Edema of the legs - treatment with folk remedies: baths, infusions and compresses. Vanga recipes for edema If the legs of the vanga swell

  1. This recipe is very unusual and interesting. One bulldozer injured his knee while draining a swamp. The leg began to swell, fester, and the doctors said that it had to be amputated. Vanga also advised to find a frog, if possible in the same swamp where the person suffered, tear off the skin from it and attach it to the sore spot. The bulldozer driver complied with Vanga's order. Having applied the skin to the sore leg, he fell asleep and slept soundly for two days, although before that he could not fall asleep at all, even large doses of sleeping pills did not help. Waking up, he saw that the bandage had fallen, and there was a purulent rod on it (as if from a boil), 10 cm in size. A week later, the wound healed, and the leg was saved. This recipe may seem strange to some, but scientists have found substances in the frog's skin that make it invulnerable. She is not afraid of the bite of even the most poisonous snake.
  2. Boil three sprigs of comfrey in a liter of water until the water boils away by half. Strain and make this decoction wash the knee.
  3. On a slight edema, it is enough to apply a clay lotion, holding it with your hand for a while so that it sticks well.

Swelling of the legs

  1. Dissolve a packet of rock salt in a bucket of cold water, then take a shaggy towel, moisten it well with this water, then wring it out and apply it to the lower back. Repeat the procedure ten times. As a result, the excretion of urine begins, the swelling disappears.
  2. In the treatment of edema, the main rule is drying and removing excess from the patient's body. Vanga forced such patients to sit in the sun or by the fire, and also did not let them drink water. You need to reduce the amount of food you eat.
  3. Vomiting is also helpful, especially before meals. Sneezing is also beneficial.
  4. A good remedy is a decoction of clover, which Bulgarian healers give the patient to drink every day for 60 g.
  5. You can also boil 340 g of squill in a clay pot in two liters of wine until one third of the wine has evaporated. Give this medicine to the patient, starting with one tablespoon, and then increase the amount, bringing it to five spoons, and then again reduce it to one spoon.
  6. Mint can also be used inside, in an amount of approximately 30 g per reception.
  7. Useful bathing in the water of hot springs, in steam baths, as well as in the water in which the medicinal chamomile was boiled, fragrant rush.
  8. Boil fleshy figs in water and add to it one part of grated wolf's bast, two parts of soda, one and a half parts of dubrovnik. Give the patient 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  9. As a powder, soda and salt in a calcined form are used. After lubrication with oil, they are sprinkled with swelling on the legs.
  10. Euphorbia juice is very useful, which is taken in the amount of 3 g and drunk with the yolk of a soft-boiled egg.
  11. In addition to all of the above, Vanga advised the patient to move: first lying down, then sitting on horseback, and then walking on the ground. After these exercises, you need to warm up in the sun, especially well - lying on the sand. A decoction of juniper berries is very useful for such a person.

Swelling of the legs, most often, can be a sign that something is wrong in the patient's body. Currently, there are two types of edema:

  1. Swelling of the legs
  2. General swelling of the body

General swelling of the body occurs with excess weight, with malnutrition, during the period before menstruation, during pregnancy, excessive consumption of water and salt, as well as with frequent use of vasodilators, estrogens, steroids and aspirin. Also, general swelling of the body is observed in patients with mental disorders, with constant malnutrition, in cancer patients and in alcoholics.

  • Edema of the legs occurs in the last period of pregnancy, when wearing uncomfortable shoes, with excessive walking, as well as in many diseases of the body.
  • With renal pathologies. In the case of such diseases, swelling of the legs gradually spreads to both lower limbs, which most often affect the back of the leg. In this case, there is no itching, no pain, no fever. In the event that swelling of the legs appears due to renal pathologies, then they will be accompanied by dark circles under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, as well as a significant change in the color of urine and, of course, a decrease in its amount. Most often, swelling of the legs appears after the patient has had an acute respiratory infection.
  • With bowel diseases. In appearance, such edema is very similar to edema in renal pathologies, but they are often accompanied not by a violation of urination, but by the appearance of prolonged diarrhea.
  • Swelling of the legs with heart problems. Most often, this type of swelling of the legs appears with a long stay on the legs, it is accompanied by wheezing in the lungs, rapid pulse and shortness of breath. Most often, this type of swelling of the legs appears as a result of chronic or acute heart failure. Most often, swelling of the legs increases in the late afternoon and most often spreads from the bottom up.
  • With a lack of hormones. Swelling of the legs, quite often appears as a result of problems with the thyroid gland. Such edema does not leave a “hole” when pressed, and also, such edema of this type is located in the lower parts of the legs. Also, with swelling of the legs, there is often a tendency to constipation, chilliness, drowsiness, lethargy and swelling of the tongue and swelling in the shoulder area.

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You can notice swelling in your legs quite easily. You just need to look at the traces that remain with prolonged contact of clothing with the body (for example, from socks). Also, you can press your finger on the front of the lower leg, in the place where the bone is closest to the skin, for thirty seconds. Even if the edema is still very small, then after pressing, a hole will remain, which will keep its shape for several minutes.

In order to avoid swelling of the legs, you need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • First of all, you need to limit yourself in the use of salt. It is advisable to replace ordinary salt with iodized salt. In the event that food without adding salt seems bland and tasteless, then you can add spicy herbs or lemon juice to food. Of particular importance should be given to dill and parsley, as these herbs have weak diuretic properties.
  • In your daily diet, be sure to add foods that have a diuretic effect: lingonberries, strawberries and watermelons.
  • Also, you need to limit yourself in the use of products that can increase blood viscosity. These products include jelly, aspic and chokeberry. Raspberries, garlic, lemons and cranberries are very useful for the body, that is, foods that thin the blood.
  • We must not forget about food that is rich in potassium. These are, first of all, lettuce, honey, bananas, dried apricots, apricots and peaches.
  • Try not to stay too long in the same position. In no case should you tuck your legs under you, it is best to pull them forward.
  • At night, while sleeping, it is advisable to put a small roller under your feet in order to raise them a little.
  • Periodically perform preventive physical exercises from swelling of the legs. For example, it is very useful to do the following exercise: Stand up straight, lift your heels off the floor a little, about three centimeters, and then sharply put your heels down. Repeat this exercise sixty times in a minute.
  • Also, do not forget about comfortable shoes. It must be made from natural materials. It is better to avoid tight shoes and reduce the wearing of heels if possible.

Today, in most cases, medicine does not consider swelling of the legs a disease, but only its consequence. Therefore, many patients prefer to be treated with traditional methods of treatment, rather than go to the doctor. But it should be remembered that if self-treatment does not bring any results, then you need to seek help from a specialist, since swelling of the legs can be a sign of a disease that needs to be eliminated.

  • In one bucket, filled to the brim with cold water, it is necessary to dissolve one packet of rock salt. After that, you need to take a thick terry towel and soak it abundantly in salt water, then wring it out a little and attach it to the lumbar region. Repeat the procedure ten times a day. After two weeks of regular procedures, urine begins to flow, and as a result, the swelling disappears.
  • In the treatment of edema of the legs, the main rule is the removal and drying of excess fluid in the human body. This problem was encountered by people a few centuries ago. For example, Vanga recommended that patients sit by the fire and in the sun as long as possible. And also, advised to reduce the consumption of water and junk food.
  • In the fight against swelling of the legs, a strong decoction of clover will help perfectly. It must be consumed inside half an hour before meals, sixty grams at a time.
  • In a clay pot, or in some other clay container, pour two liters of red wine and put 340 grams of sea onion there. Put the container on a slow fire and cook until one third of the wine has evaporated. It is necessary to use this decoction, starting with one tablespoon before meals, every day the portion must be increased, reaching up to five tablespoons, and then again reduced to one.
  • Every day you need to eat at least thirty grams of fresh mint leaves.
  • Regular bathing in steam baths, in the water of hot springs, as well as in water in which fragrant rush or medicinal chamomile has been boiled is very beneficial for swelling of the legs.
  • Boil a small amount of fleshy figs in a small amount of water, then add one part of the wolf's bast, one and a half parts of dubrovnik and two parts of baking soda. This decoction must be drunk at least three times a day with meals, a tablespoon at a time.
  • Places of edema on the legs should be sprinkled with salt or soda in a calcined form. But this must be done only after lubricating the legs with oil.
  • Boil one soft-boiled egg and separate the white from the yolk. Add the yolk to three grams of milkweed and drink daily before meals three times a day.
  • One of the most effective remedies against swelling of the legs is, of course, an infusion of parsley fruits or roots. To resist it, it is necessary to soak one tablespoon of parsley fruits or roots in two glasses of boiling water. Let it brew for nine or ten hours. At the end of time, carefully strain the infusion and use tablespoons throughout the day.
  • An infusion of berries or hawthorn flowers also has an equally effective effect. In order to prepare it, you need to mix one tablespoon of flowers and one tablespoon of blood-red hawthorn berries. The resulting collection must be poured with 400 grams of boiling water, and let it brew for thirty minutes. After the time has elapsed, strain the infusion thoroughly. Consume one-third of a glass three times a day with meals.
  • With swelling in the legs, it is necessary to make baths from the following solution daily or, if this is not possible, every other day. Heat ten liters of water, add one tablespoon of baking soda, one tablespoon of salt and one teaspoon of iodine. Pour the resulting solution into a small bowl and lower your legs there for half an hour. This procedure must be repeated for ten days.
  • One of the most common and effective means in the fight against edema is compresses from the infusion of birch leaves. To prepare it, you need to finely chop a small amount of fresh birch leaves and pour one liter of boiling water over them, adding one tablespoon of iodized salt there. Let it brew for half an hour. It is necessary to make such compresses from birch leaves about ten times.
  • Also, an infusion of young birch leaves can be consumed internally, with daily use, swelling will disappear within a week. To prepare this infusion, you need to pour one hundred grams of fresh birch leaves with two glasses of hot boiled water. Let the infusion insist for at least six hours. At the end of time, strain, let it settle and drain the precipitate that has formed. It is necessary to take the infusion three times a day for half a glass at a time.
  • It works very effectively in the fight against swelling of the legs - an infusion of corn stigmas. One glass of boiling water should be poured over two tablespoons of corn stigmas, let it brew for three hours. After the time has elapsed, strain the infusion and add two tablespoons of honey there.
  • Also, you can regularly take an infusion of pumpkin leaves, which is a balm for the kidneys, which is able to remove excess fluid from the body, improve cardiac activity and cleanse the kidneys.
  • Mix one glass of dry raw materials and one glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. You need to drink this infusion one and a half glasses a day in three approaches.

Also, it is necessary to take diuretic fees from the kidneys, which will help get rid of excess fluid in the body.

  • Thoroughly mix one tablespoon of nettle, three tablespoons of heart-shaped linden flowers, two tablespoons of black elderberry flowers, two tablespoons of crushed calamus rhizome and two tablespoons of peppermint leaves. Take two tablespoons of the resulting collection and pour them with two glasses of boiling water, let it brew for at least forty minutes. After the time has elapsed, carefully strain the infusion and drink one hundred grams twice a day, with meals.
  • Mix one tablespoon of ordinary bearberry and one tablespoon of dried lingonberry leaves, pour the resulting mixture with one glass of boiling water and put the filled container in a water bath. Cover the container tightly with a lid and heat in the bath for thirty minutes, in no case should it be brought to a boil. After the time has elapsed, remove the decoction from the heat and let it brew for ten minutes. After, strain and pour hot boiled water to the original volume. It is necessary to take this decoction one third of a glass three times a day.
  • Edema from the legs is quite easy to remove with the help of compresses from ordinary potatoes. In order to prepare it, it is necessary to thoroughly peel the potatoes, grate raw potatoes on a coarse grater or finely chop, the resulting slurry must be applied to the resulting swelling on the legs, wrapped with cellophane on top and cover the leg with a warm terry towel.
  • A visit to the pool also helps with swelling of the legs. Also, you need to regularly perform special exercises for the legs and try to move more. It is equally useful to do a regular foot massage, which will normalize blood circulation.

Fighting edema with the help of folk remedies is quite simple, but if such treatment does not help, then you need to contact a specialist. Since it is the swelling of the legs that can be the first signal in violation of healthy processes in the body.

Take a piece of clean white linen measuring a meter by a meter and apply 100 g of gun oil to it. Apply to the back three nights in a row.
- Lubricate the back with honey. With jerky movements, reminiscent of “tearing off” the skin from the bones, massage the back. Repeat the procedure the next day, until the pain disappears completely.

  • Back pain in right shoulder blade.
Vanga believes that this pain occurs as a result of some earlier fall. She advises skinning a hare (rabbit), sprinkling its skin on the inside with red pepper and sprinkle with sunflower oil, and then attach it to the back of the patient.
  • Pain in the forearm (acute):
- Take 2 bags of frankincense (about 40-50 g) and grind in 50 g of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture to a woolen cloth and apply it to the sore spot for three nights in a row.
- Soak a woolen cloth with gasoline, apply to a sore spot, and tie a heated (but so that it can be tolerated) copper plate or plate on top. So three nights in a row.
  • PAIN in the chest (old).
Vanga believes that in such cases the pulmonary membrane is inflamed. She recommends making a compress from dough mixed with homemade kvass, with the addition of 100 grams of vinegar, 100 grams; sunflower oil and 100 gr of wine. Apply such a compress to a sore spot.
  • PAIN in legs.
Boil a bunch of clover in a large vessel. When the broth has cooled, strain, add one tablespoon of kerosene. Take baths three or four nights in a row.
  • PAIN in the lower back.
Take an old Turkish tile and grind it well into a powder, then sift through a sieve. Add 3 beaten egg whites, 20 g chopped frankincense and a teaspoon of grape vodka. Mix all this well. Apply the mixture to a linen cloth and wrap around the waist overnight.
  • FUNGUS on the nails of the hands.
Brew strong coffee and immerse your hands several times in its infusion, but do not shake the sediment. This remedy also treats fungus on the feet, relieves pain in the feet and ankles, and helps get rid of thick, flaky skin on the heels. When the procedure is repeated several nights in a row, the fungus disappears completely, the skin becomes smooth, and the pain disappears.
  • FUNGUS on toes.
- Well-washed feet, immerse in strong wine vinegar. Sleep in clean socks soaked in vinegar.
- Immerse your feet in cool water, in which you dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda and salt. Then rinse your feet with clean water.
- Mix crushed mint with salt and place between your toes for about an hour. Repeat the process until the fungus disappears.
- Rinse them several times a day with a decoction of wild savory, to which add a pinch of alum. - Chew fir resin twice a month for an hour.
  • DIABETES in children in the early stages.
Pour the child with a decoction of white mulberry flowers.
  • DIABETES in adults in the initial stage.
Drink a decoction made from blackberry tops.
  • JAUNDICE in infants born in summer.
Pour dodder decoction over them.
  • GASTRIC PAIN due to nerves.
In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water in which dissolve a tablespoon of aniseed vodka. After 10-15 minutes, take one tablespoon of olive oil.
Eat two pears daily on an empty stomach. Drink wild pear compote without sugar.
One to two times a day, take one tablespoon of jelly made from boiled ripe elderberries without sugar. Sugar can be replaced with honey.
  • HARDENING in the body.
Apply a mixture of foundation, grated wormwood and brandy in the form of a liquid slurry on the sore spot, cover with clean gauze and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure until the hardening resolves.
  • A pinched nerve due to a fall.
Spread a cotton cloth with a mixture of olive oil, melted wax and foundation. Apply the patch along the entire spine - from the neck to the coccyx. If necessary, repeat the procedure three times.
  • Itching of the SKIN is severe.
- Boil 1 kg of barley in a large amount of water and pour over the patient with this broth.
- Mix 500 grams of technical alcohol with 50 grams of salicylic acid and the prepared mixture in the morning and evening with a swab to lubricate the entire body.
To improve it, pour thyme (thyme) decoction once a month.
  • Fright.
Immediately drink a glass of water with a little sugar.
  • COUGH in children.
- Mix one hundred grams of honey and the same amount of fresh oil with 0.2 grams of vanillin and take a teaspoon three times a day.
- COUGH in children is constant. Boil one potato, onion and one apple in a liter of water until the water has evaporated by half. Let's drink the decoction to the child three times a day for a teaspoon.
  • COUGH.
Boil the leaves of the coltsfoot and drink the decoction as a tea.
  • COUGH long-standing, in smokers.
Boil several mallow rhizomes in half a liter of milk for 10-15 minutes. Drink the decoction in a coffee cup several times a day.
  • COUGH strong.
Boil four walnuts in shell, one tablespoon of elder flowers and the same amount of bee honey in half a liter of water. Strained broth drink a tablespoon three times a day. Drink flaxseed tea throughout the week.
  • COUGH, chronic, in adults.
A lump of white cherry resin, the size of a walnut, boil in one liter of water. Strain the broth, add 200 grams of honey, three cloves and ginger on the tip of a knife. Take one tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals.
Twice a day, drink whey from squeezed cheese; avoid fatty foods.
  • BLEEDING in women is profuse and prolonged.
Mix six fresh egg whites well with half a teaspoon of citric acid and drink the mixture. Repeat the treatment if necessary.
  • LEUKEMIA in children.
It is recommended to drink the juice of mallow fruits. Powder of dried and grated mallow mixed with dried rennet taken from the stomach of a young lamb. Take this mixture with a small amount of water twice a day, one teaspoon.
  • LEUKEMIA general.
Drink juice squeezed from mallow roots.
Make a small soft dough bun by mixing rye flour, ghee and fresh milk; leave it overnight, and then apply to the sore spot. Treat several times.
  • Tonsils inflamed.
From the soft dough, make a ribbon so that it can be wrapped around the neck. Finely crush the dried hellebore root and sprinkle generously on the ribbon of dough. Carefully wrap the throat with this tape, while making sure to cover the tonsils. Apply a bandage or cotton bandage on top: for small children for 30-60 minutes once or twice, for older children - for 2-3 hours, and for adults it is recommended to leave the bandage on all night. Thoroughly pounded norichnik grass, which grows along the banks of rivers and has the best therapeutic agents in spring, mix with lard and spread on a clean piece of cotton fabric. Put the compress on your throat.
  • MYOMA of the uterus.
For 15 days, three times a day, drink a coffee cup of hemp seed decoction.
  • CORN.
The place where the first callus appeared, cauterize with smoldering tinder, and then wash it with hot water.
Steep a tablespoon of St. John's wort for 1-2 minutes like tea. Drink the infusion only in the morning, on an empty stomach, a teaspoon.
Mix pottery clay with a little vinegar. Form a bun from the mixture and apply it to the sore spot for three nights in a row.
Mix in a glass jar 500 grams of sugar and the same amount of honey and take a tablespoon twice a day. NERVOUS DISEASE in women. Boil one leaf of geranium in 200 grams of water and drink one cup of coffee twice a day.
Bathe him in a decoction of forest hay.
Drink a decoction of blackberry roots, oregano, lemon balm and nettle tops.
  • Nighttime urinary incontinence in children.
About 2 kg of meadow core (this plant has the best medicinal properties in May, when it is preparing for flowering), boil in 10 liters of water, strain, cool and at seven o'clock in the evening, before going to bed, put the child in this decoction. Separate from the decoction, mix the grass with a small amount of lard and apply as a poultice - on the first evening on the stomach, on the next - on the lower back. Leave the poultice on all night. Vanga recommends this herb, provided that the child's vertebrae are not at a great distance from each other. Otherwise, before bathing in the decoction of the core, it is necessary to take ten sunbaths in the summer, having previously lubricated the child’s lower back with gun oil.
To improve their mobility, prepare an ointment of 100 grams of pork fat and 1 tablespoon of salt. Spread it on immobilized limbs, and wrap cotton and nylon over them.
  • IMPOSITION in rheumatism.
Bathe in a decoction of wild cyclamen tubers.
  • FAULT is sudden.
Under the "spoon" put the crushed herb Adonis (Adonis).
Mix medical olive oil and grape brandy (200 grams each) and drink a glass three times every day.
  • BURN legs from hot steam.
According to Vanga, when the fire is still “on its feet and smoldering”, prepare a medicinal ointment: six yolks of fresh eggs and six teaspoons of fresh ghee; beat thoroughly until the mixture becomes thick like mayonnaise. Wrap your legs with several layers of gauze soaked in this ointment.
Wrap your feet overnight in a band-aid made from wax, olive oil and water. Repeat if necessary.
An interesting story is connected with the recipe for the treatment of this disease. One excavator, working on draining a swamp, scratched his knee with some old piece of iron. It swelled, reddened, festered, and the doctors suggested amputation of the leg to the excavator. However, before going to the hospital, he decided to consult with Vanga, and she suggested that he find ... a toad in the swamp where he was injured, tear off her skin and cover her inflamed knee with it. The advice was fulfilled, and the man, tormented by pain and insomnia, calmed down, fell asleep and slept for almost two days. When the bandage was removed, they saw that the tumor had decreased, and a long white purulent rod remained on the bandage. The wound healed up literally in a matter of days. To some, this healing may seem inexplicable, but scientists know that the toad's skin contains substances that can even be an antidote to a snake bite.
  • Swelling of legs.
Dissolve a packet of rock salt in a bucket of cold water, dip a terry towel into the solution, then wring it out slightly and attach it to the patient's lower back. Repeat the procedure 10 times. Shortly thereafter, profuse urination will begin, and the swelling will subside.
Immediately drink a glass of water in which you dissolve a tablespoon of aniseed vodka.
  • FINGER of the hand, festering near the nail.
Peel the hot pepper from the legs and seeds, fill it with strong brandy and dip the sore finger into it so that a little brandy remains inside. Then bandage the finger and leave the bandage on for as long as the pain can be tolerated (it is advisable to leave the bandage on overnight). Pus and swelling will quickly disappear.
  • pyelonephritis in children.
Force children to follow a diet: eat cornbread, drink corn hair broth.
Apply a woolen flap soaked in a mixture of finely ground thyme and apple cider vinegar to the sore spot.
  • Baldness in children, circular.
Boil one bunch of creeping tenacious for 10-15 minutes in half a liter of grape brandy. Several times a day with a cotton swab moistened with this mixture, wipe the sore spots. After about a week, boil the clover roots and wash the child's head with it for three evenings in a row.
The patient is stripped naked, wrapped in a sheet, and he should lie down on the heated sand several times for 20 minutes.
  • CUTS.
Make an infusion of St. John's wort in olive oil (at least 24 hours) and lubricate the cut place with this infusion. The wound heals quickly. The infusion can be used for a long time if the vial with the mixture is stored in a cold place.
  • KIDNEYS are sick.
- Pour potter's clay with apple cider vinegar, mix thoroughly and spread the mixture on the canvas. In the evening, put a compress on the lower back in the kidney area.
- Drink boiled pumpkin seed tea for a week. From crushed flaxseed (two grams) and a little water, make hot poultices, which you put on the kidney area for several nights.
- Boil a large blackberry root in five liters of water until it has evaporated by half. Infusion drink three times a day for one hundred grams.
  • PROSTATE, inflammation.
Finely grind the coal from the burnt linden, brew it like coffee and drink it for seven days in a row.
After thorough cleansing with alcohol, lubricate the sore spots with hernia juice.
Mix old crushed tiles with two egg whites, a teaspoon of crushed thyme (thyme) and a glass of grape brandy. Spread the mixture on a piece of woolen cloth and put it on the spine overnight. Keep it on until the patch falls off.
  • WOUNDS with difficulty healing.
Boil three shoots of larkspur (comfrey) in 1 liter of water until the water has evaporated by half. Wash the wound with strained broth.
  • RELAXATION of muscles in children.
In a glass jar with honey (about 400 grams), add 20 grams of sulfur. Spread the resulting mixture on the body of the child and massage. After the child has sweated three times, change his clothes, swaddle tightly and put him to bed.
Spread honey all over the body and “pull” the skin with a massage.
  • STRETCH MUSCLE on the arm.
Boil unripe elderberries in a large bowl, add one tablespoon of baking soda and unstrained broth, when it cools down, wash your hands up to the shoulders.
- Early in the morning, before sunrise, in clean cotton socks, walk around the dewy meadow. When the sun rises and your socks are well saturated with dew, do not take them off - let them dry on your feet.
- For 10 days, bandage with sliced ​​pork lung. One or more of these dressings should be kept on overnight.
- Put green walnuts in a vessel and fill them with olive oil; leave the vessel in the sun for at least forty days. Lubricate sore spots with this mixture until it runs out.
Along with the treatment recommended by your doctor, consume celery salad daily.
  • RHEUMATISM, neuralgic.
Before taking the necessary sunbathing, lubricate diseased limbs with gun oil.
  • VOMITING caused by eating fatty foods.
Drink the juice of half a lemon with half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in it.
  • PIGGY.
Often pierce blue wrapping paper with a needle and, spreading it with a mixture of honey, raki and crushed thyme (thyme), stick it behind the ears. The illness goes away in three days.
Drink a decoction of chokeberry flowers four times a year for four days.
  • Nervous heartbeat.
Grate 0.5 kg of lemons, mix them with 0.5 kg of honey and 20 crushed apricot pits. Take morning and evening on an empty stomach, one tablespoon.
- Fresh cow's oil (the size of a grain of corn) put into the nose every evening, alternating nostrils: the first evening, put the oil in the right, the next - in the left, etc.; - Two or three days in a row, once a day, in both nostrils, instill 2-3 drops of grated cyclamen tuber juice.
  • WEAK CHILDREN up to 3 years.
In the spring, when the leaves on the trees bloom, bathe the child at least ten times in a decoction of walnut leaves.
  • SALIVARY GLANDS are sick.
Make a poultice of crushed marigold flowers (marigolds) and attach to the lower jaw.
  • RASH on the body.
Douse with a decoction of oak bark. Finely crush the wood pierced by worms, boil the powder in water, strain and pour the decoction over the entire body of the patient. Adults, after bathing, lubricate the body with a cream made from a mixture of wood powder and pure pork fat. Repeat the process until recovery.
  • RASH ON THE BODY in newborns and infants.
Bathe the child once or twice in a decoction of European dodder.
  • RASH ON THE BODY is chronic.
Drink a decoction of rye several times a day.
  • RASH (urticaria) in children.
Boil nettle and elderberry leaves in equal parts. Pour the cooled broth over the entire body of the child.
  • TEMPERATURE is high, in children.
- Douse a sick child with a decoction of sour grapes. - Boil the hay collected in the mountain meadow and bathe the child in its broth.
  • CRACKS on the hands.
Hold your hands two or three times in a cool decoction of the mountaineer rough.
  • Insect bites.
Rub the bite site with an elderberry leaf.
  • The injury is old.
- Apply the skin of a freshly skinned rabbit or potato slices to the sore spot. - Boil 0.5 kg of ripe white beans until fully cooked, knead thoroughly and apply to the sore spot. Tie the top with cotton and leave the bandage on all night.
Pour them with a decoction of purslane.
Women's milk, mixed with white flour, take one tablespoon in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.
  • CHIRI.
Make a small roll of rye flour, milk and fresh butter and apply it to the sore spot at night. The poultice draws out the pus without residue.
  • SPUR.
Cut the onion head in half at its widest point, and drop a drop of tar into the middle of each half. After that, attach the halves to the sore spot.
  • Spur on the lower back.
Soak a piece of woolen cloth in apple cider vinegar, sprinkle with crushed thyme (thyme) and attach to the lower back. The same treatment is recommended in the treatment of spurs on the hands.
  • SPUR on heels.
Cover the heated copper basin with a rag so as not to burn the skin, and stand on it until it cools down.
  • "Bristles" in children.
This rare and dangerous disease almost never occurs in our time, but older women remember it well: hair similar to stubble appears on the back of a child. The treatment is simple: rub wood ash on the back of the child with wet hands until all hair is gone. In the same way, the “bristle” on the face is easily cleaned.
- Douse the patient with a decoction of a bouquet of forest flowers.
- Many varieties of this disease can be cured as follows: Lubricate clean diseased skin with a liquid that forms in May in elm seeds.
- Lubricate the washed sore spots with a swab soaked in a mixture prepared from a coffee cup of vegetable oil and the same portion of vinegar.
  • ECZEMA on hands from detergents.
Every day for 15-20 minutes, keep your hands in cool water, in which a teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved. Then dip your hands in slightly warmed olive oil.
  • ECZEMA WET in children.
Roast three shelled walnuts in the oven until they are dark brown. When cooled, they must be thoroughly crushed, add a teaspoon of fish oil and repeatedly lubricate a clean sore spot.
  • Bleeding duodenal ulcer.
Beat the white of a fresh egg with a teaspoon of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of olive oil until creamy. Take this mixture on an empty stomach, one tablespoon for ten days.
  • OVARIANS inflamed.
Boil forest hay in a suitable vessel and place the patient over the steam. Repeat the procedure every day until the inflammation stops. Forest hay can be replaced with gorse drenched in olive oil, or fresh cabbage boiled in milk. Pour hot water over unwashed sheep's wool and place the sick one over the steam.

How many troubles are swelling of the legs! How can you help yourself in such cases?

With edema, even worn-out shoes turn into torture pads. In the summer heat provokes edema, especially in the cores, and in autumn it becomes difficult for the legs, "packed" in socks or tights, in warm shoes, to "breathe" - again it is bad.

Doctors rightly believe that chronic diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, varicose veins can be the cause of edema. Of course, in such cases, you need to treat the underlying diseases, but at the same time, you can take care to relieve swelling, providing your legs with a comfortable life.

There are some things you can do while sitting at work. If after three hours you get up from your workplace and walk for a few minutes on the stairs between floors, it will immediately become easier. For a greater effect, stand on your toes for several minutes.

Never sit cross-legged. There is no doubt - the pose is spectacular, but it does not make it easier for the legs, because in this position the vessels are "clamped" and the blood stagnates.

At home, there are much more opportunities to help tired swollen legs.

First things first, after returning from work, do not rush from the doorway to the kitchen to prepare dinner and do not grab a dust rag. Lie quietly on the couch, slightly raising your legs up, and do not suffer remorse. You deserve a rest.

During the evening you can treat yourself to warm - but not hot! - bath with sea salt. The solution is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. Sea salt can now be purchased both in pharmacies and in stores. Contrasting herbal and salt baths are also good. Keep your feet in them for five minutes (first in hot, then in cold water). Add 2 tablespoons of salt and spruce needles per liter of water. And in the morning, a strong shower jet directed at the feet and ankles stimulates blood circulation.

All this will work more effectively if you limit the consumption of fatty and salty foods, and replace strong black tea or coffee with linden tea. It is brewed simply: 1.5 tbsp. spoons of leaves in two cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a thermos.

But what recipes were offered by the famous Vanga. Dissolve a packet of rock salt in a bucket of cold water, then take a shaggy towel, moisten it well with this water and, after squeezing, apply to the lower back. This must be repeated ten times.

She also advises using a decoction of common clover, which you need to drink two tablespoons every day. Of course, any phyto-collections and herbs should be bought only at a pharmacy or from reliable herbalists. Collected not according to the rules, they will not bring benefits.

Vanga's next potion: you need to boil fleshy figs in water, add to it one part of grated wolf's bast, two parts of soda, one and a half parts of dubrovnik. This decoction should be drunk 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

The powerful invasion of new technologies in all areas of life breaks the thin threads that connect man with nature, which is itself its creation. Over the course of millions of years, many thousands of microorganisms and plants perished in order for man to achieve perfection. Modern man often ignores the laws of nature, forgetting about his true essence. He who does not observe natural laws and order, neglects their interdependence and harmony, destroys his health.

This is how Vanga healed: she restored the broken ties between man and nature with the help of a great variety of medicinal herbs and other natural remedies.

For everyone who turned to her, she found her own way of treatment, different from others, since each person is a unique universe, and each person has his own disorders that occur in the body. But at the same time, according to Vanga, there are rules and laws common to all people, about which the sister did not get tired of repeating.

1. Love each other, strive for good thoughts and deeds - this is the best medicine for everyone.

2. Bulgaria is a blessed country because many medicinal plants grow here. Take care of them, and they will help you cope with ailments.

3. Excessive use of drugs is harmful to health - drugs close the door through which, together with herbs, natural forces enter, restoring the disturbed balance in the patient's body.

4. Be sure to go barefoot in the summer so that communication with the earth is not interrupted.

5. Allow children to play wherever they want in the summer. Let them get dirty, run, go to the forest more often. In winter, this will protect them from diseases.

6. In the evening, before going to bed, be sure to wash your feet, or better, if conditions permit, take a shower. Water washes away not only dust and street dirt from your body, but also fatigue and all the bad thoughts and experiences that can disturb your sleep.

7. Learn to rest properly. The day is for work and the night for sleep. To be healthy and keep working capacity for a long time, go to bed no later than 10 o'clock in the evening and get up at 5-6 o'clock in the morning.

8. Drink tea from forest fruits and plants more often. They are clean and a source of health.

9. At least once a week, eat boiled wheat with clean water. Thus, you will constantly cleanse your body, and therefore maintain your vitality.

10. Move more and work hard. Idle pastime is a disease that destroys not only the soul, but also the body.

11. Cleanliness should become an indispensable condition of your life! Dirt - physical or spiritual - disgusts God's creation, which is always clean and beautiful.

12. Do not wash with very hot water.

13. Use homemade soaps and natural products that are not harmful to health more often.

14. Don't apply a lot of fertilizers and chemicals to the soil. Nature suffocates from them, which causes poisoning and leads to many diseases.

Medicinal herbs and other medicinal products of Vanga

Allergy. Soak a teaspoon of dried wormwood in a glass of cold water in the evening. Strain in the morning and take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals, adding a little honey. For prevention, you can drink a glass of wine infused with wormwood; it is especially recommended to do this in the spring.

Amenorrhea. Boil husks from 2 kg of onions in 3 liters of water until the water turns brown. Drink a decoction of 1 coffee cup in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening.

Anemia. (In children.) In early spring, as soon as the leaves on the hazel unfold, and in September, pour water over the child for several days, in which the walnut leaves were boiled for 30 minutes.

Anemia. Grind 100 g of dried marshmallow fruits into powder. Mix the powder in a glass of fresh sheep's milk and take 1/2 teaspoon once a day. You can add some honey.

Arthritis. In 500 ml of strong brandy (vodka), boil half a bag of hemp seeds until half of the liquid has evaporated. Wipe sore spots with decoction in the mornings and evenings. Make baths from a decoction of skumpii.

Arthritic, rheumatic pains in bad weather. Make compresses on the knees and hands from gruel prepared from boiled skumpia leaves.

1. (In children, in the initial stage.) Prepare an ointment from powdered aspirin and pure lard. Apply to the chest for 10 days.

2. (In children.) Boil the dried flowers of the coltsfoot in plenty of water and bathe the child in the decoction. After the bath, lubricate the body with honey and brandy (vodka).

3. (In children.) Soak 40 leaves of coltsfoot for a day in strong brandy (vodka). On the first evening, put a sheet on the chest, on the second evening, put another sheet on the back. Alternate in this way until the leaves run out. The procedure is carried out only in late autumn.

4. Boil 40 onion seedlings in water until soft. Then bake them in 500 ml of olive oil and grind well. The resulting mixture is taken 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.

5. Drink tea from coltsfoot flowers. Pay special attention to the nasopharynx.

Infertility. (For women.) Take a handful of earth, which can be found at the wormhole in the spring. Put the earth in a bowl, pour boiling water. The patient should sit over the steam for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times.


1. (In children.) Wrap the child in a cloth dampened with morning dew. To do this, before dawn, the fabric is spread in a clearing so that it is saturated with moisture.

2. (In children.) Boil 1 kg of river sand in a large amount of water. Cool the water and pour it over the child. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

3. Sleep well on a pillow filled with dried forest herbs.

4. Stuff the pillow with dried hops.

5. Before going to bed, take 1 tablespoon of honey.

6. In May, collect more wild red poppies along with roots and flowers. Rinse the roots thoroughly and dry together with the stem in the shade. Stuff a pillow with dried grass and sleep on it.

7. Before going to bed, eat a tablespoon of granulated sugar with a glass of warm water.

Pain in the chest (old). According to Vanga, this means that the lining of the liver is inflamed. The patient is recommended to make compresses from wheat flour. Knead flour on homemade kvass, add 100 ml of sunflower oil and wine. Put a dough cake on the chest in the place where the pain occurs.

Pain in the chest with hormonal disorders. Make compresses from a decoction of wormwood and coltsfoot. Moisten a cotton cloth in the water in which the herbs were boiled, wring out and put on the chest, covering it completely. Wrap the fabric with a bandage and keep it all night.

Pain in the stomach.

1. Chew 1 leaf of red clover every day. Swallow only juice.

2. Quickly relieves pain decoction of basil, chamomile or mint. Boil 1 tablespoon of herbs in 600 ml of water for 3 minutes. Adults drink 1 coffee cup 3 times a day after meals, children - 1 tablespoon.

Pain in the gallbladder, accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen and vomiting (usually after eating fatty foods). In the juice squeezed from half a lemon, add half a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix and drink.

Pain in the hands (arthritis).

For 10 days in a row, take baths in the evenings from a cool decoction of sweet fern.

Pain in the knee. Prepare homemade kvass, moisten a linen cloth with it and soak it with ammonia. Wrap the affected knee with this cloth and leave the lotion overnight. Repeat the procedure 3 nights in a row.

Pain in the legs.

1. Boil a bunch of clover in a large bowl. Let the water cool and add a tablespoon of kerosene. Do a foot bath 3-4 nights in a row.

2. Wash your feet well in cool water, then spread them with fresh pork fat. Before going to bed, put light cotton socks on your feet and sleep in them.

Pain in the lower back.

1. (Long time.) Finely crumble the old tiles and sift through a sieve. Add 3 beaten egg whites, 1 sachet of white incense and a glass of grape brandy. Apply the resulting mixture to a linen cloth and wrap it around your lower back for one night.

2. Prepare a homemade patch with 2 beaten egg whites, 1 tablespoon of grated homemade soap and 1 sachet of ground white incense. Apply the resulting mixture to a woolen cloth, wrap it around the lower back and hold until it falls off by itself. Carry out treatment 1 - 2 days.

Pain in the back and under the right shoulder blade. (According to Vanga, they may occur as a result of a fall many years ago.) Sprinkle the skin from a recently skinned hare (rabbit) with red pepper and pour over with sunflower oil. In the evening, apply to the back.

Back pain.

1. Spread honey on your back. Massage the affected area, pulling the skin.

2. Moisten approximately 1 m of a clean white cloth with 100 g of gun oil. Cut the fabric into three parts and apply to the sore spot for 3 evenings in a row.

Joint pain (caused by arthritis or rheumatism). Drink tea from crushed skumpia leaves. The effect will be enhanced if a hot poultice of boiled skumpia leaves is applied to the sore spot.

Sore throat. Before going to bed, rub your feet with a mixture of fat, dried wormwood (soaked or powdered) and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Wear clean cotton socks.

Sick liver. 100 g dried or 200 g fresh yellow yarrow grind into powder. Add 100 g flour and some water. The mixture should resemble gruel. Roll into 60 small balls. Dry them and store them in a cool place. Before starting treatment, be sure to drink Epsom salts once a night. Take 1 scoop in the morning and evening for a month.

Sick kidneys.

1. The patient should often drink boiled pumpkin seed tea. Mix 2 sachets of ground flaxseed with a little water. Apply a poultice to the kidney area.

2. Pour pottery clay with apple cider vinegar, mix well. Apply the mixture to a cloth and place on the kidney area.

3. Boil one large blackberry root in 5 liters of water until the liquid has evaporated to half. Drink 3 times a day, 100 ml.

4. Once a week, the sick person should only eat boiled wheat and drink water.

1. (In children.) Fry 2 eggs in pork fat. Sprinkle with salt. Cool and put on the baby's chest at night.

2. (In children.) Remove the middle from the head of red onion and pour a teaspoon of granulated sugar into the recess. A child should eat 1 head of onion per day.

3. 2 - 3 leaves of coltsfoot boil in 1/2 liter of fresh milk. Add fat to the tip of a knife. Drink in the evening for 1 coffee cup.

4. Chronic. For 3 weeks, take on an empty stomach 1 teaspoon of a decoction of medicinal marigolds.

Bronchopneumonia (after illness, for rehabilitation). With 1 kg of honey, mix the following freshly ground ingredients: 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of white Balkan pine resin, 5-6 cloves.

Take 1 tablespoon twice daily after meals. Children take 1 teaspoon for 10 days.


1. Cut pork lungs into slices and apply to sore spots.

2. Put on cotton socks for the patient and walk through the dew in the mountain meadow in the morning. When the socks get wet, they need to be dried in the sun without removing them from their feet.

3. Put green walnuts in a glass jar, pour in olive oil and put in the sun for 40 days. Rub the mixture on your feet until it runs out.

Spring fatigue. In some people, spring fatigue is accompanied by nausea, in others - fluid retention in the body, while painful swelling of the ankles and other parts of the body is observed. In both cases, you can get rid of suffering if you drink tea infused with mustard seed. 1 tablespoon of the seed should be boiled for 5-6 minutes in 600 ml of water. Drink 3 times a day, 1 coffee cup before meals.

Hair. Adding shine to hair, enhancing growth. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of lanceolate plantain or walnut leaves.

Inflammation of the bronchi. Boil 1 bay leaf in 100 ml of water until half of the water has evaporated. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Inflammation of the eyelids. Prepare a concentrated decoction of wormwood. Put swabs soaked in the broth on the eyelids and keep for about 2 hours. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Sore throat. Drink thyme tea, chamomile and a pinch of skumpi. /7guru/

Inflammation of the gums.

1. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of wild thyme with a pinch of alum.

Inflammation of the gallbladder. Pour a 3–4 cm root of yellow gentian with dry white wine and leave for three days. Take out the root and drink wine 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon with meals.

Inflammation of the skin of the face. Collect moss from stones in running water. Apply to face.

Inflammation of the skin. Boil one and a half tablespoons of dried lemon balm leaves in 500 ml of water until half of the water has evaporated. Soak in the decoction and lightly wring out a cotton cloth. Make lotions until the inflammation subsides.

Inflammation of the facial nerve. Heat a metal needle on fire. Lightly tingling, cauterize the skin with a needle, first from the healthy, and then from the diseased side of the face. Light burns pass quickly without leaving marks.


1. Grind the dried hellebore roots well. Put the resulting medicinal powder on the rolled dough and apply the dough to the sore throat. Children are recommended to do a compress 2-3 times a day. Adults - leave overnight.

2. Gather a gap-grass that grows in water and has the greatest healing properties in mid-March. Rub well, mix with lard, then put the mixture on a cotton cloth and put compresses on the throat.

Inflammation of the appendages.

1. Scald unwashed wool with boiling water. The patient should sit over the steam.

2. Cook white cabbage in fresh milk. The patient needs to sit over the steam.

3. The patient should sit over the steam from the hot decoction of dried forest herbs. The procedure is carried out every day until the inflammation subsides.

4. Boil willow bark by adding a little olive oil. The patient is advised to sit over a hot decoction.

Inflammation of the salivary glands. Make hot poultices from marigolds.

Inflammation of the tendons of the hands (in acute form). Infuse a box (fruit) of gentian in 500 ml of water for about 12 hours. In the evening, put a compress on the sore spot. To do this, soak gauze or cotton cloth in the infusion, wring it out and tightly bandage the sore hands. It is advisable to do this procedure before going to bed so that your hands rest at night. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Ear infection. Drink a decoction of coltsfoot. Take baths with water in which coltsfoot was boiled, after which the body should be lubricated with bacon and brandy (vodka).

Hair loss.

1. (In children.) Grate 3 clover roots the size of an olive on a fine grater and pour 100 ml of pure alcohol or strong grape brandy (vodka). Infuse for 24 hours, 1-2 times a day wipe the bare spots with a swab dipped in the infusion.

2. Boil three hellebore roots and 4-5 stems with nettle roots and leaves in 500 ml of wine vinegar until half the liquid remains. Strain the vinegar, cool and store in a cool place. Rub into the scalp every time after washing, until finished. If necessary, prepare a second portion of the product.

3. Boil 200 g of grape mustache in 500 ml of grape rakia (vodka) in a tightly closed vessel. After the broth has cooled, strain. Rub into the head after washing.

4. Rinse the washed head with ivy decoction.

5. Wash your hair with white clay. Then, for a month, wipe the bare spots with lightly baked lemon slices.

6. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of hazel and plantain leaves.

Prolapse of the rectum. (In children.)

1. Heat up the copper basin and turn it upside down. Put a damp woolen cloth on top. When the temperature is right, put the child on the cloth.

2. Heat the brick and fill it with cold water. Put a damp woolen cloth on top. When the fabric is hot, put the child on it. He must sit until the brick cools down.

High temperature. (In children.) Boil sour plums, apples and pears in plenty of water. Add a packet of anise. Do not strain the water. Allow to cool, pour into the bath and put the child in it. After 20 minutes, rinse the child with clean water, wipe with grape brandy and put on pajamas. After the child sweats, he is changed into dry clothes.

2. (In children.) It can be knocked down by bathing the child in water in which sour grapes were boiled. After this, the child should be rubbed with lard and grape brandy.

High blood pressure.

1. Take 1 tablespoon of dried white mistletoe. Pour a glass of cold water and leave for one night. Drink the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Pour 1 tablespoon of cornmeal with a glass of hot water. Drink infusion (without sediment) in the morning.

3. Boil 1 tablespoon of gorse leaves in 500 ml of water until half of the water has evaporated. Cool, then strain and drink during the day - in the morning and in the evening one glass each. During a crisis, drink the entire amount of tincture immediately on an empty stomach in the morning.

Gangrene. If the toe is affected, the following ointment should be prepared: mix 1 tablespoon of fresh lard with 1 teaspoon of oak bark ash and 1 teaspoon of slaked lime. Lubricate the finger for three evenings in a row. If gangrene is on another part of the leg, you need to make a cake from this mixture and tie it to the sore spot for three evenings. The blue spot first turns red, then pink, and then disappears.

1. (Sharp.) Boil 200 g of lanceolate plantain leaves for 5 minutes in 500 ml of pure grape brandy (vodka). Strain. Take tincture 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before getting up. During treatment, you can not smoke.

2. Drink a cup of white willow tea on an empty stomach in the morning. Drink a cup of fresh milk.

Hemorrhoids (external nodes).

1. Take sitz baths in water pepper decoction.

2. Prepare a decoction of purslane and take sitz baths.


1. (Permanent, in a child.) Place a large bunch of dried yellow dried flowers in a bag of clean linen and use as a pillow. After the child sleeps on it for one night, prepare a decoction of the same herb and pour it on the child's head.

2. (And restless sleep.) In 2 - 3 liters of water, boil 1 - 2 leaves of the agave. In the evening, pour the decoction on the head and body several times.

3. (Chronic.) In the evening, wet the head and pour over the body with a decoction of thyme.

4. (Chronic.) Anise tea helps with migraine, neuralgia and other diseases. You can prepare it as follows: boil three teaspoons of anise in 600 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes. Take 3 times a day for 1 coffee cup before meals.

5. (With pain in the ear, especially in young children.) Melt 1 tablespoon of sugar over a fire in a cast iron pan. As soon as the sugar begins to darken, add 1 cup of cold water. To stir thoroughly. Take 1 - 2 glasses a day.

6. Wash your hair with a decoction of field parsley.

7. Harvest 2 kg of wax-ripened wild millet. Divide into 10 equal parts. Pour each part before use with a slightly larger volume of water and cook for about 10 minutes. When the water has cooled, pour over the whole body every evening for ten days.

8. (Severe after stress.) The patient should drink a glass of cold water before going to bed, before putting a tablespoon of sugar in his mouth.

Fungal disease of the nails on the fingers. Brew strong coffee and dip your hands into the water several times a day.

Fungus on the feet (unpleasant smell). Rinse the feet in basil decoction.

Fungus on toes.

1. Mix the crushed mint with salt, put between your fingers.

2. Wash your feet in cold water, dissolving 1 tablespoon of baking soda and salt in it.

3. Thoroughly washed feet wipe with a strong solution of wine vinegar. Wear clean socks soaked in vinegar at night.

Dermatitis. (In children.) Bake 3 walnuts in the oven until dark brown. Cool the nuts, chop, grind the kernels. Add a spoonful of fish oil. Clean the sore spot and apply the resulting ointment to it.

Children's baldness. Boil marigolds in grape brandy (vodka), in the evenings rub into bare spots.

1. (In the initial form.) Drink a decoction from the tops of blackberry bushes.

2. (In children, in the initial form.) Boil 10 sour apples in 5 liters of water. After bathing, rinse the child with this decoction.

Diathesis. (In children.) Bathe in water in which barley was boiled.


1. Fresh oak bark (about 10 cm long) pour 1 liter of water and cook until half of the water has evaporated. When the decoction has cooled down, drink 1 coffee cup a day on an empty stomach.

2. Prepare a decoction of marigolds and drink 1 coffee cup in the morning for 2-3 days.

Dystrophy. (In children.) Cook any sour, unripe fruits in a large container until soft. When the broth has cooled, pour it into the bath without filtering. For half an hour, put the child in the bath so that the body is immersed in the decoction up to the neck. After the bath, rub the child with lard and grape brandy (vodka.)

Jaundice. (In children born in summer.) Pour cuckoo-colored decoction.

1. Powder Balkan pine resin, mix with olive oil and take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

2. Take 1 - 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon of marmalade made from black elderberry without sugar, and 1 tablespoon of honey.

3. (In children.) Most often, due to nerves, many children experience constipation. To get rid of this problem, try this remedy: bake an apple and pour hot sugar syrup over it. After the apple has cooled, let the child eat it.

Pinched nerve from a fall. Prepare a mixture of equal parts olive oil, melted wax and foundation. Apply the mixture on a cotton cloth and apply to the spine along the entire length - from the neck to the coccyx.

Skin itching.

1. The patient needs to douse himself with water in which barley was boiled.

2. Mix 500 ml of methyl alcohol with 50 ml of salicylic acid. Lubricate the inflamed areas in the morning and evening.

Hysteria. Put a large bunch of balsam in a bucket of cold water overnight. The next day, bring the water together with the plant to a boil and cool. Douse with a decoction of balsam.

1. (In children, incessant.) Boil 1 potato, 1 onion and 1 apple in a liter of water until half of the liquid has evaporated. Give your child 1 teaspoon three times a day.

2. (In children.) Mix 100 g of honey and 100 g of butter and add a bag of vanillin. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

3. (Old, smoker.) Boil marshmallow roots in milk and drink one glass several times a day.

4. (Chronic, in adults.) Boil a piece of yellow cherry resin the size of a nut in 1 liter of water. Strain and add 200 g of honey, 3 grains of cloves and ground turmeric on the edge of a knife. Take before meals 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.

5. (Strong.) Boil 4 walnuts, 1 tablespoon of elder flowers and 1 tablespoon of bee honey in 1/2 liter of water. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

6. Boil 1 teaspoon of dried gorse flowers for 5 minutes in 200 ml of water, strain and drink a warm broth in two doses: in the morning after meals and in the evening before going to bed. If necessary, repeat the treatment the next day.

7. Boil coltsfoot leaves and drink like tea.

9. (Strong.) During the week, the patient should drink tea brewed from flaxseed. /7guru/

Whooping cough. In the roots of the wild rose, balls are formed that resemble rolled wool. Boil two of these balls in 1 liter of water and drink 1 coffee cup in the evenings.

Colic in children. Collect more stork in the summer. Boil two handfuls of stork in 5 - 6 liters of water. Without filtering, cool to a suitable temperature, lower the child into the water to the waist and hold for about 20 minutes. Rinse with clean water after bath. Spread the child's tummy with clean unsalted pork fat and rub with diluted grape brandy (vodka). Wrap up the baby well and put him to bed. After the third procedure, the colic will pass.

Conjunctivitis. Grind fresh marshmallow leaves and make lotions for the eyelids for three evenings in a row.

Bone growths (the so-called "dead bone").

1. Glow a piece of old tile over an open fire to red color and pour cold water over it. Soak a woolen cloth in kerosene. Put a cloth on the bone growth, and hot tiles on top of it. Keep as long as the patient is able to endure. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times until the build-up disappears.

2. Warm up fine river sand, pour it into a linen bag and apply to the sore spot. Hold until the sand has cooled. Treatment should be carried out at every opportunity until the complete disappearance of the build-up.


1. (Profuse, chronic, in women) Beat six egg whites well, add 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid, mix and drink the resulting mixture.

Bleeding gums. Grind green sorrel leaves and apply to the gums.

Bleeding hemorrhoids. Fruits of gorse insist 7 days in olive oil in the sun and take in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon. After eating, drink tea from the same fruits.


1. (In children.) Drink the juice of marshmallow fruits.

2. (In children.) Crush dried marshmallow fruits and mix with dried young lamb rennet. Take 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon with a small amount of water.

3. Drink juice from marshmallow roots.

4. Divide the rennet of a young lamb fed only on sheep's milk into 7 parts. Keep refrigerated. In 1 liter of sheep's milk, dissolve one part of the rennet extract and drink four times a day. All treatment requires 7 liters of sheep's milk.

Excess weight.

1. Take 1 coffee cup of roasted oak bark coffee 3 times a day.

2. If you want to have a good figure, instead of expensive pills and imported medicines, you need to take herbal baths and follow a diet. You will achieve a quick effect if you douse yourself with a decoction of dope grass.

Pour water into a large saucepan and, as soon as it boils, put 100 g of dried herbs and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, strain. Douche should be carried out three days in a row after the bath, and in the evening you need to drink a cup of lemon balm infusion.

Lumbago. If you suddenly have lower back pain so that you cannot straighten up, you need to take a terry towel, soak it in ice water, wring it out and apply it to the sore spot. Top with cellophane and put on thick cotton pajamas. The next morning the pain will be gone.

Malaria. Wash a fresh chicken egg, put it in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of wine vinegar. Leave the bowl open. After the shell dissolves, beat the mixture well and drink on an empty stomach.

1. Make compresses from a decoction of wormwood and coltsfoot.

2. Place a beeswax cake on the skin over the mastitis. Fix with plaster. Repeat 3 nights in a row.

3. Knead a soft dough of rye flour, melted butter and fresh milk. Make a lozenge and apply to the affected area. Repeat the treatment several times, leaving the dough overnight.

Intervertebral hernia. Mix crushed old tiles with two egg whites, 1 teaspoon of white incense and a glass of grape brandy (vodka). Apply the mixture on a woolen cloth, apply to a sore spot and hold until it falls off by itself.


1. During meals, eat 3 olives.

2. Drink tea from the collection of forest herbs, and only mineral water.

3. Drink coltsfoot decoction.

Uterine fibroids. Drink 1 coffee cup of hemp seed decoction 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 15 days.

Calluses. If you constantly get calluses on your feet, do not cut them off. Put a pinch of salt on a thin cloth and drip 2 drops of water. Tie to a corn overnight. You will feel severe pain, but if you repeat the procedure 2-3 times, the calluses will disappear.

Suppuration of the finger at the nail. Take a hot pepper, cut off the top and take out some seeds. Pour strong brandy (vodka) into the formed cavity. Put the pod on your finger, tie it with a bandage and leave it overnight.

Violation of the menstrual cycle. Steam baths from boiled skumpia leaves help.

Metabolic disease.

1. Only in the morning drink infusion of St. John's wort: 1 teaspoon of herbs in a glass of hot water.

2. Icelandic lichen can be used to stimulate metabolism. Boil 1 tablespoon of lichen in 600 ml of water until it has evaporated by half. Drink 3 times a day after meals for 1 coffee cup for a month.

Neuralgia (inflammation of the facial nerve). 3 times a day before meals, drink 1 glass of anise broth (in 3 glasses of water, boil 3 glasses of anise fruits for about 5 minutes).

Urinary incontinence.1. (Little children.) Prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of grated homemade soap, 2 egg whites, 1 teaspoon of powdered Balkan pine resin, 1 teaspoon of crushed valerian root and 20 ml of grape brandy (vodka). Apply the mixture on a white woolen cloth and make compresses: one night on the lower back, the second night on the lower abdomen.

2. (In children.) Boil about 2 kg of cinquefoil (most of all, its medicinal properties appear in May, just before flowering) in 10 liters of water. Strain the broth, cool and do waist baths with this broth for 7 evenings before going to bed. Mix boiled grass with pork fat and put on the stomach on the first evening, and on the lower back the next. Leave the compress overnight.

3. (For girls.) Dig up the roots of the lakos grass, dry them and grind them into powder, then put them on a hot brick. As soon as the grass begins to smoke, the girl should sit over the smoke.

4. A decoction of young shoots of Cossack juniper will help both children and adults. Boil one shoot in two glasses of water for 5 minutes. Drink in the morning and in the evening one glass each.

Nervous breakdown.1. (For women.) Drinking geranium decoction (boil 1 leaf in 200 ml of water). Drink 1 coffee cup 2 times a day.

2. (For men.) Mix 500 g of sugar and 500 g honey in a jar. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

3 (In children.) Bathe in water in which dried forest herbs were boiled.

4. Drink a decoction of nettle tops.

5. The patient needs to drink a decoction of blackberry roots.

6. Drink a decoction of lemon balm.

7. Drink tea from regan.

Dousing with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Strengthens, cleanses and acts as a means for losing weight. Such procedures are especially useful after a long winter, when the human body is weakened. In an arbitrary amount of water, boil separately dried skumpia, wormwood, chamomile, anise. The amount of raw materials is determined by eye. (Only anise should be used 1 sachet per procedure.) Decoctions are ready in 5-10 minutes. Cool, strain and pour into one vessel. To achieve the effect, dousing should be carried out 3 days in a row.

Exposed gums.

1. Boil 40 gorse fruits in 1 liter of water until the liquid has evaporated. Cool and several times during the day rinse the mouth with a decoction, then massage the gums.

2. Harvest flowering purslane (Portulaca oleracea), chop finely, drizzle with olive oil and eat as a salad.

Shortness of breath. Mix 200 g of honey, olive oil and grape brandy (vodka). Drink a glass 3 times a day.

Burns. A patient turned to Vanga, whose burns on his legs received from gas did not heal. Vanga said that this fire is still smoldering in her legs. She recommended the following remedy: 6 egg yolks and 6 teaspoons of fresh melted butter, mix well - the mixture should resemble mayonnaise. Wrap the legs with gauze soaked in the medicine received.

Tumors on the chest, boils, abscesses. Mix 500 g of rye flour with 100 g of fresh butter and 1 glass of milk. Put the dough on a cloth and apply to sore spots for three nights in a row.

Tumors on the body. Apply a mixture of foundation, ground wormwood and rakia in the form of compresses to a sore spot.

Swollen ankles. Boil 1 tablespoon of mustard seed in 3 tea cups of water for 5 minutes. Drink 1 coffee cup 3 times a day before meals.

Weakening of the immune system. Once a month, douse thyme decoction.

Weakening of the muscles. (In children.) Mix 200 g of honey and 20 g of sulfur and massage the body well with this mixture until the child sweats three times.

Weak children. Boil 1 kg of green purslane in 6 liters of water and, when the broth has cooled, make a bath for the child, immersing him in water up to his neck. Add 1 package of anise fruits and a handful of wild pears to the water. After 15 - 20 minutes, remove the child from the water, rinse and put to bed.

Edema on the body. Pour the crushed incense onto a cotton cloth soaked in a decoction of mustard seed and smeared with honey. Apply to the affected area.

Overeating. When overeating, especially fatty foods, drink the juice of one lemon mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda and sugar to taste.

1. Boil 1 tablespoon of alum in a pot of water. After washing, rinse your head with this composition.

2. Prepare a mixture of 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 coffee cup olive oil and a pinch of salt. Wash your hair with liquid soap and apply the resulting mixture to the skin. The procedure is carried out until the medicine runs out.

Pyelonephritis. (In children.) Diet and eat cornbread. Drink plenty of decoction of corn stigmas. /7guru/

Plexitis (severe pain in the arms).

1. Rub willow leaves and apply to the sore spot.

2. Apply to the sore spot a woolen cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar with pounded valerian root. Repeat the procedure several times until the pain subsides.


1. Take a decoction of flaxseed for 1 week. Don't drink cold water.

2. Undress the patient and, wrapped in a sheet, put on hot sand.

1. (In the initial stage.) Knead the dough from cornmeal and pure wine vinegar. Use for poultices.

2. (In the initial stage.) Mix red clay with wine vinegar, apply to the fabric and apply to the sore spot.

3. The patient can alleviate his suffering with the help of goldenrod. In 500 ml of water put 1/2 spoon of herbs. Cook until the liquid boils away by half a finger. Drink a decoction half an hour before meals 2 times a day, one glass each. For the treatment to be effective, it must be combined with a strict diet that excludes the use of meat and alcohol. The diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. It is good to take mineral baths or go to the mountains and drink tea from mountain herbs.

Cuts. They heal quickly if they are smeared with olive oil, in which St. John's wort flowers have been infused for 20 days. This remedy is also suitable for the treatment of bleeding stomach ulcers: take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sweating. (In children and adults.) Powder an oak board eaten by insects. After washing, powder the skin with powder.

With a neuralgic disease. Drink tea brewed from lemon balm and geranium.

Prostatitis. Crush coal of burnt linden. Brew like tea and drink 1 cup for seven consecutive days.


1. (Very strong.) Prepare a mixture of 10 dried and ground tobacco leaves, honey and strong brandy. Apply the mixture to the fabric and tie to the lower back at night. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated.

2. (With a cough.) Inflamed bronchi can be soothed by taking the following medicine: in 100 ml of water, boil 1 bay leaf until half of the water has evaporated. Take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

With an inflamed throat and cough with the release of blood clots, skumpia tea helps. It is not poisonous, as some people believe, and it can be treated for many diseases. In this case, you need to boil 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves in 500 ml of water until the liquid has evaporated by half. Decoction drink with honey 3 times a day.

Proteinuria (in excess of the permissible norm). Dry a thin transparent birch bark, which is easy to remove from the birch trunk in spring. Boil 1 tablespoon of dried birch bark for 5 minutes in two glasses of water. Strain and drink in the evening 100 ml for 3 days.

Psoriasis. Boil the scales and gallbladder of large marine fish (weighing approximately 3 kg) in 1 liter of white wine for 30 minutes, strain and mix with 200 ml of olive oil. Thoroughly wash and lubricate the affected areas with the resulting mixture. Continue treatment until the mixture runs out. For washing it is best to use egg soap.

Irritation of the skin on the hands caused by detergent chemicals. Make cool hand baths by dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in water. After that, the hands must be held for 10 minutes in slightly warmed olive oil.

Wounds (badly healing). Wash the wounds with a decoction of St. John's wort.

Stomach upset.

1. (In children in the summer.) For 3 days in a row, drink tea from the fruits of the buckthorn tree (buckthorn family), reminiscent of the shape of a coin. Boil for a few minutes for 3 - 4 "coins" per glass.

2. (Provided that the reason is not fatty food.) Boil ten tops of blackberry bushes in 1 liter of water until half of the liquid has evaporated. Drink 3 times a day for 1 coffee cup for three days.

3. Drink tea brewed with mint.

Stretching the muscles of the arm. Make a hand bath from a decoction of green elderberry with the addition of 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Rheumatism. Dig out the root of a walnut at a depth of 60 cm during the flowering period of the tree. Cut off the first root from the rhizome, resembling a wire as thick as a finger. The piece should be about 20 cm. Put the spine in a bottle with 1 liter of olive oil.

Bury the bottle in the ground to a depth of 60 cm in the place where the spine was cut off. After 40 days, dig out the bottle and store in a dark place. The patient should lubricate the whole body with this oil until the oil runs out.

Sarcoma (with edema). Apply game meat, poured with ammonia on edematous places.

Pig. Wrapping paper (blue) pierced with a needle in many places. Apply honey, brandy and crushed valerian root on it. Use for a compress that is placed behind the ears. The illness goes away after three days.

Sinusitis. Alternately put in each nostril a piece of fresh butter the size of a corn grain.

Skumpia is also used in the treatment of spurs. Three evenings in a row you need to make a hot bath for a sore spot from a decoction of skumpii. Continue the process until the decoction has cooled down.

Displacement of the intervertebral discs. Apply chopped potatoes to the sore spot. Leave all night. Repeat the treatment until the pain subsides.

Spasms. (In children.) Put dried forest herbs in the pillow on which the child sleeps.

Spasms of the stomach.

1. (With low acidity.) Collect the leaves of the lanceolate plantain before flowering. Boil 200 g of washed leaves in 500 ml of grape brandy until half of the brandy has evaporated. Strain, cool, store in the refrigerator. Every day at 5 o'clock in the morning on an empty stomach, take 1 tablespoon, after which the patient should be in bed for another 1 hour. Have breakfast at 7 o'clock. Treatment continues until the tincture runs out. If necessary, prepare a new portion and repeat the course of treatment.

2. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of aniseed vodka. After 10 - 15 minutes, drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Spastic bronchitis.

1. (In children with allergies.) Mix 10 g of mustard powder and wormwood root powder with 100 g of honey. Give 1 teaspoon after dinner.

2. 1 tablespoon of skumpia, coltsfoot and wormwood pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 minute. Strain the infusion and take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening after meals, adding a little honey.

Abrasions. Mix 1 teaspoon of lard, honey and baking soda and lubricate abrasions with this remedy.

1. (Small.) In the summer, during flowering, collect the roots of celandine. Boil 10 roots in a bucket of water. Take a warm shower and then rinse with the water in which the roots were boiled. Repeat pouring 2-3 times.

2. (In children, appeared suddenly, for no apparent reason.) Mix equal parts of wine vinegar and sunflower oil. Wash the sore spot, and then wipe it with a swab dipped in the prepared mixture.

3. (In children.) Boil nettle and elderberry in equal parts. Pour the child with this decoction.

4. You need to drink a decoction of rye.

5. Prepare a decoction of blue cornflower flowers and pour over them.

6. Rinse a handful of nettles, dry and fry in 1 tea cup of olive oil. Strain the oil and lubricate the sore spot with it. With urticaria, treatment is carried out daily for 5 days.

7. The patient should take baths from a decoction of oak bark. /7guru/

8. Drink vetch seed tea.

Nausea. Drink an infusion of mustard seed.

Crack in the bone. Beat 2 - 3 proteins taken from fresh chicken eggs, add 2-3 full tablespoons of flour. You should get a soft dough like for pancakes. Soak a bandage or gauze in this mixture and bandage the sore spot. The flour will harden and act as a splint, and the protein will help the bone heal.

Cracks on the heels. Drink a decoction of rye more often.

Cracks on the hands. Make 2 - 3 hand baths from a cold decoction of water pepper.

Thrombophlebitis. Sprinkle the pork lung with sulfur and, applying it, bandage the sore spot for three evenings in a row.

Acne. Moisten a cotton cloth in a decoction of lemon balm, soapwort and black elderberry and make lotions before going to bed.

Insect bites. Green elderberry leaves prevent itching and swelling.

Fatigue. (In children and adults.) Two-year-old aspen helps to relieve fatigue, especially growing near water. Peel the stalk to a soft core and eat as a dessert. Fatigue will disappear if you eat 10 primrose stalks.

Leg fatigue.

1. (Restoration of the motor functions of the limbs.) Prepare an ointment from 100 g of lard and 1 tablespoon of salt. Apply the mixture to the fabric and wrap your legs with it.

2. (Swelling.) Apply a mixture of melted wax, olive oil and water to an oilcloth and wrap it around your legs.

Rapid heartbeat (nervous). Grate 500 g of unpeeled lemon, add 200 g of honey and 40 ground apricot kernels. Take morning and evening 1 tablespoon.

1. Apply sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes to the sore spot.

2. Grease the skin of a recently skinned hare (rabbit) with olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper. Put a bandage on the sore spot. On the first night, the patient may experience severe pain, the next night the pain subsides and soon disappears completely. If the hematoma is not very large, the skin should be cut into three parts and stored in the refrigerator. Every evening, it is advisable to apply a new piece to the sore spot.

3. Boil 500 g of white beans, knead well and apply 1-2 times to the bruised area.

Cirrhosis of the liver. Take human milk mixed with white flour.

Cystitis. Collect corn stigmas, dry in the shade and store in a fine cloth bag. Drink a warm decoction of corn stigmas every day for 1 - 2 cups.

Boil. Knead the dough from rye flour, milk and fresh butter overnight. Tie a cake of dough to the inflamed area.

Spurs on the heels. Heat up a copper basin, lay a woolen cloth on top. The patient should stand on the pelvis until he cools down.

Spurs on the hands. On a woolen cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar, pour crushed valerian root. Apply to the sore spot.

1. Cut the onion head in half, drop 1 drop of tar on each half. At night, tie to a sore spot.

2. Three nights in a row, make a hot bath for a sore spot from a decoction of skumpii. Repeat the process until the decoction has cooled down.

Scars, reduction. To do this, moisten the wounds with blue crocus juice more often.

1. In 1 coffee cup of methyl alcohol, place salicylic acid crystals on the tip of a knife. Mix well. Apply to the affected areas 1 to 2 times a day until all the alcohol is gone.

2. Squeeze out soapwort juice. Rinse and clean the affected area with alcohol, then wipe it with juice.

3. Bake 30 walnuts. Grind the kernels and mix with fish oil. Clean the affected area and lubricate with the resulting composition.

4. Wash the affected areas and wipe with cotton wool soaked in a mixture of 1 coffee cup of sunflower oil and 1 coffee cup of wine vinegar.

5. Wipe sore spots with a mixture of equal parts of engine oil and gasoline.

7. Many varieties of this disease can be cured by rubbing the affected areas of the skin with a liquid that can be collected in May from elm buds.

Epilepsy. (In children.) Bathe the child in a decoction of dried forest herbs, put to sleep on a pillow filled with herbs.

Duodenal ulcer. Beat 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Take on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon for 10 days.