Description of ZB Pain Relief orthopedic plaster. All about ZB PAIN RELIEF patches: how many patches are in a standard ZB PAIN RELIEF package

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buy a ZB Pain Relief patch for lower back pain and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy an orthopedic Chinese plaster for back pain, how much it costs. A large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

Various Chinese plasters can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, as well as ordered by mail. The price in pharmacies depends on the packaging. You will learn about the usefulness of an orthopedic Chinese plaster for back pain, what it heals, how to use it, by referring to the page of our website.

Indications for use:

Chinese plaster ZB Pain Relief relieves the condition with:

  • Spondylopathy;
  • Prolapse of the lumbar intervertebral disc;
  • sciatica;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Shoulder and elbow periarthritis;
  • Interscapular ganglionic pain;
  • lumbosacral sciatica;
  • Arthritis;
  • Arthrosis of the knee joints;
  • heel spurs;
  • Injuries;
  • corns on the feet;
  • Excessive deposition of adipose tissue in the region of V11 of the cervical vertebra (withers).

It has an analgesic effect, improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, improves metabolism.


Mode of application:

The main action of any Chinese adhesive plaster is pain relief, relieving tension and discomfort, therefore, it is used topically, applied to the painful area, after removing the protective film. The time of use is indicated on the packaging and should not exceed these recommendations.

The patch is glued to painful areas of the body. Open the package along the notch line, remove the patch, remove the paper sticker on one side, degrease the patch with hydrogen peroxide (3%). Each patch can be used for 2-3 days. Remove the patch, rinse the skin surface, stick the next patch after 5-8 hours.

Reviews indicate that the results of such therapeutic use of the patch give excellent results. If you do not know where to buy an orthopedic Chinese patch for back pain in your region, please contact our Russian Roots online store.

Contraindications for use:

Orthopedic plaster should not be applied to cuts, scratches, open wounds. Do not use the medical patch for women prone to skin allergies. Use the patch with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Do not drink alcohol and do not eat spicy and salty foods during the period of treatment with the patch.

If you have no restrictions on the use of Chinese medical patches, we recommend other medical patches:

Over the past 10 years in many developed countries there has been an increase in the number of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This causes significant damage, both to the economy (decrease in the number of able-bodied population), as well as to the health of the population as a whole (disability). This situation is due to the lack of awareness of patients, the impact of harmful factors (working conditions, regimen, nutrition, etc.), as well as the low level of primary diagnosis.

Back pain can be indicative of spinal problems

Studies show that about 80% of the adult population complained of recurrent back pain, decreased mobility, and so on.

All this can be a precursor to the development of a number of diseases, ranging from sciatica to OA (osteoarthritis). Many patients, noting the above symptoms, take up treatment on their own, using folk remedies. So, in particular, the ZB Pain Relief orthopedic anesthetic patch is very popular.

The official website states that ZB Pain Relief is an innovative development of Chinese specialists from the Shaanxi province, which is designed to save patients from a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The tool has international certification in accordance with standards (ISO and GMP).

In fact, the relief orthopedic plaster is not a godsend, because its components were known in Ancient Times, as evidenced by the recipes of oriental medicine.
This novelty is based on two main effects:

  • a unique technology that allows the components to penetrate the skin exactly into the affected area;
  • a balanced composition that provides an instant therapeutic effect.

The fact that ZB Pain Relief is not a hoax is evidenced by large-scale clinical studies that took place in Europe. The study involved a sample of more than 1,000 people with various joint diseases. Results are given that 70% experience a reduction in symptoms and improved mobility.

You will learn all the details about the patch from the video:

Composition of the ZB Pain Relief patch

The manufacturer claims that the composition contains exclusively components of plant origin, while the agent does not have a side effect on the cardiovascular, digestive and other body systems.

Key Components:

  • Millennium reticulata- has a vasodilating effect, and also improves blood flow in almost all organs;
  • Ginseng- often used in oriental medicine to improve cell regeneration, as well as metabolic processes in the nervous tissue;
  • Cistanche saline- contains a large amount of flavonoids and can reduce tissue swelling;
  • Drinaria- can reduce tonic muscle contractions;
  • Cybotium- improves the rheological properties of blood and metabolic reactions;
  • Angelica large-serrated- the composition includes various essential oils, thanks to which the components penetrate through the lipid membranes of cells;
  • safflower- improves microcirculation, and also reduces tissue swelling;
  • Ginura pinnatifid- has a restorative effect in case of various injuries;
  • Corydalis dubious- exhibits moderate antibacterial activity;
  • Bornean camphor- partially dissolves blood clots.

The manufacturer claims that only herbal ingredients are present in the composition.

For what diseases is the patch used?

Someone claims that ZB Pain Relief is a scam, while others stubbornly praise him.

But, it is difficult to deny the effectiveness of a remedy that has proven itself in clinical trials.

The tool has an excellent regenerative effect, eliminates inflammatory exudate, normalizes blood circulation at the site of the lesion, therefore it is indicated for the following diseases:

  • (, purulent,);
  • deforming;
  • soft tissue bruises;
  • fractures of tubular bones;
  • myofascial syndrome, etc.

Where to order ZB Pain Relief and features of its application

At the moment, the ZB Pain Relief patch has a reasonable price, but it cannot be bought at a pharmacy, as this is not an officially registered drug. However, you can order a Chinese orthopedic plaster on the official website with a 50% discount.

At the moment, the price ranges from 100 to 200 rubles per 1 piece (depending on the discount). The more patches you purchase, the higher the discount themes.

So, often patients are interested in the question, how many ZB Pain Relief patches are in the package? The standard package includes 5 pcs, but if necessary, you can place several orders at once. Agree, the cost of 99 rubles for 1 piece of orthopedic plaster is not much.

ZB Pain Relief comes with five patches in a standard package.

Now let's deal with the features of using ZB Pain Relief. So, according to the recommendations of Chinese experts, the course of treatment is at least 6 days. It can be repeated in a week - until the disappearance of painful symptoms.

Instructions for using the ZB Pain Relief patch:

  • clean the skin in the affected area and apply the patch with the sticky side;
  • during the day, all active elements are released;
  • after that, the old patch can be removed and a new one applied;
  • treatment is continued for 6-10 days.

Real reviews about ZB Pain Relief

As we have already specified, all new items on the market have a rather dubious history - they quickly appear and quickly disappear. In the case of this tool, the situation is somewhat similar, because some stubbornly praise the novelty, while others insist that ZB Pain Relief orthopedic plaster is a hoax.

But, in any case, the cost of the remedy is not high, and if there is at least one chance to get rid of the disease, why not use it?

But, according to tradition, let's find out what reviews can be found about the Chinese orthopedic plaster ZB Pain Relief:

  • “For several months there was swelling in the foot area. We used all sorts of means, but everything was even. The only thing that helped was the patches”;
  • “It's just ridiculous. I didn’t even notice the effect, only the back pain increased - money wasted in vain”;
  • “I bought my mother 5 patches for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. We did not expect such an effect - after a week the pain was gone, and the swelling of the joints decreased ";
  • “I read positive and negative reviews about the ZB Pain Relief orthopedic patch and decided to take it anyway. Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen, the joints both hurt and hurt - I do not recommend.

From all this it follows that there are many different points of view in the network, in particular, a similar collision is observed among specialists. So, Dr. Bubnovsky does not speak very well of the ZB Pain Relief patch, when his colleague, orthopedic doctor Rudnev V.M. claims that this remedy is a panacea.

Weighing all the arguments, one gets the impression that once again a bright novelty has appeared on the market, designed to cure all diseases.

Reviews, clinical trials and mouth-watering prices - Everything speaks in favor of buying this product..

Plaster ZB Pain Relief - a real chance to defeat the disease

They say that in war all means are good.

Perhaps the ZB Pain Relief patch is exactly the remedy that will help the patient in the “war” with rheumatological pathology?

In any case, do not rush to go in search of "innovative" drugs: study reviews, expert opinions, and then take up such treatment.

If you still decide to purchase the innovative ZB Pain Relief patch, then you can do this by filling out the form below. We will immediately forward the application to the manufacturer. Payment upon receipt.

Chinese orthopedic patch ZB PAIN RELIEF is a unique remedy for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system at any stage of their development. Various methods of alternative medicine can be used in combination with traditional therapy. Plaster ZB PAIN RELIEF, in addition to high efficiency, has a lot of positive characteristics.

Severe back pain, limited joint mobility, numbness of the limbs - all this indicates the presence of orthopedic problems. Different doctors deal with them – neurologists, neurosurgeons, vertebrologists. Each of them uses a specific approach to treatment.

If you periodically suffer from pain in any part of the spine, it is advisable to visit your doctor. Postponing a visit to a specialist is not worth it. Some diseases develop very quickly without treatment. If you do not contact the doctor in a timely manner, then he will be able to offer only a complex operation.

Not all modern doctors trust Chinese medicine, but we must not forget that in the Middle Kingdom the tradition of treating many serious diseases is rooted in the deep past. Here, knowledge in medicine has been honed over the centuries, methods of dealing with ailments that are atypical for Europeans are used. There is no doubt about their effectiveness, so Chinese orthopedic plasters are increasingly used in our country.

The effect of the patch

This tool allows you to deal with numerous ailments:

  • radiculitis;
  • intervertebral and protrusions;
  • inflammatory processes in the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • sciatica;
  • consequences of serious injury.

It has been proven that the ZB PAIN RELIEF patch is effective in the fight against heel spurs, diseases of the genitourinary system, bronchitis, so the spectrum of its positive effect is extensive. The basis of Oriental medicine is not the treatment of specific symptoms of the disease, but the impact on the entire body as a whole through acupuncture points. Another significant advantage of Chinese orthopedic patches is their safety. The effect of applying ZB PAIN RELIEF to get rid of the blockade. Only injections of painkillers and anti-inflammatory compounds into the spine cannot be done constantly, and with the wrong technique, this is fraught with serious problems. Orthopedic patch acts instantly, gives excellent results and does not harm health.

The composition of the orthopedic plaster

This Chinese development includes a lot of medicinal plants, the effect of which complements each other. For mass production ZB PAIN RELIEF use:

  • milletia net;
  • cistanche saline;
  • large-serrated angelica;
  • Bornean camphor;
  • drinaria;
  • ginura pinnatifid;
  • corydalis doubtful;
  • safflower;
  • cybotium.

This is not the whole list of natural medicines used to create a Chinese orthopedic patch. The technology of its production is strictly classified, but we can certainly prepare that all of the above components effectively fight pain, inflammation, and even structural changes within tissues.

In order for the medicine to act not only on the skin, all components of the composition are carefully crushed. Through the upper layers of the epidermis, these nanoparticles enter the bloodstream, where they immediately begin to work. Due to the fact that the patch is glued directly to the back, it acts locally.

Properties of orthopedic Chinese plaster

What effect should be expected from a non-standard drug? The effectiveness of its use is high. The following positive properties of ZB PAIN RELIEF are distinguished:

  • reduction of pain;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • reduction of swelling of internal tissues;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • restoration of deformed, destroyed tissues.

The action of the patch is versatile. After the end of the recommended course of treatment, the patient feels relief, he returns to a full life. Judging by the reviews of the orthopedic patch, it cures serious ailments. After its application, there is no need for surgical intervention to remove the intervertebral hernia. You should not immediately count on such an effect, but you can experience all the benefits of Chinese medicine using a special patch. Even if he just relieves pain and swelling, this will already be a huge step forward on the road to recovery.

Instructions for use of the orthopedic plaster

The skin must be prepared before using the ZB PAIN RELIEF patch. To do this, the surface should be washed with warm water, without rubbing it, and dried. The upper protective layer is removed from the patch, an application is made on the back. It must be glued carefully, leveling the surface. There is no need to additionally rewind the back with a scarf. The patch does not get dirty, does not peel off, it is not visible under clothes. It is advisable to wear it for 3-4 days. After that, the waste material is removed from the back, the skin is cleaned, the next patch is glued. For one course of treatment, 5-6 of them should be used. You will feel noticeable relief on the first day of use.

At this time, you can wear your usual, play sports. You should carefully take a shower and it is worth giving up the bath at this time, because the patch will simply peel off in the water. There are very few contraindications to the use of this remedy. It is not recommended for use in childhood, but in young patients this is rarely necessary. The patch is also prohibited for pregnant women, because studies of its effects on the fetus have never been conducted.

It is impossible to glue the surface with the medicinal composition on damaged skin. Rash, wounds and abrasions are a clear contraindication to the use of the patch. You have to wait until the skin heals. Before starting a course of treatment, it is worth consulting with a specialist in the field of oriental medicine, he will tell you how to enhance the effect of this remedy.

Benefits of Chinese Orthopedic Plaster ZB PAIN RELIEF

Chinese developments in the field of medicine can be called the latest, but they have been used in the East since ancient times. Plaster ZB PAIN RELIEF has a huge list of advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • complete security;
  • no side effects;
  • availability;
  • low price;
  • the possibility of combining with other methods of treatment;
  • availability of official GMP and ISO quality certificates.

Patients who want to experience the effect of the patch for themselves are interested in how much the course of treatment will cost them. This tool is inexpensive, but to achieve the desired effect and consolidate it, you need to go through several courses of 5-6 applications each. If we compare the cost of buying a patch with the cost of traditional treatment by a neurologist, then these amounts are comparable.

Before using an orthopedic plaster from China, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, to find out his opinion about this remedy. You can order products directly from China. Many intermediaries provide such services. You will be convinced of the high efficiency of an unconventional remedy.

The opinion of specialists about the orthopedic patch

Of course, before using the new tool, I got acquainted with all the possible information on this topic. On one of the medical forums, I found a review of the zb pain relief orthopedic patch. In general, from most of the posts it could be concluded that it is unique today and contributes to the treatment of many diseases.

But among them there were also negative reviews, since the product is not always effective in self-treatment. And in some cases, it should be used only as part of a comprehensive treatment. Therefore, before use, you need to contact a specialist, undergo an examination and find out the cause of the ailments.

In this regard, before buying an orthopedic plaster, I asked for advice from my doctor. He confirmed that this remedy is suitable for treatment in my case, and I still purchased it.

“The use of an orthopedic patch in China is not a novelty. It has been used for centuries by Tibetan monks, and today this remedy alone is used to treat a wide range of ailments.”

Alena Dmitrievna, doctor

Where can I buy Chinese orthopedic plaster

It is impossible to buy such a unique remedy in a pharmacy, so the only solution to this problem is to order it via the Internet. It is in great demand, in connection with which the number of fakes is increasing. To avoid a collision with a fake, you need to purchase a Chinese orthopedic patch "ZB PAIN RELIEF" using the official website.

It is also worth noting that the price of an orthopedic patch on this site is, of course, lower than that of the distributors. But beware of ridiculously low prices: buy a fake. I found a video about the configuration on YouTube in the public domain:

How do I use an orthopedic patch?

I use the zb pain relief patch once every 3 days: wash my lower back with warm water, then stick it on. Due to the heat emanating from my body, it gradually melts, releasing its medicinal substances, and the skin gradually absorbs them, receiving a uniform amount over 72 hours.

The orthopedic plaster does not constrain my movements and does not cause any discomfort or inconvenience. It is firmly and securely attached to the waist.

After three days, I remove the remnants of the patch, rinse with water the place where it was, and give the skin the opportunity to rest for 3-5 hours. Then I repeat the procedure again.

Active ingredients of the orthopedic patch

Orthopedic plaster is a special drug due to the fact that it contains the following components:

  • milletia reticulata, able to relax muscles and tendons;
  • saline cistanche, which improves the functioning of the intestines and “moisturizes” it;
  • Corydalis dubious, analgesic and moving blood;
  • safflower, which eliminates any kind of blood stasis.

And that's not all that the zb pain relief patch does:

  • enhances metabolism throughout the body;
  • has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • removes various types of edema;
  • relieves numbness in the lower back, limbs and other areas of the body.

It should also be noted that the patch does not have any side effects, which are usually a whole list in any external remedy for the joints.

Usually different creams and gels completely set the gastrointestinal tract. The patch does nothing of the sort.

Disadvantages of an orthopedic patch

The disadvantage of the zb pain relief orthopedic patch is its high price. Also, you can only buy it online. This is quite difficult to do for older people who most often need this remedy. Well, of course, the likelihood of acquiring a fake can also be considered a disadvantage.

Precautions when using an orthopedic patch

You should also pay attention to the contraindications regarding this tool. It can be harmful to those people whose body is sensitive to any of its components. Do not apply the patch to children under 6 years of age and pregnant women, as well as apply to open wounds.

During treatment, you need to follow a light diet, which provides for the rejection of alcohol, fried and fatty foods - so the medicinal components will work in full force.

How did the orthopedic patch help me?

After the course of treatment, I began to feel much better. The pain gradually began to decrease, and over time it completely ceased to disturb me. During the treatment, I did not experience any difficulties.

Nowadays, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are, alas, more and more common. Intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and rheumatism - all of the listed pathologies, unfortunately, can develop even in young people, adolescents and children, not to mention older people. This mainly occurs against the background of metabolic disorders, a sedentary lifestyle, spinal injuries, and static loads. Diseases of the skeletal system are usually accompanied by severe unbearable pain and often lead people to disability. In many cases, doctors recommend urgent surgery to their patients as the only remedy that can correct the situation.

Of course, doctors know better. But before you go under the knife, it might be worth trying to resort to the help of Zb Pain Relief orthopedic imported plasters, reviews of which give hope that even in advanced cases you can save yourself from pain and restore impaired joint functions, bypassing the surgical table or reception hormonal drugs. These drugs are produced in China and, according to the instructions, they can not only relieve pain and reduce inflammation, but also reverse the destructive processes that occur in bones and cartilage. Let's take a closer look at these non-traditional remedies. What is the mechanism of action of patches, their composition and price; what people who have tried to be treated with their help say - our article is devoted to all these issues.

What is the therapeutic effect

For us, accustomed to a purely European medical approach to the cure of diseases, based primarily on relieving the symptoms of a particular disease, many Chinese remedies are very unusual, which have recently been widely advertised both in the press and on the Internet. Here, for example, Zb Pain Relief patches - the reviews about them are entirely positive, but I would like to understand how this thing works and what, in fact, is based on, the healing effect really observed by many.

It turns out that in China, the use of external means in the form of patches has been practiced for a long time. And their first creators are considered to be the keepers of ancient medical traditions based on thorough knowledge about the human body, about the meridians, by acting on which even the most dangerous disease can be cured, as well as about the properties of plants and minerals. Today, Chinese scientists have managed to combine the ancient knowledge of their country and modern nanotechnologies and thereby obtain drugs that have truly magical powers. One such remedy is the Zb Pain Relief orthopedic plaster.

When the product is applied to the site of pain localization, the active substances applied to the tissue base, under the influence of body heat, begin to quickly dissolve and be absorbed into the skin. Then the medicine enters the bloodstream, is delivered through the blood vessels to the problematic focus and begins to work, stopping pain and relieving inflammation. In the production of patches, the latest technologies are used to crush the medicinal components into extremely small nanoparticles. This contributes to the rapid penetration of the drug into diseased tissues.

Advantages of patches over other drugs

Adhesive treatment strips Zb Pain Relief, the price of which is by no means high, have a number of undeniable advantages over many expensive drugs, in any case, Chinese manufacturers say so. Here is a short list of their benefits:

  • For health, safety is 100%, because the medicinal composition applied to the Zb Pain Relief patch consists exclusively of natural herbal ingredients that will not harm either the liver or the stomach with the intestines and have virtually no side effects.
  • The exceptional therapeutic efficacy of the patches has been proven and confirmed in the clinical setting.
  • Pain is relieved almost instantly.
  • They have a prolonged local effect.
  • They help not only relieve symptoms, but also cure the disease completely.
  • They are very convenient to use, do not cause any discomfort and inconvenience to patients, are securely fixed on the skin, do not hinder movements.
  • With the highest efficiency have an affordable cost.
  • Certified according to international standards (ISO and GMP).

Medicinal properties

  • Relieve pain quickly.
  • Remove puffiness in tissues.
  • Stimulate metabolic processes.
  • Enhance blood circulation.
  • Return tissue elasticity.
  • They have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • They supply bones, joints and essential trace elements.
  • Prevent the development of complications and further progression of the disease.

Composition of orthopedic plasters

When sticking an orthopedic plaster on a sore spot, most people do not even realize how complex the medicinal composition of this seemingly simple product is. The exact formula, of course, is kept in strict confidence, but the main components are still indicated in the instructions that come with the drug. These are extracts of the following plants:

  • Reticulated millennium. The flowers and leaves of this shrub have analgesic, warming, and anti-inflammatory effects, in addition to all of the above, they improve and restore blood circulation in cartilage and bone tissues, which directly affects their nutrition and regeneration.
  • Bornean camphor. Extracted from the unique, it incomprehensibly enhances the action of the other components several times and helps them to penetrate the body faster.
  • Cistanche saline. It is known that this plant quickly relieves aching joints and muscles, strengthens bones, tendons, and has an anti-inflammatory effect on tissues.
  • Ginura pinnatifid. Enhances the nutrition of diseased tissues, improves microcirculation in them.
  • Angelica large-serrated also included in the orthopedic patch. This plant is extremely rich in essential oils, pectin, phytoestrogens, tannins. It relieves spasms and pain, soothes and helps the body cope with inflammation.
  • Corydalis is doubtful. It also excellently relieves inflammation, quickly relieves the symptoms of rheumatism.
  • Drinaria. This plant is a storehouse of biologically active substances that launch self-healing processes in tissues, and at the same time act as a general tonic.
  • Cybotium. With dystrophic degenerative changes in the joints, it can relieve both pain and inflammation, it is excellent for rheumatism;
  • safflower. Thanks to him, the condition of the vessels and their blood supply improves.

Indications for use

Chinese Zb Pain Relief patch allows doctors and their patients to approach the treatment of many painful ailments in a new way, and this is not only diseases of the joints and bones. Here is a list of the main diseases that lend themselves to the healing power of a unique remedy:

  • Radiculitis lumbosacral.
  • Orthopedic problems in various parts of the spine.
  • Inflammatory processes localized in the vertebrae or in the muscles of the back.
  • Pain in the knee, hip, elbow joints, etc.
  • Fall injuries.
  • Muscle clamps.
  • Heel spurs.
  • Sciatica.
  • Numbness of limbs.
  • Calluses on the feet.
  • Neuralgic pains.
  • Bronchitis (here the patch is glued to the skin in the area of ​​the bronchi) and tracheitis.
  • Various diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Diseases of the ovaries and uterus.

How to use patches correctly

Orthopedic plaster is very easy to use. Here is a simple usage pattern:

1. First you need to do the preparation of the skin, where you have to stick the patch - rinse it with warm (not hot) water and wipe it dry.

2. Take the Zb Pain Relief patch, carefully remove the protective film from it, apply the adhesive side to the skin and gently press, smoothing.

3. The patch should be worn for two to three days. After the expiration date, it must be removed and the skin wiped with water.

4. A few hours after removal, stick a new patch.

Five to six patches are required for one course of treatment, but if there is such a need, the procedures can be continued until there is a clear improvement in the condition.

Contraindications for use

The patches should not be applied to open wounds, fresh scratches, etc. In some individuals, some components may cause allergic reactions, in which case it is better to stop using the product. The instruction also prescribes the need for more careful use of patches for pregnant women.

People's reviews

Well, we got to the most important thing, for the sake of which this article began to be written - now we will tell you how people respond about this product. Is it true that these Zb Pain Relief patches are that good? Reviews about them are really completely laudatory. What do people like so much? Firstly - quick help, and secondly - ease of use of the tool. Now many people work all day at computers, which is why the spine suffers. The back begins to constantly whine and hurt. So, it turns out that those who decided to use Zb Pain Relief orthopedic plaster were able to help themselves and now willingly share their positive experience - they write on the forums that relief comes literally in a matter of hours and even minutes. And they recommend the Chinese remedy to others.

A separate category of reviews is from those people who have been suffering from any inflammatory joint diseases, such as arthritis, for many years. With an exacerbation of this, they are truly unbearable, and the condition is further complicated by the fact that the joints cease to perform their functions, which greatly affects the quality of life. So, there are a lot of stories on the forums about how the Zb Pain Relief patch helps in such a serious condition. There are reviews from different groups of the population, from women and men, from old people and younger ones. And judging by them, if the patches are used in the recommended course, then it is possible to significantly improve the health of the joints, restore their mobility, stop inflammation, etc.

Often, orthopedic patches are successfully resorted to, again, judging by the reviews, with those who have encountered a similar problem, they know how difficult it is to solve it, using even potent modern medicines. It is necessary, limping, to go to the doctors and visit the physiotherapy room. And the Chinese orthopedic plaster Zb Pain Relief can solve the problem easily and quickly.

Reviews about the non-traditional use of patches are very interesting. Some people advise using them for colds. For example, at the first symptoms of a runny nose, stick small strips on the nose area, and with a sore throat - on the places under the lower jaw where the tonsils are located. When bronchitis begins, patches are glued to the chest. It should be noted that this remedy is especially effective at the very beginning of a cold.

It would be slyness on our part to say that everything is so cloudless. Of course, there are people who write that Chinese plasters did not help them at all. But in percentage terms, there are still much more positive ratings than negative ones.

What do doctors say about orthopedic patches?

So, we found out that most people praise the Zb Pain Relief patch. Reviews of doctors appear much less often on forums and in the press, but they are more valuable to us. Indicative is the review of orthopedic plasters, published on the Internet on behalf of one orthopedic doctor of the highest category. He directly writes that he considers this remedy the medicine of the future; that this is an effective external drug that has no analogues in the domestic market today. According to the expert, he constantly recommends his patients to use Zb Pain Relief as an additional treatment, and those who listen to his recommendations, the cure is much faster.

Zb Pain Relief - price

Today, a simple trip to the pharmacy can cause stress even for people who are not particularly sensitive. After all, prices for many pharmaceuticals, especially imported ones, tend to sky-high heights at an amazing rate. And what is the cost of the Zb Pain Relief patch? The price of a product depends largely on the distributors who distribute this product. Currently, the average cost of packing orthopedic plasters is within 1000 rubles.


You got acquainted with Zb Pain Relief patches. Reviews about this tool should not be your only decisive arguments in favor of choosing a drug. It must be understood that joint pain can signal very serious problems, and the first thing to do in the presence of persistent pain manifestations is to consult a doctor for a diagnosis.

The Zb Pain Relief patch, the price of which is quite affordable, can be an excellent help in the fight against joint ailments, but it is better to discuss the treatment regimen with an orthopedist or traumatologist. In some cases, for example, in the presence of an intervertebral hernia, the use of external agents such as patches may not be enough to radically solve the problem - this must be understood. In conclusion, we wish you and your loved ones good health!