What does the number of leukocytes in the blood say. Norm and reasons for deviation from it

Leukocytes in the blood

A decrease in white blood cells in the blood is called leukopenia, this condition is detected according to the results of a general and detailed blood test. This group is heterogeneous. It includes several populations of cells involved in inflammatory reactions, immune and autoimmune processes.

By the presence or absence of granules inside the cell, which are clearly visible under a microscope after special processing, granulocytes and agranulocytes are distinguished.

The normal ratio of white blood cells of different populations is (%):

  • granulocytes;
    • stab neutrophils (immature) - 2 - 4;
    • segmented neutrophils (mature) - 47 - 67;
    • eosinophils - 0.5 - 5;
    • basophils - 0 -1;
  • agranulocytes;
    • lymphocytes - 25 - 35;
    • monocytes - 3 - 11.

Leukocytes are involved in anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic processes, their number in the body is constantly changing. If the changes remain within the normal range, then such physiological conditions are not dangerous and do not threaten a decrease in immunity.

The norm for different types of white cells is considered to be ranges of values ​​(number of cells * per 10 9 / l or thousand / μl):

  • leukocytes - 4-9;
  • neutrophils;
    • stab - 0.08 - 0.35;
    • segmented - 2 - 5.9;
  • basophils - 0 - 0.088;
  • eosinophils - 0.02 - 0.44;
  • lymphocytes - 1 - 3;
  • monocytes - 0.08 - 0.53.

Total leukocytes may be normal, but a detailed blood test sometimes reveals that neutrophils are reduced, the number of eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, or monocytes is reduced or increased.

With low leukocytes, a detailed analysis is also required to identify the cause of the decrease in various populations of cells in the blood.

Causes of a decrease in total leukocytes

The reasons for the low content of leukocytes in the blood can be:

  • viral, bacterial infections - influenza, hepatitis, typhoid fever, measles, septic endocarditis, measles, malaria;
  • endocrine diseases - Cushing's syndrome, acromegaly, sometimes thyrotoxicosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, cholecystoangiocholitis, colitis;
  • pathologies of hematopoiesis - bone marrow hypoplasia, leukemia;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • autoimmune diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • collagenoses;
  • exhaustion;
  • the effect of radiation;
  • poisoning with benzene, DDT, arsenic;
  • metastases to the bone marrow of a cancerous tumor.

A low level of white blood cells in the blood is not necessarily associated with any disease, it can be caused by taking medications such as antihistamines, antibacterial drugs, anticonvulsants, painkillers.

In addition, if the indicators of leukocytes in the blood are reduced, this does not mean that the diagnosis is finally established, it is imperative to make sure that there is no error, for which the analysis needs to be retaken.

If leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets in the blood are reduced, the cause of this condition may be bone marrow disease, viral infection, intoxication.

A decrease in the total number of leukocytes to less than 4 thousand / μl, low neutrophils, elevated lymphocytes in the blood - this combination indicates that a severe infection (tuberculosis, brucellosis), chronic leukemia is developing in the body.

Reasons for the decrease in white cell populations

The number of leukocytes is not constant, and not any decrease or increase in the concentration of white blood cells is dangerous for the body. The reason for the obligatory visit to the doctor should be the results of the tests:

  • a decrease in leukocytes in the blood below 3 thousand / μl;
  • reduced level of neutrophils - less than 1 thousand / μl.

The body's resistance to infections deteriorates sharply with a decrease in the total number of granulocytes. The level of granulocytes is below 0.75 thousand / μl with leukocytes in the blood less than 1 thousand / μl, which is much less than the norm, which means:

  • high susceptibility to fungal, bacterial infection;
  • this may indicate the possibility of an immune reaction to taking isoniazid, analgin, aspirin, phenacetin, indomethacin.

Agranulocytosis can provoke radiation exposure, lymphoma, collagenosis, hepatitis. In a newborn child, granulocyte counts are lowered if an immune reaction occurs between the blood of the mother and the child.

Decreased neutrophils

Neutrophils are a group of white blood cells designed to fight infection. The decline in this population can be permanent or temporary. Neutropenia is considered a state when the number of neutrophils is less than 1.8 thousand / μl.

There is no direct threat to health until the size of this population falls to the level of 0.5 thousand/μl. Such an indicator, and especially if it is lowered to 0.2 thousand / μl or less, indicates severe neutropenia, characterized as agranulocytosis.

The reasons for the decrease in leukocytes of this group in the blood can be:

  • viral, bacterial infections accompanied by high fever;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • aplastic anemia - a disease in which the production of all blood cells (pancytopenia) is disrupted;
  • septicemia - a massive release of pathogens into the blood;
  • anemia caused by a lack of vitamins B9 and B12;
  • hypersplenic syndrome - a condition when the number of circulating blood cells decreases, although their production in the spleen is increased;
  • prostration is an extreme degree of physical and mental exhaustion.

Neutropenia can be in the nature of a congenital hereditary disease and manifest as a temporary decrease in the number for 3-6 days every 3-4 weeks.

What does it mean if the total leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood are below normal, for which diseases is this condition typical?

A significant proportion of the total number of leukocytes is accounted for by the neutrophil population. This is the cause and explanation why the combination of low total white blood cells with low neutrophils is so common.

If both neutrophils and total leukocytes are lowered in the blood test, this always indicates a high risk of infection, which means that the prognosis of the disease has worsened, and the likelihood of complications has increased.

Both total leukocytes and neutrophils are reduced in diseases:

  • viral infections;
  • diseases of the digestive tract - peptic ulcers, cholecystitis, gastritis;
  • purulent chronic infections;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • shock states.

At the same time, leukocytes are lowered in the blood and neutrophils are reduced in adults can be with such a complication of rheumatoid arthritis as Felty's syndrome, alcoholism can also be the cause of the deviation in the analysis.

Severe neutropenia with a decrease in neutrophils to 0.1 thousand / μl or less is noted in congenital Kostman's syndrome. This disease is characterized by an increase in monocytes and eosinophils, a decrease in lymphocytes.

Reduced eosinophils

A low level of eosinophils (eosinopenia) is a condition in which there is a reduced content of leukocytes in this population, ranging from 0.2 thousand / μl or less. If there are no eosinophils in the blood, then this condition is called aneosinophilia.

The reasons for the low content of eosinophils in the blood of leukocytes are:

  • acute stage of the infectious process;
  • sepsis;
  • eclampsia;
  • childbirth;
  • intoxication;
  • tuberculosis in advanced form;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • postoperative period.

Eosinophils are reduced when the patient's condition worsens during illness, especially if their content drops to 0.05 thousand / μl or less.

What does it mean, what does it mean if leukocytes and eosinophils are lowered in the blood?

Decreased white blood cells in the blood, combined with a decrease in the number of eosinophils, indicate a low resistance of the body, which means that the immune system is on the verge of exhaustion.

Decrease in basophils

Basophils are a type of white blood cell involved in both immediate and delayed allergic reactions. Basophils are found in immune, autoimmune diseases, pathologies of the nervous, endocrine systems. The number of basophils in basopenia does not exceed 0.01 thousand / μl.

A reduced number of leukocytes of this group (basopenia) is observed in diseases:

  • hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease;
  • Cushing's syndrome, the growth of a hormonally active tumor;
  • stress;
  • during ovulation, during pregnancy;
  • acute pneumonia;
  • allergy.

A reduced level of this type of leukocytes is observed in the blood during the recovery period after a serious infectious disease, as a result of prolonged exposure to radiation in small doses.

Decrease in lymphocytes

A decrease in lymphocytes in the blood (lymphopenia) can be a natural process, as, for example, during pregnancy, when the number of lymphocytes decreases by 25% of the norm. But usually a decrease in the number of lymphocytes is an indicator of the disease.

A decrease in the blood of this population of leukocytes in a child indicates an increased allergic predisposition of the body, as well as congenital immunodeficiency. With low lymphocytes in a child, if their number is less than 1.4 thousand / μl, but there is no change in the normal number of leukocytes, then this indicates dysfunction of the thymus gland.

In adults, lymphopenia is the content in the blood of a given population of leukocytes less than 1 thousand / μl, which is below the norm and means, like in children, severe damage to the immune system.

This deviation is observed:

  • with tuberculosis of the lymph nodes;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • radiation sickness;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • stress;
  • kidney failure.

Lymphocytes are a population of leukocytes responsible for cellular immunity, and the reason for the reduced levels of this group in the blood may be the use of immunosuppressants, treatment with hormonal drugs.

With low leukocytes and the content of lymphocytes in the blood below normal, the body develops a state of immunodeficiency, which means that the risk of contracting infectious diseases, including HIV infection, has increased.

Decrease in monocytes

Monocytes are involved in the neutralization of infection through phagocytosis. With monocyte counts of 0.09 thousand / μl or less, they say that they are lowered, and the condition is called monocytopenia.

The lack of leukocytes from the group of monocytes in the blood is noted with:

  • treatment with glucocorticoids;
  • severe sepsis;
  • intoxication;
  • infections;
  • anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.

The main reason why monocytes in the blood can be lowered is the leukopenic form of leukemia, a malignant tumor disease of the blood caused by a violation of the maturation of leukocytes.

If total leukocytes are lowered (less than 4 thousand / μl), and monocytes are increased, then this indicates that the body has coped with the cause of the disease, but in an adult this sometimes means that a severe form of tuberculosis or a tumor develops.

The cause of slightly reduced white blood cells, for example, in the range of 3.5 - 3.8 in a man, is not always a dangerous disease, sometimes it means that such a low rate is normal for a given person.

When assessing the patient's condition, not only quantitative indicators of uniform elements are taken into account, but also their qualitative changes, as well as data from other studies. Only a doctor can finally determine why leukocytes are lowered in the blood, whether they can be increased, and how to do this.

Sometimes white blood cells are temporarily lowered due to a lack of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, copper and iron. In this case, it is possible to normalize the analysis indicators with the help of a properly formulated diet.

With significant deviations of the test from the norm, they are treated with medicines. Drugs and a treatment regimen must be prescribed by a doctor, since it is only necessary to determine why the patient's leukocytes in the blood fall, and how to raise them, only according to the results of the tests.

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About the reasons for the decrease in leukocytes in the circulatory system

White blood cells (leukocytes) unite in a group several types of cells responsible for protecting the body. The content of these bodies in the blood is an important criterion for diagnosing the state of the immune system. In the first days after the birth of a child, the highest level of leukocytes is observed (up to 25 units), the indicator gradually decreases (to the level of 4–9 units in an adult). A low white blood cell count, also known as leukopenia, indicates serious pathologies that should be dealt with immediately.

What causes leukopenia

The reasons for the fall in the number of white bodies are conditionally divided into 5 categories, which we will consider in more detail later in this article:

  1. Low intake of elements for the production of leukocytes;
  2. Pathology of the bone marrow (formation of new bodies);
  3. intoxication;
  4. Diseases of internal organs and systems;
  5. Taking pharmaceuticals.

Lack of essential nutrients in the diet

For the production of white bodies, the human body needs the following vitamins and minerals:

If these elements are not enough in food, tests reveal a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells in combination with leukopenia (the body needs the same trace elements and vitamins for their production).

Below the norm, leukocytes fall gradually, therefore, when the indicator drops to the lower normal value, the doctor advises to adjust the diet. If the process does not slow down after diet optimization, then the reasons lie in other factors or in the inability to absorb the necessary substances from food. The process is accompanied by developing anorexia and exhaustion of the body.

Bone marrow diseases

The primary reasons why the level of white cells falls below normal are hidden in diseases of the bone marrow. The damaged organ produces few leukocytes, and this is reflected in the blood count. Lead to leukopenia:

  • Congenital asymptomatic pathologies of the bone marrow;
  • Malignant tumors and precancerous conditions - myelosarcoma, myelofibrosis;
  • Germination of metastases from the foci of a malignant tumor to the bone marrow.

The tumor, penetrating into the bone marrow, replaces the normal hematopoietic tissue, in which, among others, white blood cells are formed. This leads to the fact that their number becomes lower in the bloodstream.


Below the norm, the content of white cells drops after human intoxication (the bone marrow ceases to perform its functions for a while - it seems to “turn off”), the reasons may be in the abuse of drugs, alcohol; exposure to radioactive radiation; food intoxications; poisoning with arsenic, toluene, heavy metals, mercury, benzene and similar substances. The number of white elements in the blood becomes less if a person has undergone radiation and chemotherapy.

Diseases of internal organs and systems

In the process of inflammatory and purulent diseases, if they occur locally, white blood cells may be completely absent in the bloodstream. This situation means that protective bodies rush to the place of the pathogenic process to carry out their function, while their number in the body as a whole can even increase due to intensive formation. Reduced cells, down to zero, can be in the case of their complete destruction in the process of performing their function (during its life, one cell destroys several pathogens and dies). This situation can occur if the body is attacked by viruses or bacteria.

Autoimmune diseases (immune cells destroy healthy body cells) provoke a decrease in the number of white bodies, they destroy themselves. With HIV infection, the body's immune response is practically absent, and the mechanisms for the production of cells of the defense system - leukocytes - are disrupted.

Diseases of the internal organs can provoke a decrease in the number of white blood cells:

  • Increased production of thyroid hormones;
  • Pathologies of the spleen and liver (a kind of "base" for blood components);
  • Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis);
  • Renal failure.

Medications that affect the number of white blood cells

Significantly below the minimum numbers, the white cells of the circulatory system fall in the case of taking certain medications. These include analgesics (painkillers), sulfonamides, cytostatics, barbiturates, anticonvulsants, antiallergic drugs, antidepressants, drugs with interferon, chloramphenicol, amidopyrine, and some other pharmaceutical groups.

Symptoms of leukopenia

Symptoms of leukopenia, even if the level of white cells drops sharply, do not appear in any way. Malfunctions can be suspected only after contact with the infection. Why is this happening? Because in a healthy body, leukocytes “rest” and do not manifest themselves in any way. With prolonged leukopenia, any contact with a pathogenic agent leads to the development of severe intoxication, its symptoms:

  • A sharp jump in body temperature up to 39 degrees and above without signs of a respiratory infection (redness of the throat, cough, increased secretion of the nasal mucosa);
  • Headache;
  • Weakness, lack of appetite;
  • Cardiopalmus.

If the decrease in white blood cells is not diagnosed immediately, the doctor cannot prescribe the appropriate treatment (there are no specific symptoms). With a lightning-fast infection against the background of leukopenia, septic shock often occurs - a direct threat to human life.


To establish the correct diagnosis - the prerequisites for the development of leukopenia, it is necessary to take into account not only leukocyte cells in general, but also each of their varieties separately. It happens that there is a deficiency of only one shaped element in the formula against the background of the general normal value of the totality of white blood cells. This situation cannot be ignored. A conscientious doctor will refer you to several types of tests before prescribing therapy. Some of them will have to be repeated several times in order to study the trend towards normalization or deterioration of indicators.

Treatment of leukopenia

Prolonged leukopenia leads to a favorable environment for the development of infectious processes, so it must be corrected. Treatment begins with establishing the cause of the pathology.

Bone marrow damage requires an intensive course of pharmaceuticals. Apply: Filgrastim, Sagramostim, Lenograstim and others. Particularly severe cases (malignant neoplasms) require intensive measures, which means: blood transfusion, chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation. Diseases of the internal organs, the endocrine system are treated specifically, depending on the specific pathology identified. Infectious diseases also require a differentiated approach to therapy. It may be necessary to use antihistamines, antibiotics, antivirals, etc. The doctor must be informed about all medications taken, some of them may have to be canceled.

In the case of a mild change in the blood count caused by a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, it is enough to adjust the diet, a strongly pronounced process requires medication to increase the level of white blood cells. Basically, these are specialized vitamin and mineral complexes that compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins and essential trace elements. These are drugs: Leucogen, Batilol, Pentoxyl, Methyluracil and others that can increase the amount of white blood cells due to the effect on bone marrow structures.

Treatment is carried out in stationary conditions, subject to the rules of sterility, so the risk of catching an infection is lower.

Useful products for leukopenia

The time to restore the level of leukocyte cells will take less when the patient receives a balanced diet. You need to include in your diet:

  • Berries and fruits, eat a lot of citrus fruits;
  • Introduce low-calorie fermented milk products into the diet, their fat content is lower;
  • Foods containing fiber should be consumed at every meal: fresh vegetables, whole grains;
  • The most voluminous should be the proportion of proteins in the diet, choose lean meats and fish, seafood;
  • A decoction of barley will help increase leukocyte cells in the blood.

To prepare a decoction, take 1.5–2 liters of water and a glass of barley groats, cook over low heat until the liquid is halved in volume, filter. The resulting decoction is taken in a glass twice a day.

Refuse should be from fried foods, convenience foods, fast food and smoked meats. Reducing the proportion of fatty foods also does not hurt. The sooner you start acting, the faster the value of leukocyte cells will return to normal. However, given the seriousness of the conditions against which leukopenia can develop, there can be no talk of any course of self-treatment without consulting a doctor. Be attentive to your body, take care of it.

There are few leukocytes in the blood - what does this mean?

If the tests showed few leukocytes in the blood, this means that the cause must be found out as soon as possible: a low number of white blood cells almost always indicates the development of serious diseases. Therefore, it is very important not to ignore the results of the tests, but to undergo additional examinations and treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Cells of the immune system

Leukocytes are white blood cells that are an important part of the immune system. They protect the body from the penetration of viruses and bacteria, destroy damaged cells, prevent the development of cancer, and promote tissue regeneration. They owe this feature to the ability to absorb and dissolve pathogens, as well as to penetrate into all tissues of the body, and not just circulate in the blood. Scientists distinguish five types of leukocytes: neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes.

Neutrophils destroy bacteria, viruses, toxins. They circulate in the bloodstream for about eight hours, then pass into the mucous membranes. It is neutrophils that are responsible for the appearance of pus in the body. They are the first to react to the penetration of pathogens and are sent to the lesion. During the struggle, they die and turn into pus, thus calling other leukocytes to the affected area.

Basophils circulate in the blood for twelve hours. They contain substances that promote the breakdown of fats, fight allergens. It is basophils that cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in a runny nose, itching, redness, and shortness of breath. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Basophils contain a factor that activates platelets, which are an important part of the blood coagulation system. Also, this type of leukocyte prevents the formation of blood clots in the liver, small veins.

Eosinophils bind toxins, have an antibacterial effect, absorb and dissolve worms and other pathogens. They also contain substances that relieve pus and inflammation, prevent thrombosis, and relieve an allergic reaction. Therefore, their number always increases with allergies.

Monocytes are the largest white blood cells that produce more than a hundred different substances, the action of which is aimed at protecting the body. Monocytes are able to absorb and destroy microorganisms, worms, damaged or old cells, including tumors. They are involved in the formation of an inflammatory reaction, promote tissue regeneration.

Lymphocytes are the most numerous leukocyte cells: from 20 to 40% of the total number of white blood cells circulate in their blood. There are several types of them, each of which is responsible for a certain type of protection. Lymphocytes are responsible for immune memory: if a pathogen has ever entered the body, they remember them, and subsequently, upon detecting an invasion, they instantly produce antibodies to destroy them. Thanks to lymphocytes, the success of vaccination is possible.

Reasons not related to diseases

It is not surprising that when a blood test shows a low white blood cell count, the body weakens, becomes extremely vulnerable. This condition is called leukopenia and there are two forms:

  • absolute - there is a decrease in all types of leukocytes;
  • partial - against the background of a decrease in the level of all leukocytes, one of the types of white blood cells deviated from the norm more than the others.

If the decoding showed that there is no required number of leukocytes in the blood, you need to know that the doctor will not be able to make a diagnosis only on the basis of the results of a general blood test. He will be able to determine the disease only after additional examinations. At the same time, having learned from the interpretation of the results of the analysis which type of leukocytes deviated from the norm more than the others, he will be able to understand in which direction to prescribe further diagnostics.

The most harmless reason why the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases is physical overstrain, as well as stress. In this situation, the number of leukocytes will return to normal when the person rests or puts the nervous system in order.

A deficiency in the body of substances that are involved in the creation of white blood cells can provoke a reduced number of leukocytes. In this case, a blood test will not show a strong deviation, and a vitamin-mineral complex, in which the following elements are present, will help correct the situation and increase the level of leukocytes in the blood:

  • vitamins of group B (especially it is necessary to pay attention to the presence in the composition of B1, B2, B9);
  • copper;
  • iron.

To increase the level of white blood cells in the blood due to a deficiency of these substances, you need to pay attention to your diet: food should be rich in protein, vitamins and minerals so that the body can extract the necessary elements from them. But if nutrition, as well as taking vitamins, does not help to fill the deficiency of micro and macro elements, the doctor prescribes treatment aimed at increasing the synthesis of leukocytes.

Major diseases

A more serious reason for the fall in the level of leukocytes is a violation of their synthesis in the red bone marrow. This can be affected not only by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals due to malnutrition, but also by other factors. First of all, these are diseases associated with damage to the bone marrow:

  • congenital defects in stem cells, from which leukocytes are subsequently synthesized;
  • destruction of bone marrow cells from which white blood cells are produced due to chemotherapy, radiation, chemical intoxication, viruses, bacteria and other lesions;
  • problems with the regulation of the production of leukocytes, provoked by a disease of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other ailments;
  • cancerous tumors that have metastasized to the bone marrow;
  • leukemia;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, cytostatics).

A blood test may show a low number of white blood cells due to the rapid death of white blood cells when the bone marrow does not have time to produce new ones. This happens with severe purulent and septic processes, serious burns, radiation sickness, autoimmune diseases, when lymphocytes produce antibodies to destroy healthy body cells.

Another reason for the condition when there are no immune system cells in the body in the right amount is the increased deposition of mature leukocytes on the walls of blood vessels and tissues. This usually happens with physical overload, shock or coma, some infections.

A blood test often shows that there is no required number of leukocytes in the blood, with hepatitis, diabetes, tuberculosis. Can provoke their lack of measles, flu and other diseases.

AIDS, HIV infection is also a cause of low white blood cell count. In this disease, the virus infects white blood cells and causes their death, due to which the body gradually completely loses the ability to defend itself against diseases and tumors. If HIV is not treated, the maximum life expectancy of a patient is eleven years. With well-designed therapy, it can live for many years. Therefore, the sooner you get tested, detect HIV and start treatment, the longer the patient will live.

How to return the norm?

Since leukopenia is a consequence of certain diseases, its symptoms are also characteristic of the disease that has affected the body. If the deficiency of white blood cells is insignificant, a person may feel a slight weakness, deterioration in well-being, but there are no clear symptoms. Talking about leukopenia can be a fact if a person who has a deficiency of leukocytes is often sick, and the illnesses are of a prolonged nature.

Therefore, if the decoding of the analysis showed a low level of leukocytes, and there are no clear symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations, according to the results of which the doctor will understand what to do next and prescribe treatment. If the problem is a lack of vitamins, minerals, in order to increase leukocytes in the blood, it is necessary to normalize nutrition, stick to a diet, make sure that the menu includes vegetables, fruits, food is rich in proteins.

If the low level of leukocytes was provoked by the disease, treatment should be aimed at curing the underlying ailment. After recovery or stabilization of the condition, the level of leukocytes usually returns to normal within two to three weeks. In the presence of cancer, HIV infection, the prognosis largely depends on the stage of the disease, whether the patient agrees to be treated or not, and how accurately the patient adheres to the prescribed treatment regimen.

In addition to drug therapy, it is imperative to monitor the diet. This means that you need to eat only foods from which the risk of poisoning is minimal. All food products must undergo high-quality processing: vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed and cleaned. You can not eat poorly cooked meat, drink raw water or milk. You have to say "No!" farm products, canned food, marinades in favor of factory products. The doctor should tell about the further features of therapy, since much depends on the disease that affected the body.

Leukocytes 3 1

I have had a decrease in leukocytes in my blood for about 10 years. For the first time this fact was recorded in March 1999, when I was in the clinic of neuroses due to stress and insomnia. And it was there that it turned out that in the leukocyte formula I have 2.5 leukocytes at the norm (4.0 - 9.0). And the segmented ones stayed at the lower boundary or slightly lower. The rest of the parameters were normal.

Having been discharged from the clinic, I turned to the district hematologist, was observed for 3 months, constantly donating blood. During this time, fluctuations in leukocytes were between 2.5 and 4.3

Here is an analysis made by a hematologist in 1999:

Contents gem. in 1 erythr - 29 (norm 30-35)

Segmented - 37 (47-72)

Lymphocytes - 46% (19-37)

Monocytes - 13% (3-11)

Then in 2004, for verification, I passed a series of tests at Invitro - and for the first time the picture was without pathology:

leukocytes - 4.16 (which is almost normal).

I have enclosed in "applications of a photo of the form". I calmed down, but in 2007 I found again a decrease to 2.3.

In 2005, I had an immunogram on the advice of a doctor. (attached to the application). The reason was a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin, the presence of scaly foci and pyoderma. Never had skin problems before.

The immunologist found violations, prescribed a course of Viferon and interferon.

In 2006, I donated blood in Invitro for an immunogram to check the result of treatment. Leukocytes again turned out to be 3,000.; Abs. lymphocytes are reduced. And monocytes in relative terms are HIGH, and in absolute terms they are sharply reduced.

After that, I consulted at the Institute of Immunology on Kashirka and was hospitalized for 2 weeks in the hope of sorting out the blood and skin at the same time. During these weeks, the leukocytes remained strictly 3, I apply the immunogram. They discharged me, saying that I had a "secondary immunodeficiency" acquired due to unknown factors. A dose of Unidox solutab, metronidazole, nizoral was prescribed. (just in case, from unknown pathogens that reduce immunity). And then - to stimulate immunity - licopid No. 10.

Regarding the peeling of the skin, there are no answers, some kind of dermatitis is assumed. She was treated with ointments, creams, nutrition - there are no results: there are peeling centers on her cheeks and in some places on her hands.

Checked for iron deficiency, tk. the skin is very dry, it just cracks on the ankles, problems with hair, nails in obvious longitudinal lines (corrugated). I attach the analysis: it seems to be in order. But hemoglobin is about. .

As a result, no positive changes have occurred since then, in 2007, when I donated blood, I found leukocytes 2.3, and the absolute number of lymphocytes 1.1. (attached form)

In the last analysis for 2007 - the figure is 3.92, and neutrophils are normal. And in the penultimate - a sharp decrease in neutrophils. I live these 10 years, observing how during the same month my leukocytes can change from 2.3 to 4.0. And neutrophils - from 30 to 75. .

I’m already bothering with checking for tuberculosis, but after reading the topics here, I see that it’s impossible to really check: many are treated at random on the recommendation of doctors due to constant temperature, etc.

In immunology, she did X-rays of the lungs, last year in her clinic she did fluorography. Seems to be ok. (I just remember that 16 years ago at work they checked for tuberculosis and it turned out that I had “no immune response”, a team came to my place of work to vaccinate me. I went on vacation and, having learned that 40 days on my shoulder an ulcer and it is impossible to wet, etc. - I wrote a voluntary refusal.

Sorry for such a messy story.

If something is important, I will definitely answer and send it.

I just can't figure out what to do. When therapists see my white blood cells, they don’t want to talk about any topic, like “you are not our client, you urgently need to be treated.” And from the same institute of immunology they discharged safely with these figures. How to be?

I'm adding more apps. (attached analyzes for 2004 to show that "once a year" is the full norm ..

What does the word "idiopathic" mean? (That is, I understand - of unclear etiology?) What should I do with it?

Should I stop looking for a "chronic infection"? It is periodic neutropenia that weakens the body's defenses, and therefore problems with pustules, dermatitis, allergic reactions?

Of the signs listed in the list (are these signs of iron deficiency?), I have many, but I sometimes find “explanations” for them, such as: “I haven’t worked for a long time, I move very little, the day-night regime is completely disrupted, I don’t go out much in the fresh air , sometimes I eat coffee and tea, because .. "I noticed that my skin stopped being able to tolerate Moscow tap water: after a shower without greasy creams, it just hurts to move: I creak. But in any other city, when changing the water, it takes 10 days, I return without dermatitis.

2. anxiety, lack of concentration; (have + bad memory)

3. decreased appetite; (periods: I often forget about food, because I am passionate about something. But sometimes I also have an excellent appetite.)

4. Increased susceptibility to infections (including herpes rashes on the face, furunculosis, (Herpes is very rare. I have had pustular rashes and dermatitis very often in the last 4 years, and frequent allergic reactions began to appear, which had never happened before. But with I have NOT been sick with ARVI, ARI, flu for more than 4 years)

5. hypotension (95*65, pulse 52), chilliness of hands and feet, (always, since childhood)

6. dry skin; (in the last 5 years stable: face and body)

7. fragility, hair loss; (there is)

8. fragility and striation of nails; (over the past 4-5 years, longitudinal, but not transverse, appeared on each nail, except for the index nail .. stripes: two in the center of the plate.)

9. cracks in the skin of the legs and arms; (no cracks, but on the shins "the effect of the earth in the desert")

10. stomatitis, glossitis, cheilitis, caries; (yes, stomatitis 2-3 times a year, i.e. "aphthae" on the mucous membrane, which disappear in a week.) (Because I have facial dermatitis, peeling also happens in the upper lip area (cheilitis)

11. decreased muscle tone, muscle weakness; (Yes, but I'm either sitting at the computer or lying in front of the TV. But at the same time, I don't get tired of walking at all if I get out into the street.)

12. Urinary incontinence when laughing and sneezing, (this fact is occasionally present).

I have a lot more intermediate research, but I think that the overall picture of what is happening is already clear.

And the question of blood creatinine is also of concern: at a rate of up to 97 units, in 2006 I had both 101 (at the Institute of Immunology) and 114 (in the hospital laboratory). The last analysis in 2007 was 95 units (norm 97).

Because class G is present in half of the population. I also had class G a-bodies in my blood from hepatitis B. As far as I understand, you need to retake the test for the same class G a-bodies to see if there is an increase in titer. If not, then this is a trace of a former infection. Because blood biochemistry was in order all the years, liver parameters were normal, then I did not bother to retake this analysis. (Now I'll try to ask a question about this in an infectious or hepatitis forum). I guess I need to retake all the blood tests? (CMV titer, leukocyte formula)

Vadim Valrievich, can you not bother with iron deficiency? You think - it definitely does not exist, because. ferritin 43?

I want to recommend that my daughter also take iron supplements. Look, please, if she has signs of ID. She is now 23 years old, about 4 years ago, her weight suddenly dropped, although it was already minimal. With a height of 160 cm, it was 47 kg, it became 42 kg. And these 42 kg do not change any more, regardless of nutrition, nerves, etc. She and I then passed all kinds of tests, ultrasound, etc. Here are a few I'll post for you. The daughter is constantly pale, weakened, lethargic, tired. Although life is active and relatively hassle-free.

The level of hemoglobin in erythrocyte cells is underestimated, thrombocrit is overestimated. Iron is near the top, but not tested for ferritin and transferrin. And in the last 10 years she has constantly overestimated platelets (fluctuations from 380 to 480). What do you think?

The question arose, because discussing with the dermatologist her problems with incomprehensible eczema on the hands. Here is the link, page #2.

Where should I go with my illness?

A strong and prolonged decrease in leukocytes in the blood is dangerous, because at this moment the body can be severely damaged by the simplest infection.

Leukopenia can be divided into two types. In the first case, the formation of leukocytes in the bone marrow is inhibited, in the second, the decrease is associated with the destruction of mature leukocytes already in the bloodstream. Why leukocytes in the blood are lowered, and what this means in an adult or a child, we will analyze in this article.

Causes of low white blood cells

Leukocytes are white blood cells that are needed to fight infection, bacteria and viruses. They play a major role in the functioning of the immune system and the resistance to various diseases. If the level of these cells deviates from the normal range in one direction or another, this result must be analyzed and corrected.

If we talk about the reasons, then we can distinguish three main ones, from which there are already “branchings”, including diseases:

  1. Insufficient amount of substances that are necessary for the synthesis of leukocytes.
  2. The disappearance of leukocytes in the blood structure.
  3. Problems with the work of the bone marrow.

Leukopenia indicates the development of a disease. Its presence provokes the fall of white bodies. There are several reasons for this condition. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

Diseases and medicines

Leukocytes in the blood can be reduced due to serious illnesses, as well as with long-term use of certain medications.

The decrease in leukocytes in different situations can be peculiar. To find out the cause of this phenomenon, you need to fully examine.

Lack of substances needed to create new white blood cells

This is the simplest and most common reason. A good doctor pays attention to it even if the leukocytes are normal, but the indicator is close to its lower limit. As a rule, this reason does not lead to significant deviations from the norm, and is associated with a drop in red blood counts (erythrocytes, hemoglobin), since the same microelements and substances are needed for their synthesis:

  • vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), folic acid (B9), ascorbic acid (C);
  • trace elements: iodine, cobalt, copper, manganese, zinc, iron;
  • arachidonic acid, selenium, proteins.

To bring the indicators back to normal, it is enough to adjust the diet. The above foods rich in substances responsible for the synthesis of leukocytes should appear in the diet. If adjusting the diet did not help, then the doctor will prescribe drugs that will supply the body with the necessary substances. It should be remembered that if low white blood cells remain in the blood for a long time, then it is necessary to exclude oncological diseases by undergoing a more thorough examination.

The death of leukocytes in the body

Sometimes there are situations when the body actively creates new white bodies, but they die in the blood. There may be several explanations:

  1. Normal immune response, redistribution of leukocytes. A pathogen that tries to destroy leukocytes enters the body locally (through the so-called "entrance gates of infection"). In this case, leukocytes will rush to damaged tissues, partially leaving the vascular bed. Those. in the body they will continue to act, but in the blood itself the number of leukocytes will drop, and this will affect the results of the analysis.
  2. Another reason for the decrease in leukocytes in the blood can be their destruction. This happens if the body is poisoned with poisons. Toxins can enter the body in microdoses for a long time. For example, from the air, if you live next to hazardous production. They are often found in water and food. Heavy metals, insect poisons, fungi that appear on improperly stored products - all this becomes a source of poisoning. Then neutrophils rush to fight poisons and die.

If the proportion of segmented neutrophils is also reduced in the results of a blood test, then we are most likely talking about a bacterial infectious disease. From viral diseases, severe forms of influenza or hepatitis are also possible.

Bone marrow dysfunction

Since all subgroups of leukocytes are created and mature until they enter the bloodstream in the bone marrow, any damage to this organ leads to a drop in the indicator in the results of a blood test. It is not so much about physical injuries, but about factors of internal origin.

There can be many such pathologies, we note only the main ones:

  1. Intoxication. Moreover, it can be both simple poisons, alcohol, nicotine, food poisons, and complex ones - heavy metals, arsenic, medicinal poisons.
  2. Autoimmune damage, in which the body destroys the cells of its own body, mistaking them for a disease agent.
  3. congenital diseases. The occurrence of leukopenia is provoked by some genetic diseases that affect the normal functioning of the bone marrow and the production of leukocytes (myelocathexis, Kostmann's syndrome).
  4. Conducted treatments. A low white blood cell count can be triggered by the treatment of some serious diseases (cancerous tumors, viral hepatitis).
  5. Exclusion by tumor. Metastasis of the tumor to the bone marrow leads to the destruction of leukopoietic tissue and its replacement with tumor tissue. Leukopoietic tissue is responsible for the generation of new leukocytes, and its deficiency immediately affects the drop in the index in the blood test.
  6. Chemotherapy, taking interferon - all this is necessary for severe lesions of the body, but it affects the work of the bone marrow.

It should be remembered that such pathologies of the bone marrow are extremely rare, therefore, with a small decrease in leukocytes, it is too early to sound the alarm.


The rate of leukocytes in the blood is calculated according to a special formula and, depending on age, looks like this:

  • Adult men and women 4.0-9.0 × 109/l;
  • Children from 6 to 10 years old - 6.0-11.0 × 109 / l;
  • Children from 1 to 3 years old - 6.0-17.0 × 109 / l;
  • Newborn babies - 9 to 30 × 109 / l.

Leukocytes are divided into granular (granulocytes) and non-granular (agranulocytes) species. If leukocytes are slightly lowered in the blood, then the decrease is at the level of 1-2 units below the age norm, everything that exceeds 2 units is severe leukopenia.

Medical treatment

Blood leukopenia most often accompanies the onset of pathological processes associated with the destruction of white blood cells. To treat this condition, drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at stimulating leukopoiesis. They are divided into two groups:

  • To stimulate metabolic processes. These include Pentoxyl, Methyluracil, Leucogen, etc. They have the properties of cell regeneration and the ability to restore immunity at the cellular and humoral level.
  • For repetition of colony-stimulating factors. These are Sagramostim, Filgrastim, Lenograstim.

Leukopenia categorically cannot be perceived as an independent disease. However, to eliminate it, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that served as the etiology for obtaining such a blood test. Thus, it is extremely important to see a specialist to determine the exact cause.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to get rid of leukopenia. For example, if it was caused by excessive intake of analgin or sulfonamides, then to normalize the analysis indicators, it is enough to simply refuse to take these drugs, but chemotherapy cannot be stopped. In addition, congenital diseases of the bone marrow of unknown etiology or caused at the genetic level are practically not amenable to treatment today, as well as autoimmune pathologies.

How to increase white blood cells at home?

You can increase the level of white blood cells in the blood in a variety of ways, but diet plays a fundamental role in the treatment process. As practice shows, without dieting it is almost impossible to increase the number of leukocytes, even if you take special medicines. Such a diet is prescribed by the attending physician. Usually, the amount of carbohydrates consumed is limited, instead, the diet is enriched with protein foods and vitamins, especially ascorbic and folic acid. You also need to eat foods high in choline and the amino acid lysine.

The main products in the treatment of leukopenia - we increase leukocytes at home:

  1. Eat more citrus fruits, various berries.
  2. Useful is the use of royal jelly to raise the level of leukocytes. Its amount should not be too large, depending on the recommendations of the doctor.
  3. It is allowed to drink a large amount of milk and other dairy products.
  4. Eat more vegetables and legumes, boiled or raw, which are high in fiber.
  5. As additional vitamins, you can use vitamin C, B9 - effectively increase leukocytes.
  6. A decoction of barley is useful, which is infused for half an hour on fire to increase the concentration of grain. To do this, you need to pour one and a half glasses of barley into a two-liter dish and pour water. Boil on fire until half of the boiled water, and then drink the filtered liquid 200 grams twice a day.

If a low white blood cell count is detected, it is recommended to seek treatment from a hematologist - a specialist in the treatment of blood diseases. The hematologist must find the cause of leukopenia and prescribe treatment. In some cases, consultation with an oncologist, infectious disease specialist or immunologist is necessary.

Why white blood cells are elevated: causes and treatment

What are the causes of increased leukocytes in a smear in women?

Elevated white blood cells in the urine - what does it mean?

Deciphering analyzes online

Doctors consultation

Medical fields


only a qualified doctor can treat diseases.

Why are leukocytes low in the blood

Leukocytes or white blood cells belong to the immune system, perform the functions of antimicrobial, antitumor protection, and if they are lowered, then the protective properties in the body decrease and diseases develop.

Leukocytes in the blood

A decrease in white blood cells in the blood is called leukopenia, this condition is detected according to the results of a general and detailed blood test. This group is heterogeneous. It includes several populations of cells involved in inflammatory reactions, immune and autoimmune processes.

By the presence or absence of granules inside the cell, which are clearly visible under a microscope after special processing, granulocytes and agranulocytes are distinguished.

The normal ratio of white blood cells of different populations is (%):

  • granulocytes;
    • stab neutrophils (immature) - 2 - 4;
    • segmented neutrophils (mature) - 47 - 67;
    • eosinophils - 0.5 - 5;
    • basophils - 0 -1;
  • agranulocytes;
    • lymphocytes - 25 - 35;
    • monocytes - 3 - 11.

Leukocytes are involved in anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic processes, their number in the body is constantly changing. If the changes remain within the normal range, then such physiological conditions are not dangerous and do not threaten a decrease in immunity.

The norm for different types of white cells is considered to be ranges of values ​​(number of cells * per 10 9 / l or thousand / μl):

  • leukocytes - 4-9;
  • neutrophils;
    • stab - 0.08 - 0.35;
    • segmented - 2 - 5.9;
  • basophils - 0 - 0.088;
  • eosinophils - 0.02 - 0.44;
  • lymphocytes - 1 - 3;
  • monocytes - 0.08 - 0.53.

Total leukocytes may be normal, but a detailed blood test sometimes reveals that neutrophils are reduced, the number of eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, or monocytes is reduced or increased.

With low leukocytes, a detailed analysis is also required to identify the cause of the decrease in various populations of cells in the blood.

Causes of a decrease in total leukocytes

The reasons for the low content of leukocytes in the blood can be:

  • viral, bacterial infections - influenza, hepatitis, typhoid fever, measles, septic endocarditis, measles, malaria;
  • endocrine diseases - Cushing's syndrome, acromegaly, sometimes thyrotoxicosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, cholecystoangiocholitis, colitis;
  • pathologies of hematopoiesis - bone marrow hypoplasia, leukemia;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • autoimmune diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • collagenoses;
  • exhaustion;
  • the effect of radiation;
  • poisoning with benzene, DDT, arsenic;
  • metastases to the bone marrow of a cancerous tumor.

A low level of white blood cells in the blood is not necessarily associated with any disease, it can be caused by taking medications such as antihistamines, antibacterial drugs, anticonvulsants, painkillers.

In addition, if the indicators of leukocytes in the blood are reduced, this does not mean that the diagnosis is finally established, it is imperative to make sure that there is no error, for which the analysis needs to be retaken.

If leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets in the blood are reduced, the cause of this condition may be bone marrow disease, viral infection, intoxication.

A decrease in the total number of leukocytes to less than 4 thousand / μl, low neutrophils, elevated lymphocytes in the blood - this combination indicates that a severe infection (tuberculosis, brucellosis), chronic leukemia is developing in the body.

Reasons for the decrease in white cell populations

The number of leukocytes is not constant, and not any decrease or increase in the concentration of white blood cells is dangerous for the body. The reason for the obligatory visit to the doctor should be the results of the tests:

  • a decrease in leukocytes in the blood below 3 thousand / μl;
  • reduced level of neutrophils - less than 1 thousand / μl.

The body's resistance to infections deteriorates sharply with a decrease in the total number of granulocytes. The level of granulocytes is below 0.75 thousand / μl with leukocytes in the blood less than 1 thousand / μl, which is much less than the norm, which means:

  • high susceptibility to fungal, bacterial infection;
  • this may indicate the possibility of an immune reaction to taking isoniazid, analgin, aspirin, phenacetin, indomethacin.

Agranulocytosis can provoke radiation exposure, lymphoma, collagenosis, hepatitis. In a newborn child, granulocyte counts are lowered if an immune reaction occurs between the blood of the mother and the child.

Decreased neutrophils

Neutrophils are a group of white blood cells designed to fight infection. The decline in this population can be permanent or temporary. Neutropenia is considered a state when the number of neutrophils is less than 1.8 thousand / μl.

There is no direct threat to health until the size of this population falls to the level of 0.5 thousand/μl. Such an indicator, and especially if it is lowered to 0.2 thousand / μl or less, indicates severe neutropenia, characterized as agranulocytosis.

The reasons for the decrease in leukocytes of this group in the blood can be:

  • viral, bacterial infections accompanied by high fever;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • aplastic anemia - a disease in which the production of all blood cells (pancytopenia) is disrupted;
  • septicemia - a massive release of pathogens into the blood;
  • anemia caused by a lack of vitamins B9 and B12;
  • hypersplenic syndrome - a condition when the number of circulating blood cells decreases, although their production in the spleen is increased;
  • prostration is an extreme degree of physical and mental exhaustion.

Neutropenia can be in the nature of a congenital hereditary disease and manifest as a temporary decrease in the number for 3-6 days every 3-4 weeks.

What does it mean if the total leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood are below normal, for which diseases is this condition typical?

A significant proportion of the total number of leukocytes is accounted for by the neutrophil population. This is the cause and explanation why the combination of low total white blood cells with low neutrophils is so common.

If both neutrophils and total leukocytes are lowered in the blood test, this always indicates a high risk of infection, which means that the prognosis of the disease has worsened, and the likelihood of complications has increased.

Both total leukocytes and neutrophils are reduced in diseases:

  • viral infections;
  • diseases of the digestive tract - peptic ulcers, cholecystitis, gastritis;
  • purulent chronic infections;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • shock states.

At the same time, leukocytes are lowered in the blood and neutrophils are reduced in adults can be with such a complication of rheumatoid arthritis as Felty's syndrome, alcoholism can also be the cause of the deviation in the analysis.

Severe neutropenia with a decrease in neutrophils to 0.1 thousand / μl or less is noted in congenital Kostman's syndrome. This disease is characterized by an increase in monocytes and eosinophils, a decrease in lymphocytes.

Reduced eosinophils

A low level of eosinophils (eosinopenia) is a condition in which there is a reduced content of leukocytes in this population, ranging from 0.2 thousand / μl or less. If there are no eosinophils in the blood, then this condition is called aneosinophilia.

The reasons for the low content of eosinophils in the blood of leukocytes are:

  • acute stage of the infectious process;
  • sepsis;
  • eclampsia;
  • childbirth;
  • intoxication;
  • tuberculosis in advanced form;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • postoperative period.

Eosinophils are reduced when the patient's condition worsens during illness, especially if their content drops to 0.05 thousand / μl or less.

What does it mean, what does it mean if leukocytes and eosinophils are lowered in the blood?

Decreased white blood cells in the blood, combined with a decrease in the number of eosinophils, indicate a low resistance of the body, which means that the immune system is on the verge of exhaustion.

Decrease in basophils

Basophils are a type of white blood cell involved in both immediate and delayed allergic reactions. Basophils are found in immune, autoimmune diseases, pathologies of the nervous, endocrine systems. The number of basophils in basopenia does not exceed 0.01 thousand / μl.

A reduced number of leukocytes of this group (basopenia) is observed in diseases:

  • hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease;
  • Cushing's syndrome, the growth of a hormonally active tumor;
  • stress;
  • during ovulation, during pregnancy;
  • acute pneumonia;
  • allergy.

A reduced level of this type of leukocytes is observed in the blood during the recovery period after a serious infectious disease, as a result of prolonged exposure to radiation in small doses.

Decrease in lymphocytes

A decrease in lymphocytes in the blood (lymphopenia) can be a natural process, as, for example, during pregnancy, when the number of lymphocytes decreases by 25% of the norm. But usually a decrease in the number of lymphocytes is an indicator of the disease.

A decrease in the blood of this population of leukocytes in a child indicates an increased allergic predisposition of the body, as well as congenital immunodeficiency. With low lymphocytes in a child, if their number is less than 1.4 thousand / μl, but there is no change in the normal number of leukocytes, then this indicates dysfunction of the thymus gland.

In adults, lymphopenia is the content in the blood of a given population of leukocytes less than 1 thousand / μl, which is below the norm and means, like in children, severe damage to the immune system.

This deviation is observed:

  • with tuberculosis of the lymph nodes;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • radiation sickness;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • stress;
  • kidney failure.

Lymphocytes are a population of leukocytes responsible for cellular immunity, and the reason for the reduced levels of this group in the blood may be the use of immunosuppressants, treatment with hormonal drugs.

With low leukocytes and the content of lymphocytes in the blood below normal, the body develops a state of immunodeficiency, which means that the risk of contracting infectious diseases, including HIV infection, has increased.

Decrease in monocytes

Monocytes are involved in the neutralization of infection through phagocytosis. With monocyte counts of 0.09 thousand / μl or less, they say that they are lowered, and the condition is called monocytopenia.

The lack of leukocytes from the group of monocytes in the blood is noted with:

  • treatment with glucocorticoids;
  • severe sepsis;
  • intoxication;
  • infections;
  • anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.

The main reason why monocytes in the blood can be lowered is the leukopenic form of leukemia, a malignant tumor disease of the blood caused by a violation of the maturation of leukocytes.

If total leukocytes are lowered (less than 4 thousand / μl), and monocytes are increased, then this indicates that the body has coped with the cause of the disease, but in an adult this sometimes means that a severe form of tuberculosis or a tumor develops.

The cause of slightly reduced white blood cells, for example, in the range of 3.5 - 3.8 in a man, is not always a dangerous disease, sometimes it means that such a low rate is normal for a given person.

When assessing the patient's condition, not only quantitative indicators of uniform elements are taken into account, but also their qualitative changes, as well as data from other studies. Only a doctor can finally determine why leukocytes are lowered in the blood, whether they can be increased, and how to do this.

Sometimes white blood cells are temporarily lowered due to a lack of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, copper and iron. In this case, it is possible to normalize the analysis indicators with the help of a properly formulated diet.

With significant deviations of the test from the norm, they are treated with medicines. Drugs and a treatment regimen must be prescribed by a doctor, since it is only necessary to determine why the patient's leukocytes in the blood fall, and how to raise them, only according to the results of the tests.

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White blood cell count 3.6-3.9 in an 18-year-old boy

Also do not forget to thank the doctors.

hematologist3 13:48

hematologist0 16:23

It is impossible to increase the level of leukocytes on your own, you can hope for a laboratory error.

hematologist0 22:01

Find an experienced infectious disease specialist to treat herpes. Candles will not give anything, this is the stone age. You want 4.5 thousand leukocytes for the school.

Herpes can and should be treated. But it is necessary to exclude all other possible causes that I have mentioned.

We tell everything about the low level of leukocytes in the blood in women

Leukocytes include white blood cells that are able to respond to foreign cells that have come from outside, neutralizing their activity. There are 5 types of leukocytes, each of which has its own function and role in the body. For example, lymphocytes, equipped with a large network of receptors, are able to notify other white blood cells of the appearance of a threat to health, which causes the entire immune system to activate. Neutrophils destroy pathogenic microorganisms, while sacrificing their own lives. In addition, leukocytes are able to accumulate information about the microbes they have encountered. Such cellular memory is passed on through the genes to future generations, which allows the formation of innate immunity.

The level of leukocytes is determined using a blood test. For a complete study of these cells, it is important to know not only their total number, but also their qualitative composition, expressed as a percentage of the total leukocyte mass. In some cases, leukocytes may be lowered, indicating the presence of leukopenia. In what cases this pathology develops in women and how to deal with it, we will learn further.

Leukocyte level: norm and deviations

Regardless of gender, the average level of leukocytes in a healthy person is in the range of 4-9 × / l. However, in women, small errors associated with hormonal changes in the body may be allowed. The norm indicators, depending on age, have the following values:

  • 18-25 years old - the peak of the puberty period, when the hormonal background is stable, and the body is initially set up for procreation - 4.5-10.5 × / l;
  • 25-35 years - a period of hormonal adjustment, especially in the presence of pregnancy - 3.5-9.5 × / l;
  • 35-45 years - the most active period of a woman's life - 4.5-10 × / l;
  • 45-55 years - the period of menopause, in which sex hormones cease to be produced, which signals the extinction of the reproductive function - 3.3-8.8 × / l;
  • 55-65 years - stuhanie of all vital functions that regulate hormones - 3.1-7.5 × / l.

The older a woman becomes, the fewer white blood cells are produced by the bone marrow. The normal indicator is shifted towards the lower limit.

During pregnancy, a natural increase in the leukocyte level is most often noted, which is explained by the activation of the immune system in order to protect the fetus from the negative effects of the environment. Lowered test results may indicate a malfunction in the body that occurs due to hormonal changes. Usually this phenomenon is short-term and short-lived, therefore it does not require specific intervention, but should be fully controlled by a doctor.

Leukopenia during pregnancy can develop against the background of prolonged fasting in the first trimester, which is characterized by toxicosis. Lack of proper nutrition makes the body more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, so it is important to monitor the quality and quantity of food consumed during the period of bearing a child.

In some cases, leukopenia threatens the life and health of the mother and child, as it makes the mother's body completely disarmed from environmental microbes.

This process, in the presence of critically low rates, requires artificial correction, as well as the intake of special vitamin complexes that reduce the risk of developing this disease.

A low level of leukocytes is considered pathological when its indicator in the general blood test is below 3.8-3.5 × / l. In this case, it is imperative to identify the cause of the decline, as well as eliminate the consequences.

Reduced level

The leukocyte formula is no exception. Decreased values ​​may be affected by a woman's satiety, menstruation, or chronic illness. Sometimes incorrect test results are attributed to a lack of appropriate training, especially if a woman takes hormonal birth control pills or medicines that include aspirin for a long time.

Leukopenia can manifest itself in two forms:

  1. If the bone marrow is dysfunctional, the causes may be hormonal disruptions in the body, metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes mellitus and oncological metastases. At the same time, depleted cells are not able to produce leukocytes in the required amount, and those that are synthesized cannot fully perform their functions, since they have an incapacitated genome.
  2. In autoimmune diseases, as a result of which the bone marrow synthesizes leukocytes in the right amount, but the body perceives them as foreign objects and completely neutralizes them.

The reasons

There are two groups of causes that can serve as prerequisites for the development of leukopenia:

Physiological changes not associated with diseases - these include those manifestations that occur with a woman's body as part of natural processes:

  • hormonal changes during menopause, puberty or pregnancy;
  • the use of medicines, which include aspirin, corticosteroids, hypoglycemic tablets;
  • lack of vitamins and trace elements that affect non-leukopoiesis;
  • change in climatic conditions, especially if migration is observed from warm, hot countries to places far from the sun's rays;
  • prolonged fasting and malnutrition in general;
  • stress and emotional disorders, followed by prolonged depression and apathy;
  • the period of menstruation, during which there is a natural renewal of blood.

Pathological diseases that provoke a decrease in leukocytes:

  • chronic inflammatory processes of viral, bacterial, fungal etiology;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hereditary pathologies of the blood, in which mutations are noted;
  • presence of varicella-zoster, hepatitis, abdominal-type viruses;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • if the spleen or part of it is removed;
  • prolonged exposure to radiation, in which leukemia develops;
  • the presence of anemia.

It is rather difficult to determine what exactly caused the decrease in the level of leukocytes, but it is possible during a comprehensive examination and a number of other tests.


Before proceeding to treatment, a full examination of the patient is performed and the cause of the decrease in leukocytes is identified. Among the medicines that can stimulate the synthesis of white immune bodies, there are:

  • Leukomax - widely used after radiation and chemotherapy in the presence of cancer;
  • Neupogen - affects the cells of the bone marrow;
  • Lenograstim - normalizes leukopoiesis;
  • Leucogen - used in the presence of autoimmune disorders;
  • Pentoxyl - has a complex effect on the composition of the blood.

The cost of drugs is from 800 to 1300 rubles. All of them have contraindications, which include:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • kidney failure (stones);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;

The use of this or that drug depends on the cause of leukopenia, so you can not self-medicate and take these pills at home. This can be life-threatening and also aggravate the course of leukopenia.

In some cases, and after consulting a doctor, you can use traditional medicine recipes that will raise the leukocyte level:

  1. Rosehip broth - a handful of dry fruits are washed under running water and placed in a thermos. Fill it to the top with boiling water, hermetically close, keep overnight. After that, they drink instead of water.
  2. Oat jelly - oat grains are poured with cold water, put in a water bath and boiled for a minute, after which they are cleaned in a warm dark place for 3 days. Strain through cheesecloth, take 1 tablespoon before meals.
  3. A decoction of wormwood, chamomile and sage - all herbs are taken in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each), ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. A mixture of herbs is placed in an enameled bowl, poured with 3 cups of boiling water, boiled for 3-4 minutes over high heat. Infuse for 5-6 hours, then filter and drink 1 teaspoon after each meal.
  4. Beet kvass - beets are peeled, cut into large cubes, placed in a glass jar, pouring brine to the top. The brine is prepared from boiling water and two tablespoons of natural bee honey. Drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  5. Pollen - eaten as an additive to tea or as a whole, instead of sweets.

Some foods also help normalize white blood cells:


You can increase the level of leukocytes, if physiological processes have become the reason for their decrease, using a varied menu. This includes such products:

  • low-fat sea fish and all seafood, including seaweed;
  • lean meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal;
  • fresh fruits: citrus fruits, necessarily pomegranates and apricots, persimmons;
  • vegetables and greens: cabbage, cucumbers, parsley, celery, ginger;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • any dairy and sour-milk products and dishes from them;
  • quail eggs;
  • some red wine.

Fried foods are completely removed from the diet, and meals per day should be at least 5-6.

There should be small portions, but often. Avoid overly hot foods, as well as preservatives and trans fats.

An approximate menu for patients with leukopenia may be as follows:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal in milk with a teaspoon of honey, a banana.
  2. Second breakfast - cottage cheese with nuts and dried apricots, seasoned with condensed milk;
  3. Lunch - vegetable or meat soup with buckwheat;
  4. Afternoon snack - a glass of milk with biscuit cookies.
  5. Dinner - two egg omelet, steamed vegetables, tea.

Additionally, we suggest watching a large video on the topic of low leukocytes


There is no special prophylaxis that can prevent leukopenia. But if you follow a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exclude alcohol and nicotine, you can reduce the risk of developing the disease several times over, and also maintain normal health. In the event of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, immediately begin treatment, after consulting a doctor. Do not self-medicate with drugs that are advised in a pharmacy.

Thus, leukopenia can cause not only serious health problems, but also manifest itself in the form of physiological abnormalities in women during menstruation, hormonal instability and after prolonged use of certain groups of drugs.

Its treatment is possible only under the supervision of specialists, since low immunity makes the body vulnerable to bacteria and viruses, which can cause premature death.

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Leukocytes include white blood cells that are able to respond to foreign cells that have come from outside, neutralizing their activity. There are 5 types of leukocytes, each of which has its own function and role in the body. For example, lymphocytes, equipped with a large network of receptors, are able to notify other white blood cells of the appearance of a threat to health, which causes the entire immune system to activate. Neutrophils destroy pathogenic microorganisms, while sacrificing their own lives. In addition, leukocytes are able to accumulate information about the microbes they have encountered. Such cellular memory is passed on through the genes to future generations, which allows the formation of innate immunity.

The level of leukocytes is determined using a blood test. For a complete study of these cells, it is important to know not only their total number, but also their qualitative composition, expressed as a percentage of the total leukocyte mass. In some cases, leukocytes may be that indicates the presence of leukopenia. In what cases this pathology develops in women and how to deal with it, we will learn further.

Regardless of gender, the average level of leukocytes in a healthy person is in the range of 4-9 × / l. However, in women, small errors associated with hormonal changes in the body may be allowed. , depending on age, have the following meanings:

  • 18-25 years old - the peak of the puberty period, when the hormonal background is stable, and the body is initially set up for procreation - 4.5-10.5 × / l;
  • 25-35 years - a period of hormonal adjustment, especially in the presence of pregnancy - 3.5-9.5 × / l;
  • 35-45 years - the most active period of a woman's life - 4.5-10 × / l;
  • 45-55 years - the period of menopause, in which sex hormones cease to be produced, which signals the extinction of the reproductive function - 3.3-8.8 × / l;
  • 55-65 years - stuhanie of all vital functions that regulate hormones - 3.1-7.5 × / l.

The older becomes a woman the lower the number of leukocytes produced by the bone marrow. The normal indicator is shifted towards the lower limit.

During pregnancy, natural is most often noted, which is explained by the activation of the immune system in order to protect the fetus from the negative effects of the environment. Lowered test results may indicate a malfunction in the body that occurs due to hormonal changes. Usually this phenomenon is short-term and short-lived, therefore it does not require specific intervention, but should be fully controlled by a doctor.

A low level of leukocytes is considered pathological when its indicator in the general blood test is below 3.8-3.5 × / l. In this case, it is imperative to identify the cause of the decline, as well as eliminate the consequences.

Reduced level

The quantitative and qualitative composition of the blood in women is constantly changing.

The leukocyte formula is no exception. Decreased values ​​may be affected by a woman's satiety, menstruation, or chronic illness. Sometimes incorrect test results are attributed to a lack of appropriate training, especially if a woman takes hormonal birth control pills or medicines that include aspirin for a long time.

Leukopenia can appear in two forms:

  1. If the bone marrow is dysfunctional, the causes may be hormonal disruptions in the body, metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes mellitus and oncological metastases. At the same time, depleted cells are not able to produce leukocytes in the required amount, and those that are synthesized cannot fully perform their functions, since they have an incapacitated genome.
  2. In autoimmune diseases, as a result of which the bone marrow synthesizes leukocytes in the right amount, but the body perceives them as foreign objects and completely neutralizes them.
In both cases, the immune system suffers because the white blood cell count is below normal. This means that the risk of developing serious diseases increases tenfold.

The reasons

Allocate two sets of reasons, which can serve as prerequisites for the development of leukopenia:

Physiological changes not associated with diseases - these include those manifestations that occur with a woman's body as part of natural processes:

  • hormonal changes during menopause, puberty or pregnancy;
  • the use of medicines, which include aspirin, corticosteroids, hypoglycemic tablets;
  • lack of vitamins and trace elements that affect non-leukopoiesis;
  • change in climatic conditions, especially if migration is observed from warm, hot countries to places far from the sun's rays;
  • prolonged fasting and malnutrition in general;
  • stress and emotional disorders, followed by prolonged depression and apathy;
  • the period of menstruation, during which there is a natural renewal of blood.

Leukocytes in the blood of the human body occupy an honorable place as a protector. These are cells that always know where the immune defense weakens and the disease begins to develop. The name of these blood cells is leukocytes. In fact, this is a generalized name for a conglomerate of specific cells, which are engaged in protecting the body from the adverse effects of all types of foreign microorganisms.

Their normal level ensures the full functioning of the organs and tissues of the body. With fluctuations in the level of cells, various disturbances in its functioning occur, or otherwise, fluctuations in the level of leukocytes characterize the occurrence of a problem in the body.

Leukocytes are large blood cells in the form of balls that do not have color.

For reference. The content of leukocytes in the blood is less than that of erythrocytes.

White bodies are a product of the red bone marrow. White cells of various types circulate in the human body, differing in their structure, origin, and functions. But all of them are the most important cells of the immune system and solve one main task - protecting the body from external and internal enemy microorganisms.

White bodies are able to actively move not only through the circulatory system, but also penetrate through the walls of blood vessels, seep into tissues and organs. By constantly monitoring the situation in the body, when a danger is detected (the appearance of foreign agents), leukocytes quickly find themselves in the right place, first moving through the blood, and then moving independently with the help of pseudopods.

Upon detecting a threat, they capture and digest the alien bodies. With a large number of foreign bodies that have penetrated into the tissues, white cells, absorbing them, greatly increase in size and die. In this case, substances are released that cause the development of an inflammatory reaction. It can be manifested by edema, an increase in temperature.

Functions of white blood cells

The process of destroying foreign bodies is called phagocytosis, and the cells that carry it out are called phagocytes. Leukocytes not only destroy foreign agents, but also cleanse the body. They dispose of unnecessary elements - the remains of pathogenic microbes and collapsed white bodies.

Another function of blood cells is the synthesis of antibodies to destroy pathogenic elements (microbes of a pathogenic nature). Antibodies can make a person immune to certain diseases that he has already suffered.

Also, leukocytes affect metabolic processes and the supply of tissues with the necessary hormones, enzymes, and other substances.

Life cycle

Protecting the body, a large number of white bodies die. To maintain their level near the norm, that is, in the required amount, they are constantly produced in the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes and tonsils. The life cycle of calves averages 12 days.

Substances released during the destruction of white bodies attract other leukocytes to the site of entry of enemy microorganisms. By destroying these bodies, as well as other damaged body cells, white blood cells die in large numbers.

Purulent masses present in inflamed tissues are accumulations of dead white bodies.

The rate of leukocytes in the blood

The rate of leukocytes in the blood in the results of the analysis is indicated in absolute values. The level of blood cells is measured in units per liter of blood.

For reference. It should be noted that the content of white cells in the blood is not a constant value, but may vary depending on the state of the body and the time of day. However, in adults in a healthy state, these changes do not deviate much from the norm.

The concentration of bodies usually increases slightly in the following cases:

  • after meals;
  • By the evening;
  • after active physical labor or mental overstrain.

For reference. The normal level of white cells in a person is 4-9 x109 / l. Given the total volume of blood in the human body, we can say that there are from 20 to 45 billion lymphocytes.

Normal level of white cells:

  • In men, the normal value of the indicator is 4.4-10x109 / l. In the male body, the number of white bodies is less subject to fluctuations than in other groups of people.
  • In women, this indicator is more variable, the standard value is 3.3-10x109 / l. The level of this indicator may vary depending on menstruation and hormonal levels.
  • For pregnant women, an indicator of up to 12-15 x109 / l should not cause concern, since such a value is considered normal for this physiological state.
    The increased level of the indicator is explained by the reaction of the mother's immune system to the presence of the fetus. Women with higher body counts need to be closely monitored due to the high risk of preterm birth.
  • The norm of the indicator in children depends on their age category.

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Leukocyte formula

Attention! Leukocytes is a generalized concept of white blood cells. In the medical community, it is customary to distinguish five types of white cells, each of which is responsible for its part of the immune activity.

If the leukocytes are significantly outside the normal range in one direction or another, then this indicates the presence of pathology. The blood test is usually deciphered taking into account the leukocyte formula - the percentage of different types of white cells.

Leukocyte formula of a healthy person:

Now, having seen data on the components of leukocytes in the results of a blood test, you will be able to independently assess the state of your health.

Elevated leukocyte count

A condition in which the number of leukocytes is more than 9 thousand per 1 ml of blood is called leukocytosis.

It must be understood that elevated leukocytes in the blood are a relative phenomenon. With a general blood test, it is necessary to take into account the patient's gender, age, diet and a number of other indicators.

In general, leukocytosis indicates an existing inflammatory process in the body. The reasons for the increase in the level of bodies can be physiological and pathological.

Causes of leukocytosis

A physiological increase in the level of leukocytes does not need treatment. It may occur in the following cases:

  • heavy physical labor;
  • after meals (after eating, the indicator can reach a value of 12 x109 / l);
  • nutritional features (some components of meat products can be perceived by the body as foreign antibodies);
  • period of pregnancy, childbirth;
  • taking contrast baths;
  • after the introduction of the vaccine;
  • period before menstruation.

With an increased level of white cells of a non-physiological nature, it is necessary to conduct a general examination or another blood test 3-5 days after the first to rule out an error. If the number of leukocytes does not decrease, then there is still a problem.

With the exclusion of physiological causes, elevated white blood cells indicate the presence of one or more of the following causes:

  • bacterial infectious diseases (tonsillitis, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • viral infections (mononucleosis, chickenpox, viral hepatitis);
  • various inflammatory processes (peritonitis, abscess, appendicitis, infected wounds);
  • blood diseases (leukemia, anemia);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • tumor diseases;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • extensive burns;
  • after taking certain drugs.

Decreased white blood cells

A decrease in the level of white cells below 4x109 / l is called leukopenia.

Reasons for the decrease in the level of this indicator:

  • viral infectious diseases - influenza, rubella, hepatitis.
  • typhus, paratyphoid;
  • disturbances in the work of the bone marrow;
  • deficiency of a number of vitamins and elements (iron, copper, vitamin B1, B9, B12);
  • radiation sickness;
  • initial stages of leukemia;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • taking a number of medications.

Whether it is necessary to raise or lower leukocytes

Often, patients are interested in how to lower or increase leukocytes in the blood when their level deviates from the norm. There are many ways to do this, some of which are useless, and some are simply dangerous to health.

Important! An increase or decrease in the level of bodies does not require urgent reduction to a normal value. It is necessary to carefully examine the patient and identify the cause of the change in the indicator. With successful elimination (treatment) of the causes of the deviation, the level of white cells will return to normal.

Leukocyte classification

According to their shape and structure, blood cells are divided into 2 groups:

  • granular (granulocytes);
  • non-granular (agranulocytes).

Leukocytes - what is it?

The answer to the question " what are leukocytes?' is not as straightforward as it seems at first glance. In simple terms, these are white blood cells that are involved in protecting the body from bacteria, viruses and other harmful agents. This concept also includes a heterogeneous group of blood cells of different morphology and significance, united according to the signs of the presence of a nucleus and the absence of color.

What are leukocytes responsible for?

The main function of white blood cells is specific and non-specific protection against all types of pathogenic agents and participation in the implementation of certain pathological processes, that is, they are responsible for the "protection" of the body.

All types of leukocytes can actively move and penetrate through the capillary wall into the intercellular space, where they capture and digest foreign agents. If a lot of such agents have penetrated the tissues, then the leukocytes, absorbing them, greatly increase and are destroyed. At the same time, substances are released that provoke the development of a local inflammatory reaction, which is manifested by edema, an increase in temperature and hyperemia inflamed focus.

Where are leukocytes formed in humans and how long do they live?

Performing the function of protecting the body, a large number of leukocytes die. To maintain a constant amount, they are continuously formed in the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes and tonsils. Leukocytes live, as a rule, up to 12 days.

Where are leukocytes destroyed?

Substances that are released during the destruction of white blood cells attract other leukocytes to the area of ​​introduction of foreign agents. Destroying the latter, as well as damaged cells of the body, white blood cells die en masse. The pus that is present in inflamed tissues is a collection of destroyed white blood cells.

What are white blood cells called?

There are 3 main synonyms for the described cells in the literature: white blood cells, white blood cells and leukocytes. Classically they are divided into granulocytes and agranulocytes . The former are , and , and the latter are and .

The rate of leukocytes in the blood

How many white blood cells should a healthy person have?

The norm of the number of leukocytes in the blood is measured in units (that is, cells) per liter of blood. It is also worth understanding that the content of leukocytes is not constant, but varies depending on the state of the body and the time of day. For example, the concentration of leukocytes usually slightly increases after eating, in the evening, after physical and mental stress.

The normal level of leukocytes in the blood of an adult over 16 years of age is 4-9·10 9 /l. Considering how much blood is in the body of an adult, we can say that from 20 to 45 billion white blood cells circulate there.

What is the rate of leukocytes in the blood of men?

For the normal level of leukocytes in men, the above value is taken (more precisely, leukocytes 4.4-10). In the body of males, the number of leukocytes is subject to much weaker fluctuations than in other groups of patients.

How many white blood cells are normal in women?

In women, this indicator is more variable and leukocytes 3.3-10·10 9 /l are taken as the standard. In the figures of this indicator, fluctuations are possible depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the state of the hormonal background.

Normal white blood cell count in pregnant women

It is known that many blood parameters in pregnant women are changed, therefore, it is customary to consider values ​​​​that are overestimated for ordinary patients as the norm of leukocytes. So, according to various authors, an increase in the number of leukocytes to 12-15·10 9 /l should not cause concern and is physiological for this condition.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood of a child

The norm of the indicator described in this section in children directly depends on age.

Leukocyte formula

When analyzing blood, the percentage of different types of leukocytes is also calculated. The absolute values ​​of the cells are additionally denoted by the abbreviation "abs."

In a healthy person, the leukocyte formula looks like this:

  • stab neutrophils - 1-6%;
  • segmented neutrophils - 47-72%;
  • eosinophils - 0.5-5%;
  • basophils - 0.1%;
  • lymphocytes - 20-37%;
  • monocytes - 3-11%.

In children in the process of development, there are 2 so-called "crossings" of the leukocyte formula:

  • first at the age of 5 days when the ratio lymphocytes/neutrophils from 20%/60% goes to 60%/20%;
  • the second at the age of 4-5 years, when there is a reverse crossover to the ratio lymphocytes/neutrophils 20% / 60%, after which the content and proportions of this ratio should correspond to those of an adult.

Leukocytosis - what is it?

« What is leukocytosis" and " leukocytosis - what is it?» are the most frequent requests for hematology topics on the World Wide Web. So, leukocytosis - this is a condition characterized by an increase in the absolute number of leukocytes per liter of blood more than the established physiological indicator. It should be understood that an increase in leukocytes in the blood is a relative phenomenon. When interpreting a complete blood count, one should take into account gender, age, living conditions, dietary habits and many other indicators. In adult patients, the excess value of the number of leukocytes more than 9·10 9 /l is considered leukocytosis.

Elevated leukocytes in the blood - what does it mean?

In simple terms, leukocytosis indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. The reasons why leukocytes in the blood are elevated are physiological and pathological in nature, respectively, and leukocytosis is physiological and pathological.

Physiological (which means not requiring treatment) increased white blood cell count can occur for the following reasons:

  • heavy physical labor;
  • food intake (it can “spoil” a blood test, from which an increased number of leukocytes after eating can reach a value of 12 10 9 / l);
  • nutritional habits (food leukocytosis it can also occur if the diet is dominated by meat products, some components of which the body perceives as foreign antibodies - this means that leukocytes will be increased in the blood due to the development of an immune response);
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • taking cold and hot baths;
  • after vaccination;
  • premenstrual period.

An elevated level of leukocytes in the blood of a pathological nature requires an examination or, at least, a re-analysis after 3-5 days to exclude a counting error. If white blood cells are elevated and physiological causes are excluded, then an increase in the number indicates the presence of one or more of the following conditions:

  • infectious disorders ( , sepsis , and others);
  • infectious disorders with damage to immune cells (infectious or mononucleosis );
  • various inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms ( phlegmon , peritonitis , furuncle , infected wounds are the most common causes of an increase in the described indicator in the blood);
  • inflammatory disorders of non-infectious origin (, and others);
  • , lungs and other organs;
  • extensive burns;
  • malignant neoplasms (in the presence of a tumor in the bone marrow, it is possible leukopenia );
  • big blood loss;
  • proliferative diseases of hematopoiesis (for example, when white blood cells are increased to 100 109 / l or more);
  • splenectomy ;
  • diabetic, uremia .

In addition, when there are a lot of leukocytes in the blood, this means that in rare cases poisoning can be suspected. aniline or nitrobenzene . Many leukocytes in the blood appear in the initial stage radiation sickness .

There are a number of insufficiently studied conditions of the human body, in which leukocytes increase, ESR and slightly elevated body temperature. After a short period of time, these indicators return to their normal state. These anomalous states do not have any noticeable manifestations.

Causes of increased white blood cells in women

In women, as previously indicated, there are many more physiological reasons for the level of leukocytes to be higher than normal. What does it mean? The fact is that hematological parameters in women are much more dynamic and subject to change. Most often, a physiological rise in the indicator is observed during the premenstrual period and during pregnancy, however, after childbirth, it decreases to normal values. Otherwise, the causes of leukocytosis in women are identical to those described above.

Elevated white blood cells during pregnancy

The norm during pregnancy of the described indicator is, according to various authors, up to 15 and even 18 10 9 /l. Leukocytosis during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence, reflecting the reaction of the immune system to the mother to the fact of the presence of the fetus. If leukocytes are elevated during pregnancy, the patient's condition should be closely monitored, due to the increased risk of preterm birth. Also, one should not forget about the "traditional" causes of leukocytosis: inflammation, infections, somatic diseases. Leukocytes elevated after childbirth usually return to normal within 2-4 weeks.

High white blood cells in a child

In general, in pediatrics, it is believed that if a blood test showed leukocytes of 14 10 9 / l in a healthy patient, then you should be wary, prescribe a second analysis and draw up an examination plan. The reasons, if leukocytes in the blood of a child are increased, can be varied, so patients in this category always need to be re-analyzed.

The most common reasons why a child has elevated leukocytes is the presence of childhood infections (including elementary ARI when blood counts are changed within a few days after recovery), mainly of a bacterial nature.

They are also high in a child with other diseases (which are more common in children than adults), for example, leukemia (in the common people "blood cancer") and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis . The causes of the described phenomenon in a newborn are described below.

High white blood cells in a newborn

If leukocytes are elevated in a newborn, this is not always a sign of a disease (as, for example, an increase bilirubin ). Their normal blood level immediately after birth can reach 30 109/l. However, during the first week it should decrease rapidly. An experienced neonatologist should deal with the issues of increasing leukocytes in a newborn (baby).

Symptoms of leukocytosis

Leukocytosis in children and adults, leukocytosis in newborns and pregnant women never causes characteristic signs of a change in well-being and cannot be detected during instrumental examination. Moderate leukocytosis in itself is a symptom and without taking an anamnesis, examination by specialists, prescribing research, it does not carry any particular clinical significance.

How to lower and how to raise white blood cells

Often patients are interested in how to quickly lower or how to quickly increase white blood cells. At the same time, on the Internet you can find a lot of useless, and sometimes dangerous to health, ways to raise or lower the level of leukocytes with folk remedies.

It is important to understand: an increased or increased level of leukocytes does not require urgent normalization, a comprehensive, thorough examination of the patient and the search for the cause of this phenomenon are needed. And when the cause is eliminated (cured), then the leukocyte count will return to normal.

Low white blood cells - what does it mean?

If there are few leukocytes in the blood, this means that there has been a decrease in the number of white blood cells below 4000 in 1 mm3 (including, as granulocytes , and agranulocytes ), called leukopenia .

Whether white blood cells are low in women or men, the causes of this phenomenon do not differ by gender. So, the following reasons for the low level of this indicator are possible:

  • damage to bone marrow cells chemicals , including medicines;
  • hypoplasia or bone marrow aplasia ;
  • lack of certain vitamins and minerals ( gland , and copper );
  • radiation exposure and radiation sickness ;
  • acute leukemias ;
  • hypersplenism;
  • plasmacytoma;
  • myelodysplastic syndromes;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • metastases tumors in the bone marrow;
  • typhus and paratyphoid ;
  • sepsis ;
  • carriage herpes virus types 7 and 6 ;
  • collagenosis ;
  • taking medicines ( sulfonamides , row , thyreostatics , NSAIDs , cytostatics , antiepileptic and oral antispasmodic drugs ).

Also, when leukocytes are below normal, this means that the patient should exclude thyroid disease.

If the white blood cells are low in the blood of a child, then this may be a symptom of typhoid fever, brucellosis , or viral hepatitis . Anyway leukopenia is a serious phenomenon requiring urgent analysis of its causes.

Increased white blood cells in a smear in women, causes

Normal leukocytes in a smear from the urethra do not exceed 10 units in the field of view, from the cervix - do not exceed 30 units, from the vagina - do not exceed 15 units.

An increased content of leukocytes in a smear may indicate bacterial infections (, genital organs, and others), dysbacteriosis , irritation of the genital organs and elementary non-compliance with the rules of hygiene before sampling.

Leukocytes in the urine are increased, causes

The normal content of leukocytes in the urine of men is 5-7 units per field of view, in women - 7-10 units per field of view. An increase in the content of leukocytes in the urine above the specified norm is called in medicine leukocyturia . Its cause can be both non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, and serious diseases (inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, tuberculosis , kidneys, and others).

Neutrophils are elevated

Normal quantity neutrophils in a blood test is:

  • for stab 1-6% (or 50-300·10 6 /l in absolute terms);
  • for segmented 47-72% (or 2000-5500·10 6 /l in absolute terms).

Neutrophilia - what is it?

A condition in which there is an increase in neutrophils in the blood is called neutrophilia . It can occur with inflammatory purulent processes, infectious acute diseases, insect bites, myocardial infarction after severe blood loss physiological leukocytosis .

Neutrophils are elevated in an adult and a child

In general, the causes of the development of the described condition are similar in people of all ages. It is also known that the expressed neutrophilia characteristic, as a rule, bacterial infection . So, if elevated neutrophils in the blood means:

  • elevated stab neutrophils in an adult or child, they indicate a mild infection or inflammation;
  • stab neutrophilia with the identification metamyelocytes against the backdrop of general leukocytosis observed at purulent-septic complications ;
  • neutrophilia with the identification young leukocytes (promyelocytes, myelocytes, myeloblasts) and lack eosinophils indicates a severe course of purulent-septic and infectious diseases and may worsen the patient's prognosis;
  • causes of increased stab neutrophils with the advent of a large number destroyed segmented forms speaks of inhibition of bone marrow activity caused by severe infectious disorders, endogenous or other reasons;
  • appearance hypersegmented neutrophils can be caused not only radiation sickness or pernicious anemia , but in rare cases it is observed in practically healthy patients;
  • increase segmented forms on the background eosinophilia (neutrophil surge) characteristic of chronic inflammatory processes, myeloproliferative diseases and acute infections.

Increased neutrophils in the blood during pregnancy

The state when neutrophils abs. moderately elevated, that is, up to 10000 10 6 / l in a pregnant woman can be interpreted (subject to the exclusion of pathological conditions) as a variant of the norm, called neutrophilia of pregnant women . Occurs due to the response of the immune system to the process of fetal growth and is characterized by an increased content stab granulocytes . At neutrophilia in pregnant women, it is necessary to monitor the need to regularly do a complete blood count, since these changes can also signal the risk of preterm birth.

Neutrophils are lowered

Neutropenia - this is a condition when neutrophils in the blood are reduced to 1500 10 6 / l or less. It is more common in viral infections. Neutropenia , usually associated with roseola , hepatitis , flu viruses , Epstein-Barra , coxsackie , with infection rickettsiae and mushrooms . The described condition also occurs when radiation sickness , treatment cytostatics , aplastic and B12 deficiency anemia , .

Basophils are elevated

Normal quantity basophils in the blood test is 0.1% (0-65·10 6 /l in absolute terms). These cells take an active part in the reaction allergies and the development of the process of inflammation, neutralization of poisons when bitten by insects and other animals, regulate blood clotting.

Basophils above normal - what does it mean?

Basophilia is an increase in the number basophils above the norm. Reasons for the increase basophils in an adult and the reasons for the increase basophils in a child, they have no fundamental differences and differ only in the frequency of occurrence in different age groups of patients. rheumatoid arthritis , periarteritis nodosa ;

  • intoxication tetrachloroethane or phosphorus .
  • Monopenia

    Monopenia state reverse monocytosis : decrease monocytes below the norm. It can happen for the following reasons:

    • hairy cell leukemia;
    • aplastic anemia;
    • pyogenic infections;
    • surgical interventions;
    • childbirth;
    • stress;
    • shock conditions;
    • treatment glucocorticoids .

    Changes in the level of eosinophils in the blood

    These cells play an important role in the development and suppression of allergic reactions : from elementary nasal congestion () to . Increasing the number eosinophils called in a blood test eosinophilia , and a decrease in their number - eosinopenia.

    Eosinophilia occurs in a fairly extensive list of diseases, including:

    In the vast majority of cases, a decrease in the number eosinophils below the normal level is associated with an increase in adrenocorticoid activity, leading to a delay eosinophils in bone marrow tissues. Availability eosinopenia in the postoperative period shows how severe the patient's status.

    Changes in the level of lymphocytes in the blood

    Content increase lymphocytes (lymphocytosis) seen with:

    • bronchial asthma;
    • chronic radiation sickness;
    • , tuberculosis;
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • drug addiction;
    • after splenectomy ;
    • chronic lymphocytic leukemia .

    Lymphopenia observed in the following cases:

    • malformations of the organs of the lymphoid system;
    • slowdown lymphopoiesis ;
    • destruction acceleration lymphocytes ;
    • agammaglobulinemia;
    • thymoma;
    • leukemia;
    • aplastic anemia;
    • carcinoma , lymphosarcoma ;
    • Cushing's disease ;
    • systemic lupus erythematosus ;
    • treatment corticosteroids;
    • tuberculosis and other diseases.


    If you have developed leukocytosis , it is important to remember that this is not a disease, but an indicator of the pathological process, after the removal of which, the tests return to normal. To do this, you should not interpret the indicators yourself, but you need to contact an experienced specialist (for starters, a therapist) in order to prescribe a comprehensive examination and make a correct diagnosis.

    Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university, he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

    Work experience: Work in the general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Work as a pharmaceutical representative for a year in the Rubicon company.

    He presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works won prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works (categories 1 and 3).