What "signals" a dry nose in a dog. Why does a dog have a wet nose A dog has a dry cold nose

It is almost certain that the potential dog breeder is fully convinced that her nose should be exceptionally cool and moist. Any deviations are often mistaken for one of the symptoms, just the dog's ailments. Is this so, and yet, what kind of nose should a healthy dog ​​have, we will consider below.

cold dog nose

Have you ever wondered why it is generally accepted that the humidity and coolness of the nose is the norm for a pet? The thing is that the animal does not have the opportunity to sweat, like a person. And the nose is just that mucosa that secretes a secret in order to balance the heat balance. For the same reason, during a period of extreme heat, dogs and cats stick out their tongues: you and I take off excess clothes, they also provide a large area of ​​​​mucosa for secretion.

Therefore, it is generally accepted that the nose of a dog should be exceptionally cold and necessarily wet. But, like in humans, deviations from the accepted norm do not always mean the onset of a disease or a pet’s malaise. This largely depends on the age and breed of the dog, its individual characteristics, activity and lifestyle.

For example, for puppies or some breeds, a little is quite normal after an active game, sometimes after sleep or a state of rest. Sometimes the nose remains wet, but warm. Many chronic diseases affect the normal state of the pet's mucosa, and this is not necessarily within the accepted norms, here you will consider individual changes specifically for your dog.

We pay attention if the dog's nose remains a little wet and cold, but the mucous membranes have changed their color. It is the change of color that should attract your attention more than dryness. By the way, we often ask ourselves what kind of nose a healthy dog ​​should have, but we do not notice the rest of the points. For example, wheezing, sniffing, sneezing are accompanied by a completely normal state of the mucous membrane, although the animal is sick. Conversely, a completely healthy dog ​​walks with a warm nose. Many animals react in this way to changes in temperature, sudden changes in air humidity, or active outdoor play. That is why a cold nose in a dog with characteristic moisture is not a guarantee of health. Usually, breeders recommend observing the behavior of the dog, any changes in its habitual mode, and drawing conclusions based on this. So taking the nose as an indicator is not always correct.

Everyone is used to the fact that a dry nose in a dog indicates its illness. In a sense, this is true, although it is not an absolute truth.

However, it is important to consider this symptom when diagnosing various diseases.

Causes of dry nose in a puppy

One of the most common causes of a dry, hot nose in a puppy. Often it can occur on low-quality plastic, for example, from which toys are made of a small pet or its bowls for food and water.

An allergic reaction can also occur to plant pollen, dust, chemicals (eg detergents). Also, some breeds (often decorative) have an allergic reaction to certain foods. A dry nose can also signal. And then she may experience other symptoms, such as:

  • runny nose,
  • sneezing,
  • hoarseness,
  • cough.

In addition, the nose can dry out when it is injured. Then you can notice swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers on it. Even a dog can develop an autoimmune skin disease such as pemphigus.

In some cases, a dry nose in a dog is normal.

Before you panic about a dry nose in a pet, you should find out in which situations this is completely normal. For example, a dog's nose becomes dry and hot during sleep, from overwork (for example, after running for a walk), during nervous excitement or stress.

For example, a puppy may be frightened by an aggressive adult dog. The weather also affects the condition of the nose and it becomes dry both in very hot climates and in extreme cold. During the heat, the dog should be given enough to drink, and after a walk, lubricate the nose with aloe juice. After a walk in cold weather, the dog's nose is wiped with warm water.

For many, dogs are their best friends and beloved pets. Unfortunately, they cannot talk, and if they suddenly get sick, they are not able to report their poor health. Perhaps a dog nose can help with this. Everyone is well aware of the fact that the canine organ of smell is much stronger and more sensitive than the human. Dogs are able to smell faint odors, and even a long distance is not a hindrance to them. That is why people actively use this feature, for example, to search for drugs, despite the fact that they can be well hidden. Even in the most inaccessible places for dogs, such work is not impossible.

Scientists, having studied such a wonderful sense organ, came to the conclusion that dogs have several different smells for perception and analysis. These receptors are located at different levels of the olfactory organ. Some odors are retained at the entrance due to sputum, which allows other odors to penetrate deeper into the nose of the animal. This allows him to more accurately analyze the smell. But still, why does the dog have such a wet and cold nose? This has interested people for a very long time, which is why there are many legends on this topic on the Internet and other sources.

What is a dog's olfactory organ?

When people talk about a dog's nose, they only mean the top of it. The animal has a nasolabial mirror, consisting of a long cartilage protruding beyond the incisors. The nose consists of its top, lateral parts, root and back. He is also not covered in hair. The serous gland secretes a special mucus, and it is found on the nasolabial mirror in large quantities. This is why the dog's nose is wet and cold to the touch. This is necessary, since it is this feature that allows you to capture odors better. Noses vary in size and shape in the canine world. But no matter what they look like, they are essential to survival.

Why do dogs have wet noses?

Pay attention to the surface of your pet's nose to help keep it healthy. In order to catch the subtlest odors, as well as their direction, it is necessary that the dog's nose be moist. Once in the olfactory organs, the molecule begins to move at different speeds due to the glands that secrete the secret. It is this property that allows the dog to separate smells from each other and, accordingly, analyze them correctly. Moisture is very important for a dog's sense of smell. Animals keep them moist all the time and automatically lick their noses when they get dry.

Smart dogs don't want to miss important information because of a dry nose. So, a wet nose helps the animal to smell and see the world better. By the way, this organ also helps keep the animal cool. Dogs have long tongues that can easily reach the tip of their nose. This applies even to such a breed as a collie. As seen in the photo below, she has a very long nose.

Why do they lick their noses?

Dogs do this to keep them clean, as they get dirty all the time. Animals often poke their noses when learning something new, sticking them into wet grass, leaves, plants, puddles, food, and so on. They also lick the organ to moisten the surface of the nose, which contributes to the preservation of an excellent scent.

So, following from the information above, a wet nose is the norm. Why is it dry in dogs? This is not always a good sign. Many people think that a dog with a wet nose is perfectly healthy. And when he gets sick, he will be dry for her. This is not always true. In a sick dog, it can also be wet and cold.

dry nose

Any physical activity associated with dehydration can cause the nose to become dry and warm. In some dogs, this occurs with age or after exposure to the senses of a strong wind or sun. So a dry nose is not always a sign of trouble. It is for this reason that this organ is not an indicator of measuring the overall body temperature. So if your dog is hot and dry and he is acting normal, there is no cause for alarm. And when dryness in the nose is accompanied by other signs of illness, she becomes lethargic and loses her appetite. There is no need for a veterinarian here. If the skin around the nose becomes red or if the organ becomes cracked or ulcerated, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately. Excessive humidity is also a bad indicator of health. Clear discharge is still normal, but if you notice an excess of mucus or if it becomes thick, again, veterinary attention is required. Discharge of this kind can mean respiratory infections or even the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passages.

Why do dogs have warm but wet noses?

Is a warm nose a cause for concern? This is often normal for an animal. Although many dog ​​breeders raise a panic about this and immediately take their pets to the doctor. Therefore, this fact can be called another false statement. If the dog was asleep or the room was dry from heating, the nose may become warm.

The same effect will be from the fact that she experienced strong physical exertion or played with sand, burrowing her nose into it. Another reason is cold or hot weather. If your pet with a warm nose is joyful and cheerful, he has a great appetite, then there is no reason to worry and panic. But indeed, sometimes a warm nose can be a sign of illness.

If your pet is very lethargic, does not respond to commands in any way, and the nose is not only warm, but also dry, then this is a reason to see a doctor. Especially if this organ is covered with some kind of secretions or crusts. It is necessary to give the animal water and do not disturb him for a while.


As we have already found out, a wet organ is the norm. And what does the hot nose of your beloved pet say? This may be the same situation as with a warm nose. It all depends on the behavior of the dog, the reaction to the outside world and the actions after which the nose became hot and dry.

But often this is a warning sign. For example, it can be a consequence of an allergy. The latter can be not only of a plant nature. This is a reaction to detergents, foods and chemicals. Sometimes owners have to change even food bowls for better ones that do not contain toxic substances.

So, we found out why dogs have a wet nose.

Pets are not able to tell that they feel bad. But a caring owner can always notice this by various signs. One of the main indicators of a dog's well-being is the condition of the nasal mucosa.

The mucosa can be dry or wet, hot, warm or cool, clean, ulcerated or wounded. All violations indicate that the functions of this organ are not fully performed, and the reason may lie both in pathology and in external conditions.

In a dog, unlike a person, the mucous membrane is located not only inside the nostrils, but also on the surface of the olfactory organ. It contains a large number of small glands that constantly secrete a mucous secret. This lubricant performs an important function: it contributes to the perception and enhancement of all odors that surround the animal. As you know, for a dog, the sense of smell plays the role of the most important sense with which the pet is oriented in the world around him, so the loss of this opportunity is reflected in the general behavior.

In order to keep the humidity at the right level, the nose should be moderately cool. When its temperature rises, the mucosa dries up faster than a new secret has time to develop.

Exceptions to the rules

Despite the fact that it is normal to have a wet and cool nose, there are times when temporary dryness does not indicate a possible serious illness.

If dryness manifested itself for the first time, it is important to pay attention to such factors:

  • After a long sleep, the lobe is often warmer and drier than usual. It goes away within a few minutes after waking up.
  • Allergy. The most common cause of allergic reactions in domestic dogs is a feeder made of plastic or other materials. The best option is a stainless steel bowl, which almost never causes allergies.
  • On the hottest days, the air becomes too dry, which affects both the mucous membranes in dogs and humans. An unpleasant sensation will quickly pass after treating the lobe with water or a weak solution of calendula.
  • Insufficient moisture sometimes appears due to injury. It does not necessarily manifest itself outwardly, but if the dog hits its nose, then the work of the glands may be disturbed for a short time, after which it will recover on its own.
  • After severe physical overwork, the condition of the mucosa may worsen, but as soon as the animal rests, all indicators will return to normal.
  • Moral experiences and stress affect dogs no less than their owners. The reason for the drying of the nose is often fright, separation from someone from the household or other dog troubles. When a puppy moves to a new home, this picture is considered typical. Everything will be restored as soon as the adaptation period ends, and the pet gets used to the new place of residence.

In all the above cases, in a healthy dog, the condition of the nose becomes normal in a short time after the irritant is removed.

cold nose

Too cold surface of the lobe can be a sign of a significant decrease in the body temperature of the animal. The rest of the body is covered with hair, so it is the nose that gives an idea of ​​the coolness of the skin.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • hypothermia;
  • colds or viruses;
  • serious malfunctions in the work of internal organs.

In this case, the main signals indicating that the dog urgently needs to be shown to a specialist are:

  • dull or watery eyes;
  • bloodless gums;
  • cold surface of the ears;
  • wheezing.

hot and dry

Too high temperature of the nasal mucosa is almost always combined with dryness. Such a symptom always speaks of a disease that causes fever. The reasons for this are infectious pathology or significant trauma, as well as the inflammatory process. First of all, it is important to make sure that the dog does not experience heat stroke.

An immediate visit to the veterinarian is necessary in cases where a hot and dry nose is combined with the following symptoms:

  • weakness, lethargy, and longer sleep times than usual;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased irritability and aggression;
  • the dog tries to hide in a secluded place where no one will disturb him;
  • obvious intestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting);
  • swelling of the nose;
  • blisters and peeling on the mucosa;
  • frequent sneezing and paroxysmal cough, runny nose;
  • hoarse voice.

It's good if the dog manages to take the temperature. The values ​​of this parameter differ for dogs of different ages and sizes, and also change in pregnant or lactating bitches.

First aid

When a hot and dry nose is found in an animal, the underlying cause must be identified. This can be done professionally in a veterinary clinic. It is possible that in addition to a visual inspection, you will have to take tests.

But as long as the dog has not yet been delivered to the clinic, its condition can be alleviated with the help of basic techniques. To do this, follow these tips:

  • provide your pet with constant access to water;
  • in case of allergies, remove all flowering plants from the apartment;
  • in winter, lubricate the nasal mucosa with cotton wool soaked in water or in a weak physiological solution;
  • treat the lobe with an ointment based on calendula extract or fresh aloe juice.

The owner must remember that it is impossible to give the animal any medication before being examined by a specialist: this can disrupt the overall picture of the disease or affect the tests that will be prescribed to find the cause.

The condition of the nose is the main parameter by which it is easy to control the changes that occur with the dog, so you need to monitor it periodically, comparing it with the norm in a healthy dog. By monitoring it, you can quickly detect the onset of pathological processes and provide the pet with first aid in a timely manner.

If a dog has a cold nose, then its moisture indicates good health. This is quite natural. The sense of smell is the main receptor of the dog, with the help of which it orients itself in the world around it. It is so strong that the animal can easily catch even a faint smell at a distance of more than 100 meters. Thus, a four-legged pet becomes an excellent assistant for a person, for example, in the search for explosives or drugs. The dog's nose simultaneously acts as a respiratory and olfactory organ. In addition, it is a "barometer" in determining the healthy state of the animal.

Why is a dog's nose wet and cold?

The dog's nose has a rather complex and interesting design, which consists of the top, back, side parts and root. It is on that part of the nose (apex), where there is no hairline, that the serous glands are located, due to which the surface of the lobe is cold and wet to the touch.

Studies have shown that many receptors are located in the dog's nose, with the help of which the animal is able to determine the smell and its place of origin as accurately as possible. Phlegm on the nose is able to retain some of the odors so that others can get into the depths of the nose.

Also, the moisture of the nose is necessary in order to determine the direction of air movement, which carries odors. Even a person, having wet his finger and raised it up, uses this method to determine the direction of the wind. Signs of a healthy pet:

  1. Thick and rich in color coat. The dog sheds twice a year for one month;
  2. Absence of pus and redness in the eyes;
  3. Wet and cold nose. After the dog wakes up from sleep, the nose may be slightly dry and warm. This happens because the animal's body temperature rises during sleep. Many novice dog breeders are not accustomed to thinking about why a dog's nose is cold and wet. The reason for this is the almost complete absence of sweat glands, which are located only on the surface of the nose and in the oral cavity. Thanks to these glands, the dog cools his body and body;
  4. A change in the color of the tongue and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth indicates health problems;
  5. Smooth breathing. In a healthy state, the dog takes about 15 - 25 breaths in and out for one minute. Exceptions are small breeds, puppies, pregnant women. Absence of hoarseness and cough;
  6. The normal body temperature of a dog is 37 - 39 degrees.

Why is the dog's nose so cold, given the high temperature of the animal? This is because the sweat released during evaporation cools the tip of the nose, thereby helping to maintain normal body temperature.

To measure the temperature of a pet, a thermometer is used, which is inserted into the anus. Three minutes is enough for this.

Causes of a dry nose in a pet

We found that a cold nose in a dog indicates good health. But dryness of the nose can be a sign of the onset of the disease. Possible reasons for this phenomenon may be the following circumstances:

  1. Cold. In addition to a dry nose, other signs of the disease may appear. Among them: coughing, sneezing.
  2. After complete recovery, the dog's nose will return to its usual wet state;
  3. Allergy. A variety of objects and factors can act as an irritant, ranging from lilac blossoms to plastic eating utensils. To determine the allergen, you should carefully monitor the behavior of your pet and gradually eliminate possible pathogens. There are also tests to solve this problem;
  4. Nose injury. You can determine it yourself, but it is better to contact a specialist;
    Pemphigus is an autoimmune disease. Signs of the disease are the appearance of small blisters not only on the nose, but, sometimes, on other parts of the body. After they burst, a characteristic crust begins to form on the surface of the nose. Thanks to histology, this disease can be confirmed.
  5. Dry nose can be the result of dehydration. So remember to regularly refill your pet's bowl with water.
  6. Weather factors (high heat, frost, dry air) can affect the condition of the dog's nose.

What measures should be taken for dry nose

In the case of using a plastic bowl for feeding, it must be replaced with a metal or glass one. Keep utensils clean;

  • In the spring, avoid flowering plants while walking.
  • If the temperature is high, do not delay the visit to the veterinarian;
  • For preventive purposes, you can sometimes lubricate the nose with calendula.
  • Experts recommend that pet owners treat and monitor the behavior of their pet.
  • Changes in his habits can give a good clue to recognize the disease.

Serious problems can arise when a dog's nose becomes hot as well as dry. This means that the animal has a fever. Other symptoms may also appear: weakness, thirst, lethargy, indifference to food. The situation can be especially dangerous if your pet is still quite a puppy. You should immediately seek help from a veterinarian and take steps to recover your dog. It is not uncommon for the disease to be fatal. If there are no additional symptoms, then the pet may have overheated in the sun.

What does a very cold nose in a dog indicate?

If your pet's nose is icy and wet to the touch, then this is a clear sign of low body temperature.

The reasons can be varied: ordinary hypothermia, disease. Take a close look at your pet. If you find any violations (dull eyes, cold ears, pale gums), immediately seek help from a specialist. A variant of a violation in the work of the dog's organs is possible.

Based on the foregoing, now you know why the dog's nose is so wet and cold, and what needs to be done if its habitual state changes. Of course, it is impossible to determine what your pet is sick by looking at the nose, but this greatly helps to prevent possible serious diseases. Most importantly, do not forget to keep an eye on your four-legged friend.

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