Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Signs of orvi in ​​adults Orvi symptoms and treatment

SARS(short for " acute respiratory viral infections ”) is a whole group of infectious diseases that are acute. Also SARS in some cases is called ORZ (acute respiratory diseases ). Their occurrence is associated with the effect on the body RNA- and DNA containing viruses. They affect different parts of the human respiratory tract, causing intoxication. Bacterial complications often join such diseases.

The prevalence of SARS

Physicians rightly believe SARS the most common disease in both adults and children. If we compare the number of major infectious diseases diagnosed per year with the number of cases SARS, then the incidence ORZ will be significantly higher. And during the years of pandemics, signs ORZ appear at about 30% inhabitants of the world. Depending on which virus caused the epidemic, the incidence rate in children may vary. But still, doctors say that most often the disease affects children. from 3 to 14 years old. That is why prevention SARS so important in this age group.

Very often, an acute respiratory disease occurs with complications, and, moreover, during the period of this disease, a serious exacerbation of chronic diseases that a person has is possible. What is ARVI, a person can be convinced from his own experience even several times a year. The last statement is especially true for children, since previously transferred acute respiratory infections do not leave a persistent long-term.

If the disease develops again in a child, then this provokes a decrease in the body's defenses, the manifestation of immunodeficiency states, and allergization. In addition, the child may experience a delay in physical and mental development. The frequent occurrence of respiratory infections can be a reason that prevents routine preventive vaccinations in children.

How is SARS transmitted?

ARVI symptoms appear in a person under the influence of flu viruses (types A, B, C), adenovirus , parainfluenza viruses , RSV, reo- and rhinoviruses . The source of infection is a previously ill person. The transmission of infection mainly occurs airborne through, in rarer cases, contact household . Most often, the entrance gate for infection is the upper respiratory tract, less often the virus enters the body through the digestive tract and conjunctiva of the eyes.

The virus lives and multiplies in the nasal cavity of a sick person. They are released into the environment with the nasal secretion of the sick person. Also, viruses get into the air when the patient coughs and sneezes. Getting into the environment, viruses remain on different surfaces, on the patient's body, as well as on personal hygiene items. Consequently, healthy people become infected both during inhalation of air and when using objects with a large number of viruses.

Causes of SARS in children

ARVI in infants is rare, as a newborn baby has temporary immunity to the respiratory type viruses that he receives from his mother. But by the time the child is six months old, such immunity becomes weaker and can no longer protect the child. Therefore, SARS in children can develop even up to a year, because at this time the baby has not yet formed its own immunity. Symptoms of the disease appear in the child and due to the fact that in childhood there are no personal hygiene skills. So, the baby does not wash his hands on his own, does not cover his mouth and nose when coughing and. Therefore, the prevention of the disease should be a priority issue for parents, since the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children sometimes requires the use of medications, which can subsequently negatively affect the body's defenses.

SARS symptoms

ARVI is manifested by some symptoms known to almost every person. First of all, this is a common malaise , body aches , increase in body temperature , which manifests itself as a protective reaction of the patient's body. In turn, most people tolerate a sharp rise in temperature very poorly.

Another symptom of an infection is runny nose in which a very large amount of mucus is secreted from the nose. Due to the secretion of mucus from the lungs, the patient often suffers from coughing. In addition, with ARVI, there is a strong as a kind of protection against the resulting intoxication of the body. At this time, there is a narrowing of the vessels of the brain.

The severity of the disease can be judged by the severity of the manifestations of the disease, catarrhal manifestations and symptoms of intoxication.

But in general, the dominant symptoms of SARS directly depend on which part of the respiratory tract has developed the most severe inflammation provoked by the virus. So, when the nasal mucosa is damaged; develops due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the human pharynx; when these parts of the respiratory tract are affected simultaneously; tonsillitis manifests itself in humans during the inflammatory process of the tonsils; when the larynx is affected; - a consequence of the inflammatory process in the trachea; when the inflammatory process is localized in the bronchi; when bronchioles are affected - the smallest bronchi.

However, not every person is clearly aware of the difference between a cold and SARS. A cold is the result of the activation of bacteria that are constantly in the bronchi, nose, and throat of a person. Bacteria provoke the development of a cold during a period when the body's defenses are noticeably weakened. At the same time, ARVI develops as a result of infection with a virus from a sick person.

Diagnosis of SARS

A doctor can diagnose SARS based on the clinical picture of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to take into account how pronounced the symptoms are and how their dynamics manifests itself. Also, the doctor should familiarize himself with the epidemiological data.

To confirm the diagnosis by laboratory tests, special express methods are used - RIF and PCR. They make it possible to determine the presence of antigens of respiratory viruses in the epithelium of the nasal passages. Also, in some cases, virological and serological methods are prescribed.

If the patient has developed bacterial complications, then he is referred for a consultation with other specialists - a pulmonologist, an otolaryngologist. If you suspect pneumonia X-ray of the lungs is performed. If there are pathological changes in the ENT organs, then the patient is prescribed pharyngoscopy, rhinoscopy, otoscopy.

If the disease proceeds without complications, then treatment SARS performed on an outpatient basis. Only in severe cases of acute respiratory infections and influenza, patients are hospitalized in a hospital. Especially seriously it is necessary to approach therapy in the event that the disease develops with. Depending on how severe the patient's condition is, and what nature of the developed pathology, the doctor determines how to treat SARS. For this, apply. But if the disease in adults is relatively mild, then treatment is also possible. ORZ folk remedies at home. But in any case, the final decision on how to treat SARS, should only be taken by a specialist, since only he can realistically assess how difficult or easy the disease is.

While the patient continues to have a fever, he must strictly observe the rules of bed rest. Prior to the first visit to the doctor, if symptoms of the disease appear, the patient applies the methods of symptomatic basic treatment. The correct drinking regimen is important: you need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. After all, it is through the kidneys that the waste products of viruses are excreted, which provoke symptoms. intoxication . In addition, fluid from the patient's body is excreted in large quantities when he sweats. Ideal for drinking on sick days is weak tea, mineral water, fruit drinks.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is practiced. Their choice is now quite wide. sick SARS they are prescribed to reduce fever, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Most often assigned,. However, it should be borne in mind that each organism may show individual sensitivity to a particular drug. And for the treatment of children, paracetamol is mainly used.

With the manifestation of a strong separation of mucus from the nose and its congestion, apply antihistamine drugs . If the patient is worried about a strong cough, as a consequence of the appearance of sputum in the respiratory tract, then in this case, means are used to alleviate the cough and activate the liquefaction and subsequent separation of sputum. Here it is important to ensure the correct drinking regimen, as well as to humidify the air in the room where the patient stays. You can make tea based on medicinal plants that are used for coughing. These are linden, marshmallow, coltsfoot, licorice, plantain, elderberry.

With a runny nose, it should be instilled several times a day. vasodilator drops . It is important to do this even if the patient feels moderate. Indeed, due to tissue edema, the outflow from the paranasal sinuses is blocked. As a result, an environment suitable for the subsequent reproduction of microbes appears. But at the same time, doctors do not recommend using one vasodilator for more than five days. In order not to manifest the effect of addiction to the drug, it must be replaced with another agent based on a different active substance.

With pain in the throat, it is often necessary to rinse it with any disinfectant solution. For this, a decoction of sage, chamomile, calendula is suitable. You can prepare a solution of furacillin or dilute one teaspoon of soda and salt in one glass of water. Gargle should be done at least once every two hours.

In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children, homeopathic remedies, antiviral drugs, interferons and immunostimulants are used. It is important from the very first hours of the development of the disease to ensure the correct approach to therapy and be sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The doctors


Diet, nutrition for SARS

About the importance of drinking plenty of water SARS already discussed in the sections above. Best when SARS regularly consume warm, slightly acidic drinks. To improve the process of sputum discharge, you can drink milk with mineral water.

On the days of illness, experts recommend eating light meals - for example, warm vegetable broth or soup. On the first day of the disease, it is best to limit yourself to yogurt or baked apples in the oven, since heavy meals can worsen the patient's condition. In addition, during the period of greatest intensity of symptoms SARS eat, as a rule, do not want to. But after 2-3 days the patient's appetite increases. Yet he should not abuse heavy food. It is best to limit yourself to foods that are rich in protein . It is the protein that effectively restores cells that have been damaged by the virus. Suitable baked fish, meat, dairy products. As an option, buckwheat porridge with vegetables is also useful.

It is especially important to fully eat with SARS for those who take antibiotics. Even if a person feels very ill, meals should be regular. After all, antibiotics are taken strictly before or after eating food. It is food that significantly softens the effect of antibiotics on the gastrointestinal tract. It is also advisable, in parallel with the course of antibiotic treatment, to practice the use of fermented milk products with bifidocultures . It is bifidoproducts that can effectively restore the intestinal microflora, the balance of which is disturbed by such drugs. And even after the end of treatment, it is worth consuming such products for about three weeks.

SARS prevention

To date, there are no really effective measures of specific prevention. Strict adherence to the sanitary and hygienic regime in the focus of the epidemic is recommended. These are regular wet cleaning and airing of rooms, thorough washing of dishes and personal hygiene products for patients, wearing cotton-gauze bandages, frequent hand washing, etc. It is important to increase children's resistance to the virus by hardening, taking immunomodulators. It is also considered a method of prevention vaccination against the flu.

During the epidemic, you should avoid crowded places, walk more often in the fresh air, take multivitamin complexes or ascorbic acid preparations. It is recommended to eat onion and garlic every day at home.

Pregnancy and SARS

To date, there is no clear data on whether the infection of the fetus and its subsequent defects in ARVI, carried by the mother. Therefore, after an illness in the early stages, a pregnant woman is advised to do a control ultrasound or prenatal screening .

If ARVI nevertheless manifested itself during pregnancy, then the woman should in no case panic. You should immediately call a doctor, without practicing independent methods of therapy. It is important to take into account that SARS during pregnancy occurs with more severe symptoms, since serious physiological changes occur in the body of a woman during the period of bearing a child, and the protective properties of the body deteriorate.

As the disease progresses, blood flow to the placenta and fetus is greatly reduced. As a result, there is a threat hypoxia . However, timely treatment can prevent such a serious condition. It is important to avoid complications of the disease, manifested in the form pneumonia and bronchitis .

During pregnancy, you can not practice therapy with many drugs. Antibiotics are prescribed to a woman only if the disease is particularly severe. When prescribing a certain drug to a pregnant woman, the doctor must evaluate all the risks, the duration of pregnancy, and the likelihood of the drug acting on the development of the baby. Also, if necessary, a woman takes symptomatic drugs, vitamins, homeopathic remedies. Physiotherapy and steam inhalation are also practiced.

It is very important that every pregnant woman and her entourage take all measures to prevent SARS. This is proper nutrition, protection from contact with sick people, drinking plenty of water, observing all sanitary standards during the epidemic.

With the development of an acute respiratory disease, complications can occur at any stage of the disease. Their occurrence may be associated with the influence of the pathogen on the body, and with the subsequent addition of bacterial microflora. Most often, ARVI is subsequently complicated pneumonia , bronchitis , bronchiolitis . Also a fairly common complication are, frontites , sinusitis . Viral infections in young children can be complicated by a rather serious disease - acute stenosis of the larynx (so-called false croup ). Diseases of a neurological nature as complications occur less frequently in acute respiratory infections: this, neuritis . If there is a strong and sharp, development is possible cerebral reactions which proceed according to the type of convulsive and meningeal syndromes. In severe cases, the patient may present with hemorrhagic syndrome . Severe intoxication sometimes provokes disturbances in the work of the heart, and in some cases - the development myocarditis . In children, in parallel with ARVI, it can develop, urinary tract infection , septicopyemia , .

List of sources

  • Influenza and other respiratory viral infections: epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and therapy / Ed. O. I. Kiseleva, I. G. Marinich, A. A. Sominina. - St. Petersburg, 2003.
  • Lobzin Yu. V., Mikhailenko V. P., Lvov N. I. Airborne infections. St. Petersburg: Folio, 2000.
  • Zaitsev A.A., Klochkov O.I., Mironov M.B., Sinopalnikov A.I. Acute respiratory viral infections: etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention: Method. recommendations. - M., 2008.
  • Tatochenko V.K., Ozernitsky N.A. Immunopophylaxis. Moscow: Silver threads, 2005;
  • Karpukhina G.I. Acute non-influenza respiratory infections. - St. Petersburg: Hippocrates, 1996.

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will consider with you a disease such as SARS, as well as its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention. In addition, we will analyze how ARVI differs from acute respiratory infections and colds. So…

What is SARS?

SARS (acute respiratory viral infection)- a disease of the respiratory tract, the cause of which is the ingestion of a viral infection into the body. Among the pathogens, the most common are viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses.

The SARS affected area includes the nose, paranasal sinuses, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Under the "sight" is also the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eye).

SARS is one of the most common infectious diseases. Most of all, children attending kindergarten, school are sick with it - up to 10 times a year. This is due to not yet formed immunity, close contact with each other, lack of knowledge and / or unwillingness to follow preventive measures to avoid infection. Other groups at risk are students, teachers, office workers, health workers and others. However, adults usually suffer less from acute respiratory infections of viral etiology, which is associated with a mature immune system, as well as its resistance to these diseases due to other past diseases. However, even if an adult is not susceptible to the development of this infection in the body, and he does not have obvious signs of the disease, he may simply be a carrier of the infection, infecting everyone around him.

Acute respiratory viral infection is seasonal. So, most cases of morbidity were noted in the period from September-October to March-April, which is associated with, as well as cool and humid weather.

How is SARS transmitted?

ARVI is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets (when coughing, close conversation), however, infection is possible through direct contact with the pathogen (kissing, shaking hands and further contact of hands with the oral cavity) or contact with objects of the carrier of the infection (dishes, clothes). When a person catches an infection, he immediately becomes its carrier. At the first signs of SARS (general malaise, weakness, runny nose) - the patient begins to infect everyone around him. As a rule, the first blow is taken by relatives, the work team, people in transport. This is the reason for the recommendation - at the first signs of SARS, the patient should stay at home, and healthy people, if the media report an outbreak of this disease, avoid staying in crowded places (public transport, holiday gatherings on the street, etc.).

Incubation period and development of SARS

During a person's contact with an infection, the virus first settles on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract (nose, nasopharynx, mouth), its potential victim. Further, the infection begins to release toxins that are absorbed into the circulatory system and carried by the blood throughout the body. When the patient's body temperature rises, this indicates that the infection has already entered the circulatory system and the protective functions of the body have turned on, because. elevated temperature actually destroys the virus and its derivative toxins.

Nasal warming. It helps well to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, improve blood circulation, discharge from the sinuses of the pathological secretion formed by the infection.

Washing the nose. As you remember, dear readers, that the nasal cavity is practically the first location that is attacked by the infection. That is why the nasal cavity must be washed, which not only minimizes the further development of the disease if it is just beginning to manifest itself, but is also an excellent preventive method if there are no signs of it at all. In addition, just from the nasal cavity, the infection is actively spreading into the body, therefore, with ARVI, it must be washed daily.

Weak saline solutions, as well as special pharmacy sprays, are well suited as a “wash” for the nose.

Gargling. The throat, like the nasal cavity, must be rinsed for the same reason, because. this is the first barrier between the infection and the body, so this "checkpoint" must be constantly rinsed. Gargling also helps to relieve coughs by moving them from dry to wet. This procedure will limit the possibility of exacerbation of the disease due to mucosal irritation from coughing.

Soda-salt solution, as well as decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage, are excellent for rinsing the mouth and throat.

Inhalations. This procedure is practically aimed at the same thing as gargling - to relieve coughing. From folk remedies, for inhalation, you can use steam from potatoes "in uniform", as well as decoctions from, and other medicinal herbs. From modern means, to facilitate inhalation, you can purchase a nebulizer.

Diet for SARS. With ARVI, it is desirable to eat easily digestible food enriched with microelements. Particular emphasis should be placed on vitamin C. It is advisable to exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods, smoked meats.

symptomatic treatment. It is aimed at suppressing certain symptoms to alleviate the course of the disease.

Medicines for SARS

Antiviral drugs. Antiviral therapy is aimed at stopping the vital activity of a viral infection and spreading its toxins throughout the body. In addition, antiviral drugs speed up the healing process.

Among the antiviral drugs for ARVI, one can distinguish - "", "", "Remantadin", "Cycloferon".

Temperature in SARS. The temperature during ARVI is not brought down, because. it is a defense mechanism against viral infection within the body. The immune system raises the temperature, thereby “burning out” the infection, so it is very important not to interfere with it. An exception is cases when the body temperature lasts more than 5 days or exceeds 38 ° C in children, 39 ° C in adults.

To lower body temperature, antipyretics and analgesics are used: "", "".

For nasal congestion, to facilitate breathing, vasoconstrictors are used: Naphthyzin, Knoxprey.

With severe dry cough apply: "Codelac", "Sinekod". To remove sputum from the respiratory tract - syrup, Tussin. For liquefaction of sputum - "Ascoril", "ACC" (ACC).

For headache appoint: "Askofen", "Aspirin".

For insomnia prescribe sedatives: "Barbamil", "Luminal".

Antibiotics for SARS. It is not advisable to prescribe antibiotics for ARVI, because with the right supportive therapy, the body itself copes well with a viral infection. Moreover, as a rule, the course of antibiotic treatment is much longer than the duration of the course of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed only if the symptoms of SARS do not subside after 5 days of illness, and also if a secondary infection has joined SARS or complications have appeared, for example, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis,. Also, antibiotics may be prescribed if, after relief, the symptoms have increased again, which sometimes indicates a bacterial infection in the body. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor on the basis of a personal examination of the patient.

Prevention of SARS includes the following recommendations:

  • when announcing the epidemic in your area of ​​​​residence, wear masks;
  • do not allow ;
  • eat mostly healthy food enriched with vitamins and minerals, especially in autumn, winter and spring;
  • try to eat natural antibiotics at the same time, such as - and onions;
  • ventilate the living and working premises more often;
  • if there is a patient with ARVI in the house, then allocate tableware (forks, spoons, dishes), bedding, towels for separate use, and disinfect daily doorknobs and other items that the patient comes into contact with;
  • observe ;
  • get vaccinated, but not with free drugs, but with expensive and proven vaccines;
  • temper your body;
  • try to move more;
  • stop smoking;
  • if during an epidemic you often visit crowded places, upon arrival home, wash the nasal passages with a weak saline solution;
  • 1. Instructions for the medical use of the drug AntiGrippin. There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult with a specialist.

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is a huge group of diseases that are caused by various DNA and RNA viruses (there are about 200 of them).

They affect the respiratory system and are easily transmitted by airborne droplets. The disease always occurs acutely and proceeds with pronounced symptoms of a cold.

This is one of the most common diseases: in 80% of cases, schoolchildren miss classes due to the incidence of SARS, and adults lose almost half of their working time for the same reason. Today we will discuss SARS - the symptoms and treatment of this infection.

The reasons

The main causes of the development of a viral respiratory infection are about two hundred different viruses:

  • flu and parainfluenza, bird and swine flu;
  • adenovirus, RS virus;
  • rhinovirus, picornavirus;
  • coronavirus, bocaruvirus, etc.

The patient becomes the source of infection during the incubation period and in the prodromal period, when the concentration of viruses in his biological secrets is maximum. The route of transmission of the infection is airborne, when sneezing, coughing, talking, screaming with small particles of mucus and saliva.

There may be infection through common utensils and household items, through dirty hands in children and through food contaminated with viruses. Susceptibility to a viral infection is different - people with strong immunity may not get infected or suffer a mild illness.

Contribute to development respiratory infections such as:

  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic infections;
  • unfavorable environment.

Signs of the disease

The first signs of SARS in adults and children include:

  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • sneezing
  • weakness, malaise;
  • and/or .

SARS symptoms in adults

SARS usually proceed in stages, the incubation period from the moment of infection to the onset of the first symptoms is different, ranging from several hours to 3-7 days.

During the period of clinical manifestations, all acute respiratory viral infections have similar manifestations of varying degrees of severity:

  • nasal congestion, runny nose, nasal discharge from scanty to copious and watery, sneezing and itching in the nose,
  • sore throat, discomfort, soreness when swallowing, redness in the throat,
  • (dry or wet)
  • fever from moderate (37.5-38 degrees) to severe (38.5-40 degrees),
  • general malaise, refusal to eat, headaches, drowsiness,
  • eye redness, burning, tearing,
  • indigestion with loose stools,
  • rarely there is a reaction of the lymph nodes in the jaw and neck, in the form of an increase with mild soreness.

Symptoms of SARS in adults depend on the specific type of virus, and can vary from a slight runny nose and cough to severe feverish and toxic manifestations. On average, manifestations last from 2-3 to seven or more days, the febrile period lasts up to 2-3 days.

The main symptom of ARVI is high contagiousness to others, the timing of which depends on the type of virus. On average, the patient is infectious during the last days of the incubation period and the first 2-3 days of clinical manifestations, the number of viruses gradually decreases and the patient becomes not dangerous in terms of the spread of infection.

In young children, diarrhea is often a symptom of SARS. Babies often complain of pain in the abdomen at the first stage of the disease, then a disorder, and after that a sharp increase in temperature is possible. Perhaps the appearance of a rash on the body of the child. Cough and runny nose may appear later - sometimes even a day later. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the kids, and monitor the appearance of new signs.

How and how to treat SARS when the first symptoms appear, we will consider a little lower.

How many days does the temperature stay with orvi?

Inflammation in the throat and sneezing appear in the early stages of the development of the disease. And they usually go away in 3-6 days.

  1. subfebrile temperature(weak manifestation of fever) and muscle pains usually accompany the initial symptoms, the temperature during orvi stays around a week, says Dr. Komarovsky.
  2. Nasal congestion, nasal sinuses, ear sinuses– general symptoms, usually persist during the first week. In about 30% of all patients, these symptoms persist for two weeks, although all these symptoms usually disappear on their own in 7-10 days.
  3. Usually the first few days the sinuses are not clogged, copious watery mucus is discharged from the nose, but after a while the mucus becomes thicker, takes on a color (green or yellow). A change in the color of the discharge does not automatically indicate the presence of a bacterial infection, in most cases the condition disappears after 5-7 days.
  4. Cough appears in most cases of SARS, and is usually more productive than with the flu. The sputum ranges from clear to yellow-green and usually clears up in 2-3 weeks.

Although, a prolonged dry cough can persist for 4 weeks in 25% of cases of all infectious diseases.

flu symptoms

The influenza virus is not in vain excluded by most specialists from the ARI group. Its differences from ordinary colds are lightning-fast development, increased severity of the course of the disease, as well as complex treatment and an increased mortality rate.

  1. comes unexpectedly and completely captures your body in a matter of hours;
  2. Influenza is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature (in some cases up to 40.5 degrees), increased sensitivity to light, aches throughout the body, as well as pain: headache and muscle;
  3. On the first day of the flu, you are protected from the common cold, which is characteristic only of this virus;
  4. The most active phase of influenza falls on the third or fifth day of illness, and the final recovery occurs on days 8-10.
  5. Considering that the influenza infection affects the blood vessels, it is for this reason that hemorrhages are possible: gingival and nasal;
  6. After having the flu, you can catch another illness within the next 3 weeks, such illnesses are most often very painful and can be fatal.

SARS prevention

To date, there are no really effective measures for the specific prevention of SARS. Strict adherence to the sanitary and hygienic regime in the focus of the epidemic is recommended. This is regular wet cleaning and ventilation of rooms, thorough washing of dishes and personal hygiene products for patients, wearing cotton-gauze bandages, frequent hand washing, etc.

It is important to increase the resistance of children to the virus through hardening, taking immunomodulators. Influenza vaccination is also considered a method of prevention.

During the epidemic, you should avoid crowded places, walk more often in the fresh air, take multivitamin complexes or ascorbic acid preparations. It is recommended to eat onion and garlic every day at home.

How to treat SARS?

Treatment of SARS in adults with a standard course of the disease is usually carried out at the patient's home. Mandatory bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, drugs to combat the symptoms of the disease, light, but healthy and nutrient-rich food, warming procedures and inhalations, taking vitamins.

Many of us know that temperature is good, as this is how the body "fights" with the invaders. It is possible to bring down the temperature only if it has risen above 38 degrees, because after this mark there is a threat to the state of the patient's brain and heart.

It must also be remembered that antibiotics are not used for acute respiratory viral infections, since they are indicated for acute respiratory infections of exclusively bacterial origin (for example,), and acute respiratory viral infections are caused by viruses.

  1. For a direct fight against the causative agent of the disease, they are prescribed: Remantadin (age limit from the age of seven), Amantadine, Oseltamivir, Amizon, Arbidol (age limit from two years), Amix
  2. : paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce body temperature, and reduce pain. It is possible to take these drugs as part of medicinal powders such as Coldrex, Tera - flu, etc. It should be remembered that it is not worth lowering the temperature below 38ºС, since it is at this body temperature that defense mechanisms against infection are activated in the body. Exceptions are patients prone to convulsions and small children.
  3. . The main goal of cough treatment is to make the sputum thin enough to be coughed up. The drinking regimen greatly helps in this, since the consumption of warm liquid dilutes sputum. If there are difficulties in expectoration, you can use expectorant drugs mukaltin, ACC, broncholithin, etc. You should not prescribe drugs that reduce the cough reflex on your own, as this can lead to dangerous consequences.
  4. Taking vitamin C can speed up recovery from SARS and alleviate the condition, but does not prevent the development of the disease.
  5. For cold treatment and improving nasal breathing, vasoconstrictor drugs are shown (Phenylephrine, Oxymethasone, Xylometazoline, Naphazoline, Indanazolamine, Tetrizoline, etc.), and if necessary, longer use is recommended for drugs containing essential oils (Pinosol, Kameton, Evkazolin, etc.).
  6. A good help in the body's fight against infection will be taking immunomodulators, for example, the drug Imupret. It improves immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect, significantly reducing the period of SARS. This is exactly the remedy that is shown both for the prevention and treatment of colds.
  7. With significant pain and inflammation in the throat, it is recommended rinsing with antiseptic solutions, such as furatsilina (1:5000) or herbal infusions (calendula, chamomile, etc.).

Be sure to call the doctor if you or your child develops any of the following symptoms: a temperature higher than 38.5 C; Strong headache; pain in the eyes from the light; chest pain; shortness of breath, noisy or rapid breathing, difficulty breathing; skin rash; pale skin or the appearance of spots on it; vomit; difficulty waking up in the morning or unusual sleepiness; persistent cough or muscle aches.

Antibiotics for SARS

SARS are not treated with antibiotics. They are completely powerless against viruses, they are used only when bacterial complications occur.

Therefore, antibiotics should not be used without a doctor's prescription. These are drugs that are not safe for the body. In addition, uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the emergence of resistant forms of bacteria.

With the onset of pregnancy, the female body is physiologically arranged in such a way, the immune system is suppressed, in simple words, immunity is suppressed. This is necessary so that the mother's body does not perceive a fertilized egg (zygote, embryo) as a foreign organism. In fact, an embryo is an object consisting of a foreign protein.

With the onset of pregnancy and during its course, the risk of developing a cold in the form of influenza, SARS or acute respiratory infections increases. Therefore, expectant mothers are not recommended to visit busy places and use public transport.

  • Cold on
  • Runny nose as a sign of pregnancy
  • How does a cold affect the fetus?
  • cold symptoms in pregnancy
  • flu during pregnancy
  • How to treat a cold? What is possible and what is not?
  • Medicines for the treatment of colds in pregnant women
  • What can bring down the temperature?
    • Paracetamol
    • Analgin
  • Recommendations for the treatment of colds during pregnancy (ARVI, flu)

Cold as a sign of pregnancy

A cold during pregnancy may be the very first symptom of a “interesting situation”. Immediately after conception, the concentration of two hormones - estrogen and progesterone rises sharply. In the early stages of pregnancy - this causes a moderate increase in temperature, its fluctuations from normal to subfebrile (37.5 ° C) - chills.

A woman may not be aware that she is pregnant, but hormonal changes are already making themselves felt. Along with fever from the first days of pregnancy appear:

  • body aches;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • runny nose (rhinitis).

These "cold" signs can also occur against the background of normal temperature, even before the delay in menstruation, under the influence of a "hormonal surge". In the early stages, a cold can turn out to be pregnancy.

In any case, you need to remember that a temperature up to 38 ° C does not require radical treatment, you cannot bring it down with paracetamol or any other antipyretic drugs.

Runny nose during pregnancy

Such a ball thing as a runny nose can be a manifestation of various diseases, not necessarily colds. For example:

  • SARS;
  • rhinosinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • rhinitis of pregnant women;
  • 3rd trimester - general edematous syndrome.

In the third trimester, the body prepares for childbirth,. In this case, swelling of the nasal mucosa and congestion are manifestations of the edematous syndrome.

"Hormonal rhinitis" or runny nose of pregnant women can accompany a woman all 280 days - until childbirth. And it doesn't require treatment. Allergic rhinitis and vasomotor rhinitis (in pregnant women it has more pronounced manifestations than before conception) against the background of a rise in temperature to 37.2 - 37.5 ° C can be perceived by a woman as symptoms of a cold, but in fact they are not.

Colds in early pregnancy may not be a symptom of the disease. Therefore, differential diagnosis should be carried out by a doctor and it is impossible to treat yourself, it is undesirable to take antipyretic drugs. The doctor will focus not only on complaints of stuffy nose and fever, but also on test results, local manifestations.

Acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy have similar symptoms, but the infectious damaging agent (virus) can be any of this large group: respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, reoviruses, influenza viruses, and others.

How does a cold affect the fetus during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered, it depends on:

  • health status of a woman before pregnancy;
  • from the period when a woman fell ill with a cold (1 trimester of pregnancy is the most unfavorable, susceptible and thinnest);
  • the presence of aggravating somatic diseases.

Undoubtedly, the fetus suffers from a mother's cold during pregnancy:

  • he has oxygen starvation (hypoxia);
  • the risk of congenital malformations is not excluded;
  • a cold can be complicated by the threat of abortion;
  • secondary infections may join.

Cold symptoms during pregnancy

A true cold during pregnancy manifests itself in the same way as in the "pre-pregnant" body. Among the symptoms of SARS during pregnancy:

  • runny nose;
  • acute sore throat;
  • sneeze;
  • headaches and pain in the eyeballs;
  • fatigue, weakness, dizziness;
  • joint and muscle pain, body aches;
  • liquid stool;
  • temperature rise;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

flu during pregnancy

Influenza during pregnancy, in contrast to rhinovirus, adenovirus infection, has more pronounced symptoms of intoxication (high temperature, muscle pain, joint aches, severe fatigue). They prevail over the catarrhal phenomena. The flu is characterized by an acute onset against the background of complete well-being. A pregnant woman can clearly answer the question of when she fell ill to the nearest minute.

Influenza is dangerous for the development of severe forms of the disease, the addition of a bacterial infection. Therefore, the treatment of influenza in pregnant women must necessarily occur in a hospital.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

In the first place in the treatment is the observance of the regimen: you need to get enough sleep, limit physical activity, be very attentive to yourself and to changes in your condition. Because during the illness there should not be any factors that require additional expenditure of strength. All symptoms of intoxication with ARVI are removed by drinking plenty of water. A cold during pregnancy with a temperature of more than 38.5 ° C requires the appointment of antipyretics.

In such a state, when the nose is stuffed up so much that breathing is difficult and the pregnant woman cannot sleep because of this, nasal decognestants (vasoconstrictor drugs) are prescribed. In most cases, they are safe, but if they are taken occasionally: during the day, no more than 3-4 times in a short course. During pregnancy, due to increased blood circulation, the drug enters the bloodstream more than in a non-pregnant body, and systemic manifestations can be observed - increased blood pressure, angiospasms. Spasm of the vessels of the placenta leads to a violation of the blood supply to the fetus and hypoxia, an increase in heart rate in the baby.

cold medicine during pregnancy

Practice shows that during pregnancy, women often prescribe themselves treatment with antiviral drugs. But it has been proven that they "work" only with the flu. For the rest of SARS, they do not have an evidence base and their reception is useless at best.

The effect of drugs for ARVI during pregnancy:

  • Viferon suppositories for colds are prescribed quite often, but they are ineffective. This is a group of interferons, an analogue of Viferon - Biferon. It can be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy, but not as the main one.
  • , since it is not known for certain how they affect the fetus. There is very little research in this area.
  • Herbs and dietary supplements are highly discouraged. There is a generally accepted principle here - what is not thoroughly studied - do not apply.
  • Vitamins are drugs that help the body fight disease. They are needed. But if antiviral agents and other drugs have already been prescribed, it is better to postpone their intake until the main treatment is completed. Several drugs in plasma may interact and have different effects than expected.
  • It used to be that vitamin C helped people recover and shorten the time they were sick. Studies have been conducted in which it is proved that globally vitamin C does not affect the course of SARS. For prevention, this biologically active vitamin is also not worth taking. For this purpose, a large dosage is used - 1 gram. At this high concentration, the vitamin crosses the placenta and could theoretically affect the baby. What this impact will be has not been studied.
  • Antibiotics - antimicrobial drugs - are not prescribed in the debut of colds (influenza and SARS), since they do not act on the virus. Treatment with antibiotics at the beginning of a viral infection does not prevent the development of a bacterial infection in the future. If a bacterial infection develops while taking antibiotics, then you will have to change the pills to another group of drugs. Microorganisms develop resistance - they become insensitive to the drug. Therefore, treatment with any antibiotics is prescribed only by a doctor upon the presence of a bacterial infection.

How to bring down the high temperature during pregnancy?

High temperature during pregnancy is one of the most unfavorable factors affecting the fetus. Animal experiments have shown that high temperatures in the 1st trimester can cause malformations. The damaging effect of temperature begins when the temperature rises by more than 1.5 degrees and persists for at least 8 hours.


In order to reduce the temperature during pregnancy, you can take drugs that can be given to the baby and you should not wait until it drops on its own.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the temperature can be 37.2 - 37.5 ° C - this is normal and does not require treatment. But if the temperature is 38.5 ° C, this temperature must be brought down.

The safest and most studied drug from the group of antipyretic drugs is paracetamol. It can be taken for pain of any localization (head, throat,). However, like all drugs, it has side effects. That is, an adverse effect on the mother and, in high concentrations, on the fetus is possible. Paracetamol is hepatotoxic - it can affect the liver. During pregnancy, with a cold, you can use the drug at a dose of up to 2 grams, in extreme cases - up to 4. In the 3rd trimester, paracetamol is recommended to be taken at a dose of no more than 1 gram and in monotherapy (not in combination with other drugs, such as caffeine, vasoconstrictors).


Side effects of analgin are very rare, despite this they are very significant: agranulocytosis, the risk of developing nephroblastoma (Williams tumor) and leukemia in a child increases. During pregnancy, with a cold, metamizole (analgin) should not be taken, its use in the 3rd trimester is especially dangerous. The use of analgin is associated with the development of agranulocytosis in the newborn. Combined preparations of metamizole sodium - also can not be taken.

Agranulocytosis is a sharp decrease in leukocytes and monocytes in the blood, the child's body immediately becomes available to bacterial, fungal infections, since there are no cells in the blood that can resist diseases.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of colds in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

Diclofenac, ketanal, ketarol, ibuprofen - according to indications and with the permission of a doctor, can be used in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In the third trimester, only paracetamol is allowed to be used again.

Risks for the baby when taking NSAIDs in the 3rd trimester:

  • Premature closure of the ductus arteriosus leading to pulmonary hypertension. She is very difficult to treat.
  • The use of NSAIDs can delay the date of birth - it initiates a prolonged pregnancy.
  • Increased blood loss during childbirth, as the blood clotting function of the mother decreases.
  • Formation of diaphragmatic hernias.
  • Retardation of intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • Reducing the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • When taking NSAIDs immediately before childbirth - at the end of the term - the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in the newborn is higher.
  • Cerebrovascular hemorrhage in a child

Paracetamol is the drug of choice for reducing fever during pregnancy. Do not take Analgin and its combinations with other active substances. Avoid for treatment in the 3rd trimester of any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory diseases (after). Before and it is not advisable to take any painkillers and antipyretic drugs.

Cold prevention during pregnancy

With the help of preventive measures, you can prevent colds (flu and SARS). During pregnancy, it is very undesirable to attend mass events: theaters, exhibitions, concerts, especially during colds (autumn, winter). Public transport should be avoided. These unpretentious actions are recommended to be used when planning a pregnancy, when the spouses are trying to get pregnant.

It is necessary to treat yourself with great caution and observe those around you during the flu epidemic in order to notice and isolate yourself in time, or immediately exclude contact with a sick family member.

If someone gets sick at home, and there is no way to send the sick person to relatives, for example, a husband or child, it is necessary to “relocate” the patient to a separate room, provide separate dishes and regularly ventilate the rooms. If the house has a portable UV lamp for home use, be sure to “quartz” the premises.

If there are children of preschool age, then it is advisable to interrupt the child's visit to kindergarten, developmental activities, etc. Children at this age often get sick, they come into contact with peers, exchange microflora and get sick. A baby can get sick easily, but for a pregnant mother, the infection can be quite serious.

A gauze bandage practically does not help a healthy person not to get sick. But if there is no other way out, it can and should be used, while changing it every 2 hours, washing and ironing is a must. If there is a family member in the house who has a cold, everyone should wear masks, both healthy and sick.

During the epidemic, it is undesirable to visit the doctor of the antenatal clinic. If you have the opportunity to agree with your doctor for a certain time - do it. This will reduce your risk of contracting the flu while waiting in line. By order, pregnant women are admitted on certain days when only healthy pregnant women come to the appointment (as in a children's clinic - the day of a healthy child). It can be any day appointed by the LCD administration.

If a pregnant woman accidentally came into contact with a sick person - on the street, in an elevator, then when you come home you need to wash your hands with soap and rinse your nose with saline, gargle. This will reduce your risk of getting sick. The virus, getting on the mucous membrane, just stays on the surface for some time and then penetrates into the cells. If, when you come home, you do a lavage of the mucous membranes, then the chances of developing colds are reduced. The throat can be gargled with saline or chamomile decoction. Do not use soda for rinsing, it dries the mucous membranes. It can be used when there is plaque on the tonsils and it needs to be loosened. It is undesirable to add iodine. It will penetrate in high concentrations into the blood through the mucous membrane, and is dangerous to the fetus.

Before going outside, you can apply Oxalin ointment and Viferon ointment to the mucous membrane, it will not have an antiviral effect, but will become a mechanical barrier to the penetration of the virus. Upon returning home, the nose should be rinsed again.

To strengthen the immune system, a pregnant woman can take vitamin D in consultation with the doctor. You can compensate for its deficiency with the help of fatty varieties of fish and eggs.

What to do if a pregnant woman is sick with SARS or influenza?

If you experience cold symptoms in the 1st to 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, stay home and stay in bed. Be sure to contact the doctor from the antenatal clinic or paramedic by phone and get advice over the phone. Do not take self-treatment without your doctor's permission. The maximum that you can do on your own is a plentiful hot drink in the form of homemade chicken broth, tea with fresh or frozen raspberries or currants (not to be confused with jam, in which there is a minimum of useful substances after cooking). You can drink warm milk with honey if you are not allergic to bee products.

The liquid that enters the general bloodstream when drinking tea reduces general intoxication and the effect on the fetus, due to the increase. Phytomixtures - tinctures of chamomile, ginseng, licorice are extremely harmful to the fetus, as they are prepared with alcohol.

Folk remedies for the treatment of colds during pregnancy

Healers recommend in the acute period to use a natural immunomodulator - horseradish. The root is rubbed on a fine grater, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with sugar, and infused for 12 hours in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon per hour.

Chicken broth made from homemade chicken with the addition of dill, pepper, a large amount of onions has a miraculous effect: it reduces the symptoms of a cold and acts on cellular immunity. The tool gives strength, gives a feeling of comfort and satisfaction, enhances the outflow of mucus from the nasopharynx and bronchi, stimulates the restoration of damaged cells, restores the function of the ciliated epithelium of the nasopharynx. The broth from concentrates does not have the listed effects.

An excellent antimicrobial agent -. The root is crushed, 2 teaspoons are poured with boiling water and infused for 10-20 minutes. You can add a slice to the drink.

It has bactericidal properties. It contains phytoncides with antiviral action and vitamins. It can be eaten or inhaled.

SARS (acute respiratory viral infection) diagnosed at least once in almost every person. This condition, popularly referred to as the "cold", is caused by airborne viruses.
There is the so-called “cold season”, this is spring and autumn - a time when immunity is at zero, and a weakened body becomes more susceptible to viruses and bacteria.
ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is a fairly large group of viral diseases that have almost the same type of features, as well as a similar picture of the course of the disease. These respiratory viral infections can be provoked by viruses, and with inadequate treatment, the bacterial flora joins.

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Spread of disease

In terms of incidence, it is in the top three. SARS is spread all over the world. For a year, on average, an adult can get sick three to six times. Whole epidemics can occur in the spring and winter periods, since the method of transmission "through the air" involves infecting the body even with minimal contact.
Viruses are localized, as a rule, in the upper respiratory tract, which allows them to be attributed to a single group of diseases.
If ARVI is not treated in time, the infection will spread further along the respiratory tract and complications such as:

  • - inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • - inflammation of the pharynx;
  • - inflammation of the larynx;
  • - inflammation of the trachea, etc.
At the moment, scientists have recorded more than 140 types of viruses that cause SARS.

In adults, the number of cases of acute respiratory viral infections is significantly lower than in children and adolescents, however, if the patient has chronic diseases, cardiac disorders or allergies, then the frequency of diseases increases.
Once in the human body, the virus settles in the nose or throat, in the absence of adequate treatment, descends lower, aggravating the course of the disease.

The reasons

Since the viruses that cause SARS are quite resistant to the external environment and are transmitted by airborne droplets, it becomes clear that it is very easy to get infected, it is enough to be in a crowded place: a store, public transport, at work or a cafe.

The main reason for the entry of a virus or bacteria into the body of an adult is a decrease in immunity.

Weak immunity is not a barrier to infection, as it is simply unable not only to resist them, but even to identify "offenders". Therefore, an adult often suffers SARS "on his feet", without fever, complaining of weakness, headaches and muscle pain.

The source of infection is always a human carrier of the virus.

Sometimes the picture of the disease is erased, but the infection, entering the body of another person, can manifest itself with all the ensuing consequences.

SARS symptoms in adults

Often in the initial stages of ARVI in adults, they are confused with fatigue or just a headache.

However, if you carefully listen to yourself, then the presence of several symptoms will reveal a picture of the disease:

  • Malaise - weakness in the muscles and aching joints, I want to lie down all the time;
  • drowsiness - constantly sleepy, no matter how long a person sleeps;
  • runny nose - at first not strong, just like a clear liquid from the nose. Most attribute this to a sharp change in temperature (I went from the cold into a warm room, and condensation appeared in my nose);
  • chills - discomfort when touching the skin;
  • sore throat - it can be expressed as a tickle, and a tingling sensation or even pain in the neck.

Since ARVI develops very quickly, within 4-6 hours the following are added to these symptoms:

  • An increase in temperature - this is how the body turns on a protective reaction in the fight against infection;
  • headache - feeling as if the head is splitting;
  • nasal congestion.

Types of SARS

There are several types of this disease, which, although they have many similar features, still differ from each other.

Adenovirus infection is characterized by:

  • , which lasts from five to ten days;
  • strong wet cough, aggravated in a horizontal position and with increased physical activity;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat when swallowing.

Influenza has a sharp course of the disease. When a virus, the causative agent of influenza, enters, it immediately begins:

  • Very high temperature;
  • causing pain in the chest;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • dizziness and sometimes loss of consciousness.

Parainfluenza is milder than flu, but this fact does not make it any more pleasant:

  • The main danger of this infection is croup (suffocation), which occurs due to a strong narrowing of the larynx;
  • the temperature is not high, fluctuates around 37-38 degrees;
  • dry cough;
  • severe runny nose.

RS infection. Its symptoms, in general, are similar to parainfluenza, but its danger is that, as a result of untimely treatment, it can.
ARVI is diagnosed quite easily, and the specific type of this disease is specified, taking into account the epidemiological situation in the region and individual symptoms in a particular patient.
It will not be difficult for an experienced doctor to determine the presence of the disease, however, for a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to pass a general blood and urine test. The source of infection is determined by the number of red blood cells, platelets, as well as urinalysis.

Methods for the treatment of SARS

In the case of a virus, no special medication is required for treatment. Treatment is symptomatic in most cases. And be sure to drink plenty of water.

If a bacterium is found in the blood, then this is a reason to use antibiotics to prevent the aggravation of the course of the disease.
In the acute course of ARVI, the patient is prescribed drugs based on interferon, as well as complex drugs (such as Rinza, Teraflu). Vasoconstrictor drugs can be dripped into the nose. To reduce the volume of sputum, it is advisable to take antihistamines (Zodak, Zirtek).

You should always remember that self-medication is dangerous for health, and if the symptoms of SARS do not disappear or even increase, it is better to consult a specialist.

If a blood test shows a significant increase in leukocytes plus a decrease in the content of lymphocytes in the blood, and all this against the background of a high ESR, this is an indicator of a bacterial infection in the body.

This type of infection is treated with antibiotics.
In addition, there are a number of cases in which even a viral infection is stopped with antibacterial drugs:

  • The presence of a purulent infection;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • concomitant chronic diseases;
  • weakened immunity (for example, after surgery or against the background of certain diseases).
  • It is necessary to avoid meeting with viruses;
  • while indoors, try to ventilate it as often as possible;
  • try to increase immunity by all available means;
  • wash your hands more often.
  • During the height of SARS, namely, the autumn-winter period, leaving the house, you should treat the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment.

    In case of infection with SARS, it is necessary to withstand at least two weeks of quarantine to eliminate the risk of re-infection.

    In the initial stages, self-medication is acceptable, which consists in taking antiviral and antipyretic drugs, as well as in consuming large amounts of fluid. But it should be remembered that a prolonged "cold" is an occasion to contact a therapist to obtain a competent treatment regimen.

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