Review of the game magicka 2. Warriors who came in bathrobes

All your bases belong to us. Again.


The first was a very fun and original game, and its highlight lurked in the cooperative part: the amount of sodom and intoxication that occurred during the passage of the campaign increased at least twice for each new group member who arrived. Players more often died from each other's unsuccessful actions than from the difficulties of the game itself, but it generated so many different game situations for a period of time that the player did not cease to be surprised almost until its very end. The popular DLCs showed that it was only a matter of time before the game continued. However, under the wing of the publisher Paradoxinteractive gone ArrowheadGaming, the developer studio was the first, and the sequel was given into the hands of the young Piecesinteractive which clearly affected the results. Let's take a closer look.

Probably the biggest minus and, which may seem strange, at the same time a considerable plus lies in the minimal differences from the first part. The mechanics of building spells has changed slightly: from now on, each element can be used only once, which has significantly reduced the number of possible spells. But the players were allowed to heal on the run and use hotkeys to use "magic" - especially powerful spells, for which it was necessary to memorize combinations of elements. You might think that the game was “casualized”, but this is not so: if you use the “magic” with a hot key, it will go into reboot, but at this time, no one forbids players to manually dial the necessary combination and cast the spell again, despite the “cooldown” . In fact, this is a harmless gameplay indulgence for beginners, who, out of habit, will swell their heads from the amount of information, and from that most of the "magic" will not be used at all.

The game has equipped items, the so-called "artifacts" - a way to change the game, sometimes in the most unimaginable ways. In addition to the most cliched "+3 to health" and "+1 to speed", there are artifacts and less obvious ones, which are much more fun to go through the campaign with. For example, with their help, you can increase the health of enemies, turn on off-screen laughter, or teleport the player to the place of the killed enemy each time. Not without cosmetic changes: the graphics look nicer, the engine does not endow the player with every minute crashes, the character control feels somewhat more responsive. This is where the list of innovations ends. The conclusion from this is extremely simple: if the first part of the game made you and your friends spend a lot of time in it, then it will do it no less successfully.

In general, we can say that the decision not to touch the mechanics of the game, but to hone the balance and its technical component, was absolutely correct. From now on, you can no longer play alone, the first mini-boss will tell the solo player how deeply he was mistaken. On the battlefield, it now and then throws groups of enemies immune to damage from any of the eight elements: it is clear that the developer really wanted to get rid of the scourge of the first part - super-powerful and completely unbalanced combinations of "death" and "fire", with which practically The whole game was played without any difficulty. By cutting down on the ability to stack elements on top of each other and adding more enemies with "resists", Piecesinteractive did an excellent job with this task. and cannot be imagined.

What happened in the end will somewhat upset the players who were waiting for a real brain explosion from Magicka 2, which was the first part. This did not happen. Pieces Interactive processed the first part a little with a planer, sanded it down with sandpaper, and then finished its job. But they managed to do it in such a way that it is very pleasant to touch the resulting product!

Why are sequels made? Leaving aside the universal "to raise money", there are quite a few reasons: to continue the story, show new gameplay features, improve graphics, scale up, and the like. As far as Magicka 2 is concerned, the only reason for it to come into existence (apart from making money, of course) is to bring it to PS4.
Yes, it is PS4 and not PC that is the main platform of Magicka 2 and the game made this clear to me quite convincingly. Already in the first minutes of the tutorial, the game required to be cured, which by default is done by clicking the mouse wheel (which I have been talking about for several years). And here gop! - It turns out to change keyboard controls impossible. Publisher Paradox, a long-time apologist for PC gaming, releases a game for a personal player, where there is no way to change the layout in the settings. Paradoxical, isn't it?

Magicka 2.0
Otherwise we got the same game, or rather nearly Same. From one to four wizards roam the Midgardu map and exterminate countless swarms of enemies, combining eight basic elements into bizarre spells: Water, Life, Shield, Cold, Lightning, Death, Earth and Fire.
Elementary: Yes, exactly 8 and not 10 as before - steam (a mixture of water and fire) and ice (water + cold), although they are present in the game, they no longer have their own icons. So you can forget about the mixing of these elements and the killer beam "steam + couple + couple + lightning + death".
The spellcasting system is still the lure of Magicka 2. Incredible variability of combinations, physically correct interaction of elements (when wet, don't even dare to use cold or lightning) and various ways of spellcasting give you a super powerful tool to destroy everything that moves. An enemy, a peaceful NPC or your comrade - all are equally well blown up on the fiery mini you created and just as happy with the healing radiation. And in the midst of a fight, hysteria often happens - everything buzzes, rattles, explodes, and you simply don’t see who you are aiming at. " Ay, to the asses, that's all, I put mines"- You think for a moment. And then you listen to curses from your partner.

Fortunately, Pieces Interactive, who was entrusted with the creation of the sequel, did not break what was already working, but simply fixed a few minor sores. Especially cool magics (pre-prepared combinations) take a very long time to gain during the battle? Here's a speed dial bar for your convenience. It is impossible to see under which effect you are now? Hold an animated frame that will show you when wet, on fire or, uh, dead. Was it necessary to use a sword in the previous game? Get ready for the enemies, to get out of the clutches of which you can only waving your sword. Already passed the campaign, and the additions to wait for a long time? You have already prepared various difficulties and modifiers that are given to you for exploring levels: lowering the strength of certain elements, quickly regenerating the life of enemies, stylizing an image to look like ancient monitors, or a color filter a la the Swedish flag.
Also, as the game progresses, new robes, staves and swords open up for you. The natural desire to try out new weapons, check out modifiers, and check out the "sitcom mode" that includes off-screen laughter and applause after each death of the player is a good incentive to re-play the campaign, which the first part so lacked.
Imbalance is awesome!
Despite minor improvements, such as the reflection of rays from ice and absorbing shields, which not only give immunity to a certain element, but also heal under its influence, in general, the magic system did a few years ago. Throwing stones at enemies is no longer effective - a long charging time and too low flight speed; the only worthwhile uses for Earth are area shocks that knock enemies off their feet, giving you the option to slam something hot into them or just run away.
In addition, the intensity of the elements now almost does not play any role. The number of charges gained can still affect the size of a boulder or ice block, but the rays, water, fire and cold throwers act almost the same, no matter if there is only one element charge or 5. Even stone armor (ED on itself), which once had as many as 4 variations, each with its own look, stock of armor and slow movement, now exist in a unique copy.

The Wet Immunity Robe unlocks fairly early and is the best outfit for the rest of the game.
With combat effectiveness, too, almost nothing has changed. In the vast majority of encounters in the first game, the combination of Death + Fire (with possible admixtures of steam or electricity) was the key to success. The sequel acts with rude methods: together with creatures more or less supporting which element, we are thrown enemies who have complete immunity to it. But even this breaks down quite simply: in the still relevant duet Death + Fire, we simply replace the second element and continue to bring rays of good to the masses!
Keyboard solo (or gamepad)
The strength of co-op games, despite popular belief, is tested once when playing alone - playing together with friends is an absolute source of fun, but if the game cannot entertain you friend, you should play something else together.
First Magicka was quite cruel to solitary sorcerers and forced to awaken the inner pianist. Merciless, but honest: after several deaths, one could figure out this or that fight, create a plan of action - only quickly and skillfully cast a spell. In addition, the complexity increased gradually, and if you wanted to howl like a wolf, then only in the final chapters.
But Magicka 2 does not know such things: the final battle here generally looks like a farce compared to the numerous ordinary fights, where the developers close you on the same screen with a large crowd of enemies, completely eliminating the opportunity for maneuvering. Moreover, in the first half of the game, such unbalanced "traps" happen much more often than in the future. Fortunately, the network code has been significantly repaired and you can safely call on your friends for help.
Vlad, what is "zero vampire"
There is not much to say about the plot adventure: again, all this mess with saving the world from evil serves primarily to saturate December with allusions. John Frost and a meter-high wall of ice, yelling Yovakiin in a horned helmet, Lovecraftian Ancients, an ornithologist who asks "Who watches the birdwatchers?" Just keep curling your fingers. It seemed that the developers were bursting with the desire to show off their awareness of pop culture. They still somehow can squeeze a smile out of us, but no, they can’t make us laugh. About the excess and shameless repetition of jokes about Vlad, who is not a vampire at all, I generally keep quiet. This even stopped working towards the end of the first game, but here it generally calls for Captain Picard's gestures.

By the way, about achievements: although we almost never touch on it in reviews, the achievements here are frankly boring - a solid cumulative and nazbiruvannya. About the ingenuity of the tasks for the first game and the names of these achievements, local players can only dream of.
Magicka 2- It's more of a polished and polished version of the original than a full-fledged sequel. Familiar gameplay, familiar style, familiar incidents. Of course, like its predecessor, Magicka 2 will eventually get a good handful of DLC, and even now the game gives us reason to stay with it a little longer. Veterans of the bug-fixed series will pay with certain weaknesses in the mechanics, but beginners will get a fairly successful and convenient acquaintance with the gameplay of the best charm simulator in the galaxy.
Very good
Remarkable if you:

  • just getting familiar with Magicka gameplay
  • want to kill your friends in a cooperative game
  • still believe that power is not a vampire
Not worth it if you:

  • came up with 499 ways to kill in Magicka (1)
  • wanted a full sequel
  • still have not gone through all the additions to the first part

Platform: PC, PS4
Language: Russian text

OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
CPU: CPU: 3GHz Dual Core (Intel Pentium G3220 or higher / AMD A4-4000 or higher)
Video cards: Nvidia GeForce 550 or better / ATI Radeon HD 5850 or better
HDD: 3 GB free space

OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
CPU: 2.8GHz Quad Core (Intel Core i5-2300 or higher / AMD A8-3850 or higher)
Video card: Nvidia GeForce 640 or better / ATI Radeon HD 6670 or better
HDD: 3 GB free space

is a top-down arcade action game where you play as a wizard who can cast a staggering number of different spells by combining several basic elements. Take fire and earth, throw them like a projectile and you'll get a fireball. Take ice and arcane magic and you will get beams that freeze everything around. Take fire and throw them at your comrades by mistake - yes, this is a very fun game with great co-op.

Such mistakes during the game will be, moreover, they are expected and required. After the first part of the game, fans were asking for more mana and even more fun. Therefore, friendly fire in the game is always on, at the same time, the number of enemies becomes more and more powerful. For this reason, improvising the right spells for a particular situation becomes one of the main tasks in the game. And you will have to think hard, because each spell can include five of the eight elements, and even overlap each other in different combinations.

The story itself starts from the end of the first part. Destroyed Midgard is no longer a haven for good and bright. Dark evil captures more and more territories and gives rise to evil magicians, who are also armed with dark spells and an army of all kinds of monsters. And in order to return peace to Midgard, you and your three friends will have to re-learn spells and destroy evil.

cooperative in the first part of the game has collected a large number of positive reviews. He was hilarious, with lots of Scandinavian humour, and was a real recipe for fun adventures. In the new part, the co-op has remained at the same high level, with a new system of hot connection to the game session, checkpoints, leader boards and graphics that will rest your eyes.

continues the tradition of the first part, the main advantage of which was an excellent cooperative mode for 4 people and a large dose of magic, mixed with fun and funny gameplay.

Information about network modes:


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In many ways, this game turned out to be quite average, but its charisma and originality were enough for a whole stream of additions and offshoots in the manner of MOBA and tablet crafts. Whether long, short, but the matter smoothly approached a full-fledged sequel. True, after getting to know him, there is no need to talk about usefulness.

Damn it.

Long ago, an unknown evil infiltrated the ranks of the sorcerers, which led to the start of the legendary War of Wizards. The ranks of sorcerers, oddly enough, thinned out, and the few survivors in the course of endless deaths and resurrections completely went crazy. Ordinary people have a holiday, because from time immemorial, protagonists have been anti-heroes who do not give mere mortals a quiet life. But not everything is so simple: a bearded man in glasses predicts the birth of an elf who is destined to turn the world of magick upside down. But after the newborn comes an evil, evil shadow.

"Learn to spell again" is a lie. The plot is sloppy and confusing. This is not due to glossolalia instead of voice acting, because we saw the same thing in the first part. The trouble is that if you wish, you can run through the whole story in three hours, or even faster. Of course, Pieces Interactive is trying to stretch the story as much as possible, producing scenes that are simple to the point of primitiveness, but in the end, the entire plot of the game can be recounted in one sentence, without using not just participial phrases, but even adjectives.

Well, God bless him, with the plot. After all Magicka- is it a game of references, puns, charismatic characters and humorous lines? So it was before. But now the whole assortment of jokes are attempts to mock the Game of Thrones. In some places, these attempts are even funny, but in most cases, the smile on the player's face will appear only as a favor, and not respect for the authors. Even the non-vampire Vlad has shrunk to an insipid NPC who doesn't have a single pleasant phrase for silent heroes in his bosom. And yes, you want to skip the story part with a saving space already on the first playthrough, and the understanding that there will be no second playthrough sometimes rolls like a tsunami.

It's a magick!

The mechanics of witchcraft remained the same: eight elements are combined with each other, giving rise to attacking and defensive spells. If desired, the sorcerer can give a passive effect to his melee weapons in order to smash enemies on the spot with a fiery or electric sword. Separate combinations of spells turn into powerful magics, which are now placed in digital slots. This move has been rehearsed on the multiplayer Wizard Wars, where he did very well. Sometimes the combination of resurrecting electric shock is impossible due to rain, but here you are: you press the button, the partner rises from the grave. Comfortable.

God forbid launch Magicka 2 in proud loneliness. Of course, the authors kindly gave the possibility of a single resurrection, but even a double death in a hot brawl is a matter of ten seconds. Only with companions, only as a team. It’s for nothing that the fire is traditionally turned on and it’s impossible to remove it - but the comrade, if something happens, will be able to get it out of the grave. Considering that the active magic of a digital slot can be changed, the team performance turns into a complete frenzy. A friend pours rain on enemies, you strike with lightning, and someone tries to throw meteorites on top - it's not surprising if the batch turns into four corpses of players. The quartet, of course, is not necessary to collect - Magicka 2 quite reveals itself in a pair performance.

Just another DLC. The picture has become much nicer. The reason for this is not that Magicka 2 stunned, how beautiful, but in that original Magicka looked quite sad. Customization has not gone away - hoodies are painted, staves and swords are changed to the most intricate objects that give bonuses and penalties to the elements. A pleasant moment - the number of secrets is truly huge, the secret scepter lies almost around every corner. Another point is that there is not enough practical sense in these sticks.

Generally Magicka 2 perceived as another addition to the first part, a little tweaked the picture and ... that's it. The number "2" in the title directly indicates the type of product - it is not necessary to purchase, but if there is absolutely nothing to do with friends, then why not? Casual in the matter of storytelling, the sequel tries hard to be funny, and at times it even succeeds. It's a bit unfortunate that this "even" levels out all the other attempts of the writers to make a "ha ha". However, even if the authors hadn’t been in a humorous league, they would have gone through a secondary project - with a sluggish story, no duration, a good picture and gameplay that hasn’t changed one iota.

Other game titles Magicka 2: Magikka 2.

game type: Client

Status: Game started

Distribution model: One-time purchase, Buy-to-Play (B2P)

The presence of the Russian language in the game: Yes, the game has Russian language

Steam gamers in game: Approximately 75 gamers are playing Magicka 2 on Steam right now!

Popular tags on Steam: Magic, Co-op, Adventure, Humor, Multiplayer, Action, Funny

Find out more details about the adventure project Magicka 2, this page provides an overview of this online game, as well as screenshots (12 screenshots), videos, trailers, gameplay videos, announcements (9 videos), release date, game rating, system requirements, OBT dates , CBT and other useful and interesting materials on the Magicka 2 game project are collected in one place.

The online client game Magicka 2 is a mixture of the Adventure, Action genres, developed by Pieces Interactive, the game is available in Russian, this project has many features that are interesting to players, including cooperative, humor, isometric, open world, in Russian.

What gaming publications, critics and gamers say about Magicka 2:

  • on Metacritic, critics and gaming publications have left positive reviews for Magicka 2, with an average score of 69 out of 100 points, which is a decent result;
  • mostly players on Steam recommend this game, more than 4656 positive reviews;
  • On top of all this, Magicka 2 also has high scores on OpenCritic with 36 reviews and an average game rating of 69 out of 100!

All this means that regardless of preferences, this game is better for every gamer to try.

Over the past month, 1 news has been released on Magicka 2 on Steam, which means that the developers have not abandoned the game and are actively making corrections, new content and supporting the game in every possible way, among the news there are the following:

  • 2019.07.05, Logins fixed on Mac OS-X!

Magicka 2 system requirements

Below are the minimum system requirements for the game Magicka 2, if the computer meets these requirements or better, then the game should run at an acceptable level of frames per second on low graphics settings. If the computer is slightly inferior in performance, then it is worth trying to run Magicka 2.

  • OS: Windows 7, 8 or 10
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Video adapter: Nvidia GeForce 550 or better / ATI Radeon HD 5850 or better
  • Free disk space: 3 GB
  • Sound card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

Also check out the full minimum and recommended system requirements for the game Magicka 2, before installing, find out how much the game weighs and will take up space on your computer (PC).

How many people are playing Magicka 2 right now?

This game is currently (2019.08.03 12:10) played by approximately 75 gamers via Steam. You just need to remember that the number of players online often changes very much during the day, come here often, check how many players are online and playing Magicka 2 right now.

Please note that it happens that released online games are available not only through Steam, but also through third-party playgrounds, as well as on other gaming platforms, Xbox, PlayStation, so there may be even more players online! And of course, we must not forget that most often there are separate servers for different regions.

Stream Magicka 2 right now!

Past streams:

Video Magicka 2

Video is one of the convenient ways to learn about game news and new Magicka 2 updates, see firsthand what developers and localizers have prepared for their players, fresh content, analysis of changes, the best cases for pumping, development, new game events, and often publishers and developers hold various competitions with gifts, and the conditions are told in video news. It is better to learn about all this through the Video section.

Overview of the cooperative action Magicka 2

2015.06.01 83773 2167 46 71

Magicka is already almost a cult. A whole school of sadistic co-op action about how funny it is to kill your friends. And by the second part, she has not changed a bit.

Screenshots of online game Magicka 2

A few screenshots from the game for a quick visual assessment, but do not rush to conclusions, the first impression can be deceptive, take a look, study the details of the interface, open the screenshots in full screen and try to feel the atmosphere of the Magicka 2 game. Do not chase after second impressions, the devil is in the details , this is especially true for complex online games and hardcore genres. More screenshots can be found in the Screenshots section.

Download on PC and start playing Magicka 2 in Russian

Have you matched the specifications of your computer with the system requirements of Magicka 2? Have you checked the free space on your computer and found out how much the game weighs? Familiarized with the materials on the game? Don't delay and start playing Magicka 2 right now! Click the Start Play button and immerse yourself in the Magicka 2 game world.