Is uterine fibroids dangerous? When is surgery needed and what alternative treatments are available? Uterine fibroma - symptoms and treatment, a danger to a woman.

Uterine fibroma is a benign mature tumor that has a connective tissue structure that grows in the walls of the uterus. Uterine fibroma is an excessive growth of connective tissue, which can be characterized by single seals or the formation of nodular clusters of seals. This type of uterine lesion rarely develops into a malignant neoplasm. If this neoplasm is detected in the uterus, it is necessary to immediately begin to carry out therapeutic measures to get rid of this pathological disorder.

Most often, the development of fibroids and pregnancy do not have a direct relationship with each other. This type of tumor does not pose a threat to the conception and development of the child. In some cases, there is an increase in pathological formation during pregnancy, but this is due to the direct growth of the size of the uterus itself in the process of bearing a child. After childbirth, most often there is a decrease in the size of the neoplasm, and in some cases the neoplasm may disappear completely. Fibroma of the uterus has the ability to grow, which requires surgical intervention.

Types of uterine fibroids

Medical specialists classify different types of fibroids based on the localization of the tumor process in the uterus. There are several types of breach:

The submucosal form of the neoplasm is characterized by localization inside the uterine cavity under its membrane. The process of growth of this pathformation is characterized by the occurrence of spasms and pain. Often, during the growth of the neoplasm, severe bleeding is observed.

The area of ​​localization of the subserous type of the disease is the outer surface of the uterus, its outer shell. Fibroid formations of this type are asymptomatic until they reach a size that prevents the functioning of adjacent organs.

The interstitial variety of the disease is characterized by the development of the process of formation of pathological formations in the walls of the organ. Gynecologists encounter this type of pathology most often. The growth and development of this neoplasm provokes an increase in the uterus.

The interligamentous type of fibroma is localized in the area located between the supporting ligaments of the reproductive organ. During surgery, in the case of the formation of such fibroids, there is a high probability of damage to adjacent organs and blood vessels of the circulatory system.

The stalked form of neoplasms is characterized by the formation of a pedicle in a subserous tumor. The growth and development of the disease are accompanied by the occurrence of severe pain and bending of the leg.

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Causes affecting the process of formation of a fibroid neoplasm

The etiological moments of the development of neoplasms are currently uncertain. Most specialists in the field of gynecology point to the existence of a connection between a neoplasm in the reproductive organ, which has an increased sensitivity to estrogens, and a predisposition that is due to heredity. However, such a connection may not always indicate the development of pathological formation in the woman's body.

The reasons for the formation of pathoformation in the organ may be the late onset of menarche, the artificial interruption of the gestation process, the absence of childbirth up to 30 years, the course of labor with complications, frequent diagnostic curettage, the use of hormonal drugs based on estrogen as contraceptives, the presence of chronic female ailments, lack of regular sexual activity. Very often, overweight, arterial hypertension, ailments associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, and the frequent occurrence of stressful situations can serve as a background for the development of the disease.

Fibroma of the uterus most often develops in women of the Negroid race.

The disease revealed the presence of a hormone-dependent nature, which causes the absence of the disease in girls in the premenstrual period and in women who have reached postmenopausal age. The growth of the neoplasm may increase during the period of bearing a child, an increase in estrogen production. After the birth of a child, a decrease in the size of the nodes to the initial state is most often observed. In the post-menopausal period, due to a decrease in estrogen production, the growth of pathological formation stops, and later it decreases in size or completely disappears.

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Symptoms of the development of the disease

Most women who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids do not feel any manifestations of the disease, and only in 15-25% of cases there are clinical symptoms of the development of the disease. The signs of the disease depend on the location of the lesion, the size of the neoplasm, and the direction of growth of the nodules.

Uterine fibroids can be accompanied by heavy and prolonged menstruation, sometimes bleeding may occur, which can provoke the development of anemia. In some cases, bleeding takes on an acyclic character.

The occurrence of acyclic bleeding is accompanied by the appearance of severe pain and abdominal cramps, as well as the formation of blood clots. With the development of the stalked variety of the disease, pain very often occurs in the intermenstrual period.

With the development of the disease, a woman may experience an uncomfortable condition, manifested by heaviness in the pelvic area. The occurrence of this feeling is due to the pressure exerted by nodular formations on neighboring organs. Very often, pain in the lower back and perineal region is possible. These pain sensations arise as a result of the process of squeezing the nerve fibers that go to the lower extremities.

As a result of the growth of nodular formations, there is an increase in pressure on the bladder, which provokes the appearance of frequent urge to urinate. As a result of the appearance of compression of the ureters, the development of hydronephrosis can be observed. With the growth of nodular formations, pressure can be exerted on the walls of the rectum and manifested by the occurrence of constipation and pain during the act of defecation. During the formation and development of a neoplasm in the body, a woman may experience pain during sexual intercourse.

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Diagnosis of a disease in a woman

Initially, the detection of a developing pathological formation most often occurs as a result of an examination and consultation with a gynecologist. When conducting a two-handed vaginal examination, an increase in the size of the uterus is revealed, which has a dense texture and a bumpy surface.

When using transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic area, the location of the nodular formation, its size, density and location in relation to adjacent organs are established. In the process of using ultrasound, a fibroma is differentiated from an ovarian cyst.

X-ray and ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy makes it possible to determine the presence of a submucosal fibroma in the endometrial cavity. If spontaneous bleeding occurs between periods, to rule out suspicion of uterine cancer, diagnostic curettage or endometrial biopsy is performed with a histological examination of tissues.

If necessary, an additional examination using MRI, CT or laparoscopy is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis. Laparoscopy is used when it is impossible to distinguish a fibroid formation from an ovarian tumor. Based on the data obtained during the examination, the method of medical impact on the woman's body is selected.

Fibroma of the skin is not a rare disease. Having found an unfortunate knot on his body, a person is immediately frightened. From that moment on, a bunch of questions swarm in his head: what if it's cancer? What if the tumor is dangerous? how to get rid of it? can it be cured?.. Let's see.

What is it and what does it look like?

benign tumor , consisting of connective tissue, nerve cells and fat. Most neoplasms are round in shape and look like a pea.

As a rule, the size of the fibroma does not exceed 3 cm. Over time, the seal grows, but this happens very slowly. As the fibroma grows, its color also changes. It can range from pink and red to bluish, brown, gray and even black.

Types of fibromas and their locations

Fibroma can appear anywhere on the body. The site of localization largely depends on the type of tumor.
There are two main types of skin fibromas: soft and hard .

A short video will tell you about the types of skin fibromas and their features. In addition, the video provides recommendations for the diagnosis and removal of fibromas.

is a rather rare form. Most often, it is located in places of friction: behind the ears, under the knee, on the eyelids, hands, in the neck, chest, groin or armpits. The soft tumor consists of adipose tissue and resembles a wrinkled sac. Its formation, as a rule, affects older women or obese people with loose skin. With age, the number of soft fibromas increases.

A short video will tell you about soft skin fibromas, the causes of their appearance and how to remove them.

(dermatofibroma) is the most common. It is usually located on the face, limbs, fingers, mucous membranes, back and shoulders. Moreover, there can be a seal in the form of a pea both on the skin and under it. Sometimes such a fibroma is located on the leg and resembles a wart (rare form). Solid fibroma is seen in both men and women.

Symptoms, signs

Quite often, fibromas are confused with other formations on the skin: for example, with a mole, wen, papilloma, polyps, senile keratoma, and even with manifestations of molluscum contagiosum. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know the main symptoms of the disease. These include:

  • small size (up to 3 cm);
  • clear boundaries;
  • mobility;
  • the color corresponding to the skin, and with an increase in size - purple-bluish;
  • slow growth, followed by a slight change in color;
  • bleeding on injury.

Important! The boundaries of the fibroma are always clearly defined.

In addition, each type of fibroma has its own additional features.

Signs of fibroids

Important! If you pinch a hard fibroma between your index and thumb, its center will bend inwards a little. This effect is called "dimple symptom" .

Reasons for the appearance

The exact causes of fibroids have not yet been established. However, the main reason is still considered hereditary predisposition .
A significant role in the formation of fibromas is also played by various skin lesions , among which:

  • friction of skin areas with clothing (belt, collar, cuffs, etc.);
  • insect bites;
  • skin injuries (cuts, abrasions, etc.);
  • skin inflammatory processes.

Other causes of fibroids factors :

Important! Since hormonal failure can lead to the formation of fibroids, it is worth contacting a specialist before using any hormonal drugs.

At-risk groups

Based on the causes of fibroids, doctors identified risk groups for the disease. These groups include:

  • pregnant women;
  • persons after 40 years (especially women);
  • patients with type 2 diabetes;
  • people with metabolic disorders and overweight;
  • persons with a hereditary predisposition (close relatives have fibromas).

It is worth noting that fibroids are extremely rare in children.

The danger of fibroma and its complications

Fibroma is not classified as a dangerous disease and is more often perceived as cosmetic defect .
Sometimes fibroids significantly impair the quality of life. After all, spontaneous twisting or injury fibroids (razor cut, rubbing with clothes, friction on the folds of the skin, etc.) can cause a number of complications :

  • soreness;
  • bleeding;
  • infection;
  • necrosis (death) of tissues.

Important! Skin fibromas rarely degenerate into malignant tumors. The transition to cancer occurs in isolated cases and only with rapidly growing fibromas.

In the absence of treatment and persistent hormonal disorders, fibroma can reach a fairly large size (the size of a chicken egg or even a palm). And teardrop-shaped soft fibromas are completely prone to numerous formations (up to several dozen throughout the body). Such manifestations are quite rare in patients.

Important! fibroids, as a rule, do not grow into neighboring organs and vessels. Such germination is observed only with a rare diffuse (aggressive) form of fibroma.

If a benign tumor does not bother a person: it does not hurt, does not bring discomfort and does not grow at a high rate, then you can wait a little while visiting the doctor. In case of negative manifestations (soreness, rapid growth, etc.), you should contact a professional.


Only a qualified dermatologist should diagnose fibroids. As a rule, in addition to visual inspection and palpation, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. scraping with cytology;
  2. biopsy with histological test;
  3. x-ray or ultrasound (when located on the internal organs or when deep).

These techniques allow not only to determine the type of neoplasm, but also to check it for good quality. Thus, cancer can be excluded, or vice versa, cancer is detected in time.

If you suspect a fibroma in the internal organs of women, the doctor prescribes additional consultations of a gynecologist and a mammologist.


The treatment of fibroids largely depends on the size of the tumor.
Small fibromas are treated with steroid injections , most often the drug » .

The agent is injected directly into the center of the growth. Such procedures significantly reduce the size of the tumor.
However, most fibromas need to be removed.


Removal of large or deep skin fibromas, usually surgical .

The operation is performed under local anesthesia and takes no more than 15 minutes. Complications after such an operation are rare. The only disadvantage of surgical excision is scarring (even when using cosmetic sutures).

Important! Contact qualified surgeons, as incomplete removal of skin fibroids will lead to its re-growth.

In addition, use the following skin fibroma removal methods :

  • laser coagulation;
  • radio wave method;
  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • chemical method.

The most preferred methods are laser removal and radio wave coagulation.

Laser coagulation – removal of fibroids with a laser beam. This method is rightfully considered one of the fastest (takes less than 15 minutes) and safe. It does not require anesthesia. The laser method eliminates bleeding and infection, and does not leave scars. It is used when removing both large and small fibromas that have arisen in open places (face, neck, hands, etc.).

Radio wave method – cutting fibroids with radioknife. This is one of the most modern methods. When it is used, bleeding, infection and scarring do not occur. The disadvantage of the method is the rather high cost.

Cryodestruction - destruction of fibroids with liquid nitrogen or dry ice. The method is used only when removing small fibromas. Since when large tumors are removed, small white marks may remain. In addition, cryotherapy does not exclude the re-growth of fibroids in the same place.

Electrocoagulation - Removal of fibroma by electric current discharges. It is used only in the treatment of small fibromas. The operation is bloodless, but leaves a small scar or stain behind.

chemical method - removal of fibroids by chemical irritant burns. The method is similar to cryodestruction.

Note! After removal of the tumor, a study of its tissues is mandatory. This is done to rule out cancer.

Forecast after removal

With proper and timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

The resumption of fibroma growth after high-quality removal is extremely rare (in 5% of cases). Thus, modern technologies make it possible to get rid of the tumor once and for all without compromising health and beauty.

Treatment with folk methods

Quite often, people resort to the treatment of fibroids with folk remedies.

These include the use of lotions, the preparation of ointments, the use of herbal decoctions, etc.
The following are the most popular "folk" procedures :

  • lubrication of the tumor with potato juice;
  • the use of lotions from the infusion of tree fungus (no more than 20-25 minutes a day);
  • wetting fibroma with celandine juice;
  • treatment of the build-up with camphor alcohol (3 times a day);
  • treatment with magnesia, or magnesium hydroxide (apply for 10 minutes a day, then rinse thoroughly);
  • lubricating the fibroma with a rub of aloe and iodine (keep the aloe leaf in the refrigerator for 3 days, then rub the leaf and insist on 100 ml of alcohol for 3 weeks, then add 10 drops of iodine to the mass).

Also, traditional medicine offers the use of special drinks for skin fibroids:

  • infusion of St. John's wort (1 tbsp. St. John's wort in a glass of water, leave for 4 hours, drink 3 times a day);
  • freshly squeezed potato juice (1 tablespoon 3 times a day);

  • infusion on oak bark (20 g of oak bark powder in a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, take three times a day);
  • tincture of calendula flowers (50 g of raw materials per 500 ml of alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, take 1 tablespoon three times a day);
  • infusion of pine nut shell (250 g of vodka per 100 g of nuts, leave for 2 weeks, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day);
  • drink from cucumber tops (2 tablespoons of chopped raw materials per 400 ml of water, leave for 2 hours, take 20 ml 3-4 times a day).

True, the result of "folk" treatment, at best, will have to wait 2 - 3 months. Therefore, folk methods should be used in combination with traditional medicine or after fibroid removal.


There is no special prevention of the appearance of fibroids. However, you can reduce the risk of tumor formation through a healthy lifestyle: playing sports, giving up bad habits, taking vitamin and mineral complexes and rational nutrition.
A diet rich in dairy products, fruits, vegetables, algae, and natural spices is believed to promote fibroma-free skin. Especially skin patients are recommended to use viburnum, apples, tomatoes and cucumbers. But salt intake should be significantly reduced.

Fibroma is often confused with a mole, but they are not the same thing. How to identify a malignant mole is described in detail in this article.

Question answer

Fibroma is a benign tumor?

Yes. Fibroma is a benign neoplasm. It is made up of connective tissue, nerve cells and fat.

Which doctor should I contact?

It is worth contacting a dermatologist, since fibroma is a skin disease.

Can a fibroma turn into cancer?

In isolated cases, with a rapidly growing tumor, it can, but this happens extremely rarely.

Is fibroma dangerous for life?

As a rule, fibroma does not pose a threat to life. However, with excessive friction on clothing or cuts, certain complications may occur: bleeding, infection, tissue necrosis, etc.

Can a fibroma dissolve?

Unfortunately no. At least, such cases are not known to medicine. Fibroma usually has to be removed by laser, surgical or other means.

Summarize. Fibroma of the skin is a benign tumor of a small size. It always has clear boundaries and usually resembles a pea. There are two types of fibromas: hard and soft. The main reason for the appearance of fibroids is heredity. Fibroids are not dangerous: they rarely degenerate into cancer. However, injuries and friction can lead to complications. There are several methods for removing fibroids. As a preventive measure, a healthy lifestyle is recommended.

Uterine fibroma is a diagnosis that every 7 woman after 35 years old can hear when visiting a gynecologist. The diagnosis is called into question after examination in the obstetric chair. To accurately identify the pathology, a woman will need to undergo a series of special tests. The disease, as a rule, affects the body of the uterus, in rare cases it is localized in the cervical region. How to recognize the symptoms of fibroids, how the therapy goes, our article will help you figure it out.

What are uterine fibroids and is it dangerous?

fibroma of the uterus in the photo

Pathology refers to benign formations. It is associated with hormonal changes in the body of a woman. The structure is a tumor, consisting of muscle fibers, connective tissues. Almost 40% of women after 35 years of age suffer from uterine fibroids. Many gynecologists associate the appearance of education with the onset of menopause, or, conversely, with its completion.. It is extremely rare that the pathology resolves on its own in certain cycles of the reproductive system.

Uterine fibroids should be diagnosed early to prevent undesirable consequences for the female body. It has been proven that pathology over time can bring severe discomfort. It may appear as:

  • failure in the menstrual cycle, heavy bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sweating and fever at night;
  • infertility;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • miscarriage.

The disease requires careful diagnosis and elimination of the problem in the early stages of its development in order to prevent the transition of a benign condition into a malignant one.

It's important to know! Fibroma of the uterus can become one of the causes of miscarriages and infertility. If a woman cannot become pregnant for many years, it is worth undergoing a diagnosis to recognize a benign formation.


Fibroid tumor of the uterus does not occur in girls who are not sexually active. Based on these data, gynecologists talk about the hormonal nature of the disease. Fibroma occurs more often in the age period from 35 to 55 years, it falls on sharp ones. The hereditary factor of the pathology is not excluded, as in other oncological diseases.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that the tumor can grow on its own and return to its original size. During pregnancy, it can increase significantly, after some time after labor, decrease in size. The same behavior of the formation was noticed during the onset and completion of menopause.

Experts identify factors that lead to the risk of uterine fibroids and these include:

  • late or too early onset of menstruation;
  • menopause, pregnancy;
  • various intrauterine manipulations (installation of a spiral, etc.);
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus or appendages;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • lack of sexual life, or rare contacts;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • , thrombosis;
  • hypertension;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • diabetes;
  • abortions, miscarriages;
  • late birth.

Immune factors significantly affect the risk of developing pathology. A decrease in the protective functions of the body leads to pathological processes. Chronic STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) increase the likelihood of a tumor by 2 times.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the psychological risk factor. Gynecologists assure that dissatisfaction with personal life, intimate relationships, frequent stress can lead to the development of the tumor process.

Symptoms - how to recognize the first signs of uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are diagnosed at any stage, but the symptoms are clearly manifested when the process is already of an average degree of development.

It is much more effective to treat pathology at the initial stage, therefore, due to wear and absence of signs of the disease, it is worth undergoing preventive examinations by a gynecologist at least 2 times a year.

The first signs appear much later than the beginning of the growth of education. A woman begins to notice the following manifestations:

  • pain of a slight aching or sharp nature in the lower abdomen;
  • instability of the menstrual cycle;
  • menorrhagia (prolonged heavy periods);
  • metrorrhagia (uterine bleeding with the presence of clots);
  • impossibility of fertilization and pregnancy;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

The first signs of a woman are often confused with manifestations of osteochondrosis, a common failure in the menstrual cycle due to colds, physical exertion, etc., which complicates the process of self-diagnosis.

It's important to know! Symptoms of uterine fibroids will differ for each patient due to age, comorbidities, and tumor localization.

Gradually, the symptoms begin to become more pronounced due to the growth of the tumor. Fibroma begins to manifest itself in the form of the following signs. If they occur, you must urgently contact the hospital for treatment:

  1. Uterine bleeding. Due to severe blood loss, a woman often begins to feel weak, dizzy, her skin becomes pale. Menstruation becomes prolonged and profuse with the presence of clots. Menstruation can be observed in the middle of the cycle, like spotting. They usually go away in a few hours or days. They are replaced by heavy menstruation. Prolonged uterine bleeding can lead to anemia. If a woman notices changes in the cycle, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist.
  2. Acute abdomen syndrome. It has obvious signs, consisting in cramping pains throughout the abdomen. They are able to give to the area between the legs, hips, lower back. There is parallel bloating, muscle tension, deterioration in general well-being. During palpation, the patient feels severe pain.
  3. Fever with fever.

An experienced gynecologist with palpation will be able to immediately recognize uterine fibroids. For any signs that cause discomfort, you should consult a doctor. This will increase the possibility of non-surgical intervention.


To recognize uterine fibroids, the doctor will need an examination on the gynecological chair. After that, the gynecologist will be able to either question the tumor and prescribe further diagnostics, or give a conclusion about the absence of pathology.

Further and more in-depth diagnostics include the types of studies:

As a rule, to make a diagnosis, it is enough to undergo an ultrasound scan and take a biopsy of the organ.


Therapy can be divided into 2 types - standard and folk. The first includes the classical methods of modern medicine, the second helps to cope with the initial signs of pathology or acts as a complex tool in the fight against the disease.

Traditional Methods

Traditional medicine considers the disease from the point of view of a non-dangerous condition for a woman, since therapy largely depends on the form, localization, growth rate and development of the tumor. If the patient is not concerned about the signs of pathology, the fibroma does not have a progressive development and is small in size, it is not touched. But at the same time, a woman should be observed by a gynecologist in order to control the tumor.

Conservative methods are required if there is an accelerated growth process or an enlarged uterus. Then doctors can prescribe medications. Their action is aimed at stopping the growth of fibroma development. As a rule, treatment is based on hormonal drugs, these include:

  • gonadotropin-releasing factor agonists (Diferelin);
  • antigonadotropins (Danazol);
  • gestagens (Nemestran, Norkolut).

A gynecologist may advise using the Mirena intrauterine system with levonorgestrel. The complex treatment includes drugs that help stop uterine bleeding (Dicinon, Vikasol, aminocaproic acid).

Indications for surgery

Sometimes conservative methods do not help, doctors have to apply surgical intervention. It is necessary for the following signs and conditions of the female body:

  • extensive and large tumors;
  • torsion and necrosis of the node;
  • the rapid growth of education;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic organs;
  • miscarriage, infertility;
  • subserous myoma on the leg.

According to indications, the tumor is removed by laparoscopy. If a patient of young childbearing age, doctors try to save the organ, they offer the following types of surgery:

  • supravaginal amputation;
  • defundation of the uterus;
  • extirpation.

After these interventions, the woman retains her childbearing functions, menstruation is restored some time after the operation.

Folk remedies

Today, traditional medicine offers many recipes for getting rid of benign formations. Natural herbs, tinctures and decoctions help stop the process of tumor growth.

For the treatment of uterine fibroids, agents based on celandine, motherwort, and hog uterus are used. The recipes are easy to prepare. The upland uterus is sold in the pharmacy network, it is considered a female herb, as it helps with many gynecological problems.

It's important to know! Before using a recipe from a hog uterus, you should consult a specialist. The grass has a hormonal composition, which can affect the course of the disease in an unfavorable direction.

Herbalists recommend therapy through douching and ingestion of the decoction. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 1 cup of boiling water. The broth should stand for at least 3 hours, after which it is used for its intended purpose. It is advisable to alternate this method of therapy with others every other day. Gynecologists talk about the advisability of taking the remedy from the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle until it ends.

Treatment with celandine takes place through tincture. It is prepared as follows:

  • alcohol and plant are taken in a ratio of 10 to 1;
  • Celandine is poured with alcohol and infused in a dark place for 2 weeks.

The resulting tincture is used according to a special scheme:

  • for 0.5 cups of boiled water 1 drop of tincture - on the first day;
  • for 0.5 cups of boiled water 2 drops of tincture - on the second day;
  • for 0.5 cups of boiled water 3 drops of tincture - on the third day.

Therapy continues upon reaching 15 drops per constant amount of water, after the dosage is reduced by 1 drop as well. Complete therapy takes 30 days.

Motherwort is used in the treatment of uterine tumors due to its healing composition. This plant has a medicinal component - flavonoids. It is necessary to prepare a decoction at the rate of 1 cup of boiling water per 1 tablespoon of grass. Insist for an hour, then use 1-2 times a day in small sips before meals. The average rate is a month.

There are many prescriptions designed to treat uterine fibroids. It should be remembered that alternative therapy as a healing drug is good in the form of complex therapy. It is impossible to carry out monogamous treatment only on herbal medicine. This may lead to adverse consequences.

What is the difference between fibroids and uterine fibroids?

Two definitions speak of a benign process. The difference lies only in the structure of formations. Fibroids are formed from smooth muscle cells that envelop the wall of the uterus. Fibroma appears as connective tissue. You can often see the definition of "uterine fibromyoma". The diagnosis speaks of a tumor that has a mixed type of cells and tissues in its structure. Often gynecologists detect this particular pathology.

Fibroma may not bother for years, but with a combination of adverse factors, rapid development begins. Gynecologists advise every woman to take care of her health and undergo preventive examinations on a gynecological chair in time. This helps in most cases to prevent many pathological processes in the reproductive system.

Due to the intense life, most women forget to monitor their health in a timely manner, even when the menstrual cycle changes, copious discharge and pain in the lower abdomen appear. Fibroma of the uterus is a diagnosis that is most often found out by chance during a gynecological examination.

A common tumor disease also occurs in young girls of childbearing age. However, the older a woman is, the higher the risk of developing uterine fibroids.

What it is

Since a large number of people are faced with manifestations of uterine fibroids, every girl should know what it is. A tumor of a benign type consists of connective tissues and muscle fibers. The neoplasm has a round shape, prone to slow development. At the initial stage, the tumor is rarely diagnosed, it mainly happens when the patient already needs surgery.

Fibroma sizes can reach up to 30 cm. Women during menopause, as well as adolescent girls, do not experience a similar ailment. The disease most often spreads among patients 35-40 years old.

Fibroma usually grows slowly, but if the tumor cells begin to divide rapidly, surgical treatment should be carried out immediately. The greatest danger is presarcoma.

If the neoplasm has many nodes, a large size, then sometimes it becomes necessary to remove the uterus. Every woman should understand what uterine fibroids are before a problem occurs.

What is the difference between fibroids and fibroids

Fibroids are benign tumors made up of muscle tissue. Between the fibrous parts are nodes, their development occurs in the uterine wall.

Tumors of this type do not cause unpleasant symptoms at the initial stage, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease. The difference between such neoplasms lies in the internal composition.

A tumor in which only muscle fibers predominate is called a fibroid. If, along with muscle, multiple connective tissues are present, this is a fibroma. The body of the uterus is affected much more often than the cervix. First, a tumor focus is formed from smooth muscles, after which this nucleus is converted into a fibroma or uterine myoma.

Often there is a multiple nodular fibroid, the growth of which occurs in different directions. In the inner part and the outer nodes germinate extremely rarely. However, if this happens, then there are painful menstruation, heavy bleeding. Some types of tumors can disappear on their own after menopause. With such a problem, further treatment is not required.


Diagnostic measures include an initial survey of the patient, do not forget about the importance of the presence of concomitant gynecological diseases. After that, the following diagnostic methods are carried out to confirm the diagnosis:

  • With the help of ultrasound examination of the pelvic area and the abdominal cavity, possible tumor processes can be detected. If necessary, conduct transvaginal diagnosis. This is necessary in order to consider the location of the fibrous node.
  • Ultrasound of the uterine cavity allows you to accurately determine the type of fibroma, the number of nodes, size. This method also determines other pathologies of the endometrium.
  • With the help of a special tool that is sent into the uterine cavity, a biopsy is performed.
  • A special camera is placed into the uterus through the cervical canal and examined.
  • A special substance is injected into the uterus and tubes for X-ray examination. This allows you to see the contours of the internal organs.
  • Dopplerography helps to examine the fibromatous nodes, and in particular the integrity of their vessels. The need for the procedure arises before embolization. This is the name of the modern method of removing the tumor without surgery, by blocking the blood flow.
  • MRI is performed when a fibroma of an impressive size is formed, when there is a risk of the tumor becoming malignant.
  • A laparoscopic examination is a procedure in which special surgical instruments are inserted through small holes.

Sometimes uterine fibroids are diagnosed during pregnancy. The presence of a tumor during this period creates a significant number of problems for the maternal organism and the fetus. There is a risk of premature termination of pregnancy, placental insufficiency, breech presentation may develop.

Uterine fibroids and pregnancy are not always compatible. This ailment is dangerous during childbirth, with a complicated course of the process, a rupture of the uterine wall, bleeding can occur. In most cases, women in labor with this diagnosis are given a caesarean section, because the natural passage of the child through the birth canal is impossible.


Even when the tumor reaches a large size, sometimes there are no signs of the disease, the location of the uterine fibroma plays an important role. The main symptoms of uterine fibroids:

  • Profuse bleeding during menstruation, interspersed with clots.
  • Constant urge to urinate. This happens because a large fibroma puts pressure on the bladder.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, due to the fact that the rectum is compressed.
  • Heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen usually occurs only during menstruation. However, in the later stages of the disease, pain can be observed constantly.
  • The abdomen increases in size, as during pregnancy. In this case, the weight remains the same.
  • Infertility, miscarriage.

If uterine fibroids are detected, symptoms of this type can be dangerous for patients planning a pregnancy. However, with a small tumor, doctors admit the possibility of a successful gestation.

The appearance of symptoms and signs of uterine fibromyoma suggests that the last stage of the disease is observed. The following factors influence the development of the tumor:

  • lack of childbirth throughout life;
  • surgical termination of pregnancy;
  • taking medical contraceptives for many years;
  • chronic inflammation of the appendages;
  • various neoplasms on the ovaries, mammary glands, skin around the genitals;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • constant nervous stress.

Do not ignore the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Especially if such an ailment occurs in a woman after 35 years and the growth of the tumor progresses, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to treat the disease

If uterine fibromyoma is detected, treatment is most often carried out surgically. The following indications for surgical intervention are distinguished:

  • submucosal fibromas grow too actively;
  • node sizes exceed all allowable parameters;
  • there are periodic uterine bleeding;
  • the leg of the tumor is twisted, intolerable pain occurs;
  • fibroma is combined with inflammation of the ovaries;
  • in the tubal corner of the uterus there is a node, which is the cause of infertility.

Women under 40 years of age, if uterine fibroids are detected, removal is performed by laparoscopy. Such an operation is performed under local anesthesia; upon completion of the process, long-term rehabilitation is not required. However, this procedure is carried out only with small fibroids.

After 40 years, fibroma is often removed along with the uterus and appendages. This is usually necessary if the tumor is of impressive size, and there are also concomitant neoplasms. Treatment of uterine fibroids in this way avoids the development of oncology.

In some cases, conservative therapy is carried out, when the development of the disease is stopped with the help of medications. Indications for this technique:

  • young patient;
  • small size of the tumor;
  • the uterine cavity is not deformed.

Embolization - refers to the method of conservative treatment, when a special substance is injected into the arteries of the nodes. In this way, the further development of fibroids is blocked.

When diagnosing uterine fibromatosis, symptoms, treatment is carried out with the help of hormonal drugs. The following medications are used: getagens, antigonadotropins, combined oral contraceptives.

Methods for the treatment of uterine fibroids with folk remedies:

  • Tincture of celandine. Such a medicine is prepared on the basis of vodka, they begin to use it with one drop, every day, increasing the dose. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • A decoction of flax seeds, taken for 2 weeks, 1 time per day.
  • Drink 1 glass of potato juice every day for a month.

Such methods of treating uterine fibroids are auxiliary. They can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

Is fibroma dangerous?

Not all patients know how dangerous fibroma is. With primary fibromatosis of the body of the uterus, there are no unpleasant signs. Therefore, treatment must be started as early as possible.

If fibrotic processes occur, for a long time there is a risk of loss of reproductive functions in a woman. In this case, only a doctor, after a preliminary diagnosis, will be able to determine the method of treating fibroids.

- a benign mature tumor that has a connective tissue structure and originates from the walls of the uterus. Clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids are directly related to its growth and may include menstrual disorders, pain and pressure in the lower abdomen, dysuric disorders, constipation, and back pain. Uterine fibroids are diagnosed based on the results of a gynecological examination, ultrasound, ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy, CT and MRI. Treatment of uterine fibroids can be conservative (medication), surgical (organ-preserving or radical), minimally invasive (endovascular).

General information

Tumors of the fibroid type can occur in various organs: the most common are fibromas of the ovaries, uterus, breast, and skin. Fibroma of the uterus can be represented by a single seal or nodular clusters; it grows asymptomatically and gradually. The size of uterine fibroids varies from a few millimeters to 20-30 or more cm in diameter. Fibroids of the uterus are practically not prone to malignancy.

Types of uterine fibroids

The classification of fibroids is based on the location of the tumor within the uterus. Submucosal fibromas grow inside the uterine cavity, under its membrane. With the growth of submucosal uterine fibroids, spasms and pains occur, and severe bleeding often occurs. Subserous fibromas form on the outside of the uterus, on its outer shell. Fibroid tumors of this type are asymptomatic until they grow to a size that interferes with the functioning of neighboring organs.

Menorrhagia is accompanied by severe pain and abdominal cramps, the release of blood clots. With stalked uterine fibroids, pain often occurs in the intermenstrual period. With uterine fibroids, a woman may feel discomfort or heaviness in the pelvic area, caused by the pressure of fibromatous nodes on adjacent organs. Often there are pains in the lower back and perineum, due to compression of the nerves going to the lower extremities.

With uterine fibroids, as a result of pressure on the bladder, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent; when squeezing the ureter, hydronephrosis may develop; pressure on the wall of the rectum is manifested by constipation, pain during bowel movements. A woman with uterine fibroids may experience pain during intimacy.

Fibroma of the uterus and pregnancy

Small, asymptomatic uterine fibroids usually do not prevent pregnancy. An exception is fibroid tumors, which block the fallopian tubes and block the path of spermatozoa, which makes it impossible to fertilize the egg. The presence of uterine fibroids can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Large nodes that reduce the free space of the uterine cavity do not allow the embryo to fully develop. Such uterine fibroids can cause late miscarriages or premature birth with the birth of a premature baby.

Large uterine fibroids can cause an incorrect position of the fetus, which not only complicates the course of pregnancy, but also aggravates the birth act. In such cases, a caesarean section is often performed. The most severe and dangerous for the birth process is the presence of cervical fibroma of the uterus, which creates an obstacle to the passage of the baby's head and the threat of severe bleeding. Pregnancy management in women with uterine fibroids requires increased attention and consideration of all possible risks.

Diagnosis of uterine fibroids

The initial detection of uterine fibroids usually occurs at a consultation with a gynecologist. With a two-handed vaginal examination, an enlarged uterus of a dense consistency with a bumpy surface is determined. With the help of transvaginal ultrasound of the small pelvis, the location of the uterine fibroma, its size, density and relation to neighboring structures are specified, and differentiation from ovarian cystoma is made.

X-ray or ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy allows you to determine the presence of submucosal uterine fibroids in the endometrial cavity. With spontaneous bleeding in the intermenstrual period, to exclude uterine cancer, a separate diagnostic curettage or biopsy of the endometrium with a histological examination of tissues is performed.

For the final confirmation of the diagnosis of uterine fibroids and its distinction from uterine sarcoma, fibroma and ovarian cystoma, MRI or CT is indicated. Diagnostic laparoscopy is used when it is impossible to distinguish uterine fibroids from ovarian tumors by non-invasive methods. Based on the totality of diagnostic data, tactics for uterine fibroids are determined.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

All women with uterine fibroids are subject to supervision by a gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist. Small asymptomatic fibroids of the uterus require monitoring in dynamics. Waiting tactics can be shown to patients of premenopausal age. Conservative therapy is justified when the size of the uterine fibroids is less than 12 weeks of pregnancy; subserous or interstitial arrangement of nodes; the absence of meno- and metrorrhagia, pain syndrome; surgical contraindications. Drug therapy for uterine fibroids includes taking NSAIDs, iron supplements, vitamins, and hormonal agents.

The basis of conservative treatment for uterine fibroids is hormone therapy with various groups of drugs. To suppress the synthesis of ovarian steroids in uterine fibroids, androgen derivatives (gestrinone, danazol) can be used. Androgens are taken continuously for up to 8 months, as a result of which the size of uterine fibroids may decrease. The use of gestagens (dydrogesterone, norethisterone, progesterone) allows you to normalize the growth of the endometrium during hyperplastic processes. The effectiveness of gestagens against fibroids is low, so their use may be justified in the case of small fibroid tumors of the uterus with concomitant endometrial hyperplasia. The course of treatment with gestagens lasts up to 8 months.

Good results in the treatment of uterine fibroids are shown by the use of the Mirena intrauterine hormonal system containing the progestogen hormone levonorgestrel. Regular release of the hormone into the uterine cavity prevents the growth of fibroids and has a contraceptive effect. The use of COCs (ethinylestradiol + dienogest, ethinylestradiol + drospirenone) effectively slows down the growth of small fibroid nodes (up to 2 cm). Treatment of uterine fibroids with combined preparations is carried out for at least 3 months.

The use of GnRH analogs (goserelin, buserelin) is aimed at achieving hypoestrogenism. As a result of their regular intake, blood flow to the uterus and fibroids decreases, which causes a decrease in the size of the fibroma. The effectiveness of therapy with GnRH analogues is reversible, since after the cessation of their use, the nodes reach their original size in 4-6 months. In gynecology, GnRH analogues are often used in the preoperative period to reduce the size of the nodes for easier removal. Side effects from these drugs include hot flashes, pseudomenopause, vaginal dryness, mood instability, and osteoporosis. Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids is advisable for submucosal growth, severe clinical symptoms (bleeding, pain, compression of adjacent organs), large nodular formations, combination of fibroids with endometriosis or ovarian tumors, necrosis of the fibrous node.

Organ-preserving interventions for uterine fibroids include conservative myomectomy by vaginal, laparoscopic or laparotomic access. During the operation, the fibrous node is enucleated while preserving the uterus. With a submucosal location of the node, hysteroscopic myomectomy is resorted to without incisions through the channel of a flexible optical hysteroscope. Organ-preserving operations, if possible, are performed for women planning a subsequent pregnancy. Radical methods of surgery for uterine fibroids include supravaginal amputation of the uterus or complete hysterectomy. Removal of the uterus can be performed through the vagina, laparoscopic or open access and is indicated for patients who do not plan to have children.

The modern treatment for uterine fibroids is uterine artery embolization. As a result of endovascular occlusion of the vessels that feed the uterine fibroids, the blood supply is blocked and the growth of the tumor node stops. Uterine fibroid embolization is a minimally invasive and highly effective technique. In some cases, ultrasonic ablation (USA) is used to treat uterine fibroids - “evaporating” the node with high-frequency ultrasound under MRI control.

Complications and prognosis for uterine fibroids

The growth of uterine fibroids may be accompanied by torsion of the pedicle of the node, necrosis of the node (usually submucosal or interstitial), hemorrhage. Torsion of the fibroma stem proceeds with an "acute abdomen" clinic. With necrosis, pain, fever, softening and soreness of the node appear. The probability of malignant degeneration of uterine fibroids is extremely low and does not exceed 1%. With severe bleeding, uterine fibroids cause the development of anemia.

Complications associated with surgical treatment of uterine fibroids include postoperative infections, bleeding, pelvic adhesions, and intrauterine adhesions. Pregnancy after conservative myomectomy occurs in 40-60% of patients. Also, organ-preserving interventions do not exclude the development of new fibroid nodes.

Prevention of uterine fibroids

There are no specific methods for the prevention of uterine fibroids. However, the exclusion of provoking factors (abortions, uncontrolled use of contraception, chronic inflammation, extragenital diseases, etc.) can reduce the likelihood of uterine fibroids.

An effective way to prevent uterine fibroids is a regular visit to the gynecologist and the passage of ultrasound.