of microorganism that has entered the lymphatic system.

With a viral etiology, the inflamed nodes increase slightly, they are mobile and never solder to each other.

Bacteria cause a more violent response. Painful bumps appear on the skin, and the skin is hyperemic and hot to the touch. Inflamed nodules are significantly enlarged, inactive and can be interconnected. Sometimes the increase in size can be so pronounced that it interferes with movement due to intense pain when walking.

Painless lymph nodes enlarged for a long time in the absence of other sources of infection are a formidable sign of oncological pathology. These may be metastases from the main focus, or the node itself has become a tumor.

Some subcutaneous formations may have similar manifestations on the surface of the skin with inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women.

An inflamed sebaceous or sweat gland, according to external manifestations, can be mistaken for bacterial lymphadenitis, but the focus of inflammation is single and is not deep under the skin.

With syphilis, the formation of specific granulomas is possible, which, upon palpation, have a special consistency.

Lipoma (benign tumor) and sebaceous cyst (atheroma) are completely painless, mobile, localized in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

More specific information will be provided by laboratory tests.

Stages of lymphadenopathy

Inguinal lymphadenitis in women with infections goes through several stages of development:

  • catarrhal;
  • Hyperplastic;
  • Purulent-necrotic.

catarrhal stage

After the penetration of various pathogens, there is an expansion of blood vessels and an increase in local blood flow. The dimensions are not yet enlarged, but pain is likely on palpation.

Hyperplastic stage

Reproduction of the pathogen activates the immune response, the permeability of the vascular wall increases, and exudate collects between the cells. The size of the node increases, it is freely palpable under the skin. When surrounding tissues are involved in the process, an area of ​​redness appears on the skin.

Purulent-necrotic stage

With untimely treatment, the toxins secreted by dead microorganisms destroy the cells, forming a cavity with purulent contents inside. Multiple lesions of the lymph nodes leads to severe intoxication. In the event of a rupture of the capsule and the release of pus into the abdominal cavity, life-threatening complications can develop - peritonitis and sepsis.

Methods for diagnosing lymphadenitis


The nature of the change in the skin, the degree of increase, the consistency of the lymph nodes will tell the doctor the root cause of the inflammation.

A general blood test will provide information about the nature of the pathogen. With viral etiology, lymphocytes are enlarged, and leukocytosis is characteristic of bacterial inflammation.

Instrumental diagnostic methods

Instrumental research methods allow to determine the localization of the main focus.

On ultrasound of the pelvic organs, signs of inflammation and enlarged inguinal lymph nodes are clearly visible. In women, several organs are often involved in the pathological process. If there are doubts about the diagnosis, X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging can be done.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

To clarify the nature of the pathogen, laboratory diagnostics is carried out: a smear is taken from the vaginal mucosa and the resulting material is sown.

If oncology is suspected, they do. This allows you to accurately confirm the oncopathology, and sometimes to establish the source of metastases.

Treatment of lymphadenitis

How to treat lymphadenitis of the inguinal region in women depends on the cause of the inflammation. Such a pathology rarely occurs without previous inflammation of the internal organs. Treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis in women necessarily includes a thorough sanitation of the main source of infection, against which medical and, if necessary, surgical treatment of the affected lymph nodes is carried out.

As a conservative treatment,:

  • broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs or antiviral therapy;
  • specific immunomodulating agents (specific immunoglobulins);
  • external agents with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect (for purulent processes, such drugs are contraindicated);
  • systemic drugs (antipyretic);
  • physiotherapy procedures.

The detection of purulent foci with inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women may require surgical intervention. Given the peculiarities of the female anatomy, the pelvic area has an abundant blood supply. Spontaneous opening of the focus of pus can cause sepsis.