On the designer of rocket engines a m issaev. Rocket engine designer Alexei Mikhailovich Isaev

Aleksey Mikhailovich Isaev, Chief Designer of Chemical Engineering, Head of Work on the Development of Engines for Aviation and Space Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the Lenin Prize, Laureate of the Stalin Prize and
USSR State Prize.

Website dedicated to A. M. Isaev: www.isaev-a-m.ru

Biography of Alexei Mikhailovich Isaev

Born in St. Petersburg, in the family of assistant professor of St. Petersburg University, Mikhail Mikhailovich Isaev.

He received his education at a boarding school organized by his father, where famous teachers taught - physicist G.I. Faleev, mathematician A.N. Kolmogorov, writer V.E. Beklemisheva.

1918. Father A. M. Isaev M. M. Isaev moves to work in Moscow.

1920. The Isaev family moved to the village of Potylikha near Moscow.

The Isaev family moved to Moscow.

1925. He graduated from high school and, at the insistence of his father, entered the Mining Academy.

Isaev in the 30s

June 1930. By the decision of the regional committee of the trade union of miners, Isaev was expelled from the members of the union and expelled from the academy a year before graduation.

August 1930. A.M. Isaev made a trip to the construction of Magnitogorsk under the influence of impressions from mining practice in the mines of Donbass. One of the giants was the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. A.M. Isaev wrote a letter to Magnitostroy and received an agreement to work.

Decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Committee of the Union of Miners of the USSR, which cancels the decision of the Moscow Committee on the exclusion of Isaev from the members of the union and expulsion from the academy.

October 1931.
Returns to Moscow and continues his studies at the Mining Institute.

December 1931. Graduated from the Moscow Mining Institute. He worked in large design organizations, including the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

March-September 1932. AM Isaev is working on the construction of the plant "Zaporizhstal".

September 1932-December 1933.
Isaev is an employee of the Giproorgstroy Institute.

December 1933-June 1934.
Participates in the construction of the Tagil Metallurgical Plant.

October 1934.
He was accepted as a designer of a brigade of mechanisms and chassis at the design bureau of V.F. Bolkhovitinov at aircraft plant No. 22, where he was engaged in the development of the chassis of the long-range bomber DB-A and the short-range bomber "C".

April 1937 Transfer of Bolkhovitinov Design Bureau to an aircraft factory in Kazan. Isaev was appointed head of the group.

August 1938.
Transfer of Bolkhovitinov Design Bureau to an aviation plant in the Moscow Region.

A. M. Isaev marries T. N. Lodyzhina. They lived together until her death in early 1957.

December 1939. Appointed as the lead designer of the experimental aircraft "I".

1940. Bolkhovitipov Design Bureau became an independent enterprise (factory).

Isaev had a son, Peter.

July 1941. A proposal was submitted to the government by the design bureau of the plant and the RNII on the development of a fighter-interceptor with a liquid-propellant rocket engine (the proposal was signed, in particular, by V. F. Bolkhovitinov, A. Ya. Bereznyak, A. M. Isaev, L. S. Dushkin).

01.08.1941 Decree of the GKO on the creation of a BI aircraft (an interceptor fighter with a liquid-propellant rocket engine) - the first full-fledged aircraft in the USSR with a liquid-propellant rocket engine. The design bureau of V.F. Bolkhovitinov began to develop the BI-1 short-range fighter.

October 1941. Evacuation of the plant in Bilimbay, Sverdlovsk region.

15.05.1942. On the BI plane, pilot G.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi made the first flight from the Koltsovo airfield in the village of Bilimbay near Sverdlovsk, where in 1941 the design bureau was evacuated under the leadership of V.F. Bolkhovitinov.

A. M. Isaev first worked on fine-tuning the existing aircraft engine (provided by NII-3), later on creating a new RD-1 engine for this aircraft.

Such creators of rocket and aviation technology as Alexander Yakovlevich Bereznyak, Leonid Stepanovich Dushkin, Arvid Vladimirovich Pallo also participated in the design of an aircraft with a rocket engine.

The BI-1 aircraft went down in history, and quite unexpectedly changed the profession of A.M. Isaev. The project, started by two visionary engineers, became the common cause of a large design bureau headed by an outstanding aircraft designer
Viktor Fyodorovich Bolkhovitinov.

The bottleneck turned out to be the engine, the "pot", as it was then called, a small rocket engine. The engine started badly, burned, exploded. V.F. Bolkhovitinov instructed A.M. Isaev to take care of the engine, as he put it, "without handicraft, seriously and for a long time."

In the Bolkhovitinov Design Bureau, a small subdivision was created with the task of fine-tuning the LRE (KB-D). Isaev was appointed head of the unit (deputy technical head of KB-D). KB-D staff - 5 people.

27.03.1943. The death of G. Ya. Bakhchivandzhi (7th flight of the BI aircraft).

25.05.1943. The return of the plant to Khimki near Moscow from evacuation.

21.06.1943. By order of V.F. Bolkhovitinov, a department of engines was created in the structure of the plant, headed by Isaev. The staff of the department is 27 people.

Since then, a new job for Isaev - the design, manufacture, testing of liquid rocket engines and propulsion systems - has become his main activity.

A division was formed at Aviation Plant No. 293 (headed by V.F. Bolkhovitinov), which later grew into a team whose main purpose was the creation of a rocket engine, from which the Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering was subsequently formed.

December 1943.
Start of work on the RD-1 engine.

18.02.1944. In accordance with the Decree of the State Defense Committee, Plant No. 293 became part of NII-1 of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry of the USSR as a branch.

Order of the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry of the USSR, instructing (in pursuance of the GKO resolution) designers Glushko, Isaev and Dushkin to "build and submit for state tests" aircraft engines.

By order of the institute, Isaev was appointed head of the department, which, like all divisions of the former plant, became part of the institute's branch.

1944. Isaev was appointed chief designer of the design bureau.

October 1944.
State tests of the RD-1 engine.

End of 1944.
Start of work on the RD-1M engine.

24.01-09.03.1945. Flight tests of the seventh copy of the BI aircraft with the RD-1 engine (the last stage of work on the BI aircraft).

Early 1945.
The department began to create the U-1250 engine.

June 1945 - to 1946. Employees of the Institute are sent to Germany.

03.07-08.09 1945. Isaev was in Germany as part of the specialists of the interdepartmental commission for special purposes, who studied German rocket technology. The commission included S.P. Korolev, N.A. Pilyugin, V.P. Mishin, L.A. Voskresensky, M.S. Ryazansky, B.E. Chertok, A.M. Isaev, V.I. Kuznetsov, V.P. Glushko, etc.

16.09.1945. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding the employees of the institute with orders and medals for exemplary performance of government assignments. Isaev was awarded the Order of Lenin.

End of 1945.
Start of work on launch booster (SU-1500) for aircraft.

May-June 1946. Factory tests of the RD-1M engine.

1946. P
about the idea of ​​A.M. Isaev in his design bureau tested an all-welded LRE combustion chamber, which ensured significantly more reliable engine operation than the previously used chambers.

June 1946. A branch was separated from the institute and a plant was formed on its basis. M. R. Bisnovat was appointed director and chief designer of the plant.

July-September 1946.
Factory tests of the U-1250 engine.

August-September 1946. Start of work on the U-400-10 engine for an experimental unmanned supersonic aircraft ("model"), chief designer Bisnovat.

23.10.1946. Branch No. 1 was liquidated, and A.M. Isaev was returned to NII-1.

End of 1946. Isaev is entrusted with the development of an eight-ton engine using nitric acid and kerosene for an anti-aircraft missile. Start of work on this engine.

1947. Isaev makes the most important decision for himself and his team to move to the head research institute.

In NII-1 MAP, OKB-2 is being created under the leadership of A.M. Isaev, who participates in work on rocket technology.

During this period, the Isaev Design Bureau worked out the U-2000 engine for a surface-to-air missile and the U-400-2 engine for an air-to-sea cruise missile. Alexei Mikhailovich Isaev began to work on the idea of ​​a closed-loop rocket engine with a turbopump unit.

August 1947. Tests (flights) of an experimental unmanned supersonic aircraft ("model") with a U-400-10 engine.

30.08.1947. Order of the Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR on the appointment of L. S. Dushkin, M. M. Bondaryuk and A. M. Isaev as chief designers for RD, while retaining the duties of heads of departments, as well as on the assignment of design degrees and the establishment of personal salaries.

09.02, 05.03, 29.03.1948. Testing chambers with a thrust of 8 tons at the stand of Isaev Design Bureau (on the territory of the plant). At each test, the chambers were destroyed with an explosion.

April-May 1948. Construction of a temporary stand for testing a chamber with a thrust of 8 tons on the territory of the head institute.

May 1948. Isaev's division is transferred to NII-88 of the Ministry of Armaments, where it is transformed into department No. 9 of the Special Design Bureau.

02.06.1948. The first test of the chamber with a thrust of 8 tons on a temporary stand.

01.06.1948. Transfer of Isaev Design Bureau to the head research institute. A total of 22 people were transferred.

Even before the transfer, it was allowed to organize Isaev's production experimental base on the territory of NII-88. The 1st division of the future Isaev Design Bureau, created at NII-88, turned out to be workshop 105. Then the construction of the stand of department No. 9 began.

At the same time, a test station of department No. 8 was created, the construction of which was completed in 1949.

1948. Isaev was awarded the Stalin Prize of the 3rd degree.

03.06.1948. Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the award of State Prizes for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods for 1947. Isaev, "the chief designer of engine building for the development of the design of a new engine for aircraft," was awarded a third-class prize. Isaev was presented to the award by the leadership of the research institute for the creation of the U-400-10 engine.

1949. The construction of a testing station at the head institute has been completed.

May 1949.
Start of work on a four-chamber engine with a thrust of 8 tons.

1950. Isaev was elected a deputy of the district Council of Working People's Deputies.

June 1950 As a result of the reorganization of NII-88, Department No. 8 of the Special Design Bureau ceased to exist; the employees and property of the latter were transferred to Department No. 9, which then employed 500 people.

During this period, the Isaev Design Bureau worked out the U-2000 engine for a surface-to-air missile and the U-400-2 engine for an air-to-sea cruise missile.

When developing an engine with a thrust of 8 tf for the rocket "205" S.A. Lavochkin, the developers encountered phenomena that were inexplicable at that time: the liquid-propellant rocket engine exploded on the stand in the first seconds of operation.

Much later it turned out that the reason for this was high-frequency oscillations. In the meantime, Isaev proposed an engine-bundle of four chambers with a thrust of 2 tf each.

In the first half of the 1950s, the eight-tonne problem was solved by installing antipulsion baffles.

In the future, this method of suppressing pulsations was widely used in the practice of engine building.

15.08.1950. The first tests of the chamber with partitions (thrust 8t).

September 1950
Successful tests of the chamber with a thrust of 8 tons.

Death of M. M. Isaev - father of A. M. Isaev.

1951-1955. Development at the head research institute under the leadership of chief designer S.P. Korolev of the first Soviet long-term storage ballistic missile. The rocket uses an engine and a liquid-fuel source of gas developed by Isaev Design Bureau to displace fuel components from the tanks (ZHAD).

Under the leadership of A.M. Isaev, for the first time in the USSR, gas generators were created that worked on two-component rocket fuel with a large excess of fuel or oxidizer.

Gas generators of this type have found application in displacement fuel supply systems (liquid pressure accumulator), for driving HP turbines and pressurizing fuel tanks, as well as in closed circuit RD proposed by Isaev.

August 1951.
Isaev was accepted as a member of the CPSU (b).

March 1952.
Due to the difficulties encountered in the creation of a liquid-propellant rocket engine with a thrust of 8 tf, NII-88 created 2 Design Bureaus for LRE to duplicate the work: Design Bureau-2 on the basis of Department No. 9 (Chief Designer A.M. Isaev) and Design Bureau-3 (Chief Designer D.I. D. Sevruk).

Isaev's success aroused the interest of S.P. Korolev, who uses the eight-ton Isaev engine on high-boiling components in his short-range missile R-11 and its naval modification R-11FM. This laid the foundation for the further use of Isaev's LRE on naval missiles, even after the transfer of this topic from Korolev to SKB-385 V.P. Makeev.

1952-1958. The work of OKB-2 on the creation of the LRE was progressing successfully, the need for duplication of work on the creation of the LRE was eliminated, and in December 1958, by order of the State Committee for Defense Technology, OKB-2 and OKB-3
were merged into one unit led by A.M. Isaev. It retained the name OKB-2.
The number of employees was about 2500 people.

since 1954. Isaev's design bureau began developing the first engines with pumped fuel supply, including an engine for an anti-aircraft missile. New LRE with TNA for the second stage of S-75 air defense missiles and a four-chamber LRE for boosters of the Burya intercontinental cruise missile are being developed.

1956. For the creation of a long-term storage ballistic missile, A. M. Isaev, like S. P. Korolev, was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

A. M. Isaev marries A. D. Shcherbakova.

The mother of A. M. Isaev, M. B. Isaeva, died.

July 1958 For the creation of an anti-aircraft missile, Isaev was awarded the Lenin Prize.

December 1958
OKB-2 A.M. Isaeva and OKB-3 D.D. Sevruk united in OKB-2 NII-88 under the leadership of A.M. Isaev, which in January 1959, by order of the State Committee for Defense Technology, separated from NII-88.

The design bureau is developing a brake propulsion system (TDU) for the future Vostok spacecraft, which will later be used on the Voskhod and Zenit-2 photo reconnaissance satellites.

For subsequent Soviet controlled spacecraft, Isaev's design bureau was already developing KTDU - corrective and braking propulsion systems, which are used in all spacecraft of the Soyuz series. In addition, KTDU of Isaev Design Bureau are used at all Soviet and Russian orbital stations of the Salyut, Mir series and, partially, at the ISS, in unmanned satellites (Molniya, Kosmos) and interplanetary spacecraft Luna, " Mars", "Venus", "Probe".

Under the N1-L3 program for a manned flight to the Moon, a KTDU for a lunar orbital vehicle (LOK) and the first oxygen-hydrogen rocket engine in the USSR were developed.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 04/20/1956 "For the successful fulfillment of the Government's tasks for the creation of a ballistic missile", Alexei Mikhailovich Isaev was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

16.01.1959. OKB-2 was separated from the NII-88 into an independent organization.

Isaev, without defending a dissertation, was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences ("... given the contribution made by A. M. Isaev to the development of domestic rocket engine building, which made it possible to put a number of rocket systems into service with the SA." Decision of the Institute's Academic Council).

The Higher Attestation Commission approved the decision of the STC NII to award Isaev the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Start of work on the space complex with the Vostok spacecraft. The ship "Vostok" used a brake propulsion system created in the Isaev Design Bureau. The Vostok spacecraft was the first dynamically active spacecraft. Subsequently, Isaev's design bureau developed a large number of propulsion systems and engines for such vehicles.

The Isaevs had a daughter, Ekaterina.

1959. Isaev was elected a member of the plenum of the CC CPSU. Later he was elected permanently.

1959. The beginning of the development of the propulsion system for the Luna spacecraft, with the help of which the correction of the trajectory of movement to the Moon, the transfer of the station to the orbit of the Moon's satellite, and the soft landing on the surface of the Moon were carried out.

1959. The beginning of the development of the propulsion system for the apparatus "Mars". Task: trajectory correction.

1960. Beginning of the development of the propulsion system for the "Venus" vehicles. Task: trajectory correction.

1961. Beginning of the development of the propulsion system for more complex spacecraft "Mars", "Venus". Task: trajectory correction.

Beginning of the development of the propulsion system for the spacecraft "Zond", "Mars". Task: orbit correction, trajectory correction.

Those who participated in the creation of the space complex with the Vostok spacecraft and carried out the first manned flight into space, created new rocket systems, were awarded. For the exemplary performance of government tasks, the enterprise was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. A. M. Isaev received the 3rd Order of Lenin.

1962. Beginning of the development of the propulsion system for Soyuz spacecraft. Task: correction of the trajectory, rendezvous of ships, transfer of the ship from orbit to the descent trajectory.

1962. Start of development of the engine for the Polet spacecraft. Task: changing the parameters of the orbit.

1962. Beginning of engine development for the second stage of the Kosmos launch vehicle.

1962. Beginning of the development of a propulsion system for the Molniya relay satellite of the Orbita system. Task: orbit correction.

Beginning of the development of the propulsion system for advanced spacecraft "Venus". Task: trajectory correction.

1965. Beginning of engine development for Luna vehicles. Task: correction of the trajectory, transition from the trajectory to the orbit of the Moon's satellite, soft landing on the surface of the Moon.

1965. A.M. Isaev was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the city of Kaliningrad (now Korolev), Moscow Region.

1966. Beginning of the development of the propulsion system for spacecraft "Zond". Task: correction of the orbit (trajectory), transfer of the apparatus from orbit to the descent trajectory.

OKB-2 was renamed into "Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering" (KBKhM).

1968. Beginning of the development of an engine for more advanced spacecraft "Luna", an engine for a device returning to Earth.

1968. The construction of the production and laboratory building and building No. 301 of the KBHM branch (a test station in the village of Faustovo, Moscow Region) was completed, and in March 1971 - the engineering building (KB).

1968. A. M. Isaev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR for the creation of a new missile system and the 4th Order of Lenin.

1969. Beginning of the development of the engine for the spacecraft "Mars". Task: correction of the trajectory, transfer of the apparatus to the orbit of a satellite of Mars, correction of the orbit.

1970. Beginning of the development of the propulsion system for the Salyut orbital station. Task: orbit correction.

09.06. 1971
A. M. Isaev received the Order of the October Revolution.

25.07.1971. A.M. Isaev died suddenly. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (plot 4, row 47, place 18).

1978. One of the central series "Moon", "Mars", "Venus", "Zond", "Lightning", "Flight", "Cosmos", orbital stations "Salyut" and others was named after Isaev.

A.M. Isaev and his school carried out the following most significant scientific and technological achievements and developments:

  • creation of flat heads of combustion chambers with a staggered
  • the location of single-component nozzles;
  • application of curtain cooling of the fire wall of the combustion chamber
  • using a special peripheral row of nozzles;
  • creation of combustion chambers with associated shells;
  • the use of anti-pulsation baffles ("cross") for
  • elimination of high-frequency vibrations;
  • development of principles and implementation of the design of an all-welded
  • non-separable rocket engine;
  • the creation of a liquid-propellant rocket engine launched under water;
  • development of the idea of ​​factory refueling of rocket tanks with fuel (ampulization);
  • development of ideas, principles, design and technology of LRE,
  • "drowned" in fuel components;
  • development of a chemical liquid fuel battery
  • pressure to displace fuel from rocket tanks;
  • introduction into the design of combustion chambers of two-component
  • centrifugal nozzles;
  • development and creation of repetitively switched on liquid rocket engines for spacecraft, spacecraft and stations operating under conditions of long stay in outer space
  • both in near-Earth orbit and in interplanetary orbits of spacecraft;
  • development and creation of small (thrust up to 600 kgf) chambers
  • combustion with ablative cooling;
  • development and implementation of the method of fire control and technological
  • LRE tests without overhaul;
  • creation of the first domestic space rocket engine
  • on liquid oxygen and hydrogen;
  • development and implementation in LRE of the possibility of shutdown after
  • consumption of one of the fuel components;
  • development and use as part of propulsion systems
  • LRE space vehicles with chambers made of refractory metals;
  • development and practical application of propulsion means
  • to minimize the time of unguided rocket flight during the period
  • separation of rocket stages;
  • development and practical application of controls
  • thrust vector LRE and LRE for the upper stages of ballistic missiles,
  • launched from submarines (SLBMs);
  • development and practical application of pumping supply to the engine
  • when changing the fluid flow rate by 7-20 times to ensure the appropriate operating modes of the propulsion system of the upper stages of SLBMs;
  • development and practical application of centrifugal pumps
  • with super high suction power.
see also:

Source: www.isaev-a-m.ru, space-memorial.narod.ru

Isaev Aleksey Mikhailovich - Soviet design engineer, creator of liquid rocket engines, chief designer of OKB-2 NII-88 of the USSR Ministry of Defense Industry.

Born on October 11 (24), 1908 in St. Petersburg in the family of a Privatdozent of St. Petersburg University, later a prominent Soviet specialist in criminal law and a member of the Supreme Court of the USSR. Russian. Since 1918 he lived with his family in Moscow, since 1920 - in the village of Potylikh, Moscow province, since 1923 - again in Moscow.

In 1925 he graduated from high school and entered the Moscow Mining Academy. In June 1930, he was expelled from the last year of the academy, and in August of the same year he left for the construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In September 1931, the decision to expel A.M. Isaev was canceled, he returned to the academy and continued his studies, graduating from the academy in December 1931. In January 1932 A.M. Isaev again left for the construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, in March of the same year - for the construction of the Zaporizhstal plant. Since September 1932, he was an engineer at the Giproorgstroy Institute, working on the construction of the Tagil Metallurgical Plant.

Then in the life of A.M. Isaev became interested in aviation. At his request, in October 1934, he was accepted as a designer of a brigade of mechanisms and chassis in the design bureau of V.F. Bolkhovitinov at Aviation Plant No. 22, was developing the chassis of the long-range bomber DB-A, the short-range bomber "C". Since 1937, he worked as a group leader at plant No. 124 (Kazan), since 1938 - at plant No. 84 (Khimki). Since 1939, he was already the leading designer of the experimental aircraft "I". Since July 1940, at the aircraft factory No. 293 (Khimki) V.F. Bolkhovitinov began developing the BI short-range fighter, the first full-fledged aircraft in the USSR with a liquid-propellant rocket engine (LRE), while A.M. Isaev worked on the creation of the engine.

During the Great Patriotic War, from 1941 to 1943, the Design Bureau worked in evacuation in Bilimbay, Sverdlovsk Region. Despite the extremely difficult conditions, the aircraft was created in record time and on May 15, 1942, test pilot Captain G.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi lifted him into the sky. Since February 1943, he was the head of the group for the development of a new rocket engine. Since June 1943, the head of the engine department in the Design Bureau V.F. Bolkhovitinov (plant number 293). In December of the same year, he began to create his first independently developed RD-1 engine, which already in October 1944 went to state tests, and in January 1945 to flight tests. In February 1944, OKB V.F. Bolkhovitinov became part of the Rocket Research Institute, for A.M. Isaev retained the post of head of the department.

From July 3 to September 8, 1945 he was in Germany as part of a group of rocket specialists, having the task of getting acquainted with German rocket technology. Continuing hard work, the department of A.M. Isaeva created a modernized RD-1M liquid-propellant rocket engine, a fundamentally new U-1250 with an all-welded chamber with sheet steel shells connected by spot welding.

In August 1947, a separate design bureau was created at NII-1 of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR, in which A.M. Isaev was appointed chief designer. In May 1948, OKB A.M. Isaev was transferred to NII-88 (Kaliningrad, Moscow Region), where it was transformed into Department No. 9 of the Special Design Bureau. They developed the U-2000 engine for a surface-to-air missile and the U-400-2 engine for an air-to-sea cruise missile.

In 1952, at NII-88, on the basis of department No. 9, OKB-2 was formed under the leadership of A.M. Isaev. Then it was possible to solve the problem of liquid-propellant rocket engines with a thrust of more than 8 tons, which had previously exploded during bench tests: the cause of their destruction was found - high-frequency vibrations, and anti-pulsation partitions ("cross") were installed in the chamber head to suppress them. Since that time, this scheme has been widely used in the world. The success of the OKB-2 team aroused the interest of S.P. Queen. The first milestone of their famous cooperation is the R-11 missile with a range of 270 km with A.M. Isaev with a thrust of 8.3 tons on high-boiling components. On its basis, the R-11FM missile was created for the Navy. In 1954, a new liquid-propellant rocket engine with pumping fuel was developed for the second stage of the V-75 anti-aircraft missile and a four-chamber liquid-propellant rocket engine C2.1100, and then C2.1150 for boosters of the Burya intercontinental cruise missile.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 20, 1956 for the creation of the S-25 air defense system Isaev Alexei Mikhailovich He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

In December 1958, OKB-2 A.M. Isaeva and OKB-3 D.D. Sevruk were merged into a single OKB-2 as part of NII-88, A.M. remained its chief designer. Isaev. In January of the following 1959, his design bureau was separated from NII-88 and completely focused on the creation of a liquid-propellant rocket engine for rocket and space technology. The first successfully completed task was the brake propulsion system for the Vostok spacecraft. She worked flawlessly during the first space flight of Yu.A. Gagarin and subsequently used dozens of times, including the flights of all Soviet cosmonauts on the Vostok and Voskhod spacecraft. The Soviet returning satellites were also equipped with it. Ahead was the creation of corrective and braking propulsion systems (CTDU), which could be repeatedly switched on to correct orbits and flight trajectories, docking, maneuvering in space, landing vehicles on Earth, the Moon, Mars and Venus. They were equipped with manned ships, automatic interplanetary and lunar stations, communications and reconnaissance satellites. In the 1960s, under the leadership of A.M. Isaev, one after another, new types of propulsion systems were created for spacecraft for various purposes, but all of them were united by the main quality - the highest reliability in operation.

In 1967, OKB-2 was renamed the Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering (KBKhM), A.M. Isaev remained in it the chief designer until the end of his life.

Doctor of Technical Sciences (25.04.1959), professor.

Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1951. Member of the Kaliningrad City Committee of the CPSU (since 1959).

Lived and worked in the hero city of Moscow. Died June 25, 1971. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow (plot 4).

He was awarded 4 Orders of Lenin (09/16/1945, 04/20/1956, 06/17/1961, 10/23/1968), the Order of the October Revolution (04/26/1971), medals.

Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1958), the Stalin Prize of the 3rd degree (1948), the State Prize of the USSR (1968).

Honorary citizen of the city of Kaliningrad (now Korolev) of the Moscow Region (1965).

In 1991, the Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering was named after A.M. Isaev. Name A.M. Isaeva is worn by one of the central streets in the city of Korolev. In Korolev, a memorial plaque was installed on the house in which he lived.

Born in 1908 in St. Petersburg, in the family of assistant professor of St. Petersburg University, Mikhail Mikhailovich Isaev.

In December 1931 he graduated from the Moscow Mining Institute. He worked in large design organizations, including the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

Since October 1934, he was accepted as a designer of a brigade of mechanisms and chassis in the design bureau of V.F. Bolkhovitinov at aircraft plant No. 22, where he was engaged in the development of the chassis of the long-range bomber DB-A and the short-range bomber "C".

Since 1939, in the role of the leading designer of the experimental aircraft "I".

From July 1940, V.F. Bolkhovitinov's design bureau began to develop the BI-1 short-range fighter, the first full-fledged aircraft in the USSR with a liquid-propellant rocket engine, on which, on May 15, 1942, pilot G.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi made the first flight. A. M. Isaev first worked on fine-tuning the existing aircraft engine (provided by NII-3), later on creating a new RD-1 engine for this aircraft.

In 1944 he was appointed chief designer of the Design Bureau.

In the period from July 3 to September 8, 1945, he was in Germany as part of a group of specialists who studied German rocket technology.

In 1946, according to the idea of ​​A.M. Isaev in his design bureau tested an all-welded LRE combustion chamber, which ensured significantly more reliable engine operation than the previously used chambers.

In 1947, OKB-2 was created at NII-1 MAP under the leadership of A.M. Isaev, who participates in work on rocket technology. In May 1948, it was transferred to the NII-88 of the Ministry of Armaments, where it was transformed into Department No. 9 of the Special Design Bureau.

During this period, the Isaev Design Bureau worked out the U-2000 engine for a surface-to-air missile and the U-400-2 engine for an air-to-sea cruise missile. When developing an engine with a thrust of 8 tf for the rocket "205" S.A. Lavochkin, the developers encountered phenomena that were inexplicable at that time: the liquid-propellant rocket engine exploded on the stand in the first seconds of operation. Much later it turned out that the reason for this was high-frequency oscillations. In the meantime, Isaev proposed an engine-bundle of four chambers with a thrust of 2 tf each. Later, in the first half of the 1950s, the eight-tonne problem was solved by installing antipulsion baffles. In the future, this method of suppressing pulsations was widely used in the practice of engine building.

In 1952, OKB-2 NII-88 was formed on the basis of Department No. 9. Isaev's success aroused the interest of S.P. Korolev, who uses Isaev's eight-ton engine on high-boiling components in his short-range missile R-11 and its naval modification R-11FM. This laid the foundation for the further use of Isaev's LRE on naval missiles, even after the transfer of this topic from Korolev to SKB-385 V.P. Makeev.

Since 1954, new LRE with TNA for the second stage of S-75 air defense missiles and a four-chamber LRE for boosters of the Burya intercontinental cruise missile have been developed.

In December 1958, OKB-2 A.M. Isaeva and OKB-3 D.D. Sevruk united in OKB-2 NII-88 under the leadership of A.M. Isaev, which in January 1959, by order of the State Committee for Defense Technology, separated from NII-88.

The design bureau is developing a brake propulsion system (TDU) for the future Vostok spacecraft, which will later be used on the Voskhod and Zenit-2 photo reconnaissance satellites.

For subsequent Soviet controlled spacecraft, Isaev's design bureau was already developing KTDU - corrective and braking propulsion systems, which are used in all spacecraft of the Soyuz series. In addition, KTDU of Isaev Design Bureau are used at all Soviet and Russian orbital stations of the Salyut, Mir series and, partially, at the ISS, in unmanned satellites (Molniya, Kosmos) and interplanetary spacecraft Luna, " Mars", "Venus", "Probe".

Under the N1-L3 program for a manned flight to the Moon, a KTDU for a lunar orbital vehicle (LOK) and the first oxygen-hydrogen rocket engine in the USSR were developed.

Since 1967, OKB-2 has been renamed the Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering (KBKhM).

  • He was one of the consultants for Daniil Khrabrovitsky's film Taming the Fire.
  • One of Isaev's favorite phrases is "A bullet in the forehead!". Depending on the situation, the exclamation "Bullet in the forehead!" for Isaev it was an expression of extreme disappointment, delight, indignation and anger. Everything was determined by tone.

Awards and titles

  • Hero of Socialist Labor - by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 20, 1956 for the successful fulfillment of the Government's tasks for the creation of a ballistic missile with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.
  • Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the 3rd degree - in 1948.
  • Laureate of the Lenin Prize - in 1958.
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR - in 1968.
  • Order of Lenin (four times) - 09/16/1945, 04/20/1956, 06/17/1961, 1968.
  • Order of the October Revolution - 06/09/1971.
  • A number of medals.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences (25.04.1959), professor.


  • Since 1965 - an honorary citizen of the city of Kaliningrad (now

Alexei Mikhailovich Isaev( - ) - Soviet engine engineer. Co-author of the BI-1 aircraft. Invented the closed-cycle liquid-propellant rocket engine. Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of the Lenin Prize.


A. M. Isaev died suddenly on June 25, 1971. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (site No. 4).

  • He was one of the consultants for the film Taming the Fire by Daniil Khrabrovitsky.

Awards and titles

  • Hero of Socialist Labor (April 20, 1956) - for the successful completion of the Government's tasks for the creation of a ballistic missile
  • Stalin Prize of the third degree (1948) - for the development of the design of a new engine for aircraft.
  • four orders of Lenin (16.9.1945, 20.4.1956, 17.6.1961, 1968)
  • Order of the October Revolution (9.6.1971)
  • medals


  • Since 1965 - an honorary citizen of the city of Kaliningrad (now Korolev).
  • In 1978 and 1988 artistic stamped envelopes were published.
  • The name of Isaev is one of the central streets of Korolev.
  • A crater on the Moon is named after him.
  • In 2002, a memorial plaque was installed on the house in which he lived in Korolev.
  • The name was given to the Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering.


  • . TSSDF (RTSSDF). 1979. 20 minutes.

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  • Arlazorov M. S. The road to the spaceport. - M .: Politizdat, 1980. - 164 p.
  • Great Russian Encyclopedia. T. 11. Plasma radiation - Islamic Salvation Front / Ed. ed. S. L. Kravets. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2008. - 712 p. - ISBN 978-5-85270-342-2.
  • Isaev A. M.. - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1979. - 64 p.
  • Kupriyanov V. K., Chernyshev V. V. And the eternal start...: A story about the Chief Designer of Rocket Engines Alexei Mikhailovich Isaev. - M .: Moskovsky worker, 1988. - 224 p. - (Creators of science and technology).
  • Coast of the Universe / Edited by Boltenko A. S. - Kyiv: Phoenix, 2014. - ISBN 978-966-136-169-9


An excerpt characterizing Isaev, Alexei Mikhailovich

Where, how, when she sucked in herself from that Russian air that she breathed - this countess, brought up by a French emigrant, this spirit, where did she get these techniques that pas de chale should have long been forced out? But these spirits and methods were the same, inimitable, not studied, Russian, which her uncle expected from her. As soon as she stood up, she smiled solemnly, proudly and cunningly cheerfully, the first fear that gripped Nikolai and all those present, the fear that she would do something wrong, passed and they were already admiring her.
She did the same thing, and did it so exactly, so quite exactly, that Anisya Fyodorovna, who immediately handed her the handkerchief necessary for her work, burst into tears through laughter, looking at this thin, graceful, so alien to her, educated countess in silk and velvet. who knew how to understand everything that was in Anisya, and in Anisya's father, and in her aunt, and in her mother, and in every Russian person.
“Well, the countess is a pure march,” said the uncle, laughing joyfully, having finished the dance. - Oh yes, niece! If only you could choose a good fellow for you, - march is a clean business!
“Already chosen,” said Nikolai smiling.
- O? said the uncle in surprise, looking inquiringly at Natasha. Natasha nodded her head in the affirmative with a happy smile.
- Another one! - she said. But as soon as she said this, another, new line of thoughts and feelings arose in her. What did Nikolai's smile mean when he said: "already chosen"? Is he happy about it or not? He seems to think that my Bolkonsky would not have approved, would not have understood our joy. No, he would understand. Where is he now? thought Natasha, and her face suddenly became serious. But it only lasted for one second. “Don’t think about it, don’t dare to think about it,” she said to herself, and smiling, she sat down again with her uncle, asking him to play something else.
Uncle played another song and a waltz; then, after a pause, he cleared his throat and sang his favorite hunting song.
Like powder from the evening
Turned out good...
Uncle sang the way the people sing, with that complete and naive conviction that in a song all meaning lies only in the words, that the melody comes by itself and that there is no separate melody, but that the melody is only for the warehouse. Because of this, this unconscious tune, like the song of a bird, was unusually good with my uncle. Natasha was delighted with her uncle's singing. She decided that she would no longer study the harp, but would only play the guitar. She asked her uncle for a guitar and immediately picked up the chords for the song.
At ten o'clock a line, a droshky, and three riders arrived for Natasha and Petya, sent to look for them. The count and countess did not know where they were and were very worried, as the messenger said.
Petya was taken down and laid like a dead body in a ruler; Natasha and Nikolai got into the droshky. Uncle wrapped up Natasha and said goodbye to her with a completely new tenderness. He escorted them on foot to the bridge, which had to be bypassed into a ford, and ordered the hunters to go ahead with lanterns.
“Farewell, dear niece,” his voice shouted out of the darkness, not the one that Natasha had known before, but the one that sang: “Like powder since the evening.”
The village we passed had red lights and a cheerful smell of smoke.
- What a charm this uncle is! - said Natasha, when they drove out onto the main road.
“Yes,” said Nikolai. - Are you cold?
- No, I'm fine, fine. I feel so good, - Natasha even said with bewilderment. They were silent for a long time.
The night was dark and damp. The horses were not visible; all you could hear was their paddling through the invisible mud.
What was going on in this childish, receptive soul, which so greedily caught and assimilated all the most diverse impressions of life? How did it fit into her? But she was very happy. Already approaching the house, she suddenly sang the motive of the song: “Like powder from the evening,” a motive that she caught all the way and finally caught.
- Got it? Nikolay said.
“What are you thinking now, Nikolenka?” Natasha asked. They liked to ask each other that.
- I? - said Nikolai remembering; - you see, at first I thought that Rugay, the red dog, looked like an uncle and that if he were a man, he would still keep the uncle with him, if not for the jump, then for the frets, he would keep everything. How good he is, uncle! Is not it? - Well, what about you?
- I? Hold on, hold on. Yes, at first I thought that here we are going and we think that we are going home, and God knows where we are going in this darkness and suddenly we will arrive and see that we are not in Otradnoye, but in a magical kingdom. And then I thought… No, nothing more.
“I know, I was thinking about him right,” Nikolai said smiling, as Natasha recognized by the sound of his voice.
“No,” answered Natasha, although at the same time she really thought both about Prince Andrei and about how he would like his uncle. “And I repeat everything, I repeat all the way: how Anisyushka performed well, well ...” said Natasha. And Nikolai heard her sonorous, causeless, happy laughter.
“You know,” she said suddenly, “I know that I will never again be as happy, calm as now.
“That’s nonsense, nonsense, lies,” said Nikolai and thought: “What a charm this Natasha of mine is! I don't have another friend like him and never will. Why should she get married, everyone would go with her!
“What a charm this Nikolai is!” thought Natasha. - BUT! there’s still a fire in the living room,” she said, pointing to the windows of the house, which shone beautifully in the wet, velvet darkness of the night.

Count Ilya Andreich resigned from the leaders because this post was too expensive. But things didn't get better for him. Often Natasha and Nikolai saw the secret, restless negotiations of their parents and heard rumors about the sale of a rich, ancestral Rostov house and a suburban one. Without leadership, it was not necessary to have such a large reception, and the life of congratulations was conducted more quietly than in previous years; but the huge house and outbuilding were still full of people, more people were still sitting at the table. All these were people who had settled down in the house, almost members of the family, or those who, it seemed, had to live in the count's house. Such were Dimmler - a musician with his wife, Yogel - a dance teacher with his family, the old lady Belova, who lived in the house, and many others: Petya's teachers, the former governess of young ladies and just people who were better or more profitable to live with the count than at home. There was no such big visit as before, but the course of life was the same, without which the count and countess could not imagine life. There was the same, still increased by Nikolai, hunting, the same 50 horses and 15 coachmen at the stable, the same expensive gifts on name days, and solemn dinners for the whole county; the same count whists and bostons, behind which he, dissolving cards for everyone to see, allowed himself to be beaten every day by hundreds of neighbors who looked at the right to play the game of Count Ilya Andreich as the most profitable lease.
The count, as if in huge snares, went about his business, trying not to believe that he was entangled, and with each step he became more and more entangled and feeling himself unable to either break the nets that entangled him, or carefully, patiently begin to unravel them. The Countess, with a loving heart, felt that her children were ruined, that the count was not to blame, that he could not be different from what he was, that he himself was suffering (although he hides it) from the consciousness of his own and children's ruin, and was looking for means to help the cause. From her feminine point of view, there was only one way - the marriage of Nicholas to a rich bride. She felt that this was the last hope, and that if Nikolai refused the party that she had found for him, she would have to say goodbye forever to the opportunity to improve things. This party was Julie Karagina, the daughter of a beautiful, virtuous mother and father, known to Rostov from childhood, and now a rich bride on the occasion of the death of the last of her brothers.
The Countess wrote directly to Karagina in Moscow, offering her the marriage of her daughter to her son, and received a favorable response from her. Karagina replied that she, for her part, agreed that everything would depend on the inclination of her daughter. Karagina invited Nikolai to come to Moscow.
Several times, with tears in her eyes, the Countess told her son that now that both her daughters were added, her only desire was to see him married. She said that she would lie down in the coffin calm, if that were the case. Then she said that she had a beautiful girl in mind and elicited his opinion about marriage.
In other conversations, she praised Julie and advised Nikolai to go to Moscow for the holidays to have fun. Nikolai guessed what his mother's conversations were leading to, and in one of these conversations he called her to complete frankness. She told him that all the hope of getting things right was now based on his marriage to Karagina.
- Well, if I loved a girl without a fortune, would you really demand, maman, that I sacrifice feeling and honor for a fortune? he asked his mother, not understanding the cruelty of his question and wishing only to show his nobility.

1908 in St. Petersburg, in the family of Privatdozent of St. Petersburg University M. M. Isaev.

Since 1954, new LRE with TNA for the second stage of S-75 air defense missiles and a four-chamber LRE for boosters of the Burya intercontinental cruise missile have been developed.

In December 1958, OKB-2 A. M. Isaev and OKB-3 D. D. Sevruk merged into OKB-2 NII-88 under the leadership of A. M. Isaev, which in January 1959, by order of the State Committee for Defense Technology, stood out from NII-88.

The design bureau developed a brake propulsion system (TDU) for the future Vostok spacecraft, which was later used on Voskhod and Zenit-2 photo reconnaissance satellites.

... Nikita Sergeevich, smiling broadly ... said pleasant things, clinked glasses. Korolev introduced Isaev to him:

And this, - said Sergey Pavlovich, - is the same person who slows down our whole business ...

Khrushchev understood, laughed, thanked again.

For subsequent Soviet guided ships, Isaev's design bureau was already developing KTDU - corrective-brake propulsion systems that were used in all spacecraft of the Soyuz series. In addition, Isaev Design Bureau KTDU was used at all Soviet and Russian orbital stations of the Salyut, Mir series and, partially, on the ISS, in unmanned satellites (Molniya, Kosmos) and interplanetary spacecraft