Sensation of soft uterus and swelling. Causes of an enlarged uterus other than pregnancy

During pregnancy, the tummy is an indicator of well-being and mood for many expectant mothers. What can I say, if a woman is not worried about anything, then her mood is good and the thoughts that are transmitted to the baby. Feelings in the abdomen in early pregnancy can be varied. Very often they are caused by physiological processes associated with the growing uterus.

Physiological processes

The sensations in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy include the following:

  1. It is caused by the fact that more blood than usual begins to flow to the location of the uterus. This condition does not require any intervention and is not painful for a pregnant woman.
  2. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen. This is another one of the normal states. The hormone relaxin, which begins to be produced during pregnancy, causes women to feel sprains in the groin muscles and lower abdomen. As a rule, these pains are not strong and have a fickle, wandering character.
  3. At small stages of pregnancy, a woman may feel this condition, like a small petrification of the lower abdomen. Moreover, the uterus in this period is so small in size that it will not be possible to grope for it yet. But she will often force you to go to the toilet. The uterus with the fetal egg grows rapidly, pressing on the bladder, from which there are frequent urges to visit the ladies' room.
  4. Bloating. Feeling bloated for women in early pregnancy is also the norm. This condition is due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of the future mother gradually begins to rebuild, making room for a growing tummy. In addition, the hormone progesterone, which begins to be actively produced from the first days of pregnancy, helps to reduce intestinal muscle tone, which leads to constipation and bloating. To get rid of this, not entirely pleasant phenomenon, it is enough to slightly adjust your diet. All foods that can cause bloating should be removed from the diet: legumes, cabbage, black bread, etc. And also eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

In addition, gynecologists recommend dealing with the feeling of an inflated abdomen in early pregnancy with the help of special exercises. It is a set of gentle exercises for the lumbar. As a rule, these are all kinds of tilts with outstretched arms and without them, as well as raising the legs to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Given the fact that in the first trimester a woman is prone to the fact that an abortion can occur, a set of exercises should be performed only after consulting a gynecologist.

When should you call a doctor?

But not all stomach sensations in early pregnancy are harmless. There are several criteria for which you just need to call an ambulance:

So, not all sensations in the stomach in the early stages are harmless. But in fairness, it must be said that nature protects pregnant women and, as a rule, they do not have appendicitis. Listen to yourself and your pregnancy will be easy.

The uterus is a muscular structure that is held in place by the pelvic muscles and ligaments. And if these muscles or ligaments are stretched or become weak, then omission or prolapse occurs. In medicine, this diagnosis is called "uterocele" or "uterine prolapse".

Every woman has anatomical boundaries of the uterus, which, under favorable conditions, are not violated. Normally, this important female organ is located in the pelvic area between the large intestine and the bladder. The prolapse of the uterus leads to the displacement of the "neighboring" organs, which leads to additional problems.

Uterine prolapse can occur in a woman of any age, but in most cases - in women who have had a vaginal birth. Ligament damage during pregnancy and childbirth, gravity, loss of natural estrogen all combine to weaken the pelvic floor muscles. It has been established that almost 1/5 of all "female" operations are carried out precisely to correct prolapse or prolapse of the uterus.

Sometimes prolapse and prolapse of the uterus can be observed in young women and girls. In this case, every year the omission progresses more and more and brings a huge amount of trouble to the young lady.

Types of prolapse and prolapse of the uterus

  1. Prolapse of the uterus and its cervix (on examination, the gynecologist sees the cervix near the entrance to the genital gap, but it does not go beyond the boundaries of the entrance to the vagina).
  2. Partial prolapse (in a calm state, the cervix is ​​​​inside the vagina, but when stressed, it becomes visible from the genital gap).
  3. Incomplete prolapse (the cervix is ​​visible through the genital slit, but the body of the organ itself is not shown even when straining).
  4. Complete prolapse (the body of the uterus also extends beyond the vagina).

In foreign medicine, it is customary to divide uterine prolapse into stages, depending on its depth. In most cases, other pelvic organs (such as the bladder or intestines) also descend into the vagina, and the ovaries are located lower than usual.

There are the following 4 stages of uterocele:

  • Stage 1 - the uterus is in the upper half of the vagina.
  • Stage 2 - the uterus has descended almost to the entrance to the vagina.
  • Stage 3 - the uterus protrudes from the genital gap.
  • Stage 4 - the organ completely falls out of the vagina.

What can cause a drop?

  • The period of expectation of a child, especially in cases of multiple pregnancies.
  • Problems with the intestines, when it is constantly bloated due to an increased amount of gas and overeating.
  • Chronic constipation can also lead to uterocele. The large intestine presses on the uterus, especially if the woman wears tight clothing or tight underwear.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. When a woman at work spends the whole day in a sitting position and does not pay due attention to gymnastics.
  • Lack of proper nutrition and rest after pregnancy.
  • Obesity.
  • Intervention in the process of childbirth of a woman by inexperienced people.
  • 2 or more pregnancies.
  • Vaginal delivery, especially the risk increases with a newborn weighing more than 4 kg or with rapid delivery.
  • Tumors or surgical trauma.
  • Loss of muscle tone due to aging and the natural decline in hormone levels.
  • Chronic cough and tension.

How can a woman determine that she has a prolapse or prolapse of the uterus?

Main symptoms:

  • The feeling that you are sitting on a small ball.
  • Difficult or painful intercourse.
  • Frequent urination or lack of sensation of smooth filling of the bladder (immediately a sharp desire to urinate without first feeling full).
  • Back pain.
  • Constant feeling of fullness in the bladder and bowels.
  • The cervix or its body protrudes from the vagina.
  • Frequent repeated bladder infections.
  • Feelings of heaviness and aching pain in the pelvis.
  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Increased secretions from the genital tract.
  • Constipation.
  • Painful menses.

Many of the signs of drooping are exacerbated when a woman stands or sits for long periods of time and before and during her period.

Diagnostic methods. How will the doctor make a diagnosis?

If you notice symptoms of uterine prolapse, you need to see a specialist as soon as possible. During a gynecological examination, the doctor will insert a dilator into the vagina and determine the presence and degree of prolapse. Your gynecologist may ask you to push, as you would during childbirth, to determine if the cervix or uterus itself is protruding beyond the vagina.

Further actions

If the doctor has diagnosed "Prolapse of the uterus", what should I do now?

  • Change your lifestyle. This includes proper nutrition, moderate and regular exercise,.
  • Lose weight if you are obese.
  • Avoid lifting and carrying heavy objects (greater than 3kg).
  • Try to avoid straining. To do this, perform all measures to prevent constipation, colds. And for this it is already necessary to raise your immunity. Be aware that smoking can cause a chronic cough, which in turn will worsen symptoms of uterine prolapse.
  • Use a uterine ring (pessary) if your doctor advises.
  • May be assigned. But this will happen only if the risk from the operation is lower than from the consequences of prolapse, and also if the woman plans to become pregnant in the future.

Often, women are forced to go to the gynecologist with complaints of discomfort in the lower abdomen. After ovulation, this condition can be caused by physiology or pathology. In the first case, the causes of pain do not require any medical intervention. When an existing problem is detected, the doctor prescribes the appropriate therapy.

It is impossible to independently determine why the uterus is pulling. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about the existing complaints.

Consider what kind of verdict a doctor can make: what is the cause of female malaise after ovulation?

Pathologies of the urinary tract and intestines

If a woman's lower abdomen is pulled, then the problem may be called: pyelonephritis, bacteriuria, nephritis. All these are diseases of the urinary system. With them, pains are supplemented by backaches in the lower back, frequent urge to urinate. If you pay attention, you can see blood or small fibers in the urine. This problem is treated by a urologist.

Most often, pathologies of the urinary system are bacterial in nature. But to establish them, you need to pass urine for bacteriological culture. After determining the sensitivity of microorganisms, doctors prescribe suitable antibiotics: penicillins and cephalosporins (Amoxiclav, Suprax), quinolones (Norfloxacin, Nolicin). Maclrolides "Sumamed", "Vilprafen" are less commonly prescribed.

The patient is shown to drink plenty of water: cranberry juice, decoctions of chamomile and calendula, plain water. It is also necessary to follow a diet: exclude salty and fried foods, give preference to cereals and soups. Need bed rest.

The next reason why the uterus pulls after ovulation is the pathology of the digestive tract. They are accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation, increased flatulence, nausea or vomiting, and fever. Inflammation of the intestine can be acute or chronic (in the acute stage). Often, pain is the first sign of appendicitis.

With intestinal flu, a woman can pull the uterus, regardless of the day of the cycle. An unpleasant sensation appears due to increased intestinal motility. Therapy of intestinal diseases involves preliminary testing, diagnostic measures. The prescribed drugs depend on the diagnosis: antibiotics, enzymes, anti-inflammatory drugs, intestinal antiseptics, sorbents. In severe cases, surgery may be required, such as appendicitis.

Intestinal pathologies rarely provoke diseases of the genital area, while pain in the uterus is still present with them. Diseases of the urinary system, on the contrary, are more likely to cause disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Neoplasms and hormonal abnormalities

If the patient goes to the gynecologist with a complaint that her uterus is pulling, then the doctor will definitely prescribe an ultrasound examination.

After ovulation (the release of an egg), a neoplasm appears in the ovary: the corpus luteum. It is necessary to maintain the second phase and the normal development of pregnancy, if any. Often the corpus luteum becomes large and becomes a cyst. It can also cause discomfort in the form of pulling pains. Do not worry too much, with the beginning of a new cycle, the corpus luteum undergoes a reverse change.

The cause of pain in the lower abdomen in women may be hidden in another neoplasm. In the case of the corpus luteum, we are talking about a functional cyst.

But there are also non-functional tumors: dermoid cyst, carcinoma, endometrioma and others. Such pathologies require careful diagnosis and are most often removed surgically.

Only some cysts the gynecologist suggests not to treat, but to observe their growth, for example, in the case of a small dermoid cyst. After surgery, hormonal therapy with the use of oral contraceptives is mandatory. Less often, more serious drugs are required: Zoladex, Buserelin.

If after ovulation the uterus pulls, then we can talk about hormonal pathologies (not cysts). During the examination, a woman can be diagnosed with endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, endometrial or cervical dysplasia. Why do such violations occur? Most often, pathologies are formed due to a malfunction in the hormonal background.

This factor, in turn, can be caused by various reasons: improper use of hormonal drugs, abuse of emergency contraception, chronic diseases, heredity, ecology and malnutrition, alcohol and drug addiction.

The predominance of estrogen contributes to the growth of the endometrium, and the lack of progesterone cannot stop it.

As a result, the inner layer of the uterus thickens, causing dysplasia. When cells are ejected outside the genital organ (for example, through the fallopian tubes), foci of endometriosis are formed. Treatment of such processes is always long and expensive. Sometimes surgery may be needed (for endometriosis, growing fibroids). Often the described diseases are accompanied by menstrual irregularities, intermittent bleeding, and infertility.

Inflammatory process

Why does a woman's uterus pull after ovulation? Often the problem lies in the infectious process. The disease can be transmitted through sexual contact, develop due to a decrease in immunity, hypothermia. Infections of the genital area are often provoked by wearing tight underwear, through which bacteria easily move from the intestines to the uterus.

The most common diseases of the genital area are chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, E. coli. Also, pain can occur due to bacterial vaginosis, inflammation of the reproductive organs (metritis, salpingitis, adnexitis). All diseases in an acute form are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, unusual discharge from the genital tract. Inflammation of the ovaries always provokes a hormonal failure, which results in a violation of the menstrual cycle, breakthrough bleeding, and the formation of cysts.

Any infectious process in this area is accompanied by the formation of fluid in the retrouterine space. This leads to the appearance of adhesions, which, without additional reasons, can cause pain in the pelvic area.

If treatment is not started on time, the problem becomes chronic. At the same time, it seems to the patient that she feels much better: the temperature goes away, the intensity of pulling sensations in the uterus decreases.

in fact, this is a misleading effect. A chronic inflammatory process is much more difficult to cure, besides, it provokes complications (up to infertility). Standard therapy involves the use of antibiotics (penicillins and macrolides), immunomodulators (for example, "Isoprinosine"), the use of physio-devices on the uterine area, adherence to the regimen.

During treatment, sexual intercourse without barrier contraception is strictly prohibited. If vaginal medications are prescribed (Terzhinan, Metronidazole, Klion), then intercourse should be refrained for the entire period of their use. At the end of the treatment, the patient definitely needs a restorative complex: vitamins, probiotics. If a woman has a permanent sexual partner, then he also needs to undergo a therapeutic course.

The first sign of pregnancy and the threat of its termination

If pulling sensations occur some time after ovulation, then this may indirectly indicate pregnancy. After fertilization, a set of cells (embryo) descends into the uterine cavity. Here the fertilized egg finds the most favorable site for attachment.

The introduction of the embryo into the layer of the endometrium may be accompanied by a slight pulling pain, because the mucous membrane and the vessels penetrating it are injured. Therefore, during this period, a woman may notice pinkish or beige discharge. Many patients mistake them for another menstruation, but this is just implantation bleeding. It lasts from several hours to 2-3 days, like the pulling pain in the uterus itself.

At this moment, a woman can find out about her new position in only one way: to donate blood to determine the level of chorionic gonadotropin. No home test strips and even ultrasound diagnostics are unable to establish the fact of conception.

It is possible to reliably confirm pregnancy only after 2-3 weeks, after the official delay of menstruation. The same pulling sensations are present if the embryo develops outside the uterus. The treatment for this condition is exclusively surgical.

If conception took place after ovulation, then pulling pain may be a sign of a threatened pregnancy. It occurs due to various factors: uterine tone, physical activity, stress, lack of progesterone. Even banal constipation can provoke tension in the walls of the reproductive organ, which leads to detachment of the membranes and the formation of a hematoma.

With timely treatment, bad consequences can be avoided. It is important to consult a doctor in time and start treatment. It always involves maintenance therapy with progesterone-based agents (Dufaston, Iprozhin). Also, all expectant mothers are prescribed sedative compounds ("Motherwort", "Valerian"), psychological and sexual rest. A woman needs antispasmodics that relieve uterine tension ("Papaverine", "Drotaverine").

If the pulling sensations do not go away, then the gynecologist may suggest hospitalization. Don't give up, the situation is very serious. In a hospital setting, doctors will conduct enhanced therapy. The first symptom of a positive result will be the disappearance of pulling pains in the uterus.

With pulling pains in the uterus after ovulation, the use of antispasmodics is acceptable. But they must be taken very carefully even if the malaise is caused by individual physiology, and not by a pathological process.

Gynecologists prescribe drugs such as No-Shpa, Papazol, Baralgin to eliminate pain. If you often have stomach pains after ovulation, then you should keep those in your first aid kit. Be sure to follow the dosage prescribed in the instructions.

The sudden pulling sensations in the uterus that occur after ovulation should make you listen more closely to your sensations. There are situations in which it is impossible to delay.

A woman needs to call an ambulance or ambulance with the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature to the level of 40 degrees;
  • unbearable pain radiating to the leg or lower back;
  • profuse bleeding from the genital tract;
  • loss of consciousness or low blood pressure;
  • cyanosis in the navel;
  • dizziness and weakness.

It is strictly forbidden to take any drugs before the arrival of doctors. It is especially worth refraining from antispasmodics and antipyretics, as they can relieve pain. As a result, doctors will not be able to make a correct diagnosis. Get your documents ready, lie down and wait for the emergency team.

With regularly recurring painful sensations, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo an examination to identify pathologies.

The uterus is the main reproductive organ of a woman, in which the growth and development of the fetus takes place. In its structure, a large part is distinguished - the body, and a smaller one - the neck. The wall of the uterus consists of 3 layers:

  • endometrium - internal mucous membrane;
  • myometrium - middle muscle layer;
  • perimetrium - serous membrane.

The shape, condition and size of the uterus are evaluated during a gynecological examination. If at the same time deviations from the normal boundaries are detected, then an ultrasound examination is performed, on which accurate measurements are made and the presence of pathologies is detected.

Normally, in a nulliparous woman, the approximate dimensions are as follows:

  • length - 4.5 cm;
  • width - 4.6 cm;
  • anterior-posterior size- 3.4 cm.

In a woman giving birth, these values ​​\u200b\u200bmay be 0.5-1 cm more.

The parameters are purely individual, depend on the constitution of the woman, her physique, the presence of pregnancies, and may change with age and during the menstrual cycle.

But if the size of the uterus significantly exceeds the normalized limits, it is worth thinking about the reasons for this phenomenon, because. it could be a symptom of a serious illness.

Symptoms accompanying an enlarged uterus

Most often, the change in the size of the uterus is asymptomatic, or the signs that appear are attributed to other causes, so the woman does not even suspect that it is increasing. This is revealed only on a medical examination or ultrasound, which is why it is important to visit a gynecologist on a regular basis.

Some of the symptoms associated with an enlarged uterus are similar to the signs of pregnancy in the first weeks, therefore, with such suspicions, it is necessary to do a pregnancy test and if the result is negative, then you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of this condition.

You also need to know how else an increase in the uterus can manifest itself, and if you find these symptoms in yourself, you should definitely visit a gynecologist:

With a careful attitude to the state of her health, a woman can always catch the changes taking place and seek medical help in a timely manner in order to figure out why this is happening.

Main reasons

The reasons for the increase in the uterus can be both natural and harmless, and dangerous and pathological. Let's consider in more detail.

Natural causes:

  1. Menstruation.
  2. Menopause.

During pregnancy, the uterus changes and enlarges in accordance with the growth and development of the fetus, this process begins at about 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.

The increase occurs as a result of the formation of new muscle fibers, their lengthening and thickening. After the birth of the baby, the uterus returns to its previous state in about 6-8 weeks.

If an increase in the uterus is observed for up to 5 weeks, the cause may be a multiple pregnancy, early ovulation, an incorrect calculation of the gestational age, or the development of pathology, therefore, mandatory medical supervision is required.

During the menstrual cycle, the uterus changes in size under the influence of hormones, the main of which is progesterone. Before the onset of menstruation, the body of the uterus increases, and the cervix softens and opens slightly. After menstruation, the organ shrinks and closes.

With age, the female reproductive organs change in size upwards, and an increase in the uterus before the onset of menopause is also considered the norm.

In postmenopause, the size norms are approximately as follows:

  • length - 8cm;
  • width - 5 cm;
  • anterior-posterior size - 3.2 cm.

If the uterus is enlarged, there is no menstruation, and the pregnancy test is negative, then the reasons may be pathological, the main ones are:

  1. Myoma.
  2. Oncology.
  3. Endometriosis.
  4. cervical hypertrophy.

One of the most common causes of unnatural changes in the size of the uterus. It is a benign tumor that occurs during spontaneous active cell division of the muscle layer.

The size of the uterus with myoma is usually described in weeks. This means that an increase in an organ with fibroids is compared with its corresponding size, characteristic of a certain week of pregnancy.

In case of timely detection of fibroids, hormonal therapy is sufficient to eliminate it. If the disease is advanced, surgery will be required.

Oncology is the most dangerous of the possible causes. Malignant formation usually forms in the mucous membrane and occurs more often in women who have entered menopause. Also at risk are women with obesity, which means that they should carefully monitor the state of their reproductive system.

Endometriosis is a fairly common disease, during which there is an abnormal growth of endometrial cells beyond this layer, resulting in an increase in the size of the uterus. Moreover, the anterior-posterior size mainly increases and therefore it acquires a spherical shape.

Separately, diffuse endometriosis stands out, in which endometrial cells penetrate into the tissues of the uterus, capturing it evenly, i.e. there is no specific focus of organ damage, which complicates the treatment of this disease.

Endometriosis often does not manifest itself in any way, especially in the initial stages, but with it the periodicity of the menstrual cycles is disturbed. Therefore, if a pregnancy test turns out to be negative during a delay in menstruation, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist. After all, if the disease is not diagnosed in time, it can lead to infertility.

With cervical hypertrophy, only an increase in the cervix is ​​characteristic, due to the thickening of its walls. Most often, it can appear as a result of any inflammatory process in the cervical canal.

Therefore, the main thing in the treatment is to eliminate the causes of inflammation with the help of antibiotic therapy.

As can be seen from the description of the main reasons for the increase in the size of the uterus, the main thing is to detect the problem in time or make sure that it does not exist. When the diagnosis is carried out in a timely manner, it is much easier to cope with the disease and avoid unpleasant consequences.

You are planning to have a baby, or, in any case, do not mind having a child in your family. This means that every month you listen with excitement to your body, trying to understand if you are pregnant. Until the moment when it shows (or does not show) the cherished two stripes, another week or two, but changes in your body have already begun, and, often, their signs are quite obvious. But what do they express?

Sibmums shared their impressions of the first days of pregnancy in the topic “ ”, and we have collected statistics on the most common first signs of pregnancy.

Unusual sensations in the chest

24% women realized that they were pregnant, due to the unusual condition of the mammary glands. It ranged from a sharp increase (by a size or more) to a feeling of "tightness in the nipples." Most often, expectant mothers describe their feelings as "painful swelling." For women who were not expecting their first child, it seemed that their milk was starting to arrive.

Changes in appetite and taste preferences

Almost the same ( 14% ) women either felt a strong appetite - they wanted to eat even at night. Contrary to popular belief, pregnant women are by no means always “drawn for salty”, much more often among the products that have suddenly become attractive, sweets are mentioned: marshmallows, gingerbread, sweets.

: I couldn't eat or drink, I reacted strongly to smells. I took a test and it's positive!

Frequent urge to urinate and inflammation of the bladder

5% women noted frequent urination, in some it became painful, as with inflammation of the bladder, although the diagnosis of "cystitis" was made in units.

: There were very unpleasant sensations, as with cystitis.

Emotional instability

4% expectant mothers noted that they became irritable, whiny, nervous, or suddenly fell out of love with those activities that always gave them pleasure. Many compare their condition with the sensations before menstruation (premenstrual syndrome, PMS). It should be noted that this symptom is probably more common, just not all women are able to objectively evaluate your behavior. If you have reason to believe that you are pregnant, listen to others, perhaps their comments are by no means nit-picking!

: Two days before the test, she began to growl at her husband! I'm freaking out, I understand that I'm behaving inappropriately, but I can't help myself!

: And my first pregnancy started with a fright. So I'm not too shy at all, but suddenly I began to shudder at the slightest sound.

Lower back pain

Approximately 4% women noted that they had pain in the lumbar region. Some describe them specifically as painful sensations in one or both ovaries, others felt pain "in the back", "side and lower abdomen."

: On the third day after conception, the left ovary fell ill, the back ached, it became simply impossible to sit at work all day at the computer ...

Heightened intuition

3% mothers from the first day after conception “just knew” about their condition. Women also wrote that maternal feelings suddenly woke up in them, all thoughts were about pregnancy and children.

: My suspicions began when they gave me a very touching baby doll for the New Year, and I began to feel a very strange tenderness for him, which is definitely not in my style. And when her husband lifted him by the leg, she fell into hysterics from horror!

: The very first sign, I think, was selective vision: wherever I look, everywhere there are either pregnant women or mothers.

: I physically did not have any sensations, I woke up one morning, and I was blinded (seriously) - I'm pregnant!

: I felt my first pregnancy the day after the alleged conception. There was a clear feeling that I was pregnant! In the morning we went to the car, and I asked my future husband: "What if I'm pregnant?"

Subfebrile temperature 📈

Sometimes in the first days after conception, the expectant mother feels like with a mild cold: the temperature rises to 37.0-37.2, it seems that the nose is blocked, weakness and drowsiness occur.

2,5% sibm, noted in the topic, wrote that they had a fever, another 1% - that they had a subjective sensation of hot flashes.

: There was also a constant temperature of 37.0-37.3, it was sick and throwing it into heat, then into cold. My nose was stuffy and my head hurt.

Sensitivity to odors

Another "promoted" early sign of pregnancy, which occurred only in 2,5% expectant mothers - sudden sensitivity to smells, when a woman either smells that others do not smell, or is imbued with a sudden disgust for familiar smells. as it turned out, this is observed quite rarely.

: Smell smells more sharply, especially gasoline and even toilets (for example, in the subway or in places near bushes and corners where citizens like to relieve themselves).

Elevated basal body temperature

In the early days of pregnancy, but not all of them, of course, are measured. However 2,5% sibmums, when planning a pregnancy, noted the graph of basal temperature and learned about their future motherhood in this way.

: Yes, and the most important sign! The basal temperature was kept at 37.0 above. That's when I realized that it's time to buy a test...

Various diseases that have arisen or worsened with the onset of pregnancy

At 1% women have experienced or worsened diseases that are not directly related to the conception and bearing of a child. This is probably because the immunity of a pregnant woman is slightly reduced, and “dormant” infections are activated.

: And my thrush began to creepy - before that it had never happened.

: Already the third pregnancy, I know by the fact that the same wisdom tooth begins to bother me. Everyone goes to the dentist, and I go to the pharmacy for a test!


Approximately 1% women note that even before they found out about the pregnancy, they began to make an unusually vivid impression on others: they began to receive compliments about their good appearance more often, and men made it clear that they considered them sexually attractive.

: And I have a very unusual sign, and every time - the same. Literally begin to actively "glue" the men. I don’t know what kind of vibes I radiate there, but it’s a fact. But I'm already a lady in age! In the current pregnancy, this first manifested itself at my husband's New Year's corporate party, so I almost fainted right there from unexpected forebodings. Here it is confirmed!

Prepared by Alena Novikova