Single mmo. The best MMORPGs for all platforms

All fans of MMORPG games periodically want to be alone, or rather, play alone. Therefore, especially for you, we offer a list of MMORPG games for a quiet solo game. In these games, you can play almost 97% of the time alone, and if you want to join a group of people, it's also easy to do.

Let's start with one of the most popular online games of the last decade - . Everyone determines the goals of the game for himself. It can be exploring the world, improving in any profession, leadership in arena battles, or simply reaching the maximum level of character development. The game doesn't end with reaching the last level. Blizzard is constantly developing new features for high-level players.

Next on the list is an MMORPG for solo play: . The game was the first fully voiced MMO. The game world will be divided into two sides: the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. The main role in the game is assigned to the development of individual stories for each character.

The game takes place in the vast world of Tyria, filled with various creatures, which, thanks to a dynamic feature, changes from the interaction of players with the outside world through events (one of the hallmarks of GW 2). The game is very dynamic, the task system as such, unlike the usual MMORPG, does not exist. In return, the developers provide us with dynamic events that occur and affect the world around us, regardless of the participation of players in them. Participating in events or not participating, the result of events will change in one direction or another.

Black Desert is positioned as a PVP game for large guilds, and it would seem that solo MMORPG fans have nothing to do here. Still: the seizure of territories, wars between guilds and the implementation of guild quests take up the lion's share of playing time.

However, it is also the best MMORPG for solo play. For players who are not used to obeying other people's orders and wandering solo, the Black Desert MMORPG, in addition to the grind of mobs traditional for Korean games, allows you to farm a decent amount of silver with the help of peaceful professions.

Tera Online tells about the history of the world of the same name. A fierce confrontation between the Federation and the Argons, insidious and soulless invaders, tearing the fantasy universe apart. One of the distinguishing features of the game is its great graphics.

The game combines the best from different directions, and is able to find fans among any type of gamer. All aspects of the game, so different at first glance, harmoniously combine and complement each other. This is an MMORPG with a rich storyline, an interesting combat system and a bewitching picture.

This is one of the best sci-fi style MMORPGs out there. The world in the game is very large - exactly 7000 planetary systems will be offered for research. And the game server itself can accommodate more than 40 thousand gamers. It is worth noting that the game implies a fairly long passage. In Eve Online, it is possible to search for deposits of resources, extract them, and then sell them to local merchants.

The gameplay of Lineage II is very difficult even now, and even at the time of release it was simply merciless. The game has not lost its appeal even now, although it has been around for many years - the developers have developed it and improved the graphics, so even now it sets the tone in the world of online role-playing games. Much of what has now become the standard for MMORPGs first appeared here, but this does not mean that Lineage II does not have its own characteristics, and many things were implemented there so well (and are constantly being improved by developers) that even now competitors could not achieve their level.

Choose the best MMORPGs for solo play and enjoy.

Also a great game for singles is the popular gaming slot , which is one of the oldest gaming machines, with its help you plunge into the world of gambling and excitement, as well as there will be a great chance to win a good amount of money.

The single-player open-world PC RPGs in this selection are some of the most interesting titles with great graphics, a compelling storyline, and huge worlds to explore.

When it's all over, you'll miss your favorite characters, and return to them again and again to unlock all possible playthroughs.

Note: All games in the selection are in Russian.

1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - the cult story of the Witcher

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" - good and evil, love and betrayal, unexpected plot twists and, of course, the search for the child from the prophecy. The Polish studio CD Projekt RED managed to create a legendary RPG that needs no introduction.

Video game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The only serious drawback of the game is that after the passage you will have to spend long months to find something even about as cool.

  • Game site:

2. Middle-earth: Shadow of War - new adventures in Middle-earth

"Middle-earth: Shadow of War" - Tolkien's Middle-earth shortly before the events of The Lord of the Rings. Sauron has not yet turned into a huge eye, but the world is already ready to destroy itself in a bloody war.

Video game Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Big beautiful game for fans of Tolkien and everyone who appreciates high-quality stories and driving action.

  • Steam page:

3. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is possibly the best RPG of 2018

"Divinity: Original Sin 2" is the case when the continuation manages to surpass the already cool first part. This is an exciting cooperative RPG for four players with complete freedom to explore the world.

Video game Divinity: Original Sin 2

And there is also a workshop for creating your own adventures and sharing them with the whole world.

  • Game site:

4. Kenshi - complete freedom in the open world

Kenshi is a huge sandbox with over 870 square kilometers of map and a living world that reacts to the player's actions.

Video game Kenshi

The picture of the game does not reach the more famous projects, but you quickly forget about it when you plunge into survival.

  • Game site:

5. Divine Divinity - Old school hardcore diabloid

"Divine Divinity" - crowds of enemies and harsh medieval fantasy, plus dynamic battles, like in some "Diablo".

Video game Divine Divinity

It's hard to believe that the game was released all the way back in 2002, because the gameplay is exciting, and such a gloomy picture is back in fashion.

  • Game website:

6. Assassin's Creed Origins - the secret of the brotherhood of assassins

"Assassin's Creed Origins" is another game in the famous series of stealth action games, which pleases with an excellent picture and improved gameplay mechanics.

Video game Assassin's Creed Origins

Perhaps this game will not become the best in the series, but everything is in order with dynamic parkour and driving fights. Yes, there is craft.

  • Game website:

7. FINAL FANTASY XV is one of the most beautiful jRPGs

FINAL FANTASY XV is a continuation of the well-known series, on which more than one generation of characters grew up. An epic storyline, driving fights, a large map - everything is as it should be.


This is a great choice to get to know the series, and the genre in general. Well, the fans already bought it a long time ago.

  • Game site:

8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - a cold world and a lot of dragons

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a classic dark RPG set in an open fantasy world with huge freezing locations.

Video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim for Nords, and then I got shot in the knee - bet you can't resist installing the game again?

  • Steam page:

9. Grim Dawn is one of the best modern day diabloids

Grim Dawn - Two otherworldly factions fight for the right to use humanity, and only a few heroes try to resist them. Huge world and impressive amount of content.

Video game Grim Dawn

Old-school graphics, high-quality combat and an interesting story, addictive for more than 100 hours of passage. Recommended.

  • Game site:

10. Dragon Age: Origins - saving the fantasy world

Dragon Age: Origins is another iconic story set in a big world with elves, dwarves and orcs. The hero gets the role of the Gray Guardian, who fights against the filth.

Video game Dragon Age: Origins

Magic, edged weapons and theft. Relations with satellites and solution of their problems. Cool story and atmosphere. Has anyone managed to miss this masterpiece?

  • Game site:

This selection of the best open-world single player games proves once again that co-op is not necessary for a good game, the main thing is that the story is good. Well, if you are still interested in a joint passage, pay attention to other collections.

Find your ideal world where you can be stuck for a couple of hundred hours.

Want to find a decent MMORPG that will help you fall out of reality? There are many options. In fact, nowadays PC gamers have a huge choice. Home computers are once again in the focus of the gaming industry.

Why are we sure of this? Because we take into account the dominance of Steam in the gaming market, the desire of many publishers to release games only on PC and the active promotion by Microsoft of Windows 10 as the main gaming system.

Many of the best exclusives are released on PC, and some of them are MMO projects. And although the demand for World of Warcraft has already subsided a bit, the MMO market is still the most alive and has a lot of interesting games that will pull you in from the very first seconds.

While these games can have a large number of players, it's worth noting that these MMORPGs are amazing, exciting, and well thought out. You can easily get lost when looking for the right game for you. But you just need to know where to look. Fortunately, we have prepared for you a selection of excellent MMORPGs to play on your computer and console. We have selected 30 of the best for you, so get ready for new adventures.

Dropped off the main list

Available on: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PC

I was thrilled when I heard that Uncharted Waters, one of my favorite games from the 16-bit era, had an MMO sequel that introduced players to a large and open sea world. Uncharted Waters Online successfully combines all the distinctive features of pirate games and sea simulators that work perfectly within the framework of an online game.

The combat system, both at sea and on land, is engaging, but the main feature of UWO is its depth. The game eschews the traditional monotonous grind in favor of multi-faceted trading, banking, exploration, and adventure systems. UWO is able to lure you in for several weeks, during which you will not reveal your potential even for a quarter.

But the game is replenished with new content to this day; for example, on New Year's Eve, new ships, costumes and weapons for both crew members and heavy ships appeared in the game.

Available on: PC

Among others, Elsword Online stands out with its recognizable side-scrolling style. The graphics in the game, which seemed to be hand-drawn with pencils, are beautiful. The cutscenes and character designs refer to the manga of the same name, which served as the basis for this game. Instead of the usual set of classes, Elsword invites the player to select characters from the original source and develop them to suit their preferred play style.

In addition to the standard professions (fighter, mage, ranger), Elsword also has a number of more exotic options, such as Eve, the Queen of Nasod, who can summon assistant robots during battle. The combination of catchy graphics and intuitive fights make Elsword a very original project with a bright author's style.

Available on: PC, Mac

As you know, Marvel and Disney have long been firmly established in the entertainment industry, and therefore the appearance of MMOs from these studios was only a matter of time. The surprising thing is that the resulting game (given the recent updates) is not a cheap hack, but a high-quality product in which it is not embarrassing to get lost for a couple of months.

The free-to-play game puts you in the shoes of your favorite superheroes and combines classic Diablo moves with time-honored MMO mechanics (add some familiar Marvel flair). Of course, 30 Captain Americas running around the map can confuse the uninitiated, but you will soon notice that playing as your favorite comic book hero is really interesting, and this MMO can be forgiven for all minor flaws for this alone.

Choose your second life.

Available on: PC

The idea of ​​combining the concepts of Blizzard and Diablo and creating an MMO game based on them is not at all new, and this game is one of those where this idea was realized.

MU Legend, the successor to MU Online, the successful and innovative South Korean MMO game, is characterized by chaotic movements, impressive damage effects, and fantastic characters that fans of Oriental MMO games will immediately recognize.

Despite the fact that the game "Legend of MU" was not created to revolutionize the world of action RPG games, it is nevertheless very entertaining, it has quite a lot of content, and it can be played for a very long time without stopping screen.

Available on: PC

The idea of ​​creating and adding a monster to an MMO game is familiar to everyone, but this direction in the field of online RPG is poorly developed. The Riders of Icarus game is based on the idea of ​​creating and adding monsters to the game and, even more interestingly, each of these monsters has its own horse, which plays a crucial role for it.

The monster on a horse is the central figure in the game and can sometimes be difficult to control, especially during the flight, but thanks to this, unpredictable and even dramatic moments sometimes happen in the game. Riders of Icarus also features great and rare equipment, as well as quests that sometimes differ from the traditional "bring 15 mouse skins" quests.

Available on: PC, Android, iOS

The game is in the final stages of beta testing, but still deserves a place on this list due to its unique visual style, excellent PvP mode, and a fresh take on the crafting and profession system familiar to MMOs.

When you're not fighting other players for new territory and prestige, or exploring dungeons to destroy monsters and collect rare resources, Albion Online offers quiet islands where players can build their own farms and breed animals, as well as customize their homes .

Albion Online is still at the very beginning of a long journey, but the game already looks like a serious competitor to more established titles, and if development continues at the same impressive pace, then we will soon see a game that is likely to linger in our hearts for at least a decade.

Available on: PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC

At the moment, the game "Osiris: A New Dawn" is one of the most accessible. It still needs some work though, as this game has few weapons (a pistol with limited ammo and a rifle) and rarely has to fight. But there is one big plus - the atmosphere of this game is unforgettable. On an alien planet, caves await you, full of mysterious skeletons, but to get to them, you will need to make your way through sandstorms and meteor showers.

And how will you get to them? Of course, with the help of vehicles and spaceships that you can create yourself. The starting point in the game is the Proteus 2 satellite, where you will build your own house in the form of high-tech equipment. Resources include meteors that fall to the ground during thunderstorms, natural gas that you extract using barrels, and various metals. Judging by the first reviews, we can say that the game "Osiris: A New Dawn" is definitely worth paying attention to.

Available on: PC

Allods Online can be summed up in one sentence: a fantasy MMO where players on huge spaceships can surf the universe, explore floating islands and fight other pilots of the same ships. By the way, several dozen people can be on ships at the same time, each of which is responsible for the functioning of a particular compartment - for example, weapons or navigation, and each can be modified in many ways.

Of course, ships are not available at the first levels, but even standard dungeon exploration is furnished quite attractively so that the player does not lose interest in the first hours. Allods also has a well-thought-out PvP combat system, as well as a guild system that adds scale to everything that happens.

The latest update, called Immortals, adds new Allods - giant floating islands, as well as several new factions called Orders and which players can join at any time.

Available on: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC

The very fact that Defiance turned out to be a good game is a little surprising. Developing an MMO shooter based on the SyFy series could never have been a good thing, but Trion Worlds somehow managed to come up with a great game with a lot of interesting features.

The setting of Defiance catches with its originality and amusing backstory. The earth here has changed beyond recognition as a result of alien attacks, and the war with the invaders has led to the fact that both sides are in an extremely difficult situation.

Many factions have appeared, most of which consist of both aliens and people who are just trying to survive. The SyFy show of the same name closed in 2015, but the MMO is still thriving today, thanks to a powerful combat system, a pleasant character leveling scheme, and a wide range of equipment and weapons.

This is the first MMO we've seen where gunfights with bots seem quite realistic, and sometimes even turn into spectacular hand-to-hand combat with melee weapons.

The MMORPG genre is considered almost the most popular and in demand among players. It is not surprising, because sitting at home you can be transported to a fantasy kingdom or to another planet. Fight giant monsters, take part in the siege of the fortress and even take off under the clouds like a bird.

But, modern MMO projects are too demanding on computer hardware. That is why I decided to please those in need with my selection of MMORPGs for weak PCs. Even on your ancient computer, you can enjoy graphics, gameplay, battles and a variety of content. And it doesn’t matter how much RAM you have, what video card and how much hard drive space.

I decided to get serious about writing this top ten games and researched the topic quite thoroughly. Below I have compiled a list of 10 popular Russian-language client online MMORPG games that will run even on the weakest PC or laptop. My TOP is sorted from the less popular one (according to Yandex statistics) so that you can somehow sort out the number of players playing. Go!

10. Karos Online

Official site:
Publisher: Nikita
Release date in Russia: 20.12.2009
Development Model: Is free

Get ready to participate in the confrontation between the races. You must join the humans, the shadows, the seroins, or the Vanishians, and dedicate your life to war. Every nation dreams of one thing - to take possession of the mine where flatt is mined. Having obtained the material, you can improve weapons and armor, upgrade your winged creature, or simply get rich. And you are waiting for the epic siege of fortresses, travel, battles with monsters and raids. Although the game was released by the Korean company GalaxyGate in 2009, it is still popular among gamers.

Karos Online official system requirements

Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7+ (x32/x64)
Intel Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz+
GeForce 5600

9. Sphere 3: The Enchanted World

Official site:
Publisher: Nikita
Release date in Russia: 02.12.2015
Development Model: Is free

Classic MMORPG from the Russian studio Studio 61 with standard mechanics. Everything is quite simple: you choose a character from the standard classes, explore the mysterious world, complete tasks, kill mobs. Upon reaching a high level, you will have the opportunity to participate in sieges using catapults and various battering rams. At the end of 2015, Nikita released the game in Russia for free, which means that everyone can start playing.

Sphere 3 official system requirements

Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10 (x32/x64)
Dual-core processor from 2 GHz
GeForce 6600, Radeon X1600

8. Blood and Soul

Official site:
Publisher: GameNet
Release date in Russia: 26.05.2011
Development Model: Is free

Fantasy online game from the Chinese company KongZhong with the support of Korean and American developers. The plot is very simple, but interesting: the confrontation between Hell and Paradise. As in similar Eastern projects, character development occurs by completing quests, passing dungeons and farming mobs. There are four standard classes with two branches each. Starting from level 30, PvP will become available, where the target system is used.

7. R2 Online

Official site:
Publisher: Innova
Release date in Russia: 19.05.2008
Development Model: Is free

The project of the South Korean company Webzen, published in Russia by Innova Systems more than 10 years ago. The game is notable for its weekly cross-server battles between guilds and teams, sieges and battles for control points. All in all, R2 Online is a PvP oriented MMORPG. Also, its feature is in the system of reincarnations, that is, your hero can become any monster, thereby getting its various advantages (characteristics).

R2 Online official system requirements

Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 (x32/x64)
Intel Pentium 4 2.0GHz, AMD Athlon XP 2.0GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti 4200, ATI Radeon 8500

6. Neverwinter

Official site:
Publisher: perfect world
Release date in Russia: 20.06.2013
Development Model: Is free

Forget about the open world, there are dozens of different dungeons and raids in the game. Even if you have a weak PC, it will still start without any problems. You are waiting for epic encounters with monsters and bosses. A variety of systems for pumping heroes - improving equipment, a system of mounts and inserting gems. The guys from Cryptic Studios are constantly adding locations, monsters, things and do not forget to launch events. The game will not take much free time. You can clear one dungeon and return tomorrow to continue developing the hero.

Official Neverwinter System Requirements

Windows Vista, 7, 8+ (x32/x64)
Intel Dual Core 2 GHz
NVidia GeForce 6800, ATI Radeon X850

5. Lineage 2 Classic

Official site:
Publisher: Innova
Release date in Russia: New server - 02.10.2018
Development Model: Monthly Subscription

The legendary online MMORPG game from NCSOFT. Every gamer knows firsthand about this “toy”. The developers decided to remember the past and remake it for modern players by creating a classic server. Whatever computer you have, you have the opportunity to experience the very emotions that every player experienced in 2003-2010.

Lineage 2 Classic official system requirements

Windows Vista, XP, 7, 8+ (x32/x64)
Pentium4 3.0GHz
GeForce 6600 GT, Radeon X1600 Pro+

4. Royal Quest

Official site:
Publisher: Katauri
Release date in Russia: 21.03.2012
Development Model: Free

In 2012, Katauri Interactive released an MMO. At that moment, the project attracted the attention of many gamers. Unfortunately, the developers stopped surprising with content and against their background, other games gradually began to get better and better. But, if you have a weak computer and want to meet extraordinary monsters, walk through giant trees, besiege a fortress and descend into dozens of caves, Royal Quest is what you need. The picture, of course, leaves much to be desired, but the combat system, plot and quests are at the level of top MMOs.

Royal Quest official system requirements

Windows Vista, XP, 7+ (x32/x64)
Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2 64 3.0 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 9500GT, ATI Radeon HD 3450

3. Skyforge

Official site:
Release date in Russia: 02.04.2015
Development Model: Free

Imagine magic and modern technology, a fantasy world and Sci-Fi - this is it. The developers drew inspiration from the Star Wars universe. You will have the opportunity to go from immortal to a powerful god. At the moment, there are 15 classes in the game, and whichever one you choose, you can change it in a few clicks. All actions take place on one large Russian server from Mail Group.

Skyforge official system requirements

Windows XP+ (x32/x64)
Intel Pentium Dual E2160 1.80 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2.0 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS, Intel HD Graphics 3000, Radeon HD 4650

2.Perfect World

Official site:
Release date in Russia: 01.05.2008
Development Model: Free

This is one of the first MMORPGs and it will really fly even on a weak computer. There is no point in talking about the plot, it is too confusing. It's better to talk about classes - warrior, mage, summoner, tank, healer, etc. Although the heroes are standard, at level 99 you have to choose a side and join Hell or Heaven. The destructive skills that the character will be able to master depend on this decision. And it is also worth noting the various daily quests, events, dungeons, world bosses, battles in the air and under water. There is a place for everyone in this game. It doesn’t matter if you are ready to spend an hour a day or 10 on the development of a hero.

Perfect World official system requirements

Windows XP, 2000, Vista, 7 (x32/x64)
Intel® Pentium® 4 1.5 GHz, AMD Athlon 1500+
GeForce FX 5200, ATI Radeon 9500


Official site:
Publisher: Innova
Release date in Russia: 27.12.2009
Development Model: Free

In 2009, NCsoft released the legendary online game . Three completely different worlds await you, a war of races, a siege of ground and air fortresses. The peculiarity of the game is that it will run even on the oldest PC, despite modern graphics and engines. Yes, you will have to sacrifice the quality of the picture, but there will be a chance to be transported to a fantasy kingdom. Fight monsters, descend into the Abyss, fly between the clouds and take part in a bloody mess between races. So that the players could not agree, the developers installed a filter. You understand only the relatives, so there is no chance for a truce.

But the rest of the MMORPG requirements will only increase.

It will be very cool if you tell us in the comments about the system characteristics of your PC, as well as the games you play on it.