Do I need to have my teeth cleaned at the dentist? Professional teeth cleaning for children and adults

Going to the dentist has always been a real challenge for me. It just so happened that nature did not take care of my teeth and I constantly have to treat them. Now, at a conscious age, I visit the dentist once every six months - this is the law, otherwise I have to pay a tidy sum for the treatment and restoration of damaged enamel.

I have been cleaning my teeth with ultrasound for several years now. Let's see what this procedure is and why it is needed.


The essence of this cleaning method is simple - to remove all plaque and tartar formation from the enamel by ultrasonic vibrations. This is done with a special device that also exists for home use, but, in my opinion, the procedure should be performed by a professional.

The main enemy of enamel, which ultrasound fights against, is tartar. It is he who is the root of evil for our teeth, it not only spoils the appearance, but also provokes all diseases, such as caries and all its advanced stages, bleeding gums, and later periodontitis.

Tartar is very hard, it simply cannot be removed at home, but in the modern world it forms in all people, first a slight yellowing appears on the teeth, then the stone begins to darken, and in the advanced stage it reaches black.

So what do you think, is it necessary to clean?

The answer is unequivocal - yes!


There are three types of professional tooth cleaning:




And if the first two can damage the enamel surface, then ultrasound excludes this, therefore it is the most effective, safe and modern method at the moment.

Once every six months, sometimes once a year, I do this procedure at my dentist. The last time I had a professional teeth cleaning just a few days ago, the sensations are certainly indescribable, while they are fresh, I will try to tell you about them.


cleaning can be done both with anesthesia and "on the live". Please note that the procedure is painful, although it takes 5-10 minutes of time, but not everyone can tolerate toothache, I can’t, so I always do anesthesia - these are several injections in the lower jaw, where the nerves are most sensitive. The biggest disadvantage is that anesthesia takes a very long time, it is difficult to talk, and the lower part of the face is not felt at all. If you can endure, then it is better to endure, and not to walk "frozen" for four hours, or even more, everyone's bodies are different. Plus - the pain is almost not felt.


It hurts... even with anesthesia, but everything is individual, especially since the procedure is done very quickly - literally 5-10 minutes.


As a result, ultrasound breaks even the hardest stones, while all food plaque is removed and the teeth acquire their natural natural shade, become noticeably whiter. And this, you see, is not only good for dental health, but also beautiful. In addition, the surface of the teeth becomes smoother and shinier.


After that, rinsing the mouth with chlorhexdin or a solution of furacilin is prescribed to prevent the development of infections, because the gums with this method of cleaning are slightly damaged and bleed. I am constantly prescribed Metrogyl Denta ointment - a cool thing that almost instantly restores the gums.


Everywhere is different, I do an ultrasonic cleaning procedure in a regular clinic and pay 1000 rubles for it, in private clinics the price tag is naturally more expensive.

It is necessary to do cleaning - this is the prevention of many diseases of the oral cavity, the removal of tartar prevents the appearance of caries, bleeding gums and bad breath. It is not only useful and hygienic, but also beautiful, the teeth become noticeably whiter, because all food plaque, which is not amenable to ordinary toothpastes, is removed.

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Julia was with you, YlaLarina←←←there are a lot of interesting and useful reviews here ͡๏̮͡๏

Dental measures to remove deposits on the teeth (tartar, plaque on the enamel) is a professional cleaning of the teeth. Calculus on the teeth arise from plaque on planes that are inaccessible to the brush.

Such plaque cannot be removed with a toothbrush, food residues, calcium, phosphorus and iron salts crystallize into stones. If blackouts appear on the enamel, this is a signal that a cleaning is necessary at the dentist.

Timely access to a doctor is an effective prevention of caries. Additionally, it gives the teeth an attractive appearance, and a smile - a natural whiteness.


Some patients, out of ignorance, do not distinguish between cleaning and teeth whitening - these are different activities, each aimed at its own result. In dentistry, several types of cleaning have been developed, the most popular are:

  • ultrasonic scaler;
  • laser machine;
  • "air flow";
  • hygienic (manual).

Each of these types of cleaning has pros and cons. Methods are designed to get rid of problems (according to the level of severity).

  • Ultrasonic cleaning optimizes the condition of the gums, stops bleeding. The scaler has several contraindications.
  • Laser cleaning kills microorganisms, has a healing property - heals mouth ulcers.
  • Air flow cleaning is carried out with an air jet with an abrasive. There are contraindications.
  • Hygienic cleaning - a method of removing plaque using specialized dental brushes and hooks - is a gentle method of removing tartar. Today, the hygienic procedure at the dentist is used less often than others.

Only a dentist can choose the right way to clean the enamel. When choosing, he takes into account the method suitable for a particular patient, age, condition of the teeth.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

This technique involves the presence of special equipment that generates ultrasonic waves. Under the influence of ultrasound, the stone crumbles and exfoliates from the enamel. The wave is directed and focused using a special hook (scaler). There is a negative side of the technique - ultrasound causes vibrations that heat not only the stone, but also the enamel.

Modern ultrasonic devices remove even plaque that is concentrated on the gums, keeping them healthy. Cleaning with ultrasound in the normal state of the oral cavity is painless and safe for the absolute number of patients.

For individual patients with hypersensitivity and chronic diseases of the teeth, ultrasound is contraindicated - it can cause pain and recurrence of the disease.

Laser teeth cleaning

Enamel and tartar have a different percentage of water content - this is the basis of the mechanism of action of the laser procedure. There is much more water in the tartar, so the laser beam contributes to the explosive boiling of water and the crushing of harmful layers.

In addition to removing unwanted deposits on the teeth, the laser has a bactericidal effect. Due to this, pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity die, and the enamel is strengthened.

Laser treatment is an effective measure even in terms of external effect - the enamel becomes lighter by one or two tones. In addition to cleaning, there is also laser whitening - you need to understand that these are different activities.

Airflow teeth cleaning

This type of procedure requires a dental unit that cleans with a highly focused, powerful air jet. Air under huge pressure, quickly blows away plaque, traces of nicotine and food.

In some patients, after this medical procedure, teeth whitening by several tones is noted, but this effect is a side effect - it does not always happen.

After removing plaque, if a person returns to the old way of life again, the color of the teeth returns to its original state, they again acquire their natural shade. For the procedure to be effective, an abrasive and water are used. The abrasive used is baking soda, which does not harm the body and enamel. The advantage of this option is that the results are stored for a long period.

A variation of the "air flow" technique is the "perio-flow" procedure, which focuses on crushing the stone under the gums. For this procedure, instead of soda, another abrasive based on a medical substance is used. A contraindication to the use of "perio-flow" is gum disease, because it provokes an inflammatory process.

Hygienic cleaning

To maintain hygiene at home, manufacturers produce a number of products. It will not be possible to completely clean the enamel at home, with the greatest efforts, only 55% of the plaque gets rid of. The remaining 45% are in hard-to-reach places - under the teeth or gums.

These unremoved plaque remnants are enough to cause caries, periodontitis, and tartar in a person.

Hygienic cleaning by a doctor is carried out using a brush and specialized hooks. This measure completely prevents the development of caries and provides a natural snow-white smile and surprisingly smooth enamel. Manual cleaning at the dentist has no contraindications and is carried out twice or thrice a year.

After this hygiene procedure, the sensitivity of the gums and teeth occasionally increases. It is not dangerous, the discomfort passes and does not cause further complications. To carry out prevention, a special gel with an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect for local use is applied to the gums. The gel is applied twice a day for 14 days after the procedure.

The second option to avoid discomfort is to rinse the mouth with a weak antiseptic solution or other special preparations. It should be borne in mind that alcohol solutions are prohibited during the first seven days after the procedure.

In the first week it is useful to use soft toothbrushes, gradually changing them to hard bristles. It is useful to use dental floss or a low power irrigator.

What is prohibited after professional teeth cleaning?

The procedure increases the sensitivity of the enamel, so dentists strongly object to smoking during this period. Also, you can not eat food containing artificial and natural dyes - coffee drinks, any kind of tea, wine from red grapes.

Similarly, beet juice, carrots, berries, which have an intense black, blue, red color, act.

It is forbidden to drink liquids that increase the sensitivity of tooth enamel. These include highly carbonated drinks, lemon and apple juice. Rinsers containing alcohol are forbidden to use for two weeks, a brush with hard bristles is undesirable.

Contraindications for professional teeth cleaning

There are many positive effects of the procedure, but there are also negative aspects and contraindications for use associated with this. These contraindications do not apply to every patient, but only in exceptional cases, when the patient has individual distinctive characteristics of the gums or teeth.

  • Sensitivity of the gums and enamel - the procedure can be carried out, but it will turn out to be painful, which is negatively perceived by patients.
  • There are periodontitis and other pathologies of the oral cavity.
  • Age less than 18 years old.
  • Bacterial and viral diseases.
  • Allergy to medicines and products used in the process.
  • Increased heart rate, arrhythmia.
  • Dangerous infections (hepatitis, tuberculosis, AIDS or HIV).
  • Multiple foci of caries.

It is the duty of the dentist to question the patient about all of the above. Even if the disease or condition is not directly related to dental things, it affects the doctor's decision.

A dentist who values ​​his reputation will not agree to perform a procedure, even for money, if it harms the patient.

The dangers and benefits of professional teeth cleaning

There is a lot of controversy regarding the procedure. Some patients consider it useful, others claim that the procedure is dangerous for dental health. Dentists have long spoken about this: the procedure is useful in moderation. Too frequent cleaning instead of good is harmful.

The procedure is considered to be twice a year (with an interval of six months). If this simple schedule is observed, no harm will be done to the enamel.

The exceptions are the presence of crowns, bridges, removable dentures. In patients with such elements in the oral cavity, tartar and plaque from the remnants of the vital activity of bacteria are formed more quickly. Therefore, these patients receive a cleaning every three to four months. Cleaning is a useful procedure, all causes of caries are removed, the enamel does not suffer.

First of all, the stone is removed with specialized tools, laser or ultrasound. Then the finer plaque in its structure is removed. For this, specialized pastes and brushes are used. The teeth are then varnished with fluoride to strengthen the enamel layer. The result is healthy teeth without signs of calculus or plaque. At the same time, the smell from the oral cavity disappears. Therefore, no loss of teeth from the procedure is observed.

Professional teeth cleaning for pregnant women

Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of a woman and her baby. The expectant mother wants to look attractive, but does not agree to put the health of the baby at risk for this. It is not surprising that pregnant women are constantly interested in whether the event will harm the child?

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes a powerful restructuring, in which teeth are also involved - their condition changes dramatically. The enamel becomes thinner, the tooth becomes vulnerable to the slightest infection. The procedure, performed competently and professionally, will protect the teeth by reducing the number of bacteria in the mouth. It is safe for the fetus and pregnant, does not affect the systems and organs. No medical drugs are used during the procedure, which is fundamentally important for pregnant women.

It involves deep cleansing of enamel and removal of plaque. As a rule, this procedure is carried out in a dental clinic.

This article explains what types of cleaning exist and what complications there are.

As you might guess, professional teeth cleaning is carried out by a dentist in a clinic.

Some people think that the procedure is not very useful, but in fact it is different from cleansing at home. To verify this, you can look at the photo on the topic on the Internet.

One of the advantages of the procedure is that it removes plaque and stone better, because the doctor uses special tools and products with a high content of fluorine and calcium.

In addition, no matter how a person brushes his teeth - qualitatively, regularly, etc., a specialist will still do it better.

According to statistics, 60% of plaque is removed at home, while the remaining 40% remain. They are quite enough for the formation of bacteria and possible inflammation, so professional teeth cleaning is better than usual.

As a rule, after such a procedure, the enamel becomes whiter and stronger. Some people even classify such cleansing as a light type of whitening. Photos of the results can be found on the Internet on the websites of clinics.

In addition, professional teeth cleaning can serve as a preventive measure against caries. If we think about material benefits, then the cost of this procedure is much lower than the cost of treating caries and other diseases.

If you regularly carry out such cleansing, you will need fewer visits to the dentist.

Especially professional cleaning is needed for people who have various prostheses, braces and crowns.

Unfortunately, at home it is not always possible to clean your teeth correctly and efficiently, especially if you have all of the above.

People with braces need such a procedure all the more, because the teeth under the iron structure deteriorate, and it is very problematic to remove plaque under it.

However, such cleaning has its contraindications. It is impossible to cleanse people with arrhythmia, with increased sensitivity of enamel and inflammation of the gums.

In addition, professional cleaning is contraindicated for children and adolescents, as many tools are used that can damage the fragile surface.

Sometimes, of course, such cleansing is done to people under 18 years of age, but without the use of hand tools and using more gentle means.

Previously, such cleaning was carried out using mechanical tools that could harm the teeth and enamel. In addition, the procedure itself took much longer.

However, at that time it was not very successful and was not so relevant. Now a snow-white smile and healthy teeth are paid much more attention, so professional teeth cleaning has undergone some changes.

At the moment, pastes with a softer composition are used, there are various devices that harm the enamel less. To understand how cleaning is done, see the photos and videos in the article.

Types of cleaning

Professional cleaning has several types, each of which is rich in contraindications and features. All types are good in their own way, and all have certain contraindications.

Quite often, an ultrasonic device is used for cleansing, which generates wave vibrations and sends them to the scaler.

This method is suitable for removing hard plaque (tartar). However, the enamel heats up from such cleaning, so the doctor also provides water pressure to the mouth so that the surface does not deteriorate.

Some models of such devices even clean plaque under the gums and between the teeth. If the enamel is healthy, then the tooth itself perceives such cleaning normally, without unnecessary discomfort.

However, if there are problems, then discomfort may appear. In some cases, the patient is even given anesthesia if the enamel is very sensitive. After such cleaning, there is an improvement in the condition of the gums, they bleed less.

But this procedure also has its contraindications. It can not be done to people with arrhythmia, chronic diseases in severe form.

In addition, cleaning is not carried out by HIV-infected people suffering from hepatitis and tuberculosis. Cleansing is also not carried out for children, because the tooth enamel is not yet strong enough. If a person has caries, then the procedure can be performed, but this is done very carefully.

Professional hygienic laser teeth cleaning is also quite popular. Its main principle is that the laser beam causes the water in the plaque to boil, as a result of which the stone begins to break up.

This technology is explained by the fact that in solid deposits there is always more moisture than the solid component.

In addition, the laser eliminates various bacteria and disinfects the oral cavity. Conceived after laser cleaning, the dentist applies a therapeutic composition to the enamel, because after cleansing it is more susceptible to healing effects.

After this procedure, you can see that the plaque has become many times less.

The advantages of laser cleaning is that it removes deposits in hard-to-reach places and promotes faster healing of various wounds on the gums.

Some reviews say that after the procedure, the enamel becomes lighter. But still, this method is not a full-fledged whitening.

Cleansing in the clinic with the use is also quite common. This equipment supplies an air jet to which water and various medicinal substances are added.

Sometimes baking soda is used, which exfoliates plaque at the expense of granules. This method is quite effective and safe.

If the teeth are healthy, then the enamel can become not only cleaner, but also whiter. To verify this, you can look at the photos on the websites of dental clinics.

This method has another variation - Perio-flow. It is used to remove stones under the gums.

In this case, glycine powder is used, but the basic principle remains the same - a jet of water is supplied, which washes away plaque and deeply cleans the enamel. Some people write reviews that teeth can become two tones whiter.

Unlike other types of cleansing, this method does not require additional pain medication. But at the same time, Air Flow does not remove tartar very well. Often this method is used in combination with something else.

Like any medical procedure, Air Flow has its own contraindications. It is impossible to carry out such cleaning for people with gum disease and pathology of the respiratory system, because a large amount of water is used.

Additional services and possible complications

Sometimes, along with professional teeth cleaning, enamel polishing and varnishing with a high fluorine content are carried out.

The first is done using a special toothpaste, which is selected taking into account the characteristics of the human oral cavity.

As a rule, for not very healthy teeth and gums, a softer composition is used.

The advantage of professional polishing is that even if there are fillings, the surface still becomes smooth and shiny. This procedure is carried out so that there is less plaque on the enamel.

In addition, the teeth are also coated with fluoride, which stays on the surface for up to a week. It saturates the enamel with vitamins, due to which it becomes stronger. However, because of this, the teeth become more yellow, because varnish was applied to them.

Quite often, fluoride is applied after removal of braces, for the prevention of caries, after professional enamel whitening. This varnish is used if the patient already has caries, with a lack of fluoride in the enamel, etc.

However, this procedure also has contraindications. It is not made for people with an allergy to this substance, with fluorosis (excess fluorine).

Before applying varnish to the enamel, the dentist prepares the surface of the teeth. First you need to cure all problem teeth and other diseases.

After that, the doctor applies a filling (if needed) and cleans the enamel. Some dentists saturate the surface of the tooth with calcium before applying, this will make the fluoride coating more effective.

Quite a lot of people experience some discomfort after such cleaning. Some people write reviews that they have increased gum bleeding and other problems.

The most common reason for this is improper cleaning. Therefore, people do not tend to visit clinics and carry out this procedure - you can always encounter unprofessionalism.

If the cleaning is not done correctly, then you can earn caries, pulpitis, etc.

Despite the fact that the procedure is hygienic, complications can still arise after it. Sometimes they occur in children if the cleansing was performed poorly.

You can not eat food that increases sensitivity for a while. Among the most undesirable products are tea, coffee, soda, ice cream, berries, beets, carrots, etc.

You need to smoke less and drink alcohol, because they also spoil the enamel.

After the procedure, be sure to ask the doctor about rinses that contain alcohol and dyes.

But in most cases, the cause of the pain is plaque formed on the teeth, in which pathogenic bacteria constantly multiply and which can easily cause painful inflammation.

Without professionals anywhere

Of course, you can try to remove plaque and, with the help of dental floss and careful oral care.

But even if a person devotes enough time to caring for his teeth, he is not able to defeat plaque on his own. Just look at how the plaque develops:

  • in a person's mouth Bacteria, food debris and saliva are constantly interacting, as a result of which a non-mineralized, soft plaque is formed, and it is impossible to clean it from everywhere with an ordinary toothbrush;
  • with time soft plaque caking, mineralizes and becomes hard and unpleasant to the touch, which cannot be removed at home;
  • tartar develops, captures the entire large surface of the tooth, corroding the enamel, and can cause caries and inflammation, which will have to be treated for a long and painful time.

Professional hygienic cleaning of teeth by dentists allows you to completely remove plaque, leaving only healthy enamel, in addition, it includes procedures that strengthen enamel and prevent the formation of tartar.

The main methods of removing dental plaque, which are used by modern dentists.

Dental cleaning of teeth using this technique is based on the use of the following components:

  • regular baking soda;
  • a jet of air supplied under pressure;
  • water jet.

Combining, these three factors make up a single stream, each of the components of which has a certain effect:

  • air ensures the delivery of soda to the place of the problem;
  • soda, hitting the plaque under pressure, contributes to its exfoliation from the enamel;
  • water washes off the departed pieces and reduces the temperature, which always rises during the procedure due to the friction of soda on plaque.

The procedure allows any degree of neglect and provides opportunities for an individual approach to each patient. By adjusting the strength of the jet, the doctor focuses on:

  • tooth enamel thickness which soda served too hard can damage;
  • , if you do not take into account which, the patient can be very painful;
  • thickness of plaque or calculus- the thicker, the more pressure will be needed.

Dental cleaning with Air Flow has the following advantages:

  1. painless. With the right settings, the impact of the jet is almost imperceptible.
  2. Safety. It is almost impossible to inflict injuries with water and soda.
  3. Efficiency. The procedure allows you to get rid of plaque of any degree of neglect.

Air Flow lasts for a maximum of six months (often less, depending on the patient's lifestyle), the whole procedure takes about half an hour.

Contraindications to the use of this method:

  • chronic respiratory diseases - for example, bronchial asthma;
  • allergy to the components of the cleaning mixture;
  • increased sensitivity to mechanical influences on the teeth;
  • too thin enamel and its increased abrasion;
  • - such as , .

In the photo, the dentition before and after hygienic cleaning using the Air Flow technique

Ultrasonic method

It implies a complex effect with the help of ultrasound, which has the following effect on plaque:

  • from the inside destroys all deposits without touching the enamel;
  • water or a special solution washes away the remnants of destroyed plaque and creates a feeling of freshness (fragrant fragrances are often added to it - menthol, mint, lemon).

The advantages of this method are:

  1. Safety. Ultrasound is harmless and will not damage the enamel.
  2. painless. The impact of ultrasound is not felt.
  3. Flexibility. The nozzle of the apparatus is designed in such a way that it can be brought to the tooth at any angle and clean out even the most inaccessible areas.
  4. Rapidity. Just one session is enough to get rid of plaque.

The next visit to the dentist after ultrasonic cleaning will be needed in a year (perhaps less, depending on lifestyle).

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • sensitive enamel;
  • implants in the patient's body;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis;
  • SARS;
  • hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis;
  • childhood.

Laser correction

Laser teeth cleaning is the most modern method of removing tartar and plaque. The principle of the technique is based on the fact that the laser beam easily evaporates water, and there is several times more water in plaque than in enamel.

Having lost all the water, the plaque begins to peel off in layers, after which the patient is given the opportunity to rinse his mouth and spit.

  1. High efficiency. The laser quickly removes any plaque, regardless of the degree of its neglect.
  2. painless. The laser is not felt by the tooth enamel.
  3. Safety. It is impossible to damage the enamel with a laser.
  4. Noiselessness. This is a big plus for patients who are intimidated by the sound of the drill and any dental procedures.
  5. . Of all the procedures, the laser is the best for whitening tooth enamel.

The procedure has contraindications:

Stages of professional teeth cleaning

Professional hygienic cleaning of teeth is carried out in sequence:

  1. Soft plaque cleaning. For this, a special small electric brush is used, which is lubricated with professional toothpaste. With its help, they clean off all plaque, which can still be removed using mechanical action.
  2. Hard plaque cleaning. For this, one of the three methods described above is used (there is also a fourth, in which the doctor manually cleans off solid deposits, but this procedure is currently not in use due to its pain and laboriousness).
  3. Strips. The tool is a thin metal tape with a rough surface, the thickness of which allows you to insert it into the gap between the teeth and clean the sides of the plaque.
  4. Polishing. After all cleanings, the teeth remain rough, and if polishing is skipped, plaque will form on them in even greater volumes than before. Small rollers are used for it, which provide the enamel with perfect smoothness.
  5. Treatment with fluoride varnish. This part of the procedure strengthens the tooth enamel, enriches it with fluoride and prevents the formation of plaque in the future.

The opinion of patients of dental clinics

Incomprehensible nuances can be clarified by studying the reviews of people who have had professional teeth cleaning.

I have always been afraid of dentists almost to the point of hysterics. As a child, my mother could not force me to see a doctor with any persuasion. I recently read on the Internet that professional laser cleaning, firstly, allows you to protect your teeth from diseases, and secondly, it is painless, and thirdly, it is silent. I decided to try.

It turned out - really, not scary. No discomfort, the teeth really seem whiter, and I don’t remember the way to the dentists for a year, because nothing hurts since I started going for cleaning.
I advise everyone!

Lena K

Issue price

Depends on the technique used:

  • laser cleaning costs from 3,000;
  • Airflow cleaning costs from 1,500 to 3,000, depending on the specific clinic;
  • ultrasonic cleaning costs from 1000 to 1500.

Professional cleaning is needed two to three times a year. It is quick, painless, safe, and at the same time has an inspiring effect on the oral cavity, reducing the risk of dental diseases.

Prevention is always better than cure, and professional oral care is the best preventive you can think of.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to get rid of tartar and pigment plaque,
  • What are the cleaning methods?
  • professional teeth cleaning - price 2019.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Professional teeth cleaning is a procedure that includes the removal of hard dental deposits and pigment plaque, which is performed at a dentist's appointment. Cleaning of tartar and pigment plaque can be carried out by various methods (ultrasound, AirFlow, Vector), or a combination of them.

At home, with the help of a toothbrush and toothpaste, only soft plaque can be successfully removed from the teeth (Fig. 1). However, if the latter is not cleaned off in time, then it is gradually saturated with calcium salts contained in saliva. As a result of the mineralization process, soft microbial plaque turns into tartar (Fig. 2-3), which can only be removed by a dentist.

Important: the process of primary mineralization and soft plaque occurs on average in 6-12 hours. For different people, this time may be different due to features, for example, in the composition of saliva, breathing through the mouth. Thus, if you have not brushed your teeth during this time, then a thin layer of partially mineralized plaque will remain on your teeth, which can no longer be removed with a regular toothbrush.

As soon as a rough film of plaque appears on the smooth enamel of the teeth, the process of formation of tartar is accelerated many times over. This is due to the fact that oral microorganisms are difficult to stick to the smooth surface of tooth enamel. They stick very easily to a rough surface, very quickly increasing the mass of dental deposits.

Best method for professional cleaning

Removal of hard dental deposits always consists of two stages: firstly, the direct removal of the stone, and secondly, the obligatory polishing of the teeth after the removal of the stone, plaque, and pigment. After the removal of deposits on the surface of the tooth, microparticles of plaque always remain, which create a rough surface, on which everything will stick again very quickly. So polishing is a must!

Removal of dental deposits and a massive layer of pigment should be done only with the help of ultrasound. But polishing can be done after that either with special polishing brushes and pastes - this process is reminiscent of brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush ... Or with AirFlow - this is a polishing method using a special apparatus that forms a water-air mixture with abrasive particles.

Important: professional teeth cleaning ideally combines calculus removal with ultrasound + AirFlow polishing. If you have only a mild pigmentation, then only AirFlow can be done.

Stage 1 - ultrasonic cleaning of tartar

Tartar cleaning with ultrasound is universal and the most common in the world. The apparatus for removing tartar can be built into the dental unit, or it can be made as a separate unit. Such a device is called an ultrasonic scaler (scaler).

What is ultrasonic cleaning(Fig.4-6) –
the tip of the ultrasonic scaler has a working nozzle, the tip of which makes high-frequency oscillatory movements of ultrasonic frequency (from 25 to 50 kHz). In addition, during the cleaning process, water or an antiseptic solution is always supplied to the tip of the instrument, which are simultaneously removed from the oral cavity through a saliva ejector.

Removal of deposits and pigment plaque occurs due to two processes. Firstly, the oscillating tip of the nozzle, when in contact with tartar and pigment plaque, mechanically destroys their attachment to the tooth. The main condition here is that the linear oscillatory movements of the tip of the nozzle should be directed along the surface of the tooth - then all unnecessary will be removed, and the tooth enamel will remain intact.

Secondly, the removal of dental plaque, pigment occurs due to the effect of cavitation. Water is not supplied to the tip of the nozzle in vain. Fluctuations in the ultrasonic frequency in the aquatic environment cause the formation of numerous bubbles that seem to explode, releasing energy that is sufficient to destroy plaque and bacterial film on the surface of the enamel and tooth root (site).

Advantages of ultrasonic cleaning -

  • Versatility and quality
    ultrasonic cleaning removes everything: both pigment plaque and hard dental deposits, both supragingival and subgingival. Ultrasonic scalers usually have several nozzles that change during the cleaning procedure. Large short tips are used to remove massive calculus, while longer and thinner ones are used to work in periodontal pockets (to remove subgingival dental deposits).
  • Bactericidal effect of ultrasound
    in patients with periodontitis, most of the infection is concentrated in periodontal pockets. Ultrasonic cleaning of subgingival deposits due to the effect of cavitation to suppress the pathogenic microflora of periodontal pockets, and the fluid flow (which is supplied to the tip of the nozzle) simultaneously contributes to their washing.
  • Comfort and affordable price
    the procedure is usually painless, but a slight vibration will be felt. Soreness is usually associated with sensitive necks of the teeth, or with work in deep periodontal pockets. In the latter cases, anesthesia can be given. The cost of cleaning for 1 tooth is only 80-100 rubles, which is much cheaper than procedures on the Vestor apparatus.

Professional teeth cleaning: before and after photos

Under massive dental deposits, the mucous membrane is always thinned, swollen, and bleeds easily. Therefore, slight bleeding during and after the procedure is possible. For the speedy normalization of the gums after the procedure, it is treated with special gels, for example,.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic cleaning -

  • Complications due to the incompetence of the doctor
    it is not so difficult to remove supragingival dental plaque ... This can be done in 1 hour from all teeth, including their polishing and fluoridation. But most people also have subgingival dental deposits, which are localized under the gum in periodontal pockets. Such deposits are not visible visually and need to be specifically looked for.

    The search for such deposits, and even more so their high-quality removal, is a very long process, and often requires 3-4 procedures. Very few doctors know how and want to do it. Therefore, high-quality professional cleaning in patients with should be carried out only by those who specialize in gum disease. If you really only have supragingival deposits, then you can safely go to a regular dentist-therapist.

Stage 2 brushing - teeth polishing

The traditional way of polishing is the use of special polishing brushes and pastes (Fig. 10), and the polishing of contacts between the teeth is carried out using strips - special thin strips coated with abrasive.

Developed by the Swiss company EMS, it is teeth polishing using a water-air mixture containing abrasive particles (Fig. 11). The mixture is supplied under pressure and allows you to remove everything that remains after ultrasonic cleaning from the teeth, polishing them to a mirror shine. The freshness in the mouth after such polishing is simply amazing.

Professional oral hygiene: photos before and after ultrasonic cleaning + AirFlow

Stage 3 - fluoridation

This is not a mandatory step, however, it is highly desirable. It will strengthen weakened enamel, reduce tooth hypersensitivity, and is an excellent prevention of caries. Fluoridation is the application of fluoride-containing gels / varnishes to the surface of the teeth for a short period of time.

Professional teeth cleaning: price

How much does professional teeth cleaning cost - the price for 2019 in economy class clinics and the middle price category will average about 100 rubles per 1 tooth (this includes cleaning and polishing).

For example, in the regions at the all-inclusive rate, which includes the removal of tartar + polishing of all teeth with AirFlow + their fluoridation using a mouth guard with gel - cleaning costs about 2,500–3,500 rubles. In Moscow clinics, the price for all-inclusive starts at 4,000 rubles, but if you don’t have a massive plaque, then simply polishing all your teeth with polishing brushes and paste will cost about 2,000 rubles.


1. Add. professional ,
2. Based on personal experience as a periodontist,
3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
4. American Academy of Periodontology (USA),
5. “Therapeutic dentistry. Textbook "(Borovsky E.V.).